@Miami Heat

(Ep 37) NBA Trade Rumors: Who will the Miami Heat trade for FT. Threat @TheBasementSportsNetwork

(Ep 37) NBA Trade Rumors: Who will the Miami Heat trade for FT. Threat @TheBasementSportsNetwork

[Music] one [Applause] shot welcome back to another episode of the Miami Heat Round Table my name is Amir I’m joined today by Martell you can find him at the Miami Heat Zone podcast and for today’s episode we have another guest joining us on the program excited that we have threat from the the basement Sports Network what’s going on threat another day day in paradise another beautiful day I can’t complain you know how it goes yes sir thank you so much man really appreciate it love the work you guys do on the basement Sports Network postgame shows are hilarious so happy to have a conversation with you today so there’s not a lot going on right now in the news with the Miami Heat we know the draft is coming up what in two or three weeks we could talk about that perhaps but I think the biggest thing that we’re waiting on right now obviously is the the Jimmy Butler extension and we heard from Jimmy and Bernie Lee that he wants to stay in my Miami but he wants that Max he wants that twoyear 110 or1 113 million do extension whatever it is and we know Pat Riley though before they came out saying they wanted the max he said in his press conference hey we don’t even have to extend them yet we could wait till next year and we haven’t really heard a a rebuttal from Jimmy outside of him and Bernie saying they’re like we’re gonna ask for it on July 7th so this can go a lot of different ways and there’s all these rumors and speculation that that Jimmy could be traded and and we see a lot of teams stirring in the pot right now saying hey if you don’t extend him we will so there’s Golden State saying they probably you know trade for him there’s Philadelphia and there’s like possibly the rockets and some Anonymous team so anyway we’ve been talking to some guests and they’ve been saying they think the Miami heater are gonna trade Jimmy Butler like in a like amical Amal I can’t even say the word amicable way where they’re probably just gonna ask Jimmy like where do you want to go like do you want to go to Philly do you want to go here because we’re not going to extend you that’s the vibe they’re getting from the front office and we know our front office can be cheap at times too so I don’t know how do you think this whole extension piece is going to play out do you think the heater are going to cave and give it to him this offseason you think they’re gonna actually wait and see what happens and then who knows what gonna happen Jimmy can walk as a free agent say all right I’m out I have an option I’m not gonna pick it up you guys lose me for nothing or does he say behind the scenes like hey just trade me so you guys get something I go where I want to go what do you think is gonna happen and what do you want to happen is guess question I’mma be real with you I I think the heat are going to cave in they’re going to give Jimmy what he want wants I don’t think they want a a replay of how the Wade situation uh played out not to say that Jimmy Butler’s DNE Wade even though some fans were talking crazy saying that he’s already a better Legend than Dwayne Wade I hate heat Twitter by the way that they just talk nonsense but um I think they’re going to cave in just because they don’t want to replay that last situation and I think it kind of leaves a sour taste in everybody’s mouth as far as um how the heat uh treat some of their Legends um if Jimmy kind of if they if they decide to trade Jimmy how does that kind of look um when you didn’t pay Dwayne Wade um you didn’t pay uh Jimmy Butler kind of looks kind of fishy kind of looks iffy I don’t know how it plays out to to the masses but I just don’t know if that’s a great look now with that being said my brother I am on the trade Jimmy bandwagon um shout out to Jimmy shout out to the years that he gave us salute it was a great run um but we got to blow this [ __ ] up we got to blow this thing up um I feel like for some reason I feel like that 20 that 2008 is 2010ish um Atlanta Hawks that’s the kind of vibe that I’m getting from this Heat team and this ownership in the in the front office like are we just content with being a competitive team or do we actually want to win because I’m not seeing the [ __ ] that you need to put in front to be an ultra competitive Contender like team I’m seeing team a team that’s content you’re running it back you’re running it back what have you done in the Jimmy Butler era like what’s the move that was like wow okay we really want to win this thing outside of year one when we put some guys together what was the move to you guys to be like okay we really did this thing the the problem is threat we don’t talk about the travesty that kyari was he came here mind you he knew he was coming to the Miami Heat and I respect the Miami Heat because they went to Jimmy and said yo who do you want and he said PJ and I want Kyle Larry cool we bring him over but if Kyle Larry is gonna come over here 90 million on our books $30 million a year we could have probably got two high level role players every year for that price he came over here out of shape overweight eating