@Chicago Bulls

Andre Drummond Is Reportedly Moving On From BUlls In Offseason

Andre Drummond Is Reportedly Moving On From BUlls In Offseason

you found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls according to Joe Calli Andre Drummond’s on his way out we’re going to talk about a little bit about that who could replace Andre Drummond on top of that Sam Smith also says that the Pistons could still be an option in a Zack LaVine trade we’ll talk about that and then our top three draft prospects for the Chicago Bulls as the draft is only nine days away we’re going to get into all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in to locked on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of Chicago Bull Central and Chicago Bears Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by priz piix the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock onba and use code all lurel case locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 all right Pat with that said man um this one comes from Joe CI Chicago Sun Times that Andre Drummond is expected to look into look at other teams in free agency uh he also added in some stuff in there about demard Rosen and potentially the Bulls going younger which I think was kind of hit in that article that I would have thought that would have been the thing that people pulled out of the article and kind of focused more on but Andre dond has been an important piece for the Chicago Bulls uh only averag 17 minutes last year for the Bulls unfortunately because we’ve seen it when he played more minutes he actually was more impactful had a really good run where the three games where Vu was down um but ultimately it seems like Andre Drummond is set out to get more money he’s played on the league minimum for the last four years of his career uh this is a guy who’s formerly signed aund what 20 $150 million contract at one point in his career has been on vet deal since then um and so he’s to me he he’s deserved I look at teams like uh like the the the uh Philadelphia 76ers who could be looking for a backup replacement of joeel embid and somebody who can step in when Joel embid naturally misses his about 10 to 12 games over the season what do you think about the potential of Andre drumman leag listen I think it’s more than likely going to happen the Bulls don’t have enough money to bring him back on a bigger deal there’s teams out there that absolutely could utilize him the first team that came to my mind was the Dallas Mavericks honestly because look at how they that team is built with with uh big men who right now maybe aren’t the best three-point shooters or whatever I saw dere lley knocked down a three it looked fairly natural I’m not gonna lie to you but with big men who aren’t phenomenal three-point Shooters you know that they’ve got two guys there in Luca and Kyrie who are going to be dominant in pick and roll game that just opens things up for Andre Drummond I really see that as an option I love your philly example there we saw him in Philly we saw how much I mean Joel embiid was his most dominant that year in my opinion because he was getting literal 15 minutes of actual time stretches where he didn’t have to be on the court because Andre Drummond was that good of a player when he was out there so I I think that you know there’s almost to me no chance and there never was any chance in my mind that Andre drma was coming back to the Bulls this season on a vet minimum deal this season like there’s no way because he’s played Too Well the reason that he did stay here and I think a lot of people forget this was remember he was going through some things mentally and he liked how the Chicago bu handled his situation it allowed him the flexibility of dealing with the things that he was going through mentally and also you know being on the court when he could and he was very available during that time and the Bulls were more willing to work with him and he didn’t want to leave that situation to go to someplace new that may not understand what he was going through so I I think that you know the Bulls got an extra year out of Andre Drummond because of that situation but I I was surprised when drum resigned last season I really was I didn’t I didn’t think that here was the because we had the same conversation last year this is a guy who can go out and absolutely get more money at a certain point you do have to go out and get the money and put yourself in a winning situation I think this is just another player that we’re going to see walk out the door who all of a sudden people are like yo this dude really can play like why wasn’t he getting more time in Chicago and and we’ll be sitting here watching you know so sound like somebody named Derrick Jones Jr oh man I was thinking more of a guy named Daniel Gafford but you know take listen maybe a guy like L Markin you know oh wow there’s options out there you maybe a guy like Chris all right I went too that’s you push you took a little bit too far there you took a little bit too far there but no I mean and and the thing is is I respect drum so much man um and he has the right to do what he wants to do I’m G throw a hypothetical at you completely hypothetical Meathead question