@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Latest Rumor | Bulls Moving Away From Demar Derozan Post Giddey Trade

Chicago Bulls Latest Rumor | Bulls Moving Away From Demar Derozan Post Giddey Trade

post trade there’s some questions around whether demard de rozan is a part of the future of this team now we all know right realistically speaking I think that we’re all in on moving on from dear finding some way to allow him to go to somewhere else not because we think he’s a bad player just because we’re ready to start and try and figure out okay what is the next version of this team yes but none of us believe the Bulls were on board that’s a fact that’s a fact which I think is more what brings this question up demard D Roan not being in the Bulls plans if this is the case what is the best case scenario to replace that production next season what is the Bull’s next move to whether it’s just allowing Kobe white to cook and finding some other position add on to what is the Bull’s next move if they do move on from a demard to Ros start with JC I already know where this man’s GNA go oh yeah P you know what I’m gon he’s in on Zack LaVine here no no no he knows can he sell you on can I sell you on Patrick Williams Ascension baby he’s a dog a definitely not a dog are you kidding me he’s definitely not a dog well look look look all I’m saying is if you get one guy out the way maybe he might take a little rise like we we all expected you know maybe get his value for being a number four pick and everything will work out just fine can I can I do this I’m I’mma sell you on something it happened today and uh you lost two people yeah Jamar D rozan won one of my favorite players mid-range assassin I love his game very Kobe s Mike X all that uh all that stuff right uh but OG anobi just uh opted out he’s a free agent he’s a 26 year old player AB Absolut he’s absolutely is what we wanted P will to be in some respects see throwing a bag at him yor again they had a good season he was a trade don’t get me wrong maybe he didn’t want to be there regardless I could see him being someone the Bulls go after to kind of replace that you go young and you start developing that team as is the problem with that is um in theory the Bulls don’t have money the Bulls have money to resign Demar Roa because he’s currently on his team that money does not carry over Demar de rozan is not on this team if you just let Demar walk you would probably have to sign and trade Demar de rozan do you want to pay OG anobi 80 million for two years yes no I’m okay 40 mil a year for ogan anobi no because that just to me that just puts you in a bad position that you’re already in because that’s where the money’s going like it like listen Kobe White’s contract is a freak it’s a steal 110% like like he’s so underpaid is ridiculous but that doesn’t mean to overpay for a player that’s not going to have nearly as big of an impact on you the reason that ogan anobi is available and he’s out there yes there are people that are going to offer him contracts but Oobi is just Canadian Chris Middleton he’s not even Canadian but he spends so much time in Toronto you know I mean that’s like when you look by the game by game phenomenal Defender offensively guess what and St guy how much Chris midon get paid $40 million $4 million hey no no but let’s keep it a buck and every year we say what this man is overid I don’t think he’s overpaid I think he’s appropriately paid for what he does I think he’s that’s what the money I think he’s finally gotten to the point where he’s not overpaid Chris Middleton Chris Middleton’s been making $40 million a year for a couple years three three years 93 million so a little under that 31 a year 31 a year salary Bas that was his extension that’s not what he originally signed to I don’t think n it was like I think one that or maybe it was loaded or backloaded I I don’t have the numbers in front I had them and then a TV just exploded in the back we don’t know what happened anymore but no really I think here’s the thing for me when I when I look at the demard Rosen situation to me this is a you just clean slate don’t don’t bring on baggage that you don’t want to realistically have on your team for sure that’s my thing don’t bring on baggage that you don’t need on your team I think is whoever you get I I I’m I’m I’m thinking of the same direction as we went with Caruso this is a 35 year old player even though he’s going to give you a good 25 points per game as as the primary score on your team I think the days are are now kind of long in the two for us to be keeping these guys that are not contributing for the future I I like the I will I hope that the Bulls continue to look to the Future and build around Kobe you got Gideon here and you know hopefully we can build off of whatever other trades come with with Demar I don’t mind who we get back as long as they contribute and and fill a good role in this team and that’s that’s the that I think is tough right that’s the part where when you’re sitting there looking at the future of this team you do have to have this SE in my mind you need to take this season you gotta tank one you gotta suck one season not not tank but but this is the season this is the season for you to go out there and try and okay show me something prove it to me the Patrick Williams Point wait did right the the fourth overall pick he became the fourth overall pick and immediately became the fifth option on the team right it’s not it’s not exactly a conducive air environment for you to succeed in which makes my point refresh my memory what is the option with Demar is it that he can be is he is an option them or you let them walk there’s no you can do a sign and trade you can do a sign and trade as well that’s what I was okay getting to so the new CBA limits some things that you can do with that though you can still sign him to 80 million though you can sign him to 8 twoy year the deal that was proposed to Demar was a 2year 80 million million dollar deal and then you could sign and trade him to whoever you want the part that’s tough about that is where he probably wants to go is probably the Lakers or the Clippers or right maybe