@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks vs Celtics Recap: Luka, Kyrie, Dallas stomp Boston, 122-84

Mavericks vs Celtics Recap: Luka, Kyrie, Dallas stomp Boston, 122-84

[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hello friends welcome to pod Maverick after dark I’m Kirk Henderson and I am joined as almost always by Josh Bo fellow editor over at Mavs money Josh the Dallas Mavericks just won the NBA Championship how are you feeling I’m feeling great let’s go to Disney World two does this one count for two is that how that works I just my brain’s not really functioning I’m just gonna be honest I I’ve had several days in a row on top of a you know six or seven month period where I just haven’t gotten enough sleep and a lot of that is Choice stay up late do podcasts have a small child get a puppy these things are compounding and I am I am not all here and when someone else volunteered to take the recap off my hands tonight at M Moneyball I was elated because my brain’s just not there and then I’m sitting there watching this first quarter first quarter of the game so for those of you who may not have been paying any attention because you were checked out on the series and quite candidly I don’t blame you that the Dallas Mavericks beat the Celtics 122 to 84 and the team that showed up tonight was just I mean really on both sides the team that showed up for the Mavericks like was not we haven’t seen them play like this since game five against the wolves um um the first quarter was really really something where the Mavericks play I’m trying to think like what was different about the quarter other than the fact that the defensive intensity and the the decision making on the defensive choices like the switches felt a lot firmer um the Boston offense was a little laxidasical like what what about it what was different about the start of the game to you I think the biggest thing so funny enough offensively because we talked about this after game three I didn’t see a ton of like adjustments scheme wise I mean they more lineup wise uh which we can get into but that didn’t really show as much in the first quarter because they didn’t start making subs you know till the second quarter uh because the Mavericks still you know they had 21 assists which is not a terribly High assist game you know Luca and Kyrie still scored the majority of the points they still took the majority of the shots um the Mavericks only had five they had five players in double figures but two of them happened in garbage time Tim marway Jr and then exm hit some shots in the fourth quarter also so they really only had three in the game so so like all the things we talked about for game three you know too much oneon-one basketball uh you know the Celtics kind of shading their defense so that they’re not gonna Blitz or trap Luca or Kyrie but they’re still gonna make things difficult make them try to take difficult contested long twos like some of that stuff still kind of happened but the Mavericks just made shots and that’s what Kyrie uh you know when when I you that was one of the questions I got to ask after game three was you know they’re taking away Gafford and Lively and Jones and Washington scoring what’s your counter to that with the way they’re playing you and to him he said we have you know my when he said we he’s referring to himself and Luca saying we have to be more efficient with our opportunities with the thinking being if we can just keep punishing that that coverage by ourselves then then that’s going to maybe force them out of their comfort zone and I know a lot of people wanted them to try to some different stuff um and really that’s kind of what happened the Luca and Kyrie were incredibly efficient on two pointers the Mavericks were for the game 30 of 49 in the paint That’s 61% they were 18 of 26 in the restricted area they were 12 of 23 in the paint outside the restricted area I think Luca in particular yeah Luca was five of six at The Rim six of 10 in the paint away from the rim like easily their best paint game they scored 60 points in the paint so they were they were kind of right they they took they just took that coverage and were like okay we’re just not going to miss these paint shots we’ve been missing and then their defense was a little bit but that that was the story to me is it just feels like they kind of took what Boston was giving them and just were Ultra efficient with it well and as the game were on and we’re talking second in third quarters because the game was over with by Midway through the third the Luca was scoring so often and so easily that the natural inclination from the Boston defenders in the corners was to peel off like I think I yeah I think I saw some doubles for the first time in this series there was a a Josh Green three-pointer where he got fouled by by Jaylen Brown where he stepped in on a Luca and Luca just whizzes it past his ear that doesn’t happen in games one through three Amanda Jackson in the comments makes a a really fantastic point I can’t believe I didn’t remember and this just shows you how much brain warms I have she says Lively making that three completely broke the game the game was tight until that moment and I I I tell you what I 100% agree with her that was the kind of shot where first of all Derek Lively hitting his first three in the NBA Finals hitting his first three of the NBA season is that correct I don’t know he’s the youngest player to hit a three in the finals to go along with being the first player since Magic Johnson to be a rookie with multiple double doubles in the NBA Finals um I’m I’m just I’m you know I might look up that Lively stat in a bit but I just truly incredible stuff there and you know the way Luca was scoring the kind of I still felt like in the first quarter he he got a lot of calls this game that’s just a simple fact um yeah the Mavericks took 22 22 free throw attempts well that’s honestly but with how physical the Celtics defense was with him you know you had Drew holiday out there body bumping him 50 feet away from the basket and I’m okay with them not calling that sort of stuff because I felt like it was pretty consistent but the Mavericks don’t guard the Celtics guys that far from the hoop that’s just not a choice they’re making but it’s really it’s really interesting to watch Luca channel the frustrations that he was having in game three and you know we we’ve talked about this a lot it’s fine and I know some people don’t like it when we talk about this but I don’t really care um when Luca channels his emotional energy to just playing and to not barking it has a trick it it affects the team the same way as when the polar opposite of when he does talk because I think it it the energy is so negative and I I know I sound ridiculous uh to a degree like I’m a you know lady with crystals talking about feelings and stuff but over the course of the game Luca talking so much just matters and he didn’t do it at all in the first half tonight I don’t really remember him complaining once to be quite honest with you and I’m sure he did it’s just part of the game but he he really you know slowly took over and and was just sort of everywhere in that first quarter and first half and it just like he had 25 points a half yeah he was incredible well I mean how many did he finish with here I don’t even know only had 20 finish only with 29 so only had four in the second in the in the second half because they were just yeah they were we I mean and and you know his 2955 and and three s and only one turn turnover like that really doesn’t address the impact I was talking about the free throws them a little bit I think that that got the Celtics a little bit off-kilter like that if if I’m a Celtics fan and I’m I’m I’m you know I could be off key here but like getting beat like this would would not make me like you gotta be like okay [ __ ] what did we do here you know is is I mean I still think the the Celtics are a really absolutely in incredible basketball team so I don’t want to you know teams are allowed to have bad bad games hell we’ve seen the Mavericks have some bad games but it’s just I’m not exactly like a big like you know if if you if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here kind of guy but like you watch that game and you’re like all right they believe did the Mavericks find a little something like you know I mean we’ve not really we’re kind of skipping to the end because the Mavericks come out of the halftime and I think they were up 26 or something like that halftime yeah 35 it was like 35 to 61 something like that yeah that was it God they held Boston to 14 points in the second quarter just incredible stuff the stat oh go ahead go ahead well the game was over you know the Midway through the third the game was over yeah uh the stat of the game in the stat of the series really uh Mavericks had seven Corner three attempts which isn’t you know still not a lot uh they only had five in game three so they improved but here’s the here’s the the kicker they had seven Corner through attempts the Celtics had six it’s the first time all series Mavericks have had more Corner threes than the Celtics not a surprise Celtics had 18 Corner threes in game three and then they have go down to six like that that’s the game I feel it feels really stupid we could talk here for an hour about all these