@Cleveland Cavaliers

4 Cavs NBA Draft Prospects to consider! Cleveland Cavaliers Draft News, Cavs news

4 Cavs NBA Draft Prospects to consider! Cleveland Cavaliers Draft News, Cavs news

this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for for the thousands Independant and the millions watching around the world let’s get ready [Music] for Welcome to the junkyard PO today we have another NBA draft episode we will be going over four more prospects for the Cleveland Cavaliers to consider as well as whether or not it makes sense for the Cavs to trade up in this draft and Target one of the higher quality prospects joining me today for all of this is my co-host Corey Walsh alongside a special guest James of the everything Cavaliers podcast Twitter page James thank you for joining us today how are you doing thank you Tony I’m really excited to be here to join you guys to talk about this draft a little more you know people say it’s not great but I think I think there are some hidden gems here that we can talk about yeah I agree I mean uh we were saying before we started recording it’s it’s not a bad draft to be at 20 I think there’s some interesting prospects here who are worth taking a swing on and so I’m looking forward to uh having this discussion with you because I know that you did a great thread on Twitter of a bunch of different NBA draft prospects so I will have that link in the description for anyone who wants to check it out I highly recommend it if you want to be more familiar and get a deeper look at a number of different guys guys and before we get started today let me just say if you enjoy this show the junkyard pod please consider hitting subscribe and dropping a like those two things go a long way toward helping the channel and it is very much appreciated we have more videos in the pipeline coming soon and I have an entire series that I’ve been releasing called what’s next featuring guests like Justin Rowan qan Co and the fear of the fro podcast so again feel free to check those out if you enjoyed Today’s Show and let’s get into today’s episode starting with someone who I just want to say I firmly planting my flag on Don Holmes Island I have become a big fan of Holmes over the last few weeks and so I want to start by asking James what are your thoughts on donon Holmes as a player his ceiling and how he would fit in Cleveland right so again I really like donon as well um maybe not quite as high as you but we can discuss that um the thing I love most about Duron is how hot his motor runs all the time always creating extra possessions he’s honestly a complete ass kicker and one of like the few in this class um he’s always trying to tear the rim off he had 73 dunks on the year 60 in the half court which is pretty impressive um he’s a he’s versatile on both ends I think um on defense active hands which really helps him in passing Lanes when he’s in drop I don’t think he’ll play that too often in the NBA but when he has to he’s active there um can move his feet on the perimeter um if he’s has to switch onto perimeter players I don’t think he’s going to be a full-time switch big but you don’t feel necessarily bad if he’s out there um solid rim protector as well 2.1 blocks per game 7.2 block percentage um I think he’s better in help than in one-on-one um but you know that has to do with his frame and stuff um I think he projects very well next to another big which is why I think his fit in Cleveland could be potentially really nice um for in terms of his ceiling I’ve seen the nas Reed comp a lot I don’t necessarily agree um I don’t know if it’s because the Aesthetics are different um Don moves a lot funkier than Nas does I see more of like a like an Al Horford Wendel Carter Jr where it’s good catch and shoot big that generates a close out and if that happens he can rip through get down the lane either dunk or kick out for another good look um and with that I do think he he’s a good fit in Cleveland because of that because he’s versatile he shoots the ball well well on low volume but he shot it well um he was 32 for 83 38.6% um and 55.3% on uncontested catch catch and shoot jumpers again small sample but you always want to see that stuff when you’re projecting forward so I think he’s versatile enough on both ends to where he can fit next to either big yeah I think those are good comps that you mentioned as a fellow member of aoro Island I love guys who shoot well on low volume I’m I’m kidding I I do think the jump shot is something that hes will need to prove uh it will be a legit weapon in the NBA but I think his versatility at that size is really a key in today’s League I love his ability to handle the ball I think for his size he’s very fluid agile and I think to me he’s he’s seems like a high IQ player who I just feel very confident he will find a role somewhere in the NBA uh I’m not too concerned about his frame on defense I know some people had concerns about that just from the research that I was doing I think he’ll hold up just fine whether or not he can be a switchable Defender that’s something we’ll have to see uh and really the question is and what it comes down to is how much do you value his versatility and can he be good enough at any particular skill because he has a wide array of skills but will any of it fully translate to the highest level that’s probably the biggest question about Holmes for me but listen the shooting I think the base is there he has good mechanics the results have been good on low volume of course uh his ability to handle the ball like I said is just as important as shooting in today’s NBA I think his experience and success operating dribble handoffs and inverted pick and rolls that makes him such an interesting fit on the Cavs playing next to