@Phoenix Suns

The Latest Phoenix Suns News And NBA Draft Talk -Suns Geek Live Show

The Latest Phoenix Suns News And NBA Draft Talk -Suns Geek Live Show

[Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right uh as that was going down I realized that uh that was my old little uh countdown timer thing whatever you want to call it whatever doesn’t really matter thank you guys for being here I appreciate it it’s been a couple weeks I believe since we’ve last done a live show and I was like you know what I was like despite there not really being any like massive Blockbuster crazy news I was like there actually is kind of a lot to talk about here and I’m going to be a little selfish here you guys look first off I appreciate everybody who watches me strictly for my Phoenix Suns content but later in the show I’m gonna talk like the NBA draft and just my thoughts about the draft not necessarily like Phoenix Suns Targets in the NBA draft that will be another live show probably next know soon that because first off the draft is like two weeks away at the time of this recording so definitely going to have more Suns related draft content and stuff but I kind of just want to talk about the 2024 NBA draft later but we do got some Suns news that I do want to talk about here so I appreciate everybody that is here you guys uh we got Jimbo slice who is in here it’s a straight nerk uh we got Jason ham and uh we got Kevin I appreciate you being here man and thank you to everybody who is watching along live and or is watching later like I said if you are a son’s content Creator or your son’s podcaster if you look hard enough there’s actually a lot of Suns news and things to talk about I call it Suns news but in reality it’s just there’s a lot of suns things to talk about so I want to start off with news that actually was announced yesterday and in a weird way one of these reports was announced like a couple weeks ago I believe but they made it official and then we’re going to talk about a coaching hire that was announced earlier today um so let’s go ahead and do that but first off you guys some Phoenix Suns front office news and I do think that this is important here okay um let me just full screen this okay so here we’re on if you guys can see let me make sure this is uh was y okay that’s perfect okay let’s go down here let me lower this graphic okay so the Phoenix Suns officially this time cuz I believe Matt telum was announced not too long ago but the Phoenix Suns officially have added Matt telum and Brian Gregory to the basketball operation staff and in my opinion you guys this is pretty important news you guys now I’m just going to read you guys a couple of quotes uh but first off it’s on the screen if you want to pause later and watch the and and read the entire article let me just kind of read you guys the headlines here uh let me just click this sorry guys you already know the drill onean show so the Phoenix Suns announced today the additions of Matt telum as assistant general manager more thoughts on that later and Brian Gregory as vice president of player programming this is quote from James Jones the current Sons basketball president or president of basketball operations we are excited to add Matt and briyan to our basketball operations team Matt’s insight and strategic thinking are highly regarded throughout the m ba and will Elevate our team Brian’s expansive coaching and development experience uniquely positions him to assist our coaches and players now real quick let’s start with Matt tellum I believe I made a YouTube short on Matt telum and kind of just gave you guys some facts and what I what I read about him but if you guys are a fan or if you know of Bobby marks from ESPN who I’m a big fan of Bobby marks I think he does a great job covering the league I think he has a really great basketball mind I I I love his work on ESPN and and the podcast that he’s on and everything I think he does a great job but he spoke very highly of Matt tellum and even quote tweeted when when the official announcement was announced about Matt tellum even quote tweeted it saying given him very high praise called him a uh salary capologist or a cap Guru or whatever it was but in short gave him very very high praise and credit and again check out the YouTube short that I uploaded a long a while back and um let’s just say I personally believe this hiring for Matt telum is a good move my personal opinion because this is a guy who you know with with all the new CBA rules and restrictions and the Suns being in the second apron and the sun’s owing like hundreds of thousands of dollars past the luxury tax whatever blah blah blah salary cap nonsense blah blah blah Matt telum is the kind of guy that you want in your front office to help kind of navigate maybe maybe give you some wiggle room here and there and figure it out and I believe when he was with the Brooklyn Nets he was part of like their strategy team or something like that and in terms of Brian Gregory I don’t really know too much about him but as it’s written here he’s the vice president uh of programming and it you know if you read James Jones’s quote he’s going to be it says Brian’s expansive coaching and development experience uniquely positions him to assist our coaches and players so I feel like he’s going to do whatever work he’s going to do he’s going to bring his experience to the front office but he might be able to contribute just a little bit with our assistant coaches and players and I have some more thoughts on that later by the way but I am just saying I like these hirings and look you guys I don’t mean to sound bitter and selfish here no no that that’s that’s poor wording I don’t mean to sound bitter and salty not selfish I don’t mean you sound bitter and salty here but the way I look at it as a fan and somebody who covers this team you know we saw what happened last season I don’t even want to revisit it last season was a disaster we saw what happened in the playoffs against the nuggets the year before that we saw what happen in the playoffs versus the Mavericks clearly whoever was in those front offices and I know there was a lot of turnover with the Sarver stuff and that whole Saga and Matt ishia coming in bringing in all his people but clearly these front office people saying this respectfully they it was not getting it was not getting it done and I believe I don’t know if it was like Trevor buckstein or something like that I think he was with the Phoenix Suns for like decades and he has now been let go and and Morgan Kano who came in kind of after the Robert Sarver stuff she’s now gone and probably some other front office people that I’m forgetting to mention they’re all gone now and the way I look at it as a fan and bringing in somebody who is highly regarded around the league like Mike m Matt tellum not Matt not Mike tellum Matt tellum uh and bringing in Brian G Gregory and everything and we’re probably gonna hire more front office people I believe that that that is the right move in my personal opinion because again front office wasn’t really getting it done and I’m going to full screen myself when I say this here and this is kind of sticking around with the whole me sounding bitter and salty but it is true and look I’ve said this a million times I will say it a million times over again I do not wish for anybody to lose their job sorry if I hit my microphone by the way it makes a a bad noise I apologize y’all but look I do not wish for anybody to lose their job because I would not want to lose my job but these front office hirings and whatever is next to come after that keep it keeps me asking the question and I know James Jones was in the quote and he probably had to sign off on these hirings but it kind of makes me keep raising the question is James Jones’s job on the line and I think that’s a fair question to ask because what I just said not too long ago we saw the disastrous season that we had this year the embarrassing playoff exits backto back losing in the finals if you want to go that far back and look James Jones has done an incredible job in lots of areas of this team and you know he but at the same time he’s also made a lot of shaky decisions and questionable decisions even a fanboy like me has questioned a lot of the decisions that he’s made and I even I even listened to Brandon clean from locked on suns uh talk about this where it’s like you know is James Jon I I forgot what the episode was called but he was like is Jame is this is this James Jones’s last chance and I made a video talking about this I think it was one of my previous live shows I was like I think it’s a fair question to ask if James Jones is on the hot seat and that’s not to be rude that’s not to me that’s not being that’s not me being like Oh everybody deserves to be fired and James Jones needs to go blah blah blah no like I’m not like that y’all like I might have been a victim of the moment after the game three loss and obviously after we got eliminated I I was a complete victim of the moment I was petty I was upset I was drunk but like but you know I just think with these new front office hirings it’s a it’s maybe like hey James Jones this is your last chance because if not we got people under you that are highly regarded around the league and could maybe bring some new things to this team new ideas and we will just have to see I probably went way too long with covering that front office hire or front office hires I should say so we’re just going to have to wait and see and we’ll see what we we’ll see what comes next but I thought that that was worth talking about especially with the whole James Jones on the on the hot seat and everything I still do believe it and like I’ve said multiple times on this channel I know I sound like a broken record it also kind of goes for not just James Jones I’m sure there’s a lot of other GMS and president of basketball Ops that I’m forgetting about here but I kind of like to pick on the L GM and president basketball of operations I like to pick on uh Rob pinka a little bit and I completely forgot who said it originally but they said