here let’s say the Chicago Bulls because we know that they’re they’re strap for cash right now but if they do move Zack LaVine and maybe let demard de Rosen walk they could have some there even if the Bulls do draft a center in this draft do you do you see maybe some some reason to keep Andre drumming around at that point if they do end up moving on or do you think at that point just go all young whatever it is what do you think I I I don’t think you keep him around just because listen I love drum I love the player that he is but realistically speaking you’re not getting rid of Vu so V is getting his minutes right if Vu is on this team that means that you have to find time for a young Center to play and that doesn’t happen if Andre Drummond’s on this team the one thing that I think the Bulls are really fumbled the ball with um throughout this entire process and I know I’m not a Patrick Williams fan I’m not a big dalen Terry fan right now there’s a lot of players on this team that I’m not big fans of but I can also say you put them in positions that they weren’t expecting to come into when you’re talking about okay I’m the number four overall pick I’m definitely getting the shots Oh wait we’re signing three other players that are going to be ahead of me as far as getting shots and and getting looks and different things like that Ah that’s tough okay I got to just figure this out oh I’m the 18 overall pick I’m definitely gonna get tick oh I’m not going to get on the court at all I’m gonna actually be the least played number 18 overall pick in NBA history oh well you know we keep being on the wrong side of how much can one team be on the wrong side of History bro at some point we were on the right side too much we built up too much good during the Jordan years and now it’s just like yeah I mean you gotta you gotta six championships you got to go at least 25 to 30 years of drought that’s good seem be um yeah unless you no I think I think there I think their time of of great drowning is coming very shortly I think it’s coming it could be but I mean they went through what they have they had like five years there where like they were trash after kobby left and then like Brian showed up like that’s true they don’t go through they don’t go through long droughts of bad play like if we being H that’s true that is very true uh I guess we’ll see there but um question that I want to uh throw to you on this one as well um does this make Cent a priority for you even more oh no forget that because we’ll talk about the draft later on Adam sonogo do you feel comfortable about him potentially being a backup center if the Bulls do go a different position in the draft I do I I I have a lot of confidence in sagu because I think he knows his game um and and I think right to the to the question that you asked before it it’s that he will finally get the opportunity um to be on the right side of History right because there’s not a lot of options here there’s not a lot of people you can bring in with with what the Bulls have unless they just absolutely let people go so it does open up opportunities where hey your best case scenario and I think Adam Sago showed in his time out there that yeah the NBA is a little bit faster but I just know how to play my game I know how to slow things down for me and I know how to get you know my opportunities to to make an impact on this game I do think there’s room for for Adamas Sago to uh to get into this rotation but you also have to look at if they do address big man in the draft right like does that push him further down the the uh um the totem pole you know what I mean like I think it it it is tough to see kind of where they’re going to go and you do want more of an athletic big as your starting big and and maybe that’s what opens this up right maybe it’s you know we’re looking toward the future completely which I think AK should be we know where Vu is at right now is he still a 17 and 11 guy sure but is he giving you the impact that you’re looking for on the court every night probably not so you need to look towards the future anyway um go out and get your your your future big try and work him into this rotation and try and find time for Adam Sago to get in this rotation as well because there’s there’s something about listen the Bulls seem to have this aversion of dudes that just do stuff really well the two things that [ __ ] does really well is rebound and put the ball back in and block shots solid shot blocker as well yeah I mean the bull the Bulls do I mean any team I I’m somebody of the mind that I think a center that understands how to rebound block shots putbacks and lobs if you can do any two to three of those things that I mentioned to me there’s always going to be a role for you how big that role is it depends on how good you are at that and other things but I think there’s always a role for big men like that you also gota like you have to look at too like we’re saying backup role right if you get the right kind of big right if you get a Kyle filipowski or something like that at 11 and he’s a guy who can run the floor stretch the floor uh be on the move I wouldn’t be surprised to say hey we play this guy at the four we play ad [ __ ] at the