another big uh operating screening actions I would love to see him with Darius Garland or Don Mitchell in those actions and so I just think he’s a very fun Prospect and I wouldn’t be mad at all if the Cavs took him at number 20 yeah with uh homes I feel like the the catch for me is more I feel like the Cavs if they draft homes are drafting out of positional need more likely than not because the Cavs don’t have a lot of options at the four Wade and yangang kind of play similarly in the offense they’re just going to spread the floor Holmes to me has more of a rim running threat like you guys have been saying who has if the ability like if contested at the perimeter has the ability to rip through we don’t really have that with Nang or with Wade so athletically he definitely would stand out and provide a different look on both ends and it helps that he’s a good health Defender alongside a Allen or Moy and if the team decides to run weight at the three which they tend to do from time to time he would also probably fit in that set as well with Holmes overall I feel like it’ be one of the bigger swings that Cavs could take at 20 and I’m not saying it in a way where if they whiffed on it it would feel like a mistake cuz you just can see where they’re coming from it doesn’t feel like something where it’s a project where some of these prospects where I don’t really see why they’re being linked to a certain player I think the team I think all these mock drafts just try to go like oh this team would looks like they really could take a swing because they’re kind of solidified but the Cavs for being as solidified as a playoff Contender shouldn’t be taking these unnecessary type swings and I think homes would be a safer Prospect to take for them so my my kind of downside with homes it’s it’s funny because the versatility is a positive but I also think it can be a negative too because like you said Tony he’s a jack of all trades master of none kind of so not having one like for sure skill to get you and keep you on the floor can make it hard if other things don’t click right so I think the fr isn’t great obviously you don’t necessarily want your Center being almost 610 in shoes we know how that is but he’s nowhere to me nowhere near the level of rim protector that Jared Allen is um it’s not bad for him by any means but it’s it’s not Elite that’s why I think he needs to be paired with another big um I think he needs to get stronger as well uh he struggled with that pretty pretty heavily especially in the Arizona game you’re able to see it um really and because of that he over indexed trying to anticipate bumps on drives and it threw him off balance because a guy would spin or Euro Step by him and he just wasn’t able to recover because he was preparing for the bump um and going to offense I don’t know if I believe in the touch fully um because the catch and shoot jumper the numbers were good but it just looks it’s very mechanical you can tell he’s worked very hard on it and that’s why I have belief that he can be a good player and be a good shooter because he works so hard but he doesn’t have that inherent touch um and that really shows up in his kind of mid-range and Rim finishing to me uh he was only 40 or 56% on lay 54 excuse me perc on layups in the half court and he was 10 for 30 on hooks and Runners over the over the season um his shooting percentage seemed to completely slash when you know he got thrown off balance so I’m not not saying he has Bad Touch necessarily I just don’t know how good it is um and if that if the shooting doesn’t come how valuable is you know his dribbling ability because if he can’t generate a close out he’s not some insane athlete where he can just get by guys anyways um and he’s he’s a good passer but it’s more of a standstill didn’t really show on the Move passing too much so I think he needs to be paired with like a very athletic four or another big um and if he if the jumper hits then obviously he’s probably a top seven player in this class um but if it doesn’t he’ll be viable but not as valuable as the versatility may seem yeah and that’s completely valid that is my concern with him is that some of that playmaking dribbling just the movement stuff might not look as good when he’s facing NBA level talent and the speed of everyone around him increases uh that’s obviously concerned the shooting could be a big swing factor for him one thing that I’ll give him a little bit of credit for or at least a prediction is that I do think I just when I when I watch him talk about the game he has a great uh I can’t remember what YouTube channel it was on but he sat down with I think San Vini and talked about his film and just hearing him break down the game I feel like he’s a guy who is going to find a role in the NBA and maybe just learn what the team needs from him and maximize that so I do feel confident that he can be a rotational player I do think the Cavs are a good fit for him because they have that need for a power forward and he has two bigs that he can share his minutes with either Allen or Moy if they choose to keep that duo together so I think it’s a fun fit uh but moving along to another Prospect who I have recently fallen for would be Carlton Carrington AKA Bob Carrington uh I’m going to oversimplify my analysis for a second but this dude’s just a flat out ER I mean he he can just straight up get Buckets maybe it’s the long sleeves that make his pull-up jumper look so clean but I just have a ton of faith in Kon being a scorer at the NBA level and so let’s start with Corey this time do you like bub as a prospect and do you think the cast have a place for him in their rotation so for the draft profiles I’ve been doing for frear of the sword uh Carrington was the first