it so perfectly but it was like when does Rob pinka start taking the fall instead of all the coaches and now it’s kind of like that with the Phoenix Suns like when does James Jones take the fall you know I feel like we’re gonna have that I’m gonna I’m gonna I feel like I’m gonna repeat that all season long if things get bad when does James Jones start taking the fall you know what I mean uh and I’m sure there’s like lots of other GMS and president and basketball Ops that I could be mentioning but like like there was a graphic today I think on ESPN that said like the Lakers haven’t had like a head coach for like three straight Seasons or something like that since Phil Jackson something along those lines and I really wanted to quote tweet that graphic with saying well when does Rob pinka get fired like I don’t know anyways we’re not here to talk about the Lakers we’re here to talk about the Suns so congratulations to Matt tellum and Brian Gregory definitely felt like that was worth covering uh so the next news that I wanted to talk about this is a little more interesting in a way now look I do not know college basketball at all so take this with a grain of salt y’all especially when I talk about the draft stuff later please take it with a grain of salt I am far from a college basketball expert I am far from a draft NBA draft expert but I feel like this is discussing and I’ve seen some feedback on Twitter and it looks positive appreciate you uh so says J for being here shout out to Fanning the Flames podcast appreciate you man thanks for being here bro and thank you to everybody that’s here I see my guy Super Mario Hoops is in here Daniel Chris top five live Kevin thank you guys for all being here I appreciate it Ry Rowdy man I will um I will get to your question soon if if you have a question I’ll do my best to answer I’ll try to get to the comments but we got a lot to talk about here y’all so I want to kind of focus on that so at least where I live this news came out really early in the morning and I am not a morning person I’m a night owl but I happen to be awake around the time this tweet and and Report came out uh let me zoom in here so you guys can see Joey appreciate you being here man let’s zoom in a little bit can you guys see that okay let me take a some my water real quick and we will talk about this coaching higher so earlier this morning the Phoenix Suns and WJ was confirming this with Pete Hamill I hope I pronounced that right ESPN sources with Pete Hamill former University of Washington head coach Mike Hopkins a time Pack 12 coach of the year has agreed on a deal to become an assistant for the Phoenix Suns Hopkins joins Mike buen hoster’s new staff after three decades in college basketball now look even though I don’t really know college basketball that well I have heard this name before but like I I knew like very little to nothing about him but I’ve I’ve heard that name before and and I mean I know it’s a small tweet we’re going to dive into the story in a minute but two-time Pack 12 Coach of the Year and has had has had three decades not three years three decades in college basketball so pretty much the amount of time that I have been on this Earth this guy has been coaching in college basketball so Mike Hopkins joins the Phoenix Suns and if we go to the ESPN article let me just scroll down a little bit here this is from Adrien wowski of ESPN see if you guys can see that okay let me lower this graphic here here we go uh oh your browser has lost connection what’s going on we still live y’all I think we’re still live I don’t know what’s going on let me know if we’re still live y’all uh Casey says hm son geek is live must have to do with the Phoenix Suns I hope we’re still live I got like a little notification saying that my browser was doing something but appreciate you being here Casey all right cool hopefully we’re still alive anyways thank you uh the waters appreciate you thank you all right cool so yeah this is from the ESPN article and it’s it’s a short article it’s just kind of sweet and straight to the point but after seven seasons with the huskies and 30 plus overall I I don’t know if he meant to say years and 30 plus overall in college basketball Hopkins joins Mike buen hoser new coaching staff that will include David fizdale and Chad forier I don’t know how to pronounce that last name Hopkins had a 122 to 110 record uh with Washington including a 2019 conference title and a NC tournament bid and it says that he played uh for Jim boheim at Syracuse spent 22 years as an assistant on his coaching staff so he was an assistant for 22 years with one of the greatest coaches in college basketball so that has to count for something and quote I’m gonna I don’t know if y’all will be able to see this but I’m going to kind of hover over it Hopkins also has experience coaching and NBA players during his time on the coaching staff for USA Basketball so y’all like I don’t want to like overhype this hiring or anything but first off he’s a two-time you know Pack 12 Coach of the Year 30 or 30 years plus of coaching experience was an assistant coach for 22 years for one of the greatest coaches ever and has coaching experience with NBA players not just like NB well I mean yeah NBA players but Superstars Rising Stars young NBA players because of us coaching in USA Basketball that is awesome that is a hell of a hire so even though I was just criticizing James Jones great job James Jones and whoever else signed off on this I think this is an excellent hire that should get Suns fans excited now not included in the article here because I don’t know if it’s been made official that’s why I haven’t really talked about it yet um the Suns also hired first off David fizdale stayed on the staff because there was a report saying like David fizdale may not come back as a coach but he’s going to join the front office because he you know was part of the Jazz front office for a couple years um EV every other coach from the Suns and Frank vogle stuff got let go but I believe there was a report about Vince lard leera however you pronounce that that he was hired although I don’t know if it’s actually been made official because wge didn’t put that in his report but he did put in the report uh Chason Allen if that’s how you pronounce it who most recently served as the head coach of the Wisconsin herd in the NBA G League affiliate you know the bucks but we’ll see I’m sure there’s probably like three or four other coaching spots and assistant coaches that will have to be announced I’m sure sometime before the season the Suns will put put out a big article saying 2024 25 coaching staff Phoenix Suns and they’ll have a breakdown of all the coaches and resumes and all that so we will have to see on that um but hey I mean you know with Mike Hopkins definitely seems like a slam dunk and uh I am excited so great job Phoenix Suns that’s the kind of stuff I want to see from James Jones who I criticize from time to time all right so let’s keep moving on here you guys let’s focus in on you know what we’re gonna kind of save the draft stuff for last now look this is just clearly a rumor in fact I don’t even know if I want to like label it as a rumor because technically no no no not technically because this player is still under contract for this upcoming season so for the 2024 2 season so it’s like a a light rumor I don’t even know how to technically say what this is but there was a tweet that was put out and that’s that’s a lot of the show is me just kind of reacting to tweets you guys know how I do things here so there was a tweet that was put out and I guess this is all really coming from um from a PO uh somebody who covers the Golden State Warriors I believe and so maybe maybe he heard it from a source and this will eventually become like official I don’t know but I feel like it’s at least worth spending a few minutes on uh but let’s talk about cavon Looney and I’m not sure if other son’s podcast I’ve covered this already whatever you guys are here for my opinion so I’m going to give it to you guys and I appreciate you guys for letting me do that so I always butcher this guy’s last name and I’m probably gonna butcher the other last name but I’m going to do my best please forgive me in the comments y’all Evan cedri or sediri however you pronounce that Evan cedri puts out cavon Looney will likely be released by The Warriors to save money on their tax bill per Tim Co I probably butchered that I do apologize so according to somebody who covers the Warriors cavon Looney will likely be released by The Warriors to save money on their tax bill only three million of cavon or cavon Looney’s 8 million salary is fully guaranteed until it is until it fully locks in on June 24th if Von Looney is released expect plenty of Interest now again I didn’t listen to what that podcast guy said it’s linked if you guys want to go check it out in in Evan’s tweet here and Evan is right you know he is still under contract you can go to spot track you can look up his contract and everything technically it’s for eight million but only three million of it’s guaranteed because the Warriors didn’t win the championship and I did read a quote here that says and I I I assume this is from the Warriors plus minus podcast that’s where all this is coming from I believe quote I think the likeliest situation is that he’s cut and he makes three million from the Warriors and he’s off looking for another spot because again that three million is guaranteed and there will be another spot for him in this league quami I hope I pronounced that right said on the Warriors plus minus podcast quote teams are going to want him again for a very low number if they’re going to want him and then also uh sorry I’m just reading something real quick okay cool uh and then also I saw uh Gerald boray from phnx who does great work he’s been writing like crazy he just does incredible work Gerald goray said this he kind of did like a deeper dive on cavon Looney and after the show I’ll put the link in the description you guys can read read it it’s on go Sun Centers targets vet minimum 2024 free