@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson Rumors: Warriors Have Offered 2-Year Contract Ahead of NBA Free Agency

If this is true, now we know the reason for the hangup in negotiations.

by mack272


  1. 2 years makes sense! It lines up with Dray, Steph & Steve 👀

  2. hellahomebody

    I don’t see the FO budging so it’s in Klay’s hands if he wants to settle and ride this till the end with his boys or look for that guaranteed 3rd year.

  3. AlligatorPill

    He’s just repeating what we already knew. 2/48 reported by Shams months ago.

  4. igetmollycoddled

    3 year contract with a team option in the 3rd or nah? Reckon there would be more viable and gets Klay more of an incentive to play well. Otherwise 2 years makes the most sense for everyone, lines up with the rest of the dynasty.

  5. GreenLights420

    2/48 is fair. Take it or leave it bud.

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