Burgers and Shakes and refused to get in shape and got set when Pat Riley called him out gay Vincent took his starting role in the playoffs multiple times so I don’t understand why Jimmy Butler never held Kyle Lowry accountable because remember when the rumors were circulating Jimmy Butler sat up on that press conference and said Kyle lar is not going anywhere so that means that he wasn’t holding Kyle Larry accountable because he was supposed to be our you know Drew holiday move just like how when the Bucks got Drew holiday they won the chip I’m not saying that he would have given us the same you know output like Drew or Dame or Donovan but he was supposed to be the connecting piece with Tyler Jimmy bam that’s what that’s what we were sold on so I just don’t understand why people don’t hold him accountable that move was terrible yeah I I like how you say holding how about we hold [ __ ] Jimmy Butler accountable for bringing Kyle Larry’s ass over here for doing a one-year rental with PJ PJ Tucker like these are the that the front office asked Jimmy Butler who he wants and this guy said Kyle freaking Lowry out of all the studs out of all the whales out there he said I can go I can go ban for ban with any team in the east in the west with Kyle Larry as my point guard and ultimately that failed we got to hold Jimmy Butler accountable for putting us in this damn mess that’s who we need to hold accountable bro5 35 he’s not like Drew holiday or even Dame Dame’s younger you know like now than Kyle Larry was when we got him right and we gave him that contract so no I was saying is that like just just the overall roster you know construction like as well because th why do you think that the Miami Heat just continue to just because don’t get me wrong I think that the whole like undrafted thing was great and we’ve had some great diamonds in the roughs you know Gabe Max you know like in the list goes on but why do you think that they’re overdoing it and just abusing it like at the same time at this point it’s almost like a crutch because they feel like they got to live up to the standard of changing quote unquote let me change this broke [ __ ] life that’s basically the Heat’s modotto let me let me find this diamond in the rough and make him a stud make him a star make him a a a serviceable starting player even though he wouldn’t start on any of the 29 other teams in the league I mean it’s almost a crutch I feel like we got to live to that expectation now they feel like they got to find that undrafted guy year in and year out and they got to build him up to be some decent player in real it you can just go get veteran guys who are already established in this league give SPO that type of player and let him cook why do we always have to get the bottom of the barrel why are we getting D3 players and trying to get them to play D1 level ball like stop doing that it it’s such a crutch I hate it I hate it so much but everybody talks about it the media talks about it um you hear fans from other teams talking about it oh what the heat can do with undrafted guys and it’s just like okay we’re so sick and tired of hearing about I hear fans talk about it all the time like as fans we’re tired about hearing about undrafted we’ve been hearing this story for three four years now bro like enough is enough there stop the undrafted story in the Jimmy Butler era please just cut it cut it out stop yep do you remember the other two the other two organizations I’m thinking back from like early 2000s 2010s whatever the Spurs had some success doing that and like the I live in San Francisco so like I’m not a warrior fan but I’ve watched my fair share of warrior games so like back in the day they had like Kena asabuki like that guy toer and all these other dudes but like they stopped after a time like they still are capable and like they still do it every once in a while you’ll see with like both those organizations but we have like continued to do that as our Mantra and there’s like two guys like good for DJJ being you know starting four in the finals Max looks like he’s serviceable but Tyler Johnson back in the day like out of the league after he was off the heat after a year he went to the nets for like a year and the sun can’t believe he got a $50 million bag by the way that’s crazy that’s the mistake of obviously not paying Dwayne Wade um which is a different story I think you know you mentioned that earlier like d way was drafted by this team he was on the team for 13 years he won three championships sorry Jimmy we love you too you’re on this team for Five Seasons you took us to two finals like you weren’t drafted here you haven’t won anything for us so I will pay G sorry I’m going off on a tangent I will pay dwade for past uh experience and like what he did in the past versus what he was going to do in the future because he’s the legacy of the Miami Heat right so but anyway Rodney McGruder Kendrick nun like else all these guys that like ndi because of like Gabe I mean he got hurt who knows but he could be another one there’s been like guys we need to get past this undrafted thing and Martell’s been saying it all the time get us serviceable dudes like that are veterans give us like a not Rudy Gay anymore obviously but give us a Nick Batum type guy