@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson free agency updates after he unfollows the Golden State Warriors on Instagram

Klay Thompson free agency updates after he unfollows the Golden State Warriors on Instagram

Klay Thompson on his way out at least that’s my takeaway from some key developments in Thompson’s free agency we talk about it now on locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day [Music] thanks for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get podcasts and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day this episode is brought to you by prize piic the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to locked on NBA and use the code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 glad to have you here I’m your host kylin Mills a play byplay broadcaster and host for the Big 10 Network NBC Sports Bay Area and more alongside me today is the former kpix Sports Anchor 957 The Game host and much more Charlie Walter appreciate you being here on today’s show Klay Thompson we’ve got some big updates on his free agency plight I think he’s out the door this all coming just days after he unfollows the warriors on Instagram we’ve got some insight coming up what does this this mean for the Warriors moving forward how could they fill that void if Thompson walks away and finally Alex Caruso linked to the dubs I know a lot of you are fans of that possibly happening but I’ve got some reasons why it might not all right Chuck appreciate you being here let’s get right into the conversation around Klay Thompson some developments coming today this is Monday June 17th depending on when you’re listening Thompson reportedly ready to test the waters of free agency sham shirani at the Athletics saying he’s willing to explore all options today also several sources are reporting that Thompson would want a deal of three or more years some saying that he’s more focused on the length of the contract than the actual dollar amount as negotiations are ongoing between Thompson and the Golden State Warriors once again just days after he unfollowed the warriors on Instagram and then deleted several photos from Key moments of his time with golden state my takeaway right off the bat is that this relationship is heading for a breakup you don’t unfollow someone or a team unless you’re trying to send a message I think he feels disrespected by whatever number or length of contract that he’s been offered um I just don’t know that the fit is there right now both for Klay Thompson and for the Warriors I think he could see a bigger role and more money elsewhere so maybe it’s time both sides move on looking at the big picture Charlie what are your takeaways from the developments over the last week it’s at the Warriors and good to be on with you kylin good to see everyone uh Warriors don’t know Clay anything and Clay doesn’t owe the Warriors anything now the Warriors do owe clay a shrine a a statue everything that he’s done in the past that’s behind us in the rearview mirror but when we’re talking present Joe lobs giving Clay Thompson plenty of money um Klay Thompson was paid while he was hurt and in the other realm Klay Thompson doesn’t owe the Warriors anything if there is a better situation he’s got to explore it NBA’s a business just like anything else Good Times come to an end unfortunately Seinfeld he had to break up with castanza at some point you know that went what 10 seasons um in anything in life at some point Partnerships they serve their purpose and oftentimes you move on would it be great if they rode off into the sunset yes how often do you see that the answer is almost never and there’s a reason why yeah there is a reason why I’m with you on a lot of those points you just made I want to start out by reading into the whole Instagram situation before we get into the particulars of the role that Klay Thompson would be looking for then also the money and length of a contract that really made a ton of headlines and raised a lot of eyebrows when he unfollowed the Warriors last week was reported widely across social media he deleted a number of photos as well related to his time with the dubs and linking him to the organization that doesn’t happen unless you are trying to send a message whether it be in a relationship whether a be and free agency we’re seeing it happen now more and more with young players who clearly do want to make a statement and unfollow teams if they’re unhappy with the way that the conversations are going I don’t think it’s necessarily reason to panic if you’re someone that wants Klay Thompson to come back I think that it can be a tactic to send a message but conversations can be ongoing I don’t think it necessarily means the door is shut but to me I do think that the direction that both sides are going is farther and farther apart rather than coming together if Clay Thompson is unfollowing the team and deleting messages and to me like I said it also screams I feel disrespected by the way the conversations have been going or possibly the number or length of contract that has been offered to me right now what do you think about the whole social media situation and how much do you read into that oh it’s so petty can you imagine a 34 year old like salesman walking into his corporate job and saying hey John I I unfollowed you guys this morning like it doesn’t happen in any other business I get it in the NBA and Clay’s defense I mean at this point he’s already said he’s not committed to being a Golden State Warrior next year I’m sure if you go through his Instagram right now he doesn’t follow any other teams in the NBA he’s not following the Cleveland Cavaliers because he doesn’t play for the Cleveland Cavaliers he doesn’t play for the Golden State