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Houston Rockets NBA Draft & Trade Rumors: Alex Sarr In Play At Pick 3? Anfernee Simons Trade Target?

Houston Rockets NBA Draft & Trade Rumors: Alex Sarr In Play At Pick 3? Anfernee Simons Trade Target?

on today’s show Houston Rockets latest draft Intel and trade rumors could alexar possibly be in play for the Houston Rockets with that third overall pick and is there maybe a deal on the table with the Portland Trailblazers send it around Anthony Simons it’s all coming up on today’s lock on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 what’s up and welcome to another edition of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native houstonian and credentialed media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe that’s the best way you can help our short is to go to the YouTube page comment anything on the video below just go say go Rockets it helps us out a ton now today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make everyone more this season with FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet visit locked on to get started and as always thank you so much for making locked on Rockets part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym thank you for being an everyday a lot to cover on today’s show catching up on a lot of the latest Houston Rockets draft Intel rumors flying about still a lot of uncertainty as we are only 8 days away from the NBA draft with almost no idea of what the Houston Rockets are ultimately going to do come NBA draft 2024 however there are some signs out there as we’re maybe sifting and reading through the Tea Leaves of what’s going on with not only the Rockets but also the other teams at the top of the NBA draft to kind of gauge and get a bit of an understanding as to what at least is are some of the possibilities come draft night next week so uh just as a quick reminder we are eight days away from the NBA draft it’ll be taking place the first round will’ll be taking place Wednesday the 26th uh and then Thursday the 27th will be the second round of the NBA Draft so the draft is split into two nights this time around for the first time ever side note I love that idea um it also just so happens though that the second night of the draft the second round uh got bumped up to like I think it starts at like 400 p.m. Eastern now because of the presidential debate happening that night or something to that effect so that’s a little bit unfortunate that we’re not getting like two actual nights of draft coverage instead we’re getting like a matina draft thing anyways I digress so let’s do a little bit of rockets housekeeping here just some of the the concrete reporting that we can rely on before getting into some of the speculative stuff so uh Jamal shed and Donovan kingan have both actually uh had private in-person workouts with the Houston Rockets already so this you you know this time last year and and in previous draft Cycles I feel like the Rockets were not as uh you know playing things as close to the vest as they are this time around with you know reported draft workouts and who they’re targeting and you know this time around it really feels like there’s very little information to go off of about who the Rockets would ultimately take with that number three overall pick and at least to me the way that I’m kind of reading this situation and some of the other uh some of the other relevant reporting and news that we’ll get into as we navigate Today’s show it feels like and this has been the case kind of ever since the Rockets you know jumped into the top three of this year’s draft is that they are actively shopping and trying to move on from this pick now that that could mean a variety of things right that could mean them trading out of the draft completely that could mean them just trading down and recouping some additional value further down the line we’ve talked about a lot of different possible trade down scenarios on this show we’re going to talk about one more coming up here in just a little bit as suggested by Kevin oconor from the ringer uh bit of an outlandish proposal but we’re going to get to it here in just a moment and it really makes it seem like the Rockets are one of the teams that it you know is desperately trying to do everything he can to move out of the top portion of this draft and not make that selection at pick number three it doesn’t seem like there’s a prospect in the top three that is you know that the Rockets are have completely fallen in love with or that they’re targeting um there is a little some from the same draft pod that we’re going to be revisiting here momentarily uh with KOC and his you know a bit of an outlandish trade proposal between the Rockets and the Blazers is uh there was also some doubt about the rockets and Reed Shepard being the right fit or the right pick for the Rockets with number three and I remember highlighting this all the way back when we did Reed Shepard’s draft profile and in various other places since then but you know Reed Shepard he doesn’t have the physicals right and if you look historically at what the Rockets have prioritized when they have drafted over these last few years they have prioritized players who have these insane physical measurements right size speed athleticism all that they really haven’t focused on a guy that is you know skills over measurables and the one guy that you can point to and say that with is alarin shenon but aside from that one pick which you know we know at the time uh Jaylen green was like the Rael Stone pick and Al shenon was like the the analytics Department pick for the Houston Rockets So if the analytics Department gets their say again then maybe Reed Shepard is the guy at number three but otherwise if we follow what the Rockets have done historically these last few years it seems like Reed Shepard isn’t the type of player that this Rockets organization would take with one of their top draft assets so that’s at least some food for thought some things to kind of consider here now some of the other Intel rumors and things that are swirling about there is so much noise about what’s going to happen with Atlanta with their number one pick with the Wizards with their number two pick what the Spurs are trying to do with their picks at both four and eight um and I think the most interesting Dynamic here is actually that the Spurs have been widely reported both from you know reporters covering San Antonio here State side as well as reporters overseas French reporters covering the Spurs obviously because of wmy that the Spurs are very actively trying to package