Prospect I looked that and I it was one of those things where you’re watching him you’re like I feel like I like this guy a little too much right now just cuz’s the first guy I watched so I’m like I’ll go look at some other prospects and then come back and I’d still say that Carrington ranks amongst the top for me in terms of the Cavaliers because it just it this is the game seems so translatable to the NBA and he already has like his chart of skills his jumper is by far the best thing I feel like he brings to the table but he also can Flash other in other aspects as well he also had at his time at Pittsburgh shared a lot he was the shooting guard quote unquote but really A lot of the sets kind of started with him his running mate in him kind of split the ball evenly but the starts engaged and ends of games usually ended with Carrington getting most of the touches to start and he he reminds me a lot of Caris LeVert honestly when I was watching him especially the Cleveland Cavaliers form now where it just seems like at times he can conf find his spot and when it’s falling it’s great but like all guards who live and die by their shot falling carington can fall into slumps too but he he’s a longer guard I think than people really seem to think in the analysis I see where I could see a pathway for him being a decent Defender it’s not that he’s not a tentative on ball he usually is pretty aware he will have occasional lapses off ball where I feel like he’s ball watching sometimes but I feel like most young guards are going to succumb to that anyway especially when they’re Carrington was us usually on one of the better uh offensive options of the opponents he was playing and honestly in transition is where I was really surprised by Carrington because he can have these snap passes across the court that just are some of the fastest passes of any guard I’ve watched so far in this class so Carrington on the surface seems like a just a scor first like Jordan Clarkson type guard but there’s a lot more under the surface the more you watch yeah I agree with that and I think I mean listen the the for him the thing that is easy to talk yourself into is that pull-up shooting uh and if you believe that he can be an NBA level shot Creator then this pick just makes a lot of sense for the Cavs I know he isn’t a perfect fit in terms of his size he’s not really a true Wing uh but the Cavs just need multifaceted players who can create with the ball in different ways they have too many specialists on the roster and Bub is a guy who if he develops correctly he could be more than just a one-dimensional player he shoot from all over the floor now I know there’s some concerns about his finishing and whatnot even his playmaking needs some developing but that potential is there and I know the Cavs as we mentioned a little earlier they’re not in a position where they need to take a big swing but he he’s a player who you could talk yourself into pretty quickly James what are your thoughts on uh Carrington um I have deemed bub my guy in this class as a lot of other people have um I just I don’t know every time every game I watch I liked it more and more and I and after you watch a prospect like you guys were saying you kind of have that high of like oh my God like he’s the guy he’s my number one on my board but as I went along um after I did his profile I just kept coming back to bub and kept thinking about it um and again not the cleanest fit in the world but you know a 65 guard with a 68 wingspan he’s a late growth guy was like foot 61 until about 12 months ago 18 months ago so he’s still figuring out his body still figuring out like hey I’m 65 I’m not six foot anymore which it it’s a big adjustment if you’re not used to it and don’t know how to use it then it’s you know you’re going to continue to play like a small guard um and again everyone knows the pull-up scoring is he’s the best pull-up scorer in the country this past year he was 50.9% on pull-ups um and he’s also the youngest domestic Prospect in the draft this year um High release Point great footwork and deceleration into his to his pull-up the touches fantastic ball dies on the rim all the time um and he’s so comfortable shooting out of a pick and roll or dribble hand off um like like you said Tony he’s he’s a Hooper um he’s just anytime he’s on the move he it just looks so much better than off the catch right now which you know something he has to work on but again when you’re you used to playing with the ball so much it can be a little tough to become more comfortable with that catch and shoot shot um I really liked his passing as well in the pick and roll um 85th percentile as a pick and roll ball handler over he had a 2.15 assist to turnover ratio he really knows how to get to his spots play with Pace in the pick and roll as well to get to that pullup um and this he said on I think it was with sanini that this was his first year really playing in ball strings so being that young having that little experience with pick and roll and being that good at it it’s just it’s all the more reason to buy into him um and I think this is the most under discussed skill in this class is his on ball defense I know it’s not fantastic by any means he has like moments where know he’s 18 where he doesn’t like there’s mental lapses right but his ability to flip his hips and cover ground side with guys and especially his screen navigation so many of these guys are glued to screens like someone will talk about two guys will talk about later um his ability at that age and that size to just Glide around screens and stay attached to a ball handler is something that really stood out to me and I I just buy it man I I just buy it I like pretty much everything thing that Bub shows the