@Toronto Raptors

J.J Reddick, Caruso to OKC, Bronny to the Raptors? & more

J.J Reddick, Caruso to OKC, Bronny to the Raptors? & more

[Music] hello and welcome to the buckets and tea MBA show I’m your host Katherine niker thanks so much for tuning in to this week’s episode it’s just me it’s just me this week uh and if you notice my background is different if you’re watching on YouTube that is because I’m coming to you from sunny California uh I’m here in Los Angeles for the week and today’s been a bit of a crazy day I originally had Blake Murphy scheduled to be on this podcast shout out to Blake Murphy and we were going to record this at 12 Pacific time and I cancelled on Blake I fully canceled on Blake because I was like you know what Blake like I didn’t get to see game five of the finals I was my flight at that time and all these different things were going on I was super distracted and I was just like I don’t think it’s going to work I’m so sorry blah blah blah uh let’s do next week so I have him scheduled for next week which will be great because we’ll be able to react to the NBA draft together and we’ll talk about free agency and that’s going to be a super fun show and then today all this stuff started coming out JJ RIT get getting hired by the Lakers like uh you know trades are happening and I just thought oh my God I have to do a podcast like I just have to um so here I am I’m doing a solo pod I’m doing a solo pod bringing it to you uh hope you enjoy my hair is insane here if anyone’s watching my hair is utterly insane here um I think the weather here is like perfect like it’s literally Perfection it’s like 25 Celsius there’s like a nice breeze and I feel like my hair just doesn’t know what to do with such Perfection so it’s going a little crazy um yeah everyone in Toronto it’s like oh my God it’s so hot blah blah blah and I’ve been here and I’ve kind of been like you know what kaai Leonard I get it I get it Kawai I get it it is absolute perfection in terms of weather here uh absolutely crazy um all right let’s get into it let’s get into some basketball stuff here JJ reic officially hired as the coach of the LA Lakers uh I believe it’s a four-year deal for $8 million a year I think this is actually good I do think this is going to be a good hire and I’ll say why cuz obviously him and LeBron James are friends but also this team is not winning a championship like I feel like the Lakers have kind of accepted their fate at this point that they’re not going to win another championship with LeBron James I think and I could be wrong about all this this is just my feeling I think this coming season is likely to be LeBron’s last season and I think for the Lakers they’re like we want to have a coach that obviously LeBron’s going to like and get along with obviously gets along with JJ but also too we need a young coach for what will be the inevitable rebuild or at the very least retooling if they want to try and rebuild around Anthony Davis um with the franchise going forward so they need someone for this kind of like awkward transition period is how I see it and that’s why I think they were after Dan Hurley from Connecticut in the first place um so I don’t like I think a lot of people are going to hate this hire because he doesn’t have previous coaching experience but I don’t think this will be the worst thing in the world for the Lakers like you know he he very much gives off like you know always tries to be the smartest guy in the room energy which I don’t hate and you know I think most coaches are probably like that and I think he will have this sort of LeBron farewell season um uh to I don’t know like work out the Kinks so to speak is what I’m thinking right like he he’ll have this year to like learn um and then you’ll move on so anyway I I think that’s sort of my thoughts on the JJ Rey right now um I also think the timing of this is sort of interesting because last night they the tri Pistons fired Monty Williams and then it was immediately said that JJ reck was in contention for that job and I think the Lakers were I don’t know playing hard to get or something uh you know they’ve been I mean when did they fire Darin ham in April like it’s been a long coaching search and I think once they realized like oh we could lose JJ reic to Detroit maybe we need to finally get our [ __ ] together and make this decision now I mean it’s also like it’s so close to the draft and he’ll have like a handful of days to like work with the front office to figure out who they want to draft and that’s another reason why I feel a little confused by the length of the coaching search because it’s like wouldn’t you want that lined up so your future coach now current coach could actually like go on different Scouts and be there for the draft workouts and all this different stuff like I don’t understand why why you wouldn’t want to make that decision sooner so he could be there for all of that so I find all of that very confusing but the Lakers have a weird way of running their organization to be honest so um I really can’t get over my hair I’m sorry for everyone watching I have one piece of hair in particular that is just really and then because I’m not talking to someone else I’m just talking by myself to everyone else listening uh I’m just going to my ADHD brain is just going to be on high alert here and I’m going to try and fix my hair anyway um so that’s my thoughts on the JJ reic hire I ultimately think it will be a decent hire I don’t think he’s going to be a disaster or anything like that um but I think the timing is kind of funny and I think the Lakers are a bit silly for having it take so long when they did have the luxury of time uh um okay speaking of which we got to talk about Monty Williams being fired from the Detroit Pistons for people who are regular listeners of this podcast you know I’ve been calling for this for a long time um pretty much since that