@Oklahoma City Thunder

Kevin Durant Trade? OKC Thunder Star Hunting? NBA’s Most Interesting Offseason Teams

Kevin Durant Trade? OKC Thunder Star Hunting? NBA’s Most Interesting Offseason Teams

on today’s show what are the most interesting stories going into the NBA off season mine is the heck are the Phoenix Suns going to do talk about all that in more on today’s locked on NBA let’s go you are locked on NBA your daily NBA podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and welcome you’re locked on to the NBA my name is Nick instead host of the locked on Mavericks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show and making lock on NBA your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform give us a five star review like the video on YouTube comment anything below today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply and joining me I would say as always but not but not as always Pat is yeah Pat is Mia I can’t find pat pat went to the Cubs game at noon today we haven’t F I honestly like I I actually hope he’s okay not I’ve not heard from him I’m going to guess he did the nine the n99 like the the 9 by9 challenge n n nine dogs nine Beers N in then he just passed out that’s my guess but joining me from lock down Thunder what you got for me Ryland Styles very excited to be here very excited to kick off the off seon and lots of thoughts with uh HBS fan P the designer today we’re going to talk about our most interesting stories going into the offseason so we each picked two teams that we think are the most interesting to us and uh we’ll talk about that the Mavs is not one of mine so spoiler alert on that one and then of course we’ll play count it up where we count up the most interesting fun things in the NBA including Jason Tatum just doing everything and bronny James rumors about bronny James we talk about that a little bit later but let’s start here Ryland the most interesting team to me going into the off season is the Phoenix Suns because the Phoenix Suns compiled Devin Booker Kevin Durant Bradley Beal this incredible threesome a lot of people thought they were going to be really good at least the top four top five in in you know the west and they ended up not being that they ended up getting ousted in the first round and they’re a second apron team they’ve got a bunch of restrictions they can’t they can only trade one player at a time they can’t aggregate players in a trade they can’t acquire a player and sign a trade they can’t send cash out on a trade they have the first round they have a 202 you have a 202 4 pick and a 2031 pick that they can technically trade but it’s the 22nd pick in the draft this year can’t trade until draft night they’ve got some interesting things going there my question is then they could have a Kevin Durant extension coming they’ve already extended Grayson Allen uh they only on their roster have Booker Beal Grayson Allen as guards Durant Nas little and uh uh big body David Rody as like wings and then nurkic at Center that’s all they’ve got they’ve got to fill out the rest of this roster uh my biggest question about the Suns is what can they do yeah not much I I don’t I don’t know what they can do other than run it back and that’s what’s so interesting is that it feels like it feels like they’re not in control not only with their own destiny but like literally how this summer goes but especially if if like Kevin Durant requested a trade what would they what would they do at that point like because even that’s like the tricky part of it is that like even trading one of those guys still does not set you up the way it would in in a different scenario because of how hardc they are because of just where they’re at as a franchise I think that their only course of action is to run it back with as cost control that you can get filling out the roster uh and then you’re you’re banking on that new ownership group stilling still having the uh fresh car smell of just wanting to run it back there’s some stats that they’re going to throw out there about like well when this team was healthy they were on a 50 you know win pace and they were on a 50 whatever win pace and you know every team can really do that like you have to be really bad like the Pistons to not have a stretch where you played really good basketball uh for for the most part so I just think that all they can do is run it back they’re going to do something though that’s that’s why they’re interesting to me is because as as con constricted as they seem to be they do have that new car smell still they’re like all right new owner syndrome we’ve got to make a splash last year was was not good for them like that was as bad as you could have maybe expected it to get to to get to that point to lose in the first round to not move on a lot of people picked them they didn’t win uh you know first round exit is not what you expected from this group and so there’s going to be something like there’s there’s going to be some kind of move made and I wonder you know they can’t trade Grayson Allen until the start of the Season he’ll most likely be on the team to start to start the year uh