thing with bub too is like his passes just come out with such velocity and more times than not unlike some guards in this class that I’ve just found to get more angry with every attempt like his passes just can be on a string like he has a real Knack with his like quick twitch type movement he like the reason I comp him to Levert so much is because they both share this like Herky jerky dribbling style where it’s not like he’s beating you with like finesse it’s more just like quick twitch athleticism to get to his spots especially when he does that mid-range pullup he usually finds a way to create space when it doesn’t really seem like it’s there and like uh you were saying it’s that shot when he can get it off especially like off the dribble it’s so fluid they ran so many sets for him at Pittsburgh off the inbound where he would just take it off a ball screen had such open space and it looked like an NBA quality shot every single time and the only fears I really have for Carrington besides the poor finishing really around the rim especially if he’s forced to go to his left he doesn’t seem to really handle that well but also you don’t want it to be a case where he gets into the league and if he falls in love with that mid-range teams might fall out of love with the fact that that’s the shot he’s kind of leaning towards and in Pittsburgh that definitely was his bread and butter was that range his three would kind of come and go he picked it up more as the season went along that shot started to fall more and uh you just hope that I I it’s hard as a Cass fan cuz cuz I don’t feel like that’s the best team for him to go to especially cuz the Cavs definitely need like a true point guard to come off their bench they need to find a Craig Porter Jr upgrade in my opinion and I I think bub Carrington while being a valuable guard in the room for them as long as Carris Levert’s there I feel like they kind of cancel each other out right now and unless the Cavs were looking to offload Levert for Carrington which I would view as just trying to swap salaries kind of at the moment because I feel like Carrington could give you at least right now like 80% of what Levert brings to the Cavs on a night toight basis then I would for the sake of loving bub I would hope that he could find a spot where I feel like a team needs his Off the Bench scoring because that’s where I kind of see him doing in his rookie season right now yeah well hey if he falls in love with the mid-range shot then he truly will become the next Carris Levert uh I’ll push back just a little bit too because I am low on Caris I don’t know if he could I don’t know if Bob can come into the league and give you 80% of Caris right now Carris is a very good player but I do get the general points we’re making and I agree uh my I have two questions for Carrington they kind of tie together and it’s how much upside do you really believe he has as a shot Creator because that obviously determines how high you are on him uh now I’m pretty high on him so I think he has a lot of upside in that regard but uh the other question is how quickly can he contribute how quickly can he put all that together uh James mentioned he’s 18 years old one of the youngest players in this uh draft he was born the same year as the Xbox 360 release which makes me feel ancient and so his timeline especially for a team like the Cavs it’s a little conflicting uh but to be honest if Carrington develops into a productive player even if it’s four years down the line that’s still a victory at with the 20th pick in the draft I don’t think we need to focus too much on whether or not he can enter the lineup and contribute from day one and maybe he can I’m not ruling that out I’m just saying for this because there is the argument of do you take an older Prospect like maybe Tristan D Silva or do you take a younger guy with some upside and I think it’s okay if the Cavs select a player who needs time to develop especially if you are one of those people who believe he can be an NBA level shot Creator then it makes a lot of sense that’s my biggest thing where uh yeah his fit right now isn’t totally clear but he the the his rookie season he’s going to be 19 the entire year um you have bench guards for now but again Carris wasn’t very good in the playoffs any shooting P percentage he was the lowest he’s 30 contracts coming up um cpj he’s good and we all like him um but I don’t think that should stop you from finding a a jumbo Creator or jumbo guard creator for that and we just don’t know what Tai Jerome right like we all he in theory he works but we didn’t see him so we can like these guys but we also have to have like a bigger scope of things where sure he might not contribute for the first half of the season but if we run into injury problems pretty much every year so say by the time the calendar turns after the the All-Star break can he come in as a third or fourth guard and give us you know 12 to 15 minutes to playing with Mitchell or Garland um and give us extra juice off the bench because we I’m tired of Specialists like Tony said I’m tired of onedimensional players if you want to reach the height you’re going to you need guys that can put the ball on the deck and make stuff happen and Bub can do that already and I I don’t know what his ceiling is but I would be really annoyed to let another team find out if he’s available yeah it it really on the topic of the Cavs having too many specialists it shouldn’t be a moment of surprise every time we see Max stru or aoro run a pick and roll we shouldn’t be like oh my God someone other than Garland and Mitchell’s handling the ball this is crazy like that should just be standard for an NBA team to have multiple guys who can do that so if Carrington if