awful losing streak to start the season it was like 20s something games I believe it was like one of the worst if not the worst losing streak of all time good ridd that they finally got rid of them I don’t know what took so long on their part either same thing you’re firing your coach days before the draft and you’re literally in rebuilding mode like why why would you do that why would that take so long I mean I know it’s a lot of money he’s getting paid out like $65 million but again it’s just like think about the future of your franchise here like why would you sit on that for so long like they had to have been thinking about it since early December frankly right like they had to have been so I mean I’m glad that they finally made this decision but it feels a little Hasty and I worry for the Detroit Pistons organization as a whole because a part of me wonders how much do they have their [ __ ] together you know I mean I think we know the Lakers don’t because we talk about the Lakers so much we as in you know the national media we’re always hearing about them and obviously that makes sense but with Detroit I’m just like what is going on with this team why is everything so abysmal all the time you know especially for the last decade I mean even like I mean they won a championship two decades ago but it just feels like it’s been Grim there for a really long time and I I worry for the fans in Detroit for people who care about that franchise I mean they do have a nice Legacy as a franchise and I don’t think they’re going to like I don’t know God forbid like move or something but I want good or at least better things to happen for this TR franchise like I legitimately feel bad for the fans there sorry for the fans there uh I’m not crying I was just you know uh I forgot my water again but I do have my mints this is ridiculous um but yeah like I just I really feel bad for the fans of Detroit because they’ve been putting it such a [ __ ] quote unquote product I mean I don’t like to refer to people as products but you know what I mean um they’ve been putting out such a [ __ ] product for so long and now they’re they waited so long to fire this coach who was clearly not motivated to be there like 80 million dollars couldn’t motivate this man to get up and will that team to something better than they were and I do think he is largely responsible for the Dismal season they had last year I mean I know a lot of people will say like well the team isn’t very good blah blah blah but it’s one thing to have not a good team with very low expectations and it’s another thing to have the worst losing streak in franchise history right like I think I think he has to take the blame for that and I also think you know he didn’t do anything for the culture there in terms of like making you know giving people any ounce of Hope at all like it just seemed so depressing every time you saw a Detroit Pistons game and you know like everybody was rooting for them to win because everybody wanted the streak to be over because it was just painful to watch and you know good riddens like I’m glad he’s gone I’m really glad he’s gone frankly I hope he never coaches again it makes me genuinely mad that he that he went into that situation with such a lack of care um I hate that he has such a large payout but it is what it is I don’t think he deserves any of that money I think he should be forced to donate a good portion of that money to Flint Michigan um I think he should be forced to help them uh get clean water I mean what are we doing I mean okay I know you know people who take things very literally will think uh it’s not his responsibility hello and of course it isn’t but $65 million would go a long way in the state of Michigan is what I’m saying and you know for him to have that it’s just further proof that you know life in the world just aren’t fair but uh it is what it is uh good riddens um in terms of their next coach I don’t know who that’s going to be there probably are some decent candidates out there um they probably don’t have a lot of money to spend on a coach at this point and I think in a weird way that could end up being like a bit of a good thing because I really think they are a team that needs to go for somebody young give somebody their first chance somebody who is going to be truly motivated to be there who uh can Inspire these guys right I don’t know who that is I don’t know if it’s someone from the NCAA or if there’s an assistant out there that they might have their eye on or someone in the G League they might have their eye on but I mean I just really feel like they have to go for somebody young they’re going to have to find you know that diamond in the rough so to speak person that they give like a chance to um for a low salary and I feel like that’s the kind of coach who will do it for a lesser salary um in the hopes of like proving themselves because the bar is very low in Detroit right like the bar is really low I mean I think they just need to get them to a respect um a respectable not winning streak but just a respectable record um but yeah I really really dislike the way Monty Williams went about things this past season and I’m glad he’s gone I’m going have a Min um if we watching on YouTube I do feel like I look very washed out in this room and I think it’s because the walls are a very intense yellow I’m staying at my friend Anna’s Place uh in Long Beach it’s very nice here actually it’s very nice um Long Beach is very far away from everything and I have to get Ubers here because I didn’t rent a car for the week and it’s cost me like 50 bucks to get like anywhere in like a whole hour it’s kind of Madness but anyway that has nothing to do with basketball okay the Caruso trade let’s talk about this so Alex Caruso is being traded to Oklahoma City for Josh giddy Love This Love This trade I think this is excellent I think Alex Caruso is a great role player I think