nerkish is like the one guy 18 million that makes enough that they could actually trade him out nz’s making six and a half that’s I don’t know if that’s enough to like add with the draft pick to to do something but the nage piece is there but the problem is if you trade nkic then where do you go with Center like you’ve almost gotta just replace it and I guess it is just a run it back thing but to me there’s something there like they’re going to do something to me I just I don’t know what it is and that’s why they’re interesting to me I think that what’s what’s crazy is is that you might the the way that they might improve their roster the most hypothetically could be trading Kevin Durant like in in keeping Booker and Beal which would then just be a sloppy mess like I don’t think that they’re going to do that just for clarity sake but what other what other guy could you trade to a fill out your roster and still get Talent back like hypothetically speaking if it’s if it’s trading KD to OKC and you get Cas Wallace you get Josh giddy you get Usman Jen you get four first round picks like what what other Avenue do you have to uh you know you know fill out a roster and and kind of restock your your assets a little bit than moving Kevin Durant they’re not going to do that I think they’re going to keep their core intact uh and so from there you have a you have a middling pick and a bad draft and nurit to to work with and I think that you desperately need to go get a point guard somewhere yeah that that’s the other thing too is that they have needs they have like they have needs on the roster and they need defense a lot too like they’ve got to find that somewhere they’ve got to resign Royce O’Neal Josh kogi is going to be a free agent too so they’ve got to figure out what they’re going to do with him there’s not a lot of things to work with but there’s a lot to do for that team and that’s why they’re one of my interesting ones you just mentioned a potential trade with the Oklahoma City Thunder that’s one of your teams that’s the most interesting to you isn’t it yeah I I think that even unbiasedly this is the most interesting team of the offseason okay because like what what what makes them so interesting is is the same reason why they’re going to be attached in every single rumor like whoever Demands a trade this summer whoever uh hits the free agency market after these opt outs and everything they will be attached to the Thunder for the simple fact of logistically and logically it would make sense like like logistically the Thunder have top five in the league cap space they have four open roster spots they have a treasure chest of draft picks and they have a 571 team that’s ready to contend like that’s what they have at their disposal and then you know logically you can sell yourself on this Thunder team has ways to improve and even for as good as they were last year they can get even better they should go be aggressive in these next two years before you have to have those extensions kick in for your young core so that leads to them being in position to do almost anything and it would make sense and you could like defend it uh it’s just a matter of what they actually want to do and then what’s actually available to them versus what we kind of dream up for them man that team has a lot going for them they should have made the West finals this year right they I mean PJ Washington and Derrick Jones Jr the series of their lives H the Thunder fans still can’t get over that they they they still can’t they left them open they left them open for six games and then they’re like ah how dare they and and I think that that’s like that series from them highlights an underrated need for the Thunder of people are going to look at their front Court like lack of front Court depth but in reality the way that they got beat by the Mavs was because the Mavs had Derrick Jones junor and PJ Washington who were willing to take open shots and were willing to have the ball in their hands and and did not shy away from the moment whereas the players who got the Thunder to that point of of a one seed and a sweep and their first playoff series win since 2016 they were deathly afraid of that moment for the majority of that series and didn’t want to take the shot so if you don’t take the shot you have no you have no chance of having an outlier series that’s how you get the shot variances by actually taking the opportunities and the Thunder didn’t have enough guys who are who are actual dogs that were willing to to be in that moment so like that is an underrated need so like this team for as good as they were and you can say so many great things about the thunder that they do have like they they need another playmaker they need uh front Court depth they need some dogs they need some more athletes like they still have ways to really improve and the tools unlike the Suns to actually go do almost anything these are the complete opposite ends of the spectrum is the thunder can do anything the Thunder the Suns can almost do nothing like with with their stuff that they have going on there uh if you’re going to make a prediction