Warriors right now why would he follow them that may be his method I don’t think it’s 100% set in stone that he’s gone but um when Monty P talked to Leandra Barbosa who was obviously an assistant with the Warriors after his retirement he’s close with Klay Thompson Barbosa said that Thompson’s aware of the limitations he has at this point he’s aware that the clock is winding down so he wants one last contract a nice little push to get him to the end of his days to get him to 38 39 years old and Barbosa said he’s going to have to be patient he hopes that Klay comes back with the Warriors but he knows at the end of the day clay has to do what makes clay happy now I know Clay loves riding on the boat to practice you know from tiberon to chase it and you laugh but it’s the human aspect of it like if you’re comfortable how do you not laugh somewhere home somewhere home and you’ve just had great times for a decade plus you may not want to leave that but both sides need to look at the mirror and I guess the mirror is not the right term there they they need to look at the writing on the wall and the writing on the wall is Klay Thompson is not the best fit for the Warriors right now and quite frankly the Warriors aren’t the best fit for clay it just roster wise doesn’t seem like it makes a ton of sense unless you kept clay you added in Brandon Ingram and how the heck are you gonna do that okay so I’m going to piggyback off of several points you just made I want to start with the fit in terms of Klay Thompson being on this Golden State Warriors roster here’s the issue the Warriors right now with every single dollar they spend and every move they make in the offseason in my eyes need to do two things and that’s either get bigger or get younger those two deficiencies have caught up with this team and the rest of the league has caught up with this team and they now cannot overcome being small being old and not being the quicker team here’s the thing I saw someone make a comment on this discussion when I was having it with Aaron Wilson the other day uh about talking about bringing in a big they said look the Warriors won a championship They just won it in 2022 without having a traditional big or some huge Center having a really dominant force in the front court because you got cavon Looney you got Draymond Green neither of them are offensive threats and they’re both at the end of the day under sized they don’t have a big banger inside they don’t have a huge floor spacer in either of those two like a stretch four or five how did do it before here’s how they did it before because they had prolific three-point shooting the best backourt in the NBA in Prime Klay Thompson and Prime Steph Curry we are Beyond Prime T Klay Thompson at this point the ball just moved a little quicker right Ty it just moved a little quicker in the past he’s yes but he has dealt with game-changing injuries his three-point shooting isn’t at that consistent All-Star level that it was before it doesn’t make him not a great player but it’s to the point where the three-point shooting isn’t there where they can shoot their way out out of these other problems another thing when you look back to the 2022 title run is the fact that the Warriors used great defense and they use speed because it’s a tale as old as time if you have an undersized team you want to use guard speed to get out in transition and run teams out of the gym that was something the warriors were very successful at back in 2022 this past season the warriors were 30th in the NBA in Fast Break points they were 20th in points off turnovers with every year that passes they are getting older and and they are getting slower and running teams out of the gym is becoming less realistic they added Chris Paul this last season not one who’s known to push the pace he’s one who wants to run the half court offense so they didn’t help their chances any in that regard either but if you’re going to be an undersized team you can’t be also a slower and older team so with every move they make they need to be addressing one of those issues if not one of those issues the only exception to me is bringing in an elite Defender someone we’re going to talk about later on in the episode is links to Alex Caruso if you’re talking about a lot down excellent Elite perimeter Defender then maybe I’m okay with it but outside of that I think this roster needs to get bigger and or younger and bringing back Klay Thompson isn’t going to do either of those things he realistically is going to be looking at a role where he’s coming off the bench with the Warriors you look at an Orlando Magic he would have an opportunity to be a key piece in the starting lineup of the team that finished fifth in the East this last season he’s that veteran that they need he’s the Sharpshooter that they need on a roster that already has young pieces that athleticism to me fitwise in the role that makes more sense what do you think yeah and Orlando has the the money to do it clay says he wants a bigger role he doesn’t want to come off the bench necessarily Orlando he he’d be an immediate scoring threat and one of their best players at the guard position there and then he wants to go to a team that can win and compete I mean they’re still a long ways away from competing for it all but fifth in the East last year they got a good young core and the money to pay so we’ll see there I’ve seen so many conflicting not reports but more like columns at this point media members that are you know giving their takes on where Klay Thompson should go why he should go there whatnot saw one that said the Warriors they’re not going to find a replacement for Klay Thompson let’s say the magic give him $81 million over the course of three years um an offer that