@Toronto Raptors

Friday Freakout! Has it really been 5 YEARS since the #TorontoRaptors won the 2019 NBA Championship?

Friday Freakout! Has it really been 5 YEARS since the #TorontoRaptors won the 2019 NBA Championship?

good morning Raptor freaks Lexi here I’m hoping you guys can hear me uh give me the yell dad is the microphone working guys we’ve had all kinds of issues here in Ontario in the last uh 24 hours dad you’re not telling me if it’s working is it okay what all right can you guys hear me on the stream since he just told me he’d do a mic check for me and he’s failing right now uh anyway uh I I maybe I will just come in and say something real quick and get the hell off the stream since it seems like the powers that be the power namely does not want me to do a stream today so still no sound okay still no sound I don’t know there’s something wrong with my computer guys I can you guys can’t hear me sounds great Isaac you can hear me okay Tom you were wrong okay don’t do that to me Tom seriously all right I’ll clip the the chatter or something like that I don’t know I’m pissed off okay let’s just put it that way right now I’m very pissed off uh we had a very serious storm here in Ontario last night it knocked out our power at 8:30 p.m. last night I we have not had power at my place since uh 8:30 last night I was hoping it would be restored by now but it was not when I woke up so we called an audible I got in the car and we drove to my aunt’s house she has a place here on Simco and her power is still here and she has uh internet so I was able to come here I’m doing an emergency stream because uh there’s 50,000 people in central Ontario that are without power right now so it my area of Ontario is not a high priority area because there’s not as many people near where I am so they’re going to help the cities of New Market and Barry and uh other bigger cities around here where there’s hospitals and people in trouble and stuff so now the microphone don’t want to work and y’all are uh telling me whether it’s working or not I appreciate y’all giving me the mic check now let me get into the stream uh the normal way now that we’ve got it arranged and figured out that I do have a microphone working because uh it’s not reading anything I little microphone that has little green dots on YouTube That’s supposed to go when I’m talking and it’s not doing jack [ __ ] and it’s pissing me off dis like the power being out at my house so I’m going to try and do a Friday freakout normally even though I’m freaking out because I there’s all kinds of technical difficulties all kinds of stupid [ __ ] happening getting in the way of me doing my stream anyway all right let me see all right so the stream today is supposed to be a remembrance kind of stream freaking out about that it’s been five years since the Raptors won the 2019 championship the anniversary of them winning was yesterday so today would be the day oh we won yay and be so happy so it’s pretty fantastic it’s a great milestone in fact to celebrate the Raptor’s 5year anniversary of their championship in 2019 I got a new license plate holder for my new vehicle that I just recently got Adriana bought me a Toronto Raptors 2019 Champions license plate holder and I put it on my truck yesterday in honor of the anniversary so I’ll be riding around Ontario with my 2019 Toronto Raptors NBA champion uh license plate holder it’s awesome it looks so good I appreciate Adriana so much for getting it for me it’s it’s just beautiful it’s a beautiful beautiful thing I was like I want to rep Raptors right in my in my truck but I don’t want to put a decal or a sticker on it I want something good and well a license plate holder that says 2019 Champions on it that’s the way to do it right there so I wanted to put it on there on the fifth anniversary of the Raptors actually doing the championship so looks real good Tommy good work thank you thank you for helping me misdirecting me at first and say no no sound still and they said no wait you do have sound you could be Tommy had the mute on too Tom saying he wants to hang out with Bradley on top of a semi-trailer next time the Raptors win a championship that’d be amazing honestly I mean I don’t know I don’t want to be on a moving semi-trailer like on the top like are we being in an 80s action show like The A Team or something I don’t know I want it to be like you know I like your other ideas like getting a bus for the next parade a raptor Freak Bus that there’s enough of us I don’t know we’ll see that may not be in the cars Tommy maybe we have one truck and a couple of us all hanging out of it and we’re just kind of unofficially at the end of the parade Pier’s here what it do baby what it do baby all right kawaiian surge riding around the fun guy and my foozy chef happy Friday fam let’s uh reminisce and manifest another glorious moment soon I can smell it okay okay rock I can smell what you’re cooking all right fiery I like that I’m all about it too I know Messi’s all about it I know Scotty’s all about it I know Darko is all about it and that’s what we’re all about I want to start right now by saying a very very very happy birthday to RJ Barrett it is RJ Barrett’s Birthday today guys of course RJ is uh now 24 as of today and you know we forget how young RJ is RJ is only 24 today guys in some ways he seems like he’s played in the NBA forever already it seems like he would be like in his older 20s the way he carries himself he’s just such a mature adjusted well adjusted young man that he is more mature for his age than you think he’s like he’s only 24 today it’s amazing to me so happy 24th birthday to RJ Barrett one of the best Raptors on the team right now one of my favorites one of the bees in the barbecue yeah RJ I want you to have a perfect day I know today may be a little Melancholy because of the passing of your brother earlier this year Nathan but man I hope that you get all the beautiful celebrations with your family your friends and everything you want today RJ we love you so much Raptors fans the Raptor streaks Toronto Canada everybody loves you RJ and we’re so happy wearing our Raptor Jersey and the team Canada Jersey this summer at Paris Olympics now on top of that I’ve got news from and this is crazy because I didn’t get to do any research last night this is part of the reason why I’m so thrown off right now is normally if I have power I get on the internet and I do all my research for my stream the next day so I’m kind of on the Fly and in some ways the freaking out today is not just freaking out because of technical difficulties is freaking out because I have to freak out on things with a live reaction because I have not seen the content content so in some ways this stream may be a little weird I may be a little bit uh discombobulated because I may be watching something for the first time usually I watch all the stuff that I’m going to talk about on the stream uh the night before and talk about it the next day so I’m going blind on a lot of things so you’re gonna get a lot of uh real reaction from me now talking about uh the Olympics team Canada I have a tweet here and this is from Mark Jones of ESPN the brother of Paul Jones The Great Raptor announcer Paul Jones’s little brother Mark is talking about how Trey ly is going to be at the Canadian basketball uh training camp with a former assistant Jordi Fernandez and he will be competing for a spot to Paris Trey LS is a forward Center Trey LS is a big body I had not heard Trey LS being involved in with us until just now so I’m excited that Trey Lyles may have a chance to make this team so uh that’s very interesting I think that he does have an end because he’s worked with Jordy very closely already and uh apparently he’s been in the lab in Sacramento and la for the last three weeks and he’s in fantastic shape he would have played last year in the feeble World Cup but he was a free agent and he was worried about his free agency and nailing down a contract with his team instead of playing for Canada at fee World Cup so Trey lles is another name added into the mix as far as possibilities to make the team now how does that intersect with the centers I mean I would say he has as good chance as Ken bur does I would say that I would say he has as good a chance as Kem bur figuring out this team in the end well there’s going to be some tough Cuts there’s G to be some tough cuts and there’s going to be some people look looking in from the outside that are not GNA make this team and it’s going to be very interesting to see who they are and who it isn’t is it going to be a straightup NBA team it could be very well be with all these people throwing their names in the Hat like Shaden sharp and Trey lles and Andrew Wiggins so we’ll have to see what happens and develops with this I’m glad Trey is showing an interest and that he will be there trying to compete for a spot I think he has a good shot especially if he’s feeling healthy and he has no distractions from free agency and he has an in with the head coach of Team Canada Jordy Fernandez you know there may be a shorthand that Trey Lyles has with Jordy Fernandez that could be very very helpful to Team Canada in the competition this summer yeah yeah so Trey I’m glad just showing signs of wanting to come in and see and and be with everybody yeah there you go Cowboy saying Mr Dukes we hear you Lex thank you oh my gosh oh my gosh you about to drive me crazy Tom