@Philadelphia 76ers

Can the Sixers win an NBA championship with Joel Embiid?

Can the Sixers win an NBA championship with Joel Embiid?

hey y’all I got a big question for you probably the biggest question that y’all going to hear for for a while can the 76ers win the NBA championship with Joel MB and if not are they going to regret not trading them we’ll talk about that and more next on locked on 76ers you are locked on 76ers your daily Philadelphia 76ers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making locked on 76ers your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply hi I’m Keith Pompei this is my right-and man John Mitchell and we are the co-host of lockon 76s you saw the intro we’re going to talk about that right we’re going to talk about Joel embid I know there’s some of y’all like why we keep bringing this up Joel’s going to stay oh but there’s a lot of y’all out there saying it’s time to move the big fella yeah right we gotta talk about that secondly we’re going to talk about two guys who we feel like um well one guy the Sixers need to develop and know they are developing the process and that’s Ricky Council the fourth um you know he’s under contract uh next season um and then the other guy is KJ Martin who’s going to become a free agent what is the market going to say and is he a guy that could should come back right and then the third segment I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to surprise you so Mitch when you look at Joel andb you look at he’s in line to make1 what3 million um an extension you know he’s a 2023 MVP yeah seven time Allstar the most dominant regular season big man we’ve seen in a while yeah in playoffs he’s always hurt yeah and he has yet to get out of the second round he had two first round exits um but he has yet to get out the second round when you look at that do you think they ever win a championship with this big fella you know Keith um I mean that really is the question um you know because he he is the lynchpin perhaps more so with any team in the Philadelphia area he’s the lynchpin um and you know I he’s 30 years old that contract you talk that contract extension would take him to the 2829 season by that time Joel MB will be 35 years old and his prime will be in his rear viiew mirror so he’s got a fiveyear you know he’s got a fiveyear window to do it um I is you know the accolades accolades are are welld deserved you know he’s you know an MVP he was headed to towards being a two-time MVP but back to back but the caveat is as we always say it is you know a Avail you know the best ability the best ability is availability and joelle’s just not available I mean we’ve talked about it here that he’s missed 336 regular season games which he equates to four four uh full 82 game Seasons um so I you know if if the best predictor of the future is the past and if he’s not available as a younger man as he gets older uh what is the likelihood that he’s going to be available to them then and and this is after they’re giving him more money they’re eating up more cap space um so I don’t know if he is going to be able to lead this team to the championship I think does he have the ability absolutely nobody I’m not question is ability I mean for crying out loud he averaged 33 points and 11 boards on one leg against the New York Knicks um so I but I I don’t know I I think the the quandry that he that he creates being such an Elite Talent but being so unavailable makes it difficult for the rock for the team to just say you know if you have a guy like that you can just say boom he’s there that that’s our Rock um and who wouldn’t if if he were healthy who wouldn’t build around his talent in every single way as good as Tyrese Maxi is you build Around joelle’s Talent but the caveat is always we don’t know if he’s gonna be there we don’t it’s almost like having the employee where well I don’t know if he’s coming to work or not if he comes here he’ll be very productive he’ll be he’ll be the most productive person here but I don’t know if he’s going to be here or not and because of that question you know that uh um and and I also think you know and I pound this harder than anything about him um because in joelle’s Fair in all fairness he played 39 games last year uh and I think they were like 31 and eight in those games that he played in um and if he you know but but if he please Joel when you come back here man go on a go vegan or something and take off those lbs man and do your needs a favor you know as you age just if just walking around the street naturally your body tells on you um if you’re an NBA player who weighs north of 280 pounds and in that 300 pound range if there’s any you know and with all these nutritionist have somebody cing cooking you that boneless skinless chicken man you know broccoli uh all sorts of vegetables and fruits and get get that body weight do yourself a favor and put yourself in position to be in the anal of the greatest because I mean just think if if if if they had won a championship this year this past season okay I’m being very fictitious had they won a championship this year and had he had the year that he was on the verge of H of having averaging more points per game than minutes played almost six assists per game had he done all those things and won a championship you know the conversation would be this summer is this the best big man we’ve ever seen just I mean just think about it you know had they won a championship um and that’s is that is as fluid as had he been available you know they would be saying he’s among he’s one he’s the