five vice versa because you got no stop cuz now you’re making too much sense to you was that too big I’m sorry I apologize we putting two bigs in the lineup there’s got to be a point guard in there forward somewhere Billy Donovan just started laughing because you said that we know how terrifying that is so that was a terrifying laugh Billy bro that was one of the it wasn’t the the laugh itself was crazy but also the the fact that it looked like it pained him to laugh at the same time it was like Hey scary bro it burned him a little bit Yeah Yeah like it’s it’s it’s a little crazy there but uh let us know what you guys think about about Andre Drummond potentially moving on what do you think the Bulls should do uh with the center position are you confident in Adam sonogo maybe being a backup big for the Bulls next season let us know all that down below next up though we’re going to be talking about the Pistons still reportedly being an option for the Chicago Bulls according to Sam Smith but before we get into that we do got to talk to you guys about one of our sponsors and that is LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for small businesses you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has 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Smith in his mailbag he reported that the Pistons could very well still be an option for Zack LaVine I’m gonna throw this one to you Pat because the Pistons have gone under a GM change and while the former GM was seemingly close to Zack LaVine trade we already know the reasons the Pistons aren’t a free agent destination they’re not getting any Big Time free agents in there so maybe they look at Zack LaVine as as to be a trade version of that but do you think the new GM is going to pick up where the old one left off at in a Zack LaVine Type move I don’t think you have a choice right at the end of the day you still got to make some business moves you got to find a way to get people in the seats there there’s there’s and and here’s the difference with trying to acquire a player here you have to find a team that’s also in a desperate situation the Chicago Bulls are also in a desperate situation to where yeah they have to make a move to try and get Zack Laine Zack LaVine out of here Zine that’s [Music] nuts insane uh you gotta find a way to get Zack LaVine out of here um a and because of the situation that they’ve created here I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a trade to Detroit for that reason because they’re looking for veteran players they’re looking for a veteran presence on that team you’ve already got young pieces that you do have confidence in Kade is a phenomenal player I’d love to see Kade and Zack LaVine paired up together you also have Jaylen Duran on that team a year older and and you know kind of figuring some things out for himself as well they’ve also got young players that the Bulls would be willing to take back in a deal like a jade Navy so I think that it’s the one situation where both teams come out of it maybe not in a perfect world but in a best case scenario world because I would say a team at least starting the season now you got to get some wins but a team starting the season with Zack LaVine k Cunningham Jaylen Duren you’re probably putting some butts in the seats there and right can you maybe get a little bit out of Zack LaVine a quarter of what you got out of uh that Monty Williams uh uh Magic that he was able to do when he was out in Phoenix with Devon Booker having a point guard with a Zack LaVine and being able to turn him into kind of that next level of player I’d be actually more worried that Zack LaVine would actually thrive in Detroit seeing as how many 50 we got face him four times a year and we gotta face him four times a year like out of all the deals where it’s like are we gonna get rid of him he’s gonna be cold I could actually see that working out for the Pistons yeah I mean I can also see working out for the Bulls in a lot of ways as well let me ask you this and this is a hypothetical trade that I seen out there this is not me necessarily just pushing this but if if adding Alex Caruso to that package gets you the number five and Jaden Ivy do you do it no because I I still believe that sending Alex Caruso to a team like Houston could get you the number three like I I don’t if it doesn’t I mean if it doesn’t then yeah you know let’s revisit I mean we we will never know right it’s I’m just saying so let’s say it’s announced Draft Day Zack LaVine Alice cruso to pistons for Jaden Ivy the number five overall what’s your initial take on that the Pistons won that trade okay the Pistons got two now zackly whether he’s healthy or not that’s a very different situation but just getting Alex Caruso on that team to steady a young uh uh um Kade Cunningham and and Jaylen durren who’s already a nice defensive piece for that team like the Pistons to me would have would have won that trade but it again I’m I’m expecting the Bulls to lose this trade oh yeah that I’ve said it before I’ve been preparing everybody every like Bulls fans majority the majority of them are going to be pissed about this Zack LaVine TR I just know Utah scenario came through I would not be mad what’s