@Denver Nuggets

Is there any way the Denver Broncos re-sign Justin Simmons & breaking down David Shaw’s addition

Is there any way the Denver Broncos re-sign Justin Simmons & breaking down David Shaw’s addition

today’s dmvr Broncos show how big of a hire did George pton make on his Personnel staff this morning plus we’re going to look at Justin Simmons will this new hire along with George pton bring back Justin Simmons is there any world in which Justin Simmons resigns with the Broncos plus we’re looking at other free agents the Broncos could sign and a fun draft and it all starts now [Music] he [Music] Justin Simmons David Shaw other free agents of Broncos could bring in we’re talking about additions and future editions today on the dnvr Broncos podcast where there’s no additions that we need to make on this show cuz we’ve got super bowl 50 champ Todd Davis we’ve got Henry Chism we’ve got Tiff behind the camera and it’s feeling like a Friday because this is our last show of the week cuz we’ve got our what is it mid annual mid Summer Classic tomorrow on the golf course I’m not the expert there I I did see we’re going to be out there for a bit mostly though since I’m not playing I’m going to take advantage of that driving range so that I don’t embarrass myself this weekend with all the golf that I’m playing so it should be a good day yeah cuz you’re the cele he’s a celebrity in a golf tournament this week Tod yeah he’s changing on us man he is he’s big time he uh he’s still doesn’t respond to my text though so he just maintains celebrity [Laughter] yeah no you did respond to my text this morning I appreciate that Todd is a real celebrity he didn’t even see my text this morning I mean that’s when you’re big time is when you don’t just not respond you don’t even see it that’s when you have four kids and you just four phones yeah you don’t get caught up in it sometimes I don’t know how you do it Todd it is incredible you’ve got what couple businesses this couple of kids yeah you a busy man moving this weekend oh my gosh it’s been fun wow it’s it’s quite the time and it’s quite the time for us too I feel like we’ve been rolling this past month and we actually might not our beat might not be out there at the golf tournament tomorrow cuz we might be having a very special guest on that will drop early next week so uh it’s quite a tease and it’s worth the tease so stay tuned to that but let’s hop into today’s news this morning we find out and I was able to confirm that the Bron fos have hired David Shaw to be a senior Personnel executive and help out on the pro Personnel side and the college Personnel side and of course you’re thinking wait isn’t David Shaw the coach yes it’s that David Shaw former Stanford head coach David Shaw is now joining the Broncos front office in a full-time role I love it I think it’s a great hire um especially for the ability to recruit um college kids you know when you’ve been a head coach in college you know what to look for who’s been good for a long time and you also know how to communicate and talk to young guys coming in so um yeah I think it’s just an added bonus to that room of already talented people that know how to scout just another one to really help everybody like dot their eyes and cross their te’s to make sure they’re making the right draft choices yeah no he’s just a great person to have in that building um so I obviously covered him in the Pack 12 I only interviewed him once it was like my first day on the CU and it was right after that was right after the Buffs hired Mel Tucker and so I was writing story on the Pack 12 having more blackhead coaches than I think it was the rest of the power five conferences combined wow and so at the time like David Shaw all the things that he did he’s like the face of that because I mean you think I mean now now I guess like Mel Tucker still around you got Deion Sanders but at that moment like he had been he had he been to a national championship game he’ been in some Rose Bowls they won some Rose bows basically was the first eight years he was there it was just over and over and over again they were super successful um and so I remember talking to him about that and being like it makes sense that this guy is Stanford’s head coach because he’s like an actual genius um the football results are like obvious it was interesting at the end CU he wound up stepping down last year and that’s why he interviewed for the Broncos job because there’s all Stanford connections with the penners uh with Connor Lisa Rice who was teaching in class out there um but the last three years the resume was not so good because that was when the transfer portal and nil and all that stuff was happening at Stanford they just don’t have a chance because they I’m I’m pretty sure they still don’t take transfers I think it’s still just grad transfers and maybe they’ve had to change that but like at Stanford you can’t just like bring a kid in halfway through that’s not really how they operate and on top of that they aren’t all about like giving money to athletes either so he they have so much money they have so they have exactly but they’re so against just giving that to somebody to come play football so yeah I mean what what David Chaw did there was incredible cuz he he went over with um Jim Harbaugh and then Harbaugh left to go to the 49ers and so that whole run with Christian mcaffrey and all that that was David Shaw luck Andrew Luck that was all David Shaw yeah really quick just on his resume when he was at Stanford he took over his very first year as head coach he went 11-2 then 12-2 then 11 and3 then and then 12 and 2 Then 10 and 3 then 9 and then 9 and four and like you said his final four years weren’t very good 4 and 8 4 and 2 3 and N 3 and N but about a 10year stretch of dominance for a school where there’s academic standards uh in order to play unbelievably impressive shows just how good of a coach he is and how unbelievable of a football mind he is I think he was the coach when I played Stanford he must freshman year 2011 technically 11 yeah uh would have been 10 would have been 10 who’s on the team do you remember Andrew Luck was the quarterback some might have been so it might have been did you pick him off no I was playing outside linebacker did you get torched you sack him it was my very first college game like that’s crazy do you remember every aspect of the first college game you’ve ever played that’s what they’re asking so you’re not Sean McVey you don’t have a recollection of every single play that’s ever happened in your life I have good recollection of some plays but not everything that’s ever happened I guess he wasn’t out on the field delivering hit yeah I think it’s different if you’re like seeing it you know what I’m saying you watch the tape on it but you didn’t do it fine I’ll give you a pass you know I think it’s harder to remember yeah um did you ever play