agency very bottom it’s on Kavon Looney this was one of Gerald’s quotes here and I quote if ke if cavon Looney becomes available there simply isn’t a better option that could be had in free agency at a vet minimum price tag Not only would he serve as a highend Not only would he serve as a high-end backup but he’s one of the few bigs on this list capable of starting in a playoff setting and holding his own close quote so cavon Looney y’all and I meant to do this sooner but let me just look up his stats not really like stats are everything but it’s important so last season I’m looking it up here I’ll share the screen so you guys can see what I’m looking at here here’s cavon Looney stats played in 74 games so was pretty much healthy cuz remember the the league minimum now to win Awards is 65 games so he played in 74 only four points per game 5.7 rebounds you probably want to see that get a little higher but oh a real a real thing to factor in here is I forgot his name like Jackson Davis or something like that their other young rookie forward Center whatever uh he took a lot of minutes cuz he kind of had like his breakout season if you will gavon Looney also shot nearly 60% from the field by the way not a great free throw shoot free throw shooter either 67.5% not great but he’s played in 523 games throughout his career not to mention he’s a three-time NBA champion and that’s another thing that I think is really important whether you’ve won one title or you’ve won three or you’ve won 10 winning a championship it’s a lot like you you have that experience you know what to do in certain situations you have all that playing time and experience and stories you can bring to a team so anybody who has a ring that comes to the Phoenix Suns I think is an instant um impact like Daman Lee like I know he didn’t play all last season but the dude has won a ring before that’s got to count for something like going back to um um Matt Hopkins or Mike Hopkins the Washington coast that we just hired that I completely forgot his name like that dude you know I know he hasn’t won like a college uh Championship but like the dude has so many years of experience one of the greatest coaches ever it’s like that’s got to be worth something you know what I mean like all that experience has to be worth something especially coming to a team with championship aspirations and pressure and excitement and whatever word you want to use coming to A Team like the Phoenix Suns that is huge I will take I will take that and again just remember you guys he’s still under contract and with all due respect to cavon Looney because I I I’ve always liked cavon Looney I would welcome a cavon looney for the right price but when I was reading all this and kind of prepping for the live show I couldn’t stop thinking about I was like you know what I was like I I’m a bigger fan of Andre Drummond and maybe my guy Super Mario Hoops who’s in here would completely disagree with me and tell me why we should not pursue Andre Drummond I kept thinking like Andre Drummond or like probably like five other targets that I would want and that’s no disrespect to gavon Looney like I get it I see the vision I do heck who knows maybe the F Suns go out and get him and he’s like a great impact player and I I’m just sitting here eating my words but like I don’t know like I would prefer like an Andre Drummond I don’t know let me know what you guys think though would you want the Phoenix Suns if cavon Looney does become a free agent would you want the Phoenix Suns to pursue cavon Looney especially for the minimum if it’s for the minimum why not and like Saul says right here why not both geek screw it let’s do it man like I’m down like just just say hey we got a new coaching staff we got new front office people we got our big three come here and win a championship on the vet minimum go get go get both of them like Ray Raymond just says yes like yeah yes go get both of them screw it you know what I mean like I I agree now I probably should have focused a lot of this show with the whole nage stuff and first off those are just rumors too by the way I know there’s a lot of like stuff going around like nage could get thrown in this I know I know I’m I am not there yet as a as a content creator podcast or whatever you want to call me um I am not there yet I’m not there in my mind with the whole nage trade stuff but I will say this you guys with the draft being in t- minus two weeks maybe I should start prepping for potential use of nage trades now again nothing is official there has been no report there has been nothing of real credibility or whatever sources that have said yeah the suns are actively pursuing a nurk trade no that has not been reported like even Mike buen holes are when he was hired was like yeah we have our starting five like under contract like or or he said something like that but he mentioned the starting five and I know with Mike Boon holer in a system nerk may not be the best fit but I would make a few Arguments for keeping nerk I don’t know but again let’s let’s stay on topic here y’all like I love what Saul said like why not both go get cavon Looney on the minimum and let’s see if we can talk Andre Drummond for a fair PR and that’s what I said when I made that YouTube short about Andre Drummond I said like what is Andre Drummond’s price and like I would if I was the GM of Phoenix Suns I would pay a decent amount but not like I wouldn’t overpay it as much as as big of a fan as I am of Drummond I would not like overpay for Andre Drummond you know what I mean does that make sense how are you guys doing you guys doing okay we got a lot to talk about here y’all you know how you know how usually during these shows I’m like oh this is going to be a short show or this is going to be like an hour show I’m like y’all this show might go like an hour and a half because I’m already at I’m already past 32 minutes and we still got a lot more to talk about so if you’re watching let me know what you’re drinking in the comments I have a little bit of coffee in here because I I kind of needed that caffeine boost but don’t worry I got my water I’ve been drinking water all day um so I’m going to take a sip of my water we got lots more to talk about y’all strap in get ready and cheers let me know what you’re drinking in the comments or eating because I just got done eating too so yeah just a little bit of coffee y’all for those of you who know me on a personal level I’ll be I’ll be real with you guys for a minute I’ve lowered my caffeine intake and coffee intake I still struggle with like ice cream and junk food and all that but I maybe only have like one or two cups of coffee a week now as compared to when I would drink like a cup of coffee a day and I have gone completely cold turkey on energy drinks God is my witness I have not had an energy energy drink since October I went completely completely cold turkey on them Rowdy man 777 says drinking a passion fruit lacro is that how you say that that’s cool man all right y’all last thing on the uh cavon Looney thing kind of like I said uh Looney is a champion he is experienced love the movie yeah like I didn’t even talk about his experience like well I kind of mentioned the games he’s played in over 500 NBA games but he’s played in some pivotal NBA playoff games NBA finals games and the dude’s been there he’s been through the fire if you will like the dude’s exper experience would be huge and and think of the players he’s played with even though like I hate him now like Draymond Green and Steph Curry and Klay Thompson been coached by Steve Kerr and Bob Meyers was their GM like the dude’s got experience Let’s Do It Go bring cavon Looney in on the minimum just do it Warriors it’s time to face facts you guys got to just keep Steph Curry around do a strong retool around that let everyone else go embrace the future keep Steph Curry for as long as possible but anyways all right y’all uh I like the Andre Drummond move better than cavon Looney because I feel for some reason he’s more reliable and that you’ll know he’ll do his job yeah y’all like I I could I could do a whole not really a whole show but I could do a decent amount of show on Andre Drummond why I’m a big fan of him I mean the dude oh by the way I think cavon Looney’s only 20 a 29 someone fact checked me on that Andre Drummond’s like 30 it feels like the dude’s been in the league forever but he’s only 30 y’all like he still fits our timeline go get both of them man all right can we finally move on here I’m sorry y’all trying to stay on topic here but let’s kind of focus in on the draft and then what we’re GNA do y’all we’re going to talk a little Suns draft here so yes this is a little bit Suns draft then we’re going to talk about just the NBA draft as a whole not really Suns related and then we’re going to get into like some what I call Silly Season stuff and you’ll see what I’m talking about later with that um so let’s talk just a little bit of the sun’s draft now before we talk about anything in terms of the Suns draft and I I had a tweet about this yesterday and I even posted it on my Community page on YouTube and I I really from the bottom of my heart mean this and I I’m trying not to sound negative when I say this y’all and I hope this doesn’t come off as like lazy but it it’s kind of true and if you saw my tweet yesterday you know what I’m talking about oops I hit my microphone I’m sorry y’all it is so okay as somebody who is a Conta Creator podcaster whatever you want to call me it is so difficult may maybe difficult is not the right word it is so challenging difficult um whatever word you want to use it is so blank to do Sun’s draft homework as I call it I call it draft homework it’s so challenging difficult whatever word you want to use to do Sun’s draft homework because of these simple facts and kind of the harsh reality is one our sons draft history and no I’m not just talking about Luca the way the sons have drafted and this goes back to James Jones by the way we’re going full circle here y’all with the James Jones stuff it seems like ever since James Jones be became R GM he’s