@Toronto Raptors

Raptors trading up in the draft, and Darko mis-translations

Raptors trading up in the draft, and Darko mis-translations

e how y’all doing can you let me know if there are any audio Issues new setup everything’s going wrong today in terms of technical stuff but thankfully very organized with this video today we are going to be talking about the Toronto Raptors trying to trade up into the 2024 NBA draft lottery yeah some of you might remark on the irony of the fact that the Raptors already had a pick and they kind of lost it um here that that should be about right yeah rest in peace the logo yes um Jerry West is a shining example of greatness in my opinion greatness as an executive greatness as a player greatness as a person we’ll talk about a lot of things in today’s live and I think um I think Jerry West was a remarkable example of Integrity in a league that sometimes lacks Integrity um we will talk about integrity at length so um oak tree saying couldn’t hear the intro it was a moment of silence so hopefully that means you heard nothing it was supposed to be silent yeah uh Karen Hall Raptor Twitter SLX account really hyping up IQ the last couple of days as they should okay let’s talk about um let’s talk about what we’re here to talk about so introduce this in a very succinct way uh the topic to this video is moving on up it is based on a report um really speculation here uh you can see it uh the Trailblazers Raptors and Cavaliers are all attempting to trade up in the draft per Kevin o’conor NBA KOC is pretty plugged in to certain people I mean he’s not wo and Shams but he wouldn’t talk out of his butt and I believe it I believe it um if you look at how the Raptors shifted their focus and their strategy um Midway through the season starting to tank tank tank you can tell that there is probably a player in this draft uh probably in the top 10 top eight that they like this is a very fluid draft So today we’re going to talk about not only this report we’re going to talk about a few things number one we are going to address the Darko elephant in the room okay there was a report with a Serbian news Outlet um so first of all introducing the topic and the podcast growth um we’ll talk about that something really cool happened yesterday and I want to shout out that because it was really interesting especially in light of what happened today I want to correct the record on Darko and really just kind of correct some of the points of the interview that was translated poorly might I add by several uh North American people um it’s not that difficult to find a person who speaks Serbian um or Croatian Slovenian whatever and I just think that sometimes it’s a little bit irresponsible to misquote somebody because you don’t speak the language and because you’re relying on Google translate and then you’re taking their words out of context to create meaning that isn’t there um we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about a small note on good and bad people and basically the ethos of this Channel and why this channel has been the way it’s been and sometimes maybe it’s gone too far we’ll talk about five trams that would trade out of this draft and why they would trade out and maybe what they would trade and what it would take to trade out for those picks and then we’ll talk about five targets Raptors want in the top 12 actually we’ll talk about more than five we’ll talk about six seven or maybe even eight of them okay so let’s let’s let’s cue this up and let’s start by introducing the topic and the podcast growth okay so first of all um something new that I started in yesterday’s live stream was I started introducing e transfer link for those people who are aware of how YouTube basically takes money off of super chats Etc who didn’t want to go through the Super Chat process or maybe don’t know how to do the super chat process we love super chats around here it’s really great it sometimes spirals uh you know all that stuff but one of our channel members um I will shout him out appropriately tomorrow on our live live stream um had the very bright idea of Amazon wish list I had never heard of an Amazon wish list but I put up a whole bunch of things on my Amazon wish list of things that I wanted to get for this podcast to grow and uh I’m really happy to say that a couple of those things are actually coming our way tomorrow they’ve already been ordered which is really phenomenal and and really touches me you know um it’s such a generous outpouring of support from this community you love to see it it’s always been this way I don’t know what I did to deserve it but is really cool um there were a whole bunch of e transfers that came in after last night’s live I was like yo humbled right now right my computer just broke so I’m like wow y’all really had some great timing with this one um last week I think if yall recall uh my audio interface broke so everything’s breaking right now but it’s a good chance to rebuild this the right way okay for those of you who are wondering why the hell my camera looks so different I’m using my girlfriend’s not 2011 Mac and um I got a correct my lighting setup and all that stuff so I probably look haunted right now but nevertheless it’s a really really nice thing that this channel has done for me and I hope that I can continue to give back all right so thank you for that links are still in the description below and everything but yes I decided to say thank you in five different languages so um yes thank you and thank you to all those people who DM you know nice stuff thank you to people who DM questions thank you to people who write emails thank you to people who like subscribe share all that good stuff we went from zero subscribers to 10,400 subscribers while being one of the most polarizing most uh objectionable most outlandishly you know um controversial sometimes Channel and um you know speaking the truth as as we saw it so thank you so much for subscribing and and helping us growth okay Darko rakovich I’m gonna I’m not going to go line by line but I want to summarize some big points from his interview which has been used to somewhat disp marriage uh recreate um you know and again there’s a bit of a spiraling of things right I want I want to give an example of David Thorp right David Thorp a couple years ago or a year and a half ago or a year ago whatever the hell went on with JD bunus went on with Will Lou multiple times gone on again with William Lou on his new podcast and he went on to elude that Scotty Barnes had some work ethic issues they just went with it they went with it and they continue to go with it till this day so now Scotty Barnes works really really hard as he always has and they say oh Scotty fixed his work ethic issues they continue to double down on the lie because these people unfortunately are not raised right they have a certain vested interest in making people caricatures perhaps because they themselves are caricatures maybe because that’s the best way to Market people I do not appreciate people becoming caricatures or being made to be caricatures or being judged by their absolute worst quality or their funniest quality and I don’t appreciate that because look I speak from not as much experience as I should be but I speak from the experience of watching a lot of people from Eastern Europe come here learn the language I know a lot of Darko rakovich in in my life none as great as him but I’ve known a lot a lot of people that are close to me know this man very well okay we’re talking family we’re talking friends this is a picture of him at the Toronto Serbian Film Festival I told Brian this I told you know anyone who would listen listen to this when he was hired I’ve never heard a contradicting report about him in my life that’s from people that know him through basketball that’s from people who know him through you know um community service and stuff that he’s done through coaching through playing I have known a lot of people through throughout my life who happen to know this guy from media in Serbia I’ve never heard one person say he did not give me a he broke a promise or he didn’t do this right by me or he told me a lie or you know he didn’t show me attention or he was just disengaged or whatever he’s always shown attention presence truth meaning and you may have some issues schematically with what he did last year not perfect I myself was very critical about Dennis schroer stuff but man the way the tronto media has presented this man I’m going to tell you how they’ve presented him they’ve presented him as a bit of a pariah they’ve presented him as kooky or weird um they routinely jabbed fun at some of the techniques that he that he used to build camaraderie and trust and facilitate trust within the locker room um they mocked him and they called him a Yes Man and twice now they have used an interview in Serbian and they have basically mistranslated it so let me clarify the record I don’t speak for darkov bakovic but I do want to speak for um people who have had this happen to to to us you know um having people misquote you because you can’t speak the language as well as them or because of interview is you know misquoted like I I watched one of the best guys in the NBA ever like Goran jic really one of the best human beings find a person that’s met him if you’ve met him in summer league if you’ve met him through the media you know Goran dragic is Class A and I watch this