Stanford again no I only played him once damn yeah that was uh that was David Shaw’s right the year right before so that was Harbaugh okay but Shaw was so he would have been like OC or Y whatever cuz they don’t even have like real titles for head coaches at Stanford um cuz it’s just such like a weird program really yeah no let me see if I can find Troy Taylor’s what do you remember about that game I don’t remember do you remember the score no I think we got torched uh yeah you’re right you did get torched um not the first half though you know those games are always close to first half the second half it just was like well what would you say is close in the first half well listen I was a I was a freshman so I played maybe like 25 snaps cuz I play outside play outside I came in and I rotated as a freshman so what happened was the seniors and the Juniors fult of course I totally agree and I was just like you know what I’m saying getting my SE legs Night Game Day game it was a day game yep 330 3:30 start over at Stanford um the first half score was 38 to7 oh wow so yeah you kept it close it was torched all the way through uh final score 52- 17 but that was your very first college game very first college game that’s really cool cuz it was at Stanford right yep at Stanford that’s awesome I don’t remember who the running back was I think Toby Gart had just left oh oh he was a Monster yeah he was a monster but I think he had just left Tyler Gaffney okay if that rings a bell for you um let’s see do you remember Richard Sherman had already left and it was before Christian mcaffrey yep man this is cold so I’m on uh uh Sports reference which is where there’s so many stats they only have the stats of the Stanford athletes on here it’s all right no everything worked out you know what I’m saying I think I think certain career for career I probably bested most of this St besides Andrew Luck but mine was longer mine was longer so is true isn’t it know what I’m saying that’s really it’s a good quit while he was on top so right now so Troy Taylor who went over from Sacramento State to be Stanford’s head coach last year to replace David Shaw and sax actually beat week they do I mean who doesn’t um so he has three titles at the moment wait so he left saak state to become Stanford’s head coach and then Stanford orate beat oh my goodness yes we do y they don’t belong in nil so he has three titles right now we all would just say head coach because that’s the one everybody would understand but he is the Bradford M Freeman director of football he is the Andrew Luck director of offense and the Kevin M Hogan quarterback’s coach that is wild because they just sell off the names of the positions to whoever wants to sponsor them how about that Kevin Hogan yeah but they don’t have money to pay their players it’s a good point a good point um and so David Shaw the Broncos interviewed him last year right before they hired Sean pton he was in that interview process to and like you said so many connections with ownership because Greg Penner Carrie Walton Penner um both went to Stanford and then condesa rice who’s part of the ownership group um she taught at Stanford and also went to Stanford I believe but so there’s connections with the ownership group with David Shaw um then George pton was part of that interview process with um with David Shaw then they’ve maintained and actually built up their relationship for my understanding the past year and a half since that interview and then actually Shawn coached with David Shaw on the 1997 Philadelphia Eagles team so they have a connection so this is just an absolute no-brainer and he’s obviously a really good coach but just a a brilliant football mind as well and he I believe has had let me see let me pull this up he’s had 42 draft picks during his time at Stanford into the NFL um including six first round picks so he knows what good college players look like coming out so um I think this is great to just add another mind and maybe he does help out with coaching at some point in the season as well um if you can if you can add someone like this I’m sure they’re paying him a pretty penny because this is a full-time role for my understanding too um and the ownership’s going to pay for it absolutely why not do it it feels like they’re really like stacking their roster not yep not yet the players but they’re definitely stacking this coaching roster with like crazy talent I think if you look at every position it’s pretty damn good coaches and then behind them are sometimes even better coaches or coaches that could be head coaches at other positions um and even you know they brought in this guy and they also brought in the guy from the Saints who was like assistant gford y 20 years with Sean like this roster of coaches is probably one of the best in the league if you look up if you look at everybody’s 10year and how successful they’ve been over the course of their careers for sure yeah like Jim Leonard we were talking last week like I would love if he was the defensive coordinator like I would have thought that was a great hire you got him as defensive backs coach like David Shaw last year I I guess he wasn’t my top choice for head coach but he was right up there like he was right up there with Jim Harbaugh and Shawn pton those those were kind of my big three especially because he’s just such a good fit with the Broncos because he is like like we saw it at Sanford it’s the pro style West Coast offense which is all like the under Center like wide Zone runs like it it’s the stuff that the Broncos kind of built off of from the 90s on um and he he learned that from Bill Walsh Dennis Green and Bill Walsh were his coaches at Stanford when he played there and then from there like goes and obviously the Ravens run all that and that’s where he got his big break before he went to San Diego so I I think it’s a perfect like culture fit football-wise on top of just being like a great person to have in the building and he’s also just overqualified yeah 100% so a great move all the way around and I think I forgot to welcome everyone into the Toyota Lounge which is of course powered by your local Front Range Toyota stores which is the 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end I know he came back and was a tight end a bit but like at the like start of my career you’re not going to make me a tight end now and for Justin Fields I’m not a returner I’m a quarterback and I think he’s trying to beat Russell Wilson out 100% I don’t think it’s going to work do you see what leevon bell was saying about Justin Fields yeah we should be trusting Lon Bell’s opinion but but let’s hear it Leon Bell was not a huge it was like some clip of like some pass he’s like that’s so late everybody’s so excited this guy sucks yeah I don’t know I think that he was throwing passes at like a high school football field to a route God I I don’t know