four and eight to move up in this year’s draft to be able to select Zachary Reet for themselves so wanting to pair ree with with wimy clearly they see something there that they’re very excited about they’ve fallen in love with a prospect there now which of the teams ahead of the Spurs are going to be willing to facilitate that trade down now if you’re if you’re telling me that the Spurs would come knocking on the Rockets to trying to trade up just one spot to get their hands on Reet I’d be all over it if it meant the four and the eight pick that doesn’t seem like the case right now the their negotiations been going on with the Atlanta Hawks trying to get access to that number one overall selection so that they can just pick Reet themselves things get a little interesting though if the Hawks say no if the Hawks are not content with four and eight in this year’s draft and instead if they want to make their own selection at number one things get really interesting if San Antonio then offers that same trade package to the Washington Wizards reason being there is some reporting out there that suggests that the Atlanta Hawks have been eyeing Donovan kingan now a lot of this could so much of this could be rumors smokescreen misdirection all this but it does feel like there’s a very legitimate possibility a world where if the Atlanta Hawks elect to go with say Donan kingan with their pick at number one and if the Wizards are involved in a trade down scenario with the San Antonio Spurs where the Spurs are prioritizing Zachary ree with that number two overall pick potentially then that leaves Alex SAR on the board for the Houston Rockets to possibly take with the number three overall selection and hey it’s also not completely out of the realm of possibility that the Hawks themselves want to take Zachary Reet number one overall and then the Washington Wizards could pivot away from alexar if they feel Donovan kingan is more of a match for what they need now I think that in a vacuum any of the teams at the top of this draft whether you’re the Hawks the Wizards or the rockets at number three if you have both kingan and SAR on the board I think SAR clear’s clinging in every possible category but we also don’t know some of the internal evaluations that these other front offices are making there’s a very realistic possibility that the Wizards or again the Hawks might be internally higher on what Donovan kingan brings as a specific you know type of big man right as a as a you know lumbering drop big completely change the complexion of your defense rather than Alex SAR who is not necessarily theoretical in what he brings but obviously a lot more raw in his play style needs a lot more time to grow and develop into that kind of modernday switchable NBA 45 big like a you know a jiren Jackson Jr type so maybe those teams are a little bit more intrigued by picking up been cling it all I’m saying is there is a very realistic pathway for Alex SAR to potentially be on the board at pick number three when the Rockets are selecting if that’s the case man they better not do anything with that pick they better just pick up alexar and call it a day because that would be a fantastic addition to this Houston Rockets young core so coming up want to get into some of the other rumors trade speculation all that kind of surrounding this Houston Rockets team we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel summertime means baseball the WNBA and so much more and you can bet on it all on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks and all you have to do is wager $5 and you can use that to bet on everything from who the WNBA MVP is going to be who’s going to hit a next home run in the next baseball game you watch or you can make things draft Centric since we are focused on the draft here at lock on Rockets right now now the odds on favorite to go number one overall in this year’s draft is Alex SAR at minus 135 right behind him Zachary ree at plus 160 and Doin Clingan he’s been creeping up those odds boards at plus 500 to go number one overall in this year’s draft so for all those odds and so much more visit lockon and add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book and continuing on here at lock on Rockets daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball all right let’s get into this recent trade hypothetical proposed by Kevin o’conor from the ringer on his recent draft pod we’re going to dive into what he has to say first and then kind of unpack it because I think there’s a couple different directions to uh unpack what KOC had to talk about but you know Houston at three if Houston wanted to move up after some talk about them maybe trading down who knows potentially I could see it or maybe the team that moves up to three could just try to Leap Frog like they go to three and then they go to one maybe something like that could happen so if it is buellis then then you do have to move into the top four and maybe that is Houston and you mentioned the Anthony Simon scoot Henderson can I you know they’re two small guards like you have to choose at some point between those guys and maybe Houston for all the talk about you know Reed shepher going there right like they want that next Fred Van vet replacement because he’s 30 years old he’s only got two years old left on his contract maybe Anthony Simons could be the guy that fits that he Simons is still only 24 years old maybe Simons plus seven and 14 for three something like that okay so there’s a lot to unpack here from what KOC had to discuss um first off I will say that KOC I I think it’s important to obviously you take this and and any other speculation hypotheticals whatever you take it all with a massive grain of salt but what I will say is KOC to me doesn’t seem the type of media member to just randomly a week before the NBA draft you know a little more than a week before throw out a you know a hypothetical that is a this specific this is a very specific hypothetical right Simons 14 and seven for pick number three that is a very like that’s not just some like oh I’m messing around on fans boow and I’ve got the trade machine up and I’m trying to figure out what fits and what doesn’t like that that’s a very specific trade scenario that he concocted and something tells me something leads me to believe that the way that KOC kind of you know the way that he’s plugged in when he hears things whatever it makes me believe that he probably heard something you know either from the rocket side of things or from the Blazer side of things about a trade that looks something like this um and this is kind of what he concocted