@Orlando Magic

EP. 430 – Mockery – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 430 – Mockery – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the 6man show today is June 24th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke what is going on man it’s already almost July yeah we were just talking about how crazy it is how fast June is going by and yeah I mean you look up and all of a sudden the draft is this week and then a week from today or as we record this really six days from when you’re listening to this on Sunday June 30th at 6 p.m. there’s starting to be there’s going to be free agent negotiations free agencies is officially open for anybody and everybody so I it is crazy I would love to fast forward honestly to Sunday but we do have the draft first and that might give us an inkling maybe of of which way that we’ll go in free agency might not tell too much just because you got guys that are fighting for minutes and now the magicar hopefully a consistently top five team in the East that uh there’s a lot there’s not many minutes to go around at this point so we’ll see how they handle the draft maybe we get a little trade action that’s that would be the that that would make the draft a lot of fun obviously when you’re picking at 18 it’s just kind of like trying to see okay who which way you want to go are you going to obviously just best fit do you go for the older Prospect so that he can slide into the lineup and get minutes right away do you go for the younger uh player because you do have so many guys and you just hope that in two to three years that player is ready to go after playing in the G League Allah jet Howard in his rookie year so there’s a lot of ways that this can go on on draft night on Wednesday and uh I’m very interested just to see how it goes if we keep the pick if we pick how we pick strategically all that kind of stuff ESPN um they updated their like way too early NBA power rankings for next season if obviously they finalized that after the Celtics completed their Championship run and the magic 11th in the way too early power ranking so getting a little bit of respect around the league as we talk about the draft draft is coming up here as you’re listening to this in two days on the 26th going to be the first round and the 27th is the second round remember they’re breaking up the first and second round this year on the broadcast but we are going to be talking a bit more about the draft and some of the prospects in just a few minutes but there is some unfortunate relevant free agency news if you you root for the magic or have been paying attention to what the magic may or may not do this year in NBA free agency first of all just want to mention again I know we talked about this on the last episode but the day following the finals you know almost a week now teams have been able to negotiate with their own free agents and across the league there’s been almost no noise in terms of like player specific stuff you we’ve got the Pascal cakam extension in Indiana Eubanks turned down his player option with the Phoenix Sun so he’s going to be a free agent and then Malik monk of the Sacramento Kings intends to sign a 4-year $78 million deal to stay with the Kings per ESPN’s Adrien wowski Malik monk for a lot of magic fans was like number one I think for me definitely was number one in terms of free agan Targets this off season and before we even get to fre agency before we can even talk to Malik monk he’s already decided to stay in Sacramento definitely a a gut punch because like you said he was everybody that he was on everybody’s wish list and as he should have been the news breaks and I think it’s so funny just to see people react because I can tell that they haven’t taken any time to think about it they’re like oh 19 million what are they doing the magic could have given him so much more and I was like oh that’s the point he didn’t care it was it’s not really about the money he lovees Sacramento and I can respect that like as much as it sucks to be you know to be in that position as you know a fan of the magic because you we wanted Malik monk so badly it’s like good for the Kings because that’s the situation that we want the magic to be in with a lot of these guys for years to come is they get down to it and they will take a a price cut whatever because Malik monk had to have known that like he could have gotten more than 19 a year on another roster whether it be the magic or whoever it had to have been known and it clearly he didn’t care and he just want to stick with them and that type of loyalty is something that I hope that our entire Foundation of of magic players has you know someday if not already but yeah sucks but in pers in perspective and in hindsight it it makes sense yeah it’s it’s endearing um are you happy for Malik monk screw him that’s what I say I say screw him okay we we could have want a title Malik title we could have won a title here but you know no all jokes aside I mean it sucks it sucks for us but you know I good for him I guess uh it is super interesting like the part that is interesting to me is like they that’s such a tough conference they won 46 games they they went 46 and 36 end up being the nine SE in the west and it’s like you that’s how I just maybe he’s I don’t know maybe near the end of his career he won’t even be a ring Chaser because a dude that that’s that’s that loyal like values the the situation and the chemistry he has and whatever uh I don’t know his family situation maybe he’s got a family out there in Sacramento and that you know they’ve growing up and whatever so who knows but it is the one part that does get me soured a little bit is the fact that like the kings are they’re good but the West is so great that I fear that Malik monk is not really going to experience a lot of success in Sacramento on a team level personally I think he’s a great player and he’ll contined to be you know a six Man of the Year guy and all that kind of stuff but it is unfortunate the good thing for Sacramento is you know regardless of what they decide to do like sure are they a team that may be near their ceiling You could argue that but being able to hold on to the asset that’s going to be a very tradable contract you know for Malik monk you know if they decide to go in a different direction and somebody tweeted like if if Malik monk got 20 like clay might not even get 15 right so let’s talk a little bit about Klay Thompson I know we spent a good length of time talking about Klay and Magic’s potential to sign him this offseason on the last episode but we did get a new sort of tidbit of news from Jake fiser on a podcast saying that Orlando is really only willing to offer clay the two-year like balloon payment like the two-year Max for clay similar to what they did with Joe Eng Les you offer this guy more money than he’s going to get anywhere else and he you know agrees to to come and play for a couple of years now the Klay Thompson balloon payment will be much higher than two years you know 22 million or whatever it was with Joe but makes me feel it might not even be true you know as we know this front office doesn’t really let anything leak but just hearing that makes me feel a little bit better that if we do bring in clay it’s not going to be for this three foure sort of Max which I know a lot of magic fans are a little