was proposed by um Eric pinkis from Bleacher Report he says the Warriors should match it retain the five time Allstar and continue to move forward in the partnership I just don’t understand how there’s this level of just this level of so many parties being on on different pages I’m talking Die Hard Warriors fans how can half see the writing on the wall and say no it’s it’s time like they’re not riding off into the sunset together if they do ride off in the sunset together they’re not going to be very good because they have to retool the roster and then you have the other half of the media or of the faithful whatever it may be saying No this this thing is this thing is over they need to get younger like you said they need to get bigger they need to go out and get a a Brandon Ingram type player and um it’s it’s fascinating to me what I think the Warriors should do is it starts with Jonathan kaminga for me you look at the talent that you already have in house whether it’s him contributing or whether it’s kaminga being a part of a package where you flip them and you can get the right guy in return I think they should keep him uh the plan for me less is more less tread on the tires less money less star appeal Steph Curry is so good that if you surround him with just a solid nucleus I I know we talk about replacing clay and there’s got to be that that one a or that one B behind Steph Curry or that 2A whatever it may be that doesn’t need to happen you just need to surround them with really good players if Jonathan kaminga can be one of those guys absolutely the question is where do you go in free agency where do you look for trades can Andrew Wiggins step up his play or is the writing on the wall for him in the Bay Area that he’s done but yeah get younger get a little longer Steph’s ticking clock you got to go all in at this point and that’s why it’s tough because you have to make moves that that um you know get this thing bumped up quickly and when it comes down to it you don’t want to make the mistake of the what the 2011 Nets where they went after uh Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce you don’t want to be the team that’s left holding the bag because you waited too long to blow it up you see it all the time in baseball a team Waits too long instead of shipping players out and they’re bad for a long time I like the conversation about how do the Warriors fill that void and let’s get into that coming [Music] up it can 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front office can do and money that can be spent and when you look at what Klay Thompson is targeting he pointed out Monty P did some reporting on this a friend of mine with NBC sports baraya today saying that Klay Thompson wants at least a three-year deal if not more I saw other reports and sources saying Thompson would want more of a four-year deal you look at what the Warriors did last season and bringing in Draymond Green back on a massive four-year contract so he may look at this as an insult if he’s offered two years compared to four I mean look one year ago what Draymond Green got same age also a guy who’s on the back nine of his career um obviously they’re two very different players and bring very different things but you look at that those three being a part of the core Trio for this Warriors team and about the same age and for him to be offered and for Klay Thompson to not to me that may right off the bat just set a bad tone for for this team and you also look at a Andrew Wiggins and some of the other guys who’ve been signed in the last several years getting four fiveyear contracts to me that could also immediately start these conversations off on the wrong foot because I just don’t think the Warriors can sign Klay Thompson to four years five years uh it’s just not realistic uh now now P did report that something that you also pointed out in talking to Leandro Barbosa is that Thompson is aware he can’t get a 5-year Max with 190 million but at the same time even a four-year deal Klay Thompson being in his mid-30s uh trying to keep it under the the salary tax and out of the luxury tax that’s going to be a problem for the Warriors they no doubt would have to cut gavon Looney and they would have to cut Chris Paul in order to clear the way even for clay to make you know 20 $30 million a year they’d have to free up some space to begin with um and then how much money exactly does he want I just to me you look at a team like I keep saying in Orlando that has more of that cap space that has more of the freedom to offer a longer term deal uh the 76ers are another team that’s been thrown out there and and you got to wait and see what the situation is with Joel embiid and and I don’t know exactly what the dollar amount is they could offer but still is there a better fit in terms of a team being able to offer him more money and a longer contract elsewhere absolutely absolutely so to both sides does it make more sense for him to walk away from a money perspective Stephen A thinks he should be walking away for the Knicks he made that known about 19 times during his three minute monologue he just kept sneaking in there what Stephen A has got a mind of his he kept sneaking in there’s like New York right New York no Philly doesn’t make sense he he should go to New York um here’s what I would do if I got the GM tag I probably wouldn’t last long but here’s what I do after seeing what the Warriors did last year bringing in Chris Paul I didn’t really see how that was going to work I would do as such I’d go out I would not bring back Klay Thompson I I just think that um it’s not even the money at this point it’s just the the old saying is in life if it’s if it’s not broken don’t fix it and it wasn’t broken so the Warriors didn’t