what’s one thing that the Thunder do like what’s one player they try to bring in one type of player or even if you have like a specific player that you want them to bring in yeah I I would be pretty shocked if the Thunder didn’t go get someone who has a big contract for the next two years and then it either Fades off or becomes really tradable uh to to kind of maximize the uh you know the cap situation right now because even if you for example go sign Isaiah hardenstein right who who’s not the perfect fit for the Thunder but a guy who’s been linked to them and a guy that people really like for them even if you do just sign him uh if it works out great if not look at how valuable it was just to have someone like a Bruce Brown just like a Bruce Brown to match in in trade talks like having that ability to match in trades was pivotal for the Pacers to go get their seaka so like initially last summer it looked like the Pacers just signed Bruce Brown and overpaid from him a little bit it leads to them getting a huge huge huge piece of their future that’s what you buy yourself you buy yourself that additional time whenever you have a guy like hardenstein com into the fold uh it’s hard to really nail down like a certain player that the Thunder should Target because we just we don’t know enough information of like who’s available like right now hartenstein and Patrick Williams are like the big names but what if a star what if Kevin Durant Demands a trade then all of a sudden that changes everything of what you’re looking at like What if Paul George is all a sudden like hey I’ve been in Oklahoma before this would be a complete 180 from historical precedent of like a a superstar signing in a small Market but I’ve been in Oklahoma I know what this is about like I I’ll come back uh to get a you know two-year Max for with OKC like who knows so it’s tough to nail down but I think that Patrick Williams would be a guy that the Thunder would absolutely look at for the future Paul George on his podcast though just said he wants to just chill and play basketball and make Max money so he could do that in OKC he can just chill and make Max money chill you can fish like Hefner shout out I mean he’s he can bowl he he had a really good bowling streak his first scent in OKC streak as in he scored well or he just played a bunch of days in a row oh I’m sure I’m sure both I’m sure that he was really knocking the pins down and I’m sure there’s nothing else to do there was a redit thread recently what’s the the city in the NBA that players want to live in the least and OKC came up a million times yeah I I I know it’s an Oklahoma and you’re supposed to like fight back on that there’s no real response of like yeah if I had a billion dollars in my bank account what would be the least entertainment option it’d be Oklahoma City even though it’s a fantastic City to actually live in for most people but for millionaires like you can go anywhere in the world I mean come on yeah I’m also not defending Dallas against like the the New Yorks and the LA’s and the Chicagos even though like the Dallas Fort Worth area population wise is getting close to there but we’re not doing that yeah it is Boston hopped on a bird went to Miami after winning a championship so that’s right yeah they didn’t even stay in Boston it was nice there I enjoyed the food there coming up let’s talk about the other teams that are most interesting the Atlanta Hawks have the number one pick and have kind of been a disappointment the last couple years what do they do we’ll talk about all that more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app and you can go get tickets to concerts theater shows sporting events all kinds of stuff WNBA games I went to a Dallas Wings game against the Seattle Storm recently and I used game time I didn’t buy my tickets until I was on my drive on the way from Dallas to Arlington where the wings played took took about a 30-minute drive and I bought them on the way there because you can save up to 60% buying last minute tickets for sports concerts comedy theater with the priority last minute deals that you can get on game time they also have Flash Deals they have Zone deals all in pricing so you can toggle it and see all the fees up front they don’t surprise you at the end they have the your purchases covered by the most flexible customer service policy in the ticketing industry with the game time ticket coverage all that kind of stuff to take the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets concerts movies all that kind of stuff with Game 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Brad Roland over there covering the Atlanta Hawks they’ve got the number one pick in maybe the the least anticipated draft in in recorded history I don’t know that any like I don’t know that there’s a single like casual basketball fan that even is like anywhere interested in this draft at all and they got the number one pick and so you’d think that they would be it would be this great huge thing remember when the ticket office screamed when when the Pelicans got the number one pick for Zion remember when you know the