@Dallas Mavericks

We Talk Mavs!! | The Latest News and Rumors Surrounding the Dallas Mavericks

We Talk Mavs!! | The Latest News and Rumors Surrounding the Dallas Mavericks

yo yo yo yo yo what up everybody it’s your boys we back again man got a special one for y’all today today we GNA be talking about trade rumors offseason moves and other things can you ready to get to it man yes sir all right man let’s do it [Music] yes sir yes sir YouTube Gard gang MFL mffl podcast listeners all over the globe guys welcome to a brand spanking new episode of we talk Mavs offseason Edition guys listen man it is the D we are back rein king with a brand sprinking new one for your head top y’all already know how we do over here man we talk about all things Dallas mad man from a fans perspective listen man we definitely welcome y’all to another episode and we ask that you guys if you’re brand new if you’re into D maveri content go ahead and hit that subscribe button and also too man everybody hit that like button man go aad and hit that like button for us today man we still trying to get to our I can’t remember what number goal it is man I just know it’s a goal still trying to get to that goal is it fourth I think it might be four fourth okay you probably right uh fourth goal of 3K we almost there I think we got about less than 200 away so would definitely be much appreciated Man Ke you ready to get to it man let’s do this bro got a lot to cover today man um y as y’all know offseason’s probably the busiest time when it comes to the NBA it’s probably the most entertaining time man because when you hear all the trade rumors and you know who gonna sign here who gonna sign there all that type of stuff starts coming out and you know hey you don’t skip the Mavs so you know Mavs uh you know coming up short here in the finals they’re definitely gonna be looking to make some moves to improve the team and try to get over the hump man so all right keing man let’s get to these uh news and room so this first one man that we got up here man um so this from Chris Haynes a lot of y’all know he is uh Dame Lillard’s guy but he does have other relationships in the league where you know with a different player so if he kind of is saying some things about some certain moves and all that stuff man I think it’d be wise to listen to them so uh we we played we’re gonna play this clip here let you guys listen to it hopefully you can hear it um we gonna play this clip here this is a clip of him talking about possible teams looking at Tobias Harris and the mass might be one of them so let’s let’s play it here it’s coming this free agency he spent believe five and a half Seasons with Philly um his role kind of fluctuated at times you know there were different Stars brought in you know there was the emergence of Tyrese Maxi where Tobias Harris usage rate you know fluctuated and and it went down at times and um you know Tobias has taken a lot of scrutiny in Philly but one thing about Tobias Harris that that I can say about him that he’s always been durable he’s always been a standup guy he’s always been a great locker room guy and he does give you production now is the production what you you want of your second a second tier star um you know I think that depends on just how much he’s being used how how much uh his offensive Talent is being played into into into Factor so I will say this um you know you got teams that I expect to have some interest in in uh into Tobias I will mention you know Utah you Detroit San Antonio Dallas and New Orleans you know Dallas and New Orleans those will probably have to be sign and trade type scenarios but those are teams that I’m hearing that are expected to have some level of interest in Tobias Harris um this summer and um you know he he’s a guy again remember he he came off of a coming off of a big contract remember he’s with the Clippers and got the deal over to to get the Philly so he’s a guy who’s 31 still has a still has a a lot of game left and it’s all about it’s all about the right fit with him it’s all about the right fit the right culture and um you know he’s motivated to prove people wrong that’s that’s what I do know he’s motivated all right man well King you heard what he said man Dallas is one of the teams that might be in the hunt for a Tobias Harris man you heard all of the the things he said about him you know as far as what he can do his age and all that stuff man what you think man it depends on it depends on if we can’t get anyone else with other guys and it depends on uh the asking price as far as how much he’s demanding for the next contract and how much it’ll you know cost us as far as a signing trade if we get that done um I’m not completely off the table against I’m not gonna lie like I’m I always say I’m like the the the reasonable mad fan I realize what we do have and what we don’t have and it’s some guys that the bottom of the bench making money that you know if you got Tobias Harris in there instead of them it would have definitely helped us this year um so it just depends on how it will work out bro I mean he’s not we’re talking about threes and all he’s a guy that could help us I’m not gonna lie to at his best he could help us um like situations where we needed a guy he can dribble the ball he can get to the floor he can get to the basket he can do little stuff I mean if you’re giving him just like just straight one-on-one coverage I think he can do some things he’s probably even more talented as far as one-onone coverage than uh you know like a PJ Washington or so um so like I said that it’s that he plays a little defense as well when he puts his mind to it so like I said ask him price if if he’s really determined and um yeah depends on what we can’t get other guys I have a big four of guys I feel like fits that position and um one of them are gonna talk about later on with Jeremy Grant um but Tobias Harris Paul George and um also know it’s a big five I’m sorry also um Denny and kman so those are the guys I’m really looking at right now as far as fitting that position and um toas is probably probably the bottom of the list but uh he would help though if we had to trade off some guys that we do have on the team yeah because we on the opposite Spectrum I don’t want to BU ears I know you didn’t I I don’t listen especially has a third option you still don’t show up it’s like you you your plate they taking less food off PL he’s still not showing up and he’s 31 I don’t even know what he’s going to come in on on the open market but I think I’mma pass on that um there’s a whole lot more options and a lot of people you just named off on your list that I would take over the like the list that you had this the thing man I don’t have a list of people I want I’ve told y’all this already I whatever whatever Nico decides to do I’m with it now if he decid to get Tobias Harris I mean okay you know I trust Nico but I don’t want if you ask me I don’t want to Bas Harris um he’s not even nobody on my list uh probably what about five years ago I probably would have took Tobi Harris but now I mean his his production in the playoffs and stuff just completely just constantly dropping off and he’s a no show I think there was one game in the playoffs he went 04 pulling the Tim hard away and I just I not for the third option not for somebody who we feel like can be a connector um a lot of people you named off I would take way over him I trust those people that you named off way more than Tobias Harris um I just I mean look if Nico think he can get something out of him and I guess man I just because I don’t want to go against what Nico wants to do but at the same time it’s like I just I don’t I don’t trust Tobias Harris bro I don’t trust to I think we talked about that multiple times before I don’t trust the buas S but you know how I talked about them situations before where you sometimes got to go for guys that you know have skill and just made me think they in the wrong situation I know Tobias her have skill do you disagree with that that he has skill see toas to me yes he has a little skill but to me Tobi is one of those guys like he has to if I’m gonna get him I gotta get some more pieces too like be the piece you know what I’m saying like yeah yeah yeah I don’t I don’t want I’m just thinking I’m just I’m just doing it on a vacuum let’s get away from what we seen as far as their outcome their playoff thing and just talking about skill fit on the court his skill do you feel like Tobias Harris has skill yeah he got skill like especially the small forward position that D basically a little bit of everything on the floor right he can score and all that so my thing is if you get him at at the low like if if you get him at the low then he’s probably still trying to prove that he can play basketball you feel what I’m saying yeah I don’t see him getting 40 he definitely not getting 40 especially at his age and what he’s done over the last handful of years I don’t see him getting like 40 30 be honest with you I’m not giving him 20 yeah now if you talking about getting going low yes that’s what I’m I’m saying this is the low the low risk High reward pick where you may for the L his career is going through that you know path where nobody wants him and it’s like man he just want to go compete for a championship now or something he want to prove people wrong for a lower contract or something like that and you gonna sign and trade him and get rid of some of the guys at the bottom of your bench to get him in here or whatever like that like I’m down to do that because we do have guys in the off bench that don’t really you know produce it is what it is I might would take them off the bench I might even take him over Maxi CA like that’s I would have to sit down conversation that’s what I’m saying like you understand saying so we have those guys that’s all I’m saying as far as the list he’ll probably be at the bottom of my list but if you can get him at a price and that’s all you can get I mean I’ll take sibi her as long as it’s not a dumb contract that’s yeah now if you look you doing all that then I’m fine like I said if you taking the place of a guy off the bench I’m fine with that but if you talking about him being like that main piece we we go pick up this off season you know like I said like in the vein of like a Mel Bridges or somebody like that then n bro he comp start he’ll compete with DJJ to start we resigned him but I think that like like I said you may be able to get off some of your like bench players to get him because of his the point of his career like where people are giving up on him he doesn’t so you’re basically bringing him in hey bro can you get this done you feel me or you gonna be nice or you gonna be trash and he’s gonna compete to show what he can actually do what he can do so I’m definitely not picking him up at a high contract he’s he’s at the point where he has to prove himself so he’s GNA prove it contract if that that happens over here all right let’s see what else we got in here man so your boy Tim Hardaway uh is talking talking about trading Tim if I can find this article man yeah this it’s easier when I do this on the phone broter on the computer is a it’s a different Beast because I was gonna get to that after we here we go all right here we go let’s go and read into this real quick NBA trade rumors Tim Hardway Jr to be shopped by Mavs after final lost said the Mavs game five lost to the Boston Celtics might have been Tim Hardway Jr’s final game in Dallas according to uh oh here we go King according to NBA Insider Mark Stein shout to Mark what’s what’s the saying on here about Mark Stein if Mark says it we believe it’s the gospel I’m trying to tell you uh Le sources say that the M will promptly resume their long running search long running search want y I want y’ to hear that part they’ve been doing this for a while we talked about this before on the show a long running search for a trade partner to take Tim Hardway on Stan wrote Hardway is heading into his final season of his four-year deal he signed with the Mavs in 2021 the veteran uh who played limited minutes during the Mavs playoff run is set to play an expiring 16.2 million contract next season before entering unrestricted free agency in 2020 let’s see see is I need to okay the veteran who played limited minutes during the mass playoff run is set to play oh that uh the marks that that marks a decrease from the 17.9 million salary he earned last season thanks to the for front loaded contract uh he earned uh he uh signed with the Mavs after moving into their starting rotation at the end of the 2021 season Yeah man so going back to let me see so they already have rumors that we supposed to be getting rid of Tim of course uh let me see make sure we’re back on the same page man yeah is a whole lot easier on my phone man yeah doing this on the computer it’s really not what that is uh so there is a there Vegas is ated again King I know odds already man so they already got the odds already listen I think everybody their mama knew Tim was gone man right here they already knew he’s gone it’s that was I mean everybody knew this this is nothing new so this is the odds right here the Washington Wizards are favorite to win the Tim Hardway sweep Stakes Washington’s at a plus 225 Atlanta I don’t know why Atlanta’s name on there I mean they do like to free up cat space and I don’t I don’t know what we get back from them but they’re a plus 240 uh Detroit is a plus two I mean sorry A Plus 325 the Lakers are plus 700 Blazer plus 700 Brooklyn Nets are plus 700 and then Milwaukee is a plus 950 you know what’s Wild a lot of them teams are teams we talked about and folks were telling us that those teams wouldn’t uh wouldn’t want Tim Hardway junor so I was listening to somebody today they had a great point I think we said this already this is why I kept telling folks that contract that Tim has very valuable um they said that it’s not Tim H Play It’s the contract y this is from uh this is from a Mark Stein type guy who said this I heard this today and he was saying that he said his his contract is valuable and remember I brought up the example on the members only this reminds me of when Dallas took that damper chip The Damp contract and got Tyson Chandler which was the piece we needed to get in the championship and nobody wanted uh D per because he just this great Center no he had a expiring contract man a very favorable expiring contract that any team would kill to have to get to free up that space especially nowadays man with the way the CBA is and people trying to trying to stay away from that second threshold and all that stuff you know what I’m saying or try in Atlanta’s case they’re trying to get back under the first threshold or whatever you know what I’m saying like his his contract is extremely valuable right now because like you I think you said before this guy also said the same thing like Tim doesn’t even have to be in rotation you don’t have to play no but guess what that contract once the season’s over with that contract is off the books Tim it was nice knowing you good luck in the future he goes to Washington he might not play why why would they play him I mean I listen I don’t care if he play he don’t play as long as he off my team I don’t even care I’m just saying like why would he can play 55 minutes out of a 40-minute game bro for all I care in Washington