the Utah scenario the Utah of John Collins Colin ston I still that’s still a loss of the trade bro I’m sorry to me it’s not because you actually you of course you thought Colin seon and Donovan Mitchell were the same player a year ago so I be 25 points a game you know what I’m saying young boy he was healthy I’m just saying uh no that’s that’s not a loss to me because you’re getting rid of a player who basically didn’t do anything on the court for you the last couple of years for two players who yeah they’re not Phenom they’re not the greatest players of in the league right now but they’re two solid role playing pieces and one of them is a big man like yeah he’s he’s I mean yeah until until Billy Donovan’s operated him only as Center and it’s like Billy you’re doing it again bro like you got a legitimate power forward in here bro like I could see him throwing him in there straight up as a center but but listen listen listen but still a step in the right direction is it though it’s still step in the right direction we’re getting there he’s at least tall that’s what y’ calling 69ine yeah uh I want to say 610 right with like a seven something wingspan I I I don’t know if he’s 61 oh no 69ine with a 611 wingspan that’s not bad that’s not bad right direction that’s the right direction I right direction that’s that’s a fair estimation there um I I I and to me to answer the own question I threw to you would much rather and this may and maybe I end up being wrong in this but if you have to attach Alice Caruso to Zack LaVine trade to get it done they better be giving you not only a pick in this draft but a I could take a protected pick next year as well because like you can I would because to me if you trade Alice kuso at the trade deadline and you get a let’s say a top eight top even top 10 protected pick next year go drafting between 12 and 15 is like getting the top five picks in this draft next year with how deep next year’s draft is so I kind of would more prioritize getting a a 2025 pick for Alice Caruso than one in this draft unless like I said before if the Bulls get it right then shout out if they come away with this draft with two players that end up being stars in in what was labeled a weak draft everybody got to correct everything they’ve ever said wrong about AK because he’s done it again but you got to show me before I ever believed that that well I think I think what it would be is you would just say okay he’s going to take his time with the entire process which which is really what I think I think he moves that’s what they were talking about doing what he came in here I know but but but now right he’s taking his time with a team that we’re like hey this team been bad like for three years now you can that’s like starting the starting the the the wedding reception off with Lil John you go to work your way up to Lil John you can’t just be you can’t start right off with Lil John at the wedding reception you got to work your way up to that man see I think I think we we basically were like you know going straight into juvenile straight straight damn that’s hey the reception just started we want to see something shake like wait a minute hold on what’s Grandma doing on the floor get out of here what’s happening please please not juvenile we just got here if you here for 99 and 2000s to start off a wedding reception hey that better be it better be the most lit wedding reception ever bro listen hey you got to hope that you a guess that’s the thing you don’t want to be related to none of these people I mean I’ve been in the event with a 99 2000 start and all your cousins run to the see that’s something that if sex red ever gets married you know that’s what they starting off with oh yeah for sure matter of fact that’s what they playing when she walk down the aisle they probably playing her song what’s the what’s the I’m in the town [ __ ] with my rounds all right uh let me do this ad read real quick appreciate y’all tuning in hit that like button subscribe 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get out of here Pat Uh today we want to go over our top three draft prospects for the Chicago Bulls uh you want to go first yeah I mean listen we keep talking about the Bulls trading up there seems to continue to be interest in the Bulls trading up I know I’m higher on this player uh than you are but if you could find some way to go out there and get Donovan klling and and yes a trade-up scenario uh that’d be number one on my board I think you do have to go a little bit higher probably than most uh to get him because I think the teams will be going after him I think Portland’s probably in the situation where they lay in the weeds but my number one pick on my board right now is Donovan kingan uh because there does seem to be an interest around the Bulls in in acquiring a big man that’s going to be a rim protector which Billy Donovan’s got to be losing his mind at just screaming like Kendrick Lamar in the locker room but uh I think that I hate the way you draft hate the way you [Laughter] sign got that is hilarious oh man that that be my number one though that’ll been clinging my number one on my board right now who’s your number two uh number two right now for me