@Sacramento Kings

Return of the Roar: Sacramento Kings Offseason Routes to Improvement

Return of the Roar: Sacramento Kings Offseason Routes to Improvement

what is going on everybody welcome back to another edition of The Return of the Roar my name is brandan nudes got King’s Cowboy Frankie cardelli going on over here howdy howdy sir how you doing wow we went with that not pizza guy huh we’re just really diving into the op I got a lot of options you know and we’re we got a whole show ahead of us so we can mix in a few nicknames I know been a minute been a minute man hello Brendan hello everyone else that’s been going through or suffering through or maybe even enjoying the NBA Playoffs so far I know that I’m starting to kind of get that itch for for King’s action or King’s news and obviously we’re we’re a week away from the NBA draft now and that means free agency is going to start a little after that but how have you been navigating this uh this kingsw time I know that you’re a basketball you’re a basketball Junkie well you’re also a a you know quiet silent Boston Celtics guy and you know the Celtics as we know we’re recording this a little in advance of game five they’re they’re about to probably put the finishing touches on on a ring here I think they are you know everybody overreacted to game three but or game four but the Warriors had a loss like that when they went five and one a lot of these five in one championship teams end up having a pretty tough loss like that I think they will close it out um and you know they’re definitely are I wish it was a little bit more entertaining don’t get me wrong it’s very easy to tune out by halftime for pretty much all of these games but the playoffs as a whole or just the finals because the playoffs have final specifically have the playoffs really done it for you this year I mean maybe I’m coming out from a bias point of view because of how incredible the first round was last year and even after the kings were done maybe it was like adrenaline or just the the Lakers Warriors aspect of it into Lakers Nuggets even though that wasn’t really a series I feel like there was more competitiveness and I mean I probably have to go back and look and see what all the series were this year in the playoffs but it didn’t feel like we had too many game six game sevens like was was the were the playoffs this year were they satisfying for you as a basketball fan you know after a couple good series in the second round not really right like Eastern Conference Finals not very good Western Conference Finals it’s not bad I and I mean for the most part I think back to the Indiana and 76ers series I’m sorry Indiana New York series I guess both um and just new York games in general I think for the most part they had some pretty good runs but from you know Sacramento’s perspective I guess everybody else soon is going to be joining them in officially being in offseason mode and the only two left being obviously Boston and Dallas here but from a king’s perspective to start with trying to look back on the 2023 24 season as a whole which was full of ups and downs and came into it with a lot more expectations than the year prior where they had obviously uh ended their extended postseason run and so you come into this year and I think that we were kind of on the same page of a competitive first round is a successful season or to an extent you know given that the roster was practically the exact same thing but now in hindsight a little bit removed from it how do you view just the entire year that was 23 24 for Sacramento it’s just I think the word i’ would use is just weird like it it felt like for a while they were really rolling and they were on the verge of really doing something and and kind of putting together a 50 win season and outdoing last year and then I think that really you could feel the air just being sucked out of golden one Center when Malik monk was it was LCA donic who fell on top of him and I I don’t know about you I just kind of felt like at that moment like things are going to be different and things are going to be rough and that was also obviously on the heels of losing Kevin herder and whether or not Kevin herder was having a tough year or struggling when you lose two players who are have been so integral to the success of his team a franchise a franchise I remind you and others that has not been successful for you know 18 of the last 19 Seasons it’s it’s gonna leave a mark and no Malik monk no Kevin herder it led to some fun times with the emergence of Keon Ellis who I think that we’ve all you know we not in a rude way but as a joke you when the Kings got Keon Ellis you know me you myself and Chris Watkins were like Chris Keon Ellis is going to be the next goat he’s going to be that next guy for the Kings we might have been on we might have been on to something man because Keon Ellis did emerge and is a player for this team and if if not for the Kings you know trades happen I would I would be shocked if other teams are in the league did not take notice of what Keon Ellis did but losing the two guys and your you’re starting two guard spots and in herder and monk they did change the the D Dynamic of this team and I I just look at is I feel weird about it and in the fact that it ended with the Pelicans loss and in a single elimination game 0 and six on the year against New Orleans was kind of just another slap in the face but it doesn’t feel like to me the Kings really took a step back it just really did feel like and which which is a fitting feeling for a team that ran back pretty much the same roster it feels like they kind of just were spinning their wheels and we are enter entering an off season where the Kings the roster right now Malik Monk’s going to be a free agent and that’s kind of funny because the last real integral piece of this roster and their rotation was when they signed Malik monk in free agency two summers ago so I I’m not really sure what to expect so far but I don’t know if I can sit here and say that it was a it was a failure of a season and that’s something that we just kind of we we went over time after time I think you myself Chris Watkins Allen Styles or when we we go on with the other shows we have to talk about what what would make this season a success and I think that the answer for some of us I think yourself personally Brendan was to make the the playoffs make a first round appearance does that change the way that you view it do you view the season as the Kings fell short by one game it was a failure or do you look at it more as all the things that went into that like if the fact that they had those guys they had Malik monk if they had Kevin herder they probably don’t even end up in that position to be in the plan to begin with yeah I mean I think that it makes me think of you’re going through all these injuries of the Year prior 2223 where they really maybe the most healthy team in the league and there’s a chance it wasn’t even really that close which factored into their success obviously winning those uh 48 games ending up in the three spot and just the competitive competitiveness of the Western Conference like you look at Dallas and they’re in the finals right now they didn’t make the playoffs the year prior so I I think that those injuries definitely factored in and in a way changes the bar for me you know I I think that there are a lot of Silver Linings while you mentioned injuries you mentioned that helped Keon Ellis emerge and ideally next year you have the what were once injured guys now back in form and you have Keon Ellis sitting there ready to contribute as well um so I also feel like the jump from dearen Fox as a three-point shooter once again was was very encouraging and sure is there a aspect of he could probably pick his shots a little bit better yeah but I think that’s a learning process and then Keegan Murray’s defense are really the three things that stand out to me that make me be like okay there’s progress in the right direction here sure the results were not exactly what you would want but I do think that there is a sense of taking a step in the right direction here and I know that people don’t love to hear that or or could disagree with that but you know the offense went down obviously uh went down from first to 13th for what it’s worth kings were first in the entire NBA I think since they had started tracking this stat um in 23 yeah and this year two teams broke that record Boston and Indiana both the top two spots and Sacramento did slump a bit partially because of what we inured fell down to 13th but defensively 24th in defensive rating they jumped up to 14th and it’s like okay just just find a balance here you know I I think there is Silver Linings but also some disappointing aspects here and I guess with Father’s Day freshly in the rear view I’d go with the typical diet answer of I wasn’t mad I was just disappointed Frank and and that’s a good way to put it like it really is kind of just a a matter of I’m not going to the summer thinking The King and I think there is like a sense that the king’s going to do something but I don’t think if if hypothetically and again this is probably not gonna be a popular answer but let’s say the Kings don’t make a big giant swing for the fense type move I feel like that’s okay for for right now I mean they do have a good core dearen Fox Zan sabonis Keegan Murray Kevin herder Keon Ellis Trey ly like they have guys that can be in the rotation they have guys that can go out there and and Davon Mitchell they have guys who can go out there and and give you 48 minutes and of of of solid basketball I think but we all know that that’s not what’s going to happen they’re they’re going to make some moves they’re going to make some some roster moves there might be some guys that I just named that aren’t back I mean Harrison Barnes obviously Kevin herder are guys that uh we we’ve had conversations with you know internally with each other and with other guys at the station about how you probably have to upgrade one of those two spots like if you go back into next year with Harris and barn who just starting forward can the Kings maximize their potential is Kevin herder his defense is it going to come around can he be a two-way player but or is Keon L someone who can play a whole a whole season at that spot there are there are questions that we’re going to have answered very soon also and the biggest elephant there which we’re going to talk about later though is Malik monk could he be a starting two guard next year if if that’s what it all it takes to get bring him back so I feel like there’s a lot of of room for the Kings to improve for overall internally but it’s kind of be kind of exciting to see the external growth because you have a 13th overall pick you have options you can you can either use that pick on somebody you can hopefully package it and trade there there were reports there’s guys out there like you have your kozas and down the board that maybe that that first round pick so I need to get them but I don’t look at it at the season as a matter of the Kings they lost in the play in to the Pelicans they didn’t make the playoffs they failed this Fun Run is over the beam team is dead I don’t look at it that way I look at it as they still have a solid foundation but you know a lot of these teams that we’ve compared to Kings in the past which maybe it’s rightfully so maybe it’s not but your Denver Nuggets or or or what have you they’ve been in those situations before they’ve been in a a first round playoff series they’ve been in contention to to advance or to go to the to you know further in the postseason and they’ve had to make another move and the most popular move that we talked about of course is Aaron Gordon that’s that’s your clear blueprint right there as you BR in another maybe not All-Star caliber guy but a very good role player a very good guy who can go out there and compliment your one and two in Jamal M Nicol yic who can the kings