different things but like that just look at that number and that kind of tells you how the game went it’s not a shocker that this was the worst game R Parker in the chat with a excellent not like a counter stat but something that I think is worth talking about here oh yeah Kyrie and luga were one of 14 from three and the Mavericks won by 40 points that is CRA [ __ ] nuts he scored 60 points in the paint Luca was 11 of 16 in the paint like not overall 11 of 16 in the paint oh he just he gets that you know and it’s so funny we’ve talked about this for years he gets that left shoulder past the defender’s hip and he usually likes the guy to ride him and wants to throw an oop or kick it out to the corner I mean what did you say he was five of six at The Rim five of six restricted area yeah restricted area okay and the one that he missed I remember it where there’s just a little too much sauce on it that’s all like it’s almost like he was he was surprised he was all the way there um so that was that was really something um I mean Luca made more shots in the paint tonight than the Celtics did as a team Celtics made 13 shots in the that’s a great Pivot Point okay Maverick’s offense came alive Maverick’s defense was spectacular I there were some Luca stops not like feel like a stop a Luca stop at The Rim is a sentence that doesn’t make sense but he sort of stonewalled Tatum a couple of times early Tatum only finished 4- 10 um and it was like even the announcers were like who hey what’s happening here and I I don’t want to sit here and act like Luca answered all the defensive questions about him that were raised after game three but we have to absolutely give credit to the man’s defensive effort in that game oh yeah I mean half the battle was just getting back on you know getting back on defense like when you talk about complaining like it’s not the complaining necessar like because like you said all prominent NBA players complain of the refs the thing with LCA that sticks out is that his complaining seems more detrimental to like the play because just the way that he times it and like you know not getting back on defense um we talked you know we talked in slack we didn’t talk on the podcast about that play in game three in the first quarter uh when he was on the floor and the bench was like yelling at him to get back like none of that was happening at all like he was you know just getting back in transition makes a world of difference especially with the Celtics team and when how they can get you all mixed up with cross matches and everyone can shoot and like they’re playing you know four or five guys that can all rip from Deep he just G to get back you know and like I you know he was back almost every time and I think that just helped stabilize the H they help them get into their half court a little bit better and they’re a much better half court defensive team with all these Rim protectors and their length like they can use it to their advantage when they’re kind of set and settled and that happens when Luca is getting back on defense which I thought he did a great job of so you take out these threes that Luka took Luka was sorry I’m bouncing all over he had no he had no legs on his three but that’s okay so funny but all right so you back out those threes he was 12 of 12 of 18 from the floor my god oh yeah he was absolutely dominant in the paint yeah limiting the Celtics to six Corner threes is huge Celtics I mean definitely the Celtics kind of got a little loose with the ball in terms of like they kind of just I mean there’s definitely a you don’t win by 38 points without the other team like helping you out a little bit like in the finals like the Celtics definitely didn’t give their best effort but the Mavericks were were way sharper I thought Lively had an awesome game defensively and I think that’s kind of the key for them is can Lively look like Lively can he play in space because I think those first three first two two games you know It’s just tough because he just doesn’t see this like the five out spacing like we’ve seen him struggle with that in the regular season I feel like he’s just getting more reps and he’s feeling more comfortable I think the Mavericks did a better job you know I’d have to go back and rewatch because I could be just saying this you know I could be completely off base here so correct so I’m sorry if wrong here but I felt like in game three they were very specific they were very diligent in keeping Lively and gaffer near the rim at all times because I think they were just they just did not want their bigs guarding in space and I felt like tonight they trusted their bigs a little bit more to to play out and guard the corners but also trust that they can recover with that length and with Lively and Gafford they both have foot speed I get out cover that ground like Gafford had that block on that Tatum three that was nuts I felt like they trusted The Bigs a little bit more to expand their responsibility whereas in game three it felt like they were like hey don’t leave the paint and Boston got so many threes because they’re just like don’t leave the paint don’t worry about it and I felt like they they just tweaked a little bit so that those guys could kind of roam a little bit farther because they’re so like I mean Lively’s got what a seven seven wingspan right like he can recover to the corner and and to the paint That’s not the corner to the to the rim that’s the shortest distance from the three-point line to the rim obviously it’s the short you know it’s just shorter than the above the break like you use that to try to ward off some of those Corner threes and I thought the Mavericks did a better job trusting him and then it’s up to Lively to reward that trust and he did in a big way oh yeah and I I think like the Lively of it all is you know we talked about the corner three earlier um his offensive rebounding was huge so like you know Bill Simmons was it I don’t know I listen i’ I’ve I’ve listened to every NBA podcast I know a lot of fans skip stuff whenever the Mavericks lose I don’t blame them it’s like why do you want to hear but I’m I’m always interested into hearing of what various either commentators or experts have to say about the Mavericks and one show I listened to pointed out just how sort of at of control Lively was in Boston and I think that’s accurate like he was that’s not a criticism it’s just sort of a statement of fact these two games in Dallas I mean it it the game three effort from him was really truly amazing and then watching him do it again tonight but in a in in a way that the Mavericks were really rewarded um is is quite something like there beyond the like there just so many like fun plays that I can’t wait to to see how he expounds upon there was I’m pretty sure one it was a crosscourt they’re at opposite Wings in a fast break Luca passes to Kyrie at the right wing from the left wing during a fast break and then Kyrie flips it to L uh to to um Lively for a dunk and D they they paned it to Dirk and and Patrick Dumont and they’re just dying laughing because it’s I I don’t know if I’m ever really gonna get used to this sort of verticality with with Mavericks basketball man like it’s so fun to watch and makes you wonder sort of what the team building guys were thinking several years ago and it’s like let’s only give Luca Shooters yeah no one that can run and jump the verticality element of the game when there’s space gives us a lot of room so yeah ah I mean it’s not a surprise they I mean what Gafford and Lively combined for 18 points that’s the easily the most they’ve had in a game combined like and when those guys are scoring that’s usually a good indication that Mavericks are going to win so right that was big and then we didn’t even get you know I don’t know if you want to take a break before we get into it I think was kind of like low key the best adjustment they made tonight yeah let’s do that let’s let’s do it let’s take a quick break all right friends family we have fewer people here than I would have thought following a a win but those of you who are here if you’re new to the show go ahead and hit the Subscribe button if you’re here on YouTube if you’re watching from Twitter head on over to YouTube we’re at pod Maverick we go live after every game you can participate in the comments have a good time um following the first podcast year I will do a secondary show where I would like you as a fan base to come up here and talk a little ball with me um after game three there’s a lot of like that was a long show I was very surprised about that where lots of people it took a while to get going but it was a lot of fun um you know we do this after every show next season when I’m back to not having a baby I will probably be doing this more often but I’ve done it after every playoff game and it’s it’s been a great time um last thing if you’re listening on an audio stream we’re going to insert some ads here uh if you could go ahead and listen to those I would very much appreciate it that’s how Josh and I make a little bit of money and we will be right back all right my wife is across the room did you hear that uh no I didn’t I didn’t she just goes where’s your baby going next season and I’m just like well we’re not going to be up because I mean there were I mean it’s pretty silly thinking about the stream or thinking about this