@Charlotte Hornets

Charlotte Hornets NBA draft updates PLUS: Who are the players who won’t make it to Media Day?

Charlotte Hornets NBA draft updates PLUS: Who are the players who won’t make it to Media Day?

NADA Edwards joins us once again to share his opinions on the upcoming NBA draft we have another mock draft out of ESPN and then we are going to talk about the reaction to the lamelo ball discourse the trade discourse we’ll get to all of it today lockdown Hornets you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in the minute cuz we live [Music] it’s locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your pods and that includes YouTube there’s Doug Branson you can find him on his substack every Hornets boox I’m Walker mail listen to me on WFNZ every weekday from 12: to 300 p.m. and lately you’ve been able to hear NADA on WFNZ weson Walker from basically 1: to 2 p.m. like once a month it feels like what we’re doing right now that’s all they’ll allow that’s all they’ll allow yeah too dangerous for radio Doug is not a we like we we can give an appetizer for NADA and then he’ll get too dangerous if we let him on anymore find him on his podcast he produces the ion college basketball podcast it is the college basketball podcast out there I on college basketball with Matt norlander and Gary Paris you ready to talk some more draft here NADA let’s do it because things have changed I again big boards get updated all the time I’ve updated my big boards there there have been some changes one change has not really changed but outside of that like there’s been there’s been some changes okay uh let’s get to it then because you’re right you shared this yesterday but share it for the fine listeners of the lockdown Hornets Universe what’s the biggest opinion that has changed for you as we get closer and closer to the selection process Reed Shepard has entered the chat as someone that had just said on this podcast not even three weeks ago not really a fit I didn’t see a it and then I ironically had a conversation with my father Hornet sicko himself and season ticket holder not th those are probably like tied together in some way that’s right same thing but but um he mentioned like if Charles Lee is gonna bring this five out system to the Hornets you’re going to need a shooter and what better Point than having a 52% shooter that shot it from decent volume and appears to be very gifted and oh yeah might be able to play the point guard position should a certain Superstar get hurt so he fits in here better than I would say I initially thought and after going and looking back at some games I will admit the Oakland game did kind of put a bad taste in my mouth but you have the Texas A&M game you have the Mississippi State game you have a lot of games where he showed a lot of gifts in and spe specifically volume shooting and for a team that is in desperate need of perimeter shooting Reed Shepard has shot up to number two number one will always be Stefon Castle because I don’t think there’s a better plug-and-play fit in this draft but number two right now is Stefon Castle number three Ron Holland I and I prefer him to a Dalton connect at this point what do you think Doug I can’t Envision at this point Reed Shepard I mean he’s been talked about at three to Houston yeah uh but then I was listening to the ringer draft show and they said that maybe that was a little bit overblown the Houston wasn’t I mean they they’ve been waned it seems like they want to get out of that pck but even if they stay in that pck they may not go Shephard there but I cannot imagine Shephard making it past San Antonio who you I mean you just sort of lauded Shephard for his ability to plug in at point guard yeah they need a point guard they need a shooting guard they need guard play in general and in a post Nicola topic injury world you know I would have put Topic in that spot but I think you know now you really have to plug shephard I can’t see him making it pass San Antonio um I think the nightmare scenario for the Charlotte Hornets in this draft is that both castle and Reed Shepard go in the top five I think that’s very possible but I think if you’re if you’re if you want the best player in the draft that could potentially fall to six it’s one of those two guys so real San Antonio drafting eighth so they would have to Leap Frog the Hornets for re sheer to be off of the table there so the Hornets would still have their shot there but still your larger Point understood because this is somebody I think that most people would have within the top five right we’ve seen some San Anton’s got four right San Antonio’s got four yeah San Antonio does have four and eight oh that’s right I apologize I’m sorry that’s what I meant yeah I don’t think he makes it past four no that’s true okay so San Antonio does have four and they have eight I had dble I had to triple check myself because my relationship with the fact is famously uh tenuous on this show so I had to double I had to triple check myself I took that from you yeah San Antonio most people have Reed Shepard in the top five so if he fell past San Antonio maybe Reed Shephard would be a fit there