and what he felt comfortable with sharing ultimately on his show I will say first off I would do that trade in a heartbeat uh three for 714 and anrey Simons is a massive overpay if you were the Portland Trailblazers like I think that that would be highway robbery if you’re the Houston Rockets hell we did we’ve done trade down scenarios here on this show with the Blazers where we’re talking about trading down from three to just seven and the compensation would be Malcolm Brogden right like that is that’s the level of like realistic trade that we’ve discussed here on the show whereas this feels like a complete Pie in the Sky hypothetical but at the same time I don’t think KOC is the type of media member to just suggest a wild like I don’t know Eco level trade like this out of nowhere unless there was some legs to it unless he he knew something kind of behind the scenes that made him go hey you know what maybe this is a possibility maybe this is something that you know they’ve discussed and they’ve had trade you know rumors centered on on Anthony Simons or the Rockets are you know they’re shopping that number three pick very heavily all that stuff so I think that’s that’s one thing to consider here uh we’ll get into I want to get into actually talking about Anthony Simons here in just a second but the other thing I want to note is KOC brings up an interesting point about teams potentially trading to number three with the rockets and then using number three to then Leap Frog and get even higher up in the draft right to number one or to number two that brings me back I want to Circle back to the point that I made in segment one where the Spurs have not been hiding their aggressiveness their desire to package four and eight to move up in this year’s draft now would the Spurs be willing to part with four and eight to move up simply one spot in this year’s draft probably not but could you maybe see a scenario where the Spurs are willing to trade pick number four and a future asset to Houston for pick three and then packaging pick three and pick eight to get up to pick number one with the Atlanta Hawks or pick number two with the Washington Wizards that is a scenario that I could absolutely see playing out because again it seems like the Spurs are really dead set on getting Zachary re Ree and what’s kind of crazy is there might even realistically be a world where Reay could fall to number four right if the Hawks take you know if the Hawks take SAR and then the Wizards take Kling in and then the Rockets are on the board at number three then you know maybe the Rockets take Reed Shepard maybe they go against some of their their historical draft precedent maybe they go Stefan Castle but maybe they do take Zachary ret at number three just because they think he’s the best player available that’s the risk that the Spurs are ultimately running but I do think there are Avenues where the Spurs wouldn’t have to give up anything and could still realistically get their guy the guy that they’ve been targeting very heavily here which is again Zachary ruche I just found that little nugget kind of interesting because again KOC is plugged in he does hear things and you got to kind of Follow The Tea Leaves as we’re approaching the Mi draft and seeing what some of the you know plugged in guys what some of the beat reporters what some of the national guys are ultimately saying and one other little note that I’ll leave here as we’re trying to follow this little you know paper trail of what the Rockets may or may not be trying to do ahead of the NBA draft and Jonathan of the Houston Chronicle who is incredibly plugged in uh and and does you know frequently you know talk to have discussions with the Rockets front office kind of you know trying to gain an understanding of what the Rockets are ultimately going to do both both he and Kelly EO they’ve got their sources they’re plugged in um in different ways I will say they’re plugged in but Jonathan just recently released uh a draft profile article covering none other than Alex SAR right that’s a little random right to to drop an Alex SAR draft profile a week before the NBA draft is set to take place now he could just be doing his house cleaning his due diligence and just okay he’s going to do SAR then he’s going to do kinging then he’s going to do Reese you know whatever and just kind of covering all his bases with the top picks but it’s also something that is worthy of raising an eyebrow thinking hey okay well what is Jonathan hearing that makes it seem like Alex SAR could be in play for the Houston Rockets at pic number three and again you know this is one of those where in previous years man like you know I was able to have you know myself and and other maybe non-traditional you know beat reporters um you know guys who are connected and we hear things but you know I I I just haven’t heard anything this year like that’s kind of the crazy part is usually the Rockets are pretty open you know when you know when I’m able to you know reach out ask some questions try and you know gauge a little bit as to the dire of things or even just not even specifically with me but just with other reporters other you know media members who are plugged in and it feels like they have just like dropped like a complete wall and they’re just not sharing much if any draft Intel going into this year’s draft and a big part of that is it’s probably strategy at the end of the day but I think a an even bigger part of it is they just really don’t know what they’re going to do right they want to trade out of the third overall pick they don’t have any bites on a trade that they think is worthwhile yet so they may ultimately get back into a corner where they have to make that selection at number three which feels like what they don’t want to do and that’s kind of the the entire vibe that I’m getting right now is the Rockets don’t want to make that pick at number three they want to trade it and they just haven’t found the right trade partner yet ahead of the draft and maybe something comes together on draft night or maybe it doesn’t and they’re stuck just taking whoever is on the board there at pick number three which again I’d be ecstatic with Alex SAR if he fell to number three I’d be happy with Reed Shepard or Stefan Castle I think there is is a lot of talent in this draft I just think that Rafel Stone and the front office are hoping to extract a little more value out of you know the number three overall pick rather than just getting one Prospect and instead they’re trying to do their due diligence and canvas and figure out you know if they can get more for that number three