bit weary of well yeah what the truth is like when it comes to what we know this front office to do and that they don’t leak things Jake Fischer’s hearing this obviously somewhere and made that pretty clear when when I talked with him on our show however long ago that was was that last year or earlier this year I don’t remember but just made it clear of like the he’s hearing things for multiple there’s multiple points because that’s part of the reporting process if you are a good credible reporter like Jake Fisher has rapidly become in the last couple years it’s because you have kind of a checks and balances you have a I need to hear it from this amount of people or this credible of a source in order for me to even put it out there there so I believe that it’s it’s at least pretty true that the magic were and it makes sense like it’s also not one of those things where I hear and I’m like oh there’s no shot but it makes sense the magic only want to do the 2 years but given clay situation the injury history um maybe character concerns and also the age right so it all lines up it all makes sense and honestly when you hear that it’s like oh I don’t think we have a shot anymore be because I I think there’s going to be other teams that are maybe willing to to give him a three-year deal just to satisfy him and get him there I don’t think he takes any less than three years if he does it’ll probably be with golden state so that he can re-evaluate at the next you know time that it is time for him to be a a free agent so uh not really unfortunate it but you know the the exhilaration that Klay Thompson and Magic Pen Stripes could bring somebody feels like it got squashed with that Jake fiser report the other day and riding scams on the wall for me missing out on Malik monk changes my feeling on on Clay just a little bit but if I told you if I just fast forward a week into the future I’m like hey we got clay like knowing what you know now right I don’t give you any other context I just tell you hey we got clay what are your thoughts because mine is we are so freaking back like the juice is back in Orlando if you end up getting Clay on a two-year balloon payment and he declines you know going back to Golden State on a discount or you know some of these other options like that means like he realizes this is a legitimate spot and we are back yeah two years it’s so inconsequential it’s so inconsequential you’ve got money to play with anyway and the the magic are not going to win the championship in the next two seasons and I I think that if anything like Clay’s just him being a vet and also his basing obviously being one of the greatest three-point Shooters of all time even out of injury and whatever the crazy number was a 40% on nine attempts this year even just that and just slight defensive like capabilities for for him would be awesome so especially for a 2-year deal it’s like and then if it’s a onpl one on with a team option or if it’s just straight two years that’s something you walk away from feeling very good about cuz like we get the experiment with this this is a lot of fun the magic just became a more fun team because you added a guy a big name like Klay Thompson regardless of the the point he’s at in his career so we’ll see what uh what happens with clay that is going to be interesting and I am going to be so irritated if it’s drawn out over the summer I hope that it’s bang bang and it happens quickly and he already kind of knows what he wants to do but I I have a feeling that it could be a little bit of time last thing that I want to say here I know how C certain people feel about Bill Simmons I know how I feel a lot of the times about Bill Simmons but when it comes to his conversations around like the big picture piece of the NBA I still find him very entertaining I listened to his pod this week not the one that he did with his dad after they won the title but the other one that he did with Chris Ryan and and and someone else U you know obviously talking about just the Celtics Championship run and so on and so forth they got into some of the other questions around the league and the thing with Clay it’s like what is Golden State’s option right they either let him walk and now you don’t have this Steph Draymond clay core anymore now you’re moving sort of into the the next Direction and certain people are going to feel a certain type of way about that or they resign him for what he wants they can’t win because of their cap situation and it just gets super awkward there so it it’s really going to be regardless of what happens with the magic that’s going to be such an interesting storyline to watch this summer and now for our Feature Presentation shout out to our guy Dan Savage over at Orlando uh this past Thursday he put out a piece of just sort of like compiling all of the mock drafts across National media and went through and just broke down like what which each outlet like what player they think the magic could end up with in this Wednesday’s draft we thought it would be fun to sort of go through that list break it down a little bit see which players were mocked the most to the magic and then just you know give our two cents on the player you know whether or not we’d like the magic to draft them if they’re available how they might fit here and sort of what it means for the rest of the team so I’m going to start here with the player that was mocked to the magic the most he was mocked three out of I think it was 14 different mock drafts I believe but he was mocked by bleach report the ringer and ESP Nation to the magic at 18 Dukes Jared McCain the guard out of Duke 62 203 pounds 63 and A2 inch wingspan shot 46% from the floor this year 41 % from behind the arc 88% at the free throw line 61% at The Rim average 14.3 points per game five rebounds 1.9 assists Luke what are your thoughts on Jared McCain Jared McCain is is interesting because if you just look at the numbers which is what a lot of people are going to do they’re going to look at highlights obviously but those are highlights we’re not sitting here watching full games of the these guys and at least I’m not and so you’re looking at highlights it’s everything it makes him look good on every aspect so if you’re just looking at highlights and you’re just looking at numbers honestly I look at Jared McCain and I’m like how is this dude not going higher than 18 like it just doesn’t add up and that’s someone who really didn’t watch a ton of Duke this past year during the college season at all I think I maybe caught them a couple times on television and it’s not like I was locked in evaluating Prospect because let’s be honest my team is good um so I didn’t need to so Jared McCain though like obviously what jumps out to me is almost 6 threes a game 41.5% essentially and 14 points five rebounds um almost two assists you know 1.3 turnovers a game but and he 63 is a guard like there I I think Jared McCain is a is a great player I think he is going to be a really solid player I could see him being a long-term rotational piece for teams just with his ability to knock down the three ball honestly so for me uh that’s where I’m at with Jared McCain there’s not a whole lot of profound analysis coming from my Direction but my big takeaway is I’m really surprised that that he’s mocked to the magic so much and at 18 to fall that far I agree with