@San Antonio Spurs

Danny Green SPEAKS OUT (again) About Wemby Rebuild!

Danny Green SPEAKS OUT (again) About Wemby Rebuild!

all right so our boy Danny Green had something to say about the San Antonio Spurs which this isn’t the first time it’s like the fifth time but hey I I like to listen I want some nasty are we having fun yet all right so before we talk about this do not skip do not skip past this video okay please listen to me listen to me I have an announcement to make I will be making a second Channel okay obviously I’ll be keeping this channel but I will be making a second channel on this second Channel it’s going to be more so edited content scripted content um that’s pertaining to the Spurs all right it’s not going to be something crazy oh now we’re going to talk about the entire NBA no no we’re going to keep it to the Spurs okay and the channel name is Spurs Invasion I’m still fixing it up going to have a new logo new everything it’s going to be awesome um but I’m going to try to do at least two videos a month that’s what I’m going to be pushing myself for possibly three but I’m going to try to do two so if you guys can go ahead and subscribe to this channel that would mean the world to me I’ll put the link in the description um but I’m definitely going to get on that because this channel right here while I love it is awesome it this format is better for obviously like daily content which we’ll continue to do or you know breaking news and stuff like that uh or we go on live stream right when we go on live stream and and that’s a lot of fun we talk about the Spurs anime movies all that fun stuff so I I’m going to keep this channel how it is you know no no changes or anything like that but I will be opening myself up to to you know a new a new Venture so if you guys are interested please please please go subscribe to it that would mean the world to me go ahead and help me because it’s a huge threshold in the in the NBA oh my God threshold on YouTube when it pertains to trying to get past a certain subscriber count once you get past that 1K that’s when things start to open up for you a little bit more um so if you guys are interested please go help your boy out all right let’s go ahead and take a look lost the article here’s the article uh so let’s take a look at this so Danny Green believes the San Antonio Spurs rebuild will happen quickly all right okay let let’s read through here so I tried to go find the clip so we can just listen to it um but it said it was on the blitz in which when I went to it it was like oh there’s nothing on this page really so I I don’t I don’t know where to actually find it it doesn’t matter though we can just read it it says I think or this is what Danny Green says I think it’s going to go fairly quickly because you got to star people want to play with you can get free agents to come there now you got guys that maybe want to trade there uh because of a guy like wimy green stated that the Spurs have a good foundation and wimy Devon faell and Kellin Johnson I Don’t Want to Be a Jerk I really don’t I really don’t want to be a jerk but guys after this season Kellin Johnson I don’t think is part of a good foundation I I don’t I’m not trying to say he’s he’s he’s trash or anything but wimy Devon fael I definitely agree with those two um I would add on soan but you know if people want to debate that that’s whatever I’m not going to sit here and get angry with you Kellin Johnson though I would get angry about I don’t think that he’s part of a a good foundation for the Spurs if you watch this season I think you would agree with that right uh but hey that’s his boy you know Danny Danny’s going to be nice regard regardless uh however green believes wimy star power is the key to pushing the Spurs out of the rebuild with wimy there you got to draw somebody that can bring in other people to play there green also ained man I never see this word that’s like to give an opinion but I what aine okay uh that he sees a quick 2-year rebuild um considering the landscape of the NBA I think in 2 years they’ll be a lot better than they were in past year or this past year I don’t think it will take long uh for years San Antonio is pred to be a significant player in the free agency and the NBA draft uh moving on he says the goal is for the team to be an NBA superpower uh based on what Jay Holtz said our owner uh when we look at the whole picture we know we are on the right track we’ll find the balance between development and results we don’t want a roller coaster between victories and defeats we want to build a superpower Ultra competitive that lasts for a long time he wants to create a dynasty we talked about this before as well so what are my overall thoughts yeah I agree with Danny I think it will take about a couple years I I don’t this upcoming season I think that some fans hopes are a little too high okay I I don’t think that we’ll be a playoff team I think maybe we’ll be a playin team in which possibly make the playoffs but when we’re talking about competing uh uh and and holding your own getting past the first round round I don’t know if that would be the case with the Spurs and with the 2025 draft being great while I know the Spurs will not there’s no way they’re going to tank okay they didn’t tank this year either uh and they’re going to be much better even this next season because they started to come together as a team a little bit better near the end uh especially Devon fael and and wimy and Sohan looked better with wimy as well so things and Trey Jones you know obviously so things started to look better as the season went on you know near the tail end or whatnot wimy got better and better and better which is insane to say because his numbers were great all season long uh anyways sorry uh little a little off uh I I just think that they’ll be a good team but not good enough to be a competitive playoff team I could be wrong you know if the Spurs do manage to go out and grab them a Darius Garland the the world is our oyster right but at the same time I I don’t really know if that’ll be the that’ll be the case and what things will look like at that point but two years I think that’s a pretty pretty good uh guesstimate right you know after the 2025 uh draft that’s a really great draft and and you should get some really good players there at least a couple uh I I I think that they’ll be in really great shape going into 2026 um so we just got to be a little bit more patient but who knows maybe they’ll uh wimy will make such a big leap that he just puts this team on his back and all of a sudden we’re winning plenty of games plethora of gam so uh who knows who knows uh but yeah I I agree with I agree with green there the only thing I disagree with is saying kin’s part of a good foundation which yeah I would have to actually hear him you know how he said it or what not I don’t know uh anyways look guys like I said please please please Spurs Invasion all right Spurs Invasion uh go subscribe we’re going to get things popping pretty soon um like I said I got some things working out uh as far as a a logo and everything and a theme for the channel it’s going to be a lot of fun uh but if you guys are interested uh go over there and show your boy a little bit of support I’ll put the link in the description cuz there’s no way you’re going to find it just through YouTube so I just click it below just take two seconds click it click subscribe and and we’re we’re we’re we’re Gucci okay anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time bye bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music]