but I mean in November like had a baby I like the baby was joining us in the episodes like that doesn’t happen anymore um anyway we are back uh what did you say you you would you would recommended we break and then you said you had to take you wanted what are you thinking oh yeah I think because schematically on the offensive end I don’t think there was a lot of adjustments Kyrie I don’t think got like because the thing I keep looking for is Kyrie catch and shoot threes and they just are not happening I think he had like one or two and one of them was off an offensive rebound so not necessarily off of like off Ball action yep so that’s still something that they have they need they can look at but I thought when we’re talking adjustments the exm green minutes in the first half um were huge and green played a little bit more in game three he’s actually been playing a decent amount this series he’s averaging now about you know right right right around near 20 20 minutes per game but he had 20 22 in game three after 14 minutes in game two um and I know he had 18 minutes it’s not even the most minutes he’s played but he had a lot of impactful I felt early first half minutes and so did exm who played his most minutes in the series and you think about it you think about how Boston is guarding Dallas and the way that they are letting Kyrie and Luca work one-on-one the way that they are kind of shading help coverage not necessarily from the corners but you know whoever’s near the rim the if there’s a big if live Gaff in the game they’re kind of putting a defender in the paint to to ward off Luca and Kyrie they’re kind of helping off the above the break players they’re helping a little bit they’re not outright trapping but again you know it’s almost like a shell kind of Defense with you know they’re okay with LC Kyrie taking oneone shots and then if they get a little closer to the basket then they maybe send one it’s not that trap and Blitz that we saw you know Oklahoma City and the Clippers and Timberwolves do and what makes that hard is that means there’s more you know your role players have more responsibility to try to do something you know they’re they’re basically saying hey we don’t care if a role player has a little extra space or can play one you know go one-on-one because we don’t feel like your role players can beat us oneon-one and they don’t get that extra room if we’re not doubling and trapping so you think about PJ was you know obviously PJ Washington Derrick Jones Jr Lively Gafford who are their main role players outside of you know past luuka K those guys aren’t really going to beat you off the dribble that much PJ can do it a little bit D PJ stumbled in the lane and I had a great layup I was at I think I was at I was at PCA yesterday and I I think I was talking with the basketball coach of of that program over there and I was just like we’re talking about the different guys in Mavericks that can attack the basket and PJ still a young man but he’s got like he’s got to tighten up this dribble like he gets into the paint and it’s like okay turnover yeah for sure uh so that’s something you can work on but you green and exm are are probably outside of Kyrie and Luca their most dynamic players with the ball in terms of being able to dribble and pass right maybe Hardy but I think I I would trust green and exm as pastors more than Hardy and so it makes sense when if these Boston Celtics if the Boston Celtics defense is like Hey we’re gonna we’re not going to give your role players a ton of space or we might shade off them a little bit but we’re going to close out on them right like green and exom being able to attack Closeouts being able to attack one on one coverage and move the ball touch the paint kick out or finish is just such a Difference Maker when you’ve got PJ and and Derrick Jones Jr who are just kind of like we need to catch and shoot like that’s kind of what they want to do we want to catch and shoot where green and exom can catch and go like and and that just makes such a big difference uh and I don’t know if that’s gonna last we’ll see you know well you got to play Exum that’s what made what made kids kids decision in game three to [ __ ] put Tim Hardway in for 37 minutes so stupid exm dunked the ball and he never saw the floor again I know it was very weird like it’s a like like I’m sorry like and kid got salty about it in the postgame presser and I’m like I’m sorry boss it was a bad call tonight they made a better call they left him out there they and granted kid has been you know basically playing third guard roulette for the better part of three you know three series now so I don’t entirely hold it against him but man those guys looked good that was really they were difference makers and they only had one assist between them I think let me see yeah Green had one X-Men zero so sure it’s not about assists but Xmen was pushing and attacking there was one layup I mean kind of floater shot really where they couldn’t get the ball to Luca and like seven seconds he just kind of in my mind I always think of it as like the volleyball line like right in like right past half court where it’s like and he just takes off in scores at The Rim you know they wiped a three off the floor off the um off the books because they said he had a a heel touch and then he hit another three later like that like that’s one thing I just haven’t entirely understood about this playoff run is exom can’t you know he’s four or seven from the floor two of four from three exom can’t do anything if he’s not gonna get opportunity do you know what I mean yeah and to be fair like he looked really bad in that Celtics series not Celtics sorry the the Clippers he didn’t look great in the Thunder and then didn’t really get another chance after that he had like a a good for minutes or whatever in in one of the Wolves games and he didn’t play anymore after that right and I think kid just did you know after those first two series just didn’t trust him um for you know for multitude of reasons but yeah he’s this is this might be a good matchup for those two and and again it’s not you know you look at their numbers and yeah ex gotten into double figures like green like Josh Green only had three points and but his energy was move but the movement and the dynamicism of his play I thought made a big difference compared to how standly a lot of the other Mavericks role players can get that that’s true yeah no it absolutely does uh though and this is not this is this is only in my head because I saw a like a mixtape of Drew holiday working out in the offseason and it was a a mixtape of him playing defense and blocking the [ __ ] out of guys trying to score on him and green gets this step from the right wing or right corner past holiday and he he basically tries to use the rim as a means of protection to get the shot up and Drew just swatted him from behind and I was like man like Drew is Drew is one of the most terrifying defenders in the league like luc’s already talked about it it’s not news but like every time I see him do something it’s like man this guy is special anyway yeah for sure and um you know I think we need to note this was their SEC you know no Kristof porzingis again for the most most part for the Celtics and you’re finally starting to see you know without christops that they can look a little more vulnerable Al Horford played 23 minutes and had one shot like he does not have the trigger that KP does and like it turns that five out spacing in a little different on its head and it’s kind of what we saw remember when the Mavericks played the Thunder with Chet hram and it’s like oh what are the Mavericks gonna do against that five out spacing it’s like well H’s release isn’t there yet and he’s he was a rookie so he’s going to get there he’s going to get better but his release isn’t there he doesn’t actually get up as many attempts as you would think and for me volume is King like the percentage is great but it’s how many shots are you gonna get up that’s what’s really going to put the fear of God into a defense and a Horford’s trigger is just not the same as K like say what you will about KP he’s had Seasons where he shoots like 34 35% and you’re kind of like why doesn’t he shoot better but he also gets up like eight or nine a game and it just keeps the defense honest and hor only got up one shot in 23 minutes like it just changes the floor balance I think a little bit it makes it easier for the Mavericks to cheat recover use their size and length to their advantage well and and I will say you know this was the first game like the scheduling of these finals is wonky so they they have two days off between every game up until now where they get one day off and that one day rest I mean Horford’s 38 I think he’s one of the oldest players in the league so asking him to be ready to go again is tough it’s a tough ask and he’s basically been the starter all playoffs and so you know Xavier Tilman has been like quite candidly remarkable um in in how he’s been called like in what he’s done like he’s guarded Luca really well on the switches and so it’s but at the same time it’s just it’s a different look it’s a because it’s it’s the we we’ve talked about this for years really before this current iteration of the Mavericks but like one of the reasons that Tim Hardway was so important to previous iterations