bring in to compliment Dean Fox and sabonis will Keegan Murray take that next jump that’s gonna be another conversation that we had a year ago that’s gonna happen again this summer because again his stats they do align with you know I know the Chris Middleton comp is one that he kind of gave himself coming into the NBA I think that’s that’s a valid comparison I don’t know if I go as far as kawh Leonard which I believe a scout said that the he thinks that the jump he could make could be a Kawhi leonardesque jump I don’t do you expect a Ka it was Luke LS at uh was it last summer league I think it was last summer league the Cal classic hey man and I Luke la knows ball that guy knows his stuff if that happens I’m gonna be elated as king be elated and I do think Keegan has that potential to be a to be an All-Star talent but I feel like the Kings will need one more player and who will it be how do you get them I’m not sure like I said the Kings they have a good core to to compete no matter what but if you want to take that next step and go go from a perennial playoff you know Contender to a championship Contender it’s G to take more than this current core I mean if if you’re content going to the to the play or or first round the playoffs and winning 46 48 games every year I feel like this roster can do that but you know how do you move the needle and go further that’s the question to answer yeah and when I say like I’m good with there being Silver Linings in the process even if the results weren’t there that only lasts for so long at some point it’s like okay we need to see it on paper you need to be getting to the next round of the postseason honestly we’re kind of I think we’re already kind of at that point you need to at very least I don’t know I guess expectations I had really thought of this for next year to me is probably second round really is what I’m thinking here and thinking that they’re going to make a a big splash at some point and there’s questions about some of their free agents uh specifically speically when it comes to Malik monk there’s been conversations about Sasha bazhenov and how he may feel about his role currently um but I think that we’re gonna plan to get into a lot of that along with the the Mike Brown extension a little bit of draft talk you know Monty McNair is always talking about there’s three ways to improve the team free agency draft and what am I missing here Frank trades I think we’re going to go get into all three of these at a certain point here and uh next up I say let’s start with the the Mike Brown extension Mike Brown you let’s my first thought on the Mike Brown extension is and you know this wasn’t really widely it wasn’t really a widely reported thing it just seemed kind of like it was a Mike Brown and his Camp against the Kings and in the Kings front office I is that the way you took it too because before we dive in the numbers and whether they deserve it or not do you think this was a matter of just like Camp ver one person’s Camp versus a whole team’s Camp because the the W vers Shams Dynamic I I believe that W is more plugged in with the front offices I believe sha Shams is more plugged in with players coaches it just seemed very pointed and obvious that this is side against side negotiating through the media is that how you took it too that’s definitely what it seemed like and I didn’t really know how to feel about that like is that just part for the course I feel like it’s definitely not the first time we’ve seen something like that happen but I would say it’s the first time specifically like I didn’t expect it to be such a complicated talk you know like Mike Brown deserves it in my mind and I feel like he had proven it um if anything the lack of improvement you might want to point towards front office uh not improving the roster to the extent that you would really want so to me it was confusing because I thought Mike just deserved it it just it’s crazy that to have that conversation I had someone chirping a lot of people I mean again social media is social media you’re going to hear and see a lot of things but one guy can’t remember his name and even if I did I’m not g to give him the the time of day but every single Mike Brown you know tweet or thing I would put out to to engage some guy chirping like do work for Mike Brown and I he did the same thing to other guys that we we covered the Kings with and it’s just was confusing to me because you know I i’ I grew up a Kings fan I grew up watching the Kings my whole life like I I’m going to be 30 pretty soon I think majority of that I’ve been a I’ve been a Kings fan or was you know King employee you’re now a king’s journalist whatever I’ve seen the Carousel of coaches come through this place there’s nowhere else like it I think they had 12 coaches in 14 years until Mike Brown and I don’t think any of them found success in the playoffs so Mike Brown comes in a winning coach a guy who’s coached some of the best players that basketball has ever seen Kobe Bryant LeBron James down the line Kevin Durant how what what is not being what boxes aren’t being checked he broke the playoff drought his first season here he took this team last year with the same exact roster when the entire rest of the Western Conference made moves to improve or just was more healthy he won 46 games with this roster especially on a roster that was way more injured than last year they missed the playoffs by one game against a team that you know maybe we can say any other team in that playing game the Kings have a better chance of winning I personally think so I think that New Orleans for for for a lot of reasons just was their complete Kryptonite but I’m very confused about people that sit there and say Mike Brown didn’t deserve the extension why why would why would Mike Brown not deserve the extension he’s the only person that’s taken on The Impossible role of being the Sacramento Kings head coach and he brought them to the playoffs so did you get that same sense or have you seen those same things or I’m just wondering how you respond to that question of to the people that say Mike Brown does not deserve this extension do you think he deserved this extension I thought it was as easy as it gets like and I’ve seen the same thing I’m sure you know we probably see the same commenter actually the same handful 100% it seems to be rotations but I like like Mike Brown has talked about how one of the things he got from Steve Kerr specifically was that he keeps guys engaged by throwing in the 14th guy every once in a while and that’s not just randomly that’s because the guys in front of them are not cutting it and I think that’s typically what it was for Mike Brown you know if Harrison Barnes wasn’t having a night I know he started every game he there were moments he’s playing 15 20 minutes you know and if he’s not having it okay are we gonna try out Kessler Edwards Trey Lyles gets a shot and Trey had injuries too by the way which slipped my mind at the earlier lot season he missed a lot Seas he really did and he was important last year uh giving him that backup five look um Sasha venkov obviously missed a large majority of the season and he was the big acquisition um but these guys I think that at moments not performing when Chris deard got moved into the starting lineup that was because a combination of both you want to see if what Chris can give you alongside the four other starters and also Kevin herder not performing to the caliber that he had in the year prior which you know he admitted had to he from his perspective has to do with some of his offseason work being very focused on specific things and how he plans to alter some of that but I thought that every time Mike was searching sometimes it was a little obvious but it’s hard to tell if that’s from our perspective who are around this team every single day so I thought that he did everything that you could ask he’s motivated the heck out of dearon fox he he looks like a totally different guy at for moments I think specifically on the defensive end of the floor um you know Luke LS and the work that he’s done with dearen Fox like that has to factor in here Luke la was one of the first guys that Mike Brown brought over onto his staff and Luke’s been a great help to dearon um getting Keegan Murray to emerge on both ends of the floor that defensive jump that he had throughout the course of this year which I still have some questions to what extent we may be talking about but definitely a lot of progress I would bet that’s a credit to Mike Brown the guy that is always emphasizing defense and speaking of that that’s the case and then he came in here and this was the year prior but put up the best offensive rating of all time like we’ve seen the flexibility that I think he does have as a coach and I think as a motivator too I don’t know about you I never got any aspect or like feeling that you know he was losing the locker room or losing some guys maybe some unhappiness with their role but it seems like Mike is a a very good communicator and kept everybody engaged I I felt like he got the most he could out of this situation yeah I mean they’re all NBA players right I mean even the last guy on the bench he’s he’s a very talented player that could probably go somewhere else and and make a difference and I think when you look at the guys that were on the bench and and some of the problems that maybe if there were any which to my knowledge there were none I think as far as maybe problems on a good word just you know the disgruntled aspect of things and obviously Sasha venkov is the is the one that comes to the front of our minds because of the recent you know back and forth news cycle it had to do with playing time and you can’t play all 12 players 15 players 48 minutes a night you just can’t and I think that Mike like you said he was searching and trying to find what he had with the best he with with what he had I mean that they didn’t make any big moves last year I mean what Philip petrusev was that one of the only moves they made last year I I really don’t know if they made any other moves last year yeah they make any other moves last year in the middle of the Season not off the top of my head I mean I have their I have their roster right here and I mean they they no they brought in Mason Jones on a two-way I mean they they didn’t make any additions so again Mike Brown from training camp through the rest of the year that’s what he had to work with and because of I understand people that are frustrated with seeing the same issues arise every night and and it’s because of roster flaws and you try to try new players out different spots it doesn’t work you have to go back to it worked before we’ve seen with the backup center spot for what a year and a half two years now even last season it was the week a week and a half before the playoffs started and Mike Brown just said okay Alex L’s going to be the starting center again which not to be a good move and which it’s why I think that it’s not out of the out of the realm of possibilities that Al some way back next year but aside from rotation concerns you know I don’t really see what what gripes you could have with what Mike Brown has done and again that finger shouldn’t be pointed at Mike Brown it should be pointed at others that make those decisions actually bring town in and just construct the roster the roster was is good it’s a good roster has good bones but it’s not good enough right now in the current state of the Western Conference and that’s not Mike Brown’s fault to me that is not Mike Brown’s fault at all he is doing the best with what he has and he did it he did a damn good job of it too so I I think that what he was asking for was was fair when you look at what the other coaches around the league like you know and obviously there’s the excuse of okay well Mike buen holer who has a 10 million per year contract he won a championship with the mil with the Milwaukee Bucks um tyou obviously was the head coach