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. Why is everyone so quick to get rid of KJ? It's one season, and all these guys are young, and with time, they are gonna grow and click. Especially once they figure out how to gel. Things take time, and im confident pop can make this group work.

  2. Next season should be a transitional season.. where we dont have a real shot at the title but are still giving a shot at the playoffs. No experiments in rotations, no tanking.. just trying to create a winning culture. 2025-26 should be a safe bet for playoffs, considering we might have a top 3 player by then.

  3. SPURS INVASION… BRILLIANT. … But if you gonna lead a channel for True SPURS FANS… REMEMBER THE SPURS WAY….. Until a player is officially off the team and even then …SPURS FANS DONT TRASH OR BS ON SPURS PLAYERS EVER …. Use Your Channel to upLift…. Inspire….these out of there mind Humans who can't see HOW GOOD THE SPURS ARE NOW…. BEFORE THE DRAFT AND ALL THESE NONSENSE TRADES .. when Spurs let Jones and Graham play there positions at the end of the year when WE say Mamu come in and have some fun … When the team embraced what they learned all year with second string to third string players…..SPURS WERE KICKING ASSS…..,AS A TEAM….. What in the HELL WAS EVERYONE ELSE SEEING…. to make believe ….. SPURS NEED TO DO ANYTHING ELSE PUT KEEP PACE ….. Where else we gonna find a player this dedicated to playing for there team ….who lead this team when we needed him…. Had to rant for Keldon…. ALIEN IN THE MASK šŸ‘½….. GREAT CHANNEL

  4. I think itā€™s time for that keldon video to drop cause down here in the 210 the fans love him and he plays his role dude could totally be a starter and is a great locker room presenceā€¦ spill the beans on what ya know clan cause the distaste you have for kj is unnecessary

  5. I feel like anyone who thinks the gap between Vassell and Keldon is "franchise piece" and "trash trade piece" is a special kind of idiot.šŸ˜Š

  6. The Keldon hate is ridiculous, if we can't move keldon for a all star piece then I wouldn't just trade him for scraps cause you dislike him. If Keldon don't win a championship here in SA then I guarantee he will somewhere else. Keldon will be a 4 or 5 on a great team. Can't teach effort and will, I see Keldon like a KCP, Bruce Brown, PJ Tucker type player.

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