media turn him into this pitiful person who hated Canada and could not be further from the truth he does not hate Canada he did not hate the Raptors and I watched them just turn him and unfortunately that’s what happens when you mistranslate and you already have an opinion and then you color everybody’s opinion blind about a person now darkov rakovich has been colored as this company yes man this spineless gutless willess you know kiss up and you know he doesn’t have the toughness to do this and that um oh my God you know like if you knew if you knew one thing about this man’s life if you understood the guts and Glory that it took to become the type of person he became and um it speaks to a larger point that I want to touch on which is about good people and and and I promise we’ll get to the draft report and all that stuff but I I just wanted to use this podcast as a as a means of communicating this because I don’t know who’s going to hear this and I don’t know who needs to hear this but we need to change how we do this dakovich is um interview um was he talked about a lot of things in interview he talked about the tough season the Toronto Raptors had he made no Illusions about the fact that it was unexpected some of the things that happened he made also no Illusions about the fact that there were some you know expectations coming into the season that maybe something like this could happen that a whole bunch of players could be traded that certain players could get injured but never did he imagine that it would be this volume of things and I understand what he’s talking about Darko had one of the hardest jobs in the NBA last year he had a rotating door of players uh shifting expectations he had a club that could not tank properly because they had given up their pick but also had to be charged with developing players that had been and then all all over that it it was hard enough the basketball job was hard enough then there’s the personality element of having to reconstruct an entire culture of selfishness and you know know this this lack of trust that had occurred and if you want to understand you know who dark rakovic is and what he did for the Toronto Raptors last year look at the shot Quality Index look at the quality of shots that were generated look at look at where the Raptors ranked in terms of assists you know um look at look at how how team how this team communicates with each other on the court not once this year not once this year no say not once rarely this year did I see finger pointing rarely did I see discontented body language rarely this year did I see you know guys calling each other out in the media and I never once saw this coach who was constantly being scrutinized by this media space never did I once see him bait on his players not did not once did I hear him deflect responsibility onto his assistance he always took accountability you know there is this thing about this channel where I wanted it always initially to support good people as much as a humanly possibly can given you know my limited reach um I I always wanted to be be a voice for for people who maybe didn’t want to speak for themselves or maybe couldn’t speak for themselves in that in that situation and you know whether it’s Scotty Barnes or whether it’s Emanuel quickley or whether it’s RJ Barrett or whether it’s yakob hurdle or you know um Messiah uuy or Darko rakovich or a lot of the assistants like J Etc I don’t think I can find a character issue with a single person on this roster right now that pertains to basketball and their role within basketball I see a lot of really really good people here and good people build good organizations good good organizations selfless organizations do not just occur randomly it takes really good people to put the groundwork in place to build trust and I don’t think that enough credit is given to how much work the Raptors had to do to overhaul this culture of me first selfishness to weed out not only who was responsible for it but also to completely reestablish the trust to have a completely new coaching staff come in with a star player star player in Pascal cakam who had one foot out to have ogan and Obi who basically you know didn’t know where he was going to be pending free agency you really put Darko rakovich through the meat grinder last year and I don’t think that this media space really helped with that situation and now they’re taking his interview out of context so a few things that he talks about in the interview he talks about the Raptors losing their eighth overall pick he talked about this draft being somewhat flat he talked about nicoa topic and you know jurich and you know talked about those guys in the context of topich being like a really good player really good young player he he’s curious to see where he’s going to end up that a lot of that will depend where he ends up J he talked about him being a guy who will have a long NBA career but the one thing that a lot of people honed in on was this notion of 2 three years versus 5 six years and that’s the part of you know where Google translate kind of you know I don’t say they did a bad job Google Translate is fine but you have to understand the context with you’re going in and again a lot of people have been looking for a story right like the Raptors are tanking that’s a story you know the Raptors are tanking for 2024 people don’t like confusion people don’t like we’ll see you know erri saying Raptor’s fun don’t trust Darko I’m assuming that means Raptor’s fans don’t trust Darko why what is it about him what is it about him that you don’t trust is it the genuine good guy that stands up for his teammate that stands up for his coaching staff that stands up you know for his team that doesn’t point fingers what is it that you don’t trust about him I’m sorry like and and please don’t and you if you say it’s because he has an accent and because his name is hard to pronounce because honestly like that that that fear of foreigners that fear of people who are different than us it really needs to be left you know 25 years ago where it belongs and frankly it didn’t even belong there right I think it’s just completely insane and look don’t understand the barriers that you have to go through to get this job I mean you can agree or disagree with this but I think Messiah J and Bobby Wester are among the five to six best brain trusts in the NBA and they found Nick nurse right they they they really they they promoted Nick nurse they they and nurse has gone on to become this really you know hyped head coach and a lot of people see him as a top five they found this guy they did they they they identified him okay and they have identified Darko rakovich and he talks about his role as a guy who you know has been entrusted to to develop players but that doesn’t mean that he’s an idiot when it comes to basketball right it it really doesn’t uh oak tree saying the dawn Cherry effect absolutely absolutely it is it is the dawn Cherry effect it is the hockey ification of everything you know not not to throw the NHL or or hockey or this you know sort of puckhead culture under under you know things but but really I mean he has a fantastic fantastic basketball mind he is very young to be granted this position and frankly with his uh you know I think is English is fantastic first of all um and I’m just saying this like there are people who who’ve been speaking English their whole Lives who probably would struggle to you know to match his vocabulary in terms of English but to understand where he’s come from to where he’s gotten again this the same reason that I support Scotty Barnes and the same reason I believe in Scotty Barnes is the same reason right that I support Darko rakovich is because I have seen the evolution of point A to point B to point C you know you can’t just judge a person and say okay Brad Stevens you don’t know where Brad Stevens started go go and see Brad Stevens at 20 and then go see Brad Stevens at 35 36 37 and then then draw a line between those two points in time you have to understand where dark rakovich started where he cut his teeth you know the OKC Thunder the Memphis gries etc etc you have to follow the entire trail from when he was 16 you have to understand how rare a person you have brought into this organization and you have to understand how many people he probably beat out for this job like it is insane okay they trusted him to develop Scotty Barnes they trusted him to you know mend the ship they trusted him to change the culture and they must think that he’s a very fantastic person to do that okay and they are not idiots and I am I’m refusing to believe that we live in a world where this fan base is so stupid that you’re going to believe what comes out of William Lou’s mouth or JD Bun’s mouth or even my mouth more than you’re going to trust the Brain Trust of you know a multi-time executive of the year like you cannot be this you cannot afford to walk through life being this stupid okay Toronto made a great choice in Darko I completely agree I completely agree I think he’s fantastic coach and I think his coaching staff while it could you know probably use an upgrade in certain areas I’m kind of honing in on Pat delini and maybe some of the other assistants but I think he’s a fantastic person and he’s a good voice for this locker room and I think that he built a lot of trust with this team do I think he is going to be here for 10 years no idea don’t care