@Dallas Mavericks

In Luka’s Defense

In Luka’s Defense

by LouisianaHotSauce


  1. jaytrain12

    please put this on the r/nba even if it gets eventually taken down

  2. God bless you, this sub is so god damn cancerous. It’s nice to see some positivity. We are here in the finals with hopefully our squad for the next 3-5 years. The future is bright.

  3. ayura_oriba

    “Who wish to rob you of the joy of being a basketball fan”

    I felt that. We are in the NBA finals, and everyone’s downplaying what we accomplished this season, making it look like a team who made it farther than 28 others should be ashamed. Luka is a great player. This mavs team is a great team. Literally nothing can be said to discredit that. Be proud guys.

  4. Anyone know how Lebron’s first Finals went? I just can’t seem to recall offhand, I mean I know he obviously didn’t get swept at least

    (This is a fucking joke… I know he got swept. Pretty sure things turned out ok for him. I don’t recall Windhorst declaring him a loser after game 3 because I know for a fact that didn’t happen considering it would’ve ended his career)

  5. maverick1470

    Thanks for posting. I feel like Nick Wright is gonna use these stats on the next First Things First(the only national sports show worth a watch imo)

  6. YoStepWithLuka77

    Very proud of this team. This sub for the most part should be ashamed on how they let the media poison their outlook of this team and turn it to a “ sky is falling” scenario this past day

  7. Robbinghoodz

    I’m a huge luka stan, but even I know his defense ain’t the best. He’s an above average defender when the effort is there. But with the load he carries on offense, I don’t expect him to burn out on the defensive end.

  8. Disingenuous? Little of it factual?! 😂😂. Is Luka playing good defense? Is he keeping his emotions in check and not getting sidelined by whinging? Is he in shape enough to finish games effectively? No to all, and this is what is being pointed out.

    No one is denying or twisting his impressive stats, and he is undoubtedly the reason that the Mavs are in the finals.

    Both things can be true.

  9. I’m not even mad at the media. Media consists of bunch of clowns across the globe. I’m from Europe, and it’s no different here too. They want to be talked about, and the best way to do it nowadays is shitting on Luka. They were lining up to praise him just 1-2 weeks ago when the Mavs made the finals.

    I’m mad at the Mavs fans though. It’s baffling to see how they miss some basic facts despite watching all the games (i.e. blown by thing, playing through a pile of injuries etc.).

    I want to remind that this team was the underdogs in all of their series in this playoffs. They won all of them and made the finals. Luka was the main reason for this overachievement. With an injured knee.

    Edit: typo.

  10. ForestJordie

    The media needed something to talk about. On Tuesday they were talking about Lebron as a father. An ENTIRE SEGMENT. They are just trying to get clicks not have a real conversation or talk about facts.

  11. Solomon-Drowne

    Fuck all that, watch him peel off 4 in a row we won’t need no busted ass context

  12. Enjoyingcandy34


    and he’s injured.

    Boston just, has, so, much talent. I dont understand how they got all those good players but, w.e.

    Like, jrue, derrek white and porzingus…how do they have ALL of these great players as their role players? What the fuck?

    This is like when kevin durant went to warriors. Just odd times in the nba.

  13. Consistent-Dingo-506

    It’s magical watching him play in his first ever NBA finals appearance, after putting his team on his back to get there, at only 25 years old. And his play style is so unique and he’s uncompromising about it and doesn’t let the critics dictate his life or his style.

    Dirk got a lot of shit too, which he didn’t really deserve, but it motivated him. I wonder if Kyrie’s approach of just giving him a hug and being there for him is the way with Luka. He’s probably gotta do some work on his mental and emotional control during the game. Kyrie could probably help with that. Channel his passion for winning somewhere inside instead of towards the referees. I do believe the refs should start calling techs on Luka to reign him in. They have some responsibility in the way Luka acts because they allow it. I swear I saw Tatum tell a referee “Cmon man are you really gonna let him talk to you like this?” lol.

  14. AtreusIsBack

    He’s an all-time great even without a title.

  15. hooka_donchick

    people straight up questioning his endurance and conditioning after playing through multiple injuries taking shots to the knee and avg 40 minutes a game for like two months averaging a 35pt triple double. And still they talk about his conditioning. What sucks is it’s mavs “fans” who are doing it. Didn’t you watch this guy for the whole season and weren’t you guys frothing over him the past few rounds ? Bad playoffs where he hasn’t even been bad against a team playing at the level of 96 bulls and 17 Dubs.

    Them “fans” need a reality check. You must be a fucking lunatic to fat shame an NBA player but i’m
    not surprised.

  16. These charts remind me of two other sure-fire hall of famers, Harden and Westbrook. Yet these two will be regarded in a different light compared to Jokic and Giannis. You can guess why. For better or worse, you must win a championship to ascend to legendary status. Luka must win at least one. Otherwise he will be categorized in the same group as Harden and Westbrook, guys who can put up stats but can’t get it done. That’s just the way it is. He will get there, until then, media bashing is par the course.

    It might seem unfair, but he also finished #3 in MVP voting. And I suspect, if the vote took place today, he would place #1 or #2. He ultimately gets the respect he deserves.

  17. I have the sound turned down as I watch the games. It’s much better. I agree. Im watching a guy who is pulling his team to be close enough to win. I think he needs to lay off the refs a bit, but every player baits, complains to get calls now a days. So hes not alone in that. His d isn’t the best but I see a lot of his team just standing around when the Celtics are moving the ball around. So not just him. Maybe the Celtics are just a better team, which we all knew going into the season, let alone the playoffs. But like I said I’m watching games with the sound down.

  18. Old_Neat5220

    THANK YOU. Luka’s been carrying the team on his back to otherwise unattainable heights. Yes he has shortcomings, but despite that he’s still the only reason games 2 and 3 were even winnable.

  19. Threshyyyyy

    I always cringe when i see posts like this one here. No one is arguing his basketball genius. They are pointing out the obvious, which is his attitude and behaviour on the court. Oh and defense as well. If you don’t see that or even worse if you try to ignore it, you’re just a blind follower and someone who doesn’t know a lot about basketball and doesn’t understand the impact he has with that on the team. He needs to fix this to get to the next level or he will never reach the heights he’s destined to. There is no excuse and i will say it again no excuse for his constant complaining, whining, bad body language, not running back on defense when things don’t go his way.

  20. I love Luka as much as the next guy, but comparing absolute numbers of points, assists, etc is unfair and a bit of a cherry picked stat when you are comparing players that played a different number of games. The Celtics practically swept all their oponents. They played 3 fewer games than the mavericks these playoffs. Logically then none of their players are going to lead in any stats. Best compre points per game or per 100 possessions.

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