for Detroit even though they have a couple backcourt players but either way it does that feel I don’t want to say pie in the sky I don’t know if anybody is the pie in this NBA draft I don’t know if anybody fits that bill it’s called misfit toys we talked about this yesterday this is quite literally The Island of Misfit Toys or better yet the open box special of NBA drafts well what is Reed’s Misfit quality in your mind like what makes him you know one of the misfit toys here for for at least Charlotte the size he is 61 and he is one of those guys with 64 wing span he can really just play maybe one position you might be able to stretch him out maybe get him to guard two similar to a Terry roier but at the same point like he is a shooter first he is maybe a point guard next it’s going to be one of those things where you’re going to be developing a lot of these guys on the Fly I think I I know I told Walker this I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this Doug but for this draft I feel like this is we’re gonna see the most first round picks in the G League off of this draft there’s all these guys are going to be role players at first and then they develop into possible starters but this is going to be one of those those like it’s not quick grits it’s going to be one of those times where you’re going to have to take it time take your time put a little put a little chicken broth in there Stir It Up a little bit take your time get that nice Slow Rolling boil and get the Grits properly done sounds good low and slow all right yeah chicken broth but people are GNA go nuts on that I mean you know what I’m saying like if the Hornets whoever they drafted six if he spends any time in the g- league early on people went nuts when they drafted uh Mark Williams and Mark Williams was outside of the lottery technically and you know they they went nuts then so I can’t imine what what would happen if the six pick goes to Greensboro but the question I would have for you Doug is do you see anybody that they both of y’all do you see anybody from this like the P anyone potentially that they draft do you see them starting because I don’t at this point yeah we had this conversation and we didn’t necessarily think so we talked about kingan possibly being that guy not even with the Mark Williams caveat of how healthy he is m i could see there just clinging clinging being a a protector of the rim being athletic enough to where maybe he would start more games but I don’t think he would start out as the starter I think it would be Mark Williams as long as he was healthy and then maybe if klling and Jess impressed within his 15 up to 20 minutes per game maybe that would be the case I didn’t see anybody else that I would feel like would start and I feel pretty comfortable with it Doug you’re you’re there too right uh I mean I think I think and I’m not advocating that they they take this player necessarily he’s not the number one guy on my big board but I think connect he would have to I don’t think well here’s here’s how I would put it I don’t think there’s anyone in this draft that’s automatic that like you draft them and you’re no he would I think they would have to earn it so C you could put Castle in this category too I think castle and connect I think they could go to Las Vegas they could come to training camp and they could earn a spot a Wing Spot alongside Brandon Miller I don’t think Reed Shepard could do that not because he’s not skilled but because I think early on in his career he’s going to get like slotted as sort of a six-man scoring punch Off the Bench that can hang there on defense because of what not have said the size issues but I think D connect and Ste Stefan Castle could certainly earn a starting spot I think they can but I’m kind of and the other thing you’re not bringing up about Reed Shepard is Trey Mann’s right there and Trey man is immediately a better Defender and I like I don’t I’m not disgusted by the defense of Reed ch Sheard kind of like I am with dton connect which is the only reason why I don’t see him starting no Shephard’s good like he it’s not he’s not amazing but pretty good it the problem with Reed Shepard and some of these guys is they don’t have the wingspan to offset the height they got the T-Rex arms well and what’s worse is I guess unlike a T-Rex their wingspan is proportional to their size they’re just so small that you would rather it not be proportional you’d rather be reverse T-Rex you’d rather be a condor just to borrow a phrase May Collins that’s not the case with these guys it’s not the case and so you could talk yourself into it more so uh so here’s the thing about connect though and this is why I put him in terms of like guys that have the best chance to start for the Hornets immediately I put him slightly over Castle is because uh connect is somebody that I think is going to want the ball in his hands less we talked about how well he did off of screens uh in Tennessee like you could run place for him but doesn’t need to handle the ball if Castle really is adamant about like being a point guard and you play him at two and he tries to act like it with Lamela ball like