@Denver Nuggets

I can’t be the only one that hates this

Yes I agree, tweaks have to be made to the roster. I’ll be honest and say idk what tweaks to make. But THIS ain’t it.
1- I love MPJ for our team. He is the relentless shooter we need. He is ELITE at what he does and still growing
2- ew to Jonathon Isaac. I know he is a solid defender but I don’t like him.

What yall think??

by UniversityOk5928


  1. You gotta get that click quota somehow during the offseason.

  2. The Nuggets aren’t trading MPJ, Murray, Jokic, or Gordon. It would rock team chemistry too much. We’re really only in a position to make moves on the edges

  3. I hate this proposed trade so much that I accidentally almost downvoted your post

  4. FanOk6089

    Seen it this morning. Laughed after I read it.

  5. CoyoteDecent2

    This sub is hilarious. MPJ isn’t going anywhere

  6. griffskry

    LMAO Jonathan Issac? Don’t want to have that bum Turning Point USA mf in our city. And they really think him and Bogdanović is all MPJ is worth?💀

  7. OptionalBagel

    Lmfao that’s the worst (doable) MPJ trade I’ve seen so far

  8. Cr8iveDirector4Hire

    I don’t think it’s realistic. Speaking of unrealistic, if Jonathan Isaac could stay healthy he would be such an amazing pickup and both he and Bogi would get along with Jokic and Gordon. Isaac’s defense is unreal and with Denver’s offense I think he’d shoot more efficiently than he has so far in his NBA career

  9. fondue4kill

    Ah yes. One of our top players and our first round pick for one 6 year from now.

  10. Hernois17

    Yeah sure we give up a starter and a first round pick foe two often injured Backups

  11. 420_misphrase_it

    Add Gary Harris and I’m down lol. Bring him home!! Who cares about cap space and fit on the team I miss him

  12. LowCharming3452

    No way in hell I’d want a first round pick swap with the poverty hawks for that return

  13. Bogey would be great and if Isaac could ever stay healthy I really like his defensive presence BUT since he can’t stay healthy this is a hard no. I’m not opposed to trading MPJ as I see him as just a tall three point shooter who struggles defensively due to horrific injuries. Better to trade him while the value is still somewhat high.

  14. petarisawesomeo

    Both Isaac and Bogo have been discussed as possible trade targets, but usually within the context of KCP doesn’t come back so who would they target in a Zeke+Reggie+picks trade. Trading MPJ completely wrecks the spacing of the starting unit, more so than losing KCP. Raising the floor of the bench unit won’t make up for how much worse the Murray/Jokic 2man will be with teams just completely packing the paint.

  15. balvanmajkin

    author should go for fent instead of crack.

  16. Loud_Blackberry_8953

    Trading MPJ is an overreaction but hes going to have to get better & diversify his game. Get in the paint to work for easier looks/middies shooting over smaller opponents. Absolutely needs to be a priority for Malone to scheme this out more often. MPJ couldve been better but its also hard to find rhythm & opportunity to do different things if Mal is ball stopping.

  17. I am 50/50 on such a trade. MPJ has a better offensive repertoire than Bogi, but if you consider how he’s used on the nuggets I actually don’t think you would lose really anything if you swap the two. Isaac has the potential to be a DPOY, but similar, maybe even bigger, injury risk like MPJ.

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