@Toronto Raptors

Why The Raptors Drafting Baylor Scheierman Could Be A Massive Steal!

Why The Raptors Drafting Baylor Scheierman Could Be A Massive Steal!

[Music] what’s up basketball fans welcome to the rat Port it’s time to talk about Raptor’s potential draft prospect so for today’s video I’m going to be describing the player who I think that Raptor should take with the 31st pick I’m going to be talking about his game we’re going to break down some video as well talk about his strengths and talk about some of his weaknesses as well and I’m going to talk a little bit about his game and how he fits with the Raptors as well so if you’re ready to watch this video make sure give it a thumbs up and if you wish to hit the Subscribe button that’d be appreciated as well so with that being said let’s get into today’s video so the prospect I will be covering will be Baylor charman I think the Raptor should seriously consider taking a look at him with the 31st pick yes there are more intriguing names we can talk about with the 19th pick but we will get there as we approach the draft there will be more videos coming out but let’s talk about Bor Sharman He’s listed at 67 he’s 198 lbs 6’8 wingspan 23 years old yes we will be addressing that later in the video and he has spent five years in college let’s talk about some of his stats here just to kind of give you a background as to what he can do he’s average 18.5 points nine rebounds 3.9 assists almost four assists per game he shot about 44.8% from the field attempted 14 made above 6.3 three-point shooting was excellent he’s a great three-point shooter 38.1% attempted 8.3 made about 3.1 of them he’s also an excellent free throw shooter 8 7.6% from the free throw line again attempted 3.2 made about 2.8 of them and averaged nearly a steal a game now let’s break down some of his highlights for you guys just to kind of give you a little bit of knowledge about what he can do on the floor and uh let’s talk about his clips and we’re going to really slow it down and break it down here for you all right so starting with this clip here as you see there he does have some shot creation ability he sees that the defender is there no Center in the paint he attacks the basket really nice move here now watch this he sees the defender close in on him now I’m going to freeze this right here he sees a center right there that wouldn’t be a smart move for someone that can’t sorn for big nuns so what does he do he settles for the nice easy jump shot here’s the next clip here again he sees that there are two Defenders right beside him if he goes through them there’s a player right in the middle so he settles for that three-point shot and as I said he’s a great three-point shooter then next clip here you’ll notice he gets a pass from the big man here and watch what he does he sees his Defender jump up he could have taken that three-point shot but he runs now he stops because there’s three Defenders there and in the corner of his eye he sees that there is number 23 there wide open he gets that shot to his U teammate and they make it now this is a really impressive clip here guys watch this one as he gets a pick set by his big man there who’s rolling to the basket now watch as he finds a player right across that’s a Luca esque type of pass he’s a great passer and his teammate hits that three-point ball as well now watch watch this one here this is really nice as well he sees his teammate in the corner fakes the pass then he sees that the player in the paint runs to where a three-point player so what does he do he passes it to the big man and now again here similarly he slows down slows down nice bounce pass to his player that teammate that was cutting a nice easy basket for him so if you were not familiar with Baylor shyan’s game that is just a small sample size of course I can only put so many highlights in my videos without getting monetized or demonetized I should so I didn’t want to risk the risk I didn’t want to risk the risk of getting my video you know demonetized but that pretty much gives you uh an idea of what berer Sharman can do and I’m not comparing him I’m not comparing him but think of Luca dones that’s you know much obviously less talented you see some of the passes he’s made and the reason that he’s such a good passer is because he was a former quarterback in high school he was actually thinking of becoming a football player but apparently he didn’t uh he didn’t get any offers to become a quarterback so he decided to play basketball said which is what his floor vision is so good and as you see there he can he has some he has some ability to create shots as well so it’s not as if he’s just a three-point shooter but we’ll address that in just a moment because there’s a few things I like to talk about when we talk about Baylor Sharman and some of the things that include are his floor what is his floor what is he right now his ceiling what could he become in the future the team Fit For A Team like the Raptors where could he fit potential you know what is his uh what is is he likely going to be in the near future considering he’s also 23 years old and trade value now I know this may sound silly because you don’t have the intentions of treating someone when you draft him but if you do need it to treat him in the future we’ll talk about that in just one second too what will his trade value be let’s start with the floor I think as a 23y old he is someone that can come in who’s mature who’s you know physically a little bit more ready with some of the compared to some of the other younger