overall pick than just one young prospect that they’re ultimately going to have to develop over time unless they draft somebody like a senior or whatever who’s ready to play right out of the gate but there’s nobody number three that makes sense to draft that is a readyto playay type candidate right here right now coming up want to get into some final housekeeping notes here with the NBA Finals now over things that we could see the Houston Rockets doing as well as some projections about what the Rockets have ahead of them with the NBA draft we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay 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then get to one more like house cleaning kind of uh item to discuss on the show as it relates to the rockets and some of these offseason proceedings now that the NBA finals are complete uh side sidebar here uh shout out to the Boston Celtics who completely decimated the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals um it was probably one of the weakest finals in recent memory uh most uneventful finals in recent memory but any day that the Dallas Mavericks L is a good day to be a Houston Rockets fan so uh with that being said uh I want to point out here the Anthony Simons you know little bit of info that we covered now while that trade was I think completely off base Simons 14 and seven for pick number three I I feel like there would if you’re looking at that trade something of value from the Rockets would have to be going back to Portland to make that trade even somewhat worthwhile if you’re a Blazers fan um but let’s just talk about it let’s just talk about like Anthony Simons in a vacuum because maybe that could be the trade right like let’s take take seven and take 14 out of the equation and let’s just talk about a trade where it’s pick number three and filler for Anthony Simons and that’s it or or maybe Anthony Simons and pick 14 something like that um because I do agree with KOC sentiment that you know if you’re the Blazers you’ve got scoot Henderson you’ve got Anthony Simons they’re both kind of undersized guards you’re not going to be able to run that backourt forever especially because neither of them are like def you you could be undersized guards if one or both of them were plus level Defenders but neither of them are at this point in their careers so like that’s not a winning backcourt at least right now and it’s probably never going to be a winning backourt with those two guys so at some point you make a decision on Anthony Simons he’s obviously further ahead in his career trajectory they still have a lot of high hopes for you know scoot Henderson to become their guy their franchise point guard and whatnot um now is Anthony Simons the answer if you’re the Houston Rockets yes he can play out of his mind I mean he’s coming off a season where he just averaged 22 points per contest 5 and a half assists three and a half rebounds he shot the ball relatively well from long distance 38 half% from Deep on a ton of attempts just under nine attempts per game so he can shoot he can score he can create for himself create for his teammates um but is he realistically the the answer that you want you know is he your Fred Van vet replacement I I don’t see that is the problem Anthony Simons in a vacuum would be a huge pickup for this Rockets team and if you could bring Anthony Simons to the Houston Rockets at the cost of number three and filler and then have ant coming off the bench next season for the Rockets to be that tertiary guard to take the pressure off of Fred Van vet and Jaylen green oh my God sign me up immediately I’m all for it I don’t even care about pick seven I don’t care about pick 14 Simons is still an incredibly young player he’s only 24 years old and he could be an insane spark plug kind of coming off the bench as well as you know lessening the burden the load on Fred Van throughout the regular season like there are so many like positives to the idea of trading for Anthony Simons but again I just aside from my point that I made earlier about KOC probably heard something that led him to coming up with that trade rather than just you know whatever he could come up with on the spot some random you know BS trade trade rumor uh or trade hypothetical I just don’t see it I don’t see it in a realistic standpoint I don’t see why it would make sense for the Blazers and I feel like they could probably get a lot more value for Anthony Simons from anywhere else like I feel like Anthony Simons is a guy that in a vacuum is at least worth like a couple first round draft picks probably like he’s a really he’s a young exciting player he’s got a bright future ahead of him he he is who he is as a player like is he is he a number one option no is he a really great like kind of secondary tertiary scoring option can create for himself can create for his teammates you know can start or come off the bench like there’s a lot of Versatility there and I if the r if there is something there if KOC isn’t bsing and if there’s actually something there and the rockets are able to get their hands on Anthony Simons I would be ecstatic especially if that’s all it takes is the number three overall pick you start to lose me if the Blazers are talking about oh well would you throw in one of like cam Whitmore or a Min Thompson or anything like that then suddenly I’m pumping the braks right largely I feel like the cor six should be Untouchable just run it back next season let’s see what they got let the cor six have one more offseason with Oka one more offseason to grow have that internal development take place and then maybe at the trade deadline this next year you start making those hard decisions about the futures of guys like Alper and shenon Jaylen green you start revisiting if there is you know a disgruntled star on the market somebody that you feel like you can package one or two of the young guys for and make a big SPL mid-season maybe you entertain that thought process but I wouldn’t include any of the core six in a trade for Anthony Simons um He’s Just Not That level of player and again it feels like the Blazers from a negotiating perspective could ask for a lot more than just the third overall pick for a guy like ant so just wanted to cover that here a little bit although I do like the fit of ant fry Simons on this Rockets team a ton I think it would be a fantastic addition it just doesn’t seem like a realistic addition at this point and and I’ll say maybe the inverse is possibly true right KLC named Anthony Simons but maybe if it’s just in a vacuum pick three for pick seven and 14 I’d be all over that as well right in