fix it um they won a championship and then they tried to run it back it didn’t work but they were they were pretty good basketball team so they ran it back again it’s clearly not working at this point and that’s the old saying what’s the definition of sanity it’s doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results the Warriors don’t have the capabilities to my understanding to go out and get other players that that would protect this nucleus and allow them to to strive for five so what I would do is I’d go out I would accept the fact that Trace Jackson Davis you’re banking on him making steps this year you’re banking on Jonathan kaminga making huge steps you hope that you can package together whether you know it is a sign in trade with Klay Thompson or whether it is you know trading Andrew Wiggins and draft picks in the future whatever it may be I would say Brandon Ingram would be top of the wish list um I’ve already mentioned it like four times this show because I’m salivating like one of Ivan pavo’s dogs thinking about him with Steph Curry um Trace Jackson Davis those two together so much length he can handle the ball he can shoot it makes sense as an elite number two score and then I’d go out and try to spend the money that you do have on Gary Trent Jr I think he’s a he’s a hard-nosed shooting guard doesn’t play the same way as Klay Thompson but could he replace him in that role and uh turn the Warriors into a more defensive oriented team maybe so shoots at 38% from three-point range um you know just a good player I I think he’s he’s someone that’s averaged 14 points throughout his career he’s only 25 years of age has played for the Blazers has played for the Raptors and um he’s a free agent you can go out there you can get him for a an affordable price and you know Gary Trent Jr can be a piece to the puzzle along with Jonathan kaminga along with Trace Jackson Davis and then hopefully Brandon Ingram because if the Warriors do want to be complete title contenders something has to happen whether it’s they go out and spend the money or just guys that are already in the system a p jimsky they have to make incredible strides like a Jordan pool did just a couple of years ago because take Jord P away from the equation Warriors aren’t winning that championship and who heading into that season thought that Jordan P was going to play any role maybe a role but that some yes a role but that role no h i was smirking a little bit for those of you are listening not watching I was smirking a little bit when you brought up Brandon Ingram because I did talk about him extensively in an episode last week and I like him as a free agent but sources came out today actually saying that Brandon Ingram wants an average of $ 52 million annually and that’s what him and the New Orleans Pelicans New Orleans Pelicans are in odds about is the dollar amount he wants big time money and I said 52 million for Brandon Ingram tweeted that out a couple people like hey salary cap or uh salaries make M explode contracts are going to continue to explode that’s the new market value I personally still don’t think Brandon Ingram’s worth that you just saw how he played in the postseason uh I think he’s very very deficient defensively and spotty with effort uh I don’t know that I would pay 52 mil a year for a Brandon Ingram to me one of the reasons why I liked him as a Target is because I thought he’d be available at more of a reasonable price it was feasible for the Warriors so’s a star a little eh on that U but we can get more into it are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day have to turn down the volume with all that shouting make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming lock on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day well it’s that part of the summer I don’t want to talk about the NBA Finals I don’t want to talk about the Boston Celtics I know dubs fans are sick of seeing and hearing about them I’ve seen several of you say that it’s been tough to watch because you don’t want to have to watch the Celtics celebrate that’s fine there’s the MLB going on there’s WNBA going on and if you’re anxiously waiting for Warriors Season to resume there is a way that you can spice up watching some of those games by putting some dough on the line and using that Giant Sports brain of yours by playing prize picks with prize picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sport this summer you can make a prize picks lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six player stats projections for that game or day and you’re locked in here’s an example prior to tonight again Monday night depending on when you’re listening NBA Finals game you could pick maverick star Luca donic more less than 32 and a half points and Celtics star Jason Tatum more less than 27 points you could also make picks on things like rebounds or some of them are combined stats for that I would have gone with the under on both because to me both of Dallas’s stars donic and Kyrie have been disappointments throughout this NBA final series I go with the under on Jason Tatum I also have said the under on Jaylen Brown throughout the series as well because the Celtics team has such a balanced scoring attack they’ve shown they have a variety of scorers who can score in a variety of ways so neither of them has to necessarily carry a huge load they’ve got a more Diversified offense than the Dallas Mavericks so there you have it that was just my two cents on that particular pick but prize picks is America’s number one fantasy Sports app with over 5 million active members get in on the daily action with your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today download the app today and