most talented big man we’ve ever seen and he has a championship to back it up um so I know I’m a little bit longwind I’m GNA cut it off but if he and I don’t understand why the sports populace of Phil pH Adelphia being as demanding as we are um you know it’s just like hey Joelle you know do yourself a favor in come into 270 it would be listen because the the injury that knocked him out was a fluke this year you know was a fluke you know Jonathan kaminga fell across his leg at at the end of a West Coast Road Trip cost him eight weeks so but I say all that in a roundabout way to say if if Joel is can can be healthy then then then they can win a championship and they might not regret having but I as is I think they might regret keeping him key yeah I mean I don’t know like um let me see uh yeah I I I don’t know I mean because I you know I look at Joel right now unfortunately I look at him like Dominique Wilkins Carmelo Anthony I mean you know and and that’s you know and I I get the injury part but you know you look at Luca donic right Luca um Luca is 25 years old he made it he made it to the finals this year two seasons ago he made it to the Western Conference Finals you look at Anthony Edwards He’s 22 years old yeah in his in his uh what in his fourth NBA season and he made it to the Western Conference Finals right so typically you know it you know it takes time at at time and again it’s not like you can’t blame it all on him no because of you know I feel like that team that they had with Jimmy Butler was the team that could have they’ have kept them together but he also has injuries but at the same time is on him to keep himself healthy but when you look at these other guys I mean who knows he can do it but you look at these other guys they’re much younger than him man and they get it done you know what I mean they get it done like LeBron you know he he he he took he had a couple stumbles but he he broke through you know at the AG when your guy is 30 with an injury history you have to question if that can happen and this is going to be a vital year for that but I just don’t know Mitch I I don’t know because I’m looking at these other dudes and typically like the funny part is if he descends and Maxi uh continues to um usend right then you gonna say did Maxi win it or did he win it I mean I’m GNA be real like like that’s the thing now again he is a dominant in player but the reason why I got to say right now and and I like Joel and I don’t want mean to be critical of him but right now you gotta say a Dominique or carelo because they put up numbers but they couldn’t duplicate that stuff in the playoffs yeah they just and you’re right because his playoff numbers come down you know compared I think he’s 27 points per game career average and around 24 points5 in the playoffs you know know you you have to that’s where you make I mean I mean you know guy like Jaylen Brown you know um I mean look at the way he’s playing in these playoffs right now you know he’s he’s amping it up you know he’s amping it up you know it’s time to it’s time for them to this happens in you make your name in the postseason that’s what it’s about you don’t make your game in November at your legacy in nov Member games at Charlotte and Detroit you know and we’ll talk about this a little bit more uh when we get back the second segment uh but right now let’s talk about game time you know are you trying to get tickets for the NBA Finals you know and if you are you’ve probably got one game two games left there but hey look WNBA is here the Phillies are the thing to do how about looking into game time pick any specific game that you’d like to attend you want to see the Phillies and the bravs even though the Braves are starting to fall off a little bit um yeah how about you do that you can get last minute ticket deals you can get Flash Deals you can get Zone deals and it’s easy to find and buy major league baseball tickets for every kind of event in your area and not just sporting events you know you can get last minute deals you can save up to 60% off buying last minutes for sports sport s concerts comedy theaters and more so save even more with exclusive inapp deals in app deals on select seats 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here’s the deal when we talk about um you know we keep talking about the star hunting and going after the guys but there are let’s face it the Sixers need a lot of help they need help in a lot of positions and the reason being y’all they don’t have a lot of players like they got four guys basically coming back next season you know four guys um so well they do have uh Jeff dton I mean they can pick up they got to pick up his option but but you know he was like the third or fourth he was actually the fourth point guard that they had right but there’s a guy two guys KJ Martin who’s going to be a free agent and Ricky councel I fourth who played well the thing about Ricky though I think Ricky was a guy who if they didn’t have to play him they didn’t feel like they didn’t have to play him they didn’t because he’s a young guy they felt more like they wanted to go with older players right but whenever he came in he produced now you can make an argument and say dude it was against the Wizards it was against the Spurs other young teams as well but he played he made right passes he did a lot of things to show and not only that he’s a wing they had him playing the for and he was doing well so I think that he’s a guy that this is a huge summer for him and next year could be a big opportunity for him to show what he can