an OKC somebody that’s out west they ain’t really got rury hore was another player I would take because rury is also 26 I think that anytime you look at what he can do you always have to keep in mind that he’s coming behind LeBron James that offense is built for LeBron it’s a whole different thing right he’s also coming behind Anthony Davis he won’t have that issue in Chicago you also keep I don’t think that’ll work for the leers though like it it won’t work for their new head coach yeah and I was gon loves dear I mean it’s cool everybody love dear I mean it’s about the fit I mean when when you look at it right even then say you say you do make that deal if you’re going forward with that you’re talking about possibly uh you’re talking about LeBron ad and then you got uh then you got D Roan I mean if LeBron nobody yeah who’s gonna be shooting re I mean but you gotta think about you you have to think about the fed and the longterm additions to that right because then after that say LeBron retires then you you still got Demar ad’s probably gonna try to win a championship he’s gonna ask out so where where does that leave JJ then I’m B I’m basing this all of what JJ mentioned and this is kind of speculated of how he was going to play Anthony Davis a lot of things were going to be focused on Anthony Davis and flow through him he wanted to play LeBron more off ball which Hey listen they have a whole podcast together I’m pretty sure they’ve had that conversation and if you really think about it LeBron has always needed someone like a Demar who can get his own bucket take over win a quarter or two to allow him to actually rest and things of that nature it’s no different here if you actually look at it Hey listen the Lakers had Carmelo Anthony I’m sorry at this stage of their career Demar De Rose is better than Carmelo Anthony if you look at the late stages of their careers like what they they got carmelo for he can absolutely do in Spades and he can still run a second but Carmelo can shoot the three dear’s getting better realistically I get what you’re saying Demar is 35% from three year 15 of his career 16 of his career like that’s what he’s going to be guys you don’t need necessar not J kid this he doesn’t need like another like they’re gonna find ways to get another Sharpshooter but he need someone who can create plays for themselves be able to get a bucket by themselves he didn’t have a lot of that outside of ad I mean listen I love the the thought that LeBron that JJ reick is gonna run things through Anthony Davis but I think on I think on their podcast they already said how they’re going to run things he he did a segment where he basically talked about shoot how uh when you shoot in the first uh um eight seconds of a shot clock uh teams are doing it at a higher clip than ever now it’s a 38% or no a 44% completion percentage shooting within the first eight seconds of the shot clock because teams aren’t expecting it the Lakers aren’t a team that is built to do that right now so I expect some changes to come in that would speak to that they also said uh they also pointed to what LeBron does in that situation he says if this is you right here and you’re shooting in the first eight seconds of the shot clock at a 44 to 38% clip right what does that do for you now everybody’s playing in space now that opens things up for LeBron to drive have ad down low stuff like that I expect the Lakers to be a team that’s putting up the three ball at a high clip this the thing yeah know the thing that I was I was gonna point to as well e even when JJ always talks the main thing he always talks about is it’s a mathematics game three threes are always going to win over twos yeah he he values the two but you can see right now in terms of his of his exes and olds just not even him coaching they’re definitely going to be able to put up the three so I’m I’m really interested to see what they do but I don’t think Demar would be um a good fit um espe I think we’re also discrediting the fact that LeBron is plays one through five and LeBron it’s also shooting 40% from three last season I hear you but we know where LeBron is g to be like at this point I problem I don’t think JJ would change where LeBron is going to be we’ve seen one coach try to change where LeBron is going to be halfway through the season they end up putting him right back where he’s always been he’s a point guard I don’t think LeBron has ever a six foot eight point guard besides tyou I don’t think LeBron’s ever had a coach that’s willing to challenge him like JJ is and I’m willing to see what right that’s the care sale right he’s too old no but see change and here’s the thing this is where I actually give LeBron a lot of Praise His game has changed the last two years oh his game has changed the last 10 years tremendously he’s a better shoter was when he first with the worst move in basketball bro fam it’s so slow I’m look at my hand for two seconds in his but here the thing hey never has he driven off of that move bro legitimately never have I seen him here and take it and go I’ve never seen him do it LeBron add a hesi to his game right now best player in the league bro I swear I promise you right now he’s gonna get everybody jumping out the gym but no I just Malone I think that when you talk about the Demar situation I wonder about a team like the Lakers if they would really be in on that I think you got to look at some of those some of those teams that maybe a little bit younger could Memphis be in in the mix because you just need somebody who’s a legit go out and get it guy could Minnesota be in the mix especially after uh OKC added Alex Caruso they gotta add they have no choice that’s a that’s a good OKC just put the pressure on Minnesota you get better a nice team they like like to me it’s like oh like and I think those are the two at the top of the West that are really going at it like those are the two that it’s like all right we just made a move now how are you going to counter this because we finally got somebody who yeah can he stop Anthony Edwards absolutely not but I saw him here in Chicago make his day really really really difficult Anthony EDS had like 