@Sacramento Kings

What should Sacramento do in this week’s NBA Draft? – 6/24/24 – The Drive Guys

What should Sacramento do in this week’s NBA Draft? – 6/24/24 – The Drive Guys

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sack toown Sports 1140 here at the drive guyses with Kevin gleon and Kyle dra let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s your boy drapes holding it down Jay you know when I sit in this chair we got to had a takeover plan the music plan I know I know we didn’t talk about it but anytime I sit in this chair and Whitey is gone you got to have me set up with the Takeover because it’s four hours of drapes and Jay here on sack toown Sports 11:40 so much to get to coming up at the top of the Hour 3 o’clock we’ got Brett seagull of clutch points joining us he’s an NBA Insider we’re going to talk about obviously all the rumors going on regarding the Sacramento King so many free agents out there so many trade targets we got that coming up at 3:00 a little later in the day we’re going to do something special that me and Jay came up with ah thank you big fella I can’t start the show until I hear my boy Jay-Z in the [Music] Takeover all right all right all right thank you Jay appreciate that now I’m ready to go hit us up 916 339 11140 J how you feeling today man good weekend everything good yeah beautiful weekend man I had the family reunion this past weekend got to uh you know how that goes you you meet a couple people that you haven’t met you talked to a couple people you ain’t seen since elementary school you know it was a beautiful situation just love the family and uh Saturday we had a great turnout on Saturday like close to 200 people and so uh damn you know super hype for that and got the uh got the wifey family reunion coming up this week so you know we back to back on brother I’m uh I’m Drake which we’ll talk about okay yeah yeah we got we got a uh drapes tap coming up in just a little bit I’ll tell you exactly why I think Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game we got that coming up so you had the family reunion I haven’t been to a family reunion in a minute because I’m out here because I’m out here on the on the west coast my whole family’s out in Philly and everything like that and they always have it the first week of school out here like that that August yeah always then and so the kids are in school and so I never get a chance to go back man I miss that though yeah it’s uh this is the first one I’ve been to in dude I mean moons many many moons I’m with you they normally have it on a time that doesn’t really work for what we do right um and the last one I believe was like two three years ago in Oklahoma which is where my uh paternal side is excuse me my maternal side is from and so uh yeah that didn’t work didn’t get to that one then there was another one I was in Louisiana maybe about five years ago I couldn’t get to that one so they had this one here in Sacramento for you know and we had people coming from down south coming up this way just a great turnout man again seeing people that you haven’t seen in so long right you know it’s a it’s a beautiful thing and you know drapes we’re not bashful we’re not shy and so you know Friday was like a meet and greet situation or whatever and we had people had name tags and then you know from what um of the patriarch or matriarch you derived from you know and so it’s from my grandfather that was cool because you get to see who’s who and then you get to see what what line of the lineage they’re from Saturday nothing no you know it’s just a barbecue picnic type situation so I was walking around introducing myself to everybody what’s up man who are you what’s going on you fam you you connected to the fam you married to the fam you know so a lot of people were uh they were excited that I was just walking around because again most of the time people don’t do that you kind of stay in your own gr and everything you’re not sure who that cousin is or that person is no I’m with you on that so it sounds like a good weekend I I’ll tell you about my weekend real quick I don’t know man I’m out of my mind man your boy’s not made for the heat Jay I’m not made for the heat okay I went golfing bro anything over 90 I’m not good at Saturday or Sunday Saturday Saturday Saturday was flam it was like 105 out there and I’m like and I’m out in Grass Valley kid so I drove an hour to go at Al to Sierra and I’m like I don’t know if I should be doing this you know what I mean what time was T noon oh yeah come on man did you not check the weather I did and so the guy I I I gol with this dude named Steve it’s like 9:00 am. he’s like Kyle just so you know it’s gonna be 95 to 100 out here you sure you want to do this I’m like bro I’m a man dog you know I got my Mike Gundy on I’m like my chest I got this I got the hydration going I’m flowing Man by a whole four or five I was like we were literally saying man maybe we should just do nine today because it was that bad out there but I did the 418 man 418 and got it in the middle of the the top high noon heat in the middle of the top high noon heat so that was my