Atlanta wherever just get man on my team bro that’s what I care about right now and so this is why also too I was saying like with Tim Hardway right with his contract I don’t just want to just use this contract just to get anybody I feel like you have an opportunity to really do something with that contract man you can add it with another piece to get something or whatever right like I really feel that and so that’s why I say like I I said this offseason I’m I’m going to take my my thoughts out of what I want and all that stuff whatever Nico does bro whatever Nico does and I I trust Nico to really we seen it before we seen it before we saw what he did with the B we saw what he did with Bon’s contract and the 10th pick in the draft we saw it so so that’s why I say like bro it I think I really think that that Nico has a plan man this offseason with that contract bro I really do I think he does well I I think he does as well shout out to the Lakers being on there um but who would you on these teams all right let’s let’s do this um how we feeling about kozman I’m um bro he’s he I still I still got I need to sit and still think a little bit if Nico decides to do it we need we need koosman I’m Not Gon like let’s let’s not let’s keep it real we’ve been saying we would have lik the kozma player like kosma fits here he’s one of the players that fit here I think he’s one of my like higher on the list as far as being here he’s probably in the middle because of his comments and his like he has he has a decent com he almost make 20 what 222 million or something like bro like kosma is and he could do more of a role he’s way more consistent as Tim Hardway J he may do knucklehead things and all that he’s way more consistent so you listen how many times you seen kman go out there and give you zeros that’s what I’m like it doesn’t happen like so yeah he wakes up out the bed and gives you at least 20 at least if Tim’s contract was used to get kma I would not have a problem no I wouldn’t either like a a crisper or or Denny or or kozman somebody around there for Washington I’m I’m I’m with it any of those three I mean Denny as well like I said you said Denny he on the list as well Denny Denny included now let’s go let’s get rid of timway Jr for Denny right away like I’m I’m fine those three guys if any how some way we can get those guys I think the two really is Denny or um kosma really we can get those guys I think we’ll be fine bro and I think was I don’t know Washington likes to deal with Dallas so I mean it it could be bro but that kozma comment we could have possibly had a championship this year and it could be because of kman you feel me so it’ be like wow like yeah it is who who would you want from Atlanta there really nobody onl nobody they would want to give up I don’t I don’t really want anybody from Atlanta bro to be honest with you yeah I know I hear DeAndre Hunter’s name I do not want DeAndre Hunter I’m tired of getting wings that can’t dribble bro I’m tired of it bro that’s not enough of Tim allwe Junior’s contract I want to get somebody with skill not don’t have skill but I want skill bro I want skip yeah I’m with you I don’t I don’t want DeAndre bro I don’t I want I don’t want sad Bay no no no not for the hell no that’s like a they gonna cut him and then we can pick him up off the afterwards or something like that who else uh they not giving up Jaylen Johnson no I don’t want double O I definitely don’t want Clint like you know what I’m saying like there’s nothing on that team I really want from Atlanta so I don’t even know why they on there yeah uh you already know who I want from the Pistons but I don’t I don’t know if that’s gonna be able to happen who Kade yeah I don’t know get just sign that contract that’s not enough no he sign I don’t think he sign NOP okay okay he still ain’t signed it yet I don’t think so if he didn’t sign it then that a techically is enough but I don’t I don’t see Detroit just giving him up for Tim Hardway yeah but if I’m saying if he didn’t sign it we would have they would have to give us more yeah had to give us more yeah because he’s not making enough with his rookie contract to make Tim’s hard Hardway money so we’d had to give up I don’t know I mean I’d give up all the picks for K cudham too I’d give up Tim Hardway Junior take whatever they give back to his with Kade and give him all the picks we got I don’t think they do that but that’s really all I want I don’t want anybody else on Detroit unless Kade said out of nowhere you know I wanna like I want to be a mavick you gotta trade me but I don’t know other than that um would you take Mar not for Tim Hardway J would you take Marvin Bagley you done with that no I want Mar still you done yeah I don’t want him at all don’t touch my team uh who you want for uh for the Lakers from the Lakers uh I’ll take I’ll take Austin Reeves um you can throw me Spencer in that package maybe if you want to I think Spencer be a free agent oh free agent again okay um yeah I mean uh what’s his name I don’t even want I guess I don’t need van like Vanderbilt bro he doesn’t shoot yeah like we don’t the defense wasn’t that’s not my problem I need a skilled guy the three that can help get pressure off Kyrie and Luca and that’s what I’m saying Austin Reeves maybe to be on the bench be that guy that could like score take Tim Bas he’ll basically be timway Jun just better um and he can help you know lead the second unit actually like so I like that um but yeah that’s about it bro what about Blazers Davis um I could see them uh I can see them trying to go after uh matis St again yeah uh but Jeremy Grant I want yeah I want uh Tim Hardway be a part of that package yeah if we got to go to that go to that road or whatever like I think he’d be included with that but also like I said mat stable and isn’t matis stable contract like week from now on like didn’t we set it up heav in the first year and then he’s only getting paid I think like 11 million yeah because didn’t but didn’t we like set it up for like topheavy didn’t we do like a because we tried to get him a restricted free agency didn’t we make the contract weird where it was like all the money to entice uh yeah to get them not sign yeah not sign I think so I think I think it’s kind of like where it was Heavy in the in the front and pause at the beginning but then the rest of it was like okay either way but I still I still take ma matis Ty one obviously he wants to play here so if you get rid of matis thel and we getting Jeremy Grant then that looks like a Josh Green Tim Hardway Jr package to me but um yeah I don’t think you need Josh green no more if you get both of those guys and I just know no not to Josh Green why what do we need Josh Green for what about Brooklyn uh Brooklyn Mel Bridges um cam C both of the cams um was not for not four Tim though by himself like I’m just saying guys on on the Brooklyn that I want um they’re probably just them three right now oh uh I mean if you can get dodo thrown in for the love just throw him in there you can get dodo back but I’d rather have dodo than than Maxi kba yeah I would too so if you can get dodo thrown in there to get maybe Maxi on Brooklyn I’d rock with that but yeah they probably my guys the cams and um Mel Bridges and the last but not least Milwaukee who you want from Milwaukee you said Dame no D if we didn’t have Kyrie I’d say D um like maybe Bobby so I’m hearing like a I’m hearing uh Michael Beasley is uh is is starting to kind of his name starting to leak in MAV circles Michael be still play yeah he play for Milwaukee I think about Michael be he don’t play defense though man what Michael be still play am I thinking it’s right Michael Beasley from from not Michael Beasley U I’m sorry uh Beasley though last name Beasley play Malik Beasley right thank you Malik there you go I’m like Michael Beasley I’m like hold up yeah yeah we definitely get Michael to get Mike but uh Malik Beasley I like Malik um I don’t think they gonna trade what’s his name um uh rookie uh not a rookie uh Maran I don’t think they get rid of him but I I you feel me that was my guy before the draft and all that I think he has potential um you said Chris millon is Chris midon is he is he a free agent I don’t even know man I I don’t I don’t want Chris M I would take Chris mson for the low before Tobias hers hold on though hold on hold on I mean I a say all that that’s what I’m saying we talking about you can’t be beggers and chooses at the same time bro I’m like if we talking about a a three here to be the number three option like we’ve seen him be the number two option be the number three option just doing some some things every now and then like for the low if we talking about 20 million round there so this new NBA or anywhere around there 20s maybe I’m talk to him bro I don’t know he been pulling to Max Cleveland the last two years with these injuries he is but he more talented than Max Cleveland than them so if he even if we got to send him into the playoffs or so like you feel me like let’s go that’s how I feel like we got guys on our bench would you rather have Maxi making 11 or uh Chris making 20 neither man get out of here with your pH pick but all right no I’m dead serious I which one would you rather have I rather have if if you the thought of i’ rather have Chris mton of course all right that’s what I’m saying we got we got right now I need I need my third I think my third option to have more consistency in games bro I don’t need you missing 50 60 games every year yeah you should that’s why it’s this is if we can’t get anybody bro that’s what I’m saying if you talking about people like Chris Middleton there people like I If you you gonna definitely have to take a low you got to come off the bench you gotta feel you gotta feel you gota you got to feel a roll off the bench for us man and be that punch Off the Bench you oh you just you just talked about you just talked about him uh send him have some games and stuff during the season you want I got you you want know you how to keep him fresh put him on the bench I got you but bro yeah cut his M down and put him on the bench I I love DJJ and in no world is DJ J better than Chris Middleton oh no no no he G have to be too then who we gonna get us out three then if we getting that that guy’s a three how many threes you gonna get no but listen you could still get that guy if you getting him for the low if you getting for uh who who got that you get matter of fact you get him for the the DJJ uh contract this year as far as MoneyWise not not lengthwise pause but as far as MoneyWise then yeah it’s fine you still get your number you still get your number one three it’s not gonna work that way because you gotta decide to pay DJJ then so then DJJ wouldn’t be on our team we gota get another three somebody gonna have to somebody when you pay somebody somebody else want to go because we can’t if we I think if we paid DJJ and kept the same team we’d be over the second threshold we have to get rid of guys to get guys here I don’t think of signing that’s why you he that’s why you hear that’s why you hear a bunch of people saying if Dallas gets rid of Maxi and Tim that that’ll freeo some stuff yeah that’s what I’m saying if we do if if we talking about like a Tim Hardway Jr contract trade to get somewhere around Chris Middleton and we getting DJJ back I’d rather have this team plus Chris Middleton than the same team running back that’s all I’m saying so if Chris Middleton can be at the bottom of the list again but he’s one of the guys that if we got nobody from the top of the list we Crossing off names and he’s I trust him more than I trust uh toas here I tell you that that’s what I’m saying so if I got I’ve seen Chris mson win a championship look at Drew Drew holiday and all that impact like he is a champion so Luca does most of the heavy lifting over here PA we already know that so Chris midon gon be a spot up shooter in all really he can go into the the Twilight of his career kind of he’s a good shooter he’s a great shooter actually so I The Price is Right like I said we can go with these small forwards that guy you just show right there Klay Thompson I mean if the price is right like I’m not I just wish I knew what his Market was he gon at least what did uh before you say that what did um what did Draymond get 25 or 20 he got 25 right I don’t even remember I think it was I think it was fourth or 100 so that’s I think that’s what Kayon look for at least all right another rumor here Lakers Clippers Mavs more interested in Wizards Landry Shaman all right let’s see we got man Landry shamon says Washington Wizards guard Landry Shaman has several potential trade suitors ahead of the 2024 NBA draft on Wednesday according to hoop hpes Mike son uh Scot uh shamans has drawn uh Exemplar I’m sorry exploratory interest from the Los Angeles Lakers the Clippers the Mavs the Jazz the Raptors and the m despite coming off a season in which he connected on just 33% of his threes uh so yeah pretty much 34 uh the 27 year old has established himself as a sharpshooter who can operate as an uh offensive threat without the ball in his hands and let’s see uh prior to his 23 24 campaign uh Shaman uh never shot below 36% from the three throughout a full season in his career how much you making uh I don’t even know all right so must not be it must not be that much man yeah he so he 34 is outli he’s playing on Wasington a trash right now I don’t think he’s a bad shooter I think landre Shaman is a is a decent shooter I think he can make open shots I’ve seen him do it at us enough times um I think he’s averaging like 15 almost per 30 six or whatever from last year um I told the the folks in Discord shout out to Gina Kim I said no to Landrew Shamy before I thought about it so he making almost uh almost almost 11 year yeah yeah I’m okay 11 11 11 just just got me yes I’ll take landw shamon for 11 million plus you talking about a guy that can just make spot up shots run around and get to places and make shots and all that like move without the ball and shoot I think landre sham can do that I think he’s he does more than what we already have he adds another dimension and he can actually shoot the ball like I really this isn’t U like shout out to PJ Washington we know he’s he can shoot and make shots and all but I actually trust Landrew shamet to make open buckets I think I do at least we see what happens if you come to the Mavericks and you get open buckets we know how that works but um yeah I mean for $1 million bro like that ain’t the worst if we can get that room to get him you know here for 11 million that means your boy gota Go who Maxi yep that’s fine but I don’t we had to get somebody else so Landry shamet wouldn’t solve Maxi’s problem if that makes sense so he’s his money but if we we would need another Maxi replacement if we got Landry oh that was something else uh let me see what else we got see we got got yeah that was L Shaman one what else do we got in here Paul George gon op but we talk about that house that’s that they St we like uh I think we on the Vegas odds though uh what’s his name I know you going to J I think we on Vegas for Paul George I think we Vegas for everything after going to the finals you’re right uh let’s see Blazers Jeremy Grant drawing entrance from the Mavs and more let’s see we got D Mars are one of the multiple teams to have checked in on Portland