saying I did all the troubleshooting the microphone should be working Tommy you tell me it’s still not working hello hello sorry if that was really loud this room has weird Acoustics I’ve never done anything in this room with recording so I have no idea it’s like a and there’s like like weird lighting here and there’s a dead bird’s head outside on the porch it’s really weird really really weird I like my aunt and uncle’s place it’s cool it’s a great Cottage and I feel very grateful and blessed that they would allow us to come over here get my parents some hot cups of coffee with the power out down at our place and now uh I get to do my stream on their internet so I really appreciate you Aunt Mary I love you very much and thank you for letting me do my stream at y’all’s Cottage it’s very very very nice of y’all yeah yeah really really thank you oh you had it muted Tom it’s your damn fault Tommy Tommy Tommy oh Tommy yes all right thank God I mean seriously it’s like every curveball they could throw at me including no power uh drive a half an hour to get somewhere it’s all in there this morning guys it’s all in there this morning it’s all right Tommy he’s like fudge it’s all right this is my associate producer I love him he’s not perfect but I love Tommy he’s so awesome he’s so good let’s see Dana is saying good morning everyone the storm was so bad yeah different areas of Ontario got it and different areas didn’t I noticed that from what my dad was telling me most of the damage and the problems that happened with the storm last night in Ontario were all centered around where I’m at a little bit north like I could see it coming through the window from Lake Simco and it was nasty one of those storms that just looks evil and has all kinds of crazy like energy in it really strong winds there were tornado warnings going on uh in the in the area the tornado watch just in CA well warnings not watch watches means there’s a tornado but there could the perfect conditions to have tornadoes spawn and just come in Railroad and like mess up stuff but apparently the storm was just a a lot of bark and not too much bite thank God I don’t think anybody passed away or anything and uh hopefully damage was minimal for people across Ontario but Power has been knocked out for 50,000 people in central Ontario and I I’m one of the many I am one of the many and Dana had a bit of that storm coming by her too so she felt it too yeah when that power went out I was like okay great I hope it’ll come back on I’m so used to being in downtown core and the power if it goes out when I live downtown it’d only be out for like maybe four hours tops they have to get the power back on downtown real quick there’s traffic lights and hospitals and all kinds of emergency different reasons well out here the priority list may be a little lower they got to get that power back on a new market where there’s people in hospital beds and stuff like that yeah it’s crazy fiery saying Lex is stressed look at his face bre Lex it only go better listen I’m stressed for all kinds of reasons fiery I’m two months into a total upheaval of my life and I haven’t had a chance to breathe or relax basically since since March so I’m a little worked up already I’ve been worked up this trip was great going to Estonia but it was really stressful in some ways this move has been stressful this building of the studio has been stressful my life is completely upside down and I’m a person that likes routine I’m a person who I mean look at what I do on this channel every day and just even like me being bumped back to 10: a.m because the power went out and all this stuff it wrecks havoc on me and since we recently figured out that I have autism and I have Asbergers it absolutely drives me nuts fery because I like to start right at 9:30 and have everything go smooth and nothing’s going smooth this morning that’s for sure that’s for damn sure yeah Dana’s got me on blast thank you Dana I appreciate fiery and Dana and all the great Raptor freaks being here with me through the toughness of the technical difficulties I really appreciate y’all sticking with me guys I really really do all right let’s see what else is going on here uh let’s see yes so many are impacted wishing all the best yeah I’m thank y it I don’t think it really hit Toronto that bad so it’s really is up here and we may have got the the the we may have been the most south of losing it because Uxbridge has its power xxbridge is fine it’s just really around Simco that things got really crazy last night really really crazy Isaac saying love to you and your family yeah it’s great my parents are here getting hot cups of coffee which they couldn’t get at our Cottage here at our our uh my dad’s sister’s Cottage so it’s really really good yeah just just yell it out get cowboy all right as long as y’all can hear me that’s awesome all right let’s see riding around classy that’s right yeah you like my license tag plate it’s cool Cowboy if you see it oh you’re gonna be like yeah that’s badass that is badass yeah all right let me see what else is going on there’s other birthdays today I shouldn’t just talk about RJ and forget about it’s actually Freddy Gillespie’s birthday today also guys Freddy is 27 today happy birthday to former center for the Raptors fry Gillespie in the Tampa season honestly I’ve talked about fry Gillespie recently about how much I admire him and I appreciate him for coming in helping us out you were a savior at that time and in some ways real ones like the Raptor Freaks and diard Raptors fans will know your name and celebrate you in the future Freddy it’s just how it is you’re kind of like bismack to me not as mainstream and big but to me you are somebody that the Raptors fans should think thly of and wish the best for going forward forever because you really helped us in a bad place Freddy Gillespie so happy 207th birthday to Freddy Gillespie and there’s one more birthday that’s a raptor birthday today that I kind of celebrate kind of he’s 52 today and that’s the father of Jaylen Bronson Rick Bronson assistant coach for the New York Knicks he’s 52 today he is technically a former Raptor and uh he played for the Raptors so we’re saying a happy birthday to the father of Jaylen Brunson today Rick Brunson who is a assistant coach for the Knicks currently so happy birthday RJ Rick Brunson and Freddy Gillespie those are our birthdays today we got to get them out of the way for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Isaac s dunk at Adriana for the license plate benevolence my apologies if I spelled your name wrong yes just one and but you’re cool Isaac you mean well and we will do that we’ll give her the sixth dunk of her career uh for this year uh six dunks for Adriana yeah she sh shocked me I was kind of talking about it with her last week when we riding around I was like I want to get some raps on the truck but I don’t want to get a sticker a decal that’s GNA be peeled off or on the car or something like that so I I said man a licensed plate holder would be the best well of course Adrianne is going to do research find it I was like can you even get met a 2019 Champion Toronto Raptor license plate holder at this point like five years later and she’s like oh just dare me I’ll go and try and find one I’ll Source One For You Raptor freak and boom there she goes she found one and the next thing I know she’s telling me hey you need to come by my house I’ve got something for you and I’m like what and I’m like yeah you shouldn’t have done this I told her she’s already got my Chris uh my birthday present for me this summer because it is my birthday later this summer I like Adriana don’t get me anything else you got me this fantastic license play holders awesome C saying happy birthday to RJ that’s right RJ’s our favorite son in some ways right now RJ is like my favorite Raptor right now I’m serious I love Scott don’t get me wrong and getting to know Scotty on Twitch and all that kind of stuff but there’s just certain things about R.J that just make me really like man I’m so glad he’s on the Raptors so so glad he’s on the Raptors as unappreciated as RJ was in New York City he is not in Toronto we very much value him a Native Son a guy that very much has a real real connection to the Raptors there’s the clips of him talking about when the Raptors won the championship how happy he was I mean he celebrating the the anniversary of the championship for the Raptors also in some ways as a raptor now and also just as a torontonian you know kind of man it’s just so sweet and awesome to have guys like RJ and Kelly on our team I’m just I’m serious I I love that I love that I just love that our we’ve gotten the point where our homegrown Talent is playing for our team and it’s not like we’re getting guys that we just put on the team because they’re from Toronto oh it’s just because they’re from Toronto no these guys are good players in the NBA and they are very awesome to have on our team yeah let’s see all right we got uh Trevor Jay here commissioner Jay is here good morning Raptor family as flowers open with fresh scents in the morning so does the hands of God with new blessings may you receive them today and always there you go you know through the adversity I th I try to find strength and uh and flexibility in some ways you know listen that the things that I deal with in some ways with wanting everything to just go smooth sometimes it just