who that is is that a college player no he’s a trainer oh okay okay um to Route God on air and apparently his passes were late like are we really going to be picking that apart I mean you don’t there’s no need to but at the same time it’s like you’re I I hate just the workout videos in the first place MH it doesn’t get you fired up for the season guys are working like I think I think Jerry Judy ruined that for everyone in Denver I think if I was playing and I had like I made a workout video that would like fire me up to go play but as like an outsider seeing somebody else practice and warm up like oh good job with the stretches I don’t need that I can just go watch highlights or something oh I don’t know did you ever do a workout video um for sure pictures or videos or pictures something videos for sure I have videos still in my phone from like workouts let’s pull them up yeah we need a workout video today I want to see Todd working I might be able to see the funniest hype video I ever saw was two is years ago Garrett BS dropped a a hype workout video yeah and it was like him running up hills a drone coverage going on I did like that y the tackles doing stuff it was like Jerry Judy and Russell Wilson at the same time yeah it was just another workout video every day but but guys are working but you say you’re saying because it didn’t amount to what you thought it would you don’t like it I just don’t need to see the work like it’s however though if those if Russ and Jerry would have turned out to be the guys we thought they were we would still be loving those hype videos every Broncos fan would want to see him daily even after three or four years I think it’s a fact that both of those guys really didn’t work out here that really turned Broncos Country off on them oh dang well like I know this is not the same but it kind of feels the same in my mind like do you guys watch like the bloopers at the end of the movies or do you guys like skip I do like those those are good right that’s just the work that was done before the movie was completed but like if Russell Wilson had just like tripped while he was dropping back I would watch that over and over it be hilarious you’re saying those it wasn’t funny it was just no it’s just like okay don’t football throwing a football footwork or what you’re saying if he would have dropped these hype videos and workout videos after a successful season cuz that’s kind of like the blooper maybe the thing is like in an alternate a very very very alternate universe where Jer Jerry Judy is like a pro bowl receiver and Russell Wilson is coming off like some great season and we’re saying like yeah this is Super Bowl or bust if Russ were to post on Instagram like the workout video would everybody be like oh oh sh like I got to sit down and watch this thing would we really get that excited wait say that again like in an alternate universe where everything worked out Russ is awesome like if this morning Russ dropped a workout video would we have been like fired up to see it 100% you think in Kansas City if Patrick Mahomes dropped a workout video this morning people in Kansas City would be fired up to see it 1,000% interesting and if you’re saying Russ wins a Super Bowl then that’s how kind of Russ would be viewed here he’d be viewed as like Patrick Mahomes maybe those just ared maybe I just am not a workout video guy hater Hank you’re just drinking man I’m probably wrong again like this is probably another one of the opinions people let us know in the Toyota chat if Russell Wilson had won a Super Bowl would you be fired up to see him post a hype video this morning on June 20th or let’s say B knck wins a Super Bowl this year would you be fired up to see him post a hype video next year on June 20th let us know I would yeah and KW says yes that Russ workout video would do numbers I mean it would do numbers but like I mean every one of them did numbers well that means they’re good no it means he has a lot of followers that means got you like seeing the work though or you just like seeing a finished product are you are you that kind of person cuz I like like understanding somebody’s work ethic in a workout and like seeing how hard you grind and seeing what you’re actually doing and then I like maybe you’ll watch the video and be like uh I don’t know if that’ll Translate just kind of just funny or i’ be like oh that’s a good drill I might implement it or stuff like that too so first of all I’m not implementing anything Russ do because I just don’t live in that world but also uh maybe it’s because we see like six practices in the spring we see like 30 practices before the season and then we see like three practices every week until the end of football season maybe I just see enough football that isn’t like game situations that just means that like cuz to me like work it goes like workout video is like the very bottom level next up is like oh it’s a football practice it like matters a little bit more and then above that’s like an actual game so when I get so much at the top two maybe it’s just the I just don’t need to see you that’s totally fair um Todd speaking of lifting weights you able to find anything I have some stuff I’m just I’m looking at it right now to see if it’s something I want to see well as you look at that and decide you know whose workout videos we haven’t seen this off season Justin Simmons Justin Simmons there you I threw you a softball and you crushed it out of the park right on Hank um Justin Simmons he’s been laying really low the biggest news about him has been just the silence the no news has really kind of spoken volumes obviously the Broncos released him in March came to a surprise to everyone but that was one of the casualties of the Russell Wilson massive dead cap situation and I think a lot of people in Denver rightfully so thought Russell or thought just Simmons was going to be maybe one of the first free agents picked up and then once he wasn’t picked up at the start of free agency everyone thought okay he’s being very selective on where he wants to go he’ll get snatched up maybe right before the draft we’re sitting here again June 20th and Russell wils or Justin Simmons is still a free agent so that begs a question we’ve seen him at nuggets games during the playoffs and The Crowd Goes Wild when they see him Denver loves him he’s clearly still living in Denver is there any chance that Justin Simmons resigns with the Broncos nope okay Todd um any chance I probably say probably say no um okay just because I think the the situation was a little bit tough to like uh come back to if you know what I mean like I think you’re cut for money not because because you didn’t give your all to the you know the community and the organization um and then also play well and so if you do come back you take a pay cut it feels like they were right and it feels like you kind of got to battle PJ or for