@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Listed As A Favorite To Land Russell Westbrook This Offseason

Chicago Bulls Listed As A Favorite To Land Russell Westbrook This Offseason

you found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls on today’s episode what if the Bulls can’t find a trade for Zack lven what Ripple effects could they have for the Chicago Bulls offseason and flexibility uh out in the open market we’re also going to talk about uh the Bulls being listed as a favor for Russell Westbrook this offseason I don’t know how much I believe that but we’ll talk about it and of course rest in peace to uh Jerry West we’re get into all that more on today’s Lop on bulls [Music] you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lockon Bulls member of the lockedown podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 golf I’m Hayes I’m Hayes host and creator of Chicago Bulls Central Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast Pat let’s go ahead and jump into it for the today man um we’ve talked a lot about the possibilities and different destinations and everything when it comes to Zack LaVine potentially being moved but BCE report had an article in which they called it’s the Bull’s worst case scenario if they cannot move Zack LaVine this off season I don’t know if I believe that we’ll talk about the Ripple effects but first do you think it’s necessarily the worst case scenario if the Bulls can’t move on from Zack line this offseason yeah for a couple of reasons uh number one um you’ve got two sides that hate each other at this point I well I shouldn’t say hate you got two cordal they said that they were still very amicable you’ve got two sides that are living in the same house but walking past each other not saying much this is very true you know I mean like that’s that’s not a a relationship that is going to to brood success no matter what it is there’s never going to come a point where Zack LaVine is GNA be like well you know what I’m happy here there’s never going to come a point the Bulls are going to be like well you know what we’re happy with you here so you’ve got two sides that are in a I I guess contentious isn’t the right word a a I don’t know like that neither side cares right they just they just they’re existing together because right now based on the paperwork that has been signed they have to be together so you’re dealing with a team that is that is going through that and on top of that to me you’re you’re if you hold on to Zack LaVine right the conversation that we had before this you’re essentially having to let demard de R rozan walk you’re having to let Patrick Williams maybe him as well walk right and what is that what team is that getting you last season your team W had an offensive rating of 114 that put you 19th in the NBA a defensive rating of 115.7 it put you 22nd in the NBA uh you averaged 11 and a half three-pointers per game it put you 26th in the NBA like you’re you’re putting again I understand we’re trying to change the core but to me you’re just throwing the same team back out there with maybe a couple of different pieces and you’re going listen try and figure that out because we’re stuck with this guy that’s the worst situation to be in where you can’t go up or down the only way I see the Bulls improving again if you keep Zack LaVine if you don’t keep Zack LaVine the only way I see a major step in the right direction for this team is if we see the next step from Kobe white that that 25 Point per game guy being consistent you know what I mean like that’s that’s you’re in a very run back yet again situation if you can’t find a train partner for Zack yeah I mean yeah maybe in a lot of ways even worse because you can’t run it back and then you’re looking at having to having to let demard Rosen walk which you know letting demard Rosen walk isn’t isn’t like end all be all into the world case scenario but like you said it it’s bad because you’re left with something that you just have to try to make it work um and that’s going to be that’s difficult for everyone I mean you know de uh uh Zack LaVine did have an optional surgery which shout out to him we heard today that he is 100% but um like because he just didn’t want to be here and he didn’t want to get traded to the damn piston so it’s like what are we doing like which even more so right like that if I’ve gone through the trouble of working out and I’m not putting this on Zach but if I’ve gone through the entire process of we’re working out a trade we we’ve got something that we think is actually going to work and be different and okay we got it figured out and then all of a sudden you like hey you can’t you pull a grank you know I mean oh you can’t trade me I just had surgery you has what the what oh yeah it’s getting worked on right now I’m I’m in here with the doctor on the phone with y’all you know what I mean like I’m not gonna like you and just so people just so people don’t think that this is a old patch just out on Zack LaVine kind of rant go look up the numbers with Zack LaVine on the team offensive rating for the Chicago Bulls 114.5 this is in 2020 not in 2023 for people who say oh it’s it’s going to be different defensive rating 11 15.3 those are the exact same numbers that you’re throwing out there and so there there’s just listen I would love for this iteration of the team to magically come together and start figuring