of this team is because he would actually shoot the [ __ ] ball right and and it’s like it doesn’t do you any good like I mean Maxi had a good game so I’m gonna but I’m gonna pick on him for a second he got a corner he got a left corner three where he ended up driving and getting fouled but he pass faked to no one on the Baseline like do you remember this I might have missed this one he got free throws off the drive but he pass faked to the Baseline I yelled at my TV and then he took it off the dribble anyway I bring that up I bring that up to say it’s like you just got to be willing to shoot and if you’re willing to shoot your Defender will kind of it’s in you know you have it in the The Scouting like he’s you know M it’s like Maxi CA is not a stretch five because he doesn’t shoot anymore right like they don’t care if he takes the shot we versus Horford if if Horford’s gonna shoot like the Mavericks are like oh [ __ ] we’re not giving it up to Horford um but he’s just not at the same time he’s also not a catch and shoot guy like he’s I’m sorry that’s not correct he’s not a like a totally he’s not gonna get up 10 threes in a game right he’s not a totally willing trigger man is what I’m trying to say yeah there you go yeah yeah it’s just a it’s a difference for sure and his release is a little bit slow like KP he gets that shot up like oh my God it’s just incredible shot when KP gets it up anyhow right so I think that’s a big difference for sure well is there anything else we want to touch on or should uh you got show yeah I got writing to do you got a live show to do um but yeah that was fun you know well we got even if the Mavericks lose game five like that was just cool for for the fan you know for the fans that were able to I needed that a little bit for my own yeah you know it just helps right like I was I I just quite candidly was getting sick and tired of all the dumb [ __ ] and I’m sorry for my cursing actually I’m not that sorry for my cursing I’m getting tired of all the dumb [ __ ] who are like our team should have been here and and I just am constantly reminded of of the scene from The Social Network where the Mark Zuckerberg character is like if you would have invented Facebook then you would have invented Facebook if your team should have been here you would have you should have won the game shut up you know like you don’t see me sitting here talking about how if Dereck white doesn’t make multiple absolutely crazy shots maybe the Mavericks are up in this series do you know why because he made the shots this [ __ ] matters like I don’t it’s so disrespectful oh I don’t know about these Mavericks it’s like Kendrick perkins’s talking about how Luca Stock’s gone down because of the finals kiss my ass they in the [ __ ] NBA Finals his deepest playoff run ever in his career my God doing now we can criticize and you should criticize the Mavericks for some of the things that have happened but they still got here right my goodness like I’m and so with that in mind I’m just really glad that that the Mavericks that the Mavericks did this so right everyone’s everyone’s uh you got free to fire back on your podcast because I know every time I the Mavericks lose see a bunch of fans that are like well I’m not reading or listening to anything for the next 48 hours right and it’s always our most loyal people too that’s the funny part anyhow okay so I’m gonna head over to the live show those of you who are listening on an audio stream that’ll get posted at some point on Saturday um and then Josh and I will be back Monday night we’ll see what’s going on here everybody head over to mavmoney multiple times over the weekend we’ll see what we’re going to be doing here oh hey quick shout out to two super chats this is incredible Cameron Drummond sent us $50 that’s a lot man that’s a hell of a Super Chat listen after every game love the podcast thanks for all the hard work from both of you this season Mavs and seven appreciate that man JM 3245 sent us $10 he says I’m pledging a hundred bucks if Mavericks win game seven you know that’s a pretty that’s pretty amazing all right guys uh hang around if you’re here in the live stream and we’ll be right back everybody uh thanks so much for hanging out and let’s go Mavs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hello friends welcome to Mavs party it’s really nice to be here after a win after so many days because feels like it’s been two weeks since the Mavericks won uh you’re joining me after the Dallas Mavericks beat the crap out of the Boston Celtics 122 to 84 you’re also if you’re here at the live stream you’re joining us following Josh and I talking and I forgot to Raz Josh after this so you guys know we were uh having a live uh um group therapy the other night after the Mavericks lost and I couldn’t figure out why the show ended I thought it was just a glitch all of a sudden the show ended well I learned today took Josh two days to cop to this Josh ended the stream from his phone so congratulations to joshb for being the first person to prematurely end M’s party because we go on this thing forever so anyway that was pretty funny all right so first I’m gonna bring up my man sudar Shan from across the world in India and we’re gonna let him talk and then get back to his day but sudar Shan welcome to the show what’s going on man hey man good morning it’s the perfect start to the weekend that’s exactly right what’ you think of the game it was I mean cook we have to talk about Jason patum now he has to stop bitching at the officials and play good defense see that tunnel over there it’s where the winners are I mean it was kind of ridiculous the the kind of discourse over the past day and a half it was yeah I mean um I usually I mean I don’t we don’t get ESPN over here so I usually follow through all the YouTube clips or whatever bootleg streams that people put up on YouTube but I mean oh my God wind host acting like as if he was uh Luca’s lifetime Mentor or his biggest fan acting so disappointed with I don’t hate it though because like like and my man Brian who’s waiting down there is like I don’t agree with anything that Wendy said more or less but like I wouldn’t listen to it I’m like look I I missed the first quarter of game three and I I earnestly believe that first quarter game three is where the Mavericks lost that game um not not later on because they were just they were just out of it versus tonight they buried the Celtics in quarter one like when Derek white hit that prayer off of the jump ball when it was 28 to 18 I was like is this guy ever gonna miss something decent and of course he doesn’t and you know but then the Mavericks pulled ahead anyways and so that was it’s just this this is a really like it was a kind of a cathartic win and I know they’re they keep being Celtics fans who pop in the chat being like Mavericks are going to lose and it’s like well I mean considering it’s never been done before I would say that yeah that’s likely that the Mavericks will lose the series it just it’s very you know it’s impossible but you know it only you can’t do it until you’ve done it it’s I mean it’s this just basically proves that the Mavericks are a better team when their role players actually hit shots which I mean they haven’t been doing honestly and I know that Lucas a superstar or whatever it is but basically I I think people just went completely overboard like you were right Perkin saying that his stock has dropped like oh my God that man didn’t make the playoffs last year they were they tanked to get out like Luca stock like are we are we talking compared to after the Wolves series then sure his stock is lower but are we talking overall like the man is gonna compete for an MVP until he wins one or until he retires because I don’t like I think Luca is just going to be the kind of guy to play till he’s like 31 and then pull out but it’s like some of the some of the discourse is just it’s too much oh sorry about that guys n it’s it’s cool no I I mean I was just surprised that Kendrick perk Kendrick Perkins actually strung to intelligence sentences together but yeah I mean it was just a fantastic game and to be honest this is free basketball for us no one expect me in the finals this is just basically overtime so just enjoy it and like go ahead with it I mean the one thing that was fantastic to see was Lely actually hitting his first three of his career that was amazing yeah and I know everyone’s jumping up and down saying that he’s the next stretch five and all of those kind of things I think the next step in his game is to just develop like a like a Tim Duncan post game like just just around the key uh a good jump shot or a hook shot or anything like that that’s the next step in his game and I think that’d be fantastic to see next season so here’s the thing I actually think he has all this [ __ ] already I don’t think they let him do it like like one of the and we’re talking Lively right sorry my wife was putting away some dishes and it was very loud in my kitchen for a moment the the thing that that really happened with Lively during the draft process last year was um he started hitting threes in workouts in a way that made everybody go oh and there was already kind of a fairly decent consensus that by the end of the year in college basketball here in the United States that he was one of the most impactful