actually that he’s going to be here for 10 years maybe he will maybe he won’t I think he has a very very long line or very long life in the NBA I think he brings a lot of fantastic look if you’ve been in an organization if you’ve been at work if you’ve been in a company if you’ve been in an office where the morale is low where where trust is low where your boss is an you know you’re not bringing the best of yourself to work every day I saw the Raptors put the best foot forward did they get blown out a lot of times yes a lot of it was scheme related a lot of it was scheme related Focus related but I didn’t see this team turn on each other and I think that that should count for something okay if you want to hone in on all the reasons he’s awful you can find 10 but guess what go back and watch all of those low light mixes that I made the year before he was hired and tell me a lot of the same that you’re bitching about right now was not happening under nink nurse don’t don’t reinvent history trust me that 41 and 41 team was not great either Scotty Barnes was perfectly healthy throughout the entire year pretty much for that team um Fred was pretty healthy for most of the year Pascal was relatively healthy for most of the year I mean look you have and look could the Raptors have eak out six more wins if yakob Perle plays Scotty Barnes plays yes absolutely and could they have eak out you know another three wins if they weren’t tanking yes and could they have eak out another five wins if you know uh they played their starters instead of playing Jaylen McDaniels and Grady dick hell yes they could have they could have ran their starters into the ground they could have played more minutes they could have played their vets more minutes you don’t think Garrett Temple is a better player than grd d last year of course he was but you know what I mean like you you that’s what I’m saying like everyone who’s saying that Steve MC saying losing should never be accepted okay Darko please we got the wrong coach the heck with culture we want to win that’s the problem with Canadians we are satisfied with mediocre you know you say that’s the problem with Canadians but maybe that’s a problem with you think about that I don’t think that’s like this is stupid I’m sorry like you have to what do you do to a baby I mean I mean you know if you have a child what do you do you you throw them you throw them on a treadmill or you teach them how to crawl before they can walk right and you teach them how to walk before they can run okay certain things are process based you have to get the right process down you cannot win a championship in a year you every every I am winner bro okay sure I doubt it but I mean if you if you’ve won in life you don’t think this this way uh very few people who win in life uh would ever detract from the process that it takes to win just very unlikely so if you think you’re a winner great congratulations and kudos to you but I very much doubt that you could ever win if you don’t appreciate the process that it takes to win um pretty cool gu saying we we won a championship in 2019 and that was years builtup I agree yes exactly okay let’s let’s let’s move on past the good guy thing um Darko rakovich did not say that the Raptors were planning on being bad okay what he said was that they are in a process of building a championship core that they believe that they have certain pieces in place that they want to be able to compete for championships he is not suggesting that they are going to compete for championships in the next two three years but he’s sorry in the next year but he is saying that we would like to be at that level within 2 three years as opposed to 5 six years what does that actually mean does not mean we are tanking next year it does not mean we’re going to be bad for two straight years it does not mean that we’re you know we’re tanking in 2026 and 2025 because we don’t believe in these guys none of that stuff was said by him none okay and Ned um if you’ve read it uh feel free to to uh you know back me up on this but you know I’m I’m assuming you speak Serbian yeah so again like to me it was like you had a whole bunch of people who kind of wanted it’s the same thing that happened with the Scotty barns work ethic issue right they had a suspicion that Scotty Barnes was immature because they don’t like the way he talks or they don’t like the way he dresses or maybe he’s not cool with them so they had an they had it in their mind that this was the case right they had it in their mind that this is what’s what’s up with him and all they needed was one person to even allude to the fact that maybe he has work EIC issues and they’re off with it that’s the problem right it’s it’s like when you’re deeply insecure that your woman is cheating on you and she comes home smelling like cologne you don’t think she walked through a mall you don’t think there was a guy with a very strong cologne in the elevator you immediately think she cheated on you because you’re insecure but you’re inventing you don’t have proof cologne is not proof and you know some random person who’s never met Scotty is not proof of his work ethic issues just like a bad Google Translation is not proof that Darko rakovic is suggesting they’re gonna but then next year what’s going to happen what’s going to happen is this same stupid report that was mistranslated is going to be referenced time and time again and if the Raptors come out winning then people are going to call him a liar they’re going to say oh but he said they were going to take next year no he didn’t no he didn’t and the only Point here is they want to be competing for championships in the next two three years and not in five six years does that make sense which means that they are targeting a championship window opening for them in two to three years which could mean they want to make the playoffs next year and they want to make the the the Conference Finals the next year and then two three years now maybe they’re going for championships in 2027 that doesn’t sound like a team that’s about to tank for two straight years I’m sorry so this is um you keep acting like the Doug Smith report wasn’t pushed by Messiah why would Doug Smith Target Scotty for no reason because he doesn’t like him what what world do you people live in I just want to know like I’m sorry Emerald what the do you think like why why do you people do this I’m sorry the the the level of lunacy here that Messi ujui is just texting Doug Smith like oh yeah sure write that no don’t write that no write that duck Smith is a his own person he has pretty cart blanch to do whatever the he wants he can he can he’s been a bad report for 25 years and I promise you like he is doing his job the best that he knows how and it’s about as bad as it’s been you know for 20 years and he’s on a steady decline okay but why do people think that Michael gr and Smith work for just because it’s under the same umbrella does not mean they have the same bosses not mean like what y’all ever have y’all have y’all have a job like like so so hypothetically if if I work for Amazon as a delivery driver right and I start talking about Jeff Bezos you know what I mean like you think my boss put me up to it or am I just an independent person with a Twitter account like like things are corporations are not necessarily as connected as you think they are in the way that you’re your mind connects them okay I’m sorry like Doug Smith is not um his mouthpiece now were there issues about you know some some things with Scotty Barnes relative you know like in terms of you know certain players on his team maybe had issues with sure yeah yeah and I know those stories but what Thorp said was he didn’t work hard during the summer what the issue was maybe was that he was doing some private stuff by himself and he didn’t want to do it somewhere else okay and you those are two separate things I’m sorry those are two separate things um you know like for instance right now uh you if you and I Messi literally said Scotty needs is still growing what do you think that means I think it means you can’t read no offense um what who’s not what okay okay I I’ll give you a challenge find me a 23y old who isn’t growing or find me a 23-year-old whose GM thinks they’re not growing I don’t know what this means I’m sorry and I think maybe the more I respond to you the more I’m going to derail this video so I’m just going to stop because I don’t think that we are necessarily equipped to have a conversation look my point is the Raptors are not trying to be bad for three straight years okay no matter how much the media wants to hear it they want to hear that okay anything Mah jery says or Bobby Webster says about 2 three years 5 years whatever is going to be misconstrued to fit the narrative that they already have in their minds there’s a confirmation bias here you already think something and you’re trying to piece things together to you’re not curious you’re not open you’re not trying to find out the truth the truth is irrelevant the truth about how hard Scotty Barnes worked in the offseason that was irrelevant the truth about you know uh what Darko rakovich really said is irrelevant as long as it fits your narrative right if if it fits your narrative good pretty cool guy I disagree with you on Doug Smith all it it’s all clickbait negative Publications to get fans going bad news is good news for the old folks in the media people