can’t be that way like this morning and sometimes I just need to turn the other cheek and say you know what life has just giving me some some obstacles and uh don’t get all upset and been out of shape and just try and do your best Lex that’s all you can do that’s all you can do all right Trevor since Trevor’s here we’re gonna go ahead and do the classic car of the day I have it pulled out already we don’t have very many cards left in the box and that’s actually kind of appropo for this season so this classic card box will be over when the season’s over now the game is tonight it’s possible that the finals are over tonight and that the Boston Celtics will sweep the Dallas Mavericks I’m really hoping that’s not what the case is gonna be but we’ll have to see we’ll have to see I’ll have the ref report in just a little bit so here’s a classic card please do not half ask me write the full name and uh oldheads will probably know this one so be ready right now don’t type anything right now to be funny because you’re on a 30 second delay all right here we go who is that that’s Nets player this one’s pretty easy if you know the history of the NBA you should know who that is you really should his head’s turned away but you should still understand who that is uh I know that the old heads probably will figure this out just because he was a pretty well-known player for different reasons in some ways in some ways I want to see if anybody can get that classic card right there yeah Nets look at that Nets jersey look at the the the the the guy look at his face maybe look at his face who is that you guys should know who that is no guesses yet I don’t see any guesses in the chat yet uh Blake Griffin’s wrong Kareem that’s way way too late this is way earlier than Blake Griffin and I don’t think Blake Griff yeah there we go smooth got it I knew he would that’s s buy guys that’s the guy that the New Jersey Nets picked over Michael Jordan in the draft that’s who this is s buoy got picked by the new New Jersey Nets could have picked Michael Jordan but they picked this guy instead actually it was the Portland Trailblazers that picked him it wasn’t the Nets he got traded to the Nets from the Trailblazers the Trailblazers could have taken Michael Jordan so I shouldn’t blame the Nets it’s not their fault it’s the it’s the Trailblazers fault so yeah they picked s buy over Michael Jordan Portland will never ever live that down and of course s buy uh Center out of Kentucky by the way uh he actually uh got injured a lot in his career didn’t get to play much of his career am I right was he at Kentucky yep I got the college right uh yep I remembered yeah so yeah s buoy classic card of the day and uh the classic card King smooth brown man getting the answer of course Sam buoy one of the most famous busts in the NBA’s history yeah that’s what they say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Tommy saying RJ sure does seem very mature wonderful family man and Canadian leader veteran bet he is looking forward to Paris as much as me yeah he’s that eye of the tiger he’s like ready to compete he wants to go there and get a medal for Canada and uh I fully support you RJ and I believe you will go to Paris and get a medal for Canada I’m I’m hoping it’ll be a gold if it’s a silver a bronze just like Fe World Cup I think Canada has a good chance to get a medal at the Olympics even with the Jugger not that the United States is and the other very dangerous teams from around the world Canada is a very dangerous team itself now a lot of it will be predicated on the final Decisions by Rowan Barrett senr and Jordy Fernandez on who the 12 Canadians are they’re goingon to be representing us I don’t want to mess with the chemistry from last year the chemistry last year from FEA World Cup was fantastic our team was really clicking they were playing very well off each other and a lot of the guys really made sense and really contributed even guys like Trey Bell Hayes and Melvin EO now y’all are easy to like just discard Bel Haynes and egum out of the picture but I’m telling you in some ways having role players guys that don’t have big egos they’re willing to just kind of be around and sometimes that’s a good thing in some ways just stacking Team Canada with youngsters that are un proven don’t know what they’re doing could be a fatal disaster and not help Team Canada win a medal there’s a a proper V diagram of experience and talent and uh and uh knowhow and also time served with Team Canada already that has to be thought about if some guys have not been around Team Canada at all and they’re just coming in blind I don’t think they should be in the Olympic cycle if you if I have my way every single person on the team Canada roster going to Paris should have represented Canada at least once before in some sort of and I don’t want anybody coming in having their rookie Canada time on this cycle right now they need to come in and do the lower parts the parts in the years before the Olympics like the fee World Cup and represent them and but you that maybe should be a rule honestly the Canada doesn’t put you on the team for the Olympics if you haven’t represented them at other stages already I don’t want some people acting like the the states players are they just want to come in and get the gold and go to Paris a lot of Americans disregard the fee World Cup they say it’s garbage anyway that’s just their way of coping with their failure to medal last summer they made all this propaganda down the states to say oh fever world cup doesn’t matter anyway [ __ ] it is the second biggest tournament after the per Paris Olympics coming up and you can go ahead and say oh that didn’t matter anyway USA wasn’t trying no you guys were trying you failed and you can tell yourself whatever you want USA fans now that oh we got all the big guys the old guys coming like LeBron and Steph we’re gonna be fine now yeah that may be true but don’t try and Sully the fee World Cup and say that it doesn’t matter it’s not indicative of the real where the levels of the competition are you’re going to find out there may very well be a roote Awakening for the Team USA team even with all their crazy Hall of Famers that you know what this isn’t going to work in the feea level even at the Olympics they’re gonna try and overpower and do all this kind of stuff and it may backfire seriously the US fans are just saying oh FBA doesn’t matter FBA doesn’t matter why do people think FBA matters so much it does because a lot of people were there and it was very competitive and you can go ahead and think that FBA doesn’t matter just because your team failed Americans seriously you can say that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Cowboy saying when is Canada’s first game I don’t know off the top of my head Bradley I’m in such a weird state with my life I’m not thinking past Sunday right now I have too much stuff going on I cannot project even to the draft at the end of this month so I cannot tell you when Team Canada is gonna play first I’m gonna just come to it as time time comes I’m not planning anything past three days right now my life is too in flux Bradley so maybe Mo’Nique knows the dates on this but I don’t I don’t know him off the top of my head Cowboys saying I was kind of hoping Lex made it to Tim Hortons or McDonald’s to steal their free Wi-Fi I’m gonna tell you this right now Kem that is actually a contingency plan to possibly do I’m just blessed and lucky that my my aunt was so nice to uh welcome us to be able to do this here on the Fly real quick but yeah I did the thought did occur to me I may need to get down to McDonald’s and xxbridge real quick maybe I could be like that Home Depot guy they got banned from OB Depot soon maybe the Raptor freak ex stream should just always be from McDonald’s and I’ll even try and get them to sponsor me against their will and they they’ll be like why you keep coming here and then maybe I can get banned from McDonald’s and that’s a win-win because I never want to eat there ever again and uh yeah it’d be funny too for Content so uh let’s see good job Kareem funny Amit saying didn’t get my second notification for the stream but anyways what’s up Lex what’s up omit how you doing man good to see you uh man tumultuous crazy all kinds of stuff Happening Here po power knocked out in my house due to amazing crazy storm last night lots of wind lots of thunder and lightning lots of rain and yeah Ontario’s a little bit reeling from it this morning with uh at least it’s a bright sunny beautiful day out and uh some ways we don’t need the power at this point unless you want some hot coffee that’s right that’s right Tommy saying did you see or hear any of darko’s interview with the Serbian interviewer talked about timelines a bit for the rebuild round Scotty yes Tom we did comment on this uh last week at some point when it was brought up I did not see the interview myself but I heard what uh other people were saying about it that darko’s on the same page with Messi which is good because Nick was not on the same page with Messi on a rebuild schedule Nick wanted to win win win now and uh dark and uh Messi wanted to do development he was like develop Delano develop Koko and meanwhile Nick was overplaying Pascal and Fred and not playing the rookie Koko as much as he should have and stunted the growth of Delano Banton in his second year uh after a very amazing off season into