Trail Blazers forward Jeremy Grant according to uh SNY Ian Bagley says uh Grant had was limited to 54 games in 20 3 24 averaging 213 and uh well 21 and three while shooting 40% from three okay okay got your numbers right there he only shot he only got four rebounds or less than four rebounds yeah yeah um Last Summer the 30-year-old signed a $160 million contract to return to Portland and it took a matter of days for his exit to look inevitable uh that’s because Dame lard Quest a trade shortly after an agreement between Grant and the Trailblazers a development that radically altered their shortterm trajectory uh Lillard eventually got his wish and the team finished 21 and 26 in the first year I’m sorry 21 and 61 in the first year of this rebuild he’s 30 King yeah I know bro this um so this is to me this is the most high-risk High reward of the trades um it’s the the the main thing that that that gives or gives me reservation about Jeremy Grant is the length of the contract part the the length is what gives me the reservation like it was five years right yeah for sign contract just signed he got four more years so if it doesn’t work you got four more years of a $38 million player or or sorry he just no it kicks in this year right and it’s the first it’s the first year of it right because so he got four years left now so it started last year so he’s four more so you signed this offseason so you have three more years of Jeremy Grant if it doesn’t work at $38 million so at least you got at least two more years of M that third year gonna be a nice expiring contract um said at at the end of the day if it’s like if it’s Tim and it’s like Josh green or something like that I don’t see Jeremy Grant’s production being worse than theirs no matter what he does I don’t think his production would be worse than them now is it still G to be worth $38 million is the question but like I said Beggars can’t be choosers and if we choosing on our team to get somebody to feel the spot he does feel the need and have skill at this forward position um he definitely can be nice he’ll be the third option like he absolutely like I think he he probably Feast with our team tell you the truth if everything like pans out correctly those four other years or three other years whatever you want however you want to call it that’s just ridiculous but you might be able to get him without like at this point you probably don’t need draft picks like that you feel me for uh Jeremy Grant because of his contract you’re giving Portland an expiring contract and all that like you may it’s oh bro that 38 just wow I remember talking for me it’s the four years remaining that got me yeah that’s four years for 38 it ain’t even if it was four years for like 11 I okay I’m okay 438 bro we were crying about Jaylen Bronson like 30 he almost said $40 million damn he fits though he his he’s that ideal that you kind of heard me talking about if i i p a three I want I want a two-way guy a guy who could put the ball on the floor get his own we know he was the number one option in Portland so he can definitely do that uh he can shoot he shot like I said shot with 40% uh can score he can get you 21 you know what I’m saying so just imagine what he can do like you said if he had pressure taken off of him by Luca and Kyrie he also can be that guy where like you said it can alleviate pressure off of Luca and KY to where they ain’t got to be the only ones that there you know creating for the themselves or for others um he’s athletic he has size I could imagine him and and PJ in the front court with with Lely the defense would be stupid couple things like I said it’s the the contract and the age kind of got me but it’s one cases like if Nico we came out tomorrow Nico said yeah we traded for German Grant I’m not I mean we one of the favorites we we gonna go into next year we will be like yeah yeah the favorites if we go in there but it’s ye if it doesn’t work bro yeah that’s the part it’s like I feel like if you make that move you kind of got rid of all your wiggle room no no no if you don’t get rid of your draft picks if you can somehow not use draft picks and still hold on the draft picks you haven’t oh man that’s a that’s a I don’t think Jeremy so here’s my thing and I’m gon say before the Maverick fans and all I said I don’t think Jeremy Grant’s gonna be worth $38 million on our team he comes to the Dallas Mavericks he he there’s not enough basketballs for him to be worth 30 what I think people would think a $ 38 million player isn’t that what Kyrie’s making yeah Kyrie making what 40 42 or something close to it so if he’s close to Kyrie they’re gonna expect him to be he’s not gonna put up 25 a game on 50 40 90 that’s not what Jeremy Grant’s gonna do so he’s not GNA give you $38 million production he’s 30 years old and I understand he’s not 308 he got that contract and it’s already done he trying to get a guy to fill a road and feel a void that can be that skill and hopefully if he like I said if he wins the championship it doesn’t matter that 38 is whatever he’s feeling his role he’s 30 you’re gonna have him until like he’s 34 years old at least right does he stay good enough to be a number three on a championship level team for this contract that’s the question that’s the question I don’t know I I I don’t know if he just if he just got you one would you be would you care what Championship yeah and that run if he got you suful so you’d be okay look you think you think Boston Carri that they sign they got like five people to make 30 million over 30 million deal with it now they all got a ring they all basically I wouldn’t um I want you to understand something you know he he makes more than Kyle kman yes that’s what I’m saying he he his it’s his contract Kyle kosman is 22 it’s only thing only the only problem with Kyle kosman is his mental and what he like that’s his saying what he said about Dallas and then the whole Luca thing and all like that oh no no no yeah I know that I’m just saying I just want to put it into perspective he makes more than Kyle kman Kyle was K and Kyle’s perfect so but do I think so Jeremy Grant doesn’t bother me with the mindset thing I think Jeremy Grant’s gonna come over here and try no no like I said listen it’s only two things I’m scared of with Jeremy Grant it’s his age in that contract that’s it I told you the makeup of of Jeremy Grant is the ideal player that I’ve been saying I’ve been wanting at the three somebody who can play on both who don’t need the ball to be effective can can make plays you know what I’m saying can score we need somebody who can actually I’m not talking about he need somebody to as Matt from we talk Hall say baby food der he don’t need that like he can put the ball on the floor himself and go get it we seen we see him do it against us it’ll be it can be games it can be games but he can be the number one option kind of like Kyrie we have three guys LCA didn’t got to go out there and score 85 every game right you got another dude that can easily get you 20 out of his sleep so get you 40 so that’s why I say like man yeah I think he did it against us I believe so 40 you know so that’s why I say man uh the idea of Jeremy Grant is a great thing like just those two things kind of you know look if if if Nico and them are pondering the idea of getting him cuz listen we I think we kind of know that I think everybody knows Portland wants to move off of him we just saw it here in an article just say that once Dam L asked for that trade that just that changed everything up you know we even said that we was like yo when he asked for that trade after signing that contract like oh man I know the Blazers are mad like yo we just signed a dude to this contract we thought you gonna stay you asked for a trade now we stuck with the contract and they for cuz listen anybody who gets him is gonna be you g we doing a favor for them yeah so that’s why I say like look man I bro push the button would you like at the end of the day if there like a asteroid come on his way to Earth you had to shoot the rocket or whatever and you had to make that decision right now you doing yes or no you saying yes it is what it is if Tim’s involved you got to it is what it is we can get like if we don’t trade any of the guys that’s that you we talked about you know the other show when we said that the main guys why not that’s Point like what do you yeah you lose the flexibility but at this point we got to try to win a chip right like we at that point now we have to try to win chips we’re at the chips point you now have to try to compete for Championship you not compete for championships what are you doing every other year we not doing a well we gotta wait and do this and find a team that’s not where we at now we at winning a championship we not worried about Luca six years down the line you got to make the move bro if it includes the guys that’s not on the at the top gotta make that move bro because I mean because Kyrie not getting any younger too so you gotta make that move for now you gotta try get jery gr Kyrie ring you don’t play that’s I told you the Catch 22 of our team with Luka being so Transcendent it’s like you have to work now and for the future at the same time it’s it’s weird it’s like you gotta get Lucas somebody that’s people that’s comparable to his skills but then you also got to still build your team for guys like building a team so you got you got to bro like maybe it’s maybe this his last stop maybe he goes out and this they want so is is Jeremy Grant better than Michael Porter Jr so this how I look at it who would I rather have for this team I’d rather have Jeremy Grant cuz the thing is the reason why I say I like the Grant the idea for Jeremy Grant cuz like I said a million times he does what we need we need a guy who can create defend you know can can can go and get his own all that type of stuff right what does Michael Porter do other than just shoot that’s that’s why I was gonna ask you why is he better than jery Grant what does Michael Porter do better than jery Grant like he’s not that’s another player that’s another player who’s name’s been thrown out there as far as people trying to you know Denver trying to get off of him or whatever because he don’t do anything else but just like matter of fact I was watching I forgot who I was listening to I was watching the video the other day and the guy said the same thing he said if he do not scoring then what is is he doing he’s not a facilitator he’s not the greatest rebounder he’s not a great defender so it’s like what else are you have to fall back on if you’re not making your shots I think they some shot selections are kind of Carmelo Anthony is I think Denver chose the wrong person and I I already said that they want a championship stuff happens you don’t just look you don’t just luck into completing into a champion ship it happened it is what it is but I remember when it happened we talking about the LCA thing and all that when they gave Michael Porter Jr that Max contract I’m like what the hell does he done to get a Max contract from you guys remember he got that Max right after Luka got his they were like whoa what is going on and I said at that point you got three guys now with Max contracts this is your team this is it and now we looking at Michael Porter is not developing anything what does he change like what’s what’s different about Michael Porter Jr he’s Michael Porter Jr I don’t think he’s better than Jeremy Grant Jeremy Grant is left and shown he can do this with a team does Michael Porter Jr get get uh the trail blazes more than 21 wins come on man do you want Michael Porter Jr really having a ball in his hand the whole game and make and doing stuff and dribbling and making plays and all because if you do that you a lot of people ain’t gonna touch the ball I don’t think I don’t think he can handle the ball good enough to be that type of guy in the first place but secondly I I think Jeremy Grant better than make Porter Jr might be hot take but I think he better than my and he’s he’s obviously better on the defensive side of the ball and Michael Porter took a step up on defense I’m not goingon to knock him for that he did I’ll give praise when you know guys start giving effort on defense but he’s not Jeremy Grant I think Jeremy Grant’s a better allaround player like I don’t maybe Michael por is better rebounder I don’t even know Michael Porter’s rebounding numbers I know Jeremy Grant was horrible at 3.5 but I wouldn’t think Michael Porter Jor is getting a bunch of rebounds maybe he is maybe getting seven maybe I’m just wrong and I don’t don’t know his game like Shad say and all as far as rebounds but with his game I just feel like all around everything else bro like Michael Porter J I don’t know if he’s better than Jeremy Grant I I don’t know if that’s a high take so if they gave him a Max contract like this is your guy this is your locked in team if this do you think Jeremy Grant can help us win a championship is the league is the league open enough right now he makes us he makes us better he makes us definitely makes us better I don’t want him to if that’s what you saying it just makes us better do you feel like right now to day if we sign if we got Jeremy Grant and we got rid of somebody at the bottom say a maxi and a Tim or something like that whatever that we’d be Champion you’d be going to the season saying let’s go win the chip yeah of course so you even even before that like even if it wasn’t Jeremy Grant was saying that CU once you went to the finals you went to the Western Conference Finals then you went to the Western confence Finals and finals it’s Championship AB bust with the same team though would you be thinking it yes let’s go back so no no no no no so I think I think not less go back you obviously want to go back I’m not saying that do you think with the same team constructed right now we win a championship next year no not with Jeremy Grant like the same with Jeremy Grant I think we definitely will be probably the well I mean of course I’m probably being biased I think we’ll be the favorite in the west with Jeremy Grant so you think even with Denver and all that whatever we we the favorites to get back to the finals and let’s see what happens because Denver’s about to lose uh kcp yes so if if that’s the case and you think Jeremy Grant gives a shot again to play against Bon if they get there yes you you sign Jeremy Grant bro you go you I mean not sign him you trade for him let’s go if he’s the pece with you worry about the West the finals you gotta worry about that as well and I think it helps us in the finals if we had Jeremy Grant this this series we might win you feel me this this this is what that’s let me well like I said I don’t want to throw these names out here because I don’t want people to to to get let down or whatever but just just a idea if we had a jemy grant and say a Dennis Smith Jr that’s a backup point guard I think we would have won a championship I yes I agree with you but I only need Dennis Smith Jr I think if we had Jeremy Grant bro I think we win a champ I think it’s it was it was not enough guys to cause chaos on on on Boston switches and all that stuff you feel me it’s not enough guys to actually do something where it’s like like if you lined Luca Kyrie and Jeremy Grant beside each other that’s a that’s a difficult way to like switch off and leave