uh again a tough one if he gets to the Bulls um but I think that there’s more of a chance of him getting there than than Donovan kinging number two right now is Don uh Dalton connect y’all know how I feel about him listen the Bulls have problems with with shooting the ball like get a shooter get a guy who to me it’s he’s more than just a shooter I I’ve been looking he I think he can be a I won’t say three-level scorer because to me to be a three-level scorer you got to be be able to like be more crafty getting to the rim but he can definitely be mid-range I mean it’s not like he can’t finish around the rim I just you need a point guard to get him to the room he ain’t Crossing nobody up to get to the rim exactly he’s he’s a little the only thing about Dalton connect is uh I wonder about like I don’t know if he has NBA speed his shot is NBA speed but like running up and down the court I think he going to get cut off a lot if he’s trying to like work his way to the bucket um but I mean those are things that can grow as you get stronger you get stronger you get faster right work on your legs and and get yourself uh um you know it put yourself in a position where you can take that contact going into the bucket maybe he does he’s got a nice touch around the rim hey yo and uh uh uh that that little turnaround fade shot um not bad you know I I think that that’s something that would uh interest me in this game so Dalton connect right now is number two on my board um may still have to move up to get him a little bit but I don’t know he he’s in that R he may be right there number he may be right there number 11 if he’s I’m not gonna lie because I do think you have to trade up to get Donovan kinging if Dalton connects there at 11 the Bulls came away with a good pick to me i’ I’d be very excited and then uh number three for me I think is uh is is still Kyle filipowski he he addresses the need of of uh uh being a big man I think he gets moved around a little bit but can you can muscle up in the league I’ve seen guys get stronger um almost every season so I’m not worried about that he has the touch on the three-point line um he can find his way to the rim he can take it off of the rim and push uh the the the basketball forward like I think there’s a lot that he adds to a team that you want to start moving that’s the other thing about these three players they all can run like we got to start getting faster and and if you’re going to have the trailer in your lineup be your Center at least have it be a guy like Kyle filipowski who is like oh well he’s trailing I can kick the ball back to him and he can actually knock the three down I like that I like all three of those picks mine are all different though which the thing is the first time we don’t overlap any uh uh my number one is is khil wear uh everything that you look that you that you want from a modern Center except passing he’s not a good passer um but the athleticism the shot blocking the lob threat the the running the floor we talk about getting out in transition the three-point shooting and I love that he’s somebody who can hit the three ball effectively but he’s not trying to be out there taking threes he shot at 42 and a half percent clip but he only took a little over two I think per game again he’s not trying to be out there shooting a bunch of Threes on you but you talked about as a trailer he can do that right and if you leave him open on a pick and pop situation I trust him to be able to do that the motor concerns that initially plagued him in this draft process have seen to almost completely go away in the workout so that that isn’t the biggest thing the biggest kind of thing that they’re worried about with him it seems like now is his inability to pass and in a league where you’re seeing more and more uh centers that can pass he doesn’t bring that at all but the physicality being able to finish around the rim uh the the the shot blocking the weak side defense he’s really good at identifying using his length with that Wings SP I think he has the second longest wingspan in the draft at almost 75 so I like I like khil wear a lot in this draft he’s a guy that that I’ve I’ve always liked but I’m way more high on him even what I was at the start of this process um him and Kyle philipos have basically changed roles like philipos coming into this draft PR is one of my favorite prospects I still like him but I think khil W has passed him a little bit for me and then the next two guys are very high upside guys tan salon and Mattis billis much for the same reason each of them they each have point forward uh type ceilings with it they each have shown a little bit of three point shooting over the course of their career as well but they are defense rebounding and nothing but heart e and effort and those guys that when you talk about a more modern play style I think that they can do that and I think that one of those two guys are probably going to be if anybody turns out to be a star in this draft I think it’s gonna be one of those two guys Mattis billus is is a very interesting one because he brings so much to the table um as far as on on both sides of the floor like you you that’s the one thing right like what there’s a lot of