use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 pick more pick less it is that [Music] easy okay so let’s move on to a hypothetical can I chime in real quick KY oh no okay what do you want to chime in about one little thing I’m just laughing and how I’m like you know maybe the Warriors should um they should really focus on on Switching their identity to defense and I mentioned bringing in replacing Andrew Wiggins and Klay Thompson with Gary Trent Jr and uh Brandon angram like that’s gonna move the needle defensively so I already know the comments are G I already know the comments are gonna be streaming in on YouTube uh that is why I said the the GM tag would be lifted very quickly go on that’s all right we’re going to move into hypothetical land and we’re going to pretend like that whole whatever your your issue is in terms of wanting to get better defensively than bringing up two free agents who wouldn’t help in that way at all and we’re going to pretend that didn’t happen and we’re going to talk about what the Warriors plan could be moving forward if Klay Thompson does move on are there pieces on this roster who could step in to fill that role do you feel comfortable with a Brandon psky starting all 82 games next year assuming he’s healthy because back to this 2023 24 campaign Klay Thompson got moved to the bench was quite productive while he was on the bench as well I did want to mention one point Klay Thompson got better as the season went on and I do also want to give him one more shout out because like below average and not Klay Thompson at his best or you know pre-injury are still pretty pretty great numbers uh so post All-Star break he averaged just under 19 points per game shot 45 and a half perc right about from the field and over 41% from three-point range he got better as the season went on shot 95% from the free throw line brought in about three boards about two and a half assists and just under one steal per game but overall his numbers got better after the All-Star break so he did get better as the season went on and at the end of the day like those are numbers of someone who can help a team somewhere I just think based on the Warriors needs right now it’s not this team at this moment okay so let’s say he moves on Brandon pensi started for him rookie last year coming into his second season is he realistically a reliable two guard St on a contender or a championship caliber team my opinion my opinion is no this may be a hot take I like Brandon psky I like the way that he somehow gets rebounds led the team in rebounds multiple months uh through 2024 I think that he’s good potential to be a facilitator I like the way he can handle the ball and get Steph off ball some so that was really why he came in I say a two guard but you can mix a match with Steph where Steph is off ball which benefits him and his building to get open so he can handle the rock I think he’s a pretty good playmaker I love the effort and the energy that he brings has room to improve defensively but is a solid Defender and I think coming in as a rookie made more of an impact than I was expecting I don’t think that he is a starter on a championship caliber team I don’t know if that’s a hot take or not what do you think I think you don’t know until the season begins and they’re they’re banking on him making quite the leap I mean you remember a long time ago it feels like it’s a little Monte Ellis action all over again you know so many warriors fans um didn’t want to move on didn’t want to hand the keys off to the younger guys and the younger guys ended up winning four championships so sometimes you have to trust the process you have to you put so many different layers of um you know jobs in to go out and do their jobs and do it well so if you believe in the Warriors front office in terms of scouting and Player Development and all these things they had decent draft picks to go out and get some of these guys Now’s the Time to you know to not coddle him and and see what they can do and and move on from the past and onto the future P jimsky 26 minutes a game last year averaged uh over nine points 45% from the floor 38% from Deep five and a half boards almost four assists per game I mean numbers-wise alone if the numbers tell the story the story was he’s a pretty dang good 21y old somewhat of a late bloomer that didn’t play at all at Indiana as freshman year burst onto the scene in Santa clar’s a sophomore has that uh you know that South Bay ORD that goes along with them to where you’re rooting for the guy I mean I would think that he’s gonna have every opportunity to earn that starting position that um you know probably would have gone to Klay Thompson but I at this point you said it best you said you think Klay Thompson’s gone um it’s pinsky’s time by’s time okay by default I feel like they need to bring someone in a b someone else who I feel like is ready for a starting role is Moses Moody I have been on the mostos A smoody train for the last several years I do not think he got nearly enough opportunities this past season that’s one of my biggest frustrations is Steve Kerr not giving the young guys enough of a leash and enough of a run to where they can really develop and come into their own Stay Ready Moody has shown that he has the Polish when he comes into games even after he hasn’t played for a long time he’s still able to impact the games positively I think he has the potential to be a three and D type of guy like I think his defense has gotten better I’ve seen some mixed reviews some fans feel like based on the eye test that he wasn’t good but I think defensively he got a lot better uh he showed key moments where he came in and hit the three ball and I think he has potential there to continue to bring those numbers up um and