things out but we’re pass that point and there’s not a player that’s going to step back into this lineup that changes that for me and so if there is no Zack LaVine trade at this point yeah you are in a worst case scenario and on top of everything else that I put out there we don’t even know if Zack LaVine is going to be healthy for y’all know I don’t ask for 82 games 65 games 65 games that’s the we don’t even know if Zack Line’s goingon to be healthy for the minimum requirement of games to be an a an award winner or be put on one of the all NBA teams when he’s out there and that’s the biggest problem because he’s a good enough player it’s not hate towards Zack he’s a good enough player that if he’s on your team you you have to somewhat build around him like you don’t have to put everything around him but he has to be a big part of the equation you can’t look at Zack LaVine and go yeah you’re the fourth option on this team not the Chicago Bulls maybe if he goes to uh uh Dallas or he goes to Boston or whatever then you can do that but on this Bulls team you can’t do that he’s got to be your second Andor First Option yeah I mean it’s it’s a doozy there P that’s all I can say on that one the Bulls find themselves in a pickle um I mean in the middle of a couple triple big bags man that’s uh that’s where we’ve been for a while that’s what we’ve been since the Utah game bro a trip between a couple of triple big backs is hilarious first of all for a lot of different reasons um but outside of that I’ll just say this uh that’s why I think you hear the things that we’ve heard right like last week at some time hearding that the Bulls asking prices dropped significantly for Z because I think that that means that the Bulls have resigned themselves to the point of saying Hey listen we we what what can we get back can we get back to jeante Murray no okay okay listen can we get back some Heralds can we get back like that’s the point that we’re at right now we got Heralds already we need something from somewhere else you know what Ian Bojangles I’m not too good on Bojangles what is Utah got cuz uh they they the they’re the team that I want the Bulls to trade with I ain’t gonna lie hey I’ve marinated on that uh that John Collins uh young bull trade I like I don’t know if you want to marinade on John Collins bro trade dog I said on the trade no you you had a pause there reced John Collins young bull trade said John Collins young bull trade I don’t know if I I don’t know if I did it like that thr the flag let’s that’s nuts out here I I’ve marinated on that trade for for a little while bro I don’t think it’s nothing better this like like bro listen listen I’m not saying that you getting phenomenal players back oh no that’s that’s why I’ve been telling people I think that’s the best case scenario right now I’ve been telling people here and on Central that all jokes aside you got to Temp like the B let me be clear 90% of bulls fans are not going to like the Zack LaVine trade they’re not the 10% are just the ones that that are going to be realistic that actually pay attention to say hey we did the best that we could we missed out on the time where his value was highest listen I had a whole conversation bro with somebody in the comment section on on Central and they literally tried to sell this the case that oh Zack LaVine and demard rosen’s trade value is the highest that it’s ever going to be I was like I don’t know about that and he literally said AK got the other GMS right where he want them I’m like the brand of drugs that you’re on please let me know so I never touch it you know you know some of the followers that we got in this mug ain’t all there bro like hey we talked about some of the of y’all need need to start testing for Fint cuz y’all like it’s I think I think here’s here’s my thing though if you’re if you’re a fan that feels that if you get out of this trade and you go I feel like we didn’t get enough think about if he says think about the discourse that comes if he stays think about the Zack LaVine that we got this season remember maybe Zach was a little banged up but this was an elective surgeon yeah Zack LaVine was not just out to be like he was out cuz he wanted to be out so think about the dynamic of the team the previous season think about how bad they played when he actually was on the court how big of a step Kobe took when he wasn’t out there and then how immediately that step was ripped away to second he got back in the lineup before he went out with an injury again and tell me that you’re sitting here worried about the value that we’re getting back for Zack LaVine like I could care less at this point about the value I’m more worried about the development of the young players that you do have that are showing something and clearly when Zach was on the floor whatever that Dynamic was whatever Billy Donovan was running whatever how much however much he had the ball in his hand right I remember those first couple games it was like listen Zach moving the ball around he’s keeping Cobe involved I like that by the time we got to the third game of that he was back to being the Zack LaVine that we knew and loved I was like oh boy this is this ain’t good so like think about that when you’re upset that we didn’t get enough tra value back well Co Kobe stats weren’t that bad when Zach came back I mean they weren’t great but but the games weren’t good I’m saying oh