of the Cavaliers when they had 3-1 comeback uh Monty Williams Rivers which people are milking that one a little bit but yeah you know from a Celtics guy like you too you should you know 08 was a long time ago and all of these guys you know like obviously papovich K bolra and in my mind tyo are on a different level you know and and they get paid like it and Monty Williams is his own situation you know the same point we’re g to talk about Malik monk later and I pulled up some comparing deals and sometimes you just got to look at one and be like yeah but they shouldn’t have done that in the first place you know I don’t know about William that’s how I feel about that bu holer and rivers Paul Pierce Kevin Garnett Ray Allen Rajan Rondo Gotta Throw Rondo in there sorry course course you do boser Yannis and obviously Drew holiday Chris Middleton but like dear Fox toon sabonis are not that’s not the same no you know you can’t have the same expectations with lesser rosters when it comes to these coaches so I I think that range is totally fine and I I think the interesting aspect here right is he initially signed a four-year deal when he first came to Sacramento right but the reason that this is already getting reworked there was a mutual option on that final deal which essentially my understanding is Mike Brown and his Camp um based on some of the reportings that are out there decided that there was essentially no reason for them to allow the Kings to hold the destiny there especially with how the market has changed um so declin that deal and essentially he’s going into his last deal then or his last year coaches never really do that lame duck season right so now that year still exists and we got three more on top of it meaning if you again treat that last year as a lame duck season and negotiations will need to happen before that you got three more years before we do this all over again so my question to you what do you need to see in that time and I know we’re forecasting a little far ahead here but what what improvements or what needs to be proven in your mind in that time I mean this goes hand in hand with Mike Brown because I mean fingers are going to be pointed at the head coach but I I think it really does go more up to the front office and that doesn’t mean Mike Brown’s not going to have any blame on him if if the team is failing and again he is the one that puts those rotations in place and he he chooses who’s on the floor at what time but um if this roster goes an opening night you know 90% intact unless that 10% is them bringing in like a really impactful you know starting caliber player I I think it’s just kind of we’re back at square one of what are we doing here Mike Brown’s coaching again for the third year in a row the a largely you know similar roster so I think that I want to see Mike Brown have some more you know players at his disposal some more you know tools you know more impactful guys that can join Fox sabonis and Keegan Murray and and see if they can take this team to the next level but um I think as a team for a team as a whole obviously I think that Mike Brown’s going to be graded on results and we saw the report from the athletic I think it was Sam Amic and and Shams when the king season ended saying how you know it wouldn’t be surprising if BC and and the King’s front office or ownership group were you know antsy to make it a move or or to to find the right solution and maybe that solution wouldn’t involve Brown obviously that didn’t happen but the fact that that’s even a thought for people that are way more plugged in than we are or a lot of people fans especially that’s concerning that the Kings after one successful year the most successful year that they’ve had in 20 years they were even possibly considering that move so if the Kings miss the playoffs next year even if dearen fox or sabonis and all knock on wood were to get hurt I I I don’t know if that would let Mike Brown off the hook they expect the playoffs scaring Frank I know I knocked on wood I knocked on wood but it is kind of it’s a scary thing we have to remember that even though the kings are more successful there’s there are still scars from before where those those moves can happen where you’re like what the hell is going on but I think that Mike Brown has done more than enough to prove that he is capable and the guy to lead this group of players you know we can talk about the Next Generation some other time when when Fox and sabonis are either too old or they moved on whatever Mike Brown I think is the guy for this group this fox sabonis Murray if Malik monk stays monk core and I do feel like what this team needs to do is they need to go to the playoffs and win a series for him to be not just like a successful extension but to be one of the best coaches that the franchise has had I mean we’re talking about getting to Rick adaman territory if he can win a playoff series for the first time in 20 years it was 04 the last time that they got one so it’s it is a crazy thing to look at some people that have in my opinion that weren’t fully on board with this it’s deserved the money does not affect the king’s cap situation at all which is another thing that I saw some people confused about the kings are giving Mike Brown 9 million what’s that g to mean for it means nothing it doesn’t hurt the cap it means nothing at all it just comes out of ownership’s pockets it keeps a good head coach here instead of him going somewhere else and also let me remind you others I don’t think there are any head coaching candidates right now that are the sexiest options or or people that would want to come here unless you’re talking about you know James bgo or or Ken ainson or something who dropped out of the Kings head coaching search last time that they hired Brown it was that that’s right ham dropped out and then ainson dropped out and it was between Mike Brown and and Mark Jackson so Mark Jackson if you want him to come take a shot at it you know he’s still out there but otherwise Mike Brown’s a guy yeah absolutely is you got a good point like I I don’t know who else it would have been and you know to draw the Mark Jackson parallel in a way if you want to keep this like Warriors comparison going which I guess we didn’t start but I mean that there seems to be parallels between the teams in a way right in their early years not to the extent of obviously the three Hall of Famers that they all drafted but if you think that Mike Brown is potentially Like Your Mark Jackson your guy that helps get these guys confidence and Elevate their games but maybe not the most ideal one for schemes and things like that I think that it’s too early to know that and I have confidence in Mike br but if somebody does feel that way I think that this deal is a good in between for the two it gives you just enough time to figure or get a better idea because after two years just does not feel anywhere close to long enough for me I would have worried what the next Domino would have been like if you’re Deen Fox how do you feel you know they they seem to have a good relationship a good working relationship there so the other aspect also is that Malik Monk’s going into free agency another guy that they have a good relation ship with and if you’re Malik and you see that spot where you’re like I don’t know who’s going to be the coach that factors into your decision now that does not have to be worried about um which I I do think will matter and I I think on that topic if it works for you we could probably get into the Malik monk conversation here now free agency Brandon free agency June 30th my friend it’s coming up so all this Malik monk talk it’s it’s it’s going to come to a head I I I don’t know about you but like personally just from you know we’re shed a little light on how we’re doing things over here you know we we’re having some movement 1140 some you know our our old our old buddy Joe we love you Joe he’s he he moved on he was our our digital lead over here so Brendan and I have been stepping up and and providing some more content and you know a lot of it has been what is Malik monk going to do we’ve been cutting clips from our all our shows and we’ve been writing things ourselves I I’m ready to have some answers and we we know how the NBA operates in free agency June 30th at 3:00 Pacific Standard time that’s a Sunday so we I’ll be my recliner at 259 with my laptop open ready to roll uh I want to I want to get kind of this your temperature check right now where are you with Malik Monk’s free agency we we’ve seen the golf picture Malik Monk on the links with Mike Brown VC and keeg and all those guys a couple weeks ago we’ve seen some reports that Detroit would be aggressive to go get them we know that Orlando has cap space and they need guard help on a scale of 1 to 10 zero being he is gone already in 10 being he might as well just be in a king’s uniform already where are you right now today I’m you know temperature- Wise I’m all hot and cold sweats over here Frank I my mind changes every single day you could ask me this tomorrow and I’d give you a different number but I’m I’m like somewhere between the four to six range I feel like it’s a coin flip is really what it comes down to for me right now and I lean a little bit more towards I feel like I’ve wondered a little bit more than some others like are we sure like 478 that’s what the king should offer it is their Max right 78.4 I believe it gets up to and that’s about 19.6 average annually it go up a little bit so it doesn’t quite start at that number but that’d be the average over the course of four years I’m like there’s part of me that’s not a th% sure that he’d live up to that deal and I think that that is his current market but there’s still some inconsistencies that do exist with Malik monk um and it’s just Detroit doesn’t scare me that much but this could be a Bruce Brown situation you know where an Indiana equivalent or drawing those parallels comes in and is like here’s 40 million or $50 million over two years Malik and even then it’s not that much different because you’re getting more time on Sacramento’s side so there are some teams that concern me but overall I think that what the kings are offering is a really competitive offer and I would like to think that he feels good about his role he seemed to absolutely thrive in that it was a career year you know 15.4 points five assists just under three boards about two turnovers in there too but Malik’s got a little bit of an electric play style that can lead to some of that and you got to take some of the the good with some of the blunders so I guess I’ll go about a six are you you you moved yourself you moved yourself a little bit four to six right I’m probably gonna move myself again by the time we finish the conversation right yeah I I do feel the same though I’ve I’ve gone back and forth and I think where I’ve kind of settled over the past week or so is is four for 78 going to be that far off his largest offer and I know that there are some theories or some I don’t there’s no reports and there’s no you know Whispers that he’d get a 100 I personally would be surprised if he got a $100 million contract and if he did I think I’d feel a little like less awful about him leaving because I would hate that deal for the Kings personally I think that Malik monk is an incredible player I think that he is perfect for the system that they have in Mike Brown what he’s created playing alongside Dean Fox I mean obviously they’ve been doing it for since they’re in Kentucky they’ve been doing at a high level but I don’t think you can justify paying a six-man and potentially a starting two guard that isn’t a clear-cut you know All-Star caliber player a a$ 100 million deal so I feel like California taxes and all that stuff aside you know 4 for 78 seems really fair to me right in the ballpark it’s pretty close to what Grayson Allen made and I think that grayon Allen and Malik monk are different players but grayon Allen shot like