a guy open and all that stuff like it’s too much movement you got to do with a PJ in them they were just kind of s sagging off PA and then you feel like ducking back and forth being like oh we’re not that worried let’s see what Jaylen Brown can do one onone with LCA and all that stuff it’s a different Beast so I think we the favor I’m not gonna say we the favorites because they’re gonna say a healthy boss and it’s still five dudes and all that stuff they would obviously give them favor they the return the champions I think we favor about the West though I think it’ll be one of those situations again where it’s like let’s that’ll be the trade to say Let’s go see Mavericks versus Boston part two so I’m down it’s not many people like I said he’s one of the few guys that I’m like the reward is probably a championship him like I said I’m he he him um kma and like a like I said a Paul George with if we got them even any of those three on our team I’d be like yeah bro we G we gonna win this this is it we got it yeah the other ones though like even at Denny my question marks with Denny now with the team watching it is Denny would have to like drive his butt off PA like you feel me like he’d had to because his three-point shot unless he go into the lab and his three-point shot becomes like stupid he’d have to be every time he gets the ball like May able to make a move and go to the rim and drive from the top and I’ve seen Denny do it not saying he can’t do it but it’ be more pressure on him because he has to like now initiate more of offense instead of being that guy to C catch and shoot and I don’t know if he can catch and shoot we’ve seen PJ Washington catch and shoot in the corners where he struggled at the beginning of the year like or the beginning of the trade I should say saying man you gonna be able to make a shot all Denny already is a suspect shooter but kzz though czz has skill like czz has Allstar skill in his like he can do everything he’s a five tool player like if you in baseball and all he can do everything everything he may not get there he may not whatever but he can do it same thing with Paul George we know he can do it Jeremy Grant as well they can do this type of thing they can shoot the ball if needed they can they can drive they can dribble the ball and take somebody the drible they can make somebody fall if needed to you feel me like just moves they can do and score inside midi uh three-point they can do that type of stuff those any of those three guys even Jeremy Grant I think we can win a championship the only thing that it’s always that situation where what if it doesn’t fit like everybody we thought KP was gonna be perfect for you feel me and that didn’t turn out the way I thought it was I thought they were G to just jel and be the way LeBron and ad was kind of like you feel me like just Domin we we already know why kind ofm but like I’m saying you gotta stuff just gota click so I don’t think it’ll be a problem with Jeremy Grant but if something was a problem that’s a big problem that’s just for four years or whatever so that’s more than k was making yeah man that’s more than KP was making but brother that’s that’s wow all right man I think that’s about it King those are the only ones I think we said we GNA talk about here uh we get to the glow yard man let’s good we got that’s awesome yeah man shout out to shout out to the peoples let’s get to the glow yard [Music] all right man listen guys if you have any questions or any comments addressing me and King here tonight or anything we talked about goad hit us with the wtm in front of your question or your comment we ask you be respectful in the comment section of course we take on all super chats first so we got one here King we got the MVP of the channel KY with the 499 do know he’s a glow yard member says much love guys I’m all in for Germany Grant and Dennis Smith Jr my two dream players on our team I’m if we got them two I’m telling you I said the same thing Cory if we got jery like say a Jeremy Grant and a Dennis Smith I think we said is uh oh before you answer ask a question let me ask you who you trust Dennis Smith or exom that’s a hard question why are you going you going to disrespect you can’t disrespect ask him like that bro I never seen the I never seen in the playoffs would you have trated X for Dennis Smith straight up during the season when he was at his Peak bro yes how many times have you seen how many times you seen exom angles being broken out there Den Smith is literally I’m just a point of attack Defender bro ex was nice at some we seen him do being a game changer Defender bro that’s what we need what we need at the point guard position Exon was nice but yes I agree I think Dennis Smith is is more skilled he he should be up I gotta see him in the playoffs as far as making the shots and all that like a did but yeah I I it’s same thing with we never saw PJ watching play in the playoffs either look what he did let’s just get him with Luka and Kyrie and see what he can do man I mean you I’m no problem yeah he’ be a cheap he’d be real cheap that’s what I’m saying he’s a free agent again uh dang hold on I think might on that or is he still on Brooklyn I think he signed a two-year deal let me see if he signed a two year can get him no plus cuz uh expiring he’s basically done either way so I’m down thank you uh Coy rich is he said what up everyone what up Richard he said uh maybe there’s a movement going for Denny and kissper uh I finally am getting it through that you cannot have Maxi Dwight and Timmy on your team LOL yes sir good times are coming yeah he a free agent he a free agent okay what up jet he says Made It King so about PG in the grant earlier what were you suggesting our roster look like next year I think we can just make it simple Grant th Shaman and resign DJ then see right was that your second one uh jet I don’t know you said one of two so he said now I’m from Philly I don’t want us anywhere near Tobias any unless he’s taking a vet minimum and okay with six-man Ru that’s it I’m not passing on to buy it’s not for what we got I a if he had the bottom of the totem pole and that’s all we can get I ain’t gonna pass I’m telling you with you J he gota be a v man bro I’m at a different level like I said he’s a he’s a so we talking about signing trade so we we would control we give to him I’m not giving him no money but you g bring it to BU her in here for like a what that bu anual like that 12 whatever like DJJ DJJ money for Tobias hers hell yeah wow M fans but yeah jet um all of my ideas sound good man Grant uh th um who else you said shamet resigned DJJ I just don’t think I really think We’re Not Gonna Keep DJJ and Josh Green though I think I was send it to you earlier jet I think Josh gone man either DJJ not gonna resign or we gonna get rid of Josh because we have to get rid of some money man to get somebody else and somebody gota be used what up Daniel Sports Daniel Barry what up man what up freezy freezy TGK TV’s a glow member he says we talk Mavs is live he’s also the host of The Unofficial official Mavs pregame show what up TGK what up what up see y’all saying pass him Tobias uh Johnny B funny click this for wtm he’s a glow yard M he says my bridges is greater than kman I mean he cheaper I don’t know if I don’t know if I don’t I don’t know what he gonna command this off season bro that’s that’s gonna be the story of the summer uh he said I go after Obi top and over Tobias I don’t think to get rid get OBI no bro y’all be tripping OB topping not not is Obie a free agent I don’t think Obie don’t Obie not a Defender like that though no he’s not y gotta think about Jason kid man y’all tripping yeah he not Daniel says what you say bro he’s athletic he can shoot threes yeah he he’s athletic and all that but I mean a kind of like Christian Wood yeah you’re right uh Daniel said I would do Grant PA and B for thj Maxi Green in 2025 first uh top 10 protected if we do this deal then we could sign DJJ to mid-level exception um yeah I would try Daniel I would try to protect that even like more than that if it can you do that can’t you toe 15 can’t you toe 15 protected or something like that but I don’t I would try not to give the first round pick I really would I would try my hardest if it comes down to I guess giving a first round pick I probably would for Grant and V but I really want Grant without the first round picks but I I see what you doing there D I see you see you Jason no I don’t think the M’s gonna star player for Tim Hardway Jr Maxi C but none of these players we talk about would been star players no and none of them made the allstar game have they uh Nick says no cause gr ain’t made it tar definitely ain’t made it only person is my brief stent on on Paul George but everybody else was no Nick says thj and his dad can’t leave soon enough uh they saying no on C’s uh as well they probably saying no because the the com I know we become beggers and cheeses over here so I understand that’s I’m just like I can’t y say know to all these people who else we supposed to get yeah what up Aon he says up guys this news about thj being gone soon is music to my ears like a 90s New Jack Swing type song man let me uh just play mtown Philly and help the hardways pack for anywhere but Dallas I feel you appreciate you bro I see Harvey click click on he said Nick Pon is a unrestricted free agent I get Nick for the L I take him I take him over over Maxi I a taking everybody over Maxi you not Nick not better than maxi I seen that man block a shot man and stop the look up from getting the gold medal Max I think I think Nick between a better Defender and off and offensive player than Maxi but I guess I don’t know if that’s a high take or not but I just think he better than Maxi uh Nicks also said Mavs need a reliable shooter and a third ball handler H and monk of free agents no monk signed already yeah he he is another another Tim Hardway more consistent but still he doesn’t do do that move the needle hey he and he’s more consistent anybody it’s could be May made one more shot than one three or something like that right he don’t usually go offers he’ll go one he went T went over for four he went one for five y Karim we talked about him for you yeah I I take D Smith Jr back I don’t want y’all to think I would dsj might do so but D dsj got St healthy too though don’t like he don’t yeah yeah yeah hurts so we talk about I ain’t going to lie I thought you was going to bring that up I didn’t pause but you feel me like it is what it is jet said just sent uh King a trade for Grant and th there’s a world where we don’t have to give our young core to make the Blazers bite just get Tim Maxi more salary Dum draft picks for Grant th everybody everybody on Grant th huh my thing jet I know you like you love Josh Green right my thing is this and I keep I keep telling everybody what is Josh Green gonna do if we get if we get Grant and th that’s my only like what is Josh Green going to do you’re getting more people that you’re putting in front of Josh Green yeah that’s my only thing Jeet would like why are we keeping Josh green and letting him rot when he can go somewhere else and be worth something like you’re putting more guys in front of them and then you you you missed the key part too we not even factoring in omx yeah like it’s it’s a bunch of guys here like you can’t I think at this point the Mavericks are saying that we may not have paid we may have paid Josh green too much omx is still in a rookie contract so if you had to make a decision not even based on liking the guys or whatever it’s just omx is a better value right now as far as the contract so I don’t know J I love like I said I love Josh Green as well y’ but you’re getting guys and you’re putting them in front of him like what is he just going to sit here and become a Dwight pile at some point we just sitting here being like we got Josh Green in the team because we drafted him Nick says MAV should go after baton instead of diable baton is a reliable three-point shooter and has much so much experience too bad monk already resigned would you sign de Wy for a vetman yes only thing is though Nicks D was is younger than Batum yes Batum is over 30 I believe he’s 33 or four yeah I think old uh Richard says repeat after me no over 30 overrated overpaid injury Riddle washed up has been please Johnny B says we need to get rid of Paul and Keith too we we not what ke do Johnny I’m fine with Kei as the one guy P I would like to get rid of Johnny B but we’re not like he’s on the vet minimum he doesn’t even move the needle for anything anymore so he’s a Wast of space truthfully but I think they’re here I think they’re going to stay here like that’s why I don’t even include them in the conversation we talking about people who actually are in the rotation that plays power don’t even play to be honest with you Johnny I completely forgot about power to you just mentioned him that’s how irrelevant he’s been bro like I just like was making three four three I think or something like that or four or whatever you g four years or three years you g three years right three years so it’s four so four so it’s four yep yeah so you’re making like four million I mean s six was going off in our Discord yesterday what do you do now just being sticks sticks being sticks just B sticks uh Richard also says Grant and flat for will be expensive Asian together yeah Richard yeah can they my the question is can they be good enough to be the other two guys on the championship level team for the next whatever is Jeremy Grant have left that’s the question Richard do you believe that so is it there a question I got if Dallas let’s say Dallas do make the the grant grant move right do you think they’ll be fine with just getting one within his contract or do you think because they have Luca they feel like they getting multiple what hold on what you mean if would you be would you think the M would be fine just one in that Grant win Grant win window or do you think that because they have we have Luca they feel like we can get multiple no bro we’re going to try to we’re GNA try to get two of them in four and it’s four years at least I think they’re trying to they got to the finals last year there’s any piece they get from now on is a piece for them to win championships they already have a team that can get to the finals so Jeremy Grant is there to win chips you don’t go for just one year you’re trying we we want this to be the last stop for Kyrie Irving we don’t want to just if we can get a more than one chip on Dallas that would be awesome I don’t think they just going for one Nico better not just be going for one he gotta get the that’s why you gotta still think about the future at the same time I think about the the present like he gotta BJ just said uh P’s only make make he’s actually making five million he’s not on the vet man I thought it was 12 12 million for three years that’s what I thought Joe I thought it was four yeah I thought he he turned down the 12 the supposed $12 million cont for the the three years of splitting it up for four million that’s what I thought but so he said he making 15 for three is that what you’re saying big J because I thought he got 12 here but they split it up into three uh you know three years or whatever so I don’t know I hope that’s not the case man but anyway uh DV says his glow y m he said he doesn’t ever go