a spot now like let’s not let’s not play these games like you know so I just feel like it’s a little bit tough I’m ready to play the game cuz I do think there is a chance I do think it’s a very small chance um and I think unfortunately something bad would have to happen for this to happen one Justin Simmons would have to remain on the market through the start of training camp and hey as a veteran player I totally get it if you don’t want to sign with the team that’s not necessarily meaning that no team wants you I’m sure teams want Justin Simmons he might be asking for a little too much money in fact I think I’ve heard that that he’s he’s wanted a little too much money from what certain teams are willing to give to him but if I’m Justin I don’t need to go to the started training camp and if I’m a team that wants Justin that’s maybe the number one guy in the NFL I trust to come ready for to training camp or preseason like if he misses the first couple weeks of training camp that’s fine Justin’s going to show up in shape that’s the last thing I’m worried about but so he would have to one remain a free agent through a little bit of camp and then I’m touching wood here I don’t want this to happen but it’s a reality of football injuries happen Y and if if an injury happened to the safety room PJ or Brandon Jones I can see the Broncos being like especially we know Sean’s going to get that urge to uh think this is a playoff team he said it last year right before the season started I’m sure he’s going to get in the building this year and be like man I think we can make a run at the playoffs this year and if that sort of injury happens then I could see a call being made to Justin Simmons but he’s not going to be brought back on a 4E $6 million deal he’s not going to be brought back on a 4-year deal it would be a one-year deal to uh you know Justin we love you we just had this massive hole you’re obviously going to be our starter right away and it would also probably be a small deal yeah none of those things are ideal you don’t from a Broncos perspective you don’t want to see in any injuries happen from a Justin Simmons perspective he probably wants to go to a true Contender yeah this year and then also he probably wants a very long long-term deal with big money and I don’t think that would be here so it’s probably not the ideal situation outside of like Broncos country’s emotions for this um but that’s really the only way that I see this happening the Broncos have made it very intentional that they’ve wanted to go young and I do think that they wanted to save money from Justin I don’t think Shawn views a safety position as a position where you spend top-of-the-line money we see that between their two starting safeties right now they’re spending $10 million total this year whereas Justin was going to make I think $15 million just by himself so we’ve seen them cut that um and I just I don’t see things aligning with the with the two sides right now yeah I think it’s tough I can kind of speak to the situation a little bit because it’s kind of what I went through uh that first year I decided to retire um so that first year very ear in the season maybe training camp uh I think Alex uh Alexander Johnson got hurt and they called me and so they asked me to come back and I kind of asked like what my role would be and it was kind of like we have you know a young guy here that we want to a shot would you come back and like kind of play special teams and if you beat them out you beat them out but you know that would be your role for right now you know maybe two weeks later things aren’t working out and so they call me again and it’s like okay so now would you come back you you would be the starter coming in and then I’m like asking about money and it’s kind of like oh it’s kind of like a league minimal type deal I’m like I’ve worked too hard for that at this point you know I just want like a little bit of like love kind of like courland it was I just want like just give me like a little bit of guarantee or just a little bit of something um more than just the league minimum based off what I’ve done and basically also what you’re coming asking me to come in here and do you guys are still working to be in the playoffs you guys are still working to make a push um if you want me to come in here and be your starter and play at the level that I’ve been playing at and what you paid me to play at I’m not asking for the same money you’ve paid me before but give me more than what like you know what I’m saying the minimum and so it just didn’t end up working out but that’s May a situation you know Jessica find himself in if something happens to the Broncos safety room not and T I love that perspective and was there I I would imagine but since you’ve been in this position you’re better to speak on it I would imagine there’s also like a a little premium that they would have to pay me to come back because they cut me they lost me money they not embarrassed but I’m sure that’s not a fun situation to go through being cut I’m sure from a player’s perspective it’s like yeah I want a little premium to come back as well yeah that’s how I felt like you don’t have to pay me more but just do something to kind of like make me feel like this is not just like a oneoff or like you don’t really care we’re just trying to get through the season type deal like show me a little bit of love so I guess there was a premium not like more money than I ever made but just more money than what you’re trying to give me now like let’s meet in the middle somewhere cuz it would be weird to be to go from being a captain to then like hey I’m just going to back this guy up and play some special teams for the vet minimum like it’s just so strange Dynamic it’s this very next year like I left in training camp went to Minnesota that very next year you want me to come back and the God said I was mentoring now I have to like battle Yeah and then all of a sudden I would be taking his spot like it’s a it’s a lot of like Dynamic and uh you know coaches are still there that were there before um you know it’s just a it’s just a weird dynamic to find yourself in and that’s why you’re like if I’m going step back into this room and I’mma go in there and be the man that I’m supposed to be and walk around with my head held high and be kind and courtis to everyone and treat everybody with respect like I feel like I need a little bit of love and return because it’s already a weird situation for me to walk into so last thing I want to do is walk in there knowing that I got kicked to the curve and also my head’s down because I’m not making any money like I don’t want to do that I feel like that’s tough nobody wins you can’t go from Captain to being like the 40th most important guy on the team or or I’m back a starter and I’m just like but you’re just not treated that way yeah and I I only know how to be one