@Chicago Bulls

The Bulls Traded Alex Caruso For Josh Giddey

The Bulls Traded Alex Caruso For Josh Giddey

hey y’all um yeah let’s talk about it let’s talk about it the Chicago Bulls traded Alex guso for Josh giddy one for one the year is 2024 I didn’t even know one for one deals even happened anymore but here we are first trade of the off season for anybody is the Bulls doing something it’s kind of insane um the Bulls have been determined to find a playmaker to replace Lonzo ball I remind you that Lonzo ball Tech list still on the roster but this is this not B whale I saw him dunk the other day and giddy uh 21 comes with Allstar potential how many of us believe that he comes to Chicago and actualize that potential before I go hard on the Chicago Bulls let me tell you OKC fans if you have not been keeping up with Alex karuso over the last couple years you’re going to absolutely love him a lot of people that you ask cross basketball the top defensive players in in the league Alex gusa comes up almost every single time he has that much of a force as a guard he is all over the place he’s guarding not not like consistently but he feels comfortable guarding so many different positions uh passing Lanes pickpockets Slide the feet hustle dive on the floor I’m not a jersey guy if you’ve been following my channel for some years you’ve never really see me pull up to with a jersey unless I was meing I have a Alex guso Jersey because over the last couple years he’s some one of the few people on the team that felt like he cared every single game and I love players like that and they trade him away for goddamn Josh G I’m not mad at the fact that the Bulls haven’t made trades over the last couple Seasons I mean yes I am but that that my major gripe with the Chicago Bulls front office is that they are so very poor at maximizing an asset not rumored this is confirmed that at the deadline this year there are multiple teams throwing multiple first round picks to try to get Alex guso on the team one of the first round picks ended up being top 10 in this year’s draft but the front office is like no alusso we want you to stay on the team so we can finish 16 and 18 and go to the play in we turned down multiple first for Caruso we we turn down a lottery first for Drummond who’s just going to walk in free agency anyway what are we doing what are what are we doing we rather keep these dudes to be ass as a team than trade them when their value is alltime high and the fact that this is a one for one deal blows my goddamn mind the year is 2024 go how many trades do we see would it’s not a first multiple second tail even a fake first that turns into multip seconds just to get the fan base to think that you got something for the future OKC has a million first we can get their least valuable one I mean Sam prey has been notorious for trading players before they H restrict the free agency if he doesn’t believe they’re part of their long-term future and that’s exactly what he did because at the end of this year Josh giddy hits restrictor free agency so you’re going to tell me depending on what happens this year with Josh giddy we’re going to be the team to pay him it feels like every single time this has happened in Bulls in in in recent Bulls history we got the short end of the the stick we PID Zack LaVine cuz we don’t want him to walk and now he’s widely considered one of the worst contracts in basketball even though Zachary I’m still rooting for you and I still believe you can hoop um Patrick Williams is restricted free agency these Charlotte Hornets are probably going to offer that man 20 plus million doll a year and we have to make a decision what to do it’s just they’re they’re just so poor at managing their assets that I I think my boy rusty said this I honestly do feel like and I I am the internet general manager part of my job is making fake trades on the goddamn PlayStation but I firmly do believe that I would be able to manage this team better than what that these guys have done over the last couple years I honestly do believe that because kuso would have been traded at the deadline I don’t want to trade him but it would it makes sense for the franchise Drummond would have been traded are you serious this is just so what is our guard rotation now it’s Kobe white it’s aod dumu it’s Josh giddy it’s Javon Carter we got Lonzo ball on the team we just there’s a million guards and so I don’t know if that means that they’re potentially doing some other deals down the line I don’t know but God this is so frustrating and that’s we only talking about the hoops man Josh giddy got played off the court over the last playoff series with one of the games he played like 12 total minutes man he could not hold his own and a game he’s 21 years old could he maximize that potential that Allstar potential maybe maybe how many people come to Chicago and maximize their Allstar potential let’s be real this team has not done the best of getting people to play at their fullest potential ever well I can’t say ever cuz we do have the greatest player of all time on our team but but you get what I’m saying Chicago is not a place where people usually go to and start to play better I’m just at a loss obviously there’s been a report that the Bulls have 15 different trade offers right now for Zack LaVine I don’t know what that’s going to look like but I’m expecting to not like that trade and now we can talk about the other stuff I have not been completely hi to all of the Josh gidy stuff obviously I’ve I’ve seen some of it when it was first coming out earlier in the season I read one article about it and since then I haven’t heard anything so I don’t know if that’s all alleged or any of that has been proven I don’t really know but based on the article that I read a couple months back I am not a fan of the that he was doing and you try to tell me because he’s on my team now that I have to I have to root for I have to root for that again I know what’s true and what’s not I I I don’t know right now I mean now he’s on my team I should probably dive into it huh I should really go and see every single article I can find on this Josh giddy stuff um I just I don’t know man I don’t know I’m I’m I’m just disappointed I guess um and I’m not even like I can understand some people like Kenny you can’t have it both ways you can’t tell them at the deadline to make some deals and they finally do some deals you’re mad at it and I would say to that yes I can yes I can kuso is one of those dudes that I bet you there other teams across basketball um um the the 76ers the Bucks the Warriors I could go on and on these are teams that are probably pissed that they didn’t get in on Alex kuso Alex Caruso stuff he’s one of the people that if he was available many teams should have been calling and the Bulls are going to do this thing and here’s my here’s my prediction here’s my prediction I don’t know what’s right or what’s wrong you think about trading a 30-y Old Guard and Alex kuso for 21y Old Guard and Josh giddy that in in your mind you think that okay that means they’re about to take a step to the rebuild my prediction is they’re about to try to Teeter they’re going to have some young players demard Rose is coming back we’re going to trade for Harrison Barnes he’s going to be on the team we going to try to balance these things out when in reality that’s not the way you do it and we going to end up being a a slightly below 500 team again a slight one game above 500 team again and then they gonna come to the Press at the end of the season like well this is not what we wanted to do the Bulls Rob bot five and three-point frequency this season bottom five the year is 2024 the team that just won a championship shot the most three-pointers in NBA history that is the way you win basketball games nowadays and what do we do we trade for one of the worst shooting guards in basketball huh what Kobe white just had a career year where he was a runner up to most improved player and that was with him being the point guard we move him over to the off guard again we we didn’t like what we saw so because Josh giddy again if you’re going to maximize Josh giddy that man needs to have the ball in his hands because he is not a threat otherwise so Josh gidd is gonna do his thing and Kobe white is just gonna be off guard again all right okay I mean yeah go score Co I just don’t know man I just I’m sure there’s so many different things I can say I I don’t know I don’t know I just I’m going to mix Alis guso and the cool thing about this and this is something I’ve said before that I’m going to I continue to root for play that get traded away from my team if I like them so like I will be rooting for Alice Caruso especially since he’s in the opposing conference so OKC fans you just get you got me somewhat because I want to see Caruso be great Caruso is one of those dudes man I’m telling you he’s one of those dudes that you don’t want to give up unless you’re getting something that you feel really really good about Josh gidy Allstar potential if if we had the what do you think the odds are on on Josh giddy becoming an allar one day what do we think the odds are hey I’m about to go through all of the different stages um of of grief I’m going to go through all the different stage of grief let me look at one thing before I get out of here um Josh giddy’s game log let’s let’s go see because if I’m not mistaken you remember they had that little stretch where he was playing pretty solid basketball whenn was that this one boom all right all right all right all right um let me see let me see yeah here here’s the game he had 25 n and four oh am I convincing myself no I’m not um but I think I remember one of these games Shay didn’t play it’s this game his 31-point game so the the Bulls are like hey he scored 31 when he was the primary ball handler when his usage rate was really high so if we give him the ball and say Josh giddy go cook then maybe he can average what did he average last season last year he averaged 12 maybe one day he can average 18 19 again or not again his career high all right man I I’m out of here I’m out of

