@Detroit Pistons

List Of Potential Pistons Trades | Karsch and Anderson

List Of Potential Pistons Trades | Karsch and Anderson

the Free Press did a story today they names they threw some names out there that the Pistons could trade for did you see this no okay so these are players from teams that might be looking to shed some salary cap and players that could be on the market and that the Pistons could deal for Amari San Kofa wrote this I will work my way through this quickly all right the names are two from Portland Jeremy Grant and Robert Williams III from Atlanta de jonte Murray DeAndre Hunter and Bogan bogdanovich that’s right the other bogy yep from uh Minnesota Carl Anthony towns and Nas Reed yeah from Dallas Tim Hardaway Jr Maxi kber from New Orleans Brandon Ingram from Chicago Zack LaVine if I had to pick any of them I like de jante Murray MH and the other one Believe It or Not would be Nas Reed he was Sixth Man of the Year I believe this past season young player I look Carl Anthony towns is probably the most talented and it it wouldn’t it just wouldn’t he’s good but he came up small at the end he’s a stretch four who can shoot over 40% from three he would help the team there’s no doubt about it I got to tell you the the Carl Anthony towns is the guy I would want I truly question their accessibility to him no I mean right I mean he’s a he’s got a monster contract and so are they willing to take under market value he makes 55 million a year it would take up almost all the Pistons eligible caps I mean of course they would have to send cash back so maybe it wouldn’t but um 610 28 years old shot 42% from three average 22 a game you know you draft Dalton connect you draft Terence Shannon you bring in Carl Anthony towns but you’d have to give up something to get him yeah you have to give up Kade probably yeah I don’t think that’s happening no and I so Maxi kber is a guy that has a reputation of being a shooter but he’s below average in the NBA he’s a 34% three-point shooter the last two years and Tim Hardaway Jr looked very pedestrian in his um moments with the Mavericks and the finals MH now with that said there is a player on this list that I can’t stand and I can’t stand him because he dominates Detroit the last two seasons this guy has scored the most points per game against Detroit than any other opponent he’s played oh I know who it’s got to be because I was there for the opener this year Zack LaVine right Zack LaVine in 2023 24 the most points he scored against any single team and he got hurt but it was the Pistons yeah he had like 50 in the opener opening night and the Pistons still won in 2022 and 2023 the 2022 2023 year his most points per game came against the Pistons and look I didn’t like him I’ve talked about in the air how I don’t like him but why I don’t like him is because he’s been a he’s been a pain in the butt and you know I but again I question the accessibility to him like I get oh I think there’s accessibility because I think the the Bulls want to get rid of bull the Bulls are an under 500 team they feel like they’ve gone down this road so many times and they perhaps hit their ceiling and the ceiling is well short of what they want it to be right they made an interesting trade yesterday giving up kuso to go to to get uh Josh giddy from from Oklahoma City um look the the thing with LaVine is it’s it’s very It’s Kind it’s very complicated because he’s a terrific talent but his I don’t know if you’re going to try to create a culture like a winning culture many people believe he is far from that then you have other people say he just wants to ball all he cares about is balling and you know playing and things like that to me I don’t think he fits what you’re trying to build is he a really good player yes do he put the ball in the basket yes yeah just I’m hesitant on what youd have to commands well you’d have to give up a lot and He commands the basketball mhm but and Ingram gets I like Ingram a lot but he gets hurt a lot I mean at some point though you have to take a chance yeah I know and and so you’re right but K any of these names jump out for you anybody you’d say I’d go get that guy I’m sorry I’m gonna be honest I missed all the names I was doing back I was back here it’s okay uh from Atlanta Deonte muray and DeAndre hunter from Portland Jeremy Grant Robert Williams II from Minnesota Carl Anthony towns and Nas Reed from Dallas Tim Hardaway Jr and Maxi clubber from New Orleans Brandon Ingram from the Bulls Zack LaVine each guy has their issues there’s no perfect player out there right that you know there’s no right we’re not going to get you know Luca donic here okay so new Jason Tatum ain’t coming here there’s Brandon Ingram intrigues me but he gets hurt a lot Carl Anthony towns intrigues me but I he’s soft honestly for for cuz he’s got tremendous talent but he makes he gets in foul trouble all the time I don’t think he’s a smart basketball player and he he’s not Tough Enough if you’re trying to change the culture here um I like Nas Reed but though that’s a great supporting player I’m looking for guys to build with Kate because Kate can’t be the only guy on this team as you look through the league Luca needed his co-star which was Kyrie right the Celtics have a great team overall but they’re built around jayen uh uh Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum who’s the guy next to Cade who’s the who’s the guy next to Cade next to that guy and then you can start bringing I think a Naas Reed helps and those guys maybe it’s Deontay Murray um most likely guys I think out of this group it’s probably Ingram because the Pelicans don’t want to pay him and the Pistons are willing to pay him his contract extension that’s probably the guy you pair up with Cade the the the guys I don’t want to he’s not a bad he’s a good player and maybe it’s because we’ve you know been there done that it’s I feel the same way about you know Tobias Harris and fre is Jeremy Grant I mean he would help the team he can shoot from the outside but I don’t want to see that again and the other guy from Portland who’s intriguing but he gets hurt a lot is the former Celtic Robert Williams he’s a tough ass player he’s a you know rim protector and if you get that type of player now is it double what durren is no because I don’t think Duran’s a rim protector now it it means that you because there’s rumors going around and I heard Mike talking about it uh off the air I didn’t talk about it on the yesterday is uh that Nick Claxton has been rumored they Pistons would be interested in him in in free agency there’s your rim protector he’s a very good defensive player but he can’t shoot from the outside yeah that’s something they need yeah I think Duran can still be coach to be a rim protector because he’s so athletic and so young outside shooting took a hit because Malik monk uh resigned with the Sacramento Kings and I thought that should have been a great Target for the Pistons but you still got to find shooting you got to find another co-star for Kate Cunningham there’s a lot of work to be done here I don’t know if traan langon he’s obviously not going to address it all in one off seon but they’ve got to do something I think they got to kind of jump start this faster than a normal rebuild because of what the fans have been through and because of the resources they have they have a ton of cap space I expect Isaiah Stewart to be traded at some point to be honest well it’s funny there’s a report out there at this hour from Yahoo saying the Pistons are evaluating the market for Isaiah Stewart because he’s got a they already locked him up so some whoever gets him is going to get him for a few years and I think he’s young and good enough on the right team to help them correct he’s not helping this team no he’s great he’s a great role player and he’s got the basically what a his contract is basically with the mid-level exceptions so it’s not horrible 248 539 9797 is there a name there that you would jump on [Music]

Doug reads a list compiled by the Freep of players from teams that could be looking to free some cap space.

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  1. Lavine wouldnā€™t be hard to get at all and for good reason. One of the worst contracts in the league and can never stay healthy

  2. We cant take bad contracts like lavine, but only if they attach some picksā€¦ KAT is a no because they wont add picks and his contract too way out of handā€¦ contracts like lavine or wiggins are ā€œmore okā€

  3. I said it before last season, KAT is the guy to target, as is Michael Porter Jr. They're both stretch 4's who are the teams' best trade assets mostly due to their cap hit vs the other players hit & skill. Go get me one of them and then max offer Quickley. Roll out Quickley/Cade/Ausar/MPJ/Duren

  4. Malik Monk is doing well because of where he is. He needs Sacramento.
    He would have been Ben Gordon 2.0 in Detroit.

  5. hunter n reid…rest of guys get hurt ,especially w pistons theyll find a way to stay hurt n get tons of money in street clothes….at least reid n hunter would play for a bigger contract

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