that and because of that reason I just don’t see him being available there at 18 now maybe I’m not as familiar with other prospects sort of up and and down this draft board we’re really just going into the these mock drafts here but from what I could see from Jared I’m really seeing a lot of the same things yes he’s a little bit undersized at 6’2 still has a positive wingspan though like you said almost six attempts per game shot 41% from behind the arc shot 56% on transition threes and that was notable to me because for a team in the magic who are young and do have the ability to get get out and run you would expect their transition offense to be a little bit better and it wasn’t it was towards the bottom half of the league uh he does have some ability to you know attack Closeouts just given like his proficiency shooting from behind the arc teams close out hard on him but he is good at attacking those getting to the rim again finished 61% of his attempts at The Rim this year does have the ability to be a solid Team Defender but because of his he’s not a elite athlete and he doesn’t have a lot of physical like gifts just given his size he’s not going to be this great like on ball Defender but I think he could be solid as a Team Defender is a little bit limited as a Creator and and you know just struggles guarding the ball overall so for me and and I guess my next question Luke is like if we were to draft Jared McCain what do you think H how does that impact the magic at all and what do you think his role would be this year Well if you just look at like the the excerpt that that that Dan Savage puts in here from uh Jonathan werman about you know who basically did this ride up for Jared McCain just said like shot making hasn’t always will be what powers his offense and value McCain’s Effectiveness this year in ball situations using change of speed footwork crafty finishing and vision point to more on ball upside with his creativity and feel and that’s something like I hear that as a magic fan who would love a the a point guard to do that and be able to shoot the long ball that seems like a a match made in heaven right but obviously that comes with the caveat of if he could be that polished player this year then that would be awesome but the truth is he he was one and done at Duke and he’s young and and we’ll see what happens with him but I I I it’s hard because if you draft [Music] him it I just wonder if that just make that just makes me wonder if you’re either going to St you know keep him in the G league for a year or two or does that mean that you’re not going to go after prioritize a point guarden free agency like AAS Jones or whoever else or bring back faults or let Anthony black handle the Reigns I think it would be kind of disrespectful to Anthony black if I’m being honest it’s like that it seems like that’s his role like that that is his the point guard role is going to be be what Anthony black is doing in two to three years if everything pans out when it comes to who is the point guard of this team and if you were to bring in kind of a a filler point guard in free agency it’s like it maybe that point guard is on this team or the starting point guard on this team till Anthony Black’s ready to go in like two seasons to be that starting point guard but if you bring in a guy that can do those thing like can can playmake and finish you just have to believe that he’s better than Anthony black already in my opinion and that’s really where I’m at and that that’s the the logic of this entire draft it’s like okay who are you bringing in and who who is this a slap in the face to that you’ve already got on the team to make them maybe make them think that oh maybe maybe I’m not in the future plans of of the magic so I see it differently um I don’t see McCain as a as a point guard I see him as an offguard and let’s say the magic do go out now Malik Monk Is is off the table but let’s say they go out and get Klay Thompson and you sign him at this 2-year balloon deal just in a a hypothetical my assumption would be your starting lineup would be Jaylen Suggs Klay Thompson fron voder pal ban Caro Wendell Carter Jr and in this scenario where you move on from Gary you move on from Marquel folz Anthony black is your backup point guard and then you’re there with Cole Anthony and then you could just sort of fill out the rest of that bench lineup with obviously Jonathan Isaac moar wner and and whoever else I don’t know if it’s Joe Engles if it’s jet Howard whoever that might be you know sort of that three SL wi spot Off the Bench to me you draft Jared McCain if you want to restart the Cole Anthony timeline to me looking at our roster that is the guy that I think he’s closest to there’s a lot of things that they do similarly both solid rebounds both solid rebounders Jared McCain probably you know a better shooter Cole anony is the better Creator the better passer both are probably going to be somewhat similar defensively just given their size if you want to move on from Cole Anthony if if you want to swap out for some of the things that he does well to be able to add more shooting because he’s not gonna have the ball as much with Anthony black in that back back court then it makes sense to me I would I would still continue on with Cole Anthony if that’s the decision that you have to make and I’m just trying to think of this logically if the plan isn’t to just draft a guy and stash him in the g-league again and this guy is potentially going to be in the lineup eventually maybe you’re grooming him to be like the Cole Anthony replacement if you feel like you know Cole is what he is and you’ve gotten what you can get out of him I don’t really know but I I don’t see it as like a a slight to Anthony black if they were able to to make that trade overall I I do think like the odds of us drafting a rookie and them being in the rotation this year are pretty slim yeah for sure yeah that’s a good perspect Ive next uh let’s talk about Johnny Fury who was mocked by two separate Outlets uh CBS Sports and ESPN so Johnny Fury the Aussie uh 68 189 pounds 68 Wings span 19-year-old Wing out of Kansas so again Aussie great touch shot 80% at The Rim uh good shooting stroke right shot 35.2% from behind the arc on 3.8 attempts per game uh really effective as a cutter but is a complete cone defensively like was targeted over and over again defensively in his matchups at Kansas Luke when I look at this guy and I I see the shooting stroke I’m like man this guy just he just looks like a bucket and then when I look at the numbers yeah reminds me of Caleb Houston right you go back and you look at Caleb’s numbers from from Michigan Caleb was more effective on more volume from behind the arc so when you look at Johnny Fury you’re like yeah this guy really should be able to be a pretty good shooter but it’s more of that type of like oh this guy is a shooter in theory because you look at his free throw percent 76 and a half% from the the charity stripe but the touch 80% at The Rim like attacking Closeouts in transition to me that’s where he’s really most impressive but I have to be absolutely sold that this kid is going to be an elite shooter and he’s going to be passable defensively if I’m going to bring him on I honest I when it comes to him um I believe Keandre hoopin elect mentioned him and in his conversation with with