who killed us in the play give us like a veteran guy that could be like anywhere from age 27 to 32 I’ll take that over and undrafted all day and like we’re not focusing on that like I agree with you on that and the thing is some of like to your point some of the guys the vets that we did go and get like they kind of work we had Jay Crowder hitting threes crazy when we went and got him as a veteran Andre Gala was serviceable for us PJ Tucker was serviceable for us if this is a winning if this is a Formula that works why are we not continuously doing it why are we getting Jamal McCain’s who’s the point guard that we grabbed this grabb this season Who tour his AC yeah Smith I don’t even know his name I don’t even remember him why is he on the team why is he here why is he here somebody tell me why would why did we not get Delon Wright like all like versus him right like d w was like you know what I mean like give us a Delon right type of player who eventually became available who’s like kind of a I’ll call not really a three and D guy I mean he did hit a lot of Threes in that Boston series but give us that three and D type of point guard like versus Drew Smith who is not even playable that’s the thing we take too much risks on guys who are not even NBA players man and I’m sick of that [ __ ] I’m sick of it let I I want to ask you though I want to ask you guys how much of that blame cuz I know we constantly attack the front how much of that blame falls on SPO how is SPO going to bat for these guys cuz it seems like there’s a certain type of guy that SPO that always falls on this team and it feels like a SPO type of guy not just a Miami Heat type of guy so spo’s problem is is that like just think about the overall roster right why didn’t Thomas Bryant get more minutes now don’t get me wrong is T like is Thomas Bryant this Allstar backup big no but instead of running bamama a bio into the ground okay throughout the whole regular season especially remember we’re losing a lot of these games too so you’re telling me that Thomas Bryant couldn’t get five minutes every single quarter and if you stretch that throughout the 82 Game season how much how much of a offload does that take off bam and a bio and that’s just one example how is Thomas Bryant not playing for 10 games in a row 20 games in a row how is he not getting even just relief minutes just so that bam can sit down on the bench and relax I’m not worried about that things like that because you have Orlando Robinson you have Jamal Kane you have Thomas Bryant you have all Cole schwier that’s four guys that I just named on the bench that are not playing that are taking up roster spots so why are they on the bench then there’s multiple guys that are that that cannot play that’s on the bench and the thing is if they’re gonna be on the bench I mean think about Jamal Kane he’s an athletic guy he’s what 66 68 you’re telling me that he can’t get 10 15 minutes every now and then they’re scrubs I mean the ultimate thing is scrub understand that but I’m talking about relief minutes because once again Thomas Bryant had a very good season last year like with the Lakers and nuggets and I’m not saying that he’s a great serviceable big but he’s good enough for spot minutes because then what’s the point of them being on the roster we have five unplayable players I do like the point of the reserve minutes spefic specifically for bam because what is a trend that we’re constantly seeing year in and year out bam starts hot and then by the midpoint season we start to see him Trend down dog he’s working his ass off on both ends of the Court Jimmy Butler’s out we got H hero constantly [ __ ] out [ __ ] H everybody we dismantled by injuries year in and year out and Bam is having to die on the court it seems like he is giving it his all and he’s literally being dragged on both ends of the Court he has to do so much he needs the relief minutes we need a serviceable guy that he’s willing to play now whether it’s Thomas bur I probably not but we need to address [ __ ] like that yeah you know what I think we need though we need we have good Defenders around him I mean we’re going to lose Haywood you know Caleb I think he went down a little bit he wasn’t as good defensively this season as the past but we need guys like the t-wolves kind of formula where they have uh nikil Alexander um what was it McDaniel like jayen like they have like those are the guys that we need around bam out of Bio so that he’s not running around playing on the perimeter and paint and protecting the rim like he’s our only rim protector and we’re we’re horrible at that like bam was a good blocker early in his career like a rim protector but he can’t continue to do that because he’s guarding [ __ ] Steph Curry on and Dame Lillard dog I’m going be real we’ve been the the least athletic team in the association for year in and year out where are the athl athletic guys dog we have nobody that can stay in front of their man like even if you’re not a great defender get somebody who can move their [ __ ] feet we got guys that are shuffling their feet only to shoot threes that’s the only time we see Duncan Robin listen to Tyler hero get ansy with their feet work footwork other than that dog we have nobody that can stay in front of