are catching onto that type of news sure so the longer point of this and this is going way too long I apologize I’m just dragging this out forever the longer point of this is darkus should not say they’re going to be bad next year I think you if you want to be generous in your reading of what he said he does not expect them to win a championship next year surprise and he expects him to build around Scotty Barnes surprise no new information there and he thinks there are some pieces that they can build with going forward surprise and he thinks those pieces got better this year surprise and he thinks they had a really rough season and it was unexpected and he would he didn’t expect nearly as much that happened this year to happen surprised because no one expected rre Barrett’s brother to die and no one expected jonte Porter to get you know in a betting Scandal you understand the kind of the kind of that this locker room weathered you have I mean seriously you have a bunch of people in the media who defended a coach who couldn’t even keep two contract extensions from derailing his entire team’s Focus two people and two contract extensions and you had infighting you had people unfollowing each other ghosting each other that was what he couldn’t go through and you have another coach who’s being criticized for not being as good as that previous coach at apparently keeping guys together because he got blown out a few times who had to deal with one of his star players losing his brother to a death one of his key rotation players getting banned for life from the NBA two massive injuries three massive trades like what the are we talking about unbelievable Koko’s health issues another one huge I mean you’re talking about a guy who this organization put a lot of faith into as their franchise center of the future potentially coming up I I have no question in my mind that yakob purle bringing him back signing him Etc had something to do at least with Christian Koko like bringing yakob in must in my in my mind have something to do with the tutelage of Christian Koko the amount of work they put in with him in the summer even while he was recovering and to have his career just derailed like that how much would have how much would a rim running you know Active Center like that we’re watching Derrik Lively I mean honestly Christian CL was not quite Derrick Lively but he’s that type of player I I don’t think people understand how good and how big a loss he was jonte was you know losing RJ for all that time completely restructuring the way Scotty’s playing how much they got out of Scotty helping Scotty become an All-Star I mean dealing with the the constant shuffling and four major trades Sor it wasn’t three major trades it was the OG trade it was the Dennis schroer trade it was the Pascal trade and then it was the trade you know to get Kelly oin and I mean every single time you get some momentum going boom there’s a whole bunch of guys look at 13th overall pick that’s performing like a g- Leaguer and is struggling in the g-league how do you keep him motivated how do you keep him align dude I’ve seen a lot of really good leaders I’ve seen a lot of great coaches in my life Darko is going to be a great coach okay mark my words on this mark my words on this okay let’s move on I I I cannot talk about good people in Darko rakich anymore in respond to anymore of these comments I I really just need to move on with this okay in terms of picks that can be available uh for as as it pertains to the previous report that the Raptors are looking to trade up and I do believe this report um there’s a lot of things that that have done that the Raptors have done that kind of align with this idea that they are interested in someone in this range and I do want to point out that there have been several times that the Raptors have tried to move up in the draft and usually it is for good reason the first one that comes to mind is 2013 for yanis Sant DMO uh they tried to move move up to 11 12 133 um but people just fell in love with their picks and a lot of people have compared this draft to 2013 um they tried to move up in 2018 I believe for Shay GIS Alexander so that’s two of the top five players in the NBA okay currently if you if you consider yeah I think I think it’s fair to say two of the top five players in the NBA MSI jury saw both of them as what they are and again they developed in some very not optimal situations I mean the Bucks were not necessarily the greatest situation in the world for Giannis to develop in maybe he could have been an even better player uh under Dwayne casy and you know the Toronto Raptors who knows right but nevertheless those guys went into situations like Clippers bucks Etc dumpster fires organizations and they still Rose and they were great so the problem is couldn’t make those trades hasmi youj learned to stop doubting himself when he sees a prospect like this so we need to talk about number one we’re going to talk about the five teams that have picks that I believe could be available and why they’re available and we talk about some of the some of the players that the Raptors might be targeting and how much maybe they have in common with a Giannis or a sh Alexander all right um so number one the Sacramento Kings at 13 a lot of reasons why they might want to move off this pick they’re looking to be good they weren’t very good last year the the West is accelerating getting a lot better um way too Smokey saying I get a feeling it’s Edy I get a feeling it’s not but sure um again you know the Raptors have always done their best to help Canadian prospects it’s just good it’s it’s just good practice and you know saying some nice things uh Dan Tolman saying some nice things about Zach does not give me any reason to believe that suddenly Zak is a top Target does not fit with how they want to play I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve to be a first round pick uh of soften my stance on that um he Des he deserves to be a first round pick but he is not um I I don’t think he’s the Raptor’s Target and he is not going to be subject of this video so if you’re waiting for me to say Zach that’s the big Target click away right now it’s not I don’t think that’s it um the Sacramento Kings uh have some young Talent they they found a really interesting young talent in Keon Ellis uh they have Davon Mitchell who you know probably is not going to work out they have Keegan Murray could they use another one sure but do they even have time to develop that player do they have the minutes and can they afford to pay that player you know 5 million 4 million whatever the cap hold is or the cap space uh is going to be for that or do they need someone who can help them now are they enamored with this draft I think these are all worthwhile questions but can you offer them something like plus something to get this 19 to get this 13th pick hell yes you can in my opinion you can offer something of value take back an undesirable contract and move 19 plus that thing for something that they don’t want right um this is true we hear about moving up in the draft every year just going to asse we won’t save myself the disappointment two things that make this draft exceptionally likely to not be like the other drafts and I understand where you’re coming from YouTube expert um Great Name by the way and Albert Einstein of all things that’s awesome I’ve actually used that picture in in a video so you know shout outs to you for that um here’s the thing very flat draft a lot of people with you know some credibility in draft circles saying there’s not a big gap between 19 and 12 19 and 11 I’ve said it myself there’s not a huge gap so if you’re a team that’s not in love with a prospect who’s at 11 13 9 7 Etc five moving back a few spaces is not the end of the world it might save you something and actually it’s probably better value and the guy you like is you know I don’t know K wear like let’s say You’re really high in kwar and you know it’s draft night and you get this Intel that he’s going to be there at 19 then why not trade back you know nine picks six picks whatever the problem with you know the Raptors in the two years that they tried to um trade in was they didn’t have a pick in 2013 I believe that was the pick they traded for Kyle Lowry am I not am I correct I I think I’m right and also in um in 2018 I don’t think they had a pick either there’s a lot of years where the Raptors just haven’t had a pick it’s hard to go to the table and say hey we want to trade you you know a future pick for now right like today you know this year’s pick for three years from now pick right um Victor Chang saying rob here’s an idea for another video which five top top five uh 20 okay that’s that’s an interesting interesting video idea I apologize uh by the way it looks like I have one bar so I hope there’s not a huge connectivity issue and I hope that I’m coming through okay for you guys but I apologize internet Conn connectivity going in and out right now so I think the Sacramento Kings would be a really solid option but what I was saying was this is this a very flat draft there are a lot of people who are super capped out um there are teams with maybe not a lot of development roster spots 2025 2026 are considered better drafts and the Raptors for the first time in a long time have an abundance of draft picks going forward typically the Raptors are almost always operating in a pick deficit because