do yeah yeah I mean I like him man you know um and and and and like you said they they need bodies man you know they need bodies he’s an athletic body he knows how to play the game um and you know too too often I’ve seen the Sixers get young players and the guy who stands out to me last year was Springer you know when they traded him to Boston I mean I know he’s not playing now but look at that roster where is he going to play in the NBA finals and the NBA playoff but he is a player you know on a lesser roster who would be getting getting an opportunity and because the 76ers have so many holes now like I mean like even with the draft we talk about who are they going to draft if you draft a good player if you make the right Choice with the 16th pick you will have somebody who may be you know who may be a contributor you know as bad as people say the draft is but the Sixers have deliberately cleared out their roster to look the way it does um and again I like Ricky counsil man I mean you know he’s he’s stepped up a number of times he’s shown that he’s a player in the NBA and and I would like to see him uh I you know I mean who doesn’t want to see some sort of Player Development you have to have that you know um you know to be successful I mean I think I think you know look how look how Dallas has brought Lively around of course he’s a higher he’s he’s a higher pedigree player drafted higher than those guys but you have to develop the young guys so they make contributions and um you know is is it make a break to keep to keep him no I don’t think it is but I do think he’s a guy who may pay dividends for you you know if if you develop it yeah he’s also a guy who was really a Ste he was a guy who thought and you know he had some people telling him he was going to get drafted and he didn’t and you know he did the two-way thing and you know last summer you know the knock was he couldn’t shoot from deep and he worked on his game and he was hitting threes so yeah you know because think about it this time last year the guy uh to quav and Smith Turk Smith In Summer League he was the star like yeah he was the guy that everybody was talking about you know what I mean and some other guys and then Ricky Council ended up being a guy and that’s what it is working every day like he was always in the gym working every day in that in that panned out form right so you know he’s a a great guy I mean great addition it’s just it’s just a matter of getting opportuni think about the NBA and this is true a lot of guys in there most of the dudes can play yeah I mean like even the guys we say oh man he he garbage he garbage yeah say that you put him in the college game or against other dudes that you think all that and you see maor difference It’s just sometimes perfect fit and the other time getting an opportunity and I feel like you know for him it’s just a matter of getting the opportunity right and and he’ll show people what he can do and plus if he’s gonna make mistake yeah he gonna make mistakes he’s a young player and this and that but you know I think what we should do is since we you know ran out of time for this segment what we’ll do is we’ll talk more about KJ Martin when we get back from the you know from the next one but um but yeah you know council is a good dude um you know you feel bad for him because he got one of those non garanteed deals but at the same time undrafted player you know he’s is it’s kind of like he’s used to working and proving himself and that’s what he’s going to have to continue to do yeah he’s going to have to show and prove but but but I do like him and we can talk about that a little bit more we get back on the other side right now let’s talk about prize picks what is prize picks prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with more than five million members it is the most fun and exciting way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports players Sports and players all you have to do is pick more or less on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to 100 times your cash with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game uh watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize pick lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six players stats projections and you’re locked in and if you’re looking for promotions prize picks has got you covered every week from low select player stat projections on Tuesdays with increases which which increases your chance of getting a win to getting your entry fees back if you have a losing lineup on Fridays you know and and I mean now I guess the thing 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okay I get it get it I see it I see it and I’m like oh and then when she go up against the good teams it’s like them legs look kind them legs look kind of heavy against those good team yeah your boy yo when they play the good team your boy abar is quiet quiet let them play a bum Squad abar blowing us up one the most vociferous people yeah like you know I’m I’m not a believer in blocking people in group chats but Lord man I’m just joking yo I’m joking I’m joking hey but um when you look at a guy KJ Martin you know I I don’t see him coming back I mean you never know like I I don’t and the reason being is because he was asked about that in his exit interview and he’s like uh I want to see what’s out there right so yeah said that I want to see what’s out there I mean let’s face it he got playing time because they traded everyone and they didn’t have anyone else to to play now he did come out and he did show that he can