Defenders but nobody knew anything about his offense because he played in a Duke system that’s kind of a there’s no screen en roll it’s all kind of motion based um so I just got to acknowledge my man Sam here he’s Sam’s going to come up and talk a little bit later but he’s just wandering around his house with a dirky photo as he’s waiting to come on the show and it’s really making me laugh um but yeah Lively is uh Lively’s really you know he’s he’s special like like you know Lively women Yama I’m I’m here for it yeah I think I think the reason why he fell was because he was injured most of last season which is always is going to be a a worry with the big guys but yeah I mean I think the fact that they actually don’t let him do that is kind of a good thing it doesn’t let him develop any bad habits I agree with that yeah I agree with that anyway yeah great great win I’ll um that’s that’s all I got so man we’ll talk we’ll talk after the game five W on Monday night all right yep talk to you man okay I did have something I wanted to to say but I can’t even remember oh you know what we got three more Super chats I want to acknowledge before I move on to Brian and then we’ll go with you Sam don’t worry you’re coming up here Sam you don’t got to carry around that photo the whole time you’re waiting uh shout out to my man Henry who uh he says just just checking in I’ll be back for game six uh and he he says 156 and one and I think that’s a reference to the number of teams that have never come back um from a being down 03 in a playoff series shout out to Mr doang saying there’s still hope magical season no matter what that’s exactly right Henry or in our man Henry against thj getting minutes next game and I’m scared fair enough man all right coming up next our uh our regular correspondent Brian what’s up man hey hey hey two quick things one I didn’t disagree with everything Wendy said I said right I said him hinging his entire argument round Luca is the reason they’re down in the series is where I’m like that is absolutely a fallacy I have no problem with complaining about the ref complaining I have no problem complaining about the defense but hinging the entire argument around Luca being the reason that we’re down and luc’s defense being what was killing the team when we kept Boston Again by the way under 108 points for the fourth straight game their lowest point total of the season and we won the first game where we cracked 100 points I’ve been saying since game two okay they haven’t scored they’re an alltime offense according to offensive ratings season long right they haven’t cracked 110 points against us yet but we haven’t scored a 100 points the bigger problem over the course of the entire Series has been the offense more so than the defense right and you saw we were able to get some turnovers really get in the Jersey uh be able to consistently play with physicality we turn the defense up turn that defense in offense got some easy buckets and you know that was that was kind of the game oh another thing to mention I took one for the team tonight did you not watch again I said before the game started for my blood pressure for my own health I’m just gonna go continue my Game of Thrones rewatch o and so I was watching Thrones I’m in season two uh and I looked and I checked the score and I saw we were up by like 18 in the first quarter I said huh interesting and that was on the real life on my phone went back to my Thrones watch checked again at halftime and I said oh we’re still up I stayed consistent with my Thrones reatch though good I didn’t check into the game until four minutes left in the third quarter when they were just getting ready to pull the starters out and so I would just like to Pat myself on the back for being a good teammate you know I’m I’m appreciative of that while we’re here this is a this is a programming note that may or may not be important to anybody but I think it’s kind of important because I actually think um um The House of the Dragon HBO show coming back on Sunday is probably it’s like one of the few close like close to monoculture shows that we have anymore people didn’t know this but starting in January AR HBO went back and basically made it five more dollars a month to be 4K so if you want to see this stuff in 4k you will need to go check your account and make sure you’re getting it because I’ve been rewatching the first season and I’m like this looks like [ __ ] and then I heard on show today and because I mean I have like I have a I have like the big ass um like one of the really nice TVs like I just I I just spend a lot of money because I never leave my house this is what I do and so I have a really nice TV and I’m like this looks terrible why does this look terrible and I couldn’t really and then I heard on a podcast today that that um one of the ringer podcasts that that is why so it’s like as you get to the later if you’re watching it on HBO if you happen to be watching it on Max that might be worth a a you know couple month investment just to pay the five more dollars because it looks better yes Wiki 1985 says an LG G3 I actually have an LG C3 I’m not quite that wealthy but it is uh it it’s worth the investment I’m not wealthy at all um I remember when I remember when my wife gave me the go- ahead to buy that TV that was insane anyway back to basketball which is what we’re here for I um I said something silly towards the tail end of the season when someone was no no toward middle of the playoffs and someone said like what do you think Lively as like Pete could be and my Peak is that he could be Draymond Green with a three-point shot only seven foot tall and I um tonight does nothing to dissuade that yeah no when I heard they hit a three-o I was like in the game did you see the iso Franco correspondent from Slovenia he writes for d magazine and also does some things over there he used to write a Mavs Moneyball till he abandoned me um to be to be with the cool Mavs people none of whom like me that’s fine um he he was he posted a video after uh before game three of lively taking basically the Larry Bird three-pointer from the corner saw that it’s like that when you watch this shot you’re your initial ination when a big man shoots a three particularly one if you’ve never seen it before um is to go no only he hits this thing and like it’s Splash Mountain it is such a beautiful shot so you’ll be really excited when you see it yeah I can’t wait to see it like within the context of the game God that that’s gonna be so fun but yeah I’m I said like a round ago that I’m done just trying to like cap like what this kid is going to be because it I didn’t think he was going to be able to adjust to the level of play that it we were going to need to be at to win in the Wolves series fast enough and he was just like the best iner in that series and after game one I was like I I still believed in him after game two people were like this might not be a lively series I’m like that might be going too far but he does not look good and all of a sudden he’s he’s he’s just gotten it together he he did it again he did it again look man look we’ve been kind of s like jokingly hoping he would do something like this for the better part of six weeks just because if you start like let’s just move past the series for a second guys if you trap Luca and your release valve is Derek Lively and you’re telling me that he can attack with both hands pass to either corner or either Wing or simply take the the open three I don’t what what’s the what was I don’t remember what what country well I don’t remember what country that that the Americans played in 1992 where Charles Barkley was like I don’t know nothing about what did he say I got to Google this but he’s basically like I don’t I don’t know nothing about country X but they’re in trouble and like that’s how I feel about Derek Lively if he’s able to take the open three because then he can also just go tip dunking himself I mean I’m so high on Derek Lively that I and I was I was I was not I just didn’t know anything about him you know uh and Barlo rapael bar yeah man he’s just like he’s like very calmly he’s just like trust me he’s like just trust me and he’s he’s the one and even he is like I didn’t see nearly any of this coming and especially not this early I I don’t know man I’m I’m I’m I’m starting to lose words and like you said before his touch around the rim is so incredible it once they give him the go-ahead to just start like punishing mismatch uh mismatches in the post that’s right gets a little stronger strengthens his core over the summer and he just gets to like go to work and against people in the post get a little left shoulder turnar around get a little hook shot going maybe get a little uh running floater going you know what I mean like in the lane if he catches the ball on the short roll and doesn’t have a immediately open pass he gets to attack but it’s a bigger guy as opposed to like you know a guard who’s playing low man like he’s literally got to add two things to his bag to what he currently is and and this offense is Unstoppable as long as we keep like a prerequisite level of shooting around the three of him Luca and Kyrie that’s right it’s crazy well go continue your Thrones rewatch report back to me I’m very jealous of you folks that have the ability to have the time to do this but then again I do