San Antonio Spurs they got wemi and everybody freaked out about it this is not this is not even close to that but the ticket office is weeped they’re like a no this was our luck year of of getting the one pick with Zachary rash I had to say his name out loud like three times before he did this because I was like I’m going to mention him and I don’t want to mess up his name again on here the Hawks though are interesting to me because they’ve been a disappointment the last couple of years they made the Eastern Conference Finals in 2022 then two first round exits in a row then they lost in the play in this past year they’ve got their first their their first apron team they’re like N9 million away from the second apron they’ve got a bunch of contracts actually if you start looking up and down their roster and they’ve got the Trey young dejon Murray back court which I don’t know that anybody thinks that they’re going to stay together together or just or just run it back with those guys like I think they’ll make some kind of move plus they’ve got Jaylen Johnson who’s kind of an interesting player and then they’ve got uh the number one pick like the number one pick in our mock draft we’re literally doing our mock draft right now uh Brad Roland ended up picking uh SAR he picked he picked Alex SAR and to me like Alex SAR is just a little bit bigger Jaylen Johnson the way that I’ve been like what I’ve read and seen about him and so that that’s kind of an interesting fit to me they also have Clint capella still and yo aong Wu uh this team is very interesting to me my first question is do they just run it back yeah at this point it feels like we’ve been getting teased about this whole Murray possible trade and Trey young possible trade for too long for you to put the toothpaste back in the tube it’ be it’d be a little shocking uh I think that at a bare minimum you might run back that backourt but at a bare minimum you have to make some moves like Clint capella I don’t know if he’s still hanging around Atlanta at the start of next year either him or Ana and Kung Wu you can get some value I think for either one of those guys just depending on whoever they they prefer to keep especially if you do add SAR which I do think is the right pick into the fold to run it back with Trey young again I don’t know like is this the time is this the time but I don’t know if there’s somebody interested in him right now because there was a lot of talk about the the Spurs if they want to do that that deal didn’t seem like they were super interested in that who makes that move for Trey young like who is the team that is interested in him and then what are you doing you’re starting over with jonay Murray and Alex SAR like that that’s kind of what you’re doing Murray’s a couple years older than Trey young too so feels like this is a dejonte Murray trade and maybe a Clint capella trade him off before he before people realize that he’s about to fall off in a year year or two uh maybe they try that but at least at least they have Jaylen Johnson they have some interesting stuff they this number one pick that they can they’ll get somebody interesting with and uh but man it’s they’re just such an interesting team like what direction they decide to go in they could trade both of them honestly what if they just trade both the GU both the guards just start over yeah I I wouldn’t hate that option to just hit the reset button completely I’d be curious to see what you could get of of a Trey Young trade and this oftentimes comes off as like bashing Trey young the individual player but more so like you think of the teams that have the assets to pull off a star trade like the Thunder Trey young would not at all fit with what the Thunder are building and their team identity and what they are so like one of the Premier teams for setting you up for the future in a trade would not be an option for a Trey Young trade so like at that point do you just hold on and and keep holding out hope for Trey young and then move on from jonte Murray and move on from uh some of these guys I I think at a bare minimum they have to make a front Court trade I don’t think that you can keep SAR uh anong Wu and Clint capella but full blast I would trade I would trade everyone and just restart completely the trade for Trey young I think is the the Washington Wizards oh Will Dawkins getting getting spicy here I I think that’s the trade because what they’ve got the number two pick see you trade that maybe maybe a future first or two you don’t you really have to send anything else you can keep kozma kozma’s hanging out there that to me that’s an interesting one I don’t know what you do with Jordan P after that maybe just bring him off the bench but that’s that’s the team that that’s the team I’m that’s the team I’m interested in with uh with a potential Trey Young trade cuz they need to move the needle some somehow they need to move it in some way yeah I would be shocked if they just completely ran it back yeah what’s your other interesting team my other interesting team I debated between a couple options but I settled on the Cleveland Cavaliers because they