yourself and Kevin and immediately I went and looked at you know looked at the stats looked at the tape I don’t really I don’t want him I don’t transparently I don’t want him uh like you said kind of a Caleb Houston feel a Caleb Houston even maybe higher upside at this point of what we know about Caleb H who knows really but I’m just I’m not at a point where I look at at at him and I’m like oh yeah I would love him on my team defensively like if you’re a cone defensively I don’t think at this point when the identity is so established in Orlando as a raw Prospect at that young of an age it’s like there’s no way that that you’re given a shot by this front office if if I’m being honest and listen I I don’t think Johnny Fury has like a lower upside than Caleb Houston just because like the finishing and the touch around the rim but if your selling point to me is higher upside than Caleb Houston I’m out right like if that’s if that’s your main argument for Johnny Fury is well he’s you could be better than Caleb Houston I’m like I I’ve heard everything that I need to hear full stop like you you just really have to buy in with the shooting with Johnny Fury and he did shoot the ball a little a little bit better you know and once he started I think like January for Kansas but looking at four attempts per game you 35% from behind the arc the shooting you know stroke looks really solid if I had to bet I would probably bet that the shooting would pan out um but I just don’t know if I I’d be willing to to make that investment with Johnny Fury at 18 there let’s go ahead take a quick break uh give a special shout out to our patrons the folks that help financially support each and every episode um we just put out our uh our Patron survey uh to sort of get feedback from all of our patrons to see what they do value what they don’t value what they want to see more of what they want to see less of um so we appreciate the support and we also appreciate the feedback right like our patrons are literally our biggest supporters those are the the folks that are listening and watching the each and every episode um if you are one of our patrons already uh in our patreon page we posted the link to that survey if you go ahead and fill that out again we really really appreciate your support and your feedback means everything to us um and then we have other benefits like our Discord Community where you know if you join at like our $5 tier and up you get access to our Discord you know Community which I think has like 70 to 80 magic fans that are talking Magic basketball all day every day year round 365 days a year we right now we give a special shout out to our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons each and every episode so let me go ahead and start by shouting out Court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe gains Whiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch da Palo and fron is warn Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey danl Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Dak Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Edmond legone josea squeen cayb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce halfrey Kahan 177 bulby the dawn himo Ben hro rmpr 221 Ray pastron Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Iris Magic Mike Austin lampy random only France Maria Keith W Fritz BR s Case green Santi Leon K Eckler the distract Amad SSA chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wir dbo 1980 magic Matt Michael Thompson Mama Richmond NE next snappa what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay David Duffy Smith Sheiks Bueno times Santino 1995 Suggs mugs Daniel Anderson Barry Mel cany and will spyy again if you want to find our patreon head over to the6 man show Luke next guy that I want to talk about Isaiah Collier mock to the magic twice um from ESPN and Yahoo sports 63 205 pound guard out of USC 19 years old 6’5 inch wingspan and the thing about Isaiah klier is at one point was the number one rated Prospect in this draft class or his high school class rather uh fantastic driving at The Rim 61% finishing at The Rim great speed able to push the ball in transition a lot of upside as a passer but Luke I feel like every time we’ve gone through and done like these Prospect reviews especially when it comes to guards issues with turnovers you know shot selection that kind of thing now the big sticking point with me for Isaiah ker is that he does need to improve from behind the arc three attempts per game under 34% from behind the arc and there are like legitimate defensive questions just like in term of his overall you know focus on that end what were your thoughts on Isaiah Collier if this I mean because of his obviously High assist all the time are you thinking of him and as he being regarded as pretty strictly point guard use is that is that what you have seen too this would be disrespectful to Anthony black yeah that’s it’s just it doesn’t it doesn’t make sense this is a prospect that doesn’t make a whole ton of sense to me this is if you don’t believe in Anthony black right this is actually the case right because I agree with you on your earlier point about you know Jared McCain and all and isn’t as good as Anthony black not even close yeah I do I do like that he has over four assists a game in college which is like pretty good but then like you said turnover prone a lot of these young guys are but over three like almost three and a half I understand he’s got decently High assist per game at the college level but that does show uh a little bit of red red flag there on that end for him so yeah just there’s not much to add about Isaiah Kao right this is a guy that I look at and I just sto looking at pretty immediately because it’s like I he might be good for another team but I just don’t see him being a fit in Orlando yeah just some further context 16.3 points per game 2.9 rebounds 4.3 assists per game you mentioned the 3.3 turnovers uh a steel and a half per game had the ball a ton 30% usage rate a lot of pressure uh on Isaiah klier trying to make bronny James look good over there at at USC um I’m absolutely joking about that but yeah this is a prospect that I just don’t think makes a ton of sense for the magic I not that I think that he’s a bad Prospect by any means I just don’t really see the fit given where the magic are right now with the guard point guard situation and the fact that he’s not fantastic defensively not really a great shooter doesn’t really seem to fill a need right now and I don’t see like if this was an an upside pick and you’re going to like stash him or or try to develop him I I think I would understand that like if if we’re talking about them drafting Jared McCain because they see the upside they want to develop him I get it right fits a lot of what the magic want and what they’re trying to do the Isaiah Collier pick I I really just don’t see the only thing that makes sense is the magic do have a history of drafting guys who are at one point were towards the top of their High School classes look at Cole Anthony look at Caleb Houston they have a history of of doing that so um even if you know people aren’t mocking those guys a ton to to the team but I agree with you I just don’t really see the fit a ton with Isaiah Collier now the next guy here again uh the only other guy that was mocked