nearly 50% from three last year I mean he’s he’s as good as as a spot up or knockdown threat as you’re going to find and he’s a guy that can he can board and hustle and maybe that hustle turns into a trip here and there you know that’s besides the point but uh Malik Monk Is someone that I do think that is a good fit here I think he’s happy here I think that he enjoyed playing with Mike Brown they were very open about their relationship and how if you see them getting into it on the sideline it’s passion it’s it’s competitiveness gamesmanship they’re they’re just guys that want to win they really want to win and I feel like Malik mon is someone that um you know I know that money talks but I think it’s been it wasn’t for nothing the building the relationship with Mike Brown and and dearen fox and we Deon sabona sat down with Shan Cunningham and um you know seemed at EAS and was laughing about the fact that he’s been telling Malik that he’s dead to him if he if he leaves but I personally think I’m at like a seven that he’d stay and maybe that’s me being a little bit um optimistic that’s just who I am but I’m not fully convinced that I’m I’m not convinced at all he would go to Detroit and maybe I’ll be wrong maybe Detroit will throw him a $95 million offer and there he goes he literally said in his e in his exit interview I could get more money and go to a worse team and maybe he maybe he will I mean but I’d be stunned if he took a off an offer from the from the Detroit Pistons from for a guy like Malik who was entering his Prime and and is already with a team that is a I mean again the kings are a winning team they you know they’ve won I think what 94 games over the past two years like they’re a winning team so I I’d be surprised I mean Orlando is a team that I do think is intriguing they they are kind of like a more advanced I guess version of the Kings but in the Eastern Conference they they’re a team that has a lot of young Talent they they need uh guard help I think they need to upgrade over Marquel Foltz and I think Gary Harris was getting minutes for them last year that they probably definitely need to upgrade over that over those guys but uh I I just have a hard time seeing someone kind of swoop in with that massive offer I mean San Antonio is another team they need someone to play alongside wanyama we we’ve saw how how Dynamic Malik monk is in a pick and roll situation I can already Envision him in a pick and roll situation with wanyama I think it’d be great but I don’t know I I just feel like there’s unfinished business in Sacramento maybe Malik mon doesn’t give give you know a damn about unfinished business in Sacramento uh but I I just have a hard time seeing him leave a situation that isn’t clearly better for him and I don’t think many of these teams are clearly better for him outside of maybe Orlando who we’ve seen already from Shams and other people that are are very plugged in that they have their eyes on Klay Thompson they think that Klay Thompson could be a guy that would fit uh fit in their in their lineup so I’m not I don’t know I I feel optimistic about it but again we’re we’re less than two weeks away from some answers yeah there’s a lot of smoke around a lot of people for Orlando which I feel like typically when that’s happen happening part of me is wondering how much are agents or other teams like maybe using these guys as leverage to an extent um but like Tobias Harris or um you you mentioned obviously Malik monk uh Klay Thompson who Shams just said today is going to be exploring outside options for the first time in his career and that partially makes me think that we’re not going to get the news this the deadline gets here like Orlando might need to figure something out but at the same time if Malik’s not their first option does that make him feel differently you know because there’s also a world where he just resigns to the Kings the second we get five minutes before we reach that deadline and then all this conversation was just all hypotheticals you know remember according to to Wendy Brian windhorse teams can begin negotiating with I mean they might be already we don’t I mean we don’t we never know but they teams can negotiate with free agents the second that the finals are over allegedly their own free agents so that also could be a little thing that you know if the Celtics win again we’re recording this a little before game five if the Celtics win this game maybe mon mcir picks up the phone and gives Malik a call and says hey man we’re gonna give you everything you got and that’s all we can do yeah they’re definitely waiting for after the finals to the end for sure that’s what every team does you know legally I mean well is not the right word but is is that really just something that we just kind of are gonna have to accept and like the league just does it differently because teams are talking already right like the the deals come together gotta be a minute after the the free agency deadline starts or you know maybe Malik’s agent has a guy that’s on Orlando you know and it’s like an indirect conversation in a way I I would bet I mean how do you how do you stop it I don’t I don’t think you can continuously fine like they’re already taking draft picks when there is some tampering a little bit is it like telephone like you do you just like go to a a public setting and like you act like you don’t see each other and then you just kind of have everyone in the line with like those those drawring cup things you just kind of tell the message to each other and they kind of pass it around the circle and then bring it back you’re not actually talking to that person but how are they doing I I’m joking voice memos this could be break this could be breaking something but it really is kind of funny how baseball takes like four months for the free agent to sign and then they sign for 20% and what they’re actually worth and then the NBA it’s like you know it’ll be 3:01 p.m. on Sunday boom D’Angelo Russell is gonna go to you know wherever like de jante Murray is being traded it’s gonna all happen like there maybe not Malik mon signing there will be things that are happening very quickly after that deadline but yeah I agree I don’t think Malik monk if if if we’re if you’re out there anticipating Malik monk to come to an agreement at 3:01 p.m. on June 30th I’m pretty skeptical what’s going to happen I think think July 2nd 3r 4th yeah there could be something that happens I mean I think it usually takes in NBA free agency more like two three days is kind of like the incubation period for for deals to come together but it it’s nothing like it’s nothing like baseball where it takes months it’s it no matter what happens I bet it happens within the first week of free agency I would bet yeah the beginning of that is always hectic I pull on my notebook and I’m like frantically trying to figure out okay I didn’t miss anything right who went where yeah right and it’s tough to keep up the tracking SES are very helpful for that absolutely absolutely and I will add that like Toronto is another one that’s kind of interesting to me I I do think that Sacramento is a better spot but there’s been Whispers that like when the SE yakum talk was going on which by the way was such a weird day that he was in Sacramento when that happened but that’s they were on the floor they were on the court super we actually saw them talking that’s right mon was Monty was talking to messai and we were all like putting our videos up Allan Allan had his phone out and was like dude I’m cooking right now I’m putting this video of seum up and um we were all kind of putting like everyone was recording seak it was it was Mayhem and while we were putting up videos Monty and in Messiah talking Shams put out a tweet saying Sacramento has pulled themselves out of talks and that was a that place was buzzing that night that gu excited for the deadline then nothing happened yeah insanity but there have been Whispers there were Whispers throughout that that Toronto wanted Malik monk in the deal or that they do really like Malik monk I think that even when he was a free agent before coming to Sacramento um I have some budes that kind of cover that team they seemed really interested in in the potential idea of Malik Monk and their cap space Situation’s a little bit more complicated with a Bruce Brown team option or having to dump Gary Trent Jr but they I think they could get up to the point to be competitive but I don’t think it’s I I wouldn’t worry about them too much personally that’s my question though is were they interested in Malik monk at 9 million or are they interested in Malik monk at 18 to 20 million right which is uh yeah a fair question right and yeah there’s you know I hadn’t thought of that but like do you the Kings have to ask the same thing well no I that’s completely my point like has Malik monk played himself into more than $9 million a year yes but how much more is it really double is it double I don’t know I’m that I know that you know market value for some of these guys has gone up the CBA is increasing that $ 188 million could look different if it’s a four-year deal it could look different in three years that’s kind of like the thought process by Harrison Barnes deal which I’m sure a lot of people people are still groaning saying well Harrison Barnes isn’t even worth I I know I’m just saying the CBA and and the salary cap is increasing that that this $18 million from Lake monk could look more like you know 11 or 12 in in three years it could look different but yeah that that’s that’s a question I’m asking too that’s why I’m saying if if someone comes in with a four for 100 that’s kind of crazy to me to pay mink monk $25 million a year that’s that’s that’s a lot of money man that’s a lot of money that’s that’s more money than I think Trey Lyles and Kevin herder are making combined like that’s and yeah maybe those two players aren’t going to get you to you know the finals or whatever but they’re really good impactful rotation NBA rotation players that I’m sure a lot of teams would line up to to have on their team and you’re going to sign a guy to a contract that’s making more than them combined so that’s a good question and I guess that’s one that Monty mcir has to answer and other GMS around the NBA have to answer absolutely I’m goingon to throw you last last thing for this Malik segment I’m gonna throw you a couple names of guards that signed last offseason okay and you know there is complicated context on some of these of you know more teams had money last year and certain things but give me your opinion just when I State some of these deals on what they could M mean for Mal or if you think these guys just got overpaid and they’re not a great point of reference let me know but starting with the most expensive uh we mentioned it Bruce brown two years 45 um threw this one in here 22.5 annually just as a this to me this would be the Detroit option that was weird something similar that was weird you know Point aside we can probably talk about this later for offseason questions but Bruce Brown’s not someone I’d be upset with the Kings went after this offseason um but the the money well he has one he one more year on his deal actually so maybe maybe never mind well the second one or the second one was a team option I guess which is yeah an added aspect to this he’s on a free agent list that I was I was looking at today and I I guess I should have looked at that before but um I think that’s an overpay I think that was kind of a weird Indiana was trying to be aggressive and I guess it kind of worked out because the money made it work for sakam but I think that’s an overpay I’m not sure how you feel about I think that’s an overpay I would think the same and probably for this other one as well Dylan Brooks four years 86 21.5 million on average I think it’s like a slight overpay I think he actually was pretty impactful for for I’d say he he’s more a guy could like in the Malik monk range the 