just I could I could make the argument in a very passionate way that that they should understand they’re just at Best of four seed they’re they might have a sneaky good regular season if they if they actually try because often times that’s all it comes down to the modern NBA is if you’re healthy and you try but east especially in the East but when push comes to shove like they’re not going to beat any of the big powers in out east how little that there are they’re not going to be a legitimate Contender out east even so you might as well just reset everything but on the other hand there are not reset everything like the so they the big talk so Danny Kan on lock down has been talking about the core four Darius Garland Donovan Mitchell Evan Moy Jared Allen you just reset all four of them you just trade them all off I would be I would be interested in in what what that looks like of do you then top what like Oklahoma City got whenever they reset everything and now you give yourself the stability of we have this massive Runway of like if one guy hits plus we have all this draft capital and we assuredly then at that point have a lot of cap space as well like we are just the most flexible franchise for the future and all it cost us was some guys that aren’t good enough anyway and I I don’t I don’t really know if that’s a bad option or not I I would I would really argue against running it back though because I just don’t see the value in running it back if you’re Cleveland besides to give your fan base a fun regular season which if you want to make that argument I guess that’s fine but they’re not at all true contenders and I’d rather just just trade it trade like Mitchell or trade Garland one of the two especially now because you’re never going to get more value than this because the the least you know the less Club control that you have of of the player whenever you deal them the less you’re G to get back for them and so it’s a tough decision to make like the like the Thunder who got set up in that position they could have ran it back with Paul Georg and Russ and yeah exit and it was they would have had a fun regular season would have been on paper contenders they weren’t 23 and 24 though that’s the thing about Garland Garland and Moy is like if they’re gonna Mo aren’t MVP caliber guys though no they’re not they’re not and I don’t know I don’t know that they’re on their way to being that either even Moy like we we hoped that he would be on that path but it doesn’t it doesn’t look like he’s getting there anytime soon if he is it it would take some kind of leap a little later in his career uh to do that but yeah that one’s an interesting one yeah I’ve been I’ve been listening to to uh to Danny Cunningham on lock on Cavs and he doesn’t think that going to trade any of the the four like he kind of he kind of wanted them to there’s been a darus Garland like rumored trade request Donovan Mitchell is you know always wanted to go to to New York it seems like maybe that’ll happen maybe it won’t happen seems like Jared Allen is the only one that’s like cool hanging cool hanging out there and he got thrown into the bus by JB bicker staff but the the only way I’d run it back is if you were 100% certain that Mitchell wants to be a Cleveland Cavalier and wants to be like there for a significant portion of time the only real settling point for that would be there’s only 30 gigs like you can only be the face of 30 franchises so to be the face of a franchise is really really really cool and a franchise that could see everything break their way like we just saw how the the East got decimated by injuries they they were they only needed a couple more to to like be the last team standing not that you wish injury at all on anyone but it just shows like the the war of attrition that you have to go through that you can see things break your way and you but to see it break your way you have to be in that position to be in the playoffs and to be uh a top team in the East which you can only do if you run it back so it’s it’s very interesting because I don’t think that there’s necessarily a wrong answer uh and so you just kind of pick whatever you it’s a pick your an adventure type of storyline the wrong one is like a year from now when we know what like what actually happened in the season but they were only one win away from avoiding the Celtics in that bracket and then they’re probably in the Eastern Conference Finals and then we’re like talking about them like the Hawks a couple years ago right I mean that I I say I say you just it back and try it again I I say you just you keep trying it see what happens uh maybe you get some kind of if you get a crazy offer for a Garland or or a Mitchell or something like that then maybe you retool on the Fly and try that but yeah you’re not really going anywhere but I mean you don’t have you don’t have the one piece to you’re you’re not sitting like the Dallas Mavericks last year you have a top five player and you’ve got to make a move because you are one move away from going to going to the finals I guess which apparently they just did so uh those are the teams that are