you believe in him which I do then it’s worth taking a chance on that but moving into our next Prospect and one who maybe I think some of those concerns for me fall into the specialist category uh I’ve gone back and forth on this guy I still feel relatively positive but he’s just not my top prospect on the board I would rather have a couple different guys but that would be Johnny Fury uh now he’s a player who fits the archetype of what the Cavs need which is kind of a lanky Wing who can shoot but there are some gaps in his game so James where do you stand on Fury as an NBA player and do you like his fit in Cleveland um I don’t love Johnny Fury but his fit makes sense um um if the front office really wants like if they’re positionally focused he’s actually a small forward that’s kind of the draw um actually small forward explosive open court athlete plays hard he’s good in transition was 1.29 points per possession in transition um the shot looks good I expect it to translate in the NBA um most of and most of his misses are good misses too they’re not spraying all over the floor they’re normally long or short um he shot 42 44.2% on uncontested catch and shoot jumpers this past year so again shot looks good the percentage doesn’t necessarily show it was great but I buy him being a shooter at the next level and honestly The Rim finishing numbers surprised me a little bit because they were really good um he was 74.2% at the rim and 70.6% on layups 65.2% in the half court um he’s again 68 in shoes good athlete vertically um and he attacks the rim hard so again that stuff just it just matters at the end of the day um more of a connective passer he’s not going to run ball screens for you or anything but he can come off a dho one dribble kick make the right pass and relocate um in the defense against non Creator should be fine I don’t like the defense but again he’s 69ine and a pretty good athlete so there’s a certain floor to him that I don’t think he’s going to be an absolute disaster especially in the regular season yeah I feel like the comps for him and Grady dick are just lazy overall I’ve seen that being floated around they’re like guy from Kansas can shoot threes he’s white that’s crazy we’re getting Grady dick all over again with um with Fury my biggest issue with him is his cold stretch he suffered once he kind of earned the starting role in Kansas he went through a awful stretch for like I think 10 or so games he shot like 26% from three in those games a lot of them were in some of their bigger matchups against higher level of competition so I think like then he picked it up more as the season came along he really got hot towards the end of the season I think with him his biggest issue is confidence and it seems like his confidence comes when he knows that the is kind of shine brighter on him than normal at Kansas it was very clear that they suffered from perimeter shooting and they kind of funneled all their quality looks into Fury who uh is very a smart off ball Creator like he does a very good job of relocating and finding open looks while the team is kind of going through their sets he created a lot of good looks for them like you said like his misses aren’t bad misses he knows when to take quality shots too he’s a smart player offensively defensively you you people say there’s like some template for a three and D type player the defense is where I kind of struggle to see it he seems to be like for as quick as he is in transition I feel like he kind of struggles keeping his man in front of him sometimes but he definitely is trying that is where it’s really tough to kind of figure out where he’s going to be in the NBA because I I I believe half of regular season defense in the NBA is just giving a and he clearly does and that’s why I feel like he stayed on a Kansas even though his shot wasn’t falling because he can attack the rim aggressively and get quality looks that way and he also is trying harder and C that Kansas team had probably some of the worst injury luck in the entire NCAA last season I mean when mccullers’s went down that was basically their number one offensive option left and then Fury kind of was stuck being still the number one primary option but now with less help from McCullers so I feel like if the confidence for him can kind of De like if there if he can just gain more confidence from the coaching staff there’s enough enough there that I could see why a team would use a first round pick on him but if this is something that’s unshakable like I think it might be for Fury he might be more disappointing than what the film might leave you thinking he could be yeah and to that point I I made this joke in our group chat but I think I just have PTSD from the lanky white guys who lack confidence to shoot the ball and Dylan wler and Dean Wade if we got that out of Johnny Fury I just I think I might lose it but I think you guys both made really good points uh look his size and the shooting match the Cav’s biggest needs uh that’s how you talk yourself into this I love his feel for relocating and making himself available as a shooter I think he has a really strong motor he’s a strong cutter and a rebounder uh you guys both touched on this but I get the sense that he’s just a very competitive person who understands what the team needs from him and he gives a so and and I think he has a high IQ which is something that I’ve been preaching the Cavs need more of across the Rost or so that’s where I feel good about him is all of those departments now the concerns are his shot profile wasn’t anything too crazy it’s a lot of standstill three-point attempts there’s not as many motion attempts as you would expect considering how well he is moving off the ball and I don’t know if he can