to me when I look through this draft a lot of Specialists like like even with d connect right d connect came defend but I’m not looking out there and ball defense is really he’s he’s aware I guess when you can’t do on ball defense if you can keep the ball from getting to the man your guarding that helps a lot too so you don’t get cooked he’ll be he’ll be one of those dudes like a like a um a James Harden type of Defender right like James Harden never was a good Defender but he always led the NBA in steals and you would just be like the like how does this dude like keep Le he’ll be a dude that plays the passing lanes and you’ll be we’ll be excited about him for that but uh Matas to me like he he’s a guy who he brings it on both sides every night I I like the how he attacks the rim as well I like his ability on the defensive end to uh to to be able to switch and like you said with khil W the lack of passing that we see from khil wear he brings that so I wouldn’t be mad at either one of those um by the way you see our boy uh he went from La last week he was uh in the consensus mock which it averages out the totals he was averages being around the 45th 46th pick he’s now averaging the most mocks to go in the first round lowest is 30 who Terence Shannon Jr he’s rising up he’s rising up these mocks boy he’s rising up by draft day I’m telling you he’s top 10 top top I would say top 15 maybe right out like I think if he’s not there the L I could see whatever that first team out the lottery being oh yeah just Terry Shan J put the pick I think just because of like it I think if topic didn’t uh mess his knee up or if it didn’t come out that his knee was messed up teren Shannon would probably stay in the 15 to 20 range but I think because of topic messing his knee up I really think because the Spurs I believe have two I think I think they’re still gonna take topic I think the Spurs are still gonna take to at well they they have a better medical staff that kind of I don’t know Spurs see for example and I could be completely wrong with this I don’t see tsj getting past 15 or 16 and here’s why the two teams that pick it 15 and is Miami he at number 15 Terence Shaner Jr is absolutely a type of player that they take and then the Philadelphia 76 is a number 16 if they keep that pick because they’re going to need so much talent on that roster yeah I can absolutely see them taking Teran chg I mean listen if if he’s I hope that that he does rise to 15 or 16 I know we need to Big Man help but like I still think he’s the best player in this draft outside of your top two like I still think he’s one of best players you’re going to get out of this draft so I would not be mad at the Bulls taking them 11 problem that the part that would piss me off is when he starts playing Center uh appreciate y’all for tuning in and showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page lead that fivestar viiew y’all know what to do uh follow us on everything at locked on board you can follow me on everything at Pat the designer tsj let’s see what your post game’s like you guys can follow me at CEO has had a joke for that but God to looked at me was like don’t you do it so I shut up guys can follow me at CEO Hayes want to thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of lockon bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for path of designer this has been lock on bulls we out here y’all peace peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Haize & Pat The Designer break what it would mean for the Bulls when Andre Drummond moves on this summer. The guys also talk about the Pistons still being a possible destination for the Bulls & their top 3 draft prospects in the draft.

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  1. Pistons definitely win that trade, not interested. Plus, I'm not remotely desperate (not really even interested) for a top 5 pick in this draft. Get Ware at 11, and Filipowski, Tyler Smith, or Salaun after with a later FRP

  2. this is the issue i think we need to advise fans that its proabbly better not going to games fan how you want to fan but at this moment your loyalty and lvoe for the team is being manipulated and abused. Darnell mayberrys report saying the bulls dont care and want to just sell out tickets and now the repeort from will confirming that they wont make trades for a rebuild to fight for the playoffs all but confirms that the focus should ALWAYS be on ownership they hold the FO accountable and set the aims for the team anyone arguing otherwise is insane

  3. Wish y'all could do a general NBA podcast too. Not even a Bulls fan, just stumbled on to this pod trolling YouTube NBA stuff. Some of the best NBA content out there, certainly the best Locked On has to offer. Pat and Haize already work a ton, but fuck it is fun to to hear them talk ball besides the Bulls too.

  4. Sanogo solid as a backup, like the idea Pat mentioned of getting a Kyle or a Tyler Smith, bigs that can play the 4 too and play them together with Sanogo. That gives us flexibility and depth. Or go with P. Will and Philips at the 4 and draft a 3 wing (TSJ or Knecth if we're so lucky) and go with Sanogo at 5 too.

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