he’s going to fit in super well in Oklahoma City this is exactly the type of move they needed to make and I hope that the Chicago Bulls are finally going to commit to the rebuild it seems like they are um Josh giddy is a young player um I almost had a stupid joke anyway we all know where that would have gone um you know he’s a young player I actually do think you know Scandal aside that Josh giddy does have a decent amount of potential like if you saw him in these playoffs like he did struggle in the playoffs there’s no question about that but he is a really tall guard and he can play multiple positions and he is the type of like flexible versatile player that a lot of teams really like I think he just needs to find a shot frankly and maybe improve a bit as a passer although I do think he’s a decent passer um but I think a rebuild situation might actually be good for Josh Giddy and and you know I don’t think he’s going to like I don’t think his ceiling is like Allstar necessarily but I think he could become a very dependable role player and I think he could become if he improves on the defensive like side of things I don’t know I feel like his ceiling would be like like an ogn and OB type but a bit more of a point guard that’s where I see things going for him if things go well and if they don’t go well and he is the way he is then whatever then they can move on from him from there um Chicago it came out today another crazy thing that came out today that apparently they have made 15 different offers to move off of Zack LaVine which I suppose is alarming but at the same time I feel like we don’t get to find out how many attempts other teams have made to trade other players right like so for example like when Westbrook was with the Lakers we don’t know how many offers or attempts were made to trade him before they found a deal with the Clippers right like there’s so many players with like these really difficult contracts and we have no idea how many offers get made you know per player so I guess it’s noteworthy in the fact that like it wouldn’t be a news headline if you know if 15 offers was normal but I like when I saw that it just made me curious to know like what like what’s the average number here you know what I mean like I have no idea what the average number is um or anything like that but you know it seems like they’ve been trying to move off of him for the last year and then when he got injured early last season it made it kind of impossible so then it seemed like those talks were on pause and now they’re back on again which you know adds to the 15 right 15 attempts um yeah I don’t know who would be a good fit for Zack LaVine to be honest like I really don’t know where he makes sense um but you know it it seems clear that they are very much about the rebuild and the one thing I haven’t heard yet maybe it’ll come out soon in relation to the Chicago Bull side of things is what does this mean for Demar D rozen right like where does Demar de rozan go because I feel and I’m sure many people listening and watching this podcast feel that dear would be an amazing asset on a team going for a championship like this is what I really want for Demar I want him to be on a championship contending team I don’t know what team that is I feel like he would fit in in a lot of places I know people complain about him on the defensive end of things but he’s such a great offensive asset that depending on the players you have around him you could theoretically make up for that I feel like if Demar de R Roan is at this point in his career the third best player on your team you’ve got a really good shot at a championship and I would love to see teams being aggressive towards acquiring him because I feel like he has a lot to offer he’s gen you know he’s getting older but he’s generally been pretty healthy and he’s a type of player that I certainly wouldn’t mind taking a risk on uh if I was in that competitive realm so I haven’t seen anything about that yet but if they’re rebuilding I don’t know why they would keep them and I think that could end up being a really interesting through line uh going into this off season is what happens with Demar D rozan but anyway those are my thoughts on that I’m just pulling up my notes here everyone just give me a sec um okay Raptor’s News why not let’s do it man this goes by so fast when I’m not talking to another person uh all right give me some Raptor’s news let’s do it so the latest draft rumor that came out today another crazy thing that came out today is that the that messeri according to Rich Paul uh Rich Paula said that M Messi is interested in bronny James interesting right um does bronny James make sense for Toronto um that’s really hard to say I feel like not that I’ve watched a ton of bronny James games like admittedly but his averages are not great I mean he averages like four points a game or something right here hold on I have an in front of me I can pull it up um you know we have the 19th and 31st picks in this draft he averaged 4.8 points 2.8 rebounds 2.1 assists um on 36% shooting um but I mean for a number 19 and 31 pick that sounds kind of aligned right so so from that perspective I don’t necessarily hate it I wonder I wonder if the actual leverage play here is if they can draft him they draft him but then that means he turns into a possible trade asset because I you know we all know LeBron wants to play with Brony he has said that um that he wants his you know last season to be with his son which is another reason why I think this coming season will be his last season and and you know if the Lakers can’t draft him and the Raptors do instead then maybe they start talking about deals there I don’t know for who or for what but I feel like you know last season you know during the trade deadline or even before that when Messi had that press conference after trading Pascal I mean he talked about wanting to do more