after his rookie season Delano was ready to do some crazy things for the Raptors but he was held back somehow someway by Nick Nur and that was a big conflict between Nick and messiah in the last year that Nick coached the Raptors and that’s part of the reason why he got fired because he didn’t do what Messiah asked him to do and that was develop the young guys and he was too busy trying to win win win win with his in overplaying his starters so Darko is great to hear he’s on the same page with Messiah and his vision for the rebuild and the time frame and the way it’s supposed to go that’s really important and I’m glad that it’s like that I did not hear what he said about Scotty specifically or anything like how he said it but I’ve heard what he said about Scotty in the past that he’s really going to try and get him to mimic Giannis in some ways there’s some plans for Scotty to be like more of a a full-court player like Giannis coming down the court down hill and making real real serious problems for the opposing team because all of a sudden you got this multi-talented amazing passer bearing down on you and you don’t know what to do so I know that’s one of the specific things that uh he’s going to work on with Scotty is making him a little bit of a bull in a china shop just like Giannis andto can be yeah yeah yeah yeah Trevor saying happy birthday to RJ that’s right RJ happy 24th birthday happy birthday happy birthday to RJ Barrett that’s right team Canada toron Raptors Mr Captain Canada that’s right we love RJ alyo to Aunt Mary all right we can do that cowboy you want to give a alyo to my aunt we can do that yeah Auntie’s getting a uh alleyoop today that’s awesome I’m GNA tell her that you she got one just because of that Aunt Mary is getting uh Aly oop dunk she’s hanging on the rim that’s an amazing image in my mind right now I’m gonna tell you that right now I’m saying as I said earlier when it comes to trivia I’m cheering for Boston but as a raptor fan go Mavs you know it really messed me up they’ve been doing two days in between the games but they’re only going to do one game and they’re playing tonight I really thought that game four would be tomorrow but they’re gonna do the second game in Dallas tonight so there’s a game tonight and I got the refs for it right now uh the crew chief is going to be Scott Foster tonight I’m not too thrilled about that that really does mean that this is an NBA sanctioned like outcome and whatever happens now I could say this Scott Foster could be a real thorn in this side for the Celtics and say h i want more money than another game so I could see Scott extending the series he is nicknamed the extender they their fans have called him this Scott Foster is the extender in a referee and maybe he’s coming to extend the finals to be another game at least a sweep is in nobody’s uh best interest other than Celtics Nation they love the brag about we swept in the finals well who the hell did you play you played a dynamic duo and then basically that’s it you know you didn’t play a full team and uh you know in some way I don’t want bragging rights for the Celtics to get a sweep so yeah Scott Foster extend this series tonight please and next to Scott will be uh David Guthrie and James Williams the alternate is Fred’s favorite Ben Taylor and you know who’s watching in the overseers booth Tony brothers so Scott B is gonna be on there he’s like yeah yeah Tony what should I do uh you know what to do Scott go ahead do it extend the series that’s right that may be how it goes tonight I don’t care either way I hate the Celtics and Amed I understand your reasons for why you may be going for the Celtics for your own trivia Championship but you are still a Raptors fan and you hate the Celtics it’s such a tough position to be in isn’t it my guy it’s so tough I’m like ah I’m torn this is good for me but ah I hate the Celtics so much I kind of feel like that with you also alen I’m trying to gain this like I don’t believe in no lose scenarios I believe in all win scenarios and either way whatever happens we’re gonna make this a win somehow some way and I’ll have my reasoning I’ll have my reasoning uh Kareem saying I’m pretty sure my teacup Yorkie was singing the fu Thunder song during the storm so I let her sleep at the end of our bed last night yeah that’s got to be tough for Animals you know what’s weird before the storm happened all the animals in the yard were acting real crazy I should start paying attention to them they probably like can tell me when crazy things are going to happen because they can sense it there’s a bird that has a nest on the light next to the door at at at my place and it’s built nest and it sits up there and normally when we come out on the porch it scares off and flies off away but it wasn’t doing that last night it was very like I’m hunkering down and I’m going to sit on this porch with you out here and I don’t care if you’re out here because I know that there’s a storm coming so he was s sitting in there that Nest even though we were out there he’s like no I ain’t going out there what he say it was crazy and even the Chipmunks they were chattering a lot during the day I felt like they were kind of talking about there’s something coming and they were trying to get ready so yeah animals can sense this kind of weather patterns coming ahead of time and they kind of make uh you know uh uh arrangements so to speak I think there was a rabbit even that was kind of hight tailing it through the the yard at late last evening around seven or so trying to find a good place to burrow and hide yeah yeah there we go David saying We Made It Sick yeah the streak is alive I Ain man they can’t stop me I’m like the weather it’s like the WEA I mean I’m like the mailman in the weather weather I’m going to deliver no matter what the weather is I’m going to try to that’s right if I’m at a Home Depot or I’m at a McDonald’s or Tim Hortons or something on their Wi-Fi at some point yeah you’ll know you’ll know I mean I did this whole stream while I was in Estonia what why would I not why would I let this power outage affect me not getting it done that’s right there you go there you go s buy was right good job by uh smooth brown man there uh Kem sand damn I thought s buoy was darker what the f happened to him was always a light-skinned guy he was always a light-skinned guy yeah there he is s bu that’s a really good picture of his face there if I had shown you that side of the card uh it would have been gotten immediately because yeah that’s just s buy and his head was a little bit turned away on that one yeah it’s kind of sad because he did have a lot of promise and his he just had such bad leg injuries that he just never got going and some ways he’s like uh the precursor of Greg Odin the story of Greg Odin uh is very similar to S buy very very similar yeah let’s see um fiery saying clapping for smooth and Victor Jays here Portland also took great Odin over KD yeah there you go sixer fan chiming in saying that I’m gonna give you a dunk for your factuality yeah I mean Portland’s had weird done weird things with their draft and yeah they could have had Michael Jordan they could have had Kevin Durant and they’re picking a big faulty centers that uh needed to be recalled yeah it’s crazy Victor good to see you return to the chat I’m gonna give you a dunk for your add in there about reminding us about Odin and uh KD Cowboy saying OG was my favorite but man I’m so happy we got uh Emanuel and RJ thank you Messiah and OG yeah we love OG OG got his time with our team he’ll always be a raptor fan favorite he’ll always be somebody who’s totally welcome in Canada and Toronto and uh he has no bad ill will or anything he you know even if there was some weirdness underneath he was such a private guy we have no idea we don’t care and every way that I know he was a good citizen and uh he’ll always be celebrated here I’m gonna tell you this also the connection to Toronto is really strong for him also forever he may be very private but I know he loved Toronto and uh it’s gonna be the kind of thing where OG will retire someday and he will be totally one of these alumni that will uh come around every once in a while and wave to the crowd here in Toronto people like Mugsy Bogues people like Dale Curry people like Charles Oakley and uh some of our old Raptors do not do this people like Chris Bosch and Vince Carter they’re not really like that cowboy s OG was my oh yeah I already read that happy birthday to RJ from fiery I like that uh Kareem saying smooth brown man akaad Rashad aka the head of the NBA Players Association AKA Upper Deck aka the lead voice of the new CBA oh my gosh man all right I’m gonna give you one dunk for this in some ways in the past for such a fully loaded comment like that I would have given you a three-pointer but you are just too devastated St so you’re at 155 Kareem he won’t let up that sweet brown man is actually aad Rashad and I mean mod Rashad is a smooth brown man so it would make sense right uh Tom Duke saying Olympic Games okay here’s our guy he’s gonna answer this for Bradley this is our dude Tom the producer is going to look it up and he’s giving me the information thank God for Tom thank you Tom he’s saying the Olympic Games basketball tournament will be held from July the 27th to August the 11th only 12 teams and we have a Australia Greece and Spain in our group uh women also looking good and