over 35 I guess you mean um you mean Jeremy Grant D yeah yeah just saying over 30 I was just going 40 as far as he probably got close enough to it but over 30 is fine I don’t he he’s not probably get 40 points on our team a bunch like he don’t have to do that uh Kareem said yeah but look at Boston King they got multiple deals like 20 to 30 Mill just doing one row I’m I’m not that’s what I was thinking with that’s what I was thinking with the whole uh Jeremy Grant thing Boston has done that like did did you think that Boston needed uh you think you f the impact pause of uh of KP yes you impact in the in the series yes I did I wonder how that was when we we said uh he only had one quarter in the first game and he was out for the rest of them and then he played for about what like five minutes in in the last game and the two games he played they bow us up was it because of him though the two games he played they blew us out I felt like it was a part of it as far as a defensive matchup yes I do the one game that we lost without him or we lost was that game two that’s fine we game three was the touchy one where it was close and Luka got into foul trouble and all the end like christops made him a different beast that’s why I say all the time if christops is healthy the way that team looked in the finals they were a five out Team bro like you could not you have to be able to play the perimeter with everyone on the floor and Christ shoot 30 Footers so what I guess the point I’m making is you still thought they would have lost that series if KP didn’t play I think it was a better chance if they starting the series yes without that game one we probably would have had a longer series I’m talking about at the end of the series with KP only playing a game and a half you still think they would have lost that Series without KP he played a game in a half they they beat us in five I don’t feel like they would have lost that series possibly I feel like bro yes I feel like it was a chance we could won that series though KP I think that’s the reason why they played KP no I said you think no listen what I’m saying do you think Boston would have still lost the Series if K had had he him playing a game and a half uhuh we took the series of five uhuh so five games you would have played a game and a half you still think we would have won that Series without KP we would had think Boston would have still lost that Series without KP they we would had a chance to beat them yes I did without K I really believe that I’m I’m telling you that’s I I watched the game I watch KP don’t matter when he did it not that quarter and a half was a quarter where they kicked our ass he put up 18 points in the first quarter and that was the it was over once he played he played a different dimension he killed us in game one they held him away the whole time in Dallas and all depending on no matter what was gonna happen they were gonna bring him back eventually which I said at some point he was coming back it was gonna happen and then in game five when they beat us finally the defense was trash because they couldn’t defend KP on the floor with the guys the the the spacing and all made it different that’s yes KP just being able to play it’s kind of like Willis Reed and all again changed their team up that’s why every time I talked afterwards in saying I guess I remember the different game because KP barely played in the game five all but he played though they don’t kawh Leonard kawh Leonard played in certain games and we beat both of them when he played the games where he didn’t play we won because it’s different dimensions and you think with a different when you play different no no no I’m not that’s not that’s not the point I’m making got not the point I’m making the point I’m actually making did he give you 30 30 million worth a play in the playoffs in in the in the series yeah because he W well no that’s I’ve already said that earlier no that’s the point I’m trying to make that’s the point I’m trying to make I’ve already said like he he didn’t give you 30 million worth worth of play so the point notna get that no so that’s what I’m saying like him and and Drew didn’t give you 30 million worth of play right but yet they both make over 30 and it looks like they might even pay what’s name over 30 what he looking like he might make so they have five guys over 30 as they should you just got to be a role that’s what I’m saying that’s what I was saying before you have to Jeremy Grant has to do his I think that’s what I think that’s what C is saying when he said about the about Jeremy Grant like I’m not I’m not I’m not this the thing like I’m not mad at the the idea of Jeremy Grant making 30 my thing is it’s the age and it’s the the the contract length right like I mean I know we could say drew but they have other people to make up for if Drew kind of slips a little bit we saw that like Drew look good in what was game one or whatever and he kind of was quiet again in game two and three and four or whatever right so like he got enough guys on that team that can cover for that like we asking Jeremy Grant to do a whole lot more than what Boston asked Drew to do yeah we we’re like you said you asking him to play play a role we’re asking Jeremy Grant to be that third guy consistent third guy and that’s what I’m saying that’s why I wasn’t about you bro kareim that’s what he said but look at Boston I’m like I’m the one that I thought I brought host the theory about um that he probably wasn’t gonna be worth 38 million but it’s about if he can just do the role that’s why I’m saying like I’m not against it yeah I’m not against it as far as like like I said the idea of him getting 38 I’m not I’m not mad at that because like I said we saw five guys if you want want to count Derek white he going to probably make 30 so they gonna have like you said they gonna have a billion dollars on they starting lineup like I I’m I’m I’m I’m fine with that the thing is like I said it’s just you gotta win yeah you gotta win winning CES everything I don’t care who’s on why do I keep up with the front office decision paying if they win it I don’t care I’m ask another question If Jeremy Grant was 26 would you be mad about that no contract I don’t think anybody would if Jeremy Grant was 26 doing what he doing right now then everybody 27 28 somewhere around would you be mad everybody be trying to get him with draft picks and all that’s why it’s a risk he’s 30 bro like that w and like you say he’s never been a star player so usually they decline quicker right is he going to last can he last his contract that’s the question that’s what that’s that’s what I asked you earlier can he last in yes that’s what I was asking you earlier like that’s what I was asking you also too about with you think they’ll be happy with just getting one like say you get one Championship out of the duration of his contract do you think Dallas will be happy just getting that one or are you are you think they thinking in the mind of we got Luca we should be to get more than one you should be able to get more than should I say do you think they’re expecting to get more than one because you got Luca I’m hoping they’re expecting to get more than one but one isn’t a failure no like yeah no no one’s not no one’s not a fail you you think you think Toronto’s mag they just got one ring hell no but I’m just saying like I know people would be like well one would be off if he gets one championship in this run it’s worth the contract you feel what I’m saying it’ll be worth the contract now obviously I don’t want to set this up for one because I feel like we got a generational player I think you do too I don’t want him to just get one I want to compete for championships every year now if he got one and we were in the finals every year would that change like say just Boston just jugging this day year it’s their it’s their decade so you’re saying Cleveland and uh Golden State where Cleveland we just keep going but we just can’t go it’s just hard I would I be cool with the contract what you’re saying yes would you be like man well we trying we in the finals what else can we do so the only thing is like I think that would that also take away our flexibility to even add more to it if you like you said you like for example Boston for example Boston was going to the east of Conference finals every year they went to the finals every one year then he finally made this move and he put them over the top right well we have the flexibility to make that move to finally put us over the hump like say you get that one already you’re in the finals you’re in the western counter finals you flirt with it or whatever and then like you when you still have you have enough wiggle room to push you over the top to make another move to go back and get another ring you see what I’m saying like yeah their first let me so I I’ll turn it to you a different way their first W Eastern Conference Championship within this run was 2017 right with with Isaiah Thomas or whatever and Jaylen Brown oh yeah I forgot about that yeah so it’s been seven years since their first Eastern Conference that they seven years we went to the Western Conference Finals in 22 right I mean yeah 22 was the first one seven years from there will be 29 do you feel it the timeline of Jeremy Grant and all it still wouldn’t be the seven years even if we just made it to the final we still be going further than Boston would have been in them seven years if that makes sense so I don’t know bro it’s about do you do you want to be relevant do you think are there is there any move that can be done right now where you you you go into the season and say bro I think we winning at all like I don’t give a hell what happens I don’t give a hell about Boston I don’t give a hell about anything is there any move that you’d say I think we G we got it cuz look I I this this is my thing right I look at it like this it’s kind of like when me and you was saying we needed a big right we needed a big we kept saying that right and look what happened we got that and that pushed us over the top it got to the finals right I don’t feel like we need just these multiple like just real big moves I feel like you tweak that one thing like I said I think we all can sit here and watch the game and and realize what that one thing we were missing in the series you had the size you had the defensive guys you had your two uh St you know two horses or whatever right that one thing you were missing which is that one consistent third option that can help take pressure off of Luc in them right and that’s why I say like you I feel like a a Kyle kman or a Jeremy Grant can push us over the over the top bro against us a team like that bro because it gives you multiple especially if you get somebody like look I’m I’m G tell you you get like a ky kma I know people kind of like on on the you know on the fence about KY kma a lot of them are saying that because of what his comments were put that to the side the idea of Kyle kosman would be that type of player that can put us over the top like you don’t have to necessarily just get 25 superstars on the team he’s like right now you have the base what you’re doing is kind of like jingga you got the base you just you just stacking it now right like that’s what you’re trying to do like I think Nico said that too I finally listen to his press conference and he kind of said it himself you just need to feel the edges and I think you ways that you can get that guy you don’t have to necessarily be an Allstar and all that like You’ been saying somebody jermany Grant can look like he could be he he has Allstar type of game we all know Cal kman has a Allstar type of game somebody like that in that level that range I think we’ll be fine bro I think we I think that can put us over the top man I the same way getting that power for we needed that starting power forward the same way that that having the two cers we’ve been crying about for the last 85 years finally getting those guys and see what that did that that bumped us up right because we say how many time we said it King if you had those two centers in 2022 what we have been at probably a champion that’s what I’m saying so you had those guys now and it got you to the finals now you need that one one more piece just one more piece like I said got to necessarily be a big three and all that just get that get that next level guy that can be consistent for you on your team bro and that’ll put you over the top that’s what I feel who is that piece so the Jeremy Grant thing is because Jeremy Grant gets paid like a superstar we can say he’s not a a star and we understand that but he still gets paid like one it’s like damn you might as well get a superstar do for but you don’t gotta picks maybe for Jeremy Grant and and I’m I’m done with that Superstar thing bro as far as like the pay or whatever I think you said this million times and we’ve seen it for ourselves in Boston like Rim just said right here we’ve seen it in Boston go get they’re starting five go get SC they’re starting five you understand what I’m saying I I been say starting five get skill bro if you want to add in Derek white he’s gonna get paid too it’s all gonna make about 30 plus they got a bill they have a billion dollar like you said starting Team bro for that total contracts like that’s what I’m saying like look that just get the right piece man just get the right piece cuz like like said if you start winning Championship I I’m not going to be thinking about that contract no more nobody cares they’re not going to talk about it who cares about the money no more to nobody talking about other only the fans stuff are talking about Boston’s contracts right now nobody in in the media talking about their contracts what they’re talking about talking about them being able to win multiple championships with that with that roster I don’t think you think Boston fans are talking about it right now I don’t think they are they love it I think don’t give a hell about the contracts all like give everybody a contract give you a contract give you a contract same way we would be if we won a championship the only thing I’m hearing from as far as contract is them saying okay we about to get ready to pay Tatum we about to get ready to pay Derek white or whatever and they about to get ready to pay Horford because Horford said he’s not retiring so y yeah you just you just pay money that’s what I’m saying you have to make the right decisions that you can’t get stuck in wrong money and that’s the issue will Jer is Jeremy Grant good money that’s what the question is it’s like if ni decid to go that route I’m it is what it is let’s go I TR I trust him let’s just let’s just get this thing you know what I’m saying just just I believe it that’s what jump let’s go you got to uh let’s see but that to me that’s the level I’m talking about though like I want I want it in that range you know what I’m saying like I want it in that range like the the you said who’s Perfect k is perfect C yes I’m saying you get like a c somebody at that that that third option bro like 22 I feel like too that a cut back on that players like that a cut back on Luca’s usage you know what I’m saying like just that’ll benefit Luka and Kyrie we that way we won’t have to hear Too Many people talking about Kyrie got to give us 30 or whatever you know expect him go out there