@Orlando Magic

Lakers Should Worry The Orlando Magic Land D’Angelo Russell

Lakers Should Worry The Orlando Magic Land D’Angelo Russell

what’s going on everyone so the Orlando Magics still have d’angel Russell on their radar d’angel Russell is a player that they really value and they want to kind of bring on board they have several targets that are kind of being thrown out there um that they are very interested in but d’angel Russell is a name that keeps getting brought up uh they want him for his playmaking ability as well as his shooting ability they really want to kind of get some more Shooters on the court uh and d’angel Russell is coming off of the best shooting season his career and like historically great shooting season literally uh he was fantastic shooting the basketball at least in the regular season there are concerns about his ailments come postseason and Orlando’s a team that definitely uh plans to be back in the postseason and hopefully go on a a bit further of a run um but Danel Russell does make sense in regards to having that kind of playmaker um the the liabilities that he has like particularly on the defensive side got guys like jayen Suggs that can go a long way so Orlando kind of continues to be the biggest threat to steal d’angel Russell from the Los Angeles Lakers which could be pretty bad for the Lakers um now fingers crossed hope is that uh the Orlando Magic maybe go a different direction or they don’t want to pay him as much or maybe you could even work out a deal where you’re working out some type of sign in trade um you know Orlando has several players and several pieces that they may be willing to move off of uh they got Log Jam and a couple areas so maybe kind of work something out I would love like a jayen sugs but I just think realistically they’re going to want to keep them but they have you know again several pieces that you may be able to convince them to take if they were to to sign somebody else obviously right cuz just because they if they sign somebody else doesn’t mean that they’re not still interested in d’angel Russell and if you’re the Lakers you don’t want to just lose DLo for nothing last thing you want is D walking which I know it would open up your full mid-level exception and we’ll dive that hear more in a moment but it’s not really ideal for the Lakers for him to walk and just leave so the hope is that with all the kind of buzz going around on Klay Thompson right him deleting all his posts and stuff he’s been linked to Orlando for some time for a while I mean there was reports like a month ago even that were uh talking about how uh both Klay Thompson and the Orlando Magic have mutual interest and Orlando would prefer to go get clay and like he’s kind of like their main number one target So Perfect World clay ends up leaving goes to the Orlando Magic which would take Orlando out of the running for d’angel Russell and then kind of hopefully limit the pool uh for DLo and then you know the Lakers he ends up saying okay well let me stick around let me take the 18.5 million or 18.6 million and ends up sticking with the Lakers and then they can kind of use him for a trade or or work uh some something out to where maybe they keep him long term if they go do some other moves we’ll see time will tell um or again if they sign Klay Thompson like let’s say they just signed clay outright and they’re still interested in DLo well then maybe again you could work something out to where you can kind of uh take on some players especially if they’re adding two guards and and Clay as well as d’angel Russell maybe you kind of can convince them Jaylen tugs would be nice fingers crossed again I don’t think it’s super likely but yeah put it out there into the universe uh but nonetheless right I I understand DLo leaves we could free up our full mid-level exception problem is is one the new CBA two there’s not really guys out there that are going to make sense in which you use that and going to give you better production than d’angel Russell did right and that’s the the real concern is like yeah in a perfect like DLo leaves and you you land a Klay Thompson or you land a demaro rosan or something like that but realistically that’s DeMar rosen looks like he’s going to get a big payday from the Chicago Bulls which know explain that to me that makes no sense but nonetheless right like good for Demar he’s going to go get paid right clay he probably goes to Orlando I mean obviously if DLo ends up going to Orlando then you know they probably wouldn’t have the money for clay or they’d have to to work out some type of trade or something but you know like Clay is he really going to take that type of discount I mean maybe right like let’s say his Market’s only like 15 million which I think it’d be more but let’s just say for argument say let’s say it’s like 15 18 million right and depending on the team does he look at it and go well I could take you know two to five million less stay in stay in California just kind of go up the road um you know also depending on the team right if it’s not a team that he believes as a kadian team he might look at it and go well man I could play alongside LeBron and AD and you know I I I believe the three of us can put ourselves in a better position than me going to whatever Detroit or something like that just name that pops in my head right so like I don’t know it just it kind of depends on how things play out but like losing d’angel Russell I I just you’re not going to be able to replace his production and then you also got to give Max Chrissy a new contract so you might not even be able to use your full mid-level exception like the full amount if depending on what his contract is right cuz if you do that then you’re hard gipped and now you got can’t over the Gap but it’s just it has the potential to be an absolute disaster for the Lakers if d’angel Russell leaves where in a perfect world DLo would opt in and then now you have his 18.6 million contract or you could even work out a new contract um there there’s even like thoughts the Lakers have explored of like maybe giving him like a one-year inflated contract uh it’s known as like the JJ reic rule which I