this instead of watching stuff like that so those are the trade-offs we have thanks so much for hanging out man yes sir oh you want to have a quick laugh sure I’m on the episode when Theon returns to uh to his home that’s poor poron poron not poron he deserved everything that happened to he really did he’s a [ __ ] he’s such an idiot man all right man we’ll talk soon yes sir peace all right coming up next my man Sam hey Sam what’s going on show us your photo no one’s been able to see it yet except for me there we go we’re bringing we’re bringing this energy that’s very important comebacks are very important comebacks are important and it’s never a bad time to just p Durk remember Dirk I was a huge fan when you guys were doing that 41 forever stuff I ate up all that content and the number one thing that I think about with Dirk that sets him apart from other like athletes have held up in my own personal Pantheon is he never let us down on the court off the court in anything he ever did he never let us down and I think you know it’s it’s it’s truly never a bad time to just reflect on how lucky we are that this is the time line we get to enjoy the dirt timeline right so that that always means a lot to me uh just a couple notes to run through I mean you called that Lively three unbelievable I think you said last time you were like hey they got nothing to lose might as let him shoot a three like nobody else can hit one so why not like who cares I mean I mean that was that was a great call and I’ve always felt like with shooting a basketball if you’re coordinated you can shoot a basketball it just takes time right there’s just a natural level of god-given coordination it requires always been my take so so I remember you know going to practice in like summer league in like 2016 2017 maybe it was like whatever dorian’s first year on the team was and remember like Dorian used to not be able to hit the broadside of a barn like he was just not a good three-point shooter but then it’s in practice you go and like watching the skill level of these guys in practice where it’s like oh they’re doing something that’s completely different than anything I’ve ever seen before but that’s how skilled these guys are but it’s also the pressure of being able to do it in a real life situation and that’s kind of the that’s like the dividing line between a guy who can play an NBA game and who can’t and the fact that that like somebody in the chat pointed this out like that’s not only is that Lively’s first playoff three that’s Lively’s first career three and a a win go home winner go home kind of three like it’s that’s incredible really excited about that one I I I didn’t know it was first it was his first career three I do remember when the rule was he was not going to be shooting those as he got used to playing in the NBA which I you know obviously a good idea from kid to like start him there great to let him loose though there’s an absolute coaching art when do you let guys step out of their comfort zone yeah let’s run through the notes so uh I couldn’t believe they didn’t let Dirk get back to the game he was too nice to give that interview in the fourth quarter you knew he just wanted to be vibing out I could I go I I was hurting for I was like let my man just enjoy you know what did he say the Brendan W Doug shut it down let’s go home I just really enjoyed seeing him because like like you know number one he looks great like he still looks like he’s in great shape apparently like watching him move around is a little bit painful from what I’ve heard just because I don’t think his ankles work very well which is not surprising but he’s like he’s dressed like a like a um Silicon Valley like CEO just going places casually like he looks so good and so happy to be around and it’s it’s it’s it’s always great to see him on the TV it’s always great to see him I always love when sudar Shan call uh calls in weapon of Vishnu that’s what that’s what I call him he’s the weapon of Vishnu I love how Brian’s I love how Brian’s house is never the correct time of day there’s always just way too much daylight Assuming he’s in America for whatever he calls in so that always I always get a I always get a kick out of that the basketball question Oh I have is the way Tillman senior guards Luca better than anyone else I’ve seen guard Luca I asked the question to the chat and I got an interesting answer they said well it’s because he’s pretty much the exact same athlete as Luca and Luca prays on the difference in athleticism and he like so in your in your kind of analytic opinion why do you think Tillman because it was driving me crazy go why is this guy locking up our man it was blowing my mind I mean there are a couple of wide-bodied guys like it’s like watching um it’s like watching a pair of football players play basketball to a degree and I think like couple of guys in the Mavs Moneyball slack we’re getting real upset that like he’s not getting any fouls called on him meaning Tillman and I don’t know what to tell him because the I don’t think he’s fouling Luca I think he’s standing straight up and Luca is f h has faded at times like literally on the fadeaway shot like a little too much um but you know that’s all you can really do against Luca is to hope that he misses that’s kind of the the end goal you know what I mean I’d like to see thre I mean I’d like to see threes and layups against uh against another like big Burley guy like I don’t I really don’t have good answers because he he realized at some point tonight that I don’t actually you know what this isn’t true he didn’t realize that his three wasn’t falling he just kept attacking the rim and so that was that was part of it so you know I think with um I think with Luca you give him enough rope he’s is always going to hang you so if like they were to go to that matchup at some point Luca is going to win it yes and then and there was that uh last thing there was that guy in the front row underneath the basket who looked just like Martin scr I kept on thinking like hey it’s Martin scy at this game I wonder if anyone else saw that anyway I’m I’m gonna sign out Mass fans for life guys take care be Good Sam thanks for hanging out okay coming up next is my man Micah Micah you’re live there your mic a second to unmute what’s coming on Kurt just enjoying the win man just enjoying the win what you thinking this was fun um it just showed how we’re able to respond it just showed how important it is for other guys to join the party and um this fun like we’re not done yet um and my gu I’m overly confident about the serers because of where we’re at I can’t say that yet but at the same time if we do manage to take this out the sler is going to be glorious sure sure I mean my I mean let’s be real though I’m not particularly interested in any sort of thinking along those lines until the Mavericks win game two um you got to win in Boston and Kyrie Irving has been just so unbelievably weird in his Boston performances specifically in Boston he has to overcome those demons just has to so that’s something that just it gets into your head as a team yeah I mean I I can say this as a gambler right um the Miami Dolphins have messed off a lot of my parlays playing against the patrons over the years because whatever it is they’re in their head so it’s for Kyrie it’s just getting past that but at the same time as far as the team in general it’s just um you just have to be able to open up more optionality right like when I seen Derek live just splash that three like it was nothing like no hesitation no thought and just splash that and you think about that what what does that mean in the future like let’s just say for example right let’s just say he’s basically got a shot profile in the future of 12 shots a game M If he if he’s shooting two of five from three and basically four of seven and then he’s averon somewhere around 1632 and two like where do we see from this kid in the future right it’s just our chat thinks you’re drunk Micah are you are have you had some drinks tonight I have had several drinks tonight because because when I thought is time to give up on this team we show these people that have been saying oh Luca doesn’t impact winning well shut the [ __ ] up because y’all got B raced by 50 almost like almost 50 points that’s clear I’m glad you had shots I’m glad you had drinks because I did too yeah let me have drinks for that because for the Brian wind horses of the world that don’t think this guy can impact winning just bust your team down by 50 but I really like the team that been one to slurp on I really like Wy and the podcast that he did let’s respect this guy as a competitor that’s all I ask I ask you’re the best man thank you so much for hanging out all right have a great one Kirk all right talk to you much love brother peace you too all right the windy of it all is so funny Ray you’re coming up next I see your phone or whatever is up in the air um the of it all if you heard him the next day on the hoop Collective podcast it’s not like he walked any of it back but he’s just like I I think he can do better I think he can do more and like the answer is yes of course so all right let’s go with Rey Ry I think you’re G to close this out because I don’t have anybody else which is a little bit surprising but you know hey maybe we can take our time then as long as you want