@Boston Celtics

If you wanna win a ring, lose to Emo Butler first then win a ring the following year. This is his legacy.

If you wanna win a ring, lose to Emo Butler first then win a ring the following year. This is his legacy.

by thetruth0102


  1. Alright, but I’m unironically looking forward to what he looks like on media day this year.

  2. Ehhh. This is fun. But Tatum wasn’t ECF MVP. That was Brown

  3. bignedmoyle

    I’m happy us bucks fans aren’t getting tortured by celtics fans after their chip. Enjoy it.

  4. chinesefox97

    Tatum could retire today and have a better career than Dawg Jimmy Butler despite being 26 lol

  5. Not to be that guy but he also has an ECF MVP that he earned against Boston, and Boston lost to Jimmy in 2020 too, but didn’t win in 2021.

  6. verbomancy

    To be fair though, emo Jimmy was possibly the funniest thing (intentional or not) that a professional athlete has ever done.

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