our previous crossover edition episode that we did with locked on Blazers host uh Mike Richmond we talked about trading down to seven and then getting Malcolm Brogden back but maybe down to seven and also getting 14 back is enough value because then the Rockets are able to feel like they can pick up not one but two young assets maybe they’re able to prioritize with pick seven and 14 guys who are a little bit older guys who can maybe step in and be ready to play right away as far as being you know rather than being long-term developmental pieces that you’re going to have to grow and nurture and take you know one to two years before they’re able to really step in and crack into an NBA rotation maybe that makes a little bit more sense if you’re the Houston Rockets and maybe if you’re the Blazers maybe there’s a guy at pick number three that they’re really excited about that they don’t think they can get their hands on at pick seven or at pick 14 so you’re willing to in a draft that’s a little bit you know not as Talent heavy uh or Star Laden as previous drafts or potentially star Laden I should say then maybe you’re the Blazers and you’re willing to move up to number three to take that big swing on a guy that you really think has some star power in this year’s draft uh versus the guys that would be available all the way at pick seven or 14 so Food For Thought other things to consider now last thing here that I wanted to talk about on today’s show this is actually a new occurrence this season uh with the NBA finals coming to a close teams are now open to or you know allowed to start negotiating with their own free agents their own players uh in the immediate aftermath of the NBA Finals so what this means for the Houston Rockets is they’re able to start making decisions on the futures of players that have Team options you know Club you know Club options so guys like J shant Tate Jack landale Jeff Green they’re able to renegotiate contracts with guys um at least reportedly right they can’t nothing will be able to become official until free agency officially opens and the moratorium passes and then they’re able to start signing these contracts and whatnot but we know that historically right these deals these free agency you know talks and discussions and negotiations they take place well before free agency actually begins right like when the Rockets were pursuing Dylan Brooks Fred Van vet and Brook Lopez this past off season right I was hearing news about those three players all the way as early as like January as far as them being like the targets that the Rockets really wanted and were planning to pursue in free agency and those discussions were ongoing kind of real throughout the season honestly um and they had their sight set on those guys pretty early on but what this means is that the Rockets can at least internally handle some of their own free agents some of their own contractual obligations and the two biggest question marks for the Rockets this off seon are whether or not alperin shenon and Jaylen green will actually get Contract extensions now we’ve done episodes previously discussing what contract extensions would look for those guys the pros and cons of either giving them the extensions right now or waiting and holding off on extending them until later on to kind of make better use of the cap space further down the line um I think that at at this point while I think that Alper and shagon has absolutely earned the contract extension from the rockets and probably should get one there is a world where because he was drafted in the mid to late first round his cap hold isn’t as great as Jaylen Green’s cap hold is um for what he would be you know eligible for as far as his extension and there is a world where the Rockets could save anywhere from I think it’s like 10 to like 10 to5 million1 to20 million somewhere in that range if they delay the extension for Alin shenon let him go to restricted free agency next off seon and then have that extra wiggle room with their cap to make a splashy addition via free agency summer 2025 so that’s something worth considering Jaylen green less so because his cap hold is going to be a lot closer to uh his extension number uh somewhere in that that low3s range I believe so if if you’re the Rockets are Jaylen green and Alber shenon worthy of giving extensions right now would you like to see them wait on giving them extensions until either later this summer once the team is you know a little bit more Concrete in what it’s going to look like for next season Once the draft is done once free agency is done all that good stuff they have up until the day before the NBA season starts this next calendar year 2425 they have until the day before the season to extend one if not both of those guys if that’s the direction they ultimately want to go but they can start it sooner cuz normally again these negotiations aren’t allowed to take place until free agency officially begins so this is a change this year so we might start seeing some big news we might start seeing certain players certain teams you know lock down their players and take care of their own in-house cleanup before the free agency period actually hits uh on what is it June 30th right um yeah June 30th at what 600 p.m. now is when is when it starts rather than midnight side note I kind of miss the midnight flurry I kind of miss waiting until you know waiting up until you know late at night and then and then sitting there and getting really excited for the the W bombs and the and and Shams you know tweets to all kind start come rushing in and that was always a fun a fun experience for me uh but I do understand why they bumped it up six hours so that it could be kind of in the early evening rather than you know super late at night and forcing people to you know stay up throughout the throughout the evening to to monitor free agency anyways uh I I’m curious your thoughts we talked about a lot of different things on today’s episode I’m curious how you feel about any of it the the draft rumors the trade rumors the intelligence that is out there the direction that the Rockets may or may not go with the pick let me know in those YouTube comments as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing whether you’re listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets like comment subscribe all that good stuff and if you’re listening on Apple podcast a fivestar review helps us out a ton but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening and we look forward to having you back right here at lockdown Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball [Music]