get you 30 and 40 every night kyri just walk in there and get you like 20 bro and we we’re beating teams convincingly right because you got that third guy that come in there and get you 18 19 20 or whatever so I got a simple question for you would you be cringing if if uh Kyle Coan brought the ball up the court nope simple as that bro uh jet says can we reconstruct this contract no listen in the field man I don’t know about that bro far as Josh green and all I think is that’s what you talking about jet no I think he was talking about uh Jeremy Grant no contract guaranteed yeah they guaranteed man yeah let’s see make sure youall put wtm as well I see there’s a lot of people in here and uh talking stuff see there’s a lot in between between I get to another WT before I get there Dam okay jet said the same thing again hold on man gez bro any wtms right way down here here we go I got one for Danel uh he said hey fellas what up Daniel so I’m also in agreement that we need Jeremy Grant and mati th in a trade because that fills our needs thj Maxi Green in the first for Grant and th gets it done we’ll see shout out to Nico Nick says I don’t know how I feel about dsj um he can’t really shoot the ball and his ball handling and facilitating his mid his defense is nice though yeah it’s about comparing him to a role though Nick again I think Ro compared him to to exm to ex yeah it’s like exom was compared to who Frank Lina you feel me like can we is it an upgrade at his position that’s what you asking not everybody else just the role can dsj give you xom’s Ro maybe maybe not because like I said exm made what seven threes against the Lakers so like those situations like that and all he was cooking bro exom was nice ex was G like 15 a game for a second it felt like and don’t thing with like don’t thing with like DJ dsj he’s he’s a he got that dog mentality like we need more guys like that on the team more more with that that PJ Washington Jen Hardy type of mind frame bro we need people that’s like like I’m not scared of this moment I want to go out here and and win it for my team you know what I mean like it told me a time where we looked at he playing too timid yeah he was scared to shoot it he was scared to dribble in he was losing the ball getting his ankles broken left and right you know what I’m saying like that was after the injury though I felt like before the injury exom was reliable exom was one of my favorite players on the damn team before the injury and then when he went out with that injury again the second time he couldn’t move his knees anymore like I don’t know I just I thought Aon was legit though I’m not like I said I’m not gonna discredit ex I thought he was the truth until he got hurt again I was almost want next him being start lineup remember we were like make ask him are you going to ask about to start lineup now uh Coy says cam Johnson was a good one too yeah any of was cams sticks Wild Man uh Kareem says I know it’s not likely but I want Trey Murphy Naji would y’all rather have Grant or Denny and uh kissper a [Music] man it’s because of the money Realo it’s only of the money if it if we on even terms I’m probably still going Grant not well younger it’s age bro which one helps is now more and which one helps us in the future like so man damn why you brought these names up bro Denny and chrisper uh they actually add depth to our team we be we would be deep as bleep because chrisper can score but he could be that guy coming off the bench you’ve been asking for that can score man right but like and then he can be that playmaker for us off the bench that that uh that D witty hell no Denny starts bro hell no we get Denny over here Denny start Denny better be starting I mad that’s but it be nice to just get some some uh some bench dep too man you know what I’m saying not a good enough shooter I’m sorry Denny’s Grant Jeremy Grant is a better shooter than Denny like I said Jeremy Jeremy Grant just shot 40% is a number one option on a team you feel me like that’s awesome then he doesn’t like that’s the only thing think about with Denny when I’m like on this team I know Richard I love Denny and I always think about that three-point shot watching that and thinking about that in the finals now like damn would Denia made those shots I don’t know when I sit and question Grant has a different like they would probably leave Denny open and want him to drive because they’re like I’m a sag off you got to make this shot Grant they gonna have to play up on on uh Jeremy Grant and he’s going because he can make shots and they’ll respect this shot right Nico got I’m glad I’m not I’m saying bro got some work we got a Super Chat de in the building what up we talk Hawks in the building said what’s good re and King man what’s good man what’s good man bro appreciate you Deon appreciate you I heard y not trying to get your boy s man I said ear ient to him I sent to him the other day I think it was was it true that he uh said he ra he rather go to the Wizards was that fake or did I so you know who his owner I mean you know who his uh his agent is shout out to De they talking about this I think this morning I think I don’t even know Bill Duffy oh you know who Bill Duffy is um the uh agent of that’s and uh what did uh what was the rumors going around in Draft Day uh that Luka didn’t want to go didn’t want go to Atlanta wow yeah wow they talked about on their show damn deamar that was horrible I hope not man I hope yall get the guy so I guess it’s it’s kind of like I can’t remember that one we had that one agent that the mark CU refused to work with back in the day I don’t know if you remember I remember him having an issue with somebody I remember who it was it was a agent because one of the players we had is something happened with that the player or whatever Mark didn’t want to deal with that agent anymore so any player that came up and he was like who’s his agent we ain’t getting him you should not do that as a business owner trying to win on for a team and all that but you make those kind of decisions and stand behind them like I don’t get it though I read this I know we got a member R but uh Joe he’s a glow member he says utmost respect for R’s opinion as he’s earned that but Dennis Smith junor must have blackmail material on Dallas folks because he because that dude cannot shoot I do not want him at all I mean I I hear you Joe I hear you I just I’m sorry well no no no I was just gonna say I’m looking at the defense and I I know he’s somebody who can push the tempo just like just like exom can in in the open court like I just but my so I I hear what y’all saying with a shooting I hear you I hear do we really need defense that’s my the thing is do we we don’t really need defense we can use it that’s fine but like we don’t have to upgrade our defense off like too much like we’re good on that so I feel like the only thing with dsj and like the exm thing is who’s better at their Peak offensively so far we’ve seen in the NBA and that can and I know Dennis Smith was better at the beginning but like recently in their recent history can Dennis Smith be that offensive player that exm was for us this year doing the things exm do in xm’s role that’s my like exm was nice being like making his thre he’s made way more threes than I thought he would this year like he was can dsj do that and I don’t know hold on okay first of all one of them is only gonna be making a150 a year Richard you comparing Danny to dsj really both them be asked to do two different things bro come on Richard I don’t you smarter than that bro come on man get you uh get your member yeah Dar man uh you new member of the channel man appreciate you man welcome to the to the membership man welcome to the glow yard welcome to the glow Yard Man KY said Naj Marshall I mean I New Orleans got a few players that I’d uh look at like that whole uh Trey Murphy thing if that’s real like he’s not the the complete fit I would think as far as that being that third guy and all that he would help I don’t know if Tre I think with Trey Murphy you need someone else yeah probably so yeah uh wo says if we trade for sham can we stretch and wave him he has a team option for 202 D dang you already talking about trading and stretch like what we doing oh no he no let’s play him then he’s has a team option he’s like he’ll be like ex him or like DJJ was this year as far as if one of you and if he plays well we got a team option where we can keep them I don’t want for the low yeah yeah we already got one guy stretch wave right now like I don’t want have a bunch of that dude for like five years yeah something like that I don’t want be com to New York Mets or like you feel shot shot at freezy huh I forgot he is a Mets not a Yankee guy I can’t talk beat this jet says uh no that was not one or two I was saying let’s add another team uh to Portland package to make it easier for from early okay I got you jet appreciate you this the one you saw before uh big J is a glow yard member he says I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Johnny B but I would trade a thj and a second round for Miles B at the mid level over Grant ORS I’m not so I’m not against this is It’s not that I’m against or not against miles Bridges miles Bridges is nice like big J miles Bridges is nice I keep saying every he is nice he fit he would he would be a beast on this team it’s just baggage my issue with him is the baggage that’s it big like that’s a lot of baggage and he’s just dealing with it right now like you y y’all just say bring on the devil that’s how y’all feel I don’t even care just win a championship I don’t care about nobody else’s feelings Sean says uh really hype for the offseason after the season we had yeah and luckily it’s a short off season not shortest shortest offseason we World stick says Luca Kyrie PJ Grant Lively starting five with young guys and everyone locked up for three to four years that would be amazing that’s what I’m thinking sticks that’s that looks that looks good on paper man that’s a good team on paper bro as far as starting lineup especially Lely develops like guys still can get better I know Grant is a older dude but we still got Lely and PJ getting better in the lineup and Luka had like two six eight 6 nine dudes bro the defense man Jesus Grant and PJ would bro that’s what I’m saying make the trade bro Grant and PJ alone on the wings beside Lively yeah I think he do the trade you got to if I hope I hope Grant works out and I hope it’s not a foolish and something happens or whatever we not if we not top three in the west no we won I really think we get Grant we should be I’m mad if we’re not number one seed that’s crazy bro said signed the two for one two and one for 12 million player op on third year that’s what I thought get a player option they probably did play option yeah they did they did Dwight P what you mean you gonna op out and get a 1010 million doll contract or something Richard says OG W 40 mil that’s what I heard bro shout out to freezy man he I sent it to him like bro what’s going on out here man D was in Discord he was talking about yeah he he opted out that we all expected on I was like yeah but I heard the Knicks were expeced him to be available for 25 to 30 and they saying he GNA uh ask for something 35 to 40 and all I’m like he I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that uh DV with the what’s that King pounds uh that’s uh your Euros okay 199 Euros I think that’s what it is uh Grant has three and one left 29 32 34 and a player option at 36 maybe it’s why Dallas is going after because of that 29 that 36 bro that’s a player option that’s the one where you like you want him to be worth more than that at that point you feel me because the player option is where he s he’s taking the option said pounds thank you DB yeah he in that’s what say he in uh he in England so it probably is pounds but um 36 I mean uh that’s a lot or play option at the end but you got to do it you got you got to take that move like that that’s the move that can make you that’s the that’s the dynasty that guy I hate to be that guy you this is like the the thing everybody says when they to cope with the with the money uh but when he when he make it to that 36 the the cap will be up you’re right you gotta you better hope that everything happens the way it’s supposed if 30 36 won’t matter then right that’s what that’s what I mean that’s if that’s going to help people sleep at night knowing he got 36 but the cap going to go up I don’t know what it’s going to look like by the end shout out to Larry he know more about that than I we do but if bro if they win next year on that not bad it won’t matter you if he wins on a 29 million one you won’t M you won’t care with the others 29 would be worth it as far as the third option we’ll be fine he gotta win on that 29 shout out to TGK man the TGK TV man he’s with the $2 Don knowes Glory y remember too he says I miss y’all that’s so glad y’all live yeah man appreciate it man appreciate it I had to get over the funk of losing 29 he 29 not bad bro as far as the third y’all mad at 29 are y’all mad at 29 it ain’t 2 I’m try to get happy over 29 bro let’s still average of the contract and that last year still there no matter what so that at first after what y’all just saw the breakdown are y’all mad about that contract hold on though does that mean we only got a trade for 29 since it’s next year right that mean we only got to get rid of 20 that’s Tim Hardway and Maxi maybe that’s why they was calling said Dallas was calling that’s Timmy and Maxi and if you only get 29 good night everybody will they trade Maxi bro gota trade Maxi right if they listen I told you this before I’ve heard this from multiple people bro these are not mad people I’m hearing this from they were saying if Dallas wants to make moves they’re gonna have to find some kind of way to get off of Maxi and Tim Hardway contracts that’s what they saying bro and I told you Jeremy gr will basically do both of their jobs I’m just saying bro at the same time I’m sorry jet if that’s the case and it’s 29 and that’s all we gotta trade for then hey Josh Green can sit here in no man’s land I mean if we don’t get if we don’t get THU though if you get THU that’s what listen there’s a way they can get th and Grant I’m screaming finals bro you would have to trade you would have to trade Josh I get if you get THU you’d have to trade Josh just grant alone though that’s what I’m saying question ask a question who’s a better Defender at THU and Josh th better player than Josh right now there you go all right defend he’s a better player than Josh right now next question then yes sir uh Richard say OG 140 uh Joe says Nico wants two out of the next three that’s why he said three years which is beyond Kyrie’s contract it was very informative how he chose his words he ches his words very carefully deep thinker facts yeah he he did Jo I was listening to that I was like I’m I’m sitting there trying to trying to listen and dissect what he was saying bro just trying to see if I hear certain things and you right he was he was picking his words very carefully man very carefully so no you right man stick is a glow yard member he says Drew is 34 and just got a big contract to be a big score we worried about a 30 year old uh PG is 34 people wanted him he shot 2% high on threes and Grant couple things with thatti you wantan to go