college players he’s definitely someone that can come in Off the Bench provide good quality minutes he’s going to be an excellent three-point shooter he’s someone that can shoot jump shots as well so it’s not as if he’s just shooting you know three-point shots and that’s it he’s got a lot of game to him which we’ll talk about in just a moment in terms of his ceiling his ceiling could be potentially someone like a sixthman or seven man Off the Bench soone if you watch the Pacers this playoffs especially versus the Boston Celtics you saw Harry’s hton go down you saw a player like TJ McConnell every team would love to have a player like that off the bench that can come in score 125 points a game give you four five rebounds four five assists a couple steals a game and that’s what I think beer shyan’s ceiling will be I don’t think he’s going to be a superstar nor do I think he’s going to be an All-Star but he could be a really really great player off of the bench and if he’s playing for a team like the Boston Celtics who love shooters you know what he could easily be starting there as well I think his ceiling is really really good he’s uh he’s a little bit more different than other three-point Shooters which we’ll talk about in just a moment here as well but in terms of t fit this one’s really interesting because a lot of people will say well we already have gredy dick biller sharman’s listed at 6667 He’s listed as a guard so most likely you have to play him at the shooting guard position so how does that work with someone like the Raptors who already have greedy dick and both of those players we know wouldn’t be able to play the small forward position well it’s quite simple I think the Raptors do have some interesting options with what they can do in free agency I think I truly believe this if you can you know maybe do a sign and trade for Gary Trent Jr somewhere then absolutely you should but also then you can move Grady dick into the starting lineup and then you can have B shyan coming off the bench what a luxury would that be for a team like the Raptors that still need a lot of three-point shooting to have Grady dick and then have someone just like him off the bench come in who can contribute who can actually do a lot of things on the offensive end as well and do not forget the Raptors do have Darko who loves to move the ball who loves Shooters so this is a great fit for the Raptors as well now in terms of potential as I said I think his potential is probably going to be fourth fifth starter think of someone like a Kevin herder if not he’s going to be a six-man Off the Bench he’s going to be an excellent player and also considering his age as well he’s a little bit on the older side I just don’t think there’s enough time for him to become that All-Star in terms of trade potential now this is very important to note because no you don’t draft a plur and think of treading him but if that ever does come in the future what is his trade potential going to be now I want to use an example of two former Raptors players when we talk about ogj anobi and Pascal seaka when you take a look at those two players why did the Raptors get a better return for oen and Obi it’s easy although Pascal is more talented offensively um and overall I think Pascal obviously has more value around the league the reason that the Raptors weren’t able to get as much for Pascal as compared to OG was simple OG is a player that you can plug into any offense he’s a three-point shooter who can play defense whereas Pascal operates in the paint a little bit more and you kind of need to incorporate your offense around Pascal whereas OG you can just throw him on any team so I think similarly with Bor Sharman if that were to ever come up in the future where the Raptors want to upgrade certain positions and treade him he’s someone that can fit on almost any team any team would love three-point shooting passing smart high IQ basketball which we’ll talk about in just a moment as well so I think that’s what his trade value will be let’s talk about some of his strengths and weaknesses to quickly end off the video here now some of his strengths as you guys saw he’s a great three-point shooter he has good floor Vision he’s a great free throw shooter high IQ basketball player and he’s an excellent excellent rebounder now I wanted to highlight these because when we think about three-point shooting you look at the Kyle corvers and I’m not comparing them to any of these players I’m about to mention you think about Kyle corver you think of JJ reick you think about Klay Thompson you know you think of all of those guys and the one thing they have is they’re great three-point Shooters they maybe even you know great uh jump shot they have great jump shots as well but one thing that separates Baylor Sharman I’m not again not saying he’s better than them but the one thing that separates him is his if his three-point shot isn’t going he’s also a great rebounder you know he’s also someone that can move the ball really well he’s an excellent passer as you see the by some of the highlights so I think that’s the difference between someone like a Baylor Sharman and compared to someone like a Kyle corver where if your three-point shot isn’t going or Duncan Robinson he’s not really doing anything else right that’s what separates Bor Sharman so I think he’s excellent in terms of some of some of his weaknesses we do have to address those as well and that is his age unfortunately for Baylor shyan he will be 24 years old in September so his rookie season will be 24 but I do want to remind