they’ve been giving up picks pretty much for the last seven years eight years they gave up picks for Kyle they gave up pick for Serge they gave up picks for um Thad they gave up picks for yakob like how many first round picks has Messi jury traded away he’s traded away a lot so for the first time in a long time you actually have picks um now is 19 super valuable it’s not super valuable no but neither is 13 neither is 11 neither is five like none of these picks are super valuable they’re not these are not the premium creme de Crum type picks this have to be a a diamond in the rough be beauty is in the eye of the beholder picks where you see something in someone who’s at you know Seven 8 n whatever because if Giannis was Yannis anmo Greek Freak in the draft he doesn’t go to 15 he goes to number one if nicoa yic in 2014 is the future face of the League MVP guy he’s not going second round he’s going first overall jannis and yic should have gone first overall they didn’t go first overall somebody saw the beauty in them somebody saw the value so the Raptors Maybe are selling themselves selling on telling on themselves a little bit by trying to trade up aggressively in this draft but I do believe for months now there have there have been behavior that has suggested they’re targeting someone in that top range so Sacramento Kings I think it’s getable I’ve presented something in my previous video about Kevin her a trade centered around Kevin herder and Bruce Brown and a swap for 19 and 13 helps the kings in terms of cap cap relief I think there are other teams that can also be helped out in cap relief in terms of you know freeing up some spots the Chicago Bulls is going to be a tax team if they end up uh paying for um Patrick Williams can you soften the tax bill for them well swapping 11 for1 19 is going to free up a couple million dollars right and maybe taking on some extra salary and giving them back less salary because you’re under the cap you can absorb more salary and they can absorb the trade exception can help them out is that worth moving back eight spots in the draft for them sure so the Toronto Raptors I believe really will if they really want to dat this is the draft to to move up I think and also that 31st overall pick exactly this is a great point that 31st overall pick is I think the great sweetener that the Raptors usually don’t have and if they have something else like if they want to move up even higher like if they want to move up three four five whatever I think that Indiana 2026 pick could also be something that you could start conversations with what I’m saying is even though you’re not willing to move off of Scotty you know presumably you can’t move off of manual quickly uh you’re probably not moving off of RJ Barrett even though you’re not moving off these guys what you have right now is a boatload of draft picks not great draft picks nevertheless but still draft picks and you have a bearish outlook on your future right which helps your future draft pick so if you wanted to trade 2028 Raptors first round pick top top 13 protected to move up in the draft this year I’m for it I don’t care whatever 2028 it’s not really I’m just kidding I’m not I’m not for trading any more first round picks necessarily but I’m saying if you love a player at 11 or 13 I’d be it so Sacramento is the first team in my opinion that kind of fits that bill the second team that sort of fits that bill is the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Bulls are at 11 so Sacramento’s at 13 the Bulls are at 11 could you get Alex Caruso in 11 for like a whole bunch of picks no probably not there’s someone who will be able to outbid you so you’re not going to be able to get something and 11 but maybe you give up something take back something bad and move up from 19 to 11 and throw in 31 is it worth it for you sure I think um OKC is potential but I just I don’t see Sam prey dealing with us for some reason San Antonio now this is I’m basing this on the fact that the Spurs and raptors have a really good history of making trades um there’s no guarantee that the Spurs want to be super young around Victor wanyama they they probably believe believe in Jeremy soan they probably believe in um Devon Vel I don’t know if they believe in kin Johnson but they certainly have a building block in Victor wanyama I think the question for the Spurs right now is how young do you want to be you want to add two top top 10 picks I don’t know if they have the time to develop those players and so I’m curious if four or eight are on the table right one of those one of those could be on the table because the Spurs can potentially do something better with their picks Darko rakovich also said something really interesting in the interview um where he kind of talked about the pros and cons of losing the pick and you know he talked about how it’s really hard to develop three four rookies in the same season right so you start looking around at teams and you start looking around teams that have two three four draft picks is the same reason that the Raptor traded that OKC pick if you had kept the Spurs pick and the OKC pick now you have four picks in the top 31 now granted you ended up losing that pick but still even if You’ kept the OKC pick you’re in a very very awkward situation and everyone knows it right so start looking around at teams that have multiple first round picks and ask themselves ask yourself are the Knicks going to use 24 and 25 can you trade for 2425 right now right trade for it right now for a couple future seconds and maybe 31 right trade 31 in a whole bunch of seconds and get 24 and 25 can you use 24 25 and 19 to move up to seven in theory you could right so what I’m saying is this isn’t one of those drafts where I feel like someone is going to be like no I’m not trading a top five pick because I’m going to get a superstar there are no Superstars here so it’s different um so I think the Spurs could be an option and a really cool option because they have four and eight the Memphis Grizzlies l lot of players on that team lot of expensive players three very very expensive players and GG Jackson was fantastic for them last year and I think uh Vince Williams was uh fantastic for them last year I think they have a lot of guys who are already on the up on the come up and adding another lottery pick to that especially if they’re not enamored with someone uh may not make a lot of sense also pretty small Market it’s worth noting another team that I think fits the spill is the Detroit Pistons whoa we’re team in basketball apparently um look the Detroit Pistons were hella bad last year they continue to be hella bad and they will probably continue to be hella bad this year Kate Cunningham I have my thoughts on Kate no one in the NBA seems to agree with me on my thoughts about Kade I’ve been laughed out of every room that I’ve talked about Kade as not being a franchise player but hey we’ll see who’s right in 10 years but I think I’m right on this one uh Jade Jaden Ivy hasn’t been great Monty Williams not playing him assar Thompson has a lot of holes in his game and I would love him like if God make a trade for AAR Thompson plus the top five pick I don’t know what we’d have to give up to get it but man that would be incredible nevertheless the point is maybe with the change in ownership uh it’s not change in ownership CH change in management going going uh towards trade and langon maybe this is the type of person who doesn’t see the value of top five pick maybe they had alexar on their mind Zachary ret on their mind and there’s this idea in their minds that one of those guys doesn’t fall to five they’re out again they plan to be super bad this year I don’t think they plan on falling to number five two years in a row and once again they fell to number five so um 705 machine gun saying give up RJ to Detroit if you want a top five pick and more assets I think they accept I think you might be overestimating the value of RJ Barrett um because they would have to absorb him into cap space I don’t know what their cap sheet looks like next year probably check that probably should check that but nevertheless I think that that is a viable option um let’s talk about some players who could be targeted in this range and I think you know we have to start out with Stefon Castle right I think Castle is a fantastic young player um probably fits the mold most of that Yannis Shay type you know guy shaky jump shot um really really great sort of young Prospect you know again guys who are 22 are not worse than guys who are 19 or 18 it just you’ve seen more of it and there’s less of a chance that there’s about to be some massive pop okay I I’ve said this before and I’ll I’ll say it again um prospects rise and fall at different times but the earlier you draft somebody in their career the the more likely there is to be a surprise jump somewhere now there are a lot of prospects who are going to get better in fact I’m willing to bet that 90% of these players are going to be better in 3 years than they are today the question is how much better 5% better 2% better 177% better like what are we talking about here with Stefon Castle I believe he has the chance to be three or four times better by the time he hits his prime than he is today and that is not the kind of upside I see in more than three or four players in this draft so given the fact that he really really fits some of the point of attack stuff