contribute now when you look at him he’s really a he’s a undersized power for it and his best NBA attribute at this particular time is athleticism jumping ability Duncan strong guy he’s not he worked on his shot I saw him you know but he’s not the type of guy that you’re going to say he’s going to we’re going to spread him out he’s GNA space the floor and he’s going to hit a three right but he’s athletic as heck man and he’s strong and he has no back down a lot of grip and grind but I just don’t feel like I mean who knows you never know because it depends on what they’ll get but I feel like in a perfect situation to him is going somewhere where he knows he’s going to get some play yeah and they may feel like getting somebody that they want to play more so than him yeah and and I think that one thing that that I noticed with him and his father um his father is is very vocal and his father is smart and his father has the NBA experience behind him and his father’s going to guide him he’s going to be like hey man it’s about longevity in this league it’s not about just being on Squad you got to find a place where you fit um and I don’t know what K with Kenya Martin’s view is of the 76ers but I do believe that Kenya Martin is probably talking to people you know do I mean let’s be quite honest you know and figuring out you know where’s a good place for my son um and and I would like to see him come back man you know again because we do we are talking position as basketball here uh and he is an undersized powerful but damn he is athletic man I mean you know and you can never have a lack of athletes you know on you know on your roster and and if you are athlete athletic and have some game you know you’ll find your spot in this league and you’ll find spots where you can contribute you know if you can if that athletism transfer to being you know I mean I mean he I think he moves his feet quick enough at times to play you know to play some defense on on better twos you know so um you know he again I like both of these guys we’ talked about and and I would like to see both of them come back but again it depends on what it all comes back you know the most important Summer of Sam hanky’s career of Sam H’s career of Dar Moore’s career I I just get those two confused for obvious reasons um so so we’ll see uh if you know what happens with him but but I like both of those guys you know I like them I think they can contribute I think they can be developing good NBA players um got a ways to go but you know you can’t coach athleticism man yeah you can’t coach athletism what about campaign you see him coming back no and um you know I think campaign is just too good I think I think campaign you know is while he’s boun bounced around if he likes it he and does something Team friendly I me we you see him on a minimum could be but I think he could get more money elsewhere you know what I mean I do I do I think he get more money elsewhere I mean I don’t know I think he’s I don’t know I think he might be more better than the minimum the way the money they throwing around in the league nowadays you know what I mean yeah like you know and and that’s the problem like he gonna look at it like bro like nah like I was making this much I’m trying to get paid trying to get paid yeah like you know the minimum and if I’m getting the minimum I don’t know if I want to come here I’ll go somewhere where’s less taxes you know what I mean right right do it that way but N I don’t know if I do that here but I like campaign man yeah I like him too yeah I like him too I like him too I like him a lot but I don’t you know but again I think a lot of that’s predicated on what they get in free agency but because you know let’s face it campaign unless there’s a team that really really likes them guys like him don’t sign or don’t commit at 6 o’ on the 30th you know what I mean they just don’t do that so so we we’ll see there’s a lot going on we’ll see but um I mean I don’t know uh I I I don’t think that um Martin’s coming back uh counsil I feel like he could be a guy um that could help him but but again that’s also predicated on what else they they get as well because you know Nick nurse wasn’t a guy who really liked playing young dudes I mean especially those two-way a lot of those dudes weren’t even with the team and have the trade deadline and and you know key team coaches that win championships just don’t it’s not often they fall in love with young players man you want to about doc doc didn’t like playing young players no doc would trade them in a heartbeat that’s the problem yeah I mean think about it he traded Isaiah Joe I mean every coach I’ve covered Doug Collins you know uh Eddie you know all those guys um they just they they didn’t like playing um younger you know the younger players it goes all back in my days when I was covering the Wizards in Washington they don’t like coaches just don’t like playing young players unless you just have yeah you got Kevin Durant your team yeah yeah you have no choice but yeah yeah yeah you got to yeah but look y’all lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming channel in YouTube and now is also available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channel app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lock Bor plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so for my man Mitch and me me and Mitch Mitch and I we like to say um have a blessed day and um enjoy the rest of your week and we’ll be back tomorrow talking about something Sixers related yes sir peace y’all have a great one y’all

