@Miami Heat

Josh Richardson reflects on his first season with the Miami Heat πŸ˜… #nba #shorts #short

Josh Richardson reflects on his first season with the Miami Heat πŸ˜… #nba #shorts #short

well I started my third game because DW’s son swallowed a marble damn and I didn’t know I was even going to wear a jersey until the pregame meeting 30 minutes before I was like J Richard starting I’m like all right bet so I go in I have eight quick ones quick ones hit a three from the corner and I hit another three and I drove the lane and then I traveled right after that and got taken out but it was a good start to the game and after that I didn’t play until probably like game like 42 three and so I had to start against the Pistons and I was matched up with Steve Blake and uh I remember I went under on the screen and he hit a three and Chris BOS went upside my head so fast I remember that look yeah I remember that you th a gold under the screen I’m like remember I remember you remember that [Music]

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  1. It's inspiring to see how this conversation brings people together from all walks of life. It's a true melting pot of ideas.🌺

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