defend at an NBA level uh and again I think the Cavs have plenty of Specialists uh and I’m not entirely convinced that Fury will ever be good enough at the other aspects of the game to break out of that mold I worry that he could be too one-dimensional but there’s certainly potential there and I understand anyone who does look at Fury as the guy who feels their biggest need yeah my you hit especially the shooting The Limited shooting profile for a shooter I me that’s a Grady dick thing right he’s very good in a standstill but when he has to come off movement it’s not great um I think the upside for Fury is quite limited um again he’s 68 but he’s not very long he’s pretty skinny um he had only five NBA range above the break three-pointers this year um again not great I don’t think he has really any creation upside um we I talked about how well he finished at The Rim um this past season he only had 27 Rim attempts in the half court this year so and all of them were well not all of them most of them were off of dho one Dribble To The Rim there was very few creative attempts at The Rim dve angles are loopy doesn’t change speeds very well handle isn’t creative either um again I don’t want any more Specialists really uh there’s no in between game there the off the dribble stuff wasn’t very good I think he was four for 15 this past year off the dribble um he gets clipped by every screen I don’t know if he has a magnet in his pocket or something but I swear he gets rocked by every screen and can’t detach himself um and he will really struggle against creators in the NBA CU his hips open so slowly to me he it’s weird to see a guy so good vertically and vertically but not good horizontally it’s like when a guy tries to dip by him his controller disconnects and he can’t open up and continue to go with the guy um he’s not some event Defender either 2.1 steel rate 1.6 block rate it’s fine but it doesn’t make up for it enough to again to make up for the on ball stuff for me no I agree and uh I mean look if if Fury’s available and you’re taking a guy with a relatively low ceiling it seems like then at that point I would rather go after players like the Silva or Tyson like if they’re also available I would just rather do that because again that versatility uh being able to create off the dribble is something that I think is going to be very important for this Cavs team and trying to restructure this roster anyway they so yeah I think we pretty much summarized how I feel about Fury moving into our final Prospect of the day is jacobe Walter and now Corey I’m pretty sure you like Walter as a prospect so let us know what you like about his game Walter for me is offensively he would add something different to the small forward room for the Cavs I feel like he can generate quality looks but my con like so it’s like I kind of know that the shots going to be there for Walter but the issue is I I struggle seeing like he needs a lot of help to get to these looks because in his time at Baylor his athleticism feels like it’s constantly like a little behind everyone else but he can make up for it with his mechanics and the way he dribbles but it’s it’s like a catch 22 where it’s like the shots GNA be really good for him but I don’t know if in the NBA I think Defenders can easily stay with him and he’s going to really have to work to improve getting his handle a lot tighter I think he kind of it’s kind of what a similar I saw at kaon George where the minute he starts dribbling it’s like you kind of Lean Forward being like where is this going to go because it just seems like go in nine different directions it seems like he could dribble it off of his foot he could lose he can make a good first move and then recover it but only to like lose it on his recovery to waste what would have been an open look for him defensively he’s also kind of perplexing to me because like fury it’s clear he cares but because of that lack of athleticism I mentioned earlier I feel like he struggles to stay with his man more than a guy who cares that much should and I feel like he’ll get targeted more often than not and he’s being also labeled as a three and D guy but I I kind of struggle seeing the defensive side of it so maybe I I think offensively I kind of see it defensively is where I’m lost but I leave especially in this draft and where the C the Cavs are going to go positionally like I kind of fear they’re going to I could see them talking themselves into Walter and I probably would prefer Walter over fury because I feel like there’s more offensively there than what Fury provides yeah I I agree with that especially just in the shot profile just from what I was looking at at least I I think Walter pops as an off Ball scoring threat I think he’s good moving off screens and is that ability to knock down tough shots and motion move like moving shots is what I thought I saw as well so I think he’s just a pure shooter all around again worried about the shot creation his playmaking I don’t know if he can break down an NBA level Defender with his dribble and if that ends up being true that would put a hard cap on his potential ceiling but although he might not develop into a well-rounded player the shooting is what would be worth taking a chance on if you’re talking yourself into him uh James where do you stand on Walter um I am a little lower on Walter I think than both of you guys um again the cell is a shot like you guys talked about 72 percentile in unguarded catch and shoot jumpers what I like is the attempts are difficult and he’s taking them with confidence they are NBA level shots even though they didn’t go in maybe as much as you wanted but the willingness to let it fly with the guy flying at him or him running off a screen is really