by multiple Outlets everybody else from here on out uh was just mocked once this guy was mocked by Hoops hype and USA Today Tristan D Silva this is a name that over the course of last couple of months I’ve seen circulating you know around magic Twitter a lot uh the 68 217 PB Wing 23 years old out of Colorado 6’1 inch wingspan this dude is a shooter 100% this dude is a shooter 39 and a half% from three on almost five attempts per game also finished 63 and a half% of his attempts at The Rim shot 49% from the floor overall 83.5% from the free throw line in his senior season average 16 points per game 5.1 rebounds 2.4 assists per game uh and just over one steal fantastic cutter uh 69% of his field goal percentage on Cuts uh scored 1.3 points per possession on Cuts so like really a highlevel cutter solid passer you know capable Team Defender uh brother of German National Team teammate Oscar the Silva of fron varer and mo Vagner so those guys probably have somewhat level of familiarity with Tristan D Silva there’s been a lot of talk about like you know FRS I do see it a little bit in his movement to the rim U seems to be a better shooter than fron you know if this past season with fron is any you know type of evidence but I don’t think he is the the same type of finisher at The Rim yes he had a high you percentage of those finishers at The Rim but I just didn’t really see the same level of like footwork and and craftiness and and touch that we saw out of fron voder this year but k Team Defender a guy who projects as a a really highle shooter as well so I certainly understand the allore uh for magic fans there’s another guy that I look at I’m like I don’t know that he’s there at 18 I don’t I don’t think he’s there at 18 just like a dude with that with with this good of you know just being a a great shooter being 6’8 being a great cutter that’s what like this is what NBA teams would love they want the guys that are going to do the The Not So Glamorous things like just trying to cut to the basket like something not a guy that necessarily needs the ball in his hands he can shoot the ball really well I don’t think that he would be there I would I would love I think Tristan da Silva in this instance but just because of that and I we just famished for a three-point shooter and another guy that’s like fron Wagner I think we would like to clone fron Vagner in a lot of instances so I think that that Tristan D Silva would be would be a lot of fun do you think with Tristan D Silva that that there would be a path to minutes for him in year one or in this his case in a lot of the cases of these prospects would you say he’s going to need some some time or that there’s just not enough minutes to go around I if you bring in Tristan to Silva I think we don’t ever see Caleb Houston again right like I I feel like do enough of similar things and Tristan is probably a bit better in a lot of those areas Tristan’s also older than Caleb Houston the him being 23 years old you hear this talk about a lot with drafts like is it a red flag is it is it a good thing like they’re going to come in and they’re more ready and they’re more mature but also it’s like you’re 23 years old like there’s not a ton of upside there right like you’re going to get marginally better at the things that you’re already good at this is we know what this guy is going to be we can maybe coach him up a bit defensively to be a bit better than he is but this is going to be a guy who cuts off ball and knocks down three-point shooting and I don’t mean to dismiss that at all those are two things that of course the magic could use but um I don’t see him coming in and like taking jet Howard’s minutes I still feel like you took Jed Howard with the 11th pick last year’s draft still has a ton of upside cut his teeth in the G League last year like he deserves a real look this year to me it would be crazy if you draft Tristan to Silva and then he’s like your backup three like over a guy like Jed Howard to me that would be kind of crazy I could see this draft going both ways where a guy like Tristan D Silva ends up going in the lottery because teams know he’s a safe pick and I could also see teams going like hey this really isn’t that strong of a draft anyway let’s just take the home run freaking swing this isn’t that great of a draft people probably aren’t going to kill us if this pick doesn’t pan out so I think there’s a couple of other guys that we’ve talked about and we’ll talk about in a few minutes that are seemed like more like a home run type of Swing if you’re betting on the upside so maybe a guy like Tristan D Silva does fall I think Jared McCain like that vein where it’s like a mix of you know what you’re getting he’s already really good at some things that are are needed and maybe he can contribute right away but there’s also some upside stuff with Jared McCain that I don’t necessarily see with Tristan D Silva so I could talk myself into Tristan D Silva going in the lottery or potenti falling to 18 or I could see you know if the magic if he’s there at like 16 and the magic want to move up a couple of spots because this is their guy the entire draft this is the guy that they want I would not be surprised if the magic find a way to end up with Tristan Silva on draft night all right we’re going to move through the some of these other prospects here and now like I mentioned all of these other guys were only mocked by one Outlet so next up is going to be Zach Edy who was mocked by Hoops hype so Zach Edy a lot of you are probably pretty familiar with him he had a very decorated you know college career you know one of the most decorated college basketball players of all time the big man 7 foot4 300 lb 710 wingspan 22 years old the center out of Purdue Zack Edy is your like traditional back to the basket big just a dominant Force at Purdue all four years but especially this year on his route to win his second uh nay Smith Player of the Year award 25.2 points per game 12.2 rebounds two assists 2.2 blocks per game shot 62% from the floor shot 62% from uh two was I think one of two from behind the arc uh this season so there are obviously questions about is he going to be able to develop into a shooter to to really like get the most or you know squeeze the the most out of that that orange uh but during the combine the three-point shooting drills he shot 14 to 25 from behind the arc and the thing you know about Ed as well is as he gets double teamed in the post can you know pass out of you know those those reads and and find the open man solid rim protector as long as you are like meeting him at The Rim uh but just does not have a lot of like lateral quickness is not a guy that’s going to be you know positionally versatile isn’t a really a guy that can switch on to like you know any type of quicker Wings definitely not guards he’s just going to be Feast upon in those types of matchups and that is really like the biggest limiting factor for Zach Edy while you hear some mock saying that he’s going to go you know in the 20s maybe the the late first round and some other drafts saying that he’s going to be like a top 10 overall pick like there’s a a pretty wide variance of where people think that Zack Edy Falls in this draft with him for me and what I’ve seen of Zach Edy as far as what analysts are saying and when they are evaluating his game is to that