and then you can shop me off if you want that’s cool what’s going on talk to me great way to spend a Saturday afternoon here in New Zealand watching that that was great fantastic ftic that’s good and it was the only Saturday game by the way weekend game in the finals that I get to see yeah so it without killing without without getting in trouble somehow at work right or take having to take an annual leave day type thing yeah sure um actually I had I had a few points but now while you mentioned the um Wind Horse thing I might as well go into it a little bit sure it’s here yep so I agree too I think it was his winners are on this side and the losers on this I think that was the kind of the I would’t even say too far but like that was the kind of one that would have that sounded a little bit too harsh it was like a wrestling promo yeah it sounded like somebody had written that for him and it clearly wasn’t the case it it was a good line yeah’s a difference yeah I like the line but the difference between it is saying that yes he’s right about all that but he has he’s just going through the same thing the best players in the world would has gone through LeBron could make a jump shot in seven finals yeah and he overcame that um Jason Tatum obviously at this point um he’s passing better and making other plays when his jump shots not falling he couldn’t do that in 2002 so it’s just the normal things that players have to go through but they get eviscerated as it happens that’s kind of the reality of national media I guess yep um but with the way Lucas responded and I’ve and I’ve mentioned this to someone before and I don’t know if you see this or it’s just all in my head when I find Luca a much better away game player than a home player and part of me thinks it’s because he spend he needs an entity of some kind to focus his hate [ __ ] you I’m taking this game on the referees are not a good one to do that with nope the crowd is oh there are a lot of Boston fans there I don’t know if you could tell that from your feed but my wife my wife flew home today she just got back from a trip um and she said at the airport she saw so many Boston fans Now American Airlines Arena can sit about 20,000 people so the tickets were quite you know tickets for this sporting event this is really inside baseball but Mavs fans locally were very upset at how highly priced the tickets were meaning just for the playoff games even if you were a season ticket holder which meant you got Priority Access but like some of the some of the stuff were really expensive so I think a lot of people looked to sell their game four tickets to make back their potential investment because like I’m not kidding some of the SE things I’ve seen where it’s like you could you could buy tickets in the lower bowl for2 to4 th000 like it was crazy expensive was it the same sorry situation as 2011 in Miami in game six you reckon oh my good I was there in game six and I could have I could have bought tickets and I just didn’t cuz I was scared I I was like 25 I didn’t have any money but I was I didn’t want to put it on like a credit card but it it was just like that where it’s like there were a lot of available tickets and I think the Boston fans who travel were were quite willing to snatch him up and I I I don’t want to say that he played well because Boston fans were there that’s not my but like I just I think you’re right like I think he feeds off of trash talk and like the Boston players aren’t talking [ __ ] to him you know they’re they’re just letting him bury himself yeah and that’s the and that’s exactly the the the mindset is like he as his as his as he grows hopefully he needs to get to a point where even if you’re in a situation where the riffs are against you the entire crowd loves you um don’t just just leave them the [ __ ] alone like they’re not going to do you any favors just just win the [ __ ] game don’t worry about yeah um so yeah no I’m glad I’m not crazy I’m not the only one that kind of sees this I mean I certainly it’s just it’s it’s he’s so good and he needs those things to focus on and and you know you’d think he wouldn’t necessarily need it for the finals but I mean we saw it in game five against the Timberwolves he was yelling at everybody he was great yeah he was great it was great um yeah and that and I think that was the hot but I think that’s what brought on the The Wind Horse thing and all that sort of stuff is I think most national media knew Luca has always been like this but they didn’t even think he do this in a very very pivotal moment and get fouled out for the first time in a finals so I mean that’s yeah that’s that’s hey mirror in the face moments for him right to and get better um a big shout out to our point of attack defense so much like where was this we were we were staying in front of Anthony Edwards we were staying in front of Shay gild Alexander do you think there was a there was some weird Jason kid strategy the first few games where we’re trying to funnel players no I I think this is one Element where kid not being a super fire brand can work against his sort of coaching philosophy and I understand why I’ve I’ve learned a lot about this I’ve been asking a lot of questions to people who cover the league and the general notion is for a coach like kid kind of a players coach he wants these guys to figure it out for themselves they need to want to play hard and he can’t motivate them like he’s alpacino in Any Given Sunday that’s yeah probably a reference you don’t get I’m a big movie buff I get that so it’s like like that [ __ ] just doesn’t work in in 82 game Seasons you know it’s it’s and I’m sure he does light into him now and again but Luca has the Luca and and Kyrie like Kyrie’s defense tonight was magnificent fantastic and it’s just it’s like you got like I I I don’t know how to how to really explain it but I I I it obviously was better that much is true yeah and didn’t feel like we were we had to scramble as much on rotations because we were either right beside them or right in front of them Luca included um so now big shout out to that and uh I think I was gonna talk about Derek Lively but you guys have already pointed everything out perfectly imagine if he gets to a point where he can hit threes to the point where they have to close out on him one day I think that’s going to happen I I don’t think that’s a if I think that’s a win yeah that’ll be great this dude and and I’m too old for this but my son makes me do all like he tells me about Pokemon stuff all the time like he is an evolutionary creature where when you consider where he was in Abu Dhabi or really summer league Los La last year in Las Vegas to too yeah yeah remember yeah I mean it’s we’re talking a year transformation where it’s like you know I always argue with my boss where like he always expects us to do better you know we always got to improve and it’s like that’s not real you can’t always improve there are steps back whereas Lively I’ve yet to see a step back it’s like the growth potential is just no that’s not right sorry there we go yeah yeah well to be fair game one and game two I there was a moment where I thought oh is this the moment but clearly not so no that was really cool and um great to see exm not get pulled out after three minutes I think I mentioned that he looked good like not only did he not get pulled he was worth it it was great but he was but again it’s not like he wasn’t worth it before like he was doing fine we just but when there were games where he wouldn’t look at the rim and that was a problem yes I I get that yeah but I think I think it was um if I’m not mistaken the latter part of the Wolf series and then this series I was just I I thought he was fine and he kind of needed to be there but he he he just he has this thing where when he dribbles the ball you feel safe I don’t know maybe it’s just me y compared to most other um of the role players you know and and I feel we need that more um and yeah how by the way how funny is it seeing Tim Hardway hit five threes in a row not only five threes in a row but five threes in five minutes it was like I mean my I wasn’t honestly man I was getting ready for the show I wasn’t watching and my wife was sitting on the couch like laughing and I was like it was insane yeah it was almost I hate to say this but I was it kind of made me a more mad at him like you did this thanks buddy yeah and maybe there’s a little element of that with the mads team this our mads team in general where it’s like oh I love that you guys played this way and it’s amazing and you know great response but God it would have been nice if you had did this just a little earlier just a little bit but hey well Ray thank you so much for joining the show you got anything else um yeah hopefully uh I I would love to see Kyrie exercises demons in game um sorry I’ve just lost my track of thought in game five it would be you know it would it would be something special I think because Luca has his own demons with his personal self and he’s exercised it a little bit today just a little bit at least and it’ll be good to see Kyrie do the same and you know whether we make it the distance or not at least it’s sort of builds build us a little bit up for the for the next time well I am very hopeful for that as well yeah all right man talk soon all right all right man take care all right last