way like I don’t think I can step into a building and not at least try to be the captain you know what I’m saying not like I’m trying to be the captain that’s just like I feel like that’s just how I operate like I’m going to be first in lines I’m going to lead meetings I’m going to lead rooms I’m going to talk to guys like that’s just what I do I’m not going to go in there and silence myself or be less of me yeah and if you know who I am I want a little bit of love for that because I think that’s why you’re bringing me back because if I wasn’t that guy I don’t think you make the call you probably wouldn’t have played the NFL yep my guess my guess is is is they tried to call your bluff by being like well you’re not playing for any team right now so we’re not going to give you more and you were like f you guys if you give me more I’m staying retired baby I’ll just stay here and you did yeah um man if you were on vable at that point Todd all of your investors would be like please go back we want you to make more money and if you want to get in on on vable you can get in on Baron Browning’s IPO it’s available right now and how you do that you have to have the app so scan the QR code on our screen which will help you get the app or go to the App Store and download the vable app where they’re all about redefining fandom not just for your team not just for the players you like but you can actually invest 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so in the Toyota chat bead Moon says so injury is the only way Justin Simmons comes back that’s what I think do you guys see any other possible way back to the Broncos yeah yeah I would say that that’s probably the only way they went out and got a guy in free agent who they expect to be a pretty good player um Sean has talked about how PJ lock is now coming along as a leader on this team um Kaden Sterns is still trying to get right but I think they feel like they have you know two guys that’ll start for them for sure so I think something would have to happen um how much did they save by cutting him was it 14 13 and a half yeah I think so it was right in there and Brandon Jones’s new contract is 7 million per year so if you bring in Brandon Jones and then you bring in say give 8 million even 7 million to Justin Simmons all of a sudden you’re paying even more money than you would have paid if you just kept him in the first place and I think that that’s that’s kind of the sticking point yeah I I think if there’s an injury but I mean the price tag keeps going down he didn’t get signed in March when free agency opened which is where if he was going to get like the four years $60 million it would have been in March in April you’re like hey maybe he gets a couple years and if not then you wait till after the draft and after OTAs because you don’t want to go to those obviously and you’re obviously in oneyear Deal territory now but the fact that he wasn’t signed pretty quickly after OTAs also not a good sign so sometimes you see it with guys I mean we saw with dton Ryner last year where he wasn’t signed until like a week into of the season and I’d be shocked if that’s what happens with Justin Simmons just because he’s one of the three or four best safeties in the league by anybody’s count and I think he has a pretty strong case for number one um but he’s going to keep getting cheaper and as long as he keeps getting cheaper if there is an injury then maybe he could come back that’s a very narrow path yeah and unfortun so there is a chance I guess techic eventually you know if all the other safeties get signed all the bronos safeties get hurt there’s just the one spot left and the one guy who can fill the hole like and I’m betting against it unfortunately for Justin the safety Market has really changed and it hasn’t obviously just impacted Justin it’s impacted every safety the value on safeties has gone way down outside of like those top guys I think Derwin James signed a $20 million contract but now everyone else is just sitting on the market getting smaller deals so it seems like Justin’s going to have to maybe wait for just a one-year Pro it type of deal but if he takes one of those deals wouldn’t you want to go to a contender if you want a prove it deal wouldn’t you want to be on a really good defense so that the pass rush gets there and then it forces uh quarterbacks to throw the ball quicker so then you get more interceptions so then not only do you get to play for a winning team but your stats are also looking better absolutely absolutely and I think he’s gotten some calls um I won’t tell anybody’s business but I know I know people have reached out I don’t know how close they are to coming to agreements but he definitely has got gotten a lot of love out there um and there’s definitely a few places that Bronco fans would hate to see him go because you have to play them a couple times a year so my guess is either the Chiefs the Raiders or the Chargers I don’t know oh man it is really sad though like it used to be like you would add the Patriots to that list CU you’re like ah you’re going to play him every year you’re going to see him in the playoffs you hate to see him go there now it’s like yeah just don’t go in the division cuz there’s really no other rivalry Brewing anywhere else who would be the worst among those three oh Chiefs without a doubt ra Raiders is unique though Chiefs would be the worst yeah but Raiders would still suck too especially if he just pick sixes or just oh gosh he’s out there just having making B Knicks have a bad day that would be that would suck the thing about the Chiefs is that if he goes there you you understand why sure you’re like you can’t really blame him like if you’re getting the same offer from everybody and you choose to go to the team that keeps winning Super Bowls like it is it sucks but it is what it is if you choose the Raiders though like the only there’s no good reason to choose the Raiders like that yeah money it would just feel like a massive middle finger to the Broncos though that I I kind want to change my answer I think if Justin sens goes to the Raiders that’s worse than the Chiefs h i I see totally what you’re saying yeah oh man it would just make the Chiefs so much better cuz Justin is such a good player oh I still think the Chiefs but I see the Raiders and man him wearing black and gold would be so wrong and disgusting I Sil man yeah what’ I say black and gold oh yeah you hate to see the Saints yeah or the Saints yeah black and Sil oh man that would just be brutal so where would you want to see him go where do you think the best place if it’s not Denver where do you think Broncos country would be like the happiest see to see him go um I mean I feel like the 49ers are like kind of Broncos country’s other team 100% like uh lowkey everybody kind of rootes for them a low um I would like to see him in a spot like Miami pretty good team