25 on like nine of 22 shooting yeah yeah you I mean so like those are those are the things where you’re going to see teams start to play the chess game in the Western Conference I wonder if we see one of those smaller team do it or if you look at the Eastern Conference where we know the Bulls are willing to help other teams get better than them um do you see maybe another trade with a team like Orlando who just needs another pure bucket on that team where they go yeah we got some people that we can get rid of and here’s some picks one of the most slept on teams have made the playoffs no one even mentions Paulo and what they did I I can see them doing some damage hey bro am I am I am I now I know this sounds crazy everybody breathe take a second take a second am I the only one to sees LeBron and Paulo am I the only one that LeBron hey I see Carmelo hey hey I I don’t see Melo because Paulo is a phenomenal facilitator he plays on both ends Melo when he wants to Melo was not a phenomenal facilitator Melo wasn’t passing the ball what are you talking about hey Melo has literally gone on interviews and said if I pass you this ball you pass it back mind and a mind has told but you better make it has told Mother mle times he said hey I know you practice that 10 times out of 10 when I get that I’m shooting that no no that’s no what did a man say he said he said Melo I was wide open you had three dudes on you he said but I practiced that shot I practiced that shot like I don’t see Melo and Paulo at all to me I see LeBron bro I don’t see LeBron man the facilitating the the the the uh ability to be 611 and take it off of the glass and run the show pick what you want to do to me and how he’s able to pull up that kid’s a beast dog Paulo’s a monster bro that kid’s a be get out of Orlando there’s no way you’ll be successful there I got I got a place across the uh oh here we go I honestly think you don’t even know what it’s across you you don’t even know what it’s across sou we in sou four hours is there is there a lake is there is there a River what is it I got a place across go go ahead go ahead go ahead in the in the Eastern Conference that’s that’s not a playin team I see Lebron in it I do you look at the stats you look at the splits that’s a that’s a that’s a t I like I like this Joshua simm said I’m sorry but I don’t see Bron like you don’t develop into LeBron I do agree with that you don’t develop into LeBron we we are talking about people I don’t know how old you are you may be older and forgive me but young LeBron was a lot like Paulo well yeah young LeBron was facilitating dspect was a lot like he was facilitating and dunking and must like we gonna give you that jump shot and then he got a jump shot like a jump in fact you all go back and look at the just I mean don’t be a stat Warrior but like go back and look at the actual film you know LeBron was a high volume shooter at one point yeah yeah I don’t know man let us know your thoughts in the comments below what do you think the Bulls do if their plan is to move on from demard d r Ro and I think that I’m not mad at JC’s assessment of P will I am mad that we have to go to P will but I think that here’s my thing about next season if you go into next season and you’re good you’re good right the dumbest thing in the world to me is people like what if Josh giddy’s good and we gotta pay him you pay him pay him perfect here we go all right we got it we’re good I hate people he’s going to be expensive that’s why you pay him that’s that’s the point of it uh what what if uh what if Kobe white wants to restructure his contract because he’s really good you pay him he should you got him at a steal right and you’re gonna be having that conversation tomorrow uh or next year I should say um next year yeah you gota actually you gotta have that conversation next year no no his his contract three he got three year he got three year right he got two years on it because he kicks in this year right this was his last year of his first rookie year rookie deal isn’t it no we had to resign him he was on his last year as Ry yeah last year for him was year five last year for him was year five but I I think that I’m fine with paying people that are good if they prove they’re good I’m fine with paying P will the minimal I’m not paying him I I give you a IO dumu contract yeah because he have a contract I give you 10 Mill to go see if he’s any good fine with that PE people keep forgetting that when he was healthy this man played a whole season before he got hurt and average 10 over 40% three-pointers like you wanted him for the three and D now you move these guys out the way you you’re going to weed him to what his I hope you I hope you have my back like you have P will back like like you got back Hey listen iise you don’t have my back like you have P will back I’m G be real got you hey hey sorry that me you to the end PK there we go you like what’s going on oh double s here we go hey now foul I don’t know what’s going on cing that I need a haircut hand over this yo what I hit sou back I’m I’mma just say this about P will though I mean he gave me OB topping stats in more minutes I know that was an argument hey Obby toppin had 13 minut 13 less minutes per game one less Point that’s all I’m saying I hear you I mean listen here’s here’s my thing with it situations to me are different yes he got the minutes but we know he was the focal point of that offense we know he wasn’t the one getting the the majority of those shots Nicks did that all they got is for on what the Nicks I thought heard something hey hey I got nervous I got nervous he was on what but no I I just think here’s here’s my thing if you prove that you’re worth more and you get more and all that we’ll pay you more when you get there I’m fine paying young players that prove something P will been the same dude for four years he went from nine points a game to 10 points a game it’s not Improvement nice nice nice increase baby that mean got an extra free throw you know what I mean that mean he got an extra free throw you all took one extra shot yeah I mean so it’s like it it doesn’t it doesn’t do nothing for me W’s always like well he’s an