first winning me he winning you over winning me he pushing me I got I got rebuttal for that but I’m not I’m not against you sticks like I said I’m I’m not saying I’m like I’m beating the table like yeah get it done but you know what I’m saying like Okay you’re you’re starting to you’re starting to get me to that direction I’m just saying I’m fine with Jeremy Grant but I’m I’m gonna say about what stick said Drew is 34 and just got a big contract not to be a big scorer to be the guy that that a glue guy on that team and he’s one do what he does and he does at an elite level and he’s won two championships he the first year with the two teams he went to he won a championship with those guys so he gets the benefit and he’s a former multiple times All-Star he gets the benefit of the doubt uh Paul George is a multiple time Allstar and a guy that was top three in MVP voting one year he gets the benefit of the doubt and he shot 2% higher from Grant he was the number one score on the team that made the playoffs basically like that’s a difference but like I said I don’t it’s about Grant has never been that guy yet I just don’t want him to like fall off the cliff sooner than everybody else I’m hoping he still has his years available and all if he does it’s I’m not mad like I’m stop G me he just give me three and a half bro I’m sorry two and a half can he just give me two and a half bro I just need his contract I need got like four years left just give me like two and a half bro that’s all that’s all I’m asking Richard says Danny kiss it all day as well yes Richard we know we know I wouldn’t be mad at that Richard uh stick says Grant also scored nine points more per game no he didn’t oh he didn’t Jeremy Grant 20 Paul jge St like 22 game I think I think he mean more than than Drew good Drew holiday I think oh but yeah Drew holiday like a fifth option though sticks Grant was the number one option so yeah not Paul George whoa what see look but we can’t we can’t look at these like I was just telling Rich when he talking about I wanted Dennis Smith over Danny like you’re not we’re not talking about them you’re not looking at these these players on equal footing we’re talking about for what you’re asking these players to do the role that they’re going to be playing Drew is g to be like I said a minute ago yeah Drew is making over 30 but the role he’s being asked to play in Boston is gonna be completely different from what we’re going to be asking Grant to play over here completely different if he’s your F fifth option to put you over the top you sign Drew holay as your fifth option like he’s one of the best fifth options if he’s an All-Star type player you feel what I’m saying we’re asking Grant to be our consistent third op option yeah yes that’s the difference he might work though uh Joe says I’m I’m all for sticks like I say yes do the trade I’m not against it I’m not gonna lie to you sticks you you kind of like I said you winning me over here a little bit man saying some things Joe says K is a male content who pouts if he’s not uh getting his shots The Vibes will not be imate with him and his defense suffers when his offense suffers film shows that repeatedly I know Joe know going have to take risk like that’s my only but he’s only making $22 million Joe dang it Joe you don’t like n p we got like get rid of these guys Joe be bringing that wisdom man Hey Joe said ain’t Michael Jord I don’t want him y big J said I’ve never been a fan of the big three concept you need to be seven or eight deep yeah yeah that’s why I say like I that’s why I said the third guy don’t have to be or nothing you know what I’m saying like just get us a guy that’s at that next tier but the mavick so yes big J but this trade wouldn’t make them a big three it’s again we we just made it to the finals and everybody that was a piece of the team no I think you was just commenting what I said earlier okay okay I got you yeah what I said earlier when I was talking about like we don’t necessarily need a big three you don’t necessarily need a big three we’ve seen that now where these guys got these look at Phoenix does anybody does anybody want to trade places with Phoenix no but our team right now if we have the moves we in a place because we kind of have bad contracts that’s kind of the good place that we’re in right now because the bad contracts can add up to be money to go get somebody else where we can add somebody on the team without changing the team up you get a Jeremy Grant with PJ Washington and all them bro and and then your boy Hardy starts playing on the bench everybody get another year oh man you get a training camp together remember we remember we started out in what was it uh in February together the same thing with Kyrie remember what happened we got Kyrie and Luka training camp you get this team this team of training camp with whoever you add over the offseason you might not even need to add another person during the trade deadline bro just go with that team they should go into the season number one seed I’m really I’m on that tip right there bro tell you right now I know I said this during the finals and I still believe I’m not I’m not scared of anybody if you get Jeremy gram the team with that with that lineup that uh gu who named it off earlier I’m not scared of anybody bro Richard says if Nico gets Denny and kber uh you Keeping the Faith in Nico then yes Richard yeah I don’t think I don’t think R against it oh hell no as I say any listen I’m to the point like we can name all these people we want but whoever Nico decide to get I’m down bro there’s some small F we not think about I think we’ve gotten to that point huh oh I was just gonna say if there’s a small F we not even think about Nico said let’s go get him yeah that’s what I was s there thinking too be somebody we not even thinking about right now got so like I said I said like I said ear in the show I said if if Nico I don’t care Nico can can get you you know Kobe br’s dad at small Ford and I’m I’m cool with he he’s gained our respect to the point that you know whatever move he decides to make man it hey go ahead Nico I’m gonna let you cook you got it go grab Jelly Bean go grab Jelly Bean man and put him at the at the three man go get Dirk back off the streets Joe says salary cap 2024 to 25 is 1.4 mil uh 2025 to 26 is 1.5 I mean sorry 155.000 mil uh 2026 to 27 is 107.6 MIL or 61 mil uh 2027 to 28 18767 uh let’s see 28 to 29 is 206 yeah go get Jeremy Grant you know what maybe that’s why get maybe that’s why he’s he’s they kicking that okay go get Jeremy Grant go get him it’s done yes so Joe you still don’t want to get Jeremy Grant after what you just uh put on on the screen go get Jeremy Grant I’m still about the age a little bit but go get Jeremy Grant I’m sorry DV what comment did I miss put put it down on the bottom again I got you before the show over oh let’s see let’s he talk about this hold your spot if y’all see us get Wiggins you made yeah his contract ah yeah that’s one I don’t want wiggin I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t want wiggin bro wi guarantee me I don’t feel like putting Wiggins in that series guarantees me based off his mindset I already see he ah no I don’t want wiggin I don’t Wiggins would they had to be giving us Wiggins basically and I yeah I’m if you give me wigs I need some I need some other pieces with that I just don’t want I don’t want to just make it Wiggins and then that’s our summer yeah like wigg you know what I’m saying I don’t trust Wiggins bro I just Noah says what up y’all long time no see I’m disappointed the way the season ended but at the same time no one had us in the finals fa no Faxon what up what up Latt a glow he says what up ran King and Nico We Trust FS yes sir that’s what I’ve been saying whoever Nico decid to get man because like when you heard his press conference Nico has a plan he has a plan so that’s why I said whatever he decided to do I’m I’m I’m cool with man I’m Not Gon I’m not gonna argue with Nico so uh Joe said cut and Pace mess up format so I understand Joe you no we got it though man sck said I thought a was more of a deity road than n nah man n a n nah bro did XM even get 20 Force but like one time this year maybe nah d w he didn’t do nothing compared to what d w he did for us in the playoffs when did he even in the regular season when did he average 20 a game for us before he got traded the best season of his career efficient and everything Y salom what up he says sorry if this was asked before how much for lri Gary Trent Jr I like Gary Trent Jr I like Gary Trent as well l i really think we got enough y’all and I still got to think about the how it fits as far as defensively PA but um I’m not even thinking about L market and I’m not I’m keep it real with Y I don’t think we getting L Mark y gotta remember who L Market played for yeah like your boy is not gonna give us that he Danny a is not giving nobody a discount no y’all can forget that man if you give Lor you g give like 25 draft picks for him oh yeah uh sticks with $2 no GL y remember he says give TGK credit for Grant already he crying yeah man TGK no TGK called it he he been on it boss you know what I’m saying he been on it but yeah Big pause yeah shout shout out TDK man uh Noah says I don’t think Jeremy Grant can help us we need another person that can create their own shot like Brandon or miles Bridges wa what I feel like Jeremy Grant and that same kind of no did you not watchy against us the DU his own shot bro he he’s ging you 21 a game he absolutely can man like he definitely can bro and he’s shooting 40% on threes like yeah doing something over there shoot now you take that and put bring him over here Virtual Insanity GL yall remember he said DeAnthony Melton I’m not mad at it I’m not mad either Noah said off toic but do y’all think JJ Ric was suceeded the head coach and LeBron are masterminds I know Lakers fast break is excited I don’t know about the Braun I still think it’s a bad luck to get JJ there but I do think JJ gonna be an awesome coach though I don’t know why I really think he fits the mold of you know being a uh one of the greatest offensive I mean one of the greatest college players of all time um he’s he’s a respectable role player that’s been to a finals with the Orlando Magic and all that like he is respectable he’s he fit his role and played in the NBA and played for years and I just think he’s a smart minded dude so I think he’s gonna be successful as far as an NBA personally I would hold my opinion till I actually see it yeah obviously bro you got to make an opinion that’s what he asks that’s why I said I’m G hold it until I actually see then you gonna know the answer I I need to I need to see it man we we seen too many players come straight out of the uh out of playing or whatever with no col no coaching experience and go in coaching and then succeed so people are telling me like you just heard what keing just said folks are telling me that this guyy the greatest mind of all time I I I want to see it I want to see it actually uh you know translating the WIS for for the Lakers because the Lakers right now the Lakers Lakers are kind of kind of a question mark right now I mean it is what it is like you would think that with the situation that they’re in will get a more capable coach they decided to go for a guy who hasn’t had any coaching experience so that’s why I said I I gotta see this man this is gonna be interesting so I don’t know let give a caveat I don’t know if he gonna last on the Lakers like I said I don’t think they should have did that move especially with LeBron being there like exactly look with him being in the park I do think that but I do think JJ re going to be a good coach I think he’s he I just think his his pedigree fits head coach where he’s going to be good he’s going to be able to understand guys like guys that aren’t the greatest guys on the team and all I think JJ R he already like represents the players in the media and all that so you can see what type of Coach he’s going to be a players coach and all that I think he’s gonna be an excellent Coach and he’s a smart dude we see the show in the podcast and allw he knows like plays and all that he he knows basketball so I think he’s gonna be good he fits the M he isn’t a guy that was like incredible guy in the NBA where they gonna be like man how come how come everybody can’t be like me hey either he gonna be uh Steve Nash or he gonna be uh Steve K yep Richard said guys watch Denny and kissper up and shooting last three years yeah Rich so Richard again yes you are right on Denny Denny is did get better in shooting this year I know I know Kareem you telling me too I’m not y’all give me one year this dude shooting 7 37.5 yes he may go up he should continue you’re right but it’s still a question mark is all I’m saying that’s all DJJ threes went up too yeah I’m not gonna go to nobody’s house and say well we got the greatest shooter in the world now DJJ and all that like it’s if I was a defense I wouldn’t be scared of him shooting threes let’s put it like that I would want him to shoot threes instead of putting the ball on the floor creating for somebody else like I said I said it the jet early I think on IG y Josh Green shoots what 40% from three is would you say he’s one of the great the best three-point Shooters in the league no it’s situations and stuff like not not yet that’s all I’m saying Denny yes I believe Denny’s nice he should keep getting better but I’m just saying for right now against Boston we didn’t need getting better we need somebody that can knock down that shot that’s how I feel PJ Wason is gonna get better I need somebody outside man that can take pressure that that that having threat on the outside would have took pressure off of off of and Kyrie y would open the floor up too for spacing and stuff like that man to drive to the basket and stuff so I agree uh Joe said uh Grant is not injury-prone he played 70 plus games for seven years then he had free injuries yep like a thumb and elbow he had a knee injury that didn’t require surgery in the hamy guess hold on he said our fans see games played and they think that tells the whole story they need the audition for ESPN since they offer opinions based on reading Baseline stats plus Portland shuts them down quick hey Joe Dam you went a little stab a little extra say boy Joe i w today Joe you good man nobody F stupid stupid like dang Joe you good Mane a grumpy old man tonight huh uh but no uh what was I about to say I think a lot of that had to do with to him sitting out those games this year they were trying to tank they purposely trying to tank yep so yeah I don’t think Jeremy Grant injury Pro like like just like Joe said he gets Nicks and x and all like anybody else yeah yeah anybody yeah he not out for a lot of games or whatever uh Cory with the 499 Dono glow mem he said thoughts on PJ retooling his jumper is he ret tooling his jumper I I don’t know but I don’t think he got a ret toer he just needed to take more more reps PJ was making I mean yeah we needed him the finals he missed shots and all that but like up into the Western Conference Finals he was a machine like so just give him more reps of understanding that’s his role that’s never been his role until he half the season with the Mavs and on you see what happened oh okay that’s what that’s what stick says reports okay whatever he