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  1. As a Bulls fan as well, I reckon that all of us are in the same wavelength regarding the management of the team. I guess that almost every conscious and deep knower of the league could make better decisions than this office is conducting

  2. Youā€™re all upset about hearsay rumors, you lost all credibility when you said Zach can hoop

  3. Thunder fan here, we have a documented history of trading our young players away and them exploding elsewhere, Sabonis, Harden, Grant,etc. Could happen for you Kenny šŸ˜‚

  4. i guess the bulls didn't watch the playoffs where giddey basically went ghost while the whole OKC team fought for their lives. i mean, i get it, he's young, might possibly improve his jumper, but damn. I remember reading some articles in the past deadline that some teams were offering multiple 1st round picks for AC but bulls ultimately rejected all trades to only end up with a "project" in giddey. That and this could possibly hold back Coby's improvement as a PG now that he has to share the ball with giddey. Crazy

  5. Giddey ,White , Ayo backcourt is a nice mix. Lonzo and Lavine should be great trade pieces either now or deadline

  6. Kenny Iā€™m really excited to see OKC be your top watched team next year. Glad to have you in the team and Iā€™m sorry for whatā€™s happening in Chicago. Love you man

  7. Alex Caruso is an X factor rotational player that shines brightest on a championship caliber team. Bulls should've traded Caruso a year and a half ago.
    Drummond wasn't getting a first..

  8. At least do the minimum research before posting a video just crying about a trade šŸ˜‚ you got half way through the video and realized you didnā€™t actually know any stats about the trade or if the giddy story is legit lmao

  9. Thunder fan hereā€¦ bulls gonna regret this not because how good Caruso is but because how crap giddey is (I watched all 82 games of the thunders season so I know how crap giddey is)

  10. Giddey should develop a consistent 3pt shot. They were not even guarding him at points in the play offs.

  11. Been indifferent about the Bulls – now i feel for them and their fans. This is so very painful šŸ˜¢ why just why

  12. Can you make a video on what the warriors should do,I hope we find away to sign and trade Klay and assets for JImmy Butler and I don't know what they should do next,w channel btw

  13. You're so disappointing. You aint different from reporters who suddenly brought out player's prior crimes. Mind you, Giddey's rumors are baseless. If it were true, he would've been in jail and minimum slapped with suspension.. Yeah, you only defend when its your brothers but when its not you slander too. No wonder I dont watch your videos anymore. Big fan before but now you deserve an unsubscribe. Chicago dont deserve Giddey. Dont worry he will be traded soon or sign to another team in next yrs free agency.

  14. Kenny the one thing Iā€™ve noticed is that the bulls are prioritizing young players over draft picks. I agree because when you think about all the misses weā€™ve had in the draftā€¦.whats the last home run pick that weā€™ve had D rose?

  15. wtf… lol. Huge W for OKC lol, we just saw what gifted defensive guards can do in the playoffs/finals (Derrick White + Jrue Holiday). OKC front office is probably the best in the NBA last 5 years, seriously putting a monster together with plenty of assets still to make deals with

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