people who did the heat draft last year hawz who was an older senior college player and look how that worked out for him also considering that the Toronto Raptor management has come out and said they want to win now as opposed to you know few years from now he’s someone that can come in he’s more mature physically more ready who can contribute more right away and he honestly just fits the timeline of everyone RJ Barrett’s about to be 24 next season so he’s very close to age range of some of those guys as well Scotty Barnes as well so it’ll be interesting in terms of some of the other things he’s not a great athlete yes he can dunk he’s not someone that’s um he’s not someone that’s going to Sor him for massive dunks but that’s okay you know what it doesn’t always mean you have to be a great athlete he has a lot of different things that he can contribute to his game uh he moves fairly well but he’s not the quickest of players his quickness isn’t he’s not the fastest of player I mean I saw another uh and saw another YouTube video they’re almost joking as you know comparing him to Luca and the obviously joking way saying you know what he’s one of the slower players but he makes the right plays and that’s the most important thing he’s not a great defensive player either although the Raptors need a lot of things that he provides like three-point shooting uh they could always use more passing free throw shooting as well that is one area that he will not help the Raptors improve in now I do want to highlight one more thing here guys before we end the video off here and it’s kind of just talking about Baylor Sharman and his work ethic and how good he is as a basketball player now I want to highlight his stats from college guys the reason I want to do this is it tells you how great of a hard worker Baylor Sharman is his first season in college as you see there he attempted 2.4 attempts per game from the three-point line only shot you would not believe this 24.7% his free throw percentage was 66.7% I mean you look at his stats across the board yes the second season he did average a lot more minutes per game um he averaged you know 15 more minutes a game but it doesn’t necessarily mean your stats will go up I mean he took almost double the amount of three-point shots and his three-point percentage jumped 20% almost 20% Which is insane same thing with his free throws as well nearly 20% he doubled the amount of rebounds he’s getting doubl the amount of assists he’s getting double the amount of steals he was getting as well and obviously his points as well more than double that now obviously a lot of people will look at this and say that he’s gotten more minutes that’s quite easy but particularly with three-point shooting normally when players do take a higher volume of Threes it doesn’t necessarily mean their free throw or excuse me their three-point percentage will increase so the fact that it did just within one season it shows you he also said he’s since grade five he’s been waking up at 5m just to really you know put in the work he’s done that throughout high school as well so I think this would be an excellent player obviously there are some limitations to his game he will be 24 that will be will be the big concern but when you think about it if you were to draft a 19 or 20 year old you’re going to be spending multiple Seasons developing him Baylor has kind of done that in college as you can see based on the statistics here so I’m very curious to hear what your thoughts are on Baylor Sharman again with the 31st pick not the 19th pick I do believe though with the way that his um stock has been rising I do believe he’ll go in the 20s there’s teams like the Milwaukee Bucks that need win now players I believe they have the 23rd pick they can possibly draft him as well so he may not even fall to the 31st but I’m very curious to hear what you guys think about Baylor Sharman let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and if you want a shout out let me know in the comment section below I’ll give you a shout out for my next video so that will be it for today’s video thank you so much for watching and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

I will be discussing one of my favorite prospects in this years draft class, Baylor Scheierman! I will be discussing everything from his stats in college to some of his Strengths and weaknesses, how he would fit with a team like the Toronto Raptors and I will be breaking his film down as well and discuss why he could be a major steal for the Toronto Raptors!


  1. He's a very good player that is ready to contiribute. Who they draft at 31 to me depends on who they draft at 19. For example I really love Pace Dadiet at 31 as a pure potential and upside pick but only if they take a more solid high floor prospect at 19. If they do it the other way around and draft an upside player at 19 then I don't mind someone like Scheierman at 31. Basically this is mt mindset because the Raptors NEED to hot on at least one of these draft picks this yr

  2. I give this 2 out of 10
    One choice at 31 Jonathan Mogbo if available.. He is ready to player does everything better than anyone else except jump shot. Ill teach shooting over everything else.
    Highest upside Top 10 in this draft. biggest sleeper

  3. Scheierman comes across as a player comparable to Tyler Kolek or Dalton Knecht, two players, if selected, who are keen playmakers and scorers. But Jonathan Mogbo has a lot of positives that help the Raptors offensively.

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