go back to Florida close to home go visit him you know I think that would be a great fit for him um but yeah I think that’s a good one there’s a couple good good and both those defenses are pretty good y um Phil defense isn’t too isn’t too bad now but yeah I’d put Philly on the list too would he want to play for Vic I wonder like that would be very Talent true that is true things have gone well for him in that defense that be interesting that’s why I the Lions ALS so stand out but I don’t I don’t want to send somebody to Detroit you know like send to Miami they’re rolling they’re rolling for sure oh that seems like such a cool City to sign for a year for Detroit what for a year I’m not going to talk bad about for the team for the team like the city’s also embraced them and if Justin signs in August it’s only got to be in Detroit for 5 months or something the family definitely stays in Denver he gets a nice little apartment in Detroit and you’re there for 5S to have such a cool fan base around you y I mean won’t see the Sun for 5 months with win some football games yeah if if somebody chooses Detroit Detroit’s just got to love him oh 100% cuz that’s just that doesn’t happen often and Dan Campbell’s the perfect coach for them like the perfect coach he Embraces it they embrac him man I think San Francisco though I mean that’s Broncos Country light out there um and then also a team who might have the best odds beating the Chiefs so you put him on that defense that can help stock Patrick Mahomes and Justin Simmons has picked off Patrick Mahomes more than any other player in the NFL yep so man it’d be cool to see him with the Steelers I think there’s still too much bad blood with the Steelers just from the past like 50 years but I think he would Bad Blood between who the Broncos like there’s just been you think that’s in Justin Simmons’s blood though like if he’s talking to AFC West teams potentially you would think that but I think there are a lot of Broncos fans who see him in a steel uniform are like oh gross you know oh you mean from Broncos country’s perspective I it it wouldn’t be like as bad as like the Chiefs or the Raiders or like there’s a whole list of teams that would be worse I think but there would be a lot of people would be upset but I do think in that defense he would be a pretty cool fit I don’t know I’m I’m not sitting Justin to go have 20 tackles a game and just bang his head up against that’s running back like like that’s that division is a lot of blitzing a lot of running the ball hard knows football I think Justin is a like the AFC is a very past dominant Division I think he needs to go to another division like that where he can really show his skills he has no problem coming up making tackles he has no problem he’s very physical but I just feel like he’s at his best when he can Roam and pick you off and make you look crazy it’s like Miami every game’s a shootout yep he’d probably get eight picks that’s true or as Edward says maybe Justin wants to be a Broncos staff member just hire him in the Personnel Department give him 15 million no Justin still got really good ball left and speaking of really good ball we’ve got a workout video from Todd let’s pull it up it’s like 2 minutes long but it’s training in oh hell yeah not 2 minutes like my bad like 4 seconds 4 seconds it was just one drill I have like uh I’m saying working on changing direction hand coordination oh I’m for the season now now you’re ready that’s about what is this drill for is this for um like reading a hips it’s all hips hips and footwork so the first part is like you know having quick feet being able to get in and out of like not it’s not a like the box right there and the rest is just being able to like flip my hips on a dime and if I need to go uh sideline to sideline I can do so like in an instant straight down the line not like losing ground cuz if you can’t like turn your hips fast enough you got to kind of like round everything out to be able to make turns so we’re just working on being able to have quick feed and be instinctive right there if everything you’ve known after playing in the NFL for seven years if someone right when you’re coming out of college said you you can have one Elite trait at inside linebacker what would it be like feet hips hands oh shoot that’s tough I want to say hips but your hands are like your hands are gold if you have good hands like they can’t block you in the Run game um and I think that’s the most important thing as a linebacker is just your hands no matter what if you can get yourself out of sticky situations and play great with your hands I think great hands go into tackling shedding blocks I mean you never getting blocked it doesn’t matter if you’re a fullback line uh old lineman tight end coming up the block if you have have greater hands it’s like get off me little boy and you make the play so I probably say hands is probably most important what makes good hands um like strong big strong hands and intentional hands I think a lot of guys don’t use their hands they just like you know shoulder or just try to get by guys but it’s kind of like mixed martial arts in a way to where like if you have good hand placement you win 90% of the time a lot of guys don’t understand that if I can just kind of get first Contact I don’t even have to be the strongest but if I just get contact and feel where your body is I can like remove my hands and make it play but if I never get that feel for your presence I think you still have control of a situation and I’m just not at my best there’s some offensive linemen who just have like crazy big hands and like not just like size like everybody just thinks of like the length and that stuff but like it’s like they’re like Boulders yeah we’re just like boom I remember I was just like at a Buffs practice one day and Casey rodic who’s like a 340 lb guard he wound up going to Florida State um but he just like patted me on the back as I walked by and like I just moved like 3 ft forward holy [ __ ] it was crazy uh but but you see that like NL obviously even another level but like you just shake somebody’s hand or like get pat on the back and you’re like you could just toss me other side of the room with those things if you wanted yeah and I think if you look at the great players like Aaron Donald I think his when he’s at it’s his hands like yes he’s quick but if you can’t touch him like there’s nothing you can do you know what I’m saying even V with his speed around the edge yes he’s fast but he’s running and swiping like he’s swiping his hands so your hands fall down and you can’t block anybody like this does matter how good of an athlete you are so I think hands are super important like no matter what position you play if I could pick any trait i’ probably say good hands man such a good point because the that’s such an Overlook thing from an outside perspective Until you