trades right and he wants to build around Scotty and being a rookie this season doesn’t necessarily align with where Scotty Barnes is right now so you know don’t be surprised if the Raptors make a trade don’t be surprised if the Raptors TR draft bronnie and then trade him and honestly I mean I wouldn’t even necessarily be surprised if they kept him maybe they see you know a higher ceiling for him I mean he had you know he had that awful Cardiac Arrest moment last summer um he seems okay I can’t even imagine being the parent of like an 18-year-old going through something like that but and I and I also think if I was worth hundreds of millions of dollars would I even try to put my kid through through Sports at that point um but I mean whatever like bronnie you know if he wants to play basketball he has every right to but yeah I mean I I just the way I read into this is you know maybe Messi just wants people to talk about the Raptors in general who knows but I see it more as a a leverage play towards a trade um than I see us necessarily like drafting bronny because we want to like develop and grow him as a player but who knows I mean I feel like I’m better at reacting to things them predicting but I thought you know it was definitely noteworthy had to mention it today um but yeah my first instinct is I think it’s a I think it’s more as a trade asset than anything else because everybody keeps talking about how this is like not a good draft and blah blah blah so you know feels like a bit of a crapshoot this year um speaking of which um Raptor’s rep public I should have mentioned this at the top of the episode uh is having a draft party uh if you want to come hang out with us I believe it’s June 2 6 um at the three Brewers Pub uh on Young Street across from the eaten Center uh I’ll be there uh you know Samson and everyone will be there so come hang out if you want we can watch the draft together uh drink a I’ll drink a Red Wine because that’s what I do and uh have a good time um what else do we have here this is so spontaneous that I legit forgot to get water I just I just need everyone to know that that this is so spontaneous anyway okay what else do we need to talk about here um OG and OB former Raptor uh former Love Of Our Lives uh has it’s been reported that he is not happy with the nck offer and is going to pursue other offers in free agency a lot of people are talking about could he end up coming back to the Raptors first of all if he came back to the Raptors that would be amazing uh obviously we would all love that that would be absolutely incredible and then we can get more uh shik Razer commercials with him doing the you know back of the hand all situation um but yeah I also think that like this could be a leverage play I think maybe he wasn’t happy and then you know with a rumored offer not that he could be formally offered anything before July 1st but maybe you know agents I feel like all of this happens lowkey before the free agency day anyways but maybe they just like weren’t happy with it and then they’re like you know what we’re going to release uh you know make a press release and get them a little scared uh in the hopes that when the time actually comes they offer more um I mean part of when OG was traded it was because he kind of had M he made it known that he didn’t necessarily want to come back to the Raptors he wanted to pursue other markets particularly New York and that’s kind of in part why they were able to get that deal done so I mean I would be I would be shocked if the Knicks lost OG like I feel like that would be like a really terrible loss for them um he fits in with that team so well um they look amazing when he’s healthy on the court um so I really think this is more of a leverage play than a than a realistic um option but hey I mean I’ve been wrong before and this is uh as the no dunks guys say NBA Silly Season uh so we’ll see but I think uh yeah I think this is just a leverage play and uh you know the same very similar situation rumors have been coming out about Klay Thompson you know it’s not Raptors related obviously but that he’s going to be exploring options and free agency he wants at least a three-year deal this that and the other um I mean I’m sure he is going to explore his options as everyone should but I also think this is a leverage play like I think this is you know he’s been going back and forth with the Warriors for a while now um he wants a big offer and I think in that situation it might be more realistic that he does leave which would be crazy um but yeah I I think that um I I think all of this Media stuff is just for leverage and it’s part of the negotiating process and they play the media to their advantage I truly think that that’s all that’s happening um Pascal cakam is rumored to get a major offer uh from the Pacers I think it was like 120 mil or something like that 189.5 million Max contract um so congrats to Pascal he deserves it I’m very happy for him I mean they made it to the Eastern Conference Finals this year and granted you know the Knicks were injured and stuff like that but you know I I don’t see the Pacers currently as like a championship team but I see them as a very good team and I think it’s all in the realm of possibility that they could be in the Eastern Conference Finals again um I do feel like they’re probably one player away I don’t know who that is but the Pacers have been very smart in the last several years in terms of the moves that they’ve made obviously the huge like sabonis for halberton trade really worked out worked out on both sides um the cakam trade they clearly won that trade I think every Raptors fan could agree that the Pacers absolutely won that trade and they’ve been very low-key smart about all these moves that they’ve made so I I kind of I look at the Pacers and I’m like I I trust this organization to make the Right Moves um resigning Pascal is great for them