that the Sha Raptors need I think Stefon Castle could be that player that they’re targeting unfortunately for them I don’t think any of these picks that I identified here that castle would be available at any of them okay um I do not know why I have so much stuff on Castle tape here sorry um did I expect to talk about him for a really long time what the hell did I do here oh man that’s what happened okay so what happened is have a 720p video um with a 1080 feed and the the edges got cropped so another player that we can definitely talk about is um Salon um I think that you know he’s a little bit raw um but there is like defensive upside there and there’s definitely definitely um some parallels with the length and upside or some of the some of the players you saw like Giannis anmo there’s the evolving jump shot does does he have Giannis upside as an athlete no but is this the type of player that maybe you think there is that surprise pop that I was talking about coming down the line with him that maybe other people don’t see is this a player I mean the Raptors have already been rumored to to be you know scouting him looking at him is this someone where um Nathan Taylor saying I like d more than soong yep uh sure I mean you know it’s pretty much a crapshoot at at this point but you know there is this fit uh element of you traded a whole bunch of guys Pascal yakum precious auua OG and anobi and everyone keeps talking about getting some of those guys back is Salon one of those guys he’s Mei look I love this guy and I don’t know where his draft stock is right now because I’m not really plugged in to to the draft as much as probably I wish I was or or should be however I’m curious to see you know how GMS will will see him as a prospect I see him as a top 13 pick now if you’re trading at Sacramento if you’re trading with the bulls he’s probably going to be there at 11 and 13 at which point you’ll reach right but again we talked about it before you have to be contrarian and right so you have to see somebody who is you know worth that pick that other people didn’t see ultimately that’s the only reason he would even be there right um so I could see E Mei being that being that pick he has a lot in common with a lot of the players that the Raptors have succeeded with before he was late to basketball so he has stuff in common with not only Pascal cakam uh and Christian Koko because the obvious Cameroon connections Africa basketball Etc but he also it has one thing in common is that he is never ever in my um to my memory he has never been explicitly linked with the Raptors which is to say I don’t hear a lot of reports linking East Mei to the Raptors which is usually a good omen that it’s probably going to be him you didn’t hear a lot about the Raptors and Christian Koko either you didn’t hear a lot about the Raptors and Scotty warrn the Raptors like to play these things close to their chest and I mean I think that he could be he could be the guy that you take a 13 and maybe other teams see him as a top 17 18 19 guy and you reach you go four four four five picks early and then you just develop him he fits a lot of the needs of the Raptors have then you have zakari rash um the the botching of that French is is so horrible I promise if we actually do draft Zach ree uh who I I would pick probably in top three um some people think he’s going to fall and if he does fall he really really fits man his two-way upside his you know fluidity and coordination at his size his um you know defensive potential versatility Etc I think you know long term he could be good next year he’s going to struggle bad and there’s going to be a lot of people calling him a bust early and I think that you know he’s going to have an adjustment period but stay patient with him and I really do trust um five Adam saying would you trade up RJ for Reed Shepard for RJ bar in my opinion Reed is Steve Nash with defense I don’t see any Steve Nash in Reed Shepard at all I I do like Reed though a lot but not for the same reasons you do I think he he has a lot more in common with f fan leete to be honest um so yes so I I think Zachary ret is the closest thing to a fir prototypical first overall pick in this draft and I I’m not scared at all by his weaker second half I I I buy him as a shooter I buy him as a Defender and I buy him as a worker and a guy who just really loves the game of basketball like I I’m very high on Zachary ret I’ll probably be wrong um I think he has a lot in Comm Brandon Miller to be honest with you um last year and Brandon Miller was a guy that I did not like very much in the draft process so again maybe I’m overcorrecting here but I really like him um so yeah so that that’s that’s sort of like where I’m at with Zachary rache um another player if if we um if we can get through these highlights man how much highlights did I why did I have to put so many highlights I’m like I’m talking less about these players than I have so many highlights for them it’s funny um athletically he tested poor yeah I don’t really care about athletic testing um too much I gota be honest with you I I really don’t um because basketball is not done in a lab okay like there there are a lot of players um damn this kid looks good yes and then we have mest zealous right um is the jump shot real maybe does does he have a lot in common with Scotty Barnes possibly can you have too many of these types of players probably not positional versatility playmaking upside shot making Talent potentially a jump shot long athlete defensive defensively I could see him getting better uh really smart player um transition I I really like him some people compared him to Lamar odm um I could see this guy being there at seven I could also see this being a Raptor’s Target right he really fits a lot of the boxes that the Raptors like to check with these prospects and you know the Raptors have been enamored in the past with players that fit his mold I I think you could make a case that he has some things in common at least with um Shay Gil alander honestly um to those of you who talking about Zachary ret testing poorly uh I’ll tell you something a lot of people question Shay Guild Alexander um not being athletic enough for the NBA so just so you know um Stefon Castle has Butler Vibes sure um make this as you wish but I’ve seen Jared McCain outside of stto sto hanging with uh David Flores probably means nothing but very interesting that he’s down here yeah um I’ve heard heard some stuff about um certain players I haven’t included McCain on this list um and here’s Alex SAR look I don’t think Alex star is going to fall but in theory he fits a lot of what the Raptors would Pro potentially be looking for in a rim running transition big the theory of Alex star fits everything the Raptors want to do I don’t think the reality of Alex star is nearly as promising as the theory of him but the theory of alexar I’m going to keep saying the theory of alexar since you guys get sick of it because honestly like I’m kind of hearing the theory of alexar presented as the reality of alexar and the reality of alexar is I have a lot of questions but the theory of alexar is he fits in like a glove shooting upside athletic upside switchability you know positional versatility defensively uh Rim protection you know potentially some playmaking and and ball handling stuff that he can do at his size you know really fits like a glove in terms of what you would need around Scotty Barnes you can also invert those picking rules I I think like you know you have the pick and pop stuff could he be an elevated mous Turner could he be poor man’s Moss Turner I don’t know I don’t no he could also be Marvin Bagley with with a little bit more wingspan he could also be like a really really poor man’s Evan moley he could also be a lot of things I don’t know why I can’t shake this idea of him not being as good as people think he is now we get to Reed Shepard like I I I buy Reed a lot I think I think Reed is awesome I think his uh positional you know like some of his intelligence as a basketball player and his shooting upside and some of his movement shooting and self-creation and you know his ability to just guard um it’s not it’s not common it’s not common to to to be his age and and to be this this good at basketball um he was their best freshman by far he was better than Dillingham he was better than uh DJ Wagner at and and he was fantastic and you know we all heard about Kentucky freshman struggling being better as Pros etc etc well you know what this is this is a Kentucky freshman guard who Not only was fantastic as a college player yeah you can talk about the end he struggled in the in the tournament Etc but I think he has like he has like point guard skills mixed with wing skills that are very interesting they make a very interesting C of a player and I think the shooting it’s just he fits so well with Scotty man he fits so beautifully with Scotty I don’t know how well he fits with RJ and um JLA media he’s not better than Dillingham um let’s agree to disagree I think he is better than Rob Dillingham so you know I see rob you know mess up a lot you know on coverages on on reads uh you know you could talk about the shiftiness the athleticism the self-generation a little bit more with Rob Dillingham but I I definitely think re sh is a better player player total and then you have you know my obvious Target nicoa toic and you know like a guy that really um in in my