point of he is going to get feasted on like you said in the pick and roll situation this isn’t college right like this isn’t the NBA is so pick and roll heavy like that that is there are so many pick and rolls that becomes part of the scheme for a lot of teams now imagine how much more the pick and roll will be used by an opposing team of Zach’s on the other end zachi that pick would scare me he’s just too big man there’s not a ton of you know especially anymore like a a ton of guys who actually get run that are 73 and taller right and if they do it’s because they have the ability to just bust everyone’s butt on the opposing end Nicola yic right so for me me it I find it hard that to to believe that Edie is going to long-term carve himself out a role in the league to be honest but because a lot of times like college doesn’t just because you’re a good college player doesn’t mean that you translate to the NBA it happens all the time Carson Edwards another one right a guy who was naith Player of the Year winter Purdue comes to the NBA and isn’t I don’t even know if he’s in the league at this point and it’s not been that long since he was in college and was the star of The League so just because you were a Player of the Year doesn’t mean you’re going to translate and I just think that defensively Zach Ed poses too many problems especially for a magic team that loves the ability to be versatile and to switch things and throw different looks at you and get we saw it like and I think it was Dan Savage the other day talk about one of the more Overlook things about Wendell Carter is the fact that he can move his feet on the perimeter if put in a position he’s not going to get absolutely cooked every single time Zach EDI on the perimeter definitely will and I just think that schematically he does not fit with the magic and what they’re trying to do speaking of like really good college players who their game doesn’t necessarily translate to the NBA shout out my guy Tyler hansbo North Carolina Legend one of the greatest college basketball players of all time especially you know in the Atlanta Coast Conference there to his credit I think Zach Ed’s game is probably going to translate a little bit better than Tyler hansbro just like given his size Tyler hansbro was a phenomenal college basketball player you know led the tar Hills to a national championship all that kind of good stuff and was just buns in in the league because his game didn’t really translate I’m right there with you Zack Ed pick would scare me a little bit just because like number one it is polarizing he’s one of the greatest you know B college basketball players you know especially in the the last several years here no body stays four years anymore but the the questions I know we’re going to get into this in a little bit later with one of the other prospects but like if this is your option like just just bring back Goa right like if you’re bringing Zach Edan to be your your third big man just just bring back Goa for me and we’ll we’ll save that because I know there’s there’s another prospect that we want to talk a little bit about is potentially a Goa replacement next guy up here on the list uh mock to the Magic by bleach report out of Baylor the 64 guard 195 pounds 610 wingspan 19 years old jacobe Walter this dude I I the logic isn’t exactly logick based off of what I said when it comes to Johnny Fury and as we’re talking about Caleb Houston about this guy like theoretically being a shooter this dude is just like a contested shot maker shot 34.1% this year on 6.3 attempts but like I don’t know what it is about this kid’s film Luke I don’t see a a world in where this dude if he is able to like really carve out a role in the NBA if he sticks I don’t see a world where this dude just like isn’t one of that those like JR Smith type of guys that like heats up and all of a sudden you’re like how did this guy just hit five threes in the last 10 minutes like what like what is going on like that skilled level of a of a shot maker with a hand in his face capable defensively as a playmaker not great on the ball U you definitely right now I think he’s better in in team Concepts but just in terms of like his anticipation you know you know digging for steals jumping in passing Lanes you know rotating over and helping on on blocks if he is beat being able to time when you know the guy that he’s guarding is going to make that attempt at the rim and and getting there and be able to block that off of the backboard because he is a decent athlete Luke and the thing that also stood out to me this kid 14.5 points per game right 10 field goal attempts per game six of those came from behind the arc dude still average five free throw attempts per game primarily being known as a shooter like I mentioned 14 and a half points per game 4.4 rebounds 1.4 assists 1.1 steals shot 37% from the floor uh 42% on twos and 34% from behind the arc but almost 80% at the free throw line Luke well what were your takeaways from jacobe Walter what was his uh what did he measure at wingspan wise do you have that jacobe Walter’s wingspan was 610 from the draft combine right so he and he’s like he measured like six4 yeah that’s a welman boy that’s a welon boy if I’ve ever seen one just one that like if I let’s see I was looking at the uh the ringer as well Kevin o Conor stuff and his attribute which I love that has always that he’s been doing this at least in the last few years the the attribute that he gives him is that he’s got that dog in him as well and like you said when you watch the film it’s like how how can this guy not be a guy that just asserts himself and and fights for minutes and proves himself worth it for these NBA franchises to at least give him a chance anytime that you just like a Max effort guy you can defend you’ve got a plus six wings ban as well to go along with it it’s like someone’s going to give you a shot obviously and it does like the the the 37.6% from the field scares me but he’s also he was a freshman who knows where like what really was going on cuz we you know I’m not someone that was sitting down to watch Baylor games so I don’t know if it was maybe a coaching thing schematics whatever it might be but the attributes of what he did show flash flies he’s he’s someone that could definitely pan out and carve himself a role in the NBA yeah he’s right now he doesn’t have a lot in terms of like live ball creation stuff I don’t know that he’ll ever be that type of guy for me if this were the pick it would be like we’re giving you the jet Howard treatment like you’re getting stashed in the G League there’s a lot of stuff that you need to work on but he’s not a like Elite athlete but I think he has enough physical tools that this coaching staff and like the entire you know magic system whether that be Orlando or Oola I think could coach him up into being like a plus Team Defender probably never going to be like an elite guy defensively but just given his tools and like some of the anticipation stuff that you see I feel like he could be a you know net positive on that end and if you can figure out how to get him some more you know effective looks from behind the arc and he can be you know more efficient and be like a high 38 you know 38 39% guy from behind the arc with the level of like difficult shot making that he already has I could see that guy