have Nigeria France and Australia in their group go Canada now Tommy I will say this there’s friendlies before that and we need to look up the first team Canada friendly to gear up and I may be the one in Vegas against Team USA that may be the first uh watch along that we do we’re going to do the Olympic Games and anytime Team Canada’s playing we’re going to watch along it yeah anytime they’re playing I will do live playby playay during the whole entire game that’s just a fun thing we do for that particular uh team is I do commentary I do play byplay just like Matt develin during the team Canada games so uh the watch alongs will happen for the friendlies and the Olympic Games so the date for the first game is actually one of the friendly games against uh possibly I think it might be the USA one in Vegas and IQ is said he will be there supporting RJ and Kelly that’s right Cowboy saying thanks Tommy dookie let’s go Canada that’s right I’m gonna give Tom a dunk for uh his helpfulness as a producer of this channel uh let’s see Tommy’s at 68 my guy 68 for Tom there you go uh let’s see Tom saying this will be the first time in 24 years the Canada’s women’s and men’s basketball teams will compete together in Olympic Games this is a big deal this really is showing that our country is arriving The Carter effect is being felt the championship uh 2019 feeling will be felt too Reverb ating in the next 20 years watch there’s going to be a whole new crop of youngsters that got inspired by kaan Leonard and is shot so it’s it’s no surprise the emergence of Canada and the basketball World on both sides of things with the men’s and the women’s and it’s fantastic that both teams will be there finally again together the first time in 24 years the first time since 2000 when Steve Nash represented Team Canada in the red and white yeah yeah boam boom boom smooth Brown smooth brown man saying Sam broke both his legs man yeah he broke both his legs and they never actually really recovered Sam was kind of like one of those really great college players that was absolutely fantastic in college and just did not have it happen in NBA because of injuries and it’s sad it’s sad in some ways you know he gets really he is like a punchline to a joke in some ways he was way back then too he’s kind of Forgotten at this point but old heads remember him and remember the story about this yeah Isaac saying 12 days away from the NBA draft let’s go I’m excited about this yeah I got to get on it and get ready but once again I’m not looking further than Sunday right now because I have so much stuff going on and then after that it’s like well what’s going on for this week and all the things I have to accomplish this week there’s just so power packed there so much is overloading my brain and getting to Estonia getting that trip done and uh enjoying it getting some mil St happening with the the studio and moving out of my old apartment yeah it’s just been too much flux and too chaotic and this morning specifically with the power outage crazy crazy crazy 12 days I’ll be ready by then I’ll be ready by then yeah let’s go Raptors that’s right Cowboy yeah Tom’s got Mion blast and he’s saying he’s a goat and I agree with him uh David is also saying Mr Duke knows his Olympic facts well he went and looked it up he looked it up there’s a messiah and Darko on blast with cowboy and there’s a money bags for Tommy uh and there’s money flying around what is that Tommy all right Kareem saying I had a crazy dream that jonte Porter battled courts and uh the NBA for a couple of years and was granted to become a Referee what a perfect Avenue for jonte to explore wow Kareem this may be a Hall of Fame comment right here now not only is this is weird all right first of all we don’t like bringing up J but I’ll allow it here because this is ridiculous you said you had a dream last night that he battled the NBA in courts and he won and they had to make him a referee this sounds like Seinfeld where they had to make somebody a butler or something like that oh you won your court case you’re now a butler for Jerry or something like that you know what is this it’s like okay I could see this and I think this is hilarious because honestly we’re talking about like the refs and and we’re talking about jonte and yeah it makes sense all right Kem all right you you you know what this one actually gets a three-pointer I can’t deny this one that’s a 158 for you that’s a ridiculous comment seriously what a I know he’s probably being truthful that he really did actually have this dream you guys are laughing at him too that’s a sign that he did good he’s got three people rolling on the ground because he said that uh let’s see Isaac saying Lex are you considering doing a watchalong party for the draft no draft’s boring man I don’t want to sit there and like analyze every single draft like Jay billis like I I don’t want to sit there and like listen to their interviews and try jump around when they’re talking it’s just not the right kind of format for me to do it I like watching it in fact sometimes I don’t even watch the draft I’m gonna tell you right now when Scotty got drafted I wasn’t watching the draft I wasn’t I was driving around in the country in the car and I found out Scotty got drafted like an hour after it happened it it was I was really in a weird place with the team after the Tampa season and I was kind of like I I’ll just take a break from them and I I did not really kind of watch the draft when Scotty got drafted I regret it I wish I had watched the draft when Scotty got drafted but yeah sometimes I don’t even watch the draft uh Isaac I end up just kind of like uh doing my own thing like maybe I have to do some project or I’m working and then I find out later some ways I find the draft very boring in some ways it annoys me because the ESPN heads that are talking on it are really annoying personalities usually so there’s a lot of reasons why this is not you’ll have me react to the pick the next day but you won’t see me do a watch long no no no no no you want an alyo from Mr Duke all right we can do that we’re GNA give Tommy another alleo from uh Bradley he’s he’s really been on point 69 69 Tommy all right let’s see uh Kareem saying as as much as I hate Boston I got to respect the climb to see them build and make small changes every year around their core is a testament of how to win in this era of basketball you know what begrudgingly I’m going to have to agree with Kareem too you know what it is they’ve stuck with their two main guys and really they’ve made a very strong commitment to work well with each other everybody’s tried to pull Brown and Tatum apart in all kinds of different ways they try to pit them against each other Jason kids doing this whole thing with the Mind Warfare with the Jaylen Brown comments that he made he Even’s trying to say oh I didn’t mean to make a fuss or Problem by saying what I said about Jaylen Brown yeah you did and you continue to say that is yeah it’s just part of the psychological warfare I mean this stuff is happening Patrick Beverly and Nick nurse talking about dogs the begin season there’s gonna be some psychological warfare and uh you know that was Jason kid’s little way of trying to pull the threads with them well kudos to Jason and Jaylen for keeping it together all these years when it could have very easily been like a Tracy McGrady Vince Carter situation where it’s like I’m too big you’re too big and we can’t be in the same place so them being a partnership and staying together is crucial for that and then on the other flipping it is they flipped a lot of guys that were kind of annoying on their team like Grant Williams Marcus Smart and I thought that those guys would really hurt like Robert Williams the third another guy that was very key to them in the last couple years and they flipped them for other guys and I was like no Robert Williams I third for Chris steps ringis is not an upgrade in some ways I don’t I still feel like that’s true but Drew holiday was absolutely an upgrade and the addition of Derek white a couple years ago absolutely huge and then you you add in the fact that they a really solid role player backups in Hower and pessard and uh even cornette comes in and does specific things to help Boston their roster build has been smart they kind kind of understated guys like Derek white and Al Horford who’s still very key to them yeah no they they’ve done a good job and we do begrudgingly have to give credit to Brad Stevens for how he has built that team and and got it to where it is at this point yeah I think you’re exactly right Tom saying uh Team Canada the group will convene in Toronto for training camp in late June all right before traveling to Las Vegas to open their exhibition schedule against the United States on July the 10th okay so there you go Bradley July the 10th maybe be the first day that I’ll do a watch long and well it’ll be fun if it’s USA versus Canada to hear o Lex do a commentary on that and Tommy’s going woohoo he’s ready for it so July the 10th I’ll be doing my first play-by-play watch along Isaac saying I agree with your rationale of shitty ESPN coverage that’s why we got you to counter the bias and pessimism well you know my expertise isn’t in the overall draft Isaac sure I’ve scouted these guys quickly with you guys on here on different streams but I really don’t know the college game that well I can’t really give a