18 million range like you know that I know it’s only three million only three million but three million or so less but it gives you more flexibility and I feel like he’s a guy that’s in that like that 15 to 17 18 million range yeah I would say the same and you know for what it’s worth I think Indiana feels like Toronto when they when they gave Bruce that deal and I think Dylan Brooks or the current version of San Antonio feels kind of like the year prior version of Houston you know so I do think these are overpays I don’t think it’s out of the question that Malik could get quote unquote overpaid either though um other one D’Angelo Russell two years 36 million 18 on average but keep in mind they did the Lakers had traded for D’Angelo Russell throughout the course of that year and he actually kind of bowled out at the end of that year with them he was putting up 17 and a half points shooting 41% from three on six and a half a game but he’s not as good as Malik right Lakers fans will tell you that he was overpaid but I think that what DLo did is is is worth that money and um I don’t think he’s worth as much as Malik monk no so I guess I would say a slight overpay um but a good player again in that like 15 15 million range I feel like that’s a good 15 million at two for 30 would have been a little better I think I would think the same and I I did throw tyus Jones and here but that’s probably just in another world right like I I do really like tus Jones underpaid two years for 14 and a half million he’s going to make so much more money than that this summer like he’s a guy that I think that if let’s say Malik monk hypothetically were to resign with the Kings he’s the next guy that teams would be like okay well he’s next on our list like Orlando and and Detroit be like let’s get tyus Jones and we’ll be we’ll give him a good chunk of that money because I’ve always been a big tus Jones guy thought I think he’s good great uh underpaid two for 14 half million is crazy but then again he’s a different player than he was when he was a bench guy just realized I wrote that wrong it’s 14 annually it’s 229 well that fits that fits that makes sense so for that makes sense because he is worth that to me I think he’s worth exactly that amount I think paying him any more than that would be you know I need to see a lot more because Malik monk we’ve seen he can pop he can go get you 40 points I’m not sure if anyone else in this list maybe DLo like a couple years ago I don’t think he can now but Malik monk can take over a game I’m not sure if any of these other guys can take over a game I would say the same and tus is more of like the consistent guy they almost just feel like a different cup te in a way if that makes sense um but that’s the main free agency aspect for the Kings at least when it comes to their own free agents U Malik potentially coming back could complicate uh their mle use meaning that they would just get the uh taxpayer mle because they could just they could flirt with that line and it could cause some complications just when it comes to using that Mei but Malik obviously the biggest free agency thing that the king’s got going on this year and as I mentioned Mony says there’s three so free agency we’ll say check for now at least the main piece of it the draft on to next Frank yes let’s do it the NBA draft the 2024 NBA draft which is kind of crazy man first of all it’s a two-day two-day thing now which I think that’s very very stupid that they’re going to have the second round at like 100 PM I think on on Thursday do you do you are they going to have like are they going to refill the green room with the top remaining prospects like I I don’t know I don’t know how to feel about it I feel like I have to experience it first it’s gonna be weird it’s we’re gonna be covering it like we’ll probably be I’d imagine at the arena to cover it the first night and then I bet we’ll be at home the next day lunchtime they’re going to be Kings have what the 43rd I think or 45th pick or something like it’s going to be weird um but I am excited because the NBA draft is kind of The Unofficial or I guess is the official beginning of the offseason offseason moves and the Kings we’ve seen them obviously the last draft pick they had was Keegan Murray they made a draft I think they traded for Sasha venkov that night they they swung a couple trades traded away Jaden Hardy which you know I’m sure that’s still something that a lot of Kings fans aren’t really pleased about um but 13th pick I’m I’m not sure how you’re feeling about how excited you are about it I’m I’m very lukewarm on it and like there are prospects I like and there there are players I think that could be good but I think the kings are at a point where they can’t really afford to have a project right now like they really do need someone to come in from the get from the get and be impactful so I’m not sure if you’re feeling the kings are more likely to keep this pick or trade it if you were to ask our cooworker and partner in pal Carmichael Dave he’d probably tell you 100% chance they’re going to move this pick um but then again today like you have our our friend Sean Cunningham reports that they brought in kind of like their first big they brought in jacobe Walter who’s a guy that’s going to be on their kings radar too but they bring in Zach Ed today who could go anywhere from a lottery pick to the second round I mean no one really kind of knows where he’s goingon to land right now like why why Franklin if he gets taken at 17 or uh sorry 13 I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it how does he ever play next to sabonis unless sabonis becomes You Know Carl Anthony towns next year it’s it’s really not going to work out and not why talk to him like because I I think what is easy to forget in the process is these guys are going to be in the league like it’s just even getting that initial relationship for a potential trade down the line or for a free agency down the line is valuable I’m not saying don’t bring him in or anything it C doesn’t hurt and it’s kind of encouraging that he is going to sack because I think sometimes there have been stories of guys refusing to go to a different places not just specifically Sacramento um I just if he doesn’t make any sense to me at 13 but I’ll admit that neither did Davon yeah it’s just like if sabon could shoot threes consistently and knock down the mid-range consistently I’d be like yeah go ahead and go get a shot blocking big that can clog the paint and sabon can float out and knock down shots and stretch the floor but that’s not who sabonis is he’s he’s the two-time defending rebounding champion he is in the paint he’s a Bruiser he does most of his damage around the paint and at The Rim they they don’t need someone like that if if Zack Edy could shoot threes if he was like a Brook Lopez type we’re having a different conversation you know Brook a Brook Lopez type if we can get a time machine and go get 30-year-old Brook Lopez right now and put him on this Kings team I’d be stoked that’s a guy who can protect the rim and shoot 40% from three and um you know not an incredible rebounder but that’s you have sabonis for I mean sabonis gets to stay there there down there in the key and make a living on the on the glass and Lopez can float that’s not happening Brook Lopez is like what 36 37 years old now uh I I think that you know Zach e shot I think he shot 0% from three last year I probably could look at it right now but I don’t think he even made I believe he made one let me see cuz I was looking earlier and I want to say it had to been like a shot clock expiring situation uh I’m pulling up also tanon here the their Mock Draft simulator Zack Ed right now is currently slated to go 22nd to the Phoenix Suns so wow for and look the numbers are good for Zaki I mean he dominated college basketball but a lot of guys have dominated college basketball and and and not been you know anywhere near impactful at the NBA level but Zack heiti again worked out for the Sacramento Kings today 62% from the field he did go one of two from three this year you’re so disrespectful he shot 50% Frank he shot 50% from okay uh 71% from the free throw line which actually would probably be not bad for a king’s team that seems like they shoot 50% every night uh 25 25 points per game 12 boards the blocks obviously two 2.2 blocks per game that’s 2.4 per 48 or 38 minutes excuse me um 36 sorry College goes by 36 minutes um NBA does two it’s the offseason my brain’s all over the place I don’t know it doesn’t make sense to take him at 13 in my opinion but again there’s a possibility they could trade back there there could be someone in that range at the Kings say hey they want they want one of these rotation guys and they trade back into the 20s I mean you know Phoenix is there I can’t see the Kings trading with Phoenix but the Knicks have two picks 24 25 would Ed fall that far I don’t know but there are teams there that could be looking to make moves and and they want to upgrade the roster some other way I mean again Kevin herder could be could be a could be a kind what you dangle to to get the 13 pick and Kevin to go get someone like a another draft pick or a kosman that’s out there I mean I’m not sure how you feel about it but I’m crossing Zack is nowhere even near my my list of people that I like he’s not even on my top five I don’t think no I’m the same and if we’re talking trading back like you mentioned and like I’d love Zak as a backup center I don’t think using the 13th pick on a backup center is just good asset management now for so you hated the papanas pick when it happened not a fan well you know third string Center is even worse he wasn’t on the top 100 for a lot of mock drafts so insane I really wish I experienced that live how much were you freaking out it was 2016 I was in Vegas and and I was watching it with a buddy of mine and I’m like cool like I can’t remember who who was on our radar back then but I was like who the hell is that who is that and and it was the silence when The Pick happened was so deafening like it was just like in in I think it was Madison Square Garden the draft was it was just like that was just a weird wasted pick and in a not great draft I think right I don’t think it was a very good draft but still man it but I don’t want to say this that Zack Ed is Goro’s poan his Vibes but because he he could come in the NBA and just be really good and like I we could have her foot in her mouth whatever and look stupid but dude I I just don’t I just don’t think so I just don’t think he’s going to come into the NBA and be this double double shot blocking presence I feel like he’s going to struggle with the physicality of of NBA Bigs like imagine Deon sabonis we’ve seen you know it took a couple times but Chad holgren had a really tough time with sabonis the first couple times they played He adjusted and the Kings lost him that final time in April um you they got played for a lot of reasons Jaylen Williams had had a really big game that night I think sh Shay gild just Alexander I think he traveled on on that on that last second last second shot there’s a lot of things that happened that game but it took ched a while to get used to it and that phys ality of the NBA it took him really I think almost 82 Game season to get to get it down how long will it take Zack EDI will he ever get to that point because I’m just skeptical that he’s able to hang at the NBA level with that level of physicality with his current frame yeah I I think it’s a very valid worry I I think that he almost gives me yonas valent chunis Vibes a little bit and we’ve seen those guys play on the Lithuanian national team and in in the most recent Euro basket like those guys were getting split up a lot actually and they’re the two best players far and away and even then you’re like I don’t know if we can play these guys together um but I think that leads to the question of whether this is draft trade is there any positions to