that’s not that’s not going to work you know if he really wants to play point guard he would be doing it uh most likely from the second unit so that’s why I think connect is is the one guy you could draft if you wanted an immediate starter but I I mean I don’t think the more I’m we’ll talk about Coach Lee in the next episode but I there’s this quote from this latest article this is going to be me teasing ahead to the next episode there’s a quote in the in this latest write up that Mark Spears did that makes me think like they’re not interested in in in starters or you know winning now or anything like that so you know I’m not advocating to take connect but that’s the guy all right so so there’s the teaser to the next episode let’s give you a tease to the next segment coming up next on the lockon Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet we have another ESPN mock we’ve been going to the worldwide leader a couple times this week been on it this year yep we’re gonna go is he still phony gavone when he’s doing a mock draft yeah when he’s being the the Speculator when he’s when he’s trying to give you the hot Goss yeah he’s phony gavon but when he’s you know when he’s just when he’s just scouting players I like it okay all right not so phony gavoni on the other side of the break coming up [Music] next this episode is brought to you by better help we all carry around different stressors whether it’s big or small when we keep them bottled up it can start to affect us negatively therapy is a safe space to get those things off of your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down if you’re 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unfortunately for the the entertainment purposes of this podcast have both selected the same player and that player is Stefon castle out of Yukon and both of them are going with fit here they are saying you can play this guy alongside Brandon Miller he offers the defensive upgrades right off the top and I think something that’s interesting that gavone points out is that he writes it’s the last sentence in his little blurb all of Castle’s strengths and intangibles would likely be important for Charlotte’s new regime and that intangible is that this dude has got a fire in his belly he’s he’s got a he’s go a he wants it he wants to be great and and obviously he wants to play point guard but at least he knows what he wants at least he’s you know out there and you know he might not be totally satisfied with being in Charlotte but he wants to be a great player I would also caution everybody on that he wants to be a point guard thing he has walked that back and I think a lot of the reason he’s kind of walked that back is because he’s heard from the league and again it goes back to the Ice Age analogy I made a couple weeks ago he may think he’s a point guard the league thinks he’s a wing and therefore that’s what he’ll end up being well and I’ll just say if you walk things back as a point guard that’s a turnover you don’t want to do that true very true only so far man yeah can’t go over that half court line don’t do that or or it will definitely be a turnover my question is has he walked himself back enough to be back on Doug’s draftable list uh let me check no on here’s the thing once you’re once you’re off you’re off and once you have a draft Rose you don’t lose the draft row okay these things are not these things are immutable but he’s off immutable um I just wanted to know I didn’t know if that was enough to get back on your draft list he’s never left mine I in fact I do Wonder with you bringing that point up NADA how much of it was the fact that he feels he can do a lot more but it’s he’s trying to climb some of these draft boards to say that he can and then that didn’t go over so well and so now he’s like ah man I was just playing I got a little ahead of myself like know that’s Absol that’s absolutely what happened his agents were like we we’re gonna play this and then they played it and it didn’t get received well and that’s when you start getting all the conversations of well well we don’t really need a point guard we need a defensive wing and I will say this I will defend him in this regard he did sacrifice a lot but at the same point he was one of the guys that that showed that sacrifice to win so like the fact that he mentioned that sacrifice was probably the dumbest thing he could have done because quite literally had he just said look the tape speaks for itself he would probably he’d still be in the top four it’s just he wouldn’t have the stink of the Primadonna I’m this I’m that and and unfortunately that’s what he’s got right now it it feels like weed even if it’s true we didn’t want to hear it from that specific messenger because also I was asking the question not okay you win a championship you have a ring if you were to go back to school which wasn’t going to happen because he was going to be a top 10 pick he might be top five but if he was going to go back to school with a ring already in hand would he just like transfer to a different program because he sacrificed so much wanted to be more of a guy that could score 20 like I I was he