yeah the oh the games yeah like he didn’t have a good game yes he still put up numbers but like he didn’t have a good game there was a clear liability in the lineup That was affecting the team overall espe he came back what the first two games me and you was sitting there praising Zack LaVine defense was like maybe he because all he did was facilitating and play defense for those first two G I think he rebounded the ball really well too then but and we l Lally L went oh man like if he does this for the rest of the season and then we got a five game stretch and like o no he ain’t doing that for the rest of the season so I just I think that that’s the part for me where it’s like think about everything that improved when he was out of your lineup versus when he was in the lineup why would you assume that that changes next season because f um next up we’re GNA be talking about the bull stop help the Bulls being listed is one of the faves to land Russell Westbrook this off season but before we get into that got to talk to you guys about one of sponsors and that is better help this show is sponsored by better help and you know me and Pat are big proponents of mental health uh we and therapy we are both big supporters of that uh we all carry different uh stressors big and small when we keep them bottled up it can start to affect us negatively therapy is a safe space to get things off your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down if you’re think of a starting therap give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out the brief questionnaire to get match with a licensed therapist and switch therapist anytime for no additional charge get it off your chest with betterhelp visit loock onba today to get 10% off your first month there’s better help lockon NBA all right Pat it’s you know every time the Bulls are listed as a favorite for somebody I just look at that and say how why there’s some questions that people don’t ask but with that said the Bulls have been listed as one of the favorites to land Russell Westbrook this season uh the other teams that were listed in that are the Heat and the Suns as well we know the wise uh Russell Westbrook who’s played under Billy Donovan before apparently still has a really good relationship with Billy Donovan uh how do you about the potential of Russell Westbrook coming to the Chicago Bulls team he’s not coming here like listen y’all know me I I love Russ I think Russ gets a ridiculous amount of hate that he just does not deserve uh I think that Russell Westbrook is unfairly blamed for a lot of losses that end up happening and um I think he’s an easy target and I would love to see him in the Chicago Bulls jersey especially in the role that we saw him play coming off the bench for the Clippers now maybe he’d end up being a starter here but if he has taken on that bench roll listen we got Javon Carter back there we can’t complain about nobody being a backup point guard right now we we can’t say nothing there’s a dude named Leroy on this team like I’m gonna tell you that right now uh so uh I would 110% take Russ but when you look at the other teams that he’s linked to why the heck would he want to come to the Chicago Bulls if he goes to Miami listen as as up and down as Miami is you’re getting to play for a phenomenal head coach like Eros who I’ll say this you know will absolutely play an older point guard we saw him do it with BBL Lowry for the last two years you know I mean so a point guard that is giving you minimal production we’ve seen him throw that guy out there uh I think that he would be a phenomenal asset to Tyler herro down there I think he M he takes a little bit of the load off of Jimmy Butler workwise I think that he makes the pick and roll with bam out of Bio one of the most disgusting in the NBA like there’s a lot of good things that he could do down in Miami plus Miami like why would he be like you know not only do I want to go from LA to Chicago but I also want to go from LA to Chicago to lose you’re not wrong um I when I hear Bulls are the favorite the land Russ I’m just like okay but like from the human standpoint of this why would I be like oh yeah I got to pick a team this year Bulls are interested who else the heat who are probably not going to get a better player yeah let’s go exactly um yeah listen I I would I wouldn’t hate Russell wook like you said in this specific role that we’ve talked about I would not uh hate him here to to do that role but the bigger question you have to ask yourself is um why the why is important right the why is the is the biggest part in all of that and I I just can’t come up with a realistic why other than Billy Donovan being here if other teams like the Suns the Miami Heat are interested why would he pick the Chicago Bulls because they all going to have about the same amount of money to offer him so it’s not like the Bulls can overpay to bring him in here right and and I mean listen Russ last year in 22 minutes a game off of the bench was 11 points a game four and a half assists five rebounds for the Clippers and he was the bench point guard on that team um and average two two turnovers again I thought it said three I was like there’s no way uh I love Russ but Russ going to turn that mug over but you know with like to me if you’re down in Miami like I I think he would go down to Miami as the starting point guard right like here you’re still coming