think is funny because JJ reic is probably going to be Lakers new head coach but essentially you give DLo an inflated contract as like a placeholder right so that way they can come the trade deadline or whenever he becomes trade eligible which would be in like I think December or January um so you know depending on when he become available for trade TR you could then trade him and it’s kind of like Hey we’re going to give you 30 million right you’re only going to get you know 18 15 million everywhere else so opt out we’ll give you a new contract one year 30 million and then but we’re going to trade you so you’re going to get a bag right you’re going to get double what you’re going to get on the open market but it’s fully intended to trade you and then now you’re turning DLo and whomever right like it just it would make it EAS easier to do some trades do some deals right and then maybe you’re going after a Deonte Murray or something like that when DLo becomes trade eligible that is an option that has kind of been thrown out there um that could make some sense for the Lakers or they could do another kind of one plus one deal like basically give him the same type of deal that he he got this past year where it’s like okay you get you know we’ll give you 20 million this year and then we’ll give you you know 25 million next year but it’s a team option right or something like that I I don’t like you could kind of do like the Bruce brown type contract right the Lakers have some flexibility if DLo is willing to work with it but in in a perfect world DLo just kind of opts in right he just goes ah like my Market’s only 15 million a year right now let me take the 18.6 you know or you know maybe a team is interested in him right like maybe they’re maybe you know Atlanta’s like you know what hey we actually you know we’re looking to trade Trey and dejonte we need a point guard come we’ll actually use you and need you or something you know or you know Chicago right maybe you do the LaVine trade and they’re like hey DLo like we’d actually want to keep you around so just opt in we we’ll trade for you and then it’s a win-win for everybody right like that would be the ideal scenario that would be best case is that he opts in and then now the Lakers have his contract in which they can go use to to pull off a trade or again keep them long term the problem is that if anyone offers him a reasonable contract he’s probably gone like even if it’s less money but it’s like four like if let’s say somebody offers him four years 60 million right even though it’s like 15 million a year and he can make 16 or 18.6 it’s like yeah but now I’m making 15 million a year for the next four years as opposed to the alternative where it’s like I opt in for 18.6 and then who knows what my next contract’s going to be right what if my next contract contracts you know 4 years 40 million and it’s like now I ended up losing more money just for an extra 3 you know 3.6 million so I think it I think it’s going to depend on the market luckily there’s not like a ton of teams that want that want or need a point guard and like a lot of those teams are probably going to be going and chasing after kind of like the biggest bigger names like you know Deonte Murray or you know Trey youngan or Darius Garland if Donovan Mitchell sticks around right so like hopefully it’s like everyone else is just kind of distracted the Market’s a little dry and then that would kind of allow DLo to you know stick around and or opt in and then we could use him to work out a trade or maybe you work with him like I said maybe one of these teams that the Lakers are interested in trading with actually want him you know like again Atlanta didn’t want him originally because they were planning on keeping Trey right so they were like ah like Trey and Deonte didn’t work DLo Trey isn’t going to work and our back court would be terrible defensively so we don’t we don’t want d right but now it’s like hey DLo 18.6 million expiring contract we we’re going to need a point guard because we’re trading Trey we’re trading Deon right we’re rebuilding around the number one pick and then Jaylen Johnson right so it’s like okay well you know DLo does make sense and it’s like maybe they’ll be like hey you know we’ll give you a new contract right like come in let’s see how it goes for a year if it if it works out well we’re going to need a point guard you could be our point guard and you know and we’ll get you a new deal you know like so you never know right A lot can unfold but Orlando’s uh Orlando’s kind of looming kind of looming as that threat but anyway as always this is a discussion I pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts um do you have concerns about him leaving do you think no right let him walk in you know anybody’s better than nobody or whatever you know again however feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers Must figure out what to do with D’Angelo Russell. DLO could opt in with Lakers Nation and that would be the best and easiest solution but Lakers News of him Opting out could spell trouble. Lakers can’t really replace D’Angelo Russell and the Orlando Magic seem to be determined to land him.

#lakers #lakerstrade #orlandomagic


  1. I'll give Orlando anything to take this dude off the Lakers. Time to cut the losses and get some real talent in that back court.

  2. DLo was our best shooter last year. His defense looks worse than it is because he plays alongside another guard that’s also a poor defender. We have to get rid of DLo or AR. AR would be cheaper to keep but I would keep DLo for his shooting.

  3. Trade for Jalen Suggs and Goga Bitadze for DLo or AR. Lakers doesn't need another star player. They already heard this from coach Dan Hurley. For center position, get Valanciunas, McGee. Trade for Nick Claxton or Nick Richards replacing Jaxson Hayes since Hayes doesn't want to play with the Lakers. Ok, Valanciunas and McGee are cheaper bcoz they are under veteran minimum, then, if they can't get Nick Claxton or Nick Richards from the trade, get another one available in the draft picks or in free agency.

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