be the starting point guard at Yukon right now if he came back there that’s where he was that’s where he would be he would probably end up being the starting point guard because of the fact that Tristan Newton left so yeah it I get what like if he came back with the ring and he wanted to come back with caraban and all that then yeah it would have made sense but for the most part like like he would have been the point guard but he didn’t want to he chose I need to go get this money right now ra over showing hey I’m in fact I’m a point guard sio Satchel time what you got Doug uh the first one comes to from us uh comes to us I should say from Rema Rema says what current Hornets players aren’t making it to Media day there are a couple that are on the fence here right we’ve got Bon’s contract that uh you know could be restructured or could be waved all together I think before a certain deadline uh you’ve got some of these trade pieces are they going to stick around who’s not making it to Media day NADA Bryce Bryce mcgau feels easy JT Thor feels easy miles Bridges feels really easy to predict and then I’m going to go Cody Martin and my surprise will be vas uh vasam MIT won’t make it either okay that’s that’s a lot that’s that’s a a Spicy sandwich NADA and I appreciate you serving us that Spicy sandwich uh yeah Bryce like for me if I were to make sure I got this one right JT Thor would be my answer if I had one player to go all in with I think JT would be my answer Bryce mcw’s in there it makes sense with Trey man and vosam meic you’re going to draft somebody at six but miles Bridges like how much are we I know Doug you teased the next episode with some of the miles Bridges combo but NADA why so easily predictable in your eyes that Miles Bridges won’t make it to Media day $30 million in cap space do I need to say more you don’t have to that’s fine Doug you were surprised about it too though well yeah I mean I I think that was so much talk about miles Bridges wanting to be here you know it would it’s I think it would be a surprise to a lot of people who haven’t paid close attention that he wouldn’t make it because it just see and and everything that the Hornets sa I mean they sacrificed two off Seasons to to hang with this guy for him not to come back would be and I know it’s different people right I mean it’s it was C that made all those decisions and and Jordan and this is Jeff Peterson and this is Rick schn and and schlotkin it’s Rick schn and Gaye Plotkin uh which is the the the name that I think Jeff Peterson should refer to them as to save himself some time don’t go schan Plotkin just say schlotkin you know two owners to too many you gotta get it down to one name uh but I think I digress it would it would just be like I don’t even it would just it would just blow my mind that that all of this would end with with him not being a part of the Charlotte Hornets long term after everything that the franchise sacrificed to to to hang with him but I think you’re right notada I mean if I were betting I would bet that that Miles Bridges doesn’t make it to Media day I would bet honestly I would bet bretton’s because the contract is both juicy as a trade piece because it’s so high and it could be restructure way waved all together if you needed some additional cap space that would be an easy one um to to flush out of the system though the the counterargument to that is like he could if you did restructure he could become cheap shooting which is something the Hornets uh would probably need regardless like in the short term just to make them an entertaining team uh to make them competitive uh but in the long term you’re gon to need that as well uh yeah Thor for sure uh Bryce I think they hang around with BR I don’t know I just got a feeling like Bryce just hangs around the system I don’t know in what capacity I just feel like Bryce hangs around the system for one more year another sio Satchel question uh yes um this is uh rapid fire you ready rapid fire okay this is from Amber rapid fire set of sio satchel questions my this is what amber says my lack of Hornets news has sparked a cyos satchel manic episode here are the questions is Charles Lee’s coaching staff going to see a pay bump to stay on Pace with the rest of the league matada yes Walker yes agree yeah I think so you gota I mean hopefully it starts you can control that schlotkin listen to me yeah they’ve got to get yeah continue to bring in great names and pay them okay next oh this one’s Gonna Hurt Walker is the James Nai dream over for Walker NADA oh no it’s absolutely over done done well we should say he um had he got an injury in Barcelona and is uh you know reduced playing time and it hasn’t it hasn’t gone well there in balona and Mitch cjack is gone so Walker the dream dead you didn’t have to twist the knife NADA have to do that it’s okay to just would I be me if I didn’t um I’m still holding on hope next question all right this one’s gonna hurt me um oh maybe maybe Hurt Me Maybe maybe make me Dream a Little Bit is the Lonnie Walker the four the fourth dream starting for Doug NADA is the L Lonnie Walker the fourth dream starting for me you could bring in