you know being you know a a real guy in the league in in the next several years here yeah okay the next guy that we have here who was Mar mocked to the Magic by which NBA I’m always a little weary of maybe it’s just like the aesthetic of their website I don’t know what does it for me but regardless of that kesan George out of Miami 68 Wing 208 PB 610 wingspan another shooter shot 40% from behind the ark this year 43% on catch and shoot opportunities and 54% on open Catch and shoot opportunities so you leave that dude open and he is dropping it in from behind the arc 7.6 points per game this year uh played in 31 games for Miami but only started 16 of them uh shot 42% from the floor 46.7% from two again almost 41% from behind the arc and 77% from the free throw line added three rebounds two assists and almost a steal per game is a little bit of a limited athlete uh has some potential of as a Defender but this is a kid who that like primarily grew up as a point guard and now has sort of transitioned in like a wing roll with Miami so you do see like there are some shades of of playmaking but still has like a long way to go it’s funny that you brought up Kevin ooc Conor because I was looking at the ringer and his comp for Kean George was shades of Joe Eng Les I don’t know that I totally see that like I just see like Joe Eng Les as as much more of a like you know controlled ball handler and I think his playmaking chops are you know a bit more advanced than than Kean George for me Luke this would be another one of those types of guys that if if we’re drafting like this is a this is a project this is a guy that you’re going to be developing a little bit and like even at 18 I feel like this is would be a bit of like a of an upside pick definitely I mean this is a guy that if you bring him in he’s definitely getting put to the g-league uh effective immediately just because he is so young and just the fact that he didn’t play much with Miami like he started 16 games but he only he played like 23 minutes a game and and 16 games and I mean shooting wise he’s I mean it’s maybe worth taking a shot just because when it comes to shooting he can definitely provide that the the four attempts a game almost 41% and I do think that his playmaking from what I’ve SE and what I’ve watched uh there’s something to be said about the playmaking there and just the fact that he didn’t get as much shine as he should have or could have at Miami this past year over two assists and for the role that he had at Miami could argue like that you could see him being a four and a half five assist guy in the NBA so uh he’s interesting to me I’m not sold out on him by any means but we’ll we’ll see where he ends up I think that he and especially like the ringer with Kevin oconor and a lot of other outlets I feel like I saw him mocked lower than being at at 18 like but mainly like in the 20s I feel like when it comes to the draft like there a lot of people that are fans of college basketball and and draft and you know the whole evaluation process people always like no matter what guy it is in the draft you’re gonna find a small camp of people that love this guy and I haven’t seen a a ton of people that are really high on keesan George but the ones that are high are like are really high on him so I think there are things from every prospect that you could talk yourselves into that hey if the best version of this guy pans out he’ll be really good I do feel like that with kesan George like if if it pans out this is a dude that people are going to look back on and be like oh I can’t believe this guy fell this far but he’s got a long way to improve before he you really gets to that level and last but not least uh this guy was mocked to the Magic by Yahoo sports kle wear 6’1 230 lb 74in wingspan 19 years old the big out of Indiana a lob threat absolutely lob threat obviously you know good vertical leaper good size good hands around the rim uh offensive versatility I think he’s got some upside there just like he’s got some post moves you know there there’s uh you know a little bit of ball handling as well like you see some highlights of him going like end to end with the ball and having the ability to finish and then he’s got like jump hooks a little bit you know turnaround fade away you know jump shot a little bit in his bag now obviously he’s got to continue to improve and develop that kind of stuff um but like overall you know good anticipation as a Defender especially as a as a shot blocker um could probably be a little bit you know better you know on that end even given his his frame you know 230 pounds a 7 foot probably want to see him fill out a little bit more Luke um but I know you’re excited to talk about kware let me just throw some numbers out really quickly almost 16 points per game almost 10 rebounds shot 58% from the floor 60% uh from two 42.5% from behind the arc just 1.3 attempts so relatively low volume shot 63% from the free throw line uh and added an assist and a half per game luk what do you think of kle I think that the redeeming factor of him and not even redeeming but like just the fact that was able to shoot 42.2% on those one attempts a game and by the way in conference play in the Big 10 he shot about the same three-point attempts a game 1.3 but shot 50% so AEL I think is what you could maybe gather about about Kow and I just love the fact that he is a lob threat that’s super exciting to me you think of a guy like Derek lively that’s what kind of some of the comps are with him just a great athlete able to go up and get the ball but also gives you the dimension of where Lively doesn’t give you three-point shooting at all that wear could be a guy that develops into a spacer on the floor as a big man which is necessary a lot of the time uh with with NBA teams now in this day and age is is just spacing in general but where is exciting to me just because I also think I I’m going this route of like this is who I want at 18 if the magic were to use the pick I’m going this route because I’m like I’m hoping that the magic use free agency to get wings and guards and whatever they want there and then if Goa does walk because there is going to be a lot of interest we’ve seen reports as of late about Goa drumming up interest as like a backup big for a lot of teams they love what they saw and rightfully so when when the lights were bright for the magic on a wi streak whatever it might have been Goa was able to step up and be very serviceable in that role so if indeed Goa does go then I would not mind taking a flyer onwar and just putting him in like the third string Center role on this team maybe doesn’t play a ton of minutes maybe You’ look at him playing like 10 minutes A Game 12 minutes a game whatever it might be but I just think that down the road like he’s a great break glass in Cas you know break in in case of emergency I that’s where I think that I would find him the first year or two but I think he’s awesome I think he showed a lot of growth from what I’ve read and seen from Oregon to Indiana as well for instance at Oregon that one three a game was at was a was uh 27% and in conference play he was 13 game at Oregon 23.8% at Oregon and then he goes to Indiana and showed a lot of improvement I mean he goes from it’s a great obviously you look back on you’re like wow that bet I’m sure he’s glad he transferred