but not least fellow southern hemisphere contributor rain rain what’s going on you feel better after this game I do I uh came into the the chat last time saying I don’t believe and I shouldn’t be here and now I’m going to bring it to you that apparently the NBA is the only uh Major League sport which hasn’t had a 30 come back it’s bound to happen at some point um I’m not entirely sure that’s going to be this year but where to start um after the show last time I went and listened to Wendy and frankly I heard from him the same thing he says on every hoop Collective podcast cuz he always has to sneak in somewhere about how insufferable he finds watching luuka because of his complain to the rest both him and I would also argue temp on Temps as well well the ref complaining like if you don’t find Lucas’s ref complaining I don’t like you’re just a patient person like the ref complaining does suck like it’s actively detrimental to the team it’s just I think a lot of us have decided and accepted that that’s part of his game and I think the notion that it shouldn’t be is not one we should let go of quite so easily only we can’t change it oh I I agree and he definitely performs better when he doesn’t simply just having him there when he gets back to be a part of the defense is is is gamechanging I’m more more bringing out that I don’t think that uh Wendy had anything more to say than his regular agenda that you usually hear anytime lucer is brought up in the well L like there’s data on this like there’s a couple of Mavs fans accounts and I’m not look I I don’t have any beefs to pick but look we all push our agendas because we believe and we like this team if there’s a couple of Mavs fans Twitter accounts that are that were really pushing this strange notion that Luca was good on defense for the first three games he was not he was not period that’s okay he’s tired he carries a huge load I don’t necessarily look to Luca for my defense it’s okay to just say that then what I’m also going to say is that tonight in game four he was [ __ ] awesome on defense like I credit where it’s due there’s just no reason to like look at the sky and go you know what that sky is actually purple and here’s why like it’s it’s just like this [ __ ] drives me crazy with people sometimes now that like I shouldn’t get too been out of shape about it because I I really try to preach from the notion of we should all be the kind of fans that we want to be like that’s the whole point of rooting rooting for laundry and rooting for players but it’s like Luka what Wendy had to say about Luca was rooted in the notion that Luca is capable of being one of the best players ever and he wasn’t playing like it through three games so I mean look I wholeheartedly agree that he definitely fell back into some old habits in the first three games of of this series defensively which we hadn’t seen too too much of through the previous series um where would I like to go oh that Derek Lively 3 had me soive it was I I was struggling not to be as loud as I possibly could be it almost had me as hype as as Lucas gamewinner it that that one shot alone almost even if we lose in game five makes this whole thing I mean it’s worth it to get to the finals anyway but I know what you mean that that that can change the out Outlook of this team entirely if Derek Lively can be a threat from the three-point line he doesn’t even have to be a 40% shooter if he can hit League average and just be a threat like you’ve said to to close out completely changes the offense who knows his comp could potentially be healthy KP maybe I mean he he can do more stuff off the dribble than KP ever could uh I mean just say more healthy because he a ton of games this season but right uh the role players this game they came out with such energy and I actually I quite like that they got to get some run cuz who knows that little bit of extra confidence going into the next game could be huge I I agree with that a lot Tim potentially being able to be on a heater stretch again maybe his C maybe maybe his brooklane season is over and he’s back to hitting threes who knows it could be something that might be worth looking to now we all know that kid will put him in for 20 minutes and not but if we could just apply that rule of give him three shots if he makes one or two out of three keep him in who knows maybe he can catch fire uh ex him having some confidence and he’s him both him and green confidence is key yeah when they’re confident going to the room confident shooting it makes all the difference I someone else said that exm is probably the next the third most trustworthy person to dribble the ball and I agree with that but it’s all about the confidence do he have the confidence to handle the ball does he have confidence to take that shot and these role players having some confidence could be what changes the game going into game five because the I mean it if we look at it from specifically from three neither neither Kyrie or luga had a good game and if they don’t again but the role players keep that same energy and can make up that difference with the wide open shots that krie and luuka can generate for them it might not matter again now I don’t think it’ll be a blowout but who knows that’s right man who knows is the point supposed to be fun and it’s it’s it is fun right now this is just it’s a it’s a much better place than we were in what 48 hours ago that’s that’s yes that much I can speak to yeah all right man hope we’ll talk after next game all right all right see you Kirk thanks all right um this is a good question um Nadem way says Kirk can you talk about Luca kyne exm in the lineup early on in the game where exom was oh my internet died for a minute sorry about that guys um Nadem way says Kirk can you talk about Luca Kyrie XM lineup early on in the game where was exm when he um where exm was bringing up the ball that looked very good they’ve been trying to steal stuff all series where someone else brings the ball up but the difference with what uh particularly exom has done is exom has made himself a threat to try to go do something in the key and get the offense going early even if Luca’s not there whereas the other guys that were bringing up the ball it was always an element of um it was always an element of well you know they’re going to give the ball to Luca so we can just sort of rest here anyways so I’m looking forward to seeing the Mavericks maybe trying that continuously and then honestly looking at the film and saying guys other guys Kyrie you know Derrik Jones Jr Maxi kba actually I never want to see Maxi CA push the ball up the floor ever again you can do something and and you know be a threat to the defense you don’t have to shoot you don’t have to score but you can make them think and you can make them work so that’s a really good question in deem I I like that I like that thought okay guys uh it’s 11:30 we’ve been hanging out for an hour and 15 minutes doesn’t look like we have anybody else so I’m cut us out here um I will see you guys on Monday night this has been a great deal of fun as always really appreciate you folks hanging out tell your friends tell your colleagues tell your enemies we’ll be here on pod Maverick uh after dark and then our live show so everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will talk soon go Mavs

Kirk and Josh connect to discuss Game 4 of the NBA Finals where the #DallasMavericks play the #BostonCeltics. Dallas is currently down 0-3 and no team has ever returned from a 0-3 hole. #LukaDoncic needs to play better defense and hopefully #KyrieIrving can have another outstanding offensive game.

The game should end around 10:00 pm CST, so we expect to go live by 10:15 pm, but it may be earlier or later. Click the bell to get notified when we go live!

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  1. We were so fortunate to build the lead that we did in the first half, because, otherwise, I foresaw Porzingis playing 16 minutes in the second half, leading a celtics comeback, and being awarded finals MVP.

    Anyway, hope the boys bring one more game back to Dallas this season. MFFL!

  2. I meant to say this after game three but all-time greats donā€™t go down like it look like we were and Luka fought back so great job young man. Fans, creators and media members should always hold players with the ability to rise to the occasion to a higher standard so hopefully with us putting the Brooms back in the shed that the Celtics brought out it keeps Mavā€™s media members from sweeping away every criticism of Luka. Great bounce back Mavā€™s!!!

  3. Always appreciate Joshā€™s level-headed takes balanced by Kirkā€™s theatrical responses. Going to miss you guys in the off season!

  4. how the fuck are you defendig Windfat..sorry windhorst…how can a guy THIS OBESE ever EVERRRR talk about another mens shape or commitment..

  5. I remember the 3 pointers blocked in the first few rounds. Gaffords 3 point block WAS AMAZING!
    Boston is a great team, game 5 should be a battle!

  6. Im sad i missed this live because I RLY wanted to discuss Luka screening and rescreening for Dante Exum like Exum was prime CP3 šŸ˜‚ Exum missed but that play stood out to me so much because it was so random but showed kinda how much confidence and freedom they were playing with

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