elite Defender he’s always he’s always no who’s our best defender hey bro our best defender Oh I thought you meant right now no but even right now I dumu he still not our best defender our best rebounder no definitely not Jesus okay he’s not our best any he was our best three-point shooter for a while best rebound you guys you guys are what’s actually AJ Drummond is not under contract and it’s probably Le understand that I’m saying for the season we had one of the best rebounders period and didn’t use them right he also was in fou and Dr get yeah like might love to say that Andre like f himself up for sure I can’t wait I’ve been saying that though he got one or two plays that he be doing as nice and then the minute he do it he think he can do it again yeah then it’s an offensive foul he like Tech on top it’s a lot of wild with this with drum but I do love drum uh no but here’s my thing you you win this year you got your ANW if you’re bad this year you got a top 25 pick what’s win to you what is what is that equation make the play if if you got if you make the playoffs for real not the play in not the play in if you well I say this if you make the play in and it’s like how it was this season in the West in the west no like in you can’t play like they in the west we have teams that good East you the TC was like shouldn’t have even been thought of but well they got the first overall Pi in the west I think the the TC had like 45 I’m not even saying that because I think you’re making a ton of drastic changes right you’re getting rid of basically all of the Vets not the Vets but you’re getting rid of all of the older players on this team that that were the most relied on you’re moving on from Zack LaVine you’re moving on from DeMar de rozan probably yeah do you keep V maybe but is he a real part of your equation probably not I would I would think probably not right so like I think that there is that equation of change how do you how do you adjust to the change how quickly does that happen you can start off the season struggling a little bit and then by the end of the season you hit your groove and you’re able to go like I think win to me is a different conversation with the young guys and you’re one of like here’s the team figure it out so you’re not expecting a 500 record I would say 500 what were they this year 37 and 42 wasn’t that their record this year no it was 39 and don’t we think that giddy his type of skill set 39 and 43 has a better facilitator will be able to make maybe some other players a little bit better it might if you’re saying I do if you think that the P will situation is better because now you have someone like giddy of will it make him better so he go what what does he average what does people average a game right now 10 point2 so does he go to like 15 points a game which is still like oh not great but that’s that’s that’s a big step in the right direction 15 points a game you’re a big part of the game plan not being the primary score also keep that in mind he’s not going to be the number one option 15 is pretty good that’s pretty good yeah it so not that I’m Champion for for p will I just because I would have like to see more out of him period coming out as the number four pick regardless just something that you made a statement said why I’m supposed to be here versus I’m just a good glue guy bench player I don’t like that I just I just hope that it uh if the Bulls do move on from dear I hope that it’s finally one of those things where okay dear’s not here and then P will just gets to who cause if if it’s just one of those things then fine but as of right now I’m out on him uh I’ve been out on him for a minute now but I mean listen hopefully Josh G Josh giddy will be able to you know get him to where he needs to go I know how I feel about it that’s it biggest there he’s a he is a bust at this point to me the funny thing about it all is when you don’t have stars on your team anymore the other guys what do what are they gonna do just run up and down the floor for cardio they just getting active like he has he’s going to have an increase in in production up from a right getting active and stuff like that yeah but like like that doesn’t mean that he’s that caliber of player like you we’ve seen plenty of times where someone on a bad team put up good numbers but you really put them with people really in that Rim who really like that they’re not that good like we’ve seen that plenty of times so you said who Jeremy Grant n Jeremy Grant a bucket I think he’s nice but I don’t think he’s what he looked like because he was on a bum team and he really was good then he goes to another team and he’s kind of like oh yeah shots change your production changes but I think that’s what we’re talking about right is that your Ro yeah your role goes up like when your rooll goes up it does change things it does make things better so I’m sorry Jeremy Grant been a 20 point no Jeremy Grant yeah but Jeremy Grant Detroit was a much different score than he has been than he was when he was with Portland and you had Dame and all of them on the team he was then he 21 points a game last SE he’s what team is he on on Portland okay why Dame’s not there CU Dame’s not there and everyone’s dead and Scoot sucked the whole team was terrible he played one season with Dame he still averaged 21 points a game yeah he did well like he’s been giving you his the the same St like he’s hasn’t really dipped at all of course when you have a game you’re going to have more shots and stuff like that that’s clear like you’re going to see a dip in that that happens to even the greats look at Michael Jordan what we’re gonna segue into his numbers dipped when he got horis Grant and Scotty Pippen he didn’t average 37 points a game he averaged 35 but you know saying still like yeah maybe they fluff that that number too um somebody fluffing something hey you know what let’s pivot into that real quick hey appreciate y’all for tuning in and showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page we do got to keep this the Jordan conversation going because there is an interesting article out here and I want to get everybody’s thoughts on this if