you that because okay so Fox Murray sabonis right is there any positions to you after that though where either you’re like this needs to be filled or on the other side don’t even get near like there’s no reason to add to that position it’s hard because I feel like if they if they had Intel or they had a a sense of what Malik Monk’s going to do that would make me more open to them drafting a scoring guard like you know Jared McCain with with Duke I mean he’s a guy that I think that would be good for a king’s team that is is Sans no Malik monk Malik Monk’s gone that that makes more sense to me uh Devin Carter another guy from Providence like he he’s someone that is a scoring guard but I feel like for positions of need the Kings need versatility at the forward spots like Tristan D Silva is a guy uh you know Dalton connect like there are guys out there that I think that could be good for this Kings team but you just don’t really know who’s going to be here yet like Malik Monk Is is a huge piece to that because if you if you do and again Monty McNair doesn’t really care he’s told in the media many times and I’m sure anyone that’s listening this has heard him say it too he’s going to draft the best player that he in the front office believe available they don’t care about the position they want to they don’t want a player who they think is the best player available to go somewhere else if they think that Devin Carter is going to be the best player available at 13 they’re going to pick him if they think jacobe Walter is going to be the best player available at 13 they’re gonna take him the same way after they had uh they had Tyrese halberton and dearen fox they draft Davon Mitchell so like they don’t care about the positional need but I think that there is a clear positional need and it is an interesting time for college sports and then in the NBA draft because that Co fifth year Co year has made some of these prospects 23 22 I think last year Jaylen slaon was 22 almost 23 on on draft night um you have your Tristan dilva is 22 23 obviously Zack ed0 is almost 23 um I I got this number for you so Tristan dilva and Dalton connect both 23 already right um and D Silva is less Lottery than connect but since 2014 there’s been nine lottery picks 23 or older as a rookie Doug McDermot Frank Kaminsky buddy heeld Denzel Valentine Obi toppen Davon Mitchell chriso Arte oai agbaji and for what it’s worth that 15th barely outside the lottery there’s been Justin Jackson and Cory kissper not a great hit record but it’s there’s they’re not all misses no not all misses I mean again I do think there’s a good player at 13 I think that 13 isn’t you know it’s not 272 8 like there have been guys there that have been good too um but it is just kind of funny with the Kings because the Keegan draft was so you kind of knew like we kind of you kind of knew they were gonna take Keegan Murray and there was like the there was like the the the ivy Keegan debate and I think a lot of us were mixed and and I’m happy to to admit like I was completely wrong I thought that Jade iy would have been a good partner for Daren Fox could not have been more wrong I’m not I would not be a good GM obviously uh Keegan’s been great and but you knew the Kings needed a forward and he was immediately a starter and has been good ever since this one’s a little more interesting because who they draft are is he going to be a rotation player on opening night if they draft a 19-year-old Prospect I cannot imagine he’s going to play meaningful minutes for this King team I can’t I can’t even imagine them taking a 19y old like everybody that they’ve drafted so far Tyrese two years at Iowa uh Iowa State Sorry probably be offended by that uh Keegan Murray two years uh Davon Mitchell four years there’s more jayen SL was like five Jaylen is the only one Kobe Jones played I think three two three years he was 20 21 coming into I think he I think he was the youngest him and Tyrese I think were both 20 or 21 years old coming into the NBA I think the other commonality between specifically those first rounders um Tyrese Davon Keegan and I think that’s it why is there another one I’m forgetting but anyways the commonality that really exists in my mind is they were all extremely efficient college players already they were very effective it wasn’t you know this guy still has a lot of stuff to work on he wasn’t great in college but the tools man the tools are really interesting like that’s never been their type it’s always been guys that produce you know you look at like you’re mentioning some of these 18-year-olds uh Nicole topic which I know where that’s a little higher in the draft depending on who you ask um 18 super raw Prospect like to me Devin Carter Dalton connect are more their type of guys these guys that are 22 23 um putting up 20 points a game in college like you look at Dalton connect this guy’s 66 with a 69 wingspan and yes he was in his fifth Collegiate season um but he was 56 as a sophomore so there is an aspect of you know this guy needed some time to grow into his body he spent two years at a junior college I would agree then two years at Northern Colorado before last year at Tennessee where just totally balled out you know we averaged 21 points a game on a ridiculous 39.7% from three taking six and a half of them you know 25 games with 13 plus six or I’m sorry 13 games with 25 plus six games with 35 Plus like he just screams Kings to me and there’s a couple of those Tristan D Silva I think Devin Carter to me is like a weird mix of Davon Mitchell and Kobe Jones but I I and do kind of like Devin Carter but there are guys that in my mind very much fit their typical profile I completely agree and before we close and move on to the next topic I just want to go ahead and just read uh NBA draft has had some good they have great coverage and and scouting reports and and pro comps Zack 8’s Pro Comp and this is how they wrote it Yao Ming light bobon plus that does not get me excited that is a crazy range that’s wild I am not excited about that jacobe Walter is is Bradley Beal and G the Kings have worked out um Robert Dillingham from from from Kentucky Brandon Jennings is his Pro Comp doesn’t get me excited either uh Tristan da Silva last one Tristan da Silva Keegan Murray is Pro so that seems kind yeah I saw one earlier today that had uh Kyle Anderson so there are kind of similarities there I guess but I’m okay with that too I think that is fair um but there’s going to be options out there I think guys that absolutely fit the typical profile of what we’ve seen from Monty McNair West wi Cox Phil Jabor and this whole front office um so that’s just going to be another option that they have to work with here but if they don’t decide to use the pick it definitely could be used in some trade conversations so let’s get into that in a sec here offseason questions Brendan will the kings make a big trade there’s been guys that have been reported that could be on the move this summer I think that the one that is actually like probably factual is and again Kings fans get ready for the name Zack LaVine again they Kings tried to sign him a couple years ago I think five six years ago didn’t work out Chicago matched they were rumored to be interested with in him a year ago I think that it was reported by NBC Chicago earlier this uh this offseason as in like a few weeks ago like I’m talking like the offseason been going on forever it just started uh Chicago and LaVine are both interested in ending this this partnership it’s they’re gonna look for a new home for LaVine kind of has a little bit of an injury history definitely has a massive contract uh he’s the one I think is most likely to be moved but then again you have your your kmas who again the Kings have also tried to trade for the Lakers deal fell through for buddy heeld could he be back in the mix for for someone that the Kings could trade for and then there’s Brandon Ingram those are the three players that we have highlighted here I I’m wondering which is kind of like a like a kneejerk reaction do you think it’s even realistically possible for the Kings to trade for one of those three players I think it’s definitely possible for all of them now the LaVine one is really the one where I’m like I just can’t see it um when the OG an anobi conversations were happening this might be two years ago now because got he was it was like buddy healed Marvin baggley level of he was just in trade conversations every offseason so I don’t remember specifically when it is but was talking to somebody within the King’s organization about him and was uh just kind of asking what he thought about OG and he’s like OG’s great but what is his next deal going to look like right and I I think that this same that there would be with every NBA front office there’s very much an aspect of are you getting enough bang for your buck and the other side being that you’d imagine it’s a little bit cheaper and I think that that sticks out to me in the sabonis deal that happened they did not include any draft picks Kings actually got two draft picks in that deal and obviously Tyrese halberton being the main part of that um but is there a world where you get Zack LaVine or that they prefer Zack LaVine because his price tag is technically lower I don’t see it because I think the salary match is difficult he’s a clutch guy too isn’t he I think so actually maybe there maybe there’s a fox Dynamic Fox there could be a fox Dynamic maybe um there’s definitely a fox Dynamic with Donovan Mitchell but that seems to be slowing down all all of that sort of stuff I think Cleveland probably gives him a Max this summer I bet maybe they trade him at some point or he pushes out but I mean he’s probably going to want to maximize in that deal but um I think it’s the question of in a perfect world of Zack LaVine is healthy is it worth taking a Gamble and paying him maybe I mean I I saw some someone on Twitter I think it was our friend Brett Huff uh I think he said that you know there’s like two things the Kings can do this summer they can make a swing for the fence Type move like what Boston did for chrisop porzingis which which works out works out well or they make a trade for Bradley like a Bradley Beal Type move and it doesn’t work out they make they make a deal for a big player that works and it it crashes and burns takes off or they go the other route and they make the marginal moves and try to kind of color in around the edges and and just hope that Keegan takes a leap and fox can be a 30-point score again and sabonis can replicate his incredible past two years I don’t I don’t know like I I feel like the gambling part of it scares me a little more because of the fact that you do have to pay Keegan Murray at some point and my theory when I was talking I’ve talked to you and Chris about it a while is my theory is if the Kings do make a move for somebody it’ll be on a short a player with a shorter term contract that can coincide with them paying Keegan when he’s a free agent and I think he has two more years on his contract before he hits restricted free agency so does LaVine meet that the criteria for that no I mean he he still has I think three more or one more year after that which would make it very hard I think he’s making 56 million or something crazy in the last year of that deal that’s a lot of money tied up in three players and fox sabonis and LaVine and you the fact in you know that lavine’s going to be 30 years old or is 30 years old he is is injured a good amount and what does that make the offense look like I think that the fit actually might not be as bad as as I previously thought I think you’ve explained that to me before I mean do you think that LaVine would be a solid fit in a sabonis fox offense if he’s healthy I actually think he’s like a gorgeous offensive fit I I think that the playmaking jump that he took in Chicago would be beneficial in a situation like this now where he’s currently at with the bulls there’s a lot of like H not