made some very questionable draft decisions and look you know the cam joh the cam Johnson one was nice I’ll give him that that was that was a steal if you think about it although we kind of did like trade up for him but anyways whatever that’s it’s done with whatever the reason it’s difficult to do draft homework for for me personally I’m just talking for Brandon Suns geek here it’s difficult for me to do draft homework because of the sun’s draft history it’s really that simple but because rgm and our owner it’s not all just on James Jones Matt ishbia even said something along the lines of well with the Phoenix Suns we view draft picks as assets to to get good players he said something along those lines and that’s coming from Matt ishia you can go to the end of the season press conference and relisten to that where he was talking about we’re not thinking about the seventh grader you know in in 2031 or whatever we’re we’re thinking about the now which I to an extent I I agree with I see the vision but even even before Matt ishbia said that James Jones has been so questionable with his draft DEC decisions and it’s not even just the players he’s passed on and it’s not just the players that he’s drafted we we’ve talked about all that I’ve covered that I’ve seen other podcasts and Sons shows talk about that it’s the way that James Jones like views scouting I put scouting in quotations the way that he Scouts now in all fairness there was that one photo after Mike bu hoser got hired where he was sitting with Mike booser and they both at the draft combine that’s scouting so good James Jones maybe you’re learning here but it’s hard for me to do draft homework when rgm and our owner the guys that make the big decisions are like n we we view draft pick’s trade assets so look y’all like don’t get me wrong I love doing the sun’s content I never want to stop doing the sun’s content I want to do this for as long as I can mentally and physically do it but like why should I like waste my time my personal time doing all this Suns draft homework when on draft day that pick could be gone like that you know what I mean like I know that sounds selfish but it’s true like you know what I mean like am I crazy am I am I wrong for saying that if I’m wrong someone tell me in the comments not that I’m trying to start an argument but like am I wrong for like not believing rgm an owner for like like oh yeah they’re gonna keep the pick like we’re gonna have a rookie in here this up like I don’t trust them I don’t so and look not just that and I did include this in my tweet and in my post it’s not just that I also said this this is one of the most if not the most unpredictable draft classes ever and I know you could say that about like a lot of draft classes but this one especially like even if you know nothing about this draft class and heck even though I’ve been been doing draft homework for about a week or two now I’ve actually sat down and read articles I’ve watched a little film on certain players I have a whole bunch of notes and lists and names um this is a very unpredictable draft a lot of people are lab labeling it as a weak draft class and I understand that so that’s my point even if you know nothing about this draft class I will fill you in right now it is a unpredictable draft class so like why waste my time doing all this homework making all these videos doing this live shows the sun should draft this guy the sun should draft this guy when in reality we could all wake up on draft day get a woge bomb and oh the Suns traded their number 22 overall big you know what I mean thank you Jason who says no you’re not because I thought we were going to have a rookie last year but we ended up trading him too along with the Bradley Beal ones the draft picks the Bradley Beal picks and the Kevin Durant picks exactly I was excited for tamman Kamar even though I butchered his name on draft day I didn’t I didn’t know nothing about him I was excited I was live when he was at Summer League I was live on this channel reacting to it I was really excited and then the DeAndre and Damen Lillard trade happened and he got thrown in there and ah you know what I’m talking about you guys am I am I crazy okay let’s keep going on here because I think I spent a little too much time going on my little draft rant but this does focus on the Suns here y’all so let’s start here speaking of the suns in the draft now I saw this tweet a few days ago this was posted on June 5th of uh yeah June 5th and this is from one of my favorite follows on suns Twitter I highly recommend you go follow this person suns are better tweeted this out on June 5th let’s see if we can fix that make it a little bigger okay cool now again this was like from 10 days ago I’m sure this list has been updated and I think there was a couple names on here originally that uh that you know weren’t added on here at the time but known Suns pre-draft workout so far again this is from June 5th bronnie James we all know that I can’t read this guy’s name Tristan anaria from Cleveland State I don’t know who that is uh Trenton flowers from the Adelaide 36ers remember when the Adela 36ers beat us in an exped expedition preseason game or whatever and we all panicked including myself Jaylen Tyson from Cal who I have done a little draft research on him I’ll just say this I like him I don’t know if he’s a good fit for the Suns but I like him Jaylen Tyson from Cal and then Jaylen Williams from Auburn I I talked about him in a recent video I like him so suns are better goes on to say by the looks of it it doesn’t seem like they’re going for a point guard or a center now the reason I bring up this tweet from a few days ago it’s because he had a follow-up tweet I believe just yesterday I think he had a couple follow-up tweets if I getting this correct yeah so this was a follow-up tweet here and then he has another one after this your browser connection has lost connection to your screen share audio try sharing your screen again restart your browser this continues to be a problem I don’t know what’s going on can y’all hear me hopefully y’all can hear me okay Co cool so this is the follow-up tweet these don’t really seem like prospects for the 22nd overall pick according to ESPN’s top 10 Jaylen Tyson is ranked number 33 Brony James 52 Trenton flower 61 Jaylen Williams Jaylen Williams is 92 on the ESPN’s top 100 board whoa I think that dude’s talented man like I talked about that in a recent video dude like check check out Jaylen Williams from Auburn if you haven’t already and then the other two guys aren’t even ranked so then he follows that tweet up by saying undrafted free agents question mark Valley Suns recruits question mark by the way I have more thoughts on that in a minute trading back question mark what are the Suns cooking so then the tweet that I believe came out yesterday from suns are better again great follow on Twitter go check them out highly recommend it uh he tweets this out now this was from yesterday yeah yesterday June 10th this is yesterday’s tweet newest additions with ESPN rank of of players that the Suns brought in and drafted or not draft players that the Suns have uh worked out that we know so far AJ Mitchell is that how you pronounce that point guard from UC Santa Barbara ranked 44 kashad Johnson from Ariz Iona again not a big college basketball guy forgive me if I butchered his name Arizona fans don’t kill me jayon Le D am I pronouncing the I’m probably butchering these names y’all from San Diego State 96 Mark AR Mark Armstrong from Villanova and rayquan battle from West Virginia now Mark Armstrong and rayquan battle I believe I read a report that they also were in that draft workout with bronny James and they stood out now I’m not exactly sure what they stood out on might have been three-point shooting uh but they were with that bronny James workout and they apparently stood out uh as well and then he follows this tweet up by saying more prospects projected in the second round or undrafted question mark H and then I was responding to I just put out like a tweet or whatever yesterday and I don’t know if this person’s watching but I did want to give him a little shout out here let me find the Tweet here yeah so uh shout out to I am loofah on Twitter I don’t know what that is but I follow him he follows me good follow and everything I believe he’s been in the chat a few times and is a subscriber I believe so I think I was responding to a tweet or he responded to one of my tweets yeah so I said this is I said this being said I’m still doing my best to educate on my on this year’s draft class lots of notes and he goes in my opinion a lot of potential role players in this draft but no Superstars now real quick talking about the draft as a whole any draft class I really mean this tweet when I say this you guys any draft class I said yeah we will have to wait and see in my opinion it takes a few years to judge a draft class we can’t just look at the 2023 draft class or the 2022 draft class and be like oh this draft class is terrible and blah blah blah there’ll be no all stars No Superstar we got to wait a few years all like I believe the 2020 draft has had a lot of like solid role players and probably a couple Allstars if I remember correctly and we just gotta wait and see but this draft class the 2024 class like I said probably no Superstars but role players who will well help you win championships so then lofo responds and I really like this tweet I even said I was going to talk about it on the live show uh oops I said or he said facts I mainly excited about this draft class because I do feel like there are some pretty solid players projected to go undrafted that the Suns could add to their new g-league team and I even responded saying love this tweet might talk about it on tomorrow’s live show that’s why I wanted to focus in on the players that have we know of that have worked out for the Phoenix Suns um that’s kind of exciting in a way at least for me anyways it’s exciting because sure there’s probably going to be a lot of undrafted guys in this draft there might be guys that get selected