that’s crazy here you still coming in as the backup point guard I guess I’ll just finish my point here and see if we get Haze back in um or maybe you come in as the starter you move Kobe white to off Ball but I think down in Miami there’s there’s no question that you would see Russ come in as the clear-cut starting point guard on the team somebody who can get everybody involved somebody who can create an offense that you really want to see this team have anyway like I just feel like that would be the best case scenario for Russ and and I guess we’ll see kind of what the uh what what ends up happening here but I don’t see a logical reason for him to to go to the Chicago Bulls like none of it makes sense to me especially with the options that are out there and there’s a ton of teams that are looking for a real point guard there’s a ton of teams that are looking for a a a guy who can get Guys open who can create offense for people who can improve a team being a point guard for that team and Russ still can be that I absolutely believe that Russell Westbrook can still be the guy that he was uh uh when he was still in the starting lineup in Washington right 22 points a game 11 assists per game maybe need to get that turnover number down 4.8 turn overs per game but he was 11 rebounds a game like why couldn’t Russ be that guy and I think that Miami would allow Russ to be that guy is that still the same Russ no but I don’t need the same Russ I need a Russ that is looking more to facilitate and to get everybody else involved and I think that’s what will make Russ really really interesting down in Miami and and very lackluster interesting here with the Chicago Bulls but we’ll see what it ends up being man let’s see if we can get Hayes back in here real dang we got this with that said Pat Uh I’m back by the way welcome back we lost him for a second we all got it is what it isest can’t keep can’t keep a good man down um I know we both we both agree that the Miami he probably make the most or have the best fit for him what do you think about him with the Suns though Suns is interesting because isn’t that what KD was running from apparently me like oh yeah that’s never going to happen Mone like how are you making that work like are you just going to tell Russ again better location in Chicago right uh uh not it’s not a better location in Chicago I shouldn’t say that it’s not a better location in Chicago but if you’re a la person you don’t want to be in the cold Russ don’t want to be in the cold right so um but to me like why would I guess like just just to have the storyline and to say you have a point guard but Bradley beill is there freaking Devin Booker is there Kevin there wait a second it’s a lot of people that Rush try to play with that don’t work on that team I mean you I mean like I’m just I I can’t I can’t say that because him and Bill I want to say they only played like four games together was that because Brad bill got hurt very quickly in in Washington like it was like welcome back Brad bill it it that season was over quicker than the than the White Sox season you know what I’m saying like I feel like at most you might get like maybe they played 10 games together and I they played 54 games together they played 54 games together 54 games together and in those games Russell Westbrook averaged 21 Points 11 rebounds and 11 assists one Ste and right under a block per game bro I don’t remember Bradley Bill and Russ ever being on the floor at the same time bro that’s nuts bro yeah I didn’t expect it to be that high either 54 games 54 G what what did Bradley Beal go out in every game cu that’s insane um well I guess I’m wrong on that but I that’s nuts bro that’s a d that’s nuts bro 54 games a lot of games bro what did Bradley Bill average in that time you I mean like that’s crazy I feel like they didn’t play it all together but anyway um yeah I guess that I guess to your point yeah there is a lot of players on that team that I I don’t know if that didn’t work with them what was their record they may they were almost in the playoff maybe that’s what it was maybe they were in the playoffs and then like Brad got hurt and it was over like weren’t they they end up being a playoff team didn’t they or a play in those same 54 games Bradley Bill averaged 30 points per game four rebounds four assist one didn’t work what was their record I I can’t find the record so oh well I mean I can probably find it he I want to say they made the play in that year but maybe not the playoffs or they were close something happened well they were in it at the end of the season because I want to say that’s the first year to play in but either way you know like to me I I look at Bradley Bill and and Russell Westbrook and and Kevin Durant and Devin booken I guess you have a real point guard on that team for it to work with but are you basically just bringing a Russ over for $1.94 when Bradley Bill and Russell Westbrook played together their record was 28 and 26 I mean as a bulls fan I can’t like be like oh that’s terrible that’s living off I mean actually we’ve been worse than that that’s crazy that’s crazy it’s not horrible that’d be that’d be an interesting Dynamic I don’t know if I guess he kind of fits with that team right I don’t know if anybody fits with that team I I can’t say that I don’t know if anything the team doesn’t fit I have no idea bro you know what Russ would do for that team