weekend right there and hung out with the kids my daughter is sick so I’ve been spending a lot of time with her yeah summer fabulous she got the monuma revenge or something because you know we were in Cabo and got back Monday but ever since we got back she’s been out of it you know what I mean she’s been sick so uh but it was a good weekend otherwise you know got to spend some time with her I’m ready for this week I say this Jay this is my Proclamation and this is for Sacramento Kings fans out there listening on the YouTube chat and uh on the text Line the app driveing home whatever you’re doing this week has the potential to change the course of the Sacramento Kings future Jay and I’m not just talking the NBA draft which is Wednesday and Thursday I’m talking about the potential to make some moves if I’m Monty McNair whether it’s trading for Zack LaVine whether it’s trading for Kyle kosman I know July 4th is still more than a week and a half away Jay but this week has the potential to be fireworks for Sacramento with the draft starting on Wednesday yeah I agree with you I think of all the things and we’re going to have some conversations about a few of these reports of many you know right now if you are tied to the NBA I was waiting on a draper uh drop you know like a w bomb or I said a Sean Cunningham sonic boom I was I was waiting on a draper drop you know and so if you’re tied to the NBA right now you have some form of news you have some type of scoop right you know something a rumor you talk to one of your boys you talk to a player you talk to an agent you talk to a front office person you talked to a you know a ball boy you’ve talked to a play-by-play guy you know something if you’re in the NBA Circle right now and that’s what it feels like it feels like every other minute you you the Michael Scott the wges the Shams the Brett seagull the Brian wi hores the Anthony Slaters like all these guys Sam amix you see uh Mark Stein Rick buer like everybody’s dropping something about well you know player a is probably gonna oped out player B there’s a sweep Stakes for this guy team a is looking to trade for you know player B there’s so many rumors and so many things swirling right now I’m 100% with you it’s it doesn’t feel like last year’s off season Drake right I’ll say that it feels like for the Kings it feels like the fan base knows it it feels like Monty knows it and we almost had something last week I’m sure you read this Sam amck and Anthony Slater article on the athletic and New York and their big uh bombshell and there was a couple of them out there their big bombshell was that the kings were close to getting Alex Caruso from the Chicago Bulls and they were dangling that number 13 overall pick in Wednesday’s draft that was going to be the key and when I heard that this morning when I read that article earlier today I thought oh man our boy Monty is out there hustling he’s trying to make it work they came close to getting Alex Caruso and it came up just short I like the fact that Monty is being aggressive I like the fact that he’s trying to make some moves it does concern me however though Jay and I forget I think I was just talking to Nate about this or or Allan Styles our assets we got that Toyota Corolla LE package and somebody can always outbid us if they want that person so for instance Alex Caruso would love to have him dog Hustler Defender but number 13 and whatever players you want to throw in clearly Chicago felt Josh giddy was better yeah and so I feel like when we talk about kosma talk about Jeremy Grant whatever if other teams are into it as well and they want those guys they can outbid us yeah agreed I think you know with the Alex Caruso knowledge that we have you know I’ve seen a bunch of people I know we’re giddy guys right and that that sounds crazy but we we are in support of Josh giddy we believe that he has some other things some other tools he can be an Allstar if he is in the right situation and and really I’m not even going to say right situation I just think he he went to almost like the worst team he possibly could go to based on the fact that sga’s got the ball in his hand so much and so to me he’s an Allstar in waiting like he’s going to be borderline and Allstar I think if he can reach the 20 and eight you know he’ll be borderline Allstar and I that’s where I project him to be the Caruso for giddy makes sense to me because you’re playing for the upkeep when it comes to the Bulls you’re looking at the uptick the future what’s the ceiling is right when you start to look at the Kings and you throw that 13th pick out to Alex Caruso it really becomes down to this drapes remove Kevin hurder remove HB maybe daveon maybe Chris dorte you know there might be another person or two that we haven’t talked about that much who might be in these trade packages but to me the bull said Josh giddy is better than anything we can get at the 13th pick right and I think that’s the way they looked at it because the way it’s being reported is they were close so to me it’s probably mean the bull excuse me the the Thunder and the Kings might have been battling and maybe another