good opinion on draft picks for different teams and what they’re getting and what fits because I don’t care about the other teams if Orlando picks a player and they’ve got him in I can’t [ __ ] for you about it in any kind of way to make full watch along worth watching so in some ways like I said the next day just like last year Grady got picked I’ll react to the pick for the Raptors and make a big deal out of that and you know in some ways I don’t care about covering the other teams and stuff I’ll cover the first pick I’ll cover the notable stories like maybe bronny James but uh otherwise I don’t really care what the other teams are doing I just care what our team is doing that’s right all right there’s a really fantastic clip I just posted in the community tab on this channel uh from five years ago today where I’m in the store and you know what happened the the Raptors won the championship and that night I had a hard time sleeping and I was up real late and then I came into work and I was over tired and you see in the episode from yesterday but I got a good night’s sleep the next day and I came in and I finally realized we won so it’s like I didn’t realize we won the championship immediately after like it didn’t sink in you know how that is and then the next day I didn’t really realize it but then the day after that I really realized it and it’s crazy and I’ve kind of going through the emotions of it on to the the the one from five years ago today it’s crazy like I really break down and get really emotional and touched about the Raptors winning their first NBA Championship in 2019 so if you’re interested in seeing that clip it’s in the community Tab and there’s also me talking about the parade and the one of the ones coming up next week because uh going to the parade and my experience there so it’s all five years to the day and in the whole summer we’re celebrating and I will continue to post the clips all the way through the summer SE of the Kensington variety VIP Club so yeah it’s really crazy man uh fiery saying where did you post the link Lex it should be in the community tab on this channel if you go to the uh it’s also in our Facebook group it should be in there too yeah yeah Community tab all right let me see is there anything else I wanted to talk about we talked about Trey lyes oh let’s do the Instagram stories I’m doing them blind y’all I have not watched them because I didn’t get to watch them last night so I’m doing them blind first of all it looks like Precious is out on a golf course looks very beautiful blue skies and Green Green Grass uh let’s see he’s also at the talking about his new partnership with the NBA Players Association and what he’s going to be doing for Nigeria as an NBA player over there he’s going to be doing some very fantastic stuff this summer I can tell uh he’s also taking a tea off shot and some of’s making fun of his shot and they’re saying he’s saying dude is a hater he’s saying he’s not too bad Abby actually so precious is out there on the links hitting the the little ball around uh let’s see he’s also on his way last night to the fight that’s right precious went to the UFC fight last night and uh you could see him on the the floor walking up to the to come up to the where the the the the Octagon is and there’s some action in The Octagon looks like there’s a women’s fight that he’s watching there uh and yeah precious Court uh ringside for UFC last night in New York and there he is with the one of the fighters I guess he was trying to support one of the ladies who was fighting last night so precious there supporting uh UFC and octagon stuff uh slim duck is celebrating the five-year anniversary yesterday with a picture of him with the Canadian flag draped over his shoulders and uh the Larry O’Brien in his hands and a big huge smile of course this is so special the championship that Chris got with Toronto I know he got a championship with golden state but in some ways it’s not hitting like the one getting in Canada the first championship for an NB ba team in Canada as a Canadian on that team it is so so special Chris is so special Chris has put a quote by Jerry West up on his story saying the word dog comes up uh often a lot well I was a wolf I used to eat dogs I love that quote by Jerry West and I wonder if uh uhuh that’s what Chris buet has to say to Patrick Beverly he’s like oh yeah we don’t have dogs we have wolves we have wolves there’s uh him working out once again and he’s quoting Deion Sanders talking uh talking about something and then more pictures from the F1 event last weekend with him and Lou Dort and Benedict meurin yeah Chris is putting in work and honestly his shoulders look really big and his arms look big as always uh Javon Freeman Liberties back at depal University and they’ve got a picture of him in a Raptor’s Jersey on the wall uh with the Blue Demons uh saying that he’s a Toronto Raptors to present right now 2023 to present Javon Freeman Liberty uh getting on blast to Paul so he went back to his Alma moer and he’s hanging out with the coach and everything let’s see Young’s got a nice picture of the family the family of four the two sons his wife shaa and himself and uh it’s interesting because they’re pictures from a year ago to this year and thad’s hair is a lot shorter uh Thad young Jr’s hair is longer and he’s taller and uh so is his younger son too so yeah shikina is the only one who looks uh really really she looks like she’s not growing but that’s because she’s a full grown adult Alex those boys are growing fast come on now you know but yeah I like these pictures of like last year to this year very very cool with that uh Kelly o Len might have a new dog it looks like it’s like it looks like a little like spaniel kind of low dog like a hot dog spaniel I don’t know it’s not a dash but it looks like a Spaniel dashen mix it’s a cute dog it looks like a very smart dog and I think uh I don’t know who’s if is his dog but why would he post it if it isn’t why would he Monique celebrating the five-year Championship anniversary with Reller Raptors fans we will be back one day there you go Mo there you go Mo and I love it she’s next to a big huge faximile of the Raptor championship ring that’s so cool I’d never seen that before and she’s asking everybody where were you five years ago and how will you never forget the amazing thing that happened for the Raptors on 2019 five years ago so so good emanel quickley is uh with somebody cooking something really weird in Italy I’m not sure what’s going on there he’s said cutting some little food or something looks real weird and yeah there’s the food it looks like some crazy or derves with meat on bread or something looks pretty cool uh looks yummy and he’s also got a fruity drink looks pretty good uh there’s a cathedral he’s taken a picture of in Milan the dumo de Milano dumo D Milano where’s nameless to grade my Italian I don’t know why but somehow Malachi Flynn is snuck into the Instagram stories today and he’s uh with a impact doing training and yeah he is a Detroit Piston I’ll just remind everybody he is still a Detroit Piston uh Koko uh showing uh a precious doing his work at the NBA players association with h his new deal to be a representative and uh trying to help with the camps over in Africa it’s kind of similar work to Giants of Africa precious will be involved there uh we see OSI has got a picture of somebody I’m not sure who it is I think it’s somebody that passed away sad it says wish we could have kicked it one last time bro rest easy that’s sad man so osi’s lost somebody important to him in his life I hate hearing the Raptors feeling sadness because they’ve lost loved ones that’s never a good thing for me I don’t like that all right there’s your Instagram stories real quick sad to hear that about uh OSI abaji losing somebody yeah yeah oh man the 5year anniversary is amazing and uh so so awesome to see everybody celebrating let’s see if there’s any empty news that I missed of course Luca is complaining about the refs and uh but he’s saying he’s gonna have fun the Lakers are gonna interview JJ reck for the job we heard about that the porzingis is listed as questionable for today uh and the Celtics are using their failure from uh before their failure last year and other years before as fuel to get this championship this time time uh and yeah I don’t want to really talk about anything else on there uh let’s see we did the birthdays happy birthday RJ Freddy and Rick Brunson uh if you have a WNBA team uh uh set up your teams is very intense uh karim’s beating me right now in our matchup James is beating Morgan cool cat’s beating Edmund and uh it’s very close David’s taking the lead over Meredith at this point and fiery is beating JP I said the Reps already Scott Foster David Guthrie and James Williams for the game four of the finals tonight yeah yeah all right I think that’s about it I’m just under an under let me under an hour let me do the last couple of uh comments and we’ll get out we’ll get out of here uh let’s see um fiery saying where did you post okay I read that Victor J saying start one bench one and cut one all right I like these kind of questions I’m all about it all right and we’re going to do these guys at their peaks okay we can’t do them right now Tony Parker Chris Paul and Russell Westbrook this is a great question Victor um all right man this is tough and you know what listen it’s tough because these