Bobo would finally figure out how to play basketball brother before we get up out of here man we gotta tell you guys we got we got to talk about the passing of uh the the the logo man like the crazy news today a sad day for the NBA overall but first I do have to tell you guys all about FanDuel summertime means baseball unless you’re in Chicago where there are two teams that absolutely are dog water and the NBA finals and more you can bet it all over on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 back in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks you can use to bet everything from the finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park visit lockon to add a big winner to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one [Music] Sportsbook use the time way to add DBL drifty to the board yeah yeah it’s it’s on the board uh with that said mat uh unfortunately we uh we do have to talk about the passing of of Jerry West like you said the logo um it’s unfortunate you know we talked about it not me and you but as collective like a lot of the legends of the game are still around the NBA is young enough still to where you’re talking about like players that that were that played retired and came back and coached and retired were all all happened before me and you were even on this planet right um but the logo Jerry West passed away today how you feeling pep um you lost a lot of basketball history today you did um I mean like guys who guys have used Jay West’s moves to put themselves in really good positions right I mean like Michael Jordan’s two dribble pull-up is Jerry West two dribble pullup who and it was uh uh Dr J’s two dribble pullup you know what I mean like there’s so many of those moves that Jerry West did that have come into the modern era we don’t really get to even see how good of a basketball player and numbers-wise that he really was because they didn’t have have a three-point line but he was pulling the mugs like they had a three-point line I said I said this to Jonathan Hood from ESPN 1000 today I would have loved to see somebody go back and do what they just did for the Negro Leagues for Jerry West three-point stats because Jerry West was often pulling shots outside of the arc but it only counted for two so I wonder how that would reshape the scoring uh of the NBA but I think here’s here’s the big thing is uh it’s a loss to many teams who have saw massive success um just by Jerry West talking to players it’s a loss for listen Golden State Warriors should be just as upset as uh as Los Angeles Lakers fans are tonight because uh Golden State Warriors fans don’t get Kevin Durant without Jerry West telling Kevin Durant hey you’re not gonna get enough shots when sitting there playing in OKC you should probably go over to Golden State like he’s been a a legend in his own right as far as a GM he was a legend as far as a player a phenomenal player phenomenal score one of the most dominant uh the NBA has ever seen I think that he’s a player who like we talk about all the time right a guy’s playing this era that era I think he could play in any era and be an absolute uh wolf is he said he said he was he he ate other dogs on the floor um and I I mean listen He he’ll be missed vastly he’ll be missed vastly not not having we’re losing too many of the stars now to where it’s like oh that first generation of the NBA that built the game on its shoulders is is kind of gone now like we’re starting to see that happen yeah that’s a fact and you look at what he’s been able to do both as a player and uh as an executive in this league uh what he has Eight titles I think is an executive in this league like Jerry West is has built done it all everything that you can hope to do in the game of basketball Jerry West has been able to um achieve and accomplish both as a player and and other things and yeah it’s unfortunate like you said we lost a lot of history today a lot of it and for somebody whose playing time was done hell in the 70s I think he retired in the neither one of us was born when Jerry Rush stopped playing basketball listen listen neither neither one of us was was thought of my dad wasn’t born when Jerry West started playing basketball it’s crazy yeah I mean so it’s just like it’s it’s unfortunate man um but you know of course prayers up to the family um and you know this season that you know they’re going to do it it’s going to be a lot of Jerry West tributes this upcoming season R do you we we saw one tonight and I really I really wonder this do you do a Jerry West tribute in Boston if if this game was in Boston tonight do they do a Jerry West tribute because let’s not let’s not get it twisted that is an NBA that it wasn’t about rivalries and relationship ship right or it wasn’t about relationships it was about rivalries yeah that’s real hate it is and it’s generational hate because generational hate like that’s that’s D their racism how they hated each other you know what I’m saying bro like they they think they have to bro we’ll see we’ll see that’s maybe maybe you do I don’t even know can you risk it do Boston fans clap for Jerry West bro or I guarantee you they they handle a lot better than Chicagoans with Jerry Krauss bastards um no I can’t even give that I can’t give B I don’t know bro yeah I was about to say I can’t give I just had to think about what city I was talking about I don’t know if you can risk it bro I