impressive to me and I think that’s something that’s translatable going forward um but I kind of think that’s where the offense stops I don’t really buy him like I don’t buy the handle very much I didn’t really like it it was pretty loose to me you can tell he played with the ball you know through aaou and in high school and stuff but the handle just isn’t good enough for me to be able to project and on ball like any creation really he shot 29.4% on dribble jumpers this past year a lot of late clock stuff where he catches the ball realizes there’s you know six seconds left he’s like shoot I have to you know I got to create something here um and for the defense he was a hard evalve for me because Baylor played so much Zone and this is a message to college coaches stop playing Zone especially if you have a draft prospect on your team stop it we can’t evaluate him because we we don’t know your principles first of all and two it makes it hard to see if they’re actually good or not that’s where I struggled with jacobe the most was his defense um but I like the frame it looks like he can get a lot stronger than he is um but again I just didn’t see a ton on defense to really sell me on it um and with the again he’s the same size as a lot of our other guys already so in terms of weighing him versus Fury I I almost want to lean Fury more because he’s just bigger and we have a bunch of six5 guys already even though if Jacob’s a little more versatile um and I heard the intel on him is great like super hardworking kid is going to do whatever he has to do for the team to win like that kind of kid um but I don’t know I would be pretty disappointed with Jobe Walter because I think he’s another special it’s just a smaller one than Johnny Fury yeah if we were if we were like ranking the prospects that we talked about today I’d probably have either Holmes or Carrington number one and then it would be a toss up between Fury and Walter as well for me uh I can see why you would buy into either Prospect I just I just like holes and Carrington more uh so I don’t know where you guys stand on that but how how would you rank them Corey who’s your who’s your top four here out of the prospects we’re talking about I feel like it’s gonna be unanimous that Carrington’s kind of like near the top for all of us but it’s hard to not leave it’s like Carrington benefits a lot from this class because what stands out for him makes him just rank so much higher than a lot of these people we’re sitting and wondering like what is the ceiling of this skill I feel like Carrington sealing for his ability to create shots and make them at a decent rate is making him so much more valuable especially for the Cav specifically so Carrington would be my one I feel like I’m in a really tough spot for like where I want the Cavs to be if I was ranking them individually as prospects I’d probably agree that there’s more to homes I think and then Walter and fury feel like dice rolls it’s just kind of like which way do you want to go like what are you really trying to get out of the pick and I think I think I like Walter more because I feel like I think Fury is going to be spend his life in the NBA just being a three-point shooter and just relocating off ball screens if he hits and I think Walter at least has like some mid-range capability to him that I didn’t see with fury on tape either yeah I’m I’ll have B obviously Bob one as well I think what makes him stand out to the other guards in this class is they’re all small like the biggest one is I mean it’s Nicole a topic but he’s more of a point guard in these in this combo guard World Isaiah ker is like 62 in shoes and the rest of the guys are smaller than that so bub being 65 being younger than all of these guys because the whole reclass stuff a lot of these guys are 20 already it’s the frame the age and the shot making ability just make him so Val valuable to me for a team that couldn’t score and that hasn’t been able to score for two years when it comes to comes down to it um then I’ll have homes too with a not too big of a gap between him and Carrington I think it’s a coin flip for either one and then like a sizable Gap then Fury then Walter for me um I fear that Fury just feels like a cave to me and again I think the front office is gonna get position locked and I think D Silva’s gonna go before 20 so that’s my fear is that they love Australians he’s going to look good in an open gym because he’s a good vertical athlete the shots pretty he’s probably awesome in these workouts I just feel they’re going to get position locked and draft another specialist in Fury it’s what it sounds like uh from the Fedor Fedor reporting and just it seems like they’re leaning Fury but we’ll have to wait and see I there’s a lot of guys who we didn’t talk about today who I also like who uh you know Tyler Smith if he’s available someone who I think is really intriguing D Silva and Tyson yeah hey Lori markam 2.0 I’ve fallen a little lower on him that was that was early in my process of looking through I was like man this guy’s awesome he’d be a great fit now I would prefer Smith or Holmes if they’re available but Bowski you can still talk me right back into it but to wrap up the show I want to quickly hit on this rumor that was listen I think this was started by Kevin o’ Conor so let’s not put any stock into it but it’s worth discussing the idea of trading up because I’m sure we have an opinion on it so James we can start with you are there any prospects in the late lottery or the top 10 that you think would be worth trading up for if you were Kobe Alman um so I probably wouldn’t trade up to be clear um the capital that they’ll probably have to give up to move up you know 10 11 12 spots probably isn’t worth it to me