the defender and play any type of Defense cuz they have no athleticism it’s not necessar well they’re they’re not willing to do it and they’re just simply not capable bro let’s just be honest with you bro and then we’re getting 35y old point guards come on dog what what are we really expecting we gotta we got to get better guys who are athletes we have to get we have the draft we can address it there we got to we got to we got to do something about getting athletes on this damn team I’m tired of seeing this piss poor ass [ __ ] athleticism on this team but then it also comes down to the lack of asset management like how you also brought up because you know what I mean like don’t get me wrong I think Terry Rosier he’s a great player but he didn’t fit this team so like what I mean by that is like the Miami Heat they’re already starting like their starting lineup has major flaws you have two guys in Tyler and Terry who are not the best defenders and then you have a a 65 power forward to be honest they should have went just a little bit more in on Deonte Murray at the time I mean who knows how available he really was but they were saying two first round picks but I’m cool with a Tyler hero and a Deonte Murray backward because Murray he has the defense he has the athleticism he’s younger he’s a better you know what I mean like he would have fit Tyler herro a little bit better but think about it it’s like yeah Terry’s great and all but it’s two negative Defenders and you have a six5 power forward and then Jimmy’s he might he might not be on the floor at that time as well I was pushing hard for the dejonte Murray thing especially after we didn’t get a Dame um just simply because we need one a three L score a guy that can get you know drive to the rim and have some athleticism like you said some defense I know some I I feel like I’m a Terry Rosier I was a Terry Rosier fan before he got on the Miami Heat I there’s certain players that you like and there’s there’s certain players that you like but you don’t want to see on your team Terry Rosier is one of those guys that I didn’t want to see on my team I feel like the Terry Rosier acquisition was like here [ __ ] damn y’all been complaining about a [ __ ] trade here [ __ ] damn just here take this Terry Rosier now what I’m hoping they can do with this Terry Rosier [ __ ] is flip it now whether they do that or not I don’t know but I I am hoping that they can flip Terry Rosier and another guy in order to get some pieces there’s some names out there whether they do it or not I don’t know I I really don’t know how the heat are going to address this off season cuz this [ __ ] looks like a disaster bro I’m going be real with you let me ask you you’d rather you rather trade you rather flip Terry versus Tyler absolutely not I’d rather I’d rather definitely flip Tyler hero um but I just feel like if we could flip any one of them I’mma Be preferably both but if we could flip one of them I it would have to be Tyler hero of course but I just feel like I asked the question when we first got Terry how does a Terry Rosier and a Tyler hero backourt work in the playoffs everybody knows when you watch playoff ball bro it’s straight switches man and man hunting guys dog you could play zone you can play whatever they’re going to get a switch in the for fourth quarter and a guy’s going to get hunted if y’all watch the game yesterday I love LCA I’m I’m I’m a Luca fan they were hunting the [ __ ] out of Luca like every they put his ass in action after action after action and that’s what playoff basketball is dog you can’t have two guys in your back court who they’re going to just take turns oh oh it’s my turn it’s my turn let me get oh let me get this n let me bro it’s so easy dog like you you can’t have that in your back court broe what’s going on man you know what I mean I just I’m at work right now [ __ ] my fault listen anyways um nice to meet you um what up what up uh my own my own type my own kind finally got on the show anyways so yo we talking about the heat of course and you know I was making a video today and this is not my trade mind you this is just a kind of Bleacher Report trade and you know bleach report has terrible trade ideas and that’s the reason why I kind of want to talk about it um and I’m not sure if y’all talked about it already I seen this thing where they’re offering Jimmy Butler in the 15th overall pick for Jaylen Green in the number three overall pick in Dylan Brooks um you know like how do you feel about that and like do you think like what direction you think the Miami Heat should like go and it doesn’t got to be that trade I mean I think that trade’s stupid but you know like is this the last season or like next year you know are you wrapping it up like what you think I saw that I saw that look I wish it was another young dude bro it was another young I I’m not high on Jaylen green dog I feel like he’s so damn streaky he has his moments where he looks like a stud and then he has other moments where I just don’t think he’s locked in or he was even the best player on this team but at one point it look like who oh who whose team is it is it uh singun or or is it Green’s team who who’s the guy on that team I think green obviously established himself late because they