Pat The Designer & The Breeze Crew Talk About The Possibility Of The Chicago Bulls Deciding to Move On From Demar Derozan Due To The Josh Giddey Trade

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  1. Good convo, but I'm here for PWill blowing up. Get Demar outta here and watch him sauce all over the place, pause.

  2. Let both of them go DeRozan need to go to a winning team.And P-will,"Just can't get right",he's hurt too much!!!😮

  3. Let these young guys develop… Let the young guys season…let it be a learning year and let us keep our 2025 pick.

  4. The concept for this year should be "delayed gratification" (this concept is key to individual and group success…its proven). The goal for this year should be developing our young talent, drafting well, divestiture of vets, seasoning the new young team, and keeping our 2025 pick. Longer term thinking is the only smart way to proceed at this juncture.

  5. Who is we all ?speak for yourself nerd,I was hoping they played Demar,Vuc,Drum,Ayo and Green last season with Coby and Caruso coming off the bench and won a championship.

    Yall dont be be knowing nothing about winning basketball but be running yall mouth like straight losers,at least know what a winning team is or the best one you got before acting like yall know the game.

    That was their best starting 5 they couldve put out there at that time with injuries to Pat so yeah,I was hoping they played that and ran it it back next season for another championship

    But the way yall talk like that team just didnt have a shot and Demar should go,but truthfully is that the way it really was and really should go?

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