um but the two guys that they should look at as Dalton connect and Cody Williams two polar opposite prospects D connect super old but has a weird path you know play Jo was at Northern Colorado for two years and then popped at Tennessee this past year 66 69ine wingspan strong good vertical athlete maybe the best shooter in the class um just when I was watching I think they were playing they were playing kraton and it was transition guys lost him and you can see five coaches on their bench before Dalton connect even gets the ball just like throw their hands up and just smack the floor and I doubt the shot went in obviously but that level shooter is valuable no matter what um so I think if the Cavs fell in love with him and got a good price I think he would be worth it and with Cody Williams it’s the complete upside swing um 67 almost 68 in shoes 71 wingspan really good finisher very ambidextrous has good touch I think has very nice potential in the P like out of second side pick and roll because of that um and just like a prototypical three again one that Cavs don’t have I do wor about the low volume of the three-point shot but it looks good for the most part his touch is good so longterm I think I buy it um those would be the two main ones that I think they would trade up for I like Ron Holland personally but I don’t think he’s a good fit for the Cavs at all yeah I love Ron Holland too just to I later today I’m recording a we did a mock draft with fear the fro Justin row and a couple other Cavs creators and I was in charge of drafting for the Spurs and listen I shot shock the world I took Ron Holland with the fourth pick which seems like a bold Choice compared to a lot of the mock drafts but not to open up the whole discussion hey it’s a weak draft apparently why not swing for some upside I think Ron Holland could end up being the best player in the draft he’s also has big Boomer bust potential but why not put put me on record I love Wings who can’t shoot as everyone knows so uh but no I I agree with what you said there I wouldn’t trade up either that’s mainly just because I think the margin for error in this draft is similar enough to where you could just stay at 20 uh but if you do feel like if the Caps fall in love with a prospect even if it’s one of the guys we named today and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to be available at 20 and they want to make sure they can get their guy then I mean sure depending on the price I I’d support it uh I just think The Supporting Cast of this team could use a little bit shaking up so if if they really fall in love with a prospect and he’s available for a reasonable price then I could see them doing it but overall I would probably say no what about you Cory I feel like weirdly enough if there was a draft that wouldn’t take a king’s ransome to move into the lottery this is kind of it I think teams all kind of view it’s kind of like the eye of the beholder it feels like once you slip past like eight it doesn’t seem like teams really know which way they want to go there’s a handful they want to choose from so if the Cavs like you guys are saying really value someone I would I also don’t think I know Kevin oconor said lottery I wouldn’t be surprised if they trade up a few spots for a Tristan to Silva type because I don’t feel like that would cost a lot and if they really want a player that they feel like is rotation ready like that many believe D Silva to be then I feel like d Silva would be the move for them I would love if they went for a connect but at the same time like to move into like where I feel like I’ve seen projections of him going like top eight on I feel like teams are just buying heavily into that three-point shooting because that’s why Reed Shepard’s even expected I feel like to go within like the top three or five because of that NBA level shooting range it’s just like if you know it you see it on the tape teams are just going to buy that because it’s a guaranteed skill and if they could get a player like connect for a reasonable price something that we don’t look down the road being like can’t believe we got our eighth man for like a future first round pick which is what all teams are really gunning for then that’d be great but I don’t really see a situation in which they could even really have the assets to move into that spot yeah I agree and again I just think with the way this draft is shaping up I they’d have to really fall in love with someone for me to be like yeah let’s do it uh but of course I don’t have the Intel that they have so uh that’s going to do it for this episode of the junkyard pod I want to say thank you again to James for helping us break down these prospects uh this was a great episode you brought a lot of good Insight I’d encourage everyone to check out his Twitter thread for a deeper look into some prospects that we didn’t even talk about today so and as for this show if you if you enjoyed this episode please consider hitting subscribe and leave a comment on which Prospect has caught your attention I would love to know what you guys are thinking so please let me know with all that being said go Cavs [Music]

Everything Cavaliers joins The Junkyard Pod to break down four more NBA Draft Prospects!

– DaRon Holmes
– Bub Carrington
– Johnny Furphy
– Ja’Kobe Walter
– Should the Cavs trade up?

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Check out his draft thread!

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  1. If Cavs take Furphy – I demand Luke Travers be brought over – need the Aussie version of Boston’s two Js

  2. You can’t get a hit if you don’t swing. Regardless of position, take the player you think has most upside.

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