don’t know if you can risk it I don’t know if you can risk it bro caught a absolute phenomenal break that that game was in Dallas tonight because you know conversation would be like there’ have been somebody in that meeting that was like bro we not honoring Jerry West tonight exactly like even bro even uh uh UD with uh with Bill Russell bro he like bro I don’t fool we don’t fool with no Boston bro like Bill Russell like wow that’s crazy like some of these hates is real hate bro some of this go deep Bro yeah that’s a fact that’s a fact um that’s how I feel about the Packers that’s how I feel about Aaron Rogers because I told you I told my son if you ever run list listen we don’t we I I gotta make a request on the show uh just in case anybody’s listening can we get team specific colors for the show that we have out here for locked on because I’mma Be Real 10% honest with you me and Hayes never wear locked on merch because it’s Packers color because it comes in Packers green and yellow I understand that David lock owns the network those are the Utah Jazz colors very similar but we never want to put these shirts on I don’t think they green bro yeah yeah y’all want Chicagoans you got Chicagoans can we get a red and black locked on just a black and white got like just we can rock that we can rock that but I’m not rocking Packers Green bro I’m not doing it and got the ner had a yellow across the chest I’m not doing it I’m not doing it bro there are certain things in life that just my I I cannot do and if you give me something that’s Packers green and yellow all I get filled with is Rage and I want to punch somebody when I was still working construction they gave I left work this is nuts right this is this is too much fandom in all honesty they gave us a vest and I swear it was Packers Green and and the outside was yellow and they were like here put this on I was like I got one in the car and they were like sir your car is like down this Silo that’s like0 feet in the air like you gonna go back down to get a different vest I was like bro ain’t nobody going to catch me up here in green and yellow that’s funny like that hate Run Deep bro like no so that’s my request listen I just red black locked on your team every day it ain’t got to say locked on bulls you’re locked on your team every day red and black black and red black and white you could throw me a blue one randomly I don’t care I’ll do purple like if you threw me a purple one give me the purple jerseys and I’ll be like this kind of look like the Vikings but I rock with it I just tell myself it’s Randy Moss you he mean like anything but Packer green bro uh anyway let’s get up out here let’s get up out of here man follow us on everything at lock on bulls you can follow me on everything at path the designer appreciate y’all for tuning in and showing love absolutely you guys can follow me at CEO Hayes we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for Pat we up out of here peace y’all peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] what if he does it again [Music] [Music] me

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss the Bulls being listed as one of the possible teams to land Russell Westbrook this offseason. The guys also discuss the Bulls not being able to find a LaVine trade & the passing of Jerry West.

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  1. Please 🙏 NO!!!! We don’t need another poor shooter and he sucks on defense. He hurts a team more than helps at this point imo. This man has shot 16-68 (23.5%) from the field in his last 7 playoff games. No thanks

  2. Westbrook, Coby, Caruso, Jeremy Grant trade for Zach Lavine, resign Patrick Williams, get a center in the draft, like Edey

  3. All we need is a young athletic center. Not a stretch 5 or slow 7 footer. Athletic. Billy and Zach do not have to be friends. I’m not impressed with Billy at all. Not at all. This is the NBA. Not the university of Florida. Zach is right about Billy. We need to get rid of Vooch not Zach. Why the fuck give Zach a major contract, then trade him? That’s just stupid. Zach is amazing. You don’t like Zach, you do know 💩 about Zach. Who care what You are past. I want to win. Zach has been on a small market team and big market team that was playing it small market. Zach would not be the fourth option on any team in the NBA. What is this guy smoking? Leave the embalming fluid alone. Don’t marinate again 🥷🏽🤦🏾‍♂️

  4. Realistic, this is basketball in Chicago, what has ever been realistic? Even when it was good, it was weird and disconnected. The owner hated the coach and the players over his buddy, that got his wife booed at the United Center. You making fun of your followers is wild! Name the team Zach would be the 4th option on? 🥷🏽 please! Pat thinks he can catch bullets with his teeth.

  5. Realistic: Billy is a bit late to the party. He didn’t figure out how to use Westbrook, until everyone else was gone. It’s like watching Luke Getzy play calling. You have zero respect or zero acknowledgement of the skill set of the player you have to work with… AK need to stop trying to find the Great White Hope in Europe. You got Drell and Bitim in the damn G league getting 30 sec to show what they can doonce in a while. It’s the fans that are weird though🤦🏾‍♂️

  6. Pat too smart to sound so dumb. Fake 💩 don’t last. What do You really think?🤔

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