guys are all different in different flavors of point guards in some ways the one that I respect the most that got the most accolades is Tony Parker he won the most but he is not the most talented of these three guys in fact he may be the least talented but the thing is Tony Parker won he won like crazy and I know maybe it’s because of the Duncan but still he won a lot so I have to respect that I want to put Tony Parker on the bench though and I’m really gonna try and choose between Chris and Russell now some ways Russell was so good in some ways he’s absolutely the most talented best player out of the three of these but the thing is Russell does not add up to winning so it’s tough in some ways I might cut Russell even though he’s the Hall of Fame triple double machine and pick Chris Paul at his Peak because he’s such a good point guard he’s so talented this is so tough I think I would do that I know that sounds crazy some people would say what you’re cutting Russell Westbrook yeah I’m gonna start Chris Paul I’m gonna bench Tony Parker and I’m gonna cut Russell Westbrook because I’m about winning I’m not about individual stats I’m not about a guy who’s just a freakish athlete who’s absolutely a Hall of Famer and one of the greatest players ever I’m about winning and I know if I start Chris Paul in his prime at point guard and I have Tony Parker Off the Bench that’s a great point guard uh combination thanks for the question though Victor uh Kareem saying I know it’s too early to make maybe discuss but out of all the four major sports the NBA is the only one who hasn’t made any changes to their logo do you think that they will ever move on from Jerry no shade just asking this is a serious question and you know there’s been discussions about updating the NBA logo a lot but now is not the time for that in some ways that would be disrespectful since the man just passed like a couple days ago somebody made a very disrespectful joke but it is funny that Jerry West he couldn’t live to see another Celtics Championship so he wanted to go before they actually won I mean that t makes total sense if you know the history of him as a player and the torment that him going against the Celtics happened in the 60s so I mean that’s a bad joke but in some ways I I’m actually happy that Jerry passed before they won because in some ways he hates the Celtics so much and seeing the Celtics win another Championship yeah yeah in some ways that’s that’s Old Wounds I I would say this there was talk a couple years ago Kareem about changing the NBA logo to a Michael Jordan like pose and making that what it is I think that will still happen but I don’t know when and I don’t know when that switch over will happen it’s just that it’s not the right time right now and you’re right this is not the right like it’s kind of because the man just died you don’t want to change the logo you know too soon but I think it’s due I think it is due and they talked about it like something with a very iconic Jordan pose should be the NBA logo to be honest some people some people may argue that it should be like a Kobe or a LeBron posst No it should be Michael if they’re gonna change the logo it should be Michael Jordan on the NBA logo he made that man made that leag I’m sorry that’s just how it is uh let’s see Cowboy saying later Lex stab and Raptor freaks I’m moving a customer in their new condo got to go everyone have a great and safe day keep up the great work Alex everyone slam the like button that’s right Bradley is helping somebody moood today and I I I may be off frazzled but I still got my Q card 647 833 6844 if you need help mooving any friends they may not have any strong people around them you know there’s little Granny’s who may need help around the GTA well they know to call Tada 647 833 6844 Bradley be safe moving stuff don’t hurt your back and take care of their stuff don’t mess it up all right let’s see uh Kareem saying at Victor bench Harris start Jimmy Butler and cut Joel oh never mind you guys don’t have Jimmy yeah this be nice Victor’s cool Victor if he’s not putting shots fired on us he should be here don’t put shots on him just for being here in fact I like having fans from other fan Nations integrated with us in here we’ve had mil bester from New York Nation we’ve had Charlotte fan we’ve had uh Milwaukee fan we’ve had a lot of Philadelphia fans that’s really The Fan Nation that’s come and hung out with us the most and I want to be friendly I’ll say this Kareem don’t shot fire on him unless he shots fires on us and he has not done that today so you are a little preemptive with your strike so in some ways I’m giving you a strike for not being friendly to our guest from Sixers Nation so Isaac saying dunk for tadada all right yeah we can do that Tada Services y’all 647 833 6844 you can come and help you do whatever he’s crazy he’ll do like odd jobs I don’t think he’ll do any crimes for you so don’t ask him for that all right Trevor saying yes I was watching that fight precious was interviewed it was on uh live pfl fights on ESPN very cool so they had precious actually interviewed on the on the broadcast for that fight very very cool thank you commissioner Jay for letting us know and uh Kareem saying two things I will always remember uh hang on it jumped ahead I will always remember from our Championship every time I see the Kawai replay I always fixate my eyes to different person in the crowd to see their reaction yeah that’s fun seriously I like that too like of course everybody sees Jordan Lloyd guy in a suit uh you know you see Danny Green in the back there you see Joel’s reaction in that picture is hilarious too and then anybody in the crowd you know you can even pick out people like Dr McKenney or Chris bé uh you know there’s it’s very interesting picture and is actually there’s other angles of that picture too where you can see different parts of the crowd like the people on the endline there’s very interesting reactions there too fiery saying yes great memories yes for sure and G saying I think I remember quickly worried about food here because he was a steak and potatoes guy picky eater and now he’s eating fine dining in Italy good stuff IQ yeah I think emanuel’s fine he likes Sushi we’ve seen him eating sushi this week uh you know what he just wants like food that you know it’s really the kind of thing where you come to a new country and you don’t know what to expect well RJ got him he told him what he could eat telling him about Tim Hortons and stuff when they first coming into Toronto on that open gym episode but yeah I mean Emanuel had nothing to worry about in Toronto in fact Emanuel you may be I mean New York’s got great restaurants don’t get me wrong but Toronto’s got restaurants that could rival New Yorks in some ways also so man you were fine either way I mean Scotty knows a lot of good restaurants and I’m sure you and him have gone to a bunch of restaurants as well as you and R.J yeah Kareem saying the other is Fred Van vet’s frantic after hitting the three against golden state with the bandage under his eye yeah that’s amazing like him laying on the floor with the blood coming out that’s another one uh there’s some Serge uh images that I I remember of Serge like very much very animated and doing certain things of course SE yakum hitting a huge shot uh Lowry starting the last game of the finals when we won uh with like really on fire and dominating right at the beginning yeah there’s a lot of great memories from that game and that series and that whole playoff run all kinds of great images and stuff for sure yeah let’s see David saying uh yes well done IQ you branched out and accepted eating world world class Cuisine Bravo yeah I mean he’s he had New York Cuisine Toronto’s got world class Cuisine from all around the world too so he’s been all right with the food for sure Trevor saying I was in Cleveland for Cleveland uh for the championship parade but nothing beats the Raptors parade we made history is the most people ever attend a championship parade I think that’s unofficially true nobody wants to put that on blast though you know there’s been some La parades for the Lakers that have been very sizable also I have to say I don’t know what the exact stats are Trevor you may not be actually on uh true but I want to think that that’s true the number has never been actually totally calculated some people have said it was only a million but that’s not true I think there were like two million people at the Raptor parade that the whole city of Toronto came down there all the kids came out of school and they just went down there and they were down there everybody played hookie from their jobs and school and everything and just went there and it was amazing it was amazing to see the massive sea of humanity that was collected along the parade route in Toronto which was not a short Parade route and there were people all along it and then full in uh Mel lasman square or for like or not whatever square that is Nathan I don’t I get them all mixed up at City Hall let’s just say that yeah so um you went to the Cleveland Cavaliers parade with LeBron uh yeah okay well I don’t think they had as good a parade in Cleveland for sure but yeah I don’t know the exact stats for most people at a championship parade but the Raptor Championship parade is up there I would say it’s probably in the top five for North America I don’t know what what the stats would