interesting to us coming up let’s play count it up where we count on the most interesting fun things in the NBA including Jason Tatum just trying to have it all today’s episode is brought to you by prize piix prize piix daily Fantasy Made Easy all you have to do is go to priz or download the app and you can pick more or less than two to six players stat projections so you just pick two to six players they got their stat projections already you don’t have to make them up you just have to pick more or less it’s literally your only option so they’ve got the WNBA right now there’s a couple options in front of me I’m going to go Sabrina incu of the Liberty playing against the Sparks 17 and a half points I’m gonna go you know what give me less on that but give me Banna Stewart more on 19 and a half so I’m going to do that one Brianna Stewart nine and a half rebounds give me less on that one J quell Jones eight rebounds I’m gonna go more on JN quell uh Sabrina anesu assist six and a half give me more I took less on the points so give me more on the assist let me do one more of these uh JN Jones 16 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Boston Celtics he’s now has won an NBA champion he uh Championship he did not win the finals MVP but he won the MVP of the guy that tried the most like like ending like winning lines after after the series he tried to to end it with the final line he tried every single line he’d heard someone else say after winning a title uh and here’s a couple of them with with who he was quoting basically afterwards which is kind of funny it up we did it we did it anything’s possible anything’s possible Garnett they going to say now what they going to say now what are they going say now what are they going Curry I everybody wonder what would happen if he didn’t [Applause] win I guess I guess we’ll never know this’s Kanye tough I didn’t know you could still do that year our lord4 I guess we’ll never know so he he he quotes Kevin Garnett he like emulates Kevin Garnett Steph Curry the Kanye quote he’s doing it all yeah he did the Kobe picture too afterwards my question is which Tatum line worked the best which one did you actually feel was him yeah you know it’s it’s tough because none of them feel like a Jason Tatum original uh these are all kind of uh clear copy C cop at least he didn’t say the same words as Kevin Garn at least he didn’t go anything that’s possible like at least he didn’t do that yeah I will say he deserves an Oscar for the we did it we did it because it it’s you have to watch him if you watch the way his face lights up after the first we did it it it sells you on the whole like that was just pure emotion and Elation and Jubilation and the biggest moment of his life and like that’s what came out of his mouth but looking at it side by side with Kevin Garnett on audio only it’s like well this was this was clearly stage his face you got to see the face though so I’ll go with the I’ll go with the kg Al will say very tough also that kg Celtics title Tatum Celtics title it adds fuel to the fire I was shocked that they did not pour Gatorade on Joe moula uh I think the I guess we’ll never know worked the best because you know he was sloshed he was Trashed by the time he did that and he actually did pull off that line very very well at that point in there the thing that he actually did the best was the lifting up of Deuce with that photo of all the confetti I mean that was the best thing like that’s the iconic thing that will come back it won’t be any of these like lines that he rehearsed or anything like that but uh but yeah he he pulled off that one uh Rich Paul recently there was a story from Draft Express Jonathan gavone of ESPN Rich Paul confirmed that bronnie James had worked out for just two NBA teams the Suns we already talked about and the LA Lakers he said that’s by Design but there are also three teams in interested in bronny James the Timberwolves he said I don’t know who their owner will be the Mavericks niik Harrison is like an uncle to bronny James and then Toronto at 31 he said Messi loves bronnie my question is where do you want bronny to end up yeah I I would want Brony to end up either in Phoenix or in Dallas because those are two teams that like it would be pandemonium if he went to one of those two because there’s already been the little Whispers of like the Suns yeah the suns are gonna somehow get Kevin gonna get somehow Kevin Durant paired up with LeBron and Brony and be and Booker and then you have the Kyrie Dallas connection of like well they got bronie they got Kyrie L you know you know LeBron wants to be back with Kyrie and it’s just gonna be a fun content cycle for those two teams I think that’d be a lot of fun and uh for Dallas I mean the Texas Legends aren’t far far away and you can go fris and and they’ll come to Oklahoma City quite a bit so that’ll be a lot of fun as well you’ve already got the connection with Kyrie remember last year when Kyrie was about to be uh resigned there was the talks with the Suns for Kyrie but then there’s also talks with the Lakers and then there was that story that came out of nowhere