then I think Jonathan kaminga has to be an everyday starter but I could see Moody stepping into a key role for this team I like pky I still see a little bit of immaturity but I still think they need to sign and bring in another piece I would like to see them bring in a big I think we need to get bigger I wouldn’t mind a center I wouldn’t mind a big stretch four um but I also would like to see them bring in another piece and a starter a new starter to the back court we’ll look at some names as the weeks wear on and free agency really ramps up and the trade talks ramp up because I want to kind of hone in on some of the different options um a lot of rumor still swirling around because it’s officially you know not open yet but I do think they need to bring some more pieces in last conversation for you is Alex Caruso of the Bulls linked to the Golden State Warriors report came out today from a host with chgo Will gotle saying that the Warriors made a strong Pursuit for Alex Caruso and the front office of the Bulls said no they declined the option but the Warriors aggressively went after him I like bringing in a player like an Alex Caruso I like bringing in a lock down perimeter Defender when the Warriors desperately need defense so that’s the only way that I’m okay with not bringing in size or not bringing in a younger player or a sharpshooter like I do think there’s a value to bringing in an Alex Caruso type who can be a lock down Defender a comp to a Dante Devan chenzo there are some similarities between their game I know a lot of Warriors fans were disappointed to see him go you liked his game if you liked what he could do could hit a couple of key threes not a high volume three-point shooter but good enough great defender good energy guy again kind of like a pky where despite being a guard seems to have you know a magnet in his hands in terms of grabbing rebounds and things like that but can do a lot of the extra stuff and a lot of the Dirty Work that you need done I wouldn’t mind seeing an Al Alex Caruso type now we know that the Bulls front office for whatever reason I can’t as someone in group I don’t understand what the game plan is over there they don’t want to let him go because they’re still thinking they’re contending now but like talk about needing to move on they need to move on um but what about bringing in an Alex cruso type I’ve been stewing on this for about two and a half minutes there um I I wholeheartedly disagree with you wholeheartedly disagree with you that Moses Moody is a better option than Brandon pimpy moving forward I just think bimy has um I think he’s got that it factor I don’t know what it is about him I think he’s got something to him I think Moses Moody to me in that draft a few years back was like one of the highest floors and lowest ceilings type players I I saw him and I’m like I don’t think he’s ever gonna be a star I think he’s going to be able to play from day one both of those things have come true thus far I think pimpy has star potential to him you got to ride it out as for Caruso who do the Warriors go after that’s a player like him uh I I mentioned know gent J I was just saying like do you like bringing in a piece like that because you know we can look and research some comps all day um okay a six5 guard do I like bringing in a six5 guard like Caruso yes that’s why I mentioned Gary Trent junor um someone like that I think he could help you out the the question’s GNA be just bringing in Gary Trent Jr and swapping him out with Klay Thompson you’re going to regress you’re not going to be a better team because of that um or you’re gonna stay the same so it’s gonna require many moves this offseason I’m glad I’m not the general manager that’s all I got to say well you know what I wish I was because I would get this Warriors team back to Glory I feel confident in my takes Charlie thanks so much for being on the show appreciate the time and your Insight after following the team covering the team traveling to the NBA finals in Boston and now seeing exactly what will happen will the Warriors move into another area era of Warriors basketball thanks to everyone for listening want to mention we’ve got some great shows coming up this week Kevin Dan is going to be joining me I’ve got a special guest from within the lockdown Network joining me and we’re going going to do an entire show on a projected or suggested trade for an Allstar who’s in the league right now that I think could help the Warriors and I also want to hear from you if there are any free agent targets trade targets that you want the Warriors to look at drop it in the comments because I want to do some shows where we really deep dive into some of these different options and I’ll break down like how realistic is it what are the numbers uh what is the play style what’s the fit like let’s start diving into the specifics and the particulars as this all heats up leading into the end of June so drop a comment let me know like who you want to see a real breakdown of and we’re going to keep doing that on the show here moving forward the next couple weeks appreciate all the support lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app lockon sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockon podcast Network plus our national shows covering every single League fine locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app thanks so much for joining us also airing of the Grievances is going to happen this week some of y’all left some great comments so we’re going to cover the big grievances you have with the Warriors and give you analytical takes all the best stuff later on this week thanks so much for hanging here on lockdown Warriors and we will see you next time Sharpie Brandon pimpy put it in ink