Locked on 76ers cohosts John Mitchell and Keith Pompey ponder if the 76ers can win a title with Joel Embiid. Follow & Subscribe on all Podcast platforms…

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  1. trading Wilt worked out great for us, right? (*crickets). I say, "no," to trading the big guy, because you gotta be clever to turn superstars into trade capital and make it work, an we ain't clever. we've proven that to the NBA world time and time again. missed trades, horrible drafts, internal turmoil… lets face it, we dumb as an organization. all heart, no brain. thinking we're gonna compete without Joel is absurd. Mitch, Joel played with a broken everything, while dmelt and roco were in streets. lets talk about their availability. 'oh for toobi' was available. how'd that work out? quit dishing on 21

  2. They can’t win anything with him because he’s always hurt and he doesn’t dominate the playoffs like a 7 foot 280 lbs center should. He’s suppose to be the best player in the league but he never plays like it in the playoffs.

  3. Embiid & maxey’s playoff averages weren’t the problem, they had hardly any help, especially with that weak link tobias.They have to get that 3rd big player right this time.

  4. How stupid is that comment that he's going to eat up cap space. When they just finished paying off to buy his harris. 40 million a year I didn't hear you say anything about that cap space. So what are you going to do start all over and have nobody on the team. Tyrese Maxey is fine but he's no number one

  5. This is absurd to say that Anthony Edwards made it to the finals or the semifinals in 2 years and that the Joker did this and that Luka doncic is in the finals these people have talent around them Tobias Harris was a piece of s*** that both of you liked that's what's wrong with the Sixers is the garbage that they have put around the best big man I've ever seen

  6. Are you going to say whether Maxie wanted or did he win it are you kidding me the players won the championship all of them whoever is on the team that wins the championship they all win it. So who won who's going to win the championship for the Celtics Jaylen brown or Jayson Tatum know the whole team won it Tatum know the whole team won the championship. Just cuz porzingis isn't on the team right now because he just got hurt that doesn't mean that he's not a part of this championship he helped him get there and he had two great games. To give him breathing room

  7. Are you going to say whether Maxie wanted or did he win it are you kidding me the players won the championship all of them whoever is on the team that wins the championship they all win it. So who won who's going to win the championship for the Celtics Jaylen brown or Jayson Tatum know the whole team won it Tatum know the whole team won the championship. Just cuz porzingis isn't on the team right now because he just got hurt that doesn't mean that he's not a part of this championship he helped him get there and he had two great games. To give him breathing room

  8. Jaylen Brown is amping it up because they have to double-team Tatum where they have to double-team porzingis or they have to keep an eye on Danny White or whoever they have the Celtics are way better team throughout their roster than the Philadelphia 76ers. When you get in the playoffs and you're playing against a really good basketball team then your other players have to step up so all the pressure isn't put on your most important player that's the story

  9. If the sixers ever get a brain and get the right players around him and also develop and value young players. The number one thing is the sixers will have to luck up and have Joel be 80 percent going into a playoff run.

  10. Too many things from injuries to front office mismanagement occurred during the real Embiid window (ages 25-30). Time to acknowledge it, bring in "The Haul", and build a winning program… period.

  11. NO, they can't win a championship with him alone. Big bruh have to be put on a Strength and Conditioning agenda

  12. to win a championship with Embiid, the 76ers need to not have the offense totally centered around Embiid, and Embiid needs to become a power forward like Dirk Nowitzki. Since the offense is centered on Embiid, once he is injured the offense is stagnant and stinks. If Embiid becomes a power forward maybe it will reduce his injuries. The 76ers need to figure it out. It is 42 years and counting since a championship.

  13. I used to get upset about Joel getting hurt, but after a while, I realized it's not on him. We need a good backup center to give the man a break. We overwork him. We play the man too many minutes.

  14. Happy Thursday guys, I don't think Joel's the problem it's the organization, to be honest, I don't think Joel's heart is really in it because of how they are putting the team together. I mean he really doesn't look happy to me everybody's leaving who he calls his brothers and they have to continue building chemistry with new players and it's really wasting time, to be honest not putting a good team together we had a good team but James Harden and Daryl Morey came over here and ruined everything so, no to a championship at this point because they do not know how to figure it out Oh my goodness we could have been the New Celtics!!! have a blessed day!! I mean we don't develop young players and give them away and Daryl talking about I made this team better KEEP THE YOUNG PLAYERS!! I am still sick about Isaiah Joe and Jaden Springer and Tucker and Bassey and others we let go now I will say Have a blessed day!!

  15. I hate this kind of talk coming from philly. Talking about trading your star away. we always the city that do that

  16. the answer is no. First he will never be healthy. Second people are jumping to come play with him because he has great regular season then chokes in playoff and blames everyone else. Last he is dirty player. in his career he got more flagrant fouls than Draymond green

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