that you know maybe it just doesn’t work out and you know maybe they’re on their summer league teams and you know it just doesn’t work out and then they become available somehow and the g-league valley suns are like hey we want this guy you worked out for us remember we talked to you because it’s not just workouts by the way like during these pre-draft workouts they like talk to these players and kind not necessarily like interview them but they talk to them meet them and get to know them a little bit so you know th those things are important down the road so maybe some of these like quote undrafted guys you know become free agents and then we can sign to our g-league team and you’re like Suns geek why is that important we don’t care you know we’re trying to win a championship Suns geek well I’ve seen a lot of suns fans that have said we need to be focused on the future we need to be building up young players yada yada y we should be draft we should be uh trading for draft picks well with a g-league team you can do that you can bring in young Talent maybe find some Diamonds in the Rough how many superstars and I say Superstars how many all stars have come from the g-league countless names y’all countless names have come from the G league so even if the Suns trade this number 2 two overall pick and they trade their 20 uh 31 pick first off we do have future picks we don’t have any picks next year but we have future picks they’re just pick swaps we could still bring in young guys to fill out we’re gonna have to we have to fill out our g-league roster maybe some of these guys in the draft could be on that team and we could be like hey this guy down the road could be pretty good maybe he could play for us and guess what you guys if they’re on our g-league team all James Jones has to do is pick up the phone say hey we want this player to come play for us for like 10 20 30 days whatever amount it is usually I think it’s like 10 days that’s how it all starts y’all you see what I’m saying so I feel like that’s really important real quick I want to get to a very generous I I’m very grateful for this very generous $20 Super Chat from Rob Bart I appreciate you man you were in the last live show you’re very generous man thank you so much I owe you a beer one day if you drink but anyways we need to trade up for now I’m gonna put your this name forgive me y’all Tai John Salon I I totally butchered that name just like I do with Tani Kamara that means we’re probably gonna draft this guy because I don’t know how to pronounce his name his game can be translated to the NBA he has a great catch and shoot game package the first round and be with another player we needed someone for the future so I wish you know I wish you guys could see my draft notes I’m not I’m not bsing you guys like I actually have draft notes I’ve done my homework a little bit of homework clearly not that much homework because I don’t know this guy that we’re talking about but this is one of the players I have not done much draft homework on but I appreciate the insight and again I’m very generous for the $20 Super Chat you didn’t have to do that if you guys want to you do not have to leave a super sticker leave a Super Chat I’ll pull it up I’ll be grateful even if it’s like a dollar it helps keep the lights on here it helps pay the bills and I would appreciate that so um yeah let me know if you guys think we should draft this guy whose name I cannot pronounce and I apologize for that maybe next live show I’ll be more educated on this draft class and I will know about this guy now real quick you know what since we’re on Suns draft targets let me be fair to you guys let me just name the players that I have done draft homework on and if I butcher these names please forgive me it’s a common theme on this show and in my videos I butcher names I’m just going to read you some names that I have read in terms of you know son’s mock drafts or Suns like potential targets or just names that I have seen been floating around whether it’s Suns Community Suns articles whatever I’m not saying all these players I’m about to name are like the perfect fit for the 22 overall pick the sun should draft this player no I’m not saying that these are just names that I have read and have done my quote homework on that I think are worth talking about that’s at least fair to you guys you guys you guys can see at least where my head is at if the Suns keep this pick first off this is no surprise to nobody if you’ve done your homework and I do like this player and I hope I’m saying this name right Tyler Koo from Marquette yeah um from the small amount of homework and the notes that I have taken I’ll just say this now take my quote here analysis with a grain of salt CU I am not a draft expert I am not a college basketball fan well I mean I’m not a college basketball expert is what I’m trying to say take my quote analysis here with a grain salt but think of like a discounted TJ McConnell and I know that that that’s like a dream Target for the Suns that’s never gonna happen by the way um think of like a discount TJ McConnell great playmaker and kind of just a great fit for this Suns team and especially with like Mike boser and his offensive system yeah hopefully I said his name right too let’s keep going here somebody who I recently started doing homework on I’m kind of lowkey a fan Jonathan Fury not Murphy Fury uh was from Australia and I forgot where he played where did he play let’s see I I have a picture of him right here Kansas Jonathan Fury from Kansas one quote that I read on him um Jonathan Fury is yet another intriguing Wing Prospect from Kansas with his ability to space the floor slash defend multiple positions the Australian forward could be in range for the Suns at 22 believe I read that on Sports Illustrated let’s keep going here somebody who I mentioned earlier in the show Jaylen Tyson from Cal uh by the way Jaylen Brown is from Cal if you guys didn’t know that so that’s something but yeah just a player I’ve been reading a lot on and watched a little bit of film I really like Jaylen Tyson I I could see him maybe even rising in this draft and not even being available by the time son’s draft um Darren Holmes II I’ve done a little bit of work on him little draft homework if you will and then you know I made a video not too long ago Jaylen Williams from Auburn uh I see Jason Hammond here who says Kyle Philip Kowski I hope I said his name right I’ve done a little research on him he says I like Kyle Philip filipowski for the Suns because I see him as a christops porzingis I feel like the coaching staff can make him do that but I also like bronny because I know he’s gonna get developed oh and you left something out uh Jason if we get bronny we’re getting LeBron James you heard it here first on suns geek but seriously um and then you know yeah you know there’s the bronny thing to I’ve I’ve talked about that way too much y’all but those are just some names y’all and I’ll just quickly do this this isn’t just Suns targets these are just players that I’ve read um and I think we talked about it earlier but Jamal shed or Sheed uh let’s see who else that I’ve been reading on I’ve done a little more research on um Donovan kingan I I’ve watched some film on Alex saw um who else have I done work on here let’s see uh yees Mei is that how you pronounce it that guy I’ve done a little homework on Tyler Smith I already mentioned Jaylen Williams jayen Bridges I saw some stuff going around about him like I’ve done a decent amount of draft homework y’all so so can we can we move on to just strictly talking about the draft for a minute now this is not Suns related so first off we we just reached the hour mark I I’m just going to give you guys a quick disclaimer we are going to kind of focus on Strictly just the draft stuff here and I’m going to kind of get into Like the quote Silly Season stuff some stuff I want to react to that is Suns related so tune back in a little bit later if you guys want to or if watching later fast forward or just keep watching because it helps the channel if you do that but I do just want to talk to you guys about the NBA draft and I sort of talked a little bit little bit about this earlier but I want to kind of expand on it Jason says it perfectly yes sir we yes sir you we can do whatever you want this is your live exactly like I’m going to be selfish y’all and I’m going to talk about what I want to talk about on my show y’all so first off I need some water my throat is parched give me a second here y’all oh delicious so I’m G to try to go for at least another 30 minutes maybe 45 minutes so strap in y’all if you’re still with me guys we got over a hundred people in here Crush that like button share the show tell people about Suns geek y’all cheers okay real quick I’m going to mute mute my mic and kind of adjust it for a second so give me one second okay hopefully we’re still good okay I want to talk about just the NBA draft and I I sort of sort of talked about this earlier when I went on my James Jones Matt isia draft rant and all that but I really believe this first off the most important thing a lot of people may not know this because again it’s not like this is the Victor wman Victor wemy draft it’s not like this is like Michael Jordan getting drafted or something like that like it’s it’s it’s okay if you don’t know when the NBA draft is but it’s funny because I actually put this in my notes the NBA draft is Wednesday June 26 6 at 8:00 p.m. eastern Time on ABC and ESPN if you guys have those channels now you’re probably like okay Suns geek like who cares that’s just when the draft is well guess what you guys for the first time in NBA history the draft is now two days and look I am not a hot take Channel I try not to do hot takes I try my best to stay away from clickbait this is where I’ll get a little hot take if you will you know what you guys I actually like the fact that the draft is now two days I like it maybe I’m an optimist maybe I’m crazy I like it and here’s why first off before I expand on those thoughts day two of the NBA draft for the first time in NBA