Klay Thompson’s free agency plight is heating up days after the Golden State Warriors star unfollowed the team on Instagram and deleted several photos from his time with the team. Thompson is reportedly looking for a deal of 3 or more years, and is open to all other options as free agency approaches. Kylen Mills and former KPIX anchor and 95.7 The Game host Charlie Walter analyze the latest developments on this episode.

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  1. Kaylen , excellent podcast . Youā€™re a breath of fresh air . I appreciate the passion of the past , but unfortunately it turned into a rant or a narrow focus . It wore me out and so I cut it off until you came on the scene with professionalism and your insightful commentary. Thanks Kaylen , hope youā€™re here for a long run .

  2. Alex Caruso, Brandon Ingram are not the rite fit. Just media hyped players.

    This team needs people with passion who wants to win and be best. Who can give Max effort like what NYK guyz did and damn good 3P shooter like Miles McBride and some tall guyz who are Defense minded

  3. Kaylen not sure why your trying to push Klay out of the door is crazy…. replace Klay with who? Ingram? The same guy that didn't play in the playoffs because he was hurt? And if we trade wiggs again for what? Or for who

  4. 1. Trade Andrew Wiggins (26M) & Moses Moody (6M) for Vucevic (20M) & Alex Caruso (10M) or Malcom Brogdon (22M) & Robert Williams (8M).
    2. Resign Klay 3 years 75M deal.
    3. Cut CP3 (30M) & Looney (8M, only 3M is guaranteed) contract.
    4. Negotiate with GP3 & sign him 3 years 15M deal.

    Now our salary comes down to 158M, so now we have 13M (NTMLE) & 5M (TMLE)

    5. With NTMLE, we sign Gary Trent Jr (13M/2Y).
    6. With TMLE, we sign Kyle Anderson or Royce O'Neill or Gordon Hayward or Doug McDermott or Cedi Osman.
    7. Sign Andre Drummond or Precious Achiuwa or Mason Plumlee for Minimum contract.

    Our starting lineup
    G: Stephen Curry
    G: Gary Trent Jr
    F: Jonathan Kuminga
    F: Draymond Green
    C: Nikola Vucevic/Robert Williams

    Bench Five
    G: Alex Caruso/Malcolm Brogdon
    G: Brandin Podziemki
    F: Klay Thompson
    F: TMLE
    C: Trayce Jackson-Davis

    G: Gary Payton II
    F: Gui Santos
    C: Minimum contract guy
    53rd pick
    One open spot

    With this roaster we might win it all and overall salary figures will be under 180M and slightly above first apron.

  5. Imagine Lauri Mark and Kai Jones as the front court!!!! CHarlie Walter had some good recommendations for players

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