the best decision maker he’s a prim option and I think it would limit how much he really had to to process almost to an extent if that guy’s running off dribble handoffs and which that could be another thing that he’d have to get accustomed to but I think he’s a really good movement shooter he’s turned himself into a great great shooter um and like The Cutting can you fox Malik and just pretend Malik’s still here and LV Running In transition while D sabonis has the ball and then Keegan Murray you know go chill in the corner and in case they leave you open like I I think offensively it’s beautiful actually no if if that another story defense is another story but the Kings haven’t really been much of a defense I mean again the second half of this year of the numbers I think they might have been top 10 or at least top 15 upper half of the league the defense was better but if you’re going to tell me today like okay the Kings offseason moves are they keep Malik monk they trade herder Barnes ly maybe throwing Duarte for money the first round pick a future first round pick I don’t think it’ take two first round picks I think that Chicago would only probably take the 13 maybe not even the 13 they might just be salary dumping but if you have some get Malik Monk and LaVine and that you have you have a core of fox LaVine Keegan Murray Zack did I say Zack L Zack LaVine I’m feeling pretty good sabonis I’m feeling pretty good about it I mean I don’t know heal is going to be huge but he is big for everybody I mean the Clippers they pray every year that Kawhi Leonard’s going to keep his legs together and and they haven’t really been able to put it together so at a certain point you got to you know you got to go or get off the pot and I feel like if if this is the move the Kings want to make I think it would move the the needle more if it works out than if you bring in Ingram or kma for sure more than kozma I mean if the kings were to somehow get Brandon Ingram who apparently wants a huge extension that’s the downside but I feel like the potential of LaVine on this roster is probably maybe the the best like All-Star caliber player that have a realistic chance at getting I think I do like Ingram better like I can talk myself clearly as I just did into lavine’s offense but I think that like what you would have to I it’s it’s tough I like length is something that I feel like the Kings lack and Ingram is like the definition now the spacing I worry about a little bit but I feel like he’s done okay in at previous times playing off of other guys um obviously you know Braun and AD being the big ones and it hasn’t been the most greatest fit necessarily next to Zion but they haven’t had the most time to mesh necessarily I would say either with some of their health stuff but the you’re talking me into it um but I do think there’s something about length the Kings need some length man and Mike Brown is I feel like is constantly talking about it I feel like that was their issue with the Pelicans this year is that U got um even Dyson Daniels is on the small end of it but herb Jones Trey Murphy Um Zack or Brandon Ingram obviously in there so Nai Marshall even was a guy that was like Nai Marshall yeah for sure I I mean I think that Ingram would be really good and I think I just have more faith in Ingram as a player in general but it probably would be a little bit more smooth or I definitely think it would offensively I think Ingram could provide you with a little bit more defensively though just kind of in those help situations like you still put Keegan on the best Wing um but then allow Ingram to just roam a little bit more disrupt passing Lanes um so I think I’d favor Ingram a little bit more uh above Levine but I actually kind of like the kozma thing above all else because I don’t think that this necessarily is the time to go all in and you know what the the money though and I think to that point like would KZ be the best best of the three probably not but he’s the most affordable of the three I mean the money works it it would you’d still be able to pay keeg Murray he fits with the core the age of this group I think he’s 28 29 um I’m open to it it’s just like I don’t want the Kyle kman that had the interview with I think it was with NBC bay area after the trade fell through where he said I was about to go crazy in sack I I don’t need Kyle kman to come to Sacramento and try to be a 25 point game scorer I think Kyle kman coming in trying to fit in this system and again he’d be I think a great dho guy for for sabonis I think he’d be able to um defend multiple positions maybe not well obviously he’s not a strong Defender but he has length like you said he is a long player um but it’s money and the Kings obviously right now they’re up against it I think they might even want to be close to luxury tax for the first time in 20 years bringing in bringing in someone like Ingram or LaVine puts more pressure on on that salary cap and kozma it’s pretty easy to see a path to it I mean they have the salary and they have the first round pick at their disposal and I feel like Kevin herder is and I feel like a Kevin herder in the 13th pick for kozma trade makes sense for all sides I just feel like that’s one that I would not be surprised to see and one that I wouldn’t be against seeing will it happen who knows but I feel like that makes sense for both sides especially um you know with tyus Jones who’s who’s going to be a free agent he’ll be on the on the go Kevin her is not a point guard but a guard that can fill those minutes um and and be a guy who can you know knock down triples and and be a part of a young core I think Kevin her is only 26 so um it makes sense to me I’m not sure if that’s something you would go for but do you would you if you’re the GM of if you’re mon McNair and the and the Wizards call you and say hey herder in 13th for kozma do we have a deal do we have a deal I that’s not very difficult I think that’s a quick yes to be honest like I I think also part of that when you mentioned the deal is that I get a keep one of Kevin or Harrison on the team you know and everybody loves to and obviously we’ve done it too I mean they’re the obvious salary matching contracts when it comes down to it but I feel like people are forgetting these are valuable NBA players and you need they’re you know when you have them as your third fourth option fifth whatever you might feel a little differently slide them down to six seven eight and you would love to have those guys on your team so I think there could be valuable in you know say either Malik slides into that starting spot that that Kevin leaves or you leave Keon there and Malik is still functioning as your Sixth Man and now Harrison Barnes gets to come off the bench you know while while Kyle kosma fills into that spot so it definitely does interest me and I will admit though I very much hold on to the def and I say this every time the defense that he played in the bubble when they won their chip which is a long time ago by now half a decade now I’m just like man I know he can do it I know he can do it and there’s an aspect I will say that I believe in Mike Brown to optimize these guys and I think that there is a really good player somewhere there with kozma players change man players can make adjustments you know I don’t think it’s fair to paint someone into a corner especially someone who’s still you know not young in their career but you know in the middle of it I I I I think that it’d be an intriguing addition and like you said you get to lengthen the rotation you get to have Keon Ellis maybe St in the starting role and I’m assuming it’ be Keon Ellis unless they make another move to get under guard but then you have a lineup of fox Ellis Murray kosma and sabonis I feel like that’s a better starting five than the Kings have had in recent memory for sure so um and that means you get to also have if they keep Malik monk you have Davon Malik and HB Off the Bench along with the big you know um Tre L if he still around you know Sasha fenov or you move one of them in another deal that makes things more interesting so I feel like that’s definitely an Avenue that they could take and would it be the best move possible maybe maybe not but it’s there if it’s if if the money works is all I’m saying the money works yeah and I yeah just make sure that if you’re going all in and I I would say that kozma is less of the others which is why I kind of prefer him that just you got to make sure it’s right and like you know maybe the fact that Dallas just made the Run they went on makes you think the West is wide open and one of these guys could take you to that next jump but I think another aspect is are we sure that ownership is going to love the idea of paying that luxury tax already before it’s been proven at least like to a little bit more of an extent than what we’ve already seen I believe they’re about 25 mil under um at this current point but that’s uh primarily a lot of the offseason stuff that I I think that we want to kind of get into I got some little final stuff here in a second but now we’ve covered draft trade free agency so let’s let’s have a little fun what do you think Frank let’s do it final thoughts some final thoughts we have written here obviously the biggest storyline the biggest Kings offseason storyline massive groundbreaking Earth shattering Deon sabonis changes number changing from 10 to 11 what were your thoughts did that shock you where were you when you found out demono sabonis changes number from 10 to 11 I was just really feeling for Bob Davies man he’s the first guy that that came to my mind um no I mean it’s cool honestly I didn’t even really realize maybe this is uh poor reporting on my part but I never really realized when he came to sack that he wasn’t wearing the number that he’d been wearing for the rest of his career you know I will admit I’m not somebody that like actively watched arvus growing up or anything you know so but it was cool and that interview that he did with Sean uh he was super open and you know wherever he was at in Spain I’m sure helps you feel nice and loose uh but I would say that he he very much was willing to share how much that number really mean to him and you could tell the extent of it like to the point where I’m like dude this is like why is this a little of emotional of an interview over here it’s pretty cool man like I think we’ve all long know like we’ve known that demono sabonis and and his father like they’re they they really are connected and and we we all are aware when arvus is in the building he doesn’t come out too often but when he’s in the building we all know like they kind of there’s Whispers around the media areel like arvus isn’t isn’t a sweet tonight and it’s pretty cool like just kind of knowing what he did for the game and um I I I read about him a little bit and watched some tape and you know my grandpa was with him last night and my grandpa was like arvus was just incredible and of course my grandpa’s bias probably I said who’s who’s better sabonis or demonis or arvus he’s like arvus arvus was incredible the in the ball movement doas got asked the same thing in that interview he Sean asked him are you better than your dad and domas instantly not even close but that’s the thing I think there was some travel restriction or there was things going on that that made it so that rvas couldn’t come over I think the cold war was going on and um he he kind of was unable to come to the NBA before he was like 33 years old I think but even though he came over he was still super very good for the for the Trailblazers for a number of years and it means a lot to him man like I think I think a lot of us out there can can relate to having family numbers or things family traditions whatever and and 11 means a lot to him I me I mean sabon named his daughter 11 man like that number means a lot to him so uh I I feel bad for those that bought number 10 sabonis jerseys and have to deal with them my family