history will be in the afternoon June 27th at 4M Eastern Time now I read a quote from Tim Reynolds of the Associated Press he made a good point he pointed out that last year’s draft was almost five hours and quote didn’t end until approximately 12:45 a. eastern time five hours y’all five hour and that is that has been for as long as I can remember that the draft runs late into the night they have they have never well I mean like at least Tevis drafts they’ve never had a draft that has been like at least at least if I can’t remember but from what I remember at least the last couple decades the draft has only been two rounds all on the same night for the first time in history they’re doing it two separate nights even if like back in the day like way way long ago if it was like like round four round five it was all in the same night I believe someone fact checked me on that but I’m pretty sure so for the first time ever they are doing the draft on two separate nights here’s why I like it put yourself at least that’s what I’m going to do here I’m going to put myself in the GM owner’s shoes I’m going to put myself in the assistant GMS and all the I call it the War Room like if you guys are a big football fans the War Room I’m G to put myself in those shoes you now have pretty much an extra day like 12 hours almost 20 hours whatever it is you have so much extra time to first off see what happens in day one of the draft like let’s keep it on the Suns for a minute will the Suns trade their 22nd overall pick do the Suns trade another player we’ll see how that shakes out what do the Atlanta Hawks do since they’re drafting number one overall do they trade Trey young or do they trade de Jon Murray do they trade player x what do like I don’t know the OKC Thunder do with their millions of draft picks they have by the way the Thunder have the 12th pick by the way and they were one of the best teams in the league and made the second round of the playoffs that’s nuts uh anyways uh can I do my uh terrible uh Michael Keaton impression from the 1989 Batman you guys ready for this you want to get nuts let’s get nuts okay sorry anyways so that’s why I think it’s important and I I think that’s where I get a little hot takey here saying that I like how the NBA has finally done two days of the draft instead of one because if we go back putting our GM shoes on these GMS and the war room and all these other players they now have an extra day to really think man should we draft this player or should we trade the pick you know what I mean that could really like For Better or Worse could really like impact certain moves and certain teams going forward and I like that and like I know a lot of people are like oh well no one’s gonna watch the second round and I understand that like who knows day one day one’s ratings could go way up you know the first round could get tons of views even if it is a weak draft class I’m sure it’s going to get tons of ratings tons of views or whatever day two could go now look I don’t think the NBA was anticipating them and no I’m not talking politics here but I think there’s a presidential debate that night I don’t think the NBA was anticipating that they can’t control that that’s not their fault um so you know obviously with that going on and I think that’s why day two starts very early now just so we are confirming here day two starts at 400 p.m eastern time so I think that’s my time like 3 or two o’clock I’m sure the presidential debate is later in that night so they they probably are like hey we got to wrap this up let’s yeah but I like it y’all I think it’s a good move I would like to see them do it again next year even if the ratings for day two aren’t great maybe I’m alone on that I don’t know how others feel about it I don’t know how you feel about it but I welcome it heck maybe in the future doe three days I know sounds crazy but I also took notes on that too I was reading this on Bleacher Report quote by comparison the NFL draft is held across three different days with the first round on a Thursday second and third rounds on a Friday and fourth through seventh rounds on a Saturday I know if you guys are big football fans which I know a lot of you guys are you guys know what I’m talking about and even though I know nothing about football I’ve always liked how they’ve done you know the draft like three four days or whatever um so we’ll see y’all I I like it I I think the NBA draft them going two days is good so just to recap the days if you guys don’t know the draft is June 26 round one picks one through 30 June 26 and I believe it starts at uh8 800 p.m Eastern Time on ABC and ESPN second round in the afternoon Thursday June 27th 400 p.m. eastern time on ESPN and quick programming note just so you guys know if you’ve made it this far into the live show if you made it this far in the rewatch or relisten uh I will be live both of those days uh I’ll be live reacting to every pick talking talking draft talking Suns basketball talking about whatever because if you guys didn’t know this this does go back to the Suns the Suns cannot trade the 22nd overall pick until draft day so if you’re just tuning in if you’re just listening in I’ll repeat it for you guys the Suns Cann not trade the 22nd overall pick until draft day which is why I went on that big rant earlier about why should I waste my time doing draft homework when on draft day we could all wake up and the pick could be traded I don’t know so I want to move on here should we get to the silly stuff before we get to the silly stuff which is sort of draft related um I kind of wanted to do these draft conversations and this draft talk because I kind of want it to be like a quote series on this channel kind of the draft is in two weeks and I am anticipating I am hoping planning on doing a lot more live shows throughout these next two weeks and a lot of it is going to be draft talk and I will do my absolute best to try to get as much knowledge in this brain about the Suns draft class and potential targets and we will do shows on that maybe I’ll get some people on here that know a lot more than I do um but really I just want to just keep talking about the draft class you know what I mean so that will be in future shows hey lofa appreciate you being here man uh I reacted to that tweet earlier like I said appreciate you being here man okay you know what before we get to the silly stuff let’s read some comments so if you have questions you have comments get them in now then we’re then we’re going to get some silly stuff kind of real quick I want to talk about this I don’t want to sound I don’t want to sound like I’m right about everything because trust me I was wrong about a lot of stuff this past season I will be wrong in the future top five live asks is there any way possible we can trade for Miles Turner I’m not laughing at your question top five live I just want to say this I’m going to get bitter here I’m going to get salty here for a minute I made a video not too long ago it might have been a long time ago when the DeAndre and stuff was going on and Miles Turner was like connected in those trade rooms I made a video talking about that and I don’t know who it was I’m not pointing any fingers here but I kind of looked like a crazy person for suggesting the sun should trade the andreon for Miles Turner and now look at us now Miles Turner is like the Hot Topic at least he was during the Eastern Conference Miles Turner would be an incredible fit on this team and look I’m not saying I’m right about everything and I don’t mean to sound rude when I answer this question there is no possible way the Suns can trade for Miles Turner just like there is no possible way the Suns can trade for TJ McConnell now I say that because of this because Miles Turner was pretty damn good during the playoffs you think the Pacers who just reached the Eastern Conference Finals are going to say you know what miles turn sorry bro it’s not working out man you played great for us this playoffs but sorry it’s not working out no they’re not gonna do that and I think there was even a report and I quote here that the the the Pacers want to bring in Miles Turner for like a life kind like sign Miles Turner for quote a lifetime contract which I don’t think that’s possible but you get my point they want him to play there for the rest of the career I can see them doing that with Miles Turner it makes sense too keep him with Pascal cakam and Tyrese halberton and all their other young Talent maybe maybe bring in a few extra new guys like they’re not trading Miles Turner y’all I’m sorry that time has passed now look I could be wrong though anything’s possible maybe the Pacers say you know what we’re good with Pascal cakam and we we do want to trade Miles Turner for more assets and more players Maybe I’m Wrong maybe I’m eating my words I will eat crow or whatever if that happens but uh right now on what’s today June 11th uh 2024 right now there’s no way we can get Miles Turner what I like Miles Turner especially in Mike buen hoser system hell yeah it’s just not happening um Christopher says we are here for you geek anything about ball suits us as long as the geek is live I appreciate you man Super Mario hoop says Matt should not tell him to not go after LeBron bronny uh more than likely KD has a strong input in this move I agree I think he was talking about the front office moves and the coaching moves and all that so question I want to get to earlier and I’ll do my best to answer this I don’t know if this is going to be the best analysis here rowdy 777 asks do you think buen hoser is really all that different from vogle both defensive-minded coaches with Superstar defensive big men who were fired by their teams only a couple years ago oh man first off in all fairness to coach bud maybe I’m siding with Coach bugs he’s our coach now I I don’t know if I would like necessarily stamp uh Mike boser as he’s a super great defensive coach not saying he’s like a terrible defensive coach but I think that really is more on vogle than it is mik buen hoser I mean I don’t know if that’s like fair to really say