started winning games or whatever but I I’m just not high on high on Jaylen green to be honest with you bro um I want to move Jimmy I said it earlier I’m cool with moving Jimmy um but for for what I don’t know I I don’t know I seen a lot of trade scenarios I seen three team trades um they’re cooking up a whole bunch of [ __ ] on the basement but dog I I just I’m not moved I’m not moved I want him moved but I’m not moved if you feel if you feel what I’m say let me say this real quick right and I don’t know if I said this on our in our panel over here I’m actually excited to kind of go in a little small reto like I I’ll trade Jimmy and and have fun with haime yic you know Tyler if that’s the case and give me a bunch of draft capital and and a young player like give me Jonathan kaminga and I’m happy I mean we got the best Co we got the best coach in the league I’m I’m happy with that there’s no expectations you let this team roll out there and see what we could do and then you know we talked about other episodes we can see what the draft Capital can do in 2025 2026 so we can get that star player but I’m doing that next season but I want to get something out of Jimmy because if you notice and I’ve been repeating this [ __ ] for the last five weeks we lost Caleb for nothing we lost Haywood heith for nothing we lost Gabe for nothing if Haywood signs or not we lost Max Tru for nothing I need something out of Jimmy Butler because if we just if this gets like sloppy and you know which I don’t think it will we don’t give him an extension he gets angry he wants out and we and we have to trade for something that’s going to ruin our future for the next few years I don’t care anybody says so I’m going to trade but it has to be next season not this year um I I just feel like we have one of the worst Asset Management um in the league as far as in in the Jimmy Butler era at least um you listed off a whole bunch of names and I’ve been harping it all all the time DG we didn’t even get nothing for Kendrick nun and he was in a rookie of the year voting at one point dog you you got to just flip these guys Tyler hero stock was at we were talking about Tyler hero um PJ Washington and maybe a first for Tyler hero look at PJ Washington now look how Tyler hero performed in his in his uh playoff Redemption Arc bro like he was dog [ __ ] to me uh he didn’t show me any type of flash like everybody’s stock just goes down the drain Duncan Robinson one minute he’s in next minute you don’t see him play any minutes in the playoffs we can’t keep doing that same [ __ ] bro it’s it’s crazy to me yeah it’s bad man you know um but um I asked this question yesterday you know do you see a healthy Miami Heat team beating any of the these teams in the finals this year absolutely absolutely I do want to say is I just got this notification and this is how you know a lot of people love the Miami Heat you know the finals viewership is down by 5% from um last year to this year the Miami Heat had a higher rating so far than the Bost Celtics and Mavericks and to be honest with you I think that’s a better matchup Dallas and M Dallas and Celtics in the finals so that just shows we big out here man stand up heat Nation it’s definitely definitely a LoveHate relationship that the people got with the Miami Heat because obviously with the guys on our team people feel like we’re we’re a boring brand of basketball D it’s crazy how when we were in the finals um 2011 2012 we were up against the Spurs and they were viewed as the boring franchise and we had the big three baby we was lit I mean this Miami that come on now you fast forward decade later dog we can’t even put up 100 points in a basketball game we are putting up dog [ __ ] numbers we don’t have any type of star power um it just looks crazy sometimes so like I I feel like the people have a LoveHate relationship and as far as the media too cuz what’s up with these votings bro bam out bio not getting any Defensive Player of the Year love First Team all first team all defense finally but bro how many should he have like he’s the best player he’s the best defensive player in the association why isn’t he getting that respect it’s got to be a Miami he think don’t y’all think no absolutely I know for a fact I know for a fact that you know Luca wouldn’t be going chasing bam that one-on-one match up I know for facts LCA be I mean Luca will get his of course but they attacked Rudy Gober and let’s not forget Rudy Gober got outplayed by Terence Mann a few years ago when he’s on the Utah Jazz he’s always getting played off the court the dude is a liability I don’t understand why they keep giving him defensive player of the year but they’re hating on the Miami Heat there’s a reason why we didn’t get DED the league wants to send a memo talking about you know Dame you know wants to go to m whatever that whole that whole Saga was man they they hate us because they want to be us and that’s fine you know we a winning organization lately has been tough don’t get it twisted because Pat Riley’s falling is on his last leg in my opinion um he needs to prove something to me but um you know numbers don’t lie so that viewership thing was very interesting to see like the fact that we have a higher viewership than Celtics right now you know