included they were kind of like bummed but now I kind of talked them into well the front of it’s a BBY Jersey now in the back of it it’s a sabonis jersey so it’s fine but pretty cool yeah fair enough I wonder if the NBA does the same thing as the NFL where if you change your you change your jersey number that you got to buy out all the previous ones that hadn’t been sold is that if that’s a thing that is in the NFL ever since they let you like change your you know we a a quarterback could be or is that’s a bad example a wide receiver could now be like a single digit number you yeah or Debo it waso Debo swapped it to one so yeah when he does that he has to buy all the previous jerseys that had not been sold yet so you gota be committed to do this I don’t know if the NBA does the same thing um but yeah I mean I wonder if he’s a little bit of a strangers things fan at all also with that 11 name that’s what my girlfriend said she like he must be it must be a stranger stranger things yeah it’s like it’s like 11 you know but uh yeah other than that man like offseason stuff coming up we talked about free agency we talk about the draft California classic is like the next big thing where we’ll have all of our Kings media family and and fans of course all Kings fans and media and everyone I like will be back in in the house for some summer league basketball and it’s not going to be the same lineup of teams we saw before I I believe according to the update that was published this week I don’t think the Lakers or Warriors will be com coming to Golden One Center it looks like I think the Chinese national team will be coming in to Golden One Center I think that the San Antonio Spurs Charlotte Hornets will be here and the kings are gonna have like a split Squad situation where I think they’ll probably send their B team which I’d imagine will be like the Lesser known players on the road to Golden State and they’ll have their guys uh you know whether it be their 13th draft pick or guys that you know I don’t know if Keon Ellis would play in Summer again probably not um Sasha venkov I couldn’t imagine he played in summer league but that’s another sophomore but Kobe Jones Jaylen Slawson down the line will probably be um playing those games at Golden One Center but just wondering man like I know you I we talk about you’re a gym rat are are you pretty stoked to get back in there and watch some summer league dude I always love summer league actually especially because it’s just back to back to back usually games going on um you always I feel like first day back media day you’re always like it’s it’s like first day of school you know leue is like we’re going to summer school like we just to see every haven’t seen in a little while um kind of hang out not everybody’s going to show up it’s like that one friend’s like birthday but like you know you’re not all mutual friends but some of them show up and it’s like but enough of your friends are there like I’m having a good time I’m seeing everybody for sure and you’re just you know watching some very questionable basketball like it’s it’s guys that are really out there um sometimes it’s a little dangerous to be honest I’m like whoa I know guys are fighting for their jobs um but the chaos I typically don’t like like I’m not a huge college basketball guy I will only watch it for the sake of the draft because it’s ironically with what I was just saying too chaotic to me but summer league it’s just enough it’s it’s not an overload almost I guess I would say and that the couple of top prospects that will surely be there no matter what team it may end up being um is always fun and you know I remember the first year that it existed well obviously the baggley dunk right that who could forget crazy crazy the like another aspect that was not as cool but up there for me is bam babio is playing point guard on that team and it’s his second year you know and then which is obviously an over dramatic a little bit but then he comes back after that and it’s like oh there’s a big playmaking jump here you know and I love seeing guys just getting placed in bigger roles Keegan Murray going out there and dropping how many points God he it was like 30 well that was 47 I think or 40 not that was that wasn’t regular season I think it was 41 in in summer league crazy just right away and you’re like okay this guy’s going to take a jump you know and like Kobe Jones let him get the playmaking work in Keon Ellis just did that exact same thing I forgot about not forgot but I remembered him when I named him a minute ago but I am very intrigued to see the kby Jones jump next year especially that’s one thing we didn’t talk about enough and we’ll talk more about it as summer goes on WE we’ll record more things and we’ll talk a lot more Kings basketball but if Malik monk does leave they do have have a cost you know effective I don’t want to say an in-house replacement but if you need to plug back up two minutes a guy who can be a combo guard and play want to kobby Jones is a guy that probably will have to take a jump and I’ve always been high on his potential and he looked good in spurts last year then he also looked horrible at the end of the year and the Kings had to play him when Malik was hurt but um this could be a big summer for him yeah I think he’s going to be good I think he’s a really good connecting piece um and yeah I think it’s very similar to Keon I was laughing while you said that a little bit because like Chris Arte has to feel so disrespected right now but I I don’t disagree I think that Kobe is I’m a little more optimistic about Kobe I guess I would say I no disrespect to Chris dwarte the nicest guy goodness like smilees contagious but the the money kind of works in a trade I mean I think you make six million if they want to just make a deal work that’s that’s a good contract to kind of just wiggle in there and if there’s you know three four five million difference that can get you over the finish line but also he’s played more small forward than anything over over the past year they kind of transitioned him from a a shooting guard roll into that three um especially in a bench roll too but whether it’s you know Jaylen Slawson or or Kobe Jones or the 13th pick or if they move it and they use their second round pick there will be players to watch and I’m intrigued and you know we we’ll see what they do with the draic before we decide if we’re going to Las Vegas you’ll probably be in Las Vegas either way I’d imagine but um it it’ll be nice to watch basketball and to write about games and kind of just break down what these players are doing man it’s it’s I love baseball I got my Yankee shirt on right now I’m I’m fully in baseball season you know in my personal life but from a work standpoint I miss watching basketball man it’s been nice to talk on this pot about you know just the Kings what they’re gonna be up to and I’m very excited that for at least a month at least for the end of June until the end of July we will have storylines we will have interviews press conferences we have things to to talk about and break down and that to me is is much needed and I’m sure you feel the same way absolutely and just since you mentioned baseball for half a sec I just feel like I have to mention Elliot Ramos for two seconds it absolutely saving my life when it comes to watching this Giants season and they were killing it yesterday against the dud he well against the Angels yeah they just in general the Giants ran it up but I swear that in the last game yes they lost they lost well okay not not to not to to you know diminish what what your your guys doing I will say Allen Styles since the end of last season I think was very loud about Elliot Ramos and how he thought he was a guy and I I was always wondering why the Giants and again the Giants do have kind of a knack for not playing these young outfielders obviously uh I got an email while we were recording that the from the rivercat saying Luis MOS is the PCL player of the week so they are they have these young guys that they need to play them but you they’re rolling out yky to to you know hit 210 or whatever but yeah Ramos has been great I’m enjoying baseball and I I believe me the Yankees first place I know every not there sorry Yankees guy but they’re in first place I’m enjoying it that wano home run at Oracle Park man whatever bro but I miss King’s basketball I’m sure everyone out there does too but the one other thing I’ll add on summer league is I’m excited to see Doug Christie as a coach yes head coach remember when there was a time though when people saying he should be the head coach immediately yeah I don’t think it was um just fans I guess I’ll say you know that is also true you know to be to be fair that’s not me saying Doug can’t do it Doug is I think is proving he has the chops to go do something like this but there’s levels to it and like we’ve seen Jordan Fernandez who just got his first head coaching role and he was a guy for a long time that was coaching in the G league and then assistant then associate head coach now he coaching the Canadian now naal team which by the way I think could be a sneaky Dark Horse to get the gold medal this summer I think the Canada’s GNA have a really good team um but Doug’s it’s a big summer it’s a big summer for Doug Christie so I’m I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do and um you know I’m looking forward to get back out to the ballpark man ballpark I said I said ballpark because I just got an update about uh the Yankees I’m looking forward to getting back out to g1c getting out there having some chocolate chip cookies you know watching some watching some basketball yeah yeah get golden one jumping a little bit fan base always shows out even for summer league it’s a great time uh you know I I think that it’s a pretty familyfriendly thing easy to get in and out of there and all of that but I appreciate everybody that tuned in today listening in uh you know is Kings offseason but still plenty of stuff going on as always and that will continue to be the case as we mentioned summer league um and free agency the NBA draft there’s still going to be plenty of stuff going on here so be sure to check out everything we got going on at sackton and on the airwave sackton Sports 1140 from 6:00 AM to 6: PM Monday to Friday but appreciate everybody tuning in to return of the war for myself Brendan Nunes and Frankie cardelli you will hear from us later

Frankie Cartoscelli and Brenden Nunes present another edition of Return of the Roar (a Sacramento Kings podcast) on Sactown Sports 1140.

In today’s episode, we dive into their potential routes to improve this offseason: draft, free agency, and trade. With a variety of options in each regard, many aspects will need to be considered to optimize the team, not only now, but in the future.

From Malik Monk’s looming free agency, who we’d prefer between Kyle Kuzma, Zach LaVine, and Brandon Ingram, draft prospects that could be considered with the 13th pick, and more.

Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe!

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  1. I agree with Frankie. The comments about MB were ridiculous. It's like fans forgot the Kings history with coaches. I don't know how they could after 16 years of failure. Also, MB does NOT have the players to match up against certain teams. There is no doubt he was definitely searching for a player to match up in some way, but the Kings don't have the length and size to match up against some teams, ie the Pels.

  2. Monte has to deliver this off-season. This is a pivotal time because Fox and Sabonis are not getting younger and it seems the Kings are missing a few pieces to really make a move in the playoffs. They need size, length, and a brute who loves doing the dirty work and getting into opponent's faces. There are way too many "nice" guys on this team and they desperately need some attitude.

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