I like it I like I mean the contract’s big but it’s not you know it is what it is and we’ll see how this new CBA affects other players moves and stuff but if they C you know if all these other teams are like oh we can’t afford a big three anymore and every team is reduced to a big two quote unquote at best then hell Burton and cakam in the Eastern Conference is definitely going to be one of the better one two combinations in the East so I think it’s great I’m really happy for him um sad for us I guess uh Freddy revas of Confederacy of dunks um very upset still to this day that we lost Pascal cakam um you know I I am too but I feel like I’m a little more over it than he is but you know you let me know let me know if uh you feel like it was like the biggest mistake in the world that we traded past Pascal did not say he wasn’t going to stay in Toronto I think if anything he said he did want to stay in Toronto I personally think this is just a personal Theory based on things that I’ve read that I think Scotty Barnes and Pascal just didn’t really get along that’s really what I think it came down to and they decided to build around Scotty Barnes instead of building round Pascal and it sucked that you know they couldn’t make it work but is what it is um okay we are at the hottie highlight of the week what a short episode where this is like only a bit over half an hour but it’s fine my skin looks washed out with these yellow walls I can’t wait to go back outside into this perfect weather but here we are my two my NBA boyfriends have made a big splash this week in terms of hottie h we have Klay Thompson doing an amazing clapback to uh one of the not I mean I can’t call them a fan a troll uh who’s trolling him on his post and uh he had a great comeback which I don’t have in front of me because I have too many tabs open let me see if I can get it and then the other is our good old buddy Nick nurse uh on the Draymond Green podcast now before you roll your eyes I know for some people listening Nick nurse on the Draymond Green podcast is like their literal nightmare they hate both those guys they’re like I’d rather stick needles in my eyes I then listen to those guys talk about basketball for a whole hour I get it but I’m not a hater okay not a hater I really enjoyed it I really hold on I really am trying to find this Klay Thompson post sorry about this usually I do this when the other guest is talking um hold on can I get this oh my God I’m gonna have to ask Daniel to edit this pause uh hold on I might have it yeah okay so buddy posted you already new people was going to talk about your 0 And1 game before posting this and then Klay Thompson wrote hey young fell I’m rooting for you eat your greens and get proper sleep nightly and you will make the MBA one day through hard work and perseverance obviously deep deep sarcasm there um which I always appreciate love sarcasm and then Nick nurse on a dream on green podcast they T they chatted for a whole hour as a Raptors fan I recommend it there were a lot of raptors related conversations in there um particularly about the championship run who he thinks the best Raptor of all time is um the box and one play that he drew up against Golden State if you’ve been reminiscent about the championship season this past month as according to my social media many people have been then uh I recommend I recommend um so I’m giving it to Nick nurse as a throwback to when this segment used to be the Nick nurse hottie highlight of the week if you’re new to the show this segment was just dedicated to Nick Nur and the fun suits SE us to wear and like the guitars and all the weirdness and then that slowly faded away as we all know he got fired which he deserved I did not like him here the last season he was here at all but nonetheless it was nice to see him being a version of himself that he was I felt during that Championship season late back blah blah blah also low key he was seen having dinner with LeBron James at a restaurant in Philadelphia why I have no idea was very odd why are Nick nuris and LeBron James having dinner it could have been a lunch it could have been a lunch but regardless a meal so I don’t know what’s happening there probably nothing but interesting nonetheless I’ll wrap it up there 35 minutes 36 minutes of just me talking good Lord I hope you all enjoyed it I hope you all enjoyed it you know I apologize for the spontaneous nature of this episode um again apologies to to Blake Murphy uh we ran out of time it’s throwback to Kimmel in Matt Damon if you recall uh yeah just so much news started coming out as the day unfolded and I thought all right let’s let’s do something here after all so thank you again uh we’ll be back next week I’ll be back home I’ll have a guest again um and all that good stuff so thanks everyone hope you’re enjoying your summer hope you’re handling the heat okay in Toronto uh and I’ll see you soon bye n [Music]

This week host Cathryn Naiker does a solo podcast from Los Angeles. She talks about J.J. Reddick being hired by the Lakers. What does this mean for the team and LeBron going forward? Then she reacts to Monty Williams being fired and what Detroit should do next. Then Alex Caruso gets traded to OKC for Josh Giddy. What does this trade mean for both teams and the positives on both sides? Then in our Raptors homer moment, Cathryn reacts to the news that the Raptors are interested in Bronny James. OG and Pascal free agency rumors and our hottie highlight of the week has the return of our old friend Nick Nurse.

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  1. I watch these videos to keep me alert at work. Your energy is coming across like somebody’s forcing you to do this.🥱🥱🥱

  2. Scottie’s actually said a few times that Pascal is one of his favourite players and is like a brother, so I think they actually got along really well.

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