opinion just has this fantastic size and playmaking potential and and maybe a target for the Raptors especially given his recent injury history and a lot of you know people may be feeling like okay this has busted written all over it um I really don’t like the idea of him going to certain situations in the lottery I think there’s there are a lot of Euro European players who struggle in the NBA for various reasons a lot of really talented Euroleague you know veterans who’ve come over into the NBA and really struggled for various reasons a lot of international players who struggle for various reasons Youth and adult um it’s hard to go into a wrong situation because there is a bit of xenophobia there is a little bit of you’re not like us we don’t know you so you sit you know there is a little bit of that it here’s the thing like if if your teammates hate you and you’re young you probably don’t play if your coach hates you or your assistant coach doesn’t like you because they think you’re stupid like we have this notion of like people who don’t understand what we say we automatically assume they’re a little bit dumb right we’re a little bit slow we are very very slow to uh accept that people who maybe don’t look like us don’t talk like us don’t have a vernacular maybe need you know if if if I’m talking to somebody it’s the height of AR in my opinion if you’re talking to somebody who doesn’t speak the language and they say excuse me can you can you please speak slower to assume that they’re stupid maybe they’re just trying to process what you’re saying how would you how would you do trying to trying to speak Chinese or Serbian or Russian or whatever you would probably struggle more than they are I think people are very special um who who choose to you know come leave their Homeland leave their country learn a new language and in the case of guys like Luka and you know you’re talking learning three four different languages multiple times in their lives these are very special people and you should not take it for granted that being said I think Nico toich is definitely the target for the Raptors uh he would be my target um he’s one of my favorite players in this draft I think his downhill attack is so real um I think he will find angles to to attack NBA defenses I I worry about his very physical Reckless sort of way of throwing around his body but he is a competitor to the nines like he is not scared of anybody and he impacts winning in such a way that is very rare for EUR League Young play players to to go into you know Europe to play with grown men really the competition that he was facing is so much better than anything you know the g- league um uh aaou any of the any of the metrics that you would use to judge a Rob Dillingham or you know mtis balis or whatever you look at what these guys are going up against you look at what he was going up against honestly he he had a harder time and he impacted winning huge for Mega so I think um k can we get him with the 19th pick not a chance in hell um I don’t think so spooky ghost rider saying I’m Chinese and I speak with a standard Beijing dialect I have trouble speaking the dialects of beijing’s neighbors and I was born in one of those regions true yes s Antonio um I wonder about topish defensively he’s already a step behind not to mention he has very small wingspan for his size offensively he’d be great especially in transition so topic just uh wingspan has to do with droopy shoulders I also think his height is not really um it’s a lot of neck it’s like kind of like Chris Bosch right to me basketball starts at your shoulders not at your neck or not at the top of your head it doesn’t help you to have a long neck in the NBA the only element that could possibly help you having long neck in the NBA is sight lines and that’s really all you need from a point guard his wingspan relative to his position is fantastic you don’t have to compare him to other 6’6 players because he’s already super sized for his position um I’m not worried about his wingspan at all you know the Vibes how far do you think T could possibly fall I think he could fall I would say his the highest he would go is number two uh to Washington Wizards they could really use him and they showed an openness to taking a foreign player last year so I could see him going number two I could also see him going as late as number 11 to the Bulls that would be the floor I don’t necessarily think he has a chance in hell of falling to number 19 so I think if you want to trade for him um you’re cutting it very very tight at 13 you’re you’re I don’t think you’re safe at 11 I think if you really really want to assure you’re getting him you probably have to trade up to number five because I think there are a lot of teams that could use him and like I know people get hyped up but people get cold feet he has been mocked pretty much all year a top three pick once a guy develops the rep as a top three pick it’s really hard to shake it uh an injury can certainly hurt a player but he didn’t have a bad season okay he had a pretty good season it was just injury injury injury and if people look at his Medicals and the doctors give the all clear and they say hey he’s going to be fine by training camp or he’s going to be fine by December Etc um there aren’t enough talented players for me to pass up on him I looking at him as soon as pick three I honestly I’d start looking at him as soon as pick one um um two knee injuries is very bad again you’ll have to trust your doctors on that I am not a doctor and I cannot speak to that I have not seen his Medicals I do not have any insight on that but what I can say is that being 18 years old um one of the youngest players in this draft there are a lot of players who’ve been injury ravaged by injuries at 16 17 18 and then gone on to have perfectly healthy careers um the body recover is a lot better prior to the age of 25 and the younger you are the less likely it is to be something that is creating irreparable damage long term um can we get Kean George with the 19th pick yeah I think you can um Jamal Murray tours ACL he recovered and won championship and ACL tears can be devastating agreed yeah so I mean yeah a lot a lot of players that come back from AC ter and I think toit’s style of play is very predicated on physicality and and quickness and stuff so you know but a lot a lot more of it is just his handle and his craft right he’s not a super flyer he’s not jawar you know he’s not a highflying you know Above the Rim athlete he’s just a guy who finds angles he’s a guy who thinks the game he Maps the game really really well um I think he’s uh not quite Scotty Barnes in terms of a passer but he’s pretty much the closest thing you’ll have to that level passer now you know the jump shot is is scary for some people the defense is scary for certain people but I trust Darko rakovich to develop that dude I would 100 per. so yeah anyways okay I’m out of here uh I apologize for taking so long to get to the point with this one uh in terms of the pick that I the trade that I think is the most realistic and most getable I think it would be um the Sacramento Kings at 13 now obviously that puts you out of range for topish that puts you out of range for SAR that puts you out of range for Reas but maybe it puts you in range for Jared McCain maybe it puts you in range for an E Mei right so we’ll see that um again I want to say a huge thank you to this channel uh for y’all for letting me event be myself really appreciate that um keep supporting good people I I really mean that like in your life in general when you see people elevating people people when you see people you know who are helping people in general just just try to help the helper I think it’s a good good life philosophy in general to have and you know if you’re someone who’s a little bit torn on on Darko or guys like Emanuel quickly or I’ve heard so many stories about Raptors over the years man I have so many friends in like content creation who do like um Media stuff recording stuff film Stuff Etc so all these guys you know I mean you got you got to understand like Scotty Barnes or someone like that or you know uh Kyle Lowry or DeMar rosen like you don’t think these guys are in front of the cameras of course they are you don’t think the person who’s holding cameras observing you know the person’s behavior of course they are so I hear so many stories because everyone knows I’m a raptor nut and I hear so many stories from people who boomed um you know a particular show that they were on or you know maybe were in charge of the green room where they were sitting for two hours maybe even talked to them met them Etc and you know I’ve known trainers of the years or guys and I hear so many stories about who these people are to weight staff or you you know who they are to a videographer who they are to a director and I got to tell you like you know Darko is such a solid dude and so Scotty Barnes like all of these people like the Raptors that this team and and I and I wish that Canada and and Toronto will support this team more really I say this as a raptor fan but also just as a person who believes in in this team that they are doing the right thing I think so often in life we penalize people for doing the wrong thing you know uh sorry we penalize people for doing the right thing you know um someone tells us the truth and we yell at them because we don’t like the truth right the Raptors did