need to do then I’m saying if that’s what he’s doing I believe in whatever he’s doing in the team doing I ain’t gonna lie I barely been on Twitter and stuff bro so I don’t even know what’s going on I tell him the same thing bro when I dis I was gone after the L after the L yeah need some time man be like man and I just came back out of my sh like all right one reason why I knew about those what we talked about today because I still get the alerts from like bleach report and stuff so I just got back in Discord yesterday bro and had a long conversation with them I was at a festival on I was like man I’m just back out of my show now I had to wait uh let’s see how many minutes you wantan to go to two R even yeah yeah that’s fine all right um you already ready to Richard one Jason says how many first round picks do the Mavericks have teams want first round picks in deals uh the Mavericks will have two on on draft day to trade I believe and with Jeremy Grant they may not want a bunch of picks Jason because like BR said earlier they’re trying to get off of a deal something they made a mistake when they tried to keep uh your boy what’s his name Damen lilet and then we got four second round picks yep including this year so yep yeah I’m sorry K I did forget about omx but yep omx no I said I forgot about it bro I you were you brought him up I forgot because I was saying like yo you you gonna you’re gonna want him to take that next step so I mean so how Josh Green gonna play with THU there and Grant that’s all I’m like how if that situation happened and you got matis thel and Jeremy Grant wouldn’t you want Hardy say a floor more than Josh Green yeah you need from Hardy what hard he can give you more than what Josh Green Dave’s a glow yard member he says great show guys th% agree with Kings take if we get Kore G Grant we get that third option who can get his own and plays the O and yes D they they’ve been looking for you in uh Discord man You’ been ducking oh man what that what y’all do to D this time man ducking them shots Nick says 60 win season uh number one in the west revenge tour next season and rematch with the Celtics I hope Nicks I wouldn’t even want to win it right now I mean I want to win it I ain’t gonna lie to you it don’t matter who we beat but it just wouldn’t feel right pause unless it was Boston again bro like Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown and christops got a rank bro because of us nah can go undefeated man uh Daniel said Luca Kyrie Grant and Gafford as your Elite starting five um I guess you mean PJ as well uh and then aom Hardy d DJJ and Lively as your Elite bench if we get this roster we’re about to go to the finals again and uh winning it I’m not a uh Lobby starting yeah but yes Lely lob if Lely isn’t starting next year like I said I’m mad we got you TGK and you got a oh that’s I see your pause see TG uh big J said the KD rule puts a Max on on the cap increased to 10% a year okay yeah that’s what it was I KN I know Larry brought that up before DV says Timmy Maxi lost and makes money work see you later everybody I mean I I ain’t mad at him man D says uh if we go for charlott miles Bridges and signing trade I’m super happy with that too we need some a-holes on this team I’m just I’m just gonna yeah whatever happens that’s on y well is what it is man like I’m just gonna stay away from that like I hear both sides uh stick says PG is a playoff choker uh depending on how you look at it sticks PG not a playoff choker I’ve seen PG get a team to the Western confence Finals never been it before um like as this role number one guy I wouldn’t be a guy that won him on my team in the maveri leading me as a number one dude but we talking about Paul George as number three yeah SS uh Richard says I’ve been clear about who I want but I’m no fool either just can’t spell uh you can’t turn down a grant trade just like Timmy his contract become valuable each year I feel you Richard so Richard said get Grant so I think we I think it’s time to get jery gr uh oh you know Richard if he over 30 he’s saying okay uh sticks Al says then Drew yeah that’s the one he talking about the nine points or whatever gotta dve says Paul George will fit awesome on his team real uh he is a guy who doesn’t need the ball and can perform with pressures off and with K luuka he would be way more relaxed in playoff if we had Paul George in this team i’ be like let’s get to the finals like just started at the finals I ain’t gonna lie to you like I it may not happen but I’m telling you if we did get Paul George like that’s stupid like that’s three of the most that’s probably the three most skilled players in the NBA all playing on the same team like let’s go uh King stick says King look at that contract Dre just got I know that he got a contract I’m not so y’all think I’m the guy that’s always said don’t worry about the money I don’t want y’all to think I’m I’m just giving y’all the stats based off of how y’all think about it I’m not scks I’ve always said I don’t care about the money just win a ring like if you win in a ring I don’t care if you spending if you spending double the budget like it doesn’t matter just win so it don’t matter just got to get bad money off the books that’s my thing uh stick says it’s Grant out third PJ reworking his shot and starts scoring more Lely gets going and starts scoring 15 to 20 a game we are just like Boston but with better scoring output due to Luke and Kyrie that’s what I’m saying sticks like he doesn’t have to be out third he can be if PJ nice we can just have a bunch of dudes on the team that can do something at certain times Richard says would you rather have more players that do many things will get a third option and pray no injuries and hope flat doesn’t miss uh too much either that’s my take you know Richard what guys you want to get rid of though that’s I’m saying like we got it yeah exactly like so the third options we talk about we’re talking about giving up people like Maxi and Tim you’re not losing nothing yeah I don’t want to sign nobody or nothing I just want to get rid of the guys we don’t use anymore get rid of gu we not using that’s what we’re trying to do add a jemy grant to to the core of the players that we have going to the finals that’s a upgrade yeah I thought we have a good team already that’s what I thought so I’m just adding him I’m not saying get rid of your team I don’t want to get rid of my team who you scared we gonna get we gonna lose you know what I mean so that’s how we saying Richard Richard said everyone used to score in Dwight and Maxi that don’t make them good LOL why we trying to get him a better here Rich D said once the new TV deal kicks in the contract for Grant becomes much cheaper and when Grant contract is done ready to play small forward I feel you it’s a good look man Nico what basically whatever Nico does uh Bobby uh says Andrew Wiggins is a perfect fit maybe with his game maybe but his mindset man he just G he be giving up on years yeah he had that one run there in the playoffs in the finals and then just completely fell off again man just his heart man that’s what uh that’s what Jimmy was calling him out for remember that y y Saints of glow remember he says Mavs need a shooter defenses are afraid of facts yeah see if I can get a couple more I saw you sticks with that Ali says hi guys what are your thoughts for OG no too much like the Nick with that man he Jordan out here with that contract man he talking about he talking about 40 35 to 40 I’m like I don’t know about that man y’all should have seen me on me and Joe on M digest I know you probably acting a fool Richard I gotta hey he showed Jo he showed one of your uh one of your comments too uh rich I gotta I gotta catch up on everything I told you I just went I went like what’s that doc z30 only thing I really been watching I’ve been watching uh know uh geek stuff and then I’ve been watching uh some NBA stuff I’ve been watching demon and them because I need to laugh I was watching when I told you I kept YouTube away from my my TV I was like I ain’t watching YouTube I just started like I said yesterday watching what the national media and all said about us oh no no no I did that yeah that’s why I just and I’m like closer to that I’ve gotten is like I said I watch Theon I watched freezy that’s about it I haven’t watched anything else NBA related bro uh see anybody else uh Joe said Dallas State media reported today in the podcast of PJ’s form and Cole he’s a glow M he said what y’all think of CP3 on the minimum as a backup PG yes I’m not mad at it I’m not but that’s is it yeah I mean it’s it’s a few more down there but it’s like two something already shout out Out Boy Larry from the Dixon way he said good luck in the draft fellas H we don’t have a draft pick so yeah we got the very last pick in the second round that’s all we got but we do have news about that I mean I can wait till we get the little little play and all that but we got news about the draft right oh I thought you heard like we got a pick or something like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just us I’m sorry we talk M oh okay I’m about to say like what we got I thought somebody say something like wait wait what happened’s I I said in Discord though would you be surprised if Nico got in the draft uh buy a pick yeah y Nico do some wild stuff man whatever ni decide to do man whatever you want to do Nico like what your world man it’s your world I agree though but yeah man listen uh we definitely appreciate everybody rocking with us man we got a lot of people watching today man we definitely appreciate that’s almost a thousand people in here watching we definitely appreciate y’all man uh listen if you guys are new to the channel into d m content go ahead and hit that subscribe Button Man join us here also too everybody hit that like button man hit that like button if uh you believe in Nico if y think Nico can get it done and Nico We Trust man hit that like button guys like I said we got almost a thousand people watching tonight man it should be a lot of likes we hit man we definitely would appreciate that as TGK would say for all our folks watching on X or Twitter please come to YouTube join the family over here y say what’s up like And subscribe and shout out to the to the people from X who uh commented too man appreciate y’all uh also too man if you want to become a member of the channel guys hit that join button next to the Subscribe button man if you’re on an iPhone I’m s if you’re on an iPhone you have to go through YouTube uh to your Safari uh browser in the YouTube desktop version then you can hit uh join that way become a member of the channel man y can join us here on Fridays we will have a a show here this Friday for the members so if you guys want to become a member of the channel you can join us here on Fridays man come up on screen and talk M with us man who y’all think we should get kind of rumors y’all are hearing right now what’s whose names are being thrown around out there come on screen man and talk with us man let us know also to uh King wanted me to bring this [Music] [Music] up yes sir guys follow us on playback man uh we go ahead and let him know keing what was the plans for playback uh so we’re going to be having the NBA draft on playback I just got the word uh they’re going to allow us to have playback with the normal passes and all so if you’re you know not a member just a regular you know viewer of the channel um you can definitely join us on there download the playback app as as Ro would say or see us on playback. tv/ we talk Mavs we’ll be doing both but if you are a member of the Channel first come first serve you’ll be able to see get VIP tickets and actually watch the draft with us on the screen but either way you can hear the stage hear what everybody says watch when uh you know comment back to us and also please join us over there we trying to get to our first 300 on playback so help us out too yes sir uh also we forgot this too King yes sir we are excited to announce our new partnership with our friends over at court Kings and we appreciate them blessing us with their new Dallas Mavericks collection this will not only include Dallas Mavericks based shirts but we talk Mavs them shirts as well be sure to check out our exclusive link on the screen or in the description to help the channel and rep the best El maver postgame show in the world much love to the entire career over at court Kings again for believing in us and taking a chance on the channel salute yes sir guys it’s never too late to cop you some new we talk Mavs Court King gear Dallas Mavs Edition go down to the description box below click on that link and copy some new merch man free 99 on shipping and also too man uh no tax so the price you see on the screen is a price you pay no no problem skey no problem man hey what what shirt you get SK let us know what shirt you got man send us a picture to some some media one of the Medias yeah let us know what you got man so we can tag you take a guess I bet you got that PJ Washington shirt what you what you got man I’m with the BET King’s house on it man got the L shirt oh man uh but listen man oh man shout out to my pops man he just got his shirts today man he got two lucai shirts shout out to him man he got different colors so yeah man but listen man listen uh we’ll be back what’s today Monday uh we don’t have a set schedule y’all uh we just kind of going with the flow right now but we will be I I need can’t stress this enough y’all I need y’all to follow us on playback follow us on playback because me and Keem will be starting a series of uh content on playback starting July 1st okay just giving y’all the heads up so if y don’t want to miss that follow us on playback you I guess you can turn on notification so whenever we do something on playback you guys be the first to know so follow us on playback is absolutely free it doesn’t cost anything follow us on playback we got some things coming out man uh this this July 1 so just a heads up did you are we gonna do the members only like like post games until then like we did it last Friday yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll do the we’ll do the open uh shows but members members only offseason shows so okay so yeah we’ll do that this Friday so we’ll have another show this Friday like we did last Friday y so the members are join us on the screen so everybody can watch it so if sticks don’t tell us say give uh TGK you just let me just no we I gave him his credit s yeah we gave his crit right when you said it he he gave like oh not again oh he got the we got we we got ker okay okay okay we got I got I got you TGK did if he Texs in I got I got it we put it out there I told you we just getting back on the internet and all that y y can give his time man tjk we gave him his credit man hey give my credit for giving your credit tjk listen man uh but yeah listen with all that being said man it is your boy realing king of we talk Ms man we talk Mass from a fans perspective we’ll be back here on Friday guys and after that we we we’ll let y’all know we we’ll play about year so with all that being said man like I said we out this out this piece I ain’t even prepared but I am now [Music]

Relle and King give their thoughts on the latest trade rumors surrounding the Dallas Mavericks

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