realize like put your hands down and then try to do something on football field you can’t that’s crazy Todd one unique thing about your workout video that was in the pat bowlan Fieldhouse a lot of these workouts like Jerry Judy ones are on Sand not in Denver the Russell Wilson ones all of them or most of them uh were in San Diego so did you work out a lot inside the Broncos facility yeah I don’t know if I was supposed to be there um I might have got in trouble a couple couple of workouts later I don’t know if I have too many workouts from inside the field house most of them are outside of it uh but you know cuz that’s like the nflpa trying to make sure that guys aren’t in there too much and working too hard with oversight of uh the team yeah well they say don’t ask for permission just ask for forgiveness and yeah MH you know got some good work in so it all worked out I’m sure coaches like seeing you around though I should try that just do a quick little workout in the field house quick little workout yeah no then you’ll be sniped so I wouldn’t would do that yeah um we have a draft to get to but before we do we got a Super Chat coming in from our friend Shiloh who says Lucas croll long-term tight end one lfg can he be a long-term tight end one I hope so I that would go such a long way like that all of a sudden if you just had an answer at one of those big holes you have right now incredible um he had that great first practice we were out there four or five other times five other times never really saw that again but you know that first practice was awesome well first impressions mean everything right so it was he chose a good time to have a good practice because everyone’s talking about him um and honestly if Greg doul isn’t healthy this season he’s going to have that shot to be the Broncos tight end one this year now you also have Adam Troutman who’s a known commodity and if Lucas croll doesn’t take the jump that everyone hopes and has seen and um is expecting then it will be Adam Troutman and if you’re blocked by Adam Troutman then you probably can’t be a long-term tight end one so training camp is going to be uh a time for Lucas to take that jump and he’s got the opportunity to do that speaking of the Toyota chat um we’re sending our thoughts to our friend Alex uh in the chat who had to run um due to an emergency but we’re thinking about you hope everything’s okay Alex all right fellas should we hop into our draft let’s do it the Todd Davis restaurant draft baby the best restaurants in Denver we asked people uh over at dmvr Broncos we got like a hundred responses of the best restaurants in Denver now we’re putting the three of us to the test Todd you have the number one pick do you want to keep that yeah I’m going to take it I’ll take it if I you know what I’m saying I’m not trading it away I don’t know where you’re going here now are we talking like you know Denver metro area are we talking inside Denver it has to have a Denver ZIP address nothing I think Denver Metro I think so too yeah okay my spot uh my first spot is a little uh guess it’s a little fancy but I think it’s a great spot as long as they serve food yeah probably the best food I’ve had maybe ever um and so I’m going to go with the wolf’s Taylor I don’t know if you guys I’ve heard about it is phenomenal it’s like a you little eight course tasting menu every food when you do it right every food comes with its own drink so by the time you’re a little tipsy and you’re very full uh so it’s a great time so that’ll be my number one pick isn’t that a Michelin star restaurant too I was just going to check yeah I think they got that this year that was Date Night a couple of months ago right yeah yeah man I saw that on your Instagram the first time michelin’s ever been to Denver and they got one of the first yeah so that that uh that definitely is a good choice there Todd yeah Henry you’re up next just totally remind me I’m in charge of playing an anniversary dinner and there you go you already got where you’re going not making any public uh or we’re about to find out with this number two pick where he’s going right now he’s have a lot of options after theft I’m going to take Ocean Prime I really like it especially cuz I think it’s by far the best seafood like I don’t I think that I win Seafood category pretty easily with this on my well it depends let Todd probably has some like crazy like somebody has to tell you about it Ty place but yeah I feel pretty good so then what do we consider Sushi Den cuz that’s where I’m going with this one yeah it’s a different style but Sushi I eat sushi oh yeah oh yeah with the fish in oh yeah raw fish absolutely I just don’t like raw fish that’s been sitting in a company fridge for 2 months uh that’s the raw fish that I don’t really go for but in Sushi Den they’re the ones that fly it in from Japan every day or something which is just a wild to think about the fish that you’re eating was like swimming in Japan like 18 hours ago insane So Sushi D been a staple in Denver for forever really so I’m going to go with Sushi Den there and now I’m going to uh go with a place I’ve never been before but it gets awesome reviews not just by the internet but by everyone that I’ve ever talked to Todd I think you’ve been there Henry I’m not sure if you have I’m going what a lot of people say is the best steakhouse in Denver guard and Grace have you been yeah shout out to shout out to Troy guard um yes been a couple times and also been for like um we used to go there like rookie dinner was that guarden Grace and wack up a tab there uh now I’m going for of course date nights and a couple charity events amazing amazing food now how does uh rookie dinner work uh you just bring the rookies with you and then make them pay oh yes I love that do they have to like split the tab like 10 ways uh no just the rookies so no I know that’s what I mean like do the rookies need to no it’s just your position group okay so it’s not like the whole team you know you may have like the five or six linebackers on the team we may invite a safety or two or a dine so it’s probably like 12 15 people and two rookies two or three rookies that’s crazy oh that is did you have to do that in New Orleans yep did you have to do it here too then since you were a rookie in both places no I actually got away with it a little bit so so I only had like one rookie uh dinner in New Orleans and I split it um but they had a first- round Draft pick on the defensive side of the ball so he took most of the T I like cool as he should then I got to Denver and they wanted to do like a this huge thing where everybody had to put in a whole bunch of money and I’m just like oh I guys I already paid for my rcky thing in New Orleans so they were like oh you’re good I’m like wow smart and you didn’t lie you did you did have that it probably saved you money do do you remember what the tab was no I have no clue