be for places around the world for especially for football for soccer they may have some crazy parades there too uh David saying Jordan will charge the NBA of Fortune if they want that logo that’s the Jordan brand that’s probably true that’s probably part of it too who knows and he probably put in his will so maybe that won’t happen exactly for why David just said you’re exactly right he was always like this in the video games he wasn’t in NBA video games some expensive they would have every single player in the NBA in there with it and then they’d have one player that was look like Michael Jordan with a bald head and he may even have the number 23 but he couldn’t have his name actually on it and he’d be just as good is Jordan and everybody knew oh that’s Michael Jordan even though he’s not officially Michael Jordan that happened a lot in video games in the 990s and uh that’s part of the reason why so you know what Davis brought up a very good point for why maybe Michael won’t be the NBA logo yeah I could see that I could see that uh let’s see um David saying Victor seems more than decent thanks for not being an obnoxious being obnoxious and making me go a monkey tilt okay yeah I mean we will have trolls and people come in here and attack us we’re down why would you kick us when we’re down in some ways it’s like look if you’re an NBA fan and you just love the NBA and you just want to talk basketball this is a great place to be and I think that’s part of the reason why Victor’s enjoying being here yeah and Kem say sorry Victor we want to be friends and he’s laughing crying about it I’m just saying if they come in with shots fired then we have the ability to open fire from our cannons but otherwise I want to be a friendly place we’re Canadians for Pete we got to be Canadian first come on Kem David saying all right remove the strike all right yeah he’s he’s uh you know what strikes don’t mean anything at this point has when was the last time somebody struck out on this channel seriously it’s got to be at least a year and a half I’ve not been kicking people off this channel for three strikes like I was before when it was just a free-for-all it was crazy back then think about that me throwing people out I think there were some days where I threw like two or three people out in one stream it was crazy that’s a wild west it’s all in the archive you can probably see it fiery saying uh Osmos as well RJ plugged it we have one downtown in Ottawa yeah he did mention Osmos in that in that open gym I’m like ah Osmos is that partly because of Norman and Fred and all those commercials they did is like ah I was on an Osmos kick when Norman was doing all the Osmos commercials and I would eat it for like good luck before games but it making me sick and at a certain point I had to stop like I was like I can’t do Osmos anymore and some ways is partly their sauce they put way too much on it I’m I think it was giving me allergic reaction so but yeah Osmos is good it’s just uh you don’t eat it all the all the time like I used to I was eating it way too much yeah David’s laughing at Osmos uh and uh yeah he’s saying welcome to the Raper freak family Victor J there you go uh fiery saying I remember the reporter telling Pascal we surprisingly won the chip and the reaction was gold yeah I mean there there listen the way the Raptors champion ship is going to be looked at over the years like and hopefully we get the second one soon so that it’s not such a aberration or weird is that you know some people say it’s a fluke some people say it was easy I don’t believe that I mean Philadelphia fan can tell us that contentious seven game series that came down to a shot that is that is so like some people say that’s why he’s lucky why doesn’t make that shot the Raptors are not winning the championship well that’s true and that in some ways you know luck is a part of the formula to become a champion the Celtics have to have a certain amount of luck with their injuries so that they don’t have certain people missing it’s just the way it is every single year there’s players missing in the finals and it matters in some ways the players that are missing in this finals are the players that just aren’t on the Mavericks that they need for a full team it’s not really injuries yeah and Victor saying David thanks and full ass all good man there you go there you go Victor’s getting long with us I like that in some ways it’s like around this time of the season sometimes we check in with Sixers Nation we did the whole Goodwill tour when we had the series against him in the first round when Joel stepped on Scotty’s leg and they put us out in the first round well I was doing some Goodwill by doing rewatch of the 2001 playoffs against uh Ai and Vince we did rewatches of the games on this channel trying to make Goodwill with the Sixers uh fan base now things have been up and down in some ways we really hate Joel and beid here in Toronto but we love Tyrese Maxi in some ways some people really love Nick nurse still but I don’t I hate Nick nurse and in some ways he’s like Vince Carter as a coach to me at this point it’s very much the same kind of thing he went to a division rival immediately after he left our team Vince went to the Nets and immediately after and you know the kind of things that happened since whether it’s Vince beating us as a net net or Nick sweeping us this year as the coach of the Sixers it’s annoying it’s very very annoying so I don’t like Nick of course I love Lowry Lowry’s awesome Lowry is awesome dunk for Victor J all right Isaac I’ll do that all right let me wrap it up I’m just over an hour and I’m in a a weird place to do the stream that is not normal for me I was not thinking I was going to do a stream here ever ever it’s kind of crazy all right you got uh OG anobi 3 Victor J or I should say uh maybe an Allen Iverson 3 wasn’t he number three yeah AI yeah let’s see uh all right uh Mike’s saying hey Mike’s here to see logical Raptors fanatic project truth always putting the truth out there we missed a game seven buzzer beater and we made one that’s just the way things go sometimes yeah yeah you some of them you make some of them you miss and well things all lined up real nice in 2019 and the Raptors got their first NBA championship hopefully the second one will be in the next five years it’s been five years since the first championship i’ like they get the second one in the next five years around Scotty Barnes Anything Can Happen well we’ll see in some ways there’s powers out there that don’t want that ever happen again well that’s why it’s so impressive if the Raptors do win a second Championship soon that’s not what the NBA wants in their script trust me they really don’t they want to bury us and put us at the bottom of the league just like the Charlotte Hornets the Wizards and uh we ain’t about that we ain’t about that we’re too good we’re too quality our city is too uh much full of talented creative amazing people and uh the team exemplifies that also so that’s how it’s going to be that’s right dap to David and Mike right there dap dap DB all right y’all thanks for watching please like comment subscribe and share and if you want to join the channel membership has its privileges you get access to being my Facebook friend and also to all kinds of like uh different perks uh that members get like calling in on the calling show tomorrow we’re doing a Saturday share the love club for Jeff from open JY Jeff is not technically working on open gy directly he is still but he’s more working with giants of Africa at this time but we’ll we’re going to talk we’re going to showare the love for open gy in the series and specifically Jeff the main guy who is the producer for open gym for most of the time that it’s been around he’s he’s not technically the guy still though Trevor saying we have to get you a gener generator will not lose power ever again well the crazy thing is pizza pizza Chris this is his line of work and I told him last night I lost my power so he has emergency generators that’s his job and he drives around with them and sets some up for people I don’t know in some ways maybe I should talk to Chris about some sort of uh thing to do in this situation again in the future but maybe I do have a backup here or maybe at the McDonald’s like y’all said I might have to go do that that’d be so funny if I do the Raptor freak streaming at McDonald’s maybe some people in there will be like oh what are you talking about you’re talking about the Raptors and they’re like all of a sudden in involved in the McDonald’s while I’m doing the stream that’d be really weird man really really weird all right guys have a great Friday make the best of what you can you get some curve balls thrown at you do just do what I do persevere and go around them make it happen either way that’s what we did today on this stream today so I’ll see y’all tomorrow I might go super early tomorrow y’all just so you know there’s a weird thing tomorrow’s chaos too it’s not like today’s the only day of chaos I have chaos tomorrow too so I’m gonna try and figure out what I’m doing tomorrow because ah things are really weird in my life right now either way I love y’all thanks for watching me and supporting the channel yeah let’s go Raptors and congratulations 5year anniversary of the 2019 Toronto rapor NBA championship many more to come let’s go

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