about buen hoser but I get your question this this yet is to be determined I don’t think even if I had like all the great experts and all these great Suns podcaster people and all that on the show and we if I ask them that question I don’t know if like their analysis would be any better than mine we don’t know yet Mike buen hoser has not coached one game with the Suns yet we don’t know what this roster is even going to look like in two weeks on draft day oh and by the way y’all literally a few days after the draft is NBA free agency get ready y’all so we can’t really answer this question like I know I’m I know I’m avoiding the question here I know I’m kind of like copping out or whatever but like I don’t know y’all like that remains to be determined but I will say this if Mike buen hoser can get this team not just the big well yeah especially the big three if he can get the big three and the entire Suns team to shoot more Threes And as we’ve Ted talked a lot about hold themselves accountable be better leaders on and off the court be more connected then yes he is a lot different than Frank vog although you know I know I sound weird here but like it’s not 110% Frank vogel’s fault for this past season there’s lots of others to blame and I will hold everybody accountable I will hold everybody you know I will point the finger even two Devin Booker and Kevin Durant Bradley all they all deserve the blame y’all I don’t know okay let’s keep going here quote I don’t know college basketball at all so take that with a grain of salt dang I didn’t know Suns geek was dropping bars today I didn’t even mean to rhyme that that’s funny y’all I should be a rapper y That’s funny um Suns geek is live must have to do with the Phoenix Suns shout out to my guy Casey all right y’all let’s see if there’s any good comments okay I I quickly read it was just a fun little article do you think the Suns can trade nerkish for jayen Duran here I slightly read an article before I went live and I saw Jaylen Duran’s name here first off I’m a decently big fan of Jaylen Duran the dude is a big man rebounding machine pretty athletic he’d be a lot of fun in the system but unfortunately that just doesn’t make sense for Detroit they’re not going to trade for you some nage they they were worse they were worse than they were the season before this season you know what I mean they went from 17 wins to the longest losing streak in NBA history to 14 wins unfortunately they’re not Trad we’re not trading for Jaylen dur as much as I would like that and welcome it it’s not happening okay let’s see um let me kind of get to some more recent comments let me see Michael Evans says thought we were getting LeBron and bronny playing with the big three next year hey Michael that still is yet to be determined y’all we’ll see um appreciate Stefan being I hope I said your name right step ston I hope I hope I said your name correct good morning from Serbia we got somebody from Serbia watching really love it good morning from Serbia hope we draft good I agree with you and something we’re gonna kind of talk about in a little bit here with the silly stuff he says nicoa topage I hope I said that name right nicoa topic topage nicoa toic not Nico y yage not nicoa yage Nia topic would be an amazing would be amazing if available I’m gonna get back to that in a minute Stefan if you’re still watching I’m gonna get back to that in a minute because that’s something that I want to talk about the silly stuff okay um let’s just make sure I didn’t miss any comments here luffa says at work right now saw you was live so I had to pop in real quick I appreciate you man you know what tell your boss that Suns geek says you can stop working and you can watch the live show I will take I’ll will take the hit for you I’ll take the blame for you you can tell him Suns geek said that anyways um don’t do that seriously don’t do that um Jason says I think the Suns should sign Luke Canard and free agency for the right price I would welcome that I know he’s had some injury history especially as of late but what can Luke Canard do what’s his specialty he can shoot can shoot the three got pretty decent size too I would welcome Luke Canard for the right price I would welcome that um let’s see okay I think that’s all the comments there okay cool so going back to the Nia topig topic I can’t say that name I need to learn how to pronounce that Nia topic that’s what we’re going to call them Nia topic would be amazing if available now I’m GNA pull up this little graphic here not really graphic this little banner and I I literally I’m going to keep this up for a while we’re going to call this silly offseason stuff this sort of goes back to the whole bronny James stuff and LeBron James come to Phoenix I’m gonna keep this banner up for a while because during the offseason y’all look I’m GNA give you guys a little like quote Insight if you will with being a content creator being a Sons podcaster whatever when you do what I do and what many others do on YouTube some sometimes you have to kind of just talk about the silly stuff the The Impossible stuff the stuff that’s probably not going to happen like I listen to Arizona Sports a lot they talk about stuff that’s not going to happen a lot and they they talk about all the silly stuff and rumors and all that so I’m calling this silly offseason stuff maybe I’ll shorten it and just call it silly season but I did read this now real quick I want to start with actually a tweet and yes is going back to an Evan SED tweet here this is where I want to start and this does go back to the draft so if you want some draft uh kind of insight if you will um this is kind of this is something to note now I didn’t read the ESPN story because I don’t have uh ESPN plus but this is worth talking about and I’m sure draft experts have talked about this already so Nicole toic from the little homework I’ve done he was and probably still will be a top 10 pick or at least a lottery pick but there was once a point where he was probably a top two or three pick if not the number one overall pick but from the research I’ve read I think he like kind of struggled this past season and most recently because this is a recent tweet this is worth talking about if you’re a draft fan and you’ve you’ve done your homework so this tweet was put out on June 6 2024 this is interesting y’all I find this stuff interesting Nicole a topic measured with a 6 foot5 and a half wingspan standing at standing at 6’7 per at Draft Express by the way you want real analysis you want real draft insight and opinions go to Draft Express and follow Jonathan javani or however you pronounce that name those are the real draft experts y’all but there was a story that came out on ESPN about Nicole aics measurements wingspan he recently suffered a torn ACL suffered last month along with a sub wispan that could lead to a slide in the draft lottery the long rumored wingspan of topic was way off guys that that’s interesting so it seems like the wingspan was somehow not reported correctly and he unfortunately suffered an ACL injury now I don’t wish injury upon anybody that sucks think about put yourself in Nicole a topic shoes for a minute you were like a potential at one point you were like a potential number one overall pick you’re you’re probably still going to be like a lottery pick because of your like upside and potential but like you just suffered an ACL injury and you’re probably going to miss a chunk of the Season that sucks I feel bad for him man but this is where I’m getting at here and this is Suns well not really this is in the eye of the beholder if this is Suns related or not okay so take this with a grain of salt this is probably not going to happen no I’m going to rephrase my words there this is like I give this a 2% chance of happening I give this a a 2% chance this is going to happen I read a story if you want to even call it that I read a story and article of let me click out of this first before I pull it up how do I okay cool let me just do this real quick too just in case cool so this is on and it says top draft Prospect could fall to the Suns this is written by Kevin Hicks I read Kevin hicks’s articles a lot and I think he does good work but this is like silly stuff stuff that’s probably not gon to happen so he says a top draft prospect could slide due to injury and the Suns could benefit hear me out y’all uh so he talks about nicoa topic a 6’6 point guard from Serbia recently suffered a partially torn ACL in the draft process pre-draft process and his status I’m going to highlight this so y’all can see what I’m talking about and his status for what could be his rookie season Prem uh appears to be uh tenus I hope I said that right at best now there’s a little more information on the athletic about the whole wing span stuff but Nicole atopic a pro a projected top 10 pick in the NBA draft partially torn his ACL his agent announced topics will travel to the United States and will be evaluated by team or NBA team doctors who will decide on his surgery in treatment plan now you’re like hey where do the Suns fit in all this so if he happens to fall on draft day and that’s not crazy to think about real quick let me remind you guys B bow who played for the Phoenix Suns last season who yes I would welcome to bring back for the right price BB fell in the draft Michael Porter Jr fell in the draft lots of players fall in the draft uh I think this last pass last wow I think this past draft it was cam Whitmore I think who D who fell so let’s just pretend for a minute that nicoa topic falls in the draft the the debate that Kevin writes the debate of would the Suns even consider topic with a number 22 pick is something to really think about so he shows he shows evans’s tweet here while while topic does have a high ceiling and is already far along with the intangible side of the game and as a passer he has a ways to go elsewhere including as a shooter and then you know he he talks about how the Suns would have to really like you know he’d be injured throughout most of the season so the Suns would have to take that into consideration