worst talent and the Charlotte Hornets have so I think it’s starting that should be their press release as soon as they sign them we can do worse L Walker we have done worse and we could do worse and we have uh I I think there’s a possibility for sure cheap pickup yeah absolutely uh yeah I mean he was looking like a possible six Man of the Year candidate for the Nets before he got hurt last year I mean he was scoring all over the place both driving and shooting threes once he came back from injury his three-point shooting hung around but his Rim percentage went down pretty significantly the big question mark is defense like if you’re trying to improve the defensive uh qualities of this team uh Lonnie Walker would be a big investment in the offense not so much in the defense so is the dream starting sure why not free agency Baby Let’s Get It Started I think Isaac auro would probably be a better pickup than than Lonnie Walker all things being equal final one can I delete my Bal Sports app I want to so bad not I can Amber delete the B Sports app I wouldn’t not yet not yet it’s not safe yet we don’t know and and this like the longer this goes the more I’m like damn it I’m gonna have to reup this aren’t I H it’s such a pain I don’t think so either I’m not doing it until I know for sure but I I would not delete it yet although once you do just pour a glass of wine and celebrate and get some confetti and get some of those noise makers that people have on New Year’s and then you can celebrate once you’re able to delete it please do that you could try to delete it I don’t think it would let you I think Anor message pop up it’s a great point a great I I think your phone would be bricked or whatever device you’re using to watch it it would brick itself at that point Bal is is really get getting out of here Kicking and Screaming uh Mo mostly screaming I actually just rewatched Spider-Man 2 for the first time in a long time and I feel like if hey solid which which which spider 2 there’s been like nine versions of the franchise now are you talking about the original like Sam Ry Spider-Man 2 no no no I’m talking Doc O I’m talking Alfred M that’s the Sam Ry original Spider-Man 2 I think we’ve never talked about this and I don’t know if now is the right time but I think Spider-Man 2 is one of the worst films of all time not worst superhero films I think it’s one of the worst when when Aunt May is giving a monologue while uh what’s her name is running in the wedding dress I it’s just like Mary Jane but I don’t I I can’t remember the Kristen D kisten dun dun Kiren Kiren Kristen dunce um that is one of the worst scenes in movie history I know people law that movie I don’t understand it it’s one of the the things that makes me craziest in this entire world I laughed while I was in the theaters I will never see it again it’s a horrible movie Al now Alfred Molina as Doc O that was one one of the only redeeming qualities of the movie but it was a terrible movie sir it’s not even the worst in the in the Remy series Spider-Man 3 is worse you know what you know you might be right you might be right but after two I was like forget it I’m not I will never waste another dollar on a I I barely decided to see the one where uh Toby mulgari came back spoiler alert for you know in the in the Multiverse one I I’m so mad at Sam Remy for for ruining Spider-Man for me one of my favorite superhero characters that movie’s terrible all that to say yeah what was your point the B Sports app becomes the arms of Doc O and takes control of the city as soon as you tried to delete it let you and it was also destroy Charlotte as we know it coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet I don’t know what’s coming up next I think we have some sio Satchel questions I know we have trade conversation reactions you reacted to our episode where we tried to trade lamelo ball that too coming up next lock on Hornets [Music] Spider-Man 3 is so much worse by the way this episode is brought to you by FanDuel summertime means baseball and the NBA finals and even more than that you can bet it all on FanDuel and right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park you can visit lockon and you can add a big win to your summer bucket list it’s on my bucket list I need one FanDuel America’s number one sports book again FanDuel big shout out to them America’s number one sports book one more segment to go lock down hornets I will say Today’s show has been particularly hard to drive we have had chaos all over the place I do not have a handle on this thing the the the car is in the ditch I was not able to keep it on the road can’t do it it’s impossible for me oh well I’m not going to help with this next uh topic which is you were doing your FanDuel read there and I know some people I know who you are you’re skipping these ads don’t do it don’t take money out of our pockets but sometimes you skip the ads so I I need to tell you that Walker mentioned that something was on his bucket list now I’d like to ask NADA and I’ll ask you individually NADA you first how long do you think the term bucket list has been with us as a human race I want to say like 15 