and let me ask y’all real quick the draft coming up is there any guys in particular that you guys would want to see added to this let’s say the roster let’s say we run it back again on some [ __ ] is there any guys or any spec uh specific position that you’re looking at to enhance or get better or things that we got to address anybody catches your eye yeah I mean it’s more so what position I mean we need a big I I feel like there’s there’s a lot obviously more guards and wings out there whether it’s through free agent or the draft like you can always get some sort of guard but big man or di doesn’t obviously so I mean I don’t want Ed I don’t want Zack Edy like because he I I don’t want to draft I want to draft someone that has potential that could be a starter right on the team potentially um I mean I guess yic is that kind of that four technically right I guess we’re grooming him to hopefully be the guy next to Bam atab bio so I guess whoever we do draft will come off the bench whether it’s a backup four or five uh Weare I mean is kind of like a guy who’s kind of possibly ready to contribute but also like someone that we need to build up because he’ll be raw like can he really shoot like he could shoot in college but does that translate over I mean haime shot 37% in college one year but you saw what happened he was hot in the beginning of the season and then he shot like in the low 20s and killed us so 21% in the playoffs dog [ __ ] 21% yeah so I say I say I say either a four or five not Edy i kle w I think would be someone I’d be willing to take a risk on or um kha Johnson from Arizona make sure you guys look him up he’s 66 you know he kind of plays like Amari stamar you know he’s athletic he’s good in transition he can dunk the ball you know it’s like what you said we need guys that are going to bring like athleticism to this roster you know we just can’t have guys I mean yeah listen we all want guys like Devin Carter and all this stuff and I think that you can always get a point guard like in this league but especially when it comes to like forwards and wings I think it’s very hard but we definitely do need size listen F all that F all that listen who we getting man we need a guard okay and Terry’s not there forever we like you said Terry might be flicked we don’t have no point guard on this roster Tyler can’t be that guard at all all right so uh oh oh he cut up he froze yeah but who do you want like okay maybe I’ll maybe predi his like do you want do you want a more traditional point guard like a like a tus Jones type but like more Elite scoring no I want me a young Guard we’re getting ready for the future that’s all I care about now that’s all I care about the future okay I got a young guard for you how about Trey young isn’t Trey young good I I don’t want I saw there’s a lot of hype for Ron Holland um Ron Holland who was on the G uh G leag I mean uh the ignite [ __ ] is he like 6’8 yeah he he yeah he’s he’s around that size with like a 7-1 wingspan or 611 something something like that um but he struggled to shoot the ball he’s a he’s a great defender lots of athleticism but once again he’s not a guard you know what I’m saying have y’all seen the workouts that we did yeah I I think he’s I think he’s scheduled for the workout I’m also I don’t know H how y’all feel about adding another Nola on this team top God yeah how how yall I don’t know do he’s a 65 dragic but he did have a partially torn ACL and that’s what I’m kind of worried about we have too many we have too many white guys on our team you said losing cayb Mar that he’s our second most I mean he’s probably our most athletic right him and Bam so I’ll say this though topic is a guy that’s going to be our future point guard for the team though that’s that’s a guard that you look at okay he may not play this season I brought this up I’m like we need somebody to help compete now but I’m GNA be honest with you even next sh we I don’t think we’re going Allin so I’m more worried about this future at this point you know I think a Allin is like a Kyle kman Jeremy Grant does that get us over the hump I don’t know I hope it does but I really don’t know so I’m looking at the future you’re telling me you throw a topic out there with haime and yid and Tyler that’s something you could be excited about you got to look at the future so I don’t mind the topic I like Isaiah ker um a Devin Carter smooth and stuff like that but this draft there going to be a lot of gems a lot of G that’s what I’m excited about people are saying this draft is weak D because the star Talent isn’t up there that’s fine but I want to find gems a lot of these role players I tell you now for next season they’re going to be competing for the championship level teams coming off the bench helping them in these big minutes playoff games like I’m watch you’ll see so I’m fine with taking a topic do I see him fall into 15 I don’t know we’ll see though I I I pray um uh dingham Falls bro I ain’t going to lie I know it’s not I know it’s not likely bro but dog how great would that be like a real star type of player bro like falling to us I I I I need Rob on my team I ain’t gonna lie to y’all boys I that’s why that’s why that’s my favorite player in the draft right now Rob no Dillingham oh okay Rob