I have no clue oh that is amazing um all right Henry you’re up again uh tavernetta why do you know about tavernetta uh tavernetta is fire because girlfriend’s stepdad is a chef very cool yeah wow so he likes to eat fancy food W oh not at tavernetta uh no we’ve been this in general yeah you’ve been there but not a chef at tavernetta no no no no no in Minnesota yeah yeah yeah I’ve only heard good things about tavernetta Italian right yeah yes it is good my wife went there for a bachelorette party and I was not invited so no leftovers no all right topd back to back dang there’s so many good restaurants in Denver that’s one that’s really slept on I really do feel like Denver has a lot of good restaurants you just got to find them sometimes but once you know about them they’re pretty good um the country’s starting to find out about Denver with Michelin finally coming here for the first time couple months ago but yeah it is very slept done let me go with A5 Steakhouse oh um love A5 shout out to my my my guy Juan patol the owner um is that associated with the steak sauce no and that’s A1 this is a uh very very good very very good steaks very good oysters and like we’ll go there and get the burger any day of the week really maybe maybe top top two Burger in Denver so would you get a burger over a steak sometimes we go and just get burgers yeah is that good wow is that downtown yeah it’s downtown like right and it’s great for like pregame before uh Nuggets game so it’s like maybe like um 5 minute 5 six minute walk from the stadium oh that’s perfect yeah so it’s right down my next one is um I don’t know if you guys like Mediterranean food like hummus and lamb um sofa yeah yeah y that was on my list oh yeah if you guys haven’t been to sofa that’s definitely got be on your list sofa is the best Mediterranean food in Denver very very good can’t complain they’re whipped feta M so good so good Henry uh give me the Capital Grill pretty good you’re going like just across the street between Ocean Prime and Capital Grill yeah and also like tavernetta like two blocks yeah M okay I’m going to go you guys are I think one’s going to slip through the cracks so I’m going to wait for my true number three until my number five pick here but I’m going to go I’m going to go for Broncos country’s Hearts right here I’m going to go give me lways give me lways I have been to lways too um and I mean really good um really good and then back to back I’m just really going to win this draft right here give me Shanah hands oh wow way to P um have you been to both Todd yes which one’s better cuz I’ve never been to shanahans lways lways heck heck yeah there we go I’ve only been to Elway also um it’s me again right it’s you yeah give me Blue Sushi oh I like that place one’s off 16 Street Mall yep I believe y That’s a good one yep so now you’ve got the sushi in your game too Blue Sushi Todd your final two picks right here uh oh these are my final two I know I did the same thing I thought I had one more all right um dang I know I’m missing somewhere I know I’m missing somewhere with some fire food you’re missing one really good one I’ll tell you that and I haven’t done any pasta yet and I know they have great pasta in Denver uh at certain spots but I got to do one spot I know I love another Mediterranean spot I guess I like Mediterranean food L5 have you guys been to L5 heard of it only heard good things L5 is very good Rooftop Bar great Vibes uh for a date night or a hangout spot L5 is awesome and then for my last pick for some reason I thought L5 was Montana Mexican Cuisine oddly enough it’s not we would come up with a buddy name like the five yeah that’s very true uh dang oh okay all right I was leaving a good one out but I got to put this on the list cuz my family and I go there all the time daughter Tai if you guys haven’t been to daughter Tai daughter taii is phenomenal um what is that area it has some breweries down there has some shops and it’s right near the river downtown it’s right by it’s not far by REI yes down that street whatever that street name is daughter Tai is right there a market no you can’t beat daughter Tai I should eaten breakfast today so good yeah you should have Henry I’m really getting hungry now you going to go with the breakfast place here uh no I feel like I need to go Mexican just kind I feel like I’m kind of hitting all my spots here uh real grande I know some people don’t like it as much but to me it’s kind of just like a nice classic good strong marks but also like a nicer place too not like the nicest but yeah you know no I like that that’s a good one I’m going to round it out Todd you said uh Italian I got to have Italian on my list Olivia have you been to restaurant in Olivia yes so good I love it it’s it’s like my Splurge uh date night Place been there uh only a couple times but amazing so going go restaurant Olivia there I think we all put together pretty good boards but you’re going to be able to vote for it over at dnvr Broncos um that does it for the week this has been an awesome week lot of fun and I teased it earlier but stay tuned for Monday’s show it’s going to be really cool with a very special guest thank you for everyone for tuning in this week hit us with a thumbs up on the way out and we will see you on Monday quality Italian Original Pancake House there’s so many names think of them too [Music] late we all sitting like the mayor

Denver Broncos released Justin Simmons earlier this year to free up cap space after they moved on from Russell Wilson. With Justin Simmons still a free agent, is there any chance Sean Payton and George Paton re-sign him to add to the Denver Broncos’ defense? Under what circumstances would the Denver Broncos re-sign Justin Simmons? How would Justin Simmons fit in with the safety room on Vance Joseph’s defense with P.J. Locke, Brandon Jones and Caden Sterns? Additionally, what other free agents are available that the Denver Broncos could look to sign? Finally, George Paton added former Stanford head coach David Shaw to the Denver Broncos’ front office in a senior scouting position. How big of a hire is David Shaw to the Denver Broncos?

On the DNVR Broncos Podcast, Broncos’ Super Bowl 50 champion Todd Davis, Zac Stevens and Henry Chisholm are coming to you LIVE from The Toyota Lounge at the DNVR Bar to break down all of the latest news in Broncos Country.

#broncos #denverbroncos #seanpayton #nfl #justinsimmons #nflfreeagents

Intro – 0:00
David Shaw hiring – 3:00
Madden doin dirty – 15:55
Is Justin Simmons coming back?- 22:26
If not Denver, where? – 38:30
Todd is smooth as ice- 41:57
Best restaurants in Denver? – 48:02

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. I don't care how unrealistic it may be, I'd love Justin Simmons to return. If he did, I don't believe he'd be fighting for a spot as he already knows the system.

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