years because I REM this some of y’all know I was old enough to be working at Blockbuster I remember W the movie came out on DVD I remember yes that’s what I thought of too yeah so yeah the Jack Nicholson movie with with Morgan Freeman the nice buddy buddy movie and everything else so it’s probably been about 15 20 years that it’s incredible I mean it’s kind of ruins this because I was hoping you would say that it had been around a lot longer because I really thought that bucket L that the movie Bucket List was taking a term that had been around for a long long time no that movie I think this it may not Shock you to individuals and notada you’re cheating because you worked at a blockbuster but like I think that’s going to shock someone listening is going to be shocked by the idea that the buck that bucket list hasn’t been around since like the 1940s like that I think I just it like to me it’s it can’t be a 21st century term it had to be at least 20th century but no Bucket List was created from a Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman joint a movie by the way that did not do well right I don’t so the the the the phrase the title of the movie I would love to know if we go through cinematic history how many times the title of the movie was much much more popular than the actual movie itself it’s crazy it’s like it would be like us walking around just using Con Air all the time like oh yep I just got on Con Air again like I no like we don’t do that like it’s crazy like when you experienced a bad flight how was your flight sweetie oh man had to experience real Con Air Con Air it’s incredible it sounds like a term that has been around forever whoever came up with that genus uh can we say miles Bridges is Con a now that he’s gotten older in the league no no he wasn’t wasn’t quite was you know what that doesn’t hit like I thought it was going to in fact it’s a very different type of joke that you could say with Miles Bridges and con yeah it’s not what I meant I actually meant the fact that he can’t get up like he used to but you could use that in a different way either way we can go to one of yeah we could yeah whatever feel free to take that however you want to and instead go to hold on go ahead Doug go ahead take the steering wheel put us back in the ditch it was now see you were you were lamenting it a moment ago you were lamenting me from the back SE getting in in the front seat and snatching the wheel and now you’re desperate for it and I will do it and I will tell you that on yesterday’s show we decided to not we didn’t decide I mean people have been speculating uh the particularly the low post podcast with Jonathan gavone uh low was saying he was having some bruskies with a couple of front office insiders and they were talking about how if they were in Jeff Peterson’s seat they would totally first thing on the agenda would be to entertain a lamelo ball trade and so we went down that thought experiment and talked about some teams and all that you can go back and listen to that show so then at today I log on and I’m just like bracing myself for the reaction for the for the comments I’m I’m for the not only from the lamelo stands who are just religious about um although they tend to if you talk about trading them they actually tend to sort of zag because they want them to be traded because they don’t really like the idea of him being in purple and teal but then the normal sickos as normal as you can be as a sicko MH will also um you know get their underwear and bunches about those kinds of conversations typically but I looked at the comments and I’m seeing a different tune now that now that lamelo has spent two seasons mostly on the injured list uh it looks like people uh their their fuse is kind of up on lamelo ball they’re saying look this guy’s got to play you you’ve got a point or those Executives have a point and that’s just like crazy to me how far we’ve gotten from rookie of the year allar to yeah I don’t know about this guy anymore it’s crazy yeah it’s he he sounds like a Ty it sounds like a Tyreek Evans type of thing where again Tyreek Evans won the Rookie of the Year and then wow never really like got it got it there but at the same point I’m one of those that believes you need to at least give him another year and at $50 million and sight unseen no one’s really going to give you anything of value for him anyway um yeah Doug that’s that name it’s making my eyes water like if you’re watching this on YouTube you saw a noticeable shift in me physically when you said Tyreek Evans it it’s like a knife through my heart because that is to think that it’s all going to end up that way is is pretty devastating well yeah at least we have an All-Star appearance to our name here with in lamelo land we don’t have that with Tyreek but I get your point like it it looks so promising it is crazy you go back to the rookie season and we were discussing how this guy could potentially be an MVP candidate because I remember all the Brian windhorse pieces on the difference with lamelo being a rookie and the Rookie of the Year I it’s not that he’s good for a rookie it’s that he’s affecting winning now