there’s like a highlight video right there now I this is where really where I want to focus on in a draft full of risk and as I said earlier uh in a draft full of risks and a in in a very unpredictable draft in a draft full of risks topic would be likely considered somewhere in between high risk High reward he would almost certainly be a safer pick compared to you USC’s Brony James and wouldn’t be as practical as one of the Bevy of the Suns or big of the Suns could take with the pick so what he’s pretty much saying and I I think it’s unlikely but it’s it’s fair what he’s pretty much saying here is uh if nicoa topic topic Falls and that is a real possibility especially with the ACL injury if the Suns and the very unlikely chance they keep their pick maybe the suns are like hey we got a g-league team we we can we can heal you up you can take all the time you need you know we’re contending right now but hey we kind of want to build towards the future let’s draft him I don’t think that that’s crazy y’all I know that that sounds silly but it’s it’s not crazy crazy to think about and I’m not going to spend too much time on this because I’ve talked a lot about it but heck even Le Brony James to Phoenix stuff is a real possibility it’s not as crazy to think about and I know there’s a lot of LeBron James haters and I know a lot of people don’t want LeBron on this team trust me I’ve read my comments I know I’ve seen the comments but the possibility of LeBron James somehow passing up or $50 million to come play with bronnie and and the Suns is not as crazy as people are making it out to be yall just saying I’ve done a whole live show on that you guys can go check it out I did it I think on Memorial Day I did that live show go check that out I’ve already talked about that but anyways all right y’all let’s get to one final topic because I am parched I’ve already done this for an hour and a half um and again in the next two weeks and postd draft and headed into free agency it’s going to be nothing but live shows y’all so this is just this is like the kickoff if you will this is the kickoff to all my live shows so I don’t know if this is actually let me let me rephrase my words there this is nothing uh you know what let’s just start here let’s start with this one tweet it could be something yeah let’s play a game of is this something or nothing let’s start with this one tweet here from Suns uni tracker who’s awesome by the way shout out to Suns uni tracker uh he had this tweet a long time ago and this was on June 5th 2024 and he tagged in it and the Tweet simply says when you see it that’s all the Tweet says so let’s click the picture so you guys can see it it looks like it’s just like some notes here and it says the 2425 season I will give a rundown of next season’s city sets and the best that I can remember he talks about the Sixers jerseys Spurs jerseys Sacramento Portland and then I’ll lower my little graphic here so you guys can see it on the bottom Suns purple with with the valley in white with orange outline now I don’t know where this is coming from maybe it’s from people who Suns unit tracker knows I don’t know uh and I I believe he’s talking about like the the statement jerseys you know like the other New Jersey that we get every year which is Awesome by the way so it says Suns purple with the valley in white with orange outline so then Suns uni tracker got to work a little bit and he posted I’m sure you guys saw it now this isn’t like at least right now it’s not official he just posted this and he he tweeted quote I am not saying I’m just saying so is he teasing the fact that this is our no you know our upcoming uh Sun City Edition Jersey I mean first off I really do like it I know a lot of people are a big fan of Valley jerseys I mean maybe is that what he’s talking about first off I also like the support that I saw the first off there was a lot of responses to this tweet I mean it’s got 430 likes right now but there was a lot of responses and quote tweets and everything I saw a lot of people in support for the alv alv jerseys so that was pretty cool I wouldn’t mind bringing back to Valley jerseys even though I think they’re kind of at least the black ones are kind of cursed because you know we got blown out in them but anyways yeah I wouldn’t mind bringing these back for the city Edition jerseys but I don’t know this could all change I think it was worth talking about I’m a fan of these jerseys let me know if y’all like these jerseys and I think that’s pretty much it y’all kind of parched it’s you know I’m just saying this y’all if I can mentally and physically do it there’s going to be a lot of live shows in the next two weeks who knows we could all wake up tomorrow and have more Suns news to talk about who knows or maybe in a couple of days um you know we’ll see but anyways this has been a great live show thank you for allowing me to do this I love doing these Suns videos and live shows I love the fact that I like if I want to I can talk about the draft or I can talk about whatever it’s like I love being able to do this and the fact that there was 119 people in here who continued to listen after the Suns stuff was pretty much done like you guys are real ones the fact that you guys listen to me talk about two front office hires and an assistant coach was huge man you guys are awesome and seriously guys I am going to do my best I promise you I will do my best to do as much Sons draft homework as I can and I will do my best to do a live show like who knows like in a couple of days or this upcoming weekend and definitely closer to the draft and I will be live um on draft day and most likely on and round two even though the Suns have no picks at least I think I’ll go live that second day we’ll see but definitely definitely on draft day I’m G to try to get some guests too a sort of a spoiler alert I’m going to try to get some guesss to first off just help me breathe like I won’t be the only one talking that day maybe I’ll try to get on some like quote experts if you will we’ll get on some guests though and uh lots of other live shows planned because trust me you guys I got lots more that I want to talk about and we will see what happens maybe there’s more Suns news tomorrow maybe there’s more Suns news on Friday we’ll see so stay tuned y’all that’s pretty much it for me man um I have been on my free time and I I put free time in quotations because I’ve been doing a lot of draft homework and a lot of other stuff but uh and I do have a second job outside of this but in my free time I’ve been playing a little bit of 2K but I’ve been playing and I know I’m like a year late but I’ve been playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor which is awesome I have some flaws with the game I had a lot of I had a lot of nitpicks and gripes with Jedi fall in order I felt like that game was like super challenging luckily with this game they kind of did like a story mode where it’s a lot easier at least gameplay-wise it is but there’s a lot of I have a lot of gripes and nitpicks with that game but it’s a fun game I love the characters bd1 is one of the coolest droids ever in Star Wars history in my opinion and Cal castas is an awesome character as well love the characters if You’ played Jedi if you played Star Wars Jedi Survivor uh Bode is an awesome character as well been playing that I have a few games on my wish list that I get like emails from and xbx is like hey these games are on sale so I might be playing those soon beyond that just been watching movies uh what movies did I recently watch we’ll talk about some movies here for a second then we’ll wrap the show up uh I I wrote it down because I wanted to talk about I recently watched Forest Gump which is one of my all-time favorite films I have it on Blu-ray in fact I got it right here it’s kind of a special collectors edition 25th anniversary I wanted to watch for scump because some of my family was recently watching it I haven’t watched it in a long time I was like I want to watch the bonus features and like the deleted scenes and all that so I think I’m gonna do that tonight yeah we recently watched Forest Gump um and what other films did I watch oh watched inside out because the second one’s coming out soon I watched the first two Harry Potter movies recently and I want to watch the rest of the Harry Potter movies so yeah just been watching movies playing video games hanging out with my dogs and family so life is good y’all and again you guys help me to enjoy this life and you guys allow me to do this YouTube stuff and I really do appreciate it so even if you’re not subscribed I highly recommend that you guys subscribe the best way to support me y’all is just to keep watching like yes I want you to Hulk smash like button and seriously do it Crush that like button share the show tag me in a post if you share it tag me in it um that really helps too Word of Mouth helps as well but at the end of the day the best way to keep supporting me is just to keep watching even if you hate my guts and you hate my face and you hate my insight and Analysis please keep watching just keep listening that’s seriously the best way to support the channel so Jason thank you so much he says you have a blessed night thank you sir you guys have a blessed night as well I really do mean that you guys have a blessed night stay safe and seriously you guys get ready I’m going to do my best to do so many live shows coming up this this upcoming week next two weeks headed into the draft free agency it’s gonna get nuts y’all and with that being said y’all God bless you guys stay safe out there love each other be kind to each other be patient with people out there y’all be nice to people spread kindness I love you guys God bless you guys peace out win or lose Phoenix Suns for life and as always go Suns [Music] what’s up son [Music]
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🚨The Phoenix Suns trade for Kevin Durant and TJ Warren emergency live show🚨

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

End card beat by:

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