@San Antonio Spurs

DeMar DeRozan BACK to the Spurs!? San Antonio Spurs News

DeMar DeRozan BACK to the Spurs!? San Antonio Spurs News

see a lot of Spurs fans say hey we should bring a ven in what if we brought back a former San Antonio Spur giant what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports hope you had a great weekend it’s been busy and haven’t been able to get on here much but finally grabbed to do a video and talk some spurs with you and I came across an article today from Bleach report talking about guessing the four NBA vets who would take pay cuts to play with wemy and number two was DeMar de rozan so let’s talk about it could Demar de rozan return to San Antonio his contract is up in Chicago which makes him an UNR restricted free agent Rosen has said he wants to win but Chicago needs to head in a different direction and should look to break up the team the question then becomes where can D rozan go that would guarantee winning no Contender is a d roen away from winning it all ouch um ouch so why not return to San Antonio the Spurs and D rozan had a good three-year run despite not pointing much time out okay so wild roen with the r Spurs for three seasons he had shooting splits of 50 22 and 85 and I know three-point shooting has gotten a little better in Chicago he’s shooting like 33 percentage I think over those three years average 21.6 points per game with us 5.3 rebounds and a nice 6.2 assists waler Rosen was with our Spurs year one they finished 48 and 34 making the playoffs and getting eliminated by BOS to demer Nuggets next season 32 and 39 and made the bubble play tournament or what the heck I don’t remember what that was all I don’t remember that at all really was it a tournament what I don’t remember the bubble and then 33 and 39 the next year immediately losing in their one and only playing game let’s continue on during that run der rozan developed more playmaking skills which would help be which would be helpful now with webe Yama there would be more space in the menr for him to operate with W’s ability to spread the floor D rozen would be a great addition to the Spurs locker room yes I think he was happy here seemed to have a great relationship with pop so yes I think he would be an absolute huge asset to the locker room and in addition to being a well-respected NBA veteran he is a former Spurs player who understands the organization’s culture it would be a seamless fit yes but let’s talk about some things first fans first off dear Rosen is going to be 35 next season which will be a 16th season in the NBA that being said when I was pulling up his stats on basketball reference I did not realize he led the NBA in minutes per game last year at 37.8 so still obviously has a lot in the gas tank that being said we know he’s not a great three-point shooter he’s not a great defender would he be an upgrade over Julian champeny yes I yes sorry Julian I think he would be and I would assume D rozan would play the three so the four that being said he made 28 million last year this article about players willing to play take pay cuts to play with the Spurs and I can’t see any way shape or form he’s a free agent that the Spurs offer him 28 million would he come to San Antonio for a three-year contract worth 18 to 20 million a year would he exempt a bench roll in year two or year three we have to assume Spurs fans that some of our lottery picks here that over the next few years are going to become starters and if we’re drafting these guys are not coming starters Brian R’s going to be a lot of trouble but these is one of these guys we’re drafting this season maybe somebody next season is going to be a starter maybe not next season depends where we draft we’re getting 4 and eight this year I’m getting ahead of myself one of the guys maybe both that we draft next week next week finally finally the draft is near but you would hope that both guys become starters they’re both top eight picks is it worth tying up that much cap space in a player that with all due respect is pasted his Prime I don’t know I don’t see this happening Spurs fan it’s it’s fun to talk about things like this with you and I’m certainly interested in your comments of course always drop a comment down below would you like the Spurs to make a play toar D rozan during the offseason is he a player you’d want back do you think he would help us I don’t think dear’s with this team needs to get to the next level I think he stays in Chicago unless they blow it up we have tried the combination of Demar de rozan de de Murray Derek white LaMarcus Aldridge and it just didn’t work while he was here I enjoyed watching him while he was here I just no I I don’t see it happening if we’re going to go after a vet and some of you have talked about this maybe being the first person on the radar should be Derek white after next season Derek will be I think 31 is maybe 32 31 32 after next season going to command a smaller contract knows our system and it probably would come off the bench but the be the guy off the bench we could certainly use a leader Off the Bench that can score and play defense and what Derrick’s doing in Boston right now if you’ve been watching this NBA Finals you’ve been a huge part of of the reason they’re winning and I’m so happy to see him play well right now those last few years in San Antonio we knew he was better than what we were seeing due to injuries and we’re finally getting full Derek white but Unleashed in Boston so he’d be a player I certainly would love to have back after next season being said dear appreciate what you did here once a Spur always a Spur don’t see it happening let me know in the comments down below if you do hit the thumbs up like support the channel and subcribe to become part of our ausome SP community and if I can just throw this in there uh I mentioned I was busy got some good news that I can’t release yet in regards to some life stuff but other good news I can release is tomorrow is the one-year anniversary for me and Miss TSR sports for those you don’t know most of you do know by now she’ll be making her on channel debut next week for the NBA draft she’s a huge Yukon fan so she’s going to be going nuts or angry depending on where the Yukon players get drafted if the Spurs Draft a Yukon player earphone users beware I have a feeling she’ll go ballistic because now she gets to see one of her guys play on the Spurs who I obviously watch every single game and she she catches all of them too so that that’s going to be a lot of fun and I got some projects planned for the channel just life got really busy the last few days I’m running my first Spartan this Saturday and hey I’ll be the first to admit I suck right now I am I’m in good physical condition but I’m not in obstacle course condition I tried doing a clo Prime the uh the other day or was it yesterday and uh I only got halfway up it’s all about technique I don’t have the upper body strength being a lanking basketball build type of guy to just pull myself up so I’m going to practice on it again practice Yeah we talking about practice probably Wednesday I think I don’t remember which day of the week was going to be but uh I found new technique that I think will work for me and just all about you know having your foot in the right place and now I’m talking about rope climbing I don’t know way off on a tangent but ien talked to you guys for a while I didn’t get any shorts done for the hey congratulations to the mass fans that was a great win I think Boston you let me throw this at him you know I like rambling and talking because I just like talking to you guys you guys feel like Boston didn’t give 100% effort in game four not to take anything away from the Mavericks please let’s that’s not the point of this question but do you think that just part of them wanted to win in at home even though they had a chance I believe to become the first NBA team ever to go undefeated in the Conference Finals and NBA Finals I think I heard something like that during the broadcast was just something there that you know they tried but if they lost we’ll get them at home which is a dangerous thing to do never give a team a second chance third chance four chance whatever so I’m looking forward to game tomorrow night hopefully you join the finals game and I don’t know if I said it cuz I’ve been rambling for like subscribe comment all that good stuff thank you so much hope you’re having a great day as always thank you and go Spurs go [Music]

Could DeMar return to San Antonio?

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  1. DeRozan would be the best free agent vet that we could bring back that would come off the bench and give it great spark. Any other vet like CP3 and over 30yrs old I wouldn’t see as a better fit. Just my 2cents

  2. And my news is that regardless of Celtics and Mavs Game 5 outcome I will be going on vacation Tuesday so if I miss on videos I am sorry but anyway I will be in Costa Rica for a week with my family

  3. I feel like Boston Celtics wanted to win it at home but if they don’t on Monday night Dallas Mavs have a chance at 0-3 comeback happening

  4. I always seen Demar as a second or third option player not the main player. Hell let’s bring back Demar and Murray lol 😅

  5. I remember that at the end of close games he was our go to guy, and he didn't shy away from it. So yes he would be a good fit for few years as our new players get what Pop calls the corporate knowledge.

  6. His psychology is not there. He came to SA and didn't like it. He checks out when things go bad. No thanks.

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