people have that exact counterargument that he doesn’t affect winning that he’s a good stats bad team guy when he is healthy when it was the exact opposite his rookie season so we have come a very long painful way from what we used to discuss regarding lamelo and I long for those days I’m sure most Hornets fans do to get back to that lamelo but we all know the dude’s got to play and now that he has a bourt made and Brandon Miller where we feel like both of those guys at their Peak Powers Brandon in his second year lamelo it’s kind of crazy man going into his Fifth Season I mean just kind of an outright vet at this point with the second contract kicking in it’s nuts that we’re here but if lamelo and Brandon can put together a healthy season together I I am excited about what that looks like there’s plenty of work to be done for the Hornets plenty of work but I too still am excited about what a healthy backourt of those two could look like trying to contend in the Eastern Conference I think I’m just like I’m with you Walker I I think it’s way too soon I do think that we’re jumping the gun do understand why people are tired I understand that they want to see like they’re tired of the medical room being the most popular room in Spectrum I understand that I just I don’t feel comfortable being like yo go trade him because you’re one you’re most likely trading him for pennies on the dollar two like what’s next because at some point you’ve got to put some sort of competitive product on the floor and I’m not willing to like I know people are probably tired of losing I’m not wanting to be in the Cooper flag sweep Stakes despite how tempting it is at just let’s let’s call everyone I think needs to take a breath this summer touch some grass go visit a pool and just enjoy themselves like like let’s let’s calm down about this lamelo stuff well and Doug last thing I mean you can end it here but the point that you make with the reaction is that yeah it not only is it different where we were with lamelo his first season just where lamelo is in his NBA career but but fans are in a very different spot then that reaction that we got to that episode is not the same as what it would have been a year ago when we had only just one year of injury concerns with lamelo yeah so like there’s this movie catfish that came out in 2010 and so that makes sense that catfish was created like I can believe that catfish was not a word before 2010 that because catfish just sounds like a modern word a being a having a bucket list is not something um that I would that I would associate I thought it was way older um you know I and I’m looking at a list now of of words that have been coined by movies and The Godfather like using Godfather as a word a Godfather as a word that’s been around but using it associating it with a mafia leader uh was was not something that was done prior to the 1972 classic God I thought it was coined from Zack low that I thought Simmons I thought that was Danny yeah oh okay Danny a man it was Sam AMC right or yeah that’s how I thought it was anyways I didn’t know who it was so all right man what a wild one that’ll do it not Edwards thanks thanks buddy we appreciate it hopping on with us as always I I I help I help drive this into the ditch as well so I I feel like my job is done this is where listen the summer shows they belong in the ditch uh we we Thrive unlike other and I’ll say something to Dell Curry and Steph Curry who I just saw starting a podcast together no one gets in the ditch like like we do if you want to wrestle us you got to come to the ditch baby we’re right here we’re right here not Edwards find him on the ion college basketball podcast he produces it find him on Twitter at not of thecricmaster [Music] no [Music]

Nata Edwards from the Eye-on CBB Podcast joins the show to meander through draft updates, Sicko Satchel questions, and fan reactions. Which draft prospect has Nata changed his mind on the most? Who are the players who don’t make it to media day? The guys finish up emerging through the rubble with a conversation on fans’ reaction to a possible LaMelo Ball trade.

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#Hornets #LaMelo #LaMeloBall


  1. Hornets need a point guard and a center. Stop assuming proven injury prone players (Ball and Williams) will stop being injury prone. There positions do not account on the roster because of availability.

  2. Salaun. High Upside. Tall. Shoots. Athletic. Hella Young. Did well in playoff minutes overseas. The Game is international. Hornets should finally get an international guy first. Last 5 MVPs are international. We cant keep drafting only NCAA players.

  3. Hopefully someone else drafts [6'3 defensive liability in the making] Reed Sheppard before #6. Spurs, you have Wemby. You do it.

  4. This is crazy. We're headed for a disaster draft again. Just draft Castle, Dalton, Holland, or Clingan. What makes Reed different from Jimmer Fredette?

  5. Yes, if they drafted Kel’el Ware he would start at PF next to Mark Williams. Knecht would also start if he scores as well as he did in college.

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