it was like actually Kyrie is recruiting LeBron to Dallas and you’re like wait what how is that supposed to happen well hey this is the way that it could happen uh I I want to I don’t know where I I don’t know where I want to I want to see him go somewhere that is nowhere near any of these places Toronto I guess let’s go Toronto at 31 that that I think is another good option because like imagine the storyline of like lebronto into now he’s a raptor like now he’s a raptor lebronto Jr yeah lebronto Jr only this time it’s the positive Edition yeah you can get the actual so wherever bronnie ends up that he’s the most he’s probably the most recognizable player in this draft which is wild to me it’s him Zack Edy and probably that’s it yeah that’s that’s all of the notoriety from a casual fan standpoint of like Zach Edy uh and what’s crazy is there’s also a two-time NCAA champion in this draft that that uh that’s gonna be Don Klan just think of like the Florida Gators that went back toback with Bly honovan the the two schools that went back to back the notoriety is completely different the landscape is completely different of how popular uh their runs were well people knew I think people knew Jaylen Brunson when he was you know he was two time and he went but he went like beginning of the second round my last one real quick Charles Barkley announced that he’s retiring from TV at the conclusion of the 20242 season so this upcoming NBA season my question is do you buy his bluff will Chuck actually not be on TV after next NBA season I I don’t believe it I think that like there’s going to be some iteration of a Charles Barkley television appearance because uh frankly there’s just no reason for they not to be of yeah it’s it’s great leverage right now talk about retiring and everything but at the end of the day no matter if it’s for a Turner or if it’s for a different network you can’t beat getting paid to just talk sports with the fellas and I think that like you it’s really tough to give that up in actuality uh especially if you’re such a uh outgoing person and a charismatic person by all accounts like it’s going to be a part of his life that I think seems easy to give up on right now uh but once you’re just toiling your thbs a little bit it’s less and less and less fun as the as the weeks go by and you just want to hop in and create some form of content again and I think that that’ll be on a television space where he’s like more comfortable it’s a bluff to me it’s a bluff not buying it I think I think he’ll be back after that I think that he said hey I’m gonna retire from TV unless you guys put something together but he’s not gonna announce the unless you guys put something together thing out loud right this is exactly like the the it’s a hold out it’s it’s like it’s almost like a hold out or a threat from retirement from a player I mean we’ve it over and over again and he’s just a player doing it on the opposite side of of his of his career so no it’s a bluff to me let me know what you think in the comment section guys let me know what you think is the most interesting team going into the offseason go check out Ryland Styles at locked on Thunder I’m doing locked on Mavs still post finals talking about all kinds of offseason stuff uh your show is probably more interesting than mine at this point with all the options you have over over at the Thunder but uh we have all that guys thanks much for listening to locked on NBA hanging out with us this week we’ll be back tomorrow Adam MZ and West Goldberg while the draft this week thanks so much for listening to locked on NBA

Which NBA teams are the most interesting going into the NBA Offseason? Will the Phoenix Suns have to trade Kevin Durant or be able to make a move to help Devin Booker & Bradley Beal? What will the Oklahoma City Thunder do with all their options to help Shai Gilgeous-Alexander?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnMavericks & Rylan Stiles @LockedOnThunder share the most interesting teams in the offseason including the Phoenix Suns, Oklahoma City Thunder, Atlanta Hawks, and Cleveland Cavaliers.

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  1. Suns are stuckā€¦ they should trade asay their stars and get as much draft picks as possible.

  2. Nick, the mavs are a good example that the roster can improve for the Suns. You guys were in a bad situation last summer and look at the run the mavs had. JJ has to get creative and get it right.

  3. F no on Durant or George going back to the Thunder. Been there done that. They would screw up the chemistry. Keep the core under 30. They're traitors!!!! lol. I'm going to keep reiterating this: Claxton, Claxton, Claxton.

  4. Nick will yall be doing another Locked on NBA Mock draft with all of the team channel managers again? I really enjoyed that last year

  5. For the Mavs maybe try to acquire Bruce Brown raptors are trying to rebuild, unload THJ and give up frp? Or ask if Middleton is available.

  6. Lake Hefner? Note to anyone watching… Never take fishing advice from Rylan Stiles. Good grief brother šŸ˜‚

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