dilling oh yeah he’s he’s too I’m looking at past 15s I’ll throw out a couple there’s not a lot in here they’re like oh God that stand out but you Kawai Giannis uh I don’t know if you remember this guy TR was name Al Jefferson who who like that who are the last three let me hear the last three last three years at 15 one of them’s a random Miami Heat [ __ ] scrub killer white boy Cory kissper who I wanted to get on the heat he could [ __ ] shoot three he that guy kills the heat not bad don’t do that I know obviously but Mark Williams on the Hornets not bad we could have maybe got him in the Terry roier trade but uh and then Kobe buffkin I don’t even know if I even saw him play a second of basketball I no idea who that guy is I say thisin I would yo I met him in Vegas he got Yo his girl is bad his girl something I was right behind him we was watching the summer league together his girls in front of him got his girls number for for for Content purposes only but he never hit me back man so Kobe buffkin you ain’t even doing nothing right now bro like Hop On Hop on the show my boy he a do he ain’t doing anything but he’s in the league so he’s on Atlanta he’s on Atlanta ain’t doing nothing and I want his girl real quick before we close threat um you know you guys had a uh video about some of the mistakes that the Miami he made I just think the biggest mistake that the Miami he ever made is not putting dweight into ownership only because when you think it’s really true Pat Riley hasn’t gotten any of these Stars you know Victor theot came because of dwade T Rosier uh Lebron Bosch Jimmy Butler and the list goes on and they’re always talking about dwade so how on Earth did the Miami Heat front office allow dwade to go to the Utah Jazz and sit next to Danny a disgusting he could have they’re gonna build a statue of D way but they don’t want him in ownership and it’s all because the Arison are greedy they don’t want to empty them pockets they they they don’t want to empty them pockets at all um the way disrespect from the Miami Heat has been for too many decades at this point dog we we disrespected him as a player and now we’re disrespecting him off the court bro like at at some point Way’s got to just be like [ __ ] us which he did [ __ ] us and slide to Utah and handle business and stun on our ass bro and it’s a simple as that they they just don’t respect him enough to to to put him in positions where he wants to be where he wants to be as a as a player and as a as a front office Guy dog I I I don’t understand the disres respect you don’t treat your Legends like that and I I it’s almost like we’re paying a price for that bro I’m going to keep it 100 with you dog we’re paying the D way Tes wow well guys thank you so much threat really appreciate the time and thanks for hopping on the show do you want to plug anything before we hop off we know folks can find your stuff obviously on the basement Sports network but anything you want to shout out real quick yeah now just the basement Sports Network y already know y’all y’all see us all the time y’all talk [ __ ] y’all love us y’all hate us I don’t know make up y Minds we going to be invading y timeline all offseason you know this is this is where we make our bag this is where we make our bag we going to have the spaces we going to have a playback we going to have the the [ __ ] um YouTube running y’all tap in with the boys I will be making an appearance I was I wasn’t really feeling the season that much so I wasn’t on too much of the [ __ ] but y’all know the offseason is where my bread and butter is um catch me in in all of those SP all of those uh platforms playback spaces spaces of course and YouTube I’ll be locked in baby awesome Mart any last words yeah make sure you guys go to our channels like share comment subscribe and we appreciate all the support

Welcome back to another episode of the Miami Heat Roundtable. In today’s episode, our guest is Threat from the @TheBasementSportsNetwork

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@miamiheatnetwork @MiamiHeatZone


  1. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Lauri Markkanen, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Draft a big like Zach Edey or KEL'EL WARE and Hunter Sallis probably most underrated best PG in the 2nd round, Terrence Shannon Jr., ZYON Pullin, Keshad Johnson, or Antonio Reeves. Zach Edey is NBA ready, great touch on offense, can pass out the double, and when you need an easy bucket. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move. If you trade Jimmy it has to be 5 first round draft pick and 2 young players.

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis or ZYON PULLIN, Keshad Johnson, Terry or Malik Monk

    Niko Jaime

    Jimmy Duncan

    Bam Kevin Love

    Zach Edey Jonas Val or Nic Claxton

  2. The reason why we have these riff raff rosters is because we grossly overpaid Tyler and Duncan. It took years of salary increases and Duncan reinventing himself entirely to live up to his contract.

    Tyler still just isn’t worth the money. He makes nearly the same as every starter on Boston and is about half as good on his best day. Plus he doesn’t fit, and is most likely close to his ceiling right now.

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