Houston Rockets NBA Draft & Trade Rumors: Alex Sarr In Play At Pick 3? Anfernee Simons Trade Target?

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) discusses the latest Houston Rockets reporting and rumors, starting with Houston’s private workouts with Donovan Clingan and hometown product Jamal Shead, then getting into the NBA Draft and trade rumors, like Alex Sarr potentially being in play at pick 3 and Kevin O’Connor’s suggested Rockets-Blazers trade centered on Anfernee Simons.

#Rockets #NBA #Trade #NBADraft

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  1. I think Sarr will fall and when he does that will be a great thing. Blazers can keep Simons. Rockets aren't trading that pick

  2. Man, it is so many scenarios and talk out there that anything could happen at any given time. Who knows? Only the lord knows what the Rockets will be doing.

  3. On a previous episode Jackson compared keeping the draft pick to Peter Griffin choosing "the mystery box". This rebuild has made me addicted to the mystery box draft outcome. We know what Anfernee Simons is but we don't know what Reed Sheppard's ceiling is! Even if Reed Sheppard is a bust, I just have to know! It is not logical, but this is what a rebuild mentality does to a fan base.

  4. Three team deal. The Rockets trade Jalen Green to the Kings for Kevin Hueter and pick 13. The Bulls trade Zack Lavine to the Rockets. The Bulks get Kevin Huet er., Dillon Brooks, and Tate, Lindell and the 13th

  5. I just hope whatever they do, they get some shooting. Forget about the physicals, we need some skill shooting . I really do believe they will regret passing on Reed Shepard.

  6. I think it'd be fucked up to extend Jalen and not Alpi just because you can save a few million. It should be either both get one or neither do.

  7. You don't want Sheppard (6'3", 180) because he's undersized, and you worry about his defense. But you want Simons (6'3", 180) who is an undersized guard, who doesn't play defense….and pay him 28 million a year. Ok.

  8. If the spurs are telling people they want Risacher, they probably actually want Castle or Sheppard

  9. No gone lie I like Sam Hauser from the Celtics he showed me something in the finals, knock down shooter and played some solid defense against Luka

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