he was averaging 6.6 points per game at Oregon and four rebounds then he goes to Indiana and averages 16 and 10 that is the obviously the other thing for me is like the ability to grab rebounds two offensive rebounds a game by the way and then with couple that with you know 9.9 total rebounds a game I just think that he would be awesome to have and the kind of upside the flashes that he shows to be able to be a shooter in the league he’s super exciting to me in that respect and like the most exciting that I could really get about a prospect at 18 for what I want the magic to do because like I said what I want them to do with free agency is nothing to do with you know maybe a big man but Goa if he walks I think he’d be a good replacement yeah I think there’s still like a fair question just around the center position I know there’s the conversations around Wendell have sort of like flow back and forth over the course of this last season you know he gets injured it’s like oh look he’s injured again Goa and mo come in it’s like oh look how good they’re playing do we really need Wendell Wendell comes back and is sort of like up and down and I think at this point is probably like a little bit underrated but for me I’m just keep coming back to the fact that you know you’re going to need a fail safe for 20 to 25 games a year when it comes to Wendell for that reason if we were able to go out and get like an Isaiah hartenstein right you’re able to upgrade cre at the center position Wendell becomes your your backup or you know mo becomes your backup I don’t know if you move Wendell I don’t know what that looks like but if you’re able to sh up the center position so that it’s just like really really solid I would love that I’d be a huge fan of a move like that but there’s sort of conflicting reports with Goa it’s like some teams see that he could be a backup other teams see that he might be able to be had for like the veteran minimum if that’s the case if you can keep Goa for the veteran minimum or even give a little bit of a raise over that just so that you keep him and he doesn’t go elsewhere I think you you do that move right like if you’re not looking to really upgrade the center position this off season if you’re okay with the current state of it then just bring googa back if he’s relatively inexpensive I I just I think he’s good for the culture he’s proven that he can step in in big situations is he perfect no but like as it is now I don’t think klew would a guy like that would step in and just be better than Goa from from day one maybe I’m wrong about that not that I don’t like kle wear like if the magic um you know were to to pick uh at 18 and kle wear is the pick I think that’s a pick that I could be excited about I do see the upside I think he is a guy that you probably have to be patient with and give him a couple of years but I think you could do a lot worse you know with the 18th pick I feel like where I fall with this pick is whoever you take like don’t expect them to contribute right away like this is I think why I would lean more tides the towards the guys with upside like a Jared McCain or like a kle wear because if you’re patient with these guys and you can develop them there are some guys that I think could be really good in you know two to three years from now in this area where where we’re able to select so Luke what I wanted to ask you is like where are you with this pick do you want us to keep it trade it or stash I’ll be honest if it wasn’t for this show I would not have done any type of dive into Prospect like that it just doesn’t seem it’s not a priority for me as a fan of the magic right and at pick 18 it’s like I hope that if they do pick someone I hope they pan out but also it’s not the end of the world and it’s a good position to be in where we’re not living and dying by draft anymore which is awesome and we’re able to kind of look we’re very much able to look toward free agency so for me I I don’t I’m not really invested in this draft I because I am co-hosting a magic podcast that is the reason we said hey we want to make sure that we obviously are covering the draft the way that the magic fans deserve for you know content to be looked at for everything right that’s we have a high standard for whatever the event is if the magic are involved we want to do some research to at least seem like we know what we’re talking about that’s the reason right at the end of the day I hope they Trade It and just get future draft capital or package it with another player and trade for someone on draft night that they’re looking at I just want to establish players at this point I I want to see what jet Howard and Anthony black have and let’s move on from there yeah if they’re able to somehow package this pick and get like a real asset out of it I think that would be my number one priority but if this pick just doesn’t have a lot of value around the league and and you can’t find that package to make it make sense really for all part I’m totally okay with them taking a a kle war a kle wear um or you know Kean or jar McCain one of these other guys and just say hey you’re gonna play in the the G League you know for this year the way that Jed Howard did and see the magic continue to use that as sort of like a farm and developmental system right I I would be totally fine with that um that that’s sort of where I’m at I just don’t see any of these guys in this range the magic drafting these guys and then Distributing this year at least right yeah totally agree okay I think that’s going to do it for this one we’re going to be recording Wednesday night after the draft so if the magic trade the pick take the pick whatever we’ll be here talking about it breaking it down what time does the draft start I think it’s at 8 o’clock on Wednesday if I’m not mistaken all right and then the second round is 400 pm on Thursday so you all want to tune in to that you definitely can um but yeah we’ll be here to talk about the NBA draft draft and all things leading up to NBA fre agency and then obviously once fre agency really gets going here we’ll be able to talk about that as well with that is going to do it for this one for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let’s go magic go go

Just two days until the draft, it feels like the Magic have reached the point where the draft won’t make or break them. Regardless, we break down the national media’s mock drafts & who they have the Magic selecting.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

If you enjoyed the show please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!

0:00 – Intro
13:17 – Mock Drafts
13:59 – Jared McCain
22:30 – Johnny Furphy
25:52 – Patron Shoutout
28:01 – Isaiah Collier
31:40 – Tristan da Silva
37:24 – Zach Edey
42:52 – Ja’Kobe Walter
47:49 – KyShawn George
51:24 – Kel’el Ware

#OrlandoMagic #OrlandoMagicPodcast #PaoloBanchero #BlueWireVideo


  1. Keep in mind those are heights without shoes. McCain is 6'3 and DaSilva is 6'9. I also believe Tristan DaSilva plays right away if he's selected. Could play backup wing, especially if Joe, Chuma and Gary are gone.

  2. We have done so well on the draft with Weltman that I think I don’t mind swinging for a risk and draft Zach Edey if we can call it a risk worse case scenario he becomes a good backup center

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