a very uncomfortable thing but it was the right thing they tore down a core that wasn’t working it was going to be overpriced and they did the right thing and you know Raptor fans um a lot of you have tuned out because you don’t want to you don’t you don’t want to be part of the the losing you just want to be part of the winning well sometimes you know the losing can be very interesting I think the Raptors are going to lose in very interesting ways next year and I think they’ll they’ll try to compete I don’t think they’re mailing it in the point of this video was merely to express the fact that I think you have a lot of really solid people and anytime you accumulate an abundance of such solid people um you know in an organization and you put them together front office Etc and not that I expect you know some of the media vultures and who are in our space to to acknowledge that or accept that or even appreciate it because again it takes one to know one right there’s a reason why all these vultures I mean ask yourself a question I I don’t want to get too personal here but I just I just want to say this okay around this Channel and around Raptor land we have a lot of theories about what happened over the last two years some of us might be a little bit more plugged in than others but nevertheless the general consensus is Dennis Schroeder and fed were pretty bad for Te team chemistry correct ask yourself correct or am I am I lying or am I am I telling the truth let me know in the comments who were some of these people in the media the closest to ask yourself that question the people that I’m super critical of who were they super close to those two guys it speaks to my point that birds of a feather flock together like attracts like if you’re inherently corrupt human being if you’re a bad person if you have malicious intentions if your entire world view is driven by money you are going to gravitate disproportionately to people who share those values if you’re a person who’s humble if you’re a person who’s honest you’re not going to stand for that behavior you’re going to witness it and you’re going to run the other way if you’re a person with good energy if you’re a person who’s elevated if you’re a person who’s elevating other people if you’re a person who’s conscious of your mistakes and and aware and and acknowledging you know constantly that you’re making mistakes and you’re operating from the heart you’re going to draw in more people like that and you’re going to repel and frankly offend and possibly piss off a lot of people who don’t share your you know um um your god-given essence and and your values and the truth is that when there’s like 20 birds that are black or 20 birds that are white and one is black it doesn’t matter that the black bird is a good bird or a bad bird they peck it to death because it’s different when you create an environment in which certain values get pushed above other things I want you to imagine you go into a world tomorrow we having blonde hair or blue eyes or being 6′ three or you know having wide shoulders is considered you know a terrible thing or a great thing you know what I mean like is it in it in itself a terrible thing or a great thing no is being great at chess like the means for which we should measure all people no but I feel like a lot of these media people are um quite frankly very unhappy um quite frankly very bad people um I’m not I’m not throwing specifics I’m not releasing DMS I’m not releasing emails whatever I I’m trying to operate above the belt here but I’m just saying that a lot of these people are not very nice people in my opinion A lot of them have done some very unethical and very shady things to um to some very good people in order to get to where they’re at and to build a platform and they will have an audience because ultimately you know we live in a world where gossip sells and you know hate cells and you know in trying to really respond to this what I felt very sincerely was a pull to to defend what was good in the freaking world I ended up becoming a very very much like that you know when I was being so critical of Fred and Pascal and and Nick nurse and all those people I felt myself becoming negative I felt myself becoming drained by all of that stuff and um very often you know we try to defeat something and and we become the thing that we are trying to defeat how different is what they did to Scotty versus what I did to Fred you know what I mean this is not good there was a better way to handle all of that stuff that I did last year how how you know um crazy was some of the stuff that you know like I I witnessed them basically tear Scotty to shreds for leaving a game 3 seconds early and they created the the scandal of Century because they wanted something to write about and they needed someone to click on their stupid ass articles but how different is that than me interpreting you know something that Fred said about Scotty and then micro analyzing that you know what I mean when it happens to the guy you’re supporting you hate it but when it happens to the guy you’re detracting you you know so having that self-awareness to say okay we were we were all wrong we were all wrong to do this this way and it doesn’t matter next time you know if you have a toxic team leader you can’t become toxic yourself to defeat that you know and and I’ll appreciate you know I won’t go into the specifics of the the names and stuff but there are certain people who are very very plugged in to this scene who privately dm’ me when I was going a little bit too too far and they were just saying recalibrate recalibrate recalibrate you can’t you can’t you can’t say this you can’t say that you can’t go this far and they weren’t saying it to censor me they were saying it to save me save me from losing my mind trying to respond to something the caricature about you know Scotty and darco and all these guys I’m rooting for these guys to shut these people up because when these people are successful I can’t wait to see the switch up and it will happen it will happen because I am going to choose to live in the delusional fantasy of a child who believes that we still live in a world where good people win in the end okay and I’m going to believe that the good people in this story end up being Victorious the people who didn’t slander the people who took the high road the people who didn’t release the DMS the people who you know um didn’t retaliate the people who stayed true to themselves the people who kept working hard the people who didn’t take the low road that those people are the people who are going to be victorious at the end okay and I’m going to choose to assume that the people who did all that other stuff the people who sold people out the people who leaked stuff to the media the people who talk about other people the people who invented rumors planted stories people who you know potentially froze out teammates and disproportionately hijacked offenses to get paid the people who put money above B basketball the people who put money over people that those people maybe don’t sleep so well all right anyway talk to youall later have a great one we need names you will never get them all right talk to you later

The Toronto Raptors are trying to trade up in the 2024 draft. Reports are, they’re looking to get back into the lottery. This is the same team that wanted to trade up for Giannis and Shai Gilgeous Alexander. So who are they looking at this time?

Let’s discuss the report, 4-5 trades which might work, and most importantly, which player they’re actually targeting.

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  1. Darko is and will be fantastic. He's already a success in my opinion. I was fine with Dragic until he posted the laughing emojis when his 'friend' Scottie and the Raptors got eliminated from the playoffs. He chose his personal pettiness against fans over supporting someone who was supposedly his friend.

  2. In my humble opinion Darko gets an A+ for last season… what was the team’s #1 one problem before he was hired? Lack of culture or toxic selfish culture. The Raptors went so many peaks and valleys, trades, injuries, massive losing streak to end the season and they somehow have great culture… even with all the losing. He transformed the culture and better yet he believes in our franchise player. When he said he’s going to be the face of the league in the future. We drafted the perfect player with the #4 pick and now we got the perfect coach to turn him into the best option. We are extremely lucky we picked him if JJ or Becky. This is why I hope we manage to draft Topic somehow because I believe Darko can turn him into one of the top players in this draft. It’s the same reason I hope we manage to trade for Vezenkov as I believe Darko can put him in a position to be a great role player and he’s already a lights out shooter. Surround Scottie with shooting.

  3. rob ur right about darko. he was put through the ringer to get this raptors job. hes a good coach. ppl underestimate him because they only see a nice guy. hes nice but tough. In the end raptors will be a lot better once he grows this team

  4. It would be great if we can get one of SA’s picks. Otherwise I don’t see them passing up on any of the players that we would love to get. That being sad I’m confident whoever we’re looking to move up for is on their draft board as well… 😕

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