team in there and they feel giddy’s just better than you can get anything you’re going to get from the 13th pick and that that’s what scares me though because let’s say you dangled a 13th pick to the Washington Wizards for Kyle kman who’s to say that Lakers or whoever it may be OKC Utah Utah Utah got picked stay we got the number 10 pick here you go and so it’s going to be interesting how Monty navigates this I think we’re of an agreement and I want to hear from Kings fans 916 339 11140 Monty has to do something like I I I I know he’s trying you know how it is Jay you’re a baseball guy it’s like you know you get up to the plate and you’re swinging you’re swinging absolutely eventually you gotta make contact you better believe it you maybe try to bunt on or something like you know what I mean like do you got to get on anyway possible say get hit by a pitch take a walk lay up down which me and a bunt whatever you have to do we need you to get on exactly and that’s what I think is going to happen this week with Monty McNair and the Sacramento Kings coming up in just a minute we’ll Deep dive into this athletic article what it means for dearen Fox there was a small note in there but it could give us an inclination on dearen Fox’s future here in Sacramento you’re listening to the drive guys it’s drapes and Jay here on sack toown Sports 11:40 get ready to fuel your spirit of Adventure wiia Vacaville summer sticker Sales Event it’s time to crank up the excitement calling all Thrill Seekers are you ready for an adrenaline packed Journey introducing the Kia tellurite the ultimate companion for your next adventure picture this blazing Trails through Uncharted territories Conquering the wild with the power and precision of the Kia tal ride with Kia Vacaville you can join the Expedition and experience the thrill of off-road exploration like never before but this rugged design and Cutting Edge 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that stood out to me we understand the Kings trying to move off on the 13 pick we thought about that we talked about that before but it had a note about dearen FOX NOW Fox is eligible to sign an extension right now but according to this article Fox is going to hold off on signing this extension for a couple of reasons one if he makes all NBA Defensive Player of the Year Allstar he can sign the Superman next year so financially it makes sense for him to not do it this year I get that but a little nugget they dropped in there that had me thinking uh oh maybe foxy is trying to show some leverage here show some of his star power it said in a small part a small reason why Fox is waiting he wants to see the makeup of the roster going forward now we know star players whether it’s LeBron you know Durant Grant you know we’ve seen it all at Luca we’ve seen it all around the league where they have sort of an input on players we never thought dearen Fox would could be that kind of guy but it now shows me and let’s not forget Jay who his agent is also clutch Sports he’s rocking with clutch Sports now player empowerment that’s what they are are really about to me the Nugget that fox wants to see how the roster shakes out or anything like that that raised the red flag to me just a little bit to me that puts the onus on Monty McNair because I think dearon Fox and especially with the clutch sports behind him now is realizing the power he has not saying he’s gonna leave or anything like that not saying he wants to leave because dearon fox has proven and shown he wants to be a Sacramento King for life but you look at the money you look at the power that he’s wielding I feel like you’re seeing the El evolution of dear and fox to a point where can become the guy or one of the guys in the league you know uh what’s the deal that uh if if he waits and he gets to sign a Max contract 359 million is it uh for dear Fox five years yeah that’s CRA who would have thought right dearra Fox 359 million yeah right you know the interesting thing that caught my eye in that article was he would become the highest paid player in the association drapes could you IM imagine a Sacramento King like we’ve had Chris Weber you have had the bies but we’ve never been DeMarcus Cousins we’ve never been close to a with3 almost $60 million and being the highest paid player we’re talking about the Steph Curry’s LeBron’s all these guys the giannis’s the MBS the yices all these guys that we could possibly name at this point Anthony Edwards Jason Tatum jayen Brown dearon Fox would be the highest paid player in the league and you know that tells me we would as much as two things for me we have a superstar on our yes as much as he may not want to and I’m not saying he he dear does not want to personally I don’t know as much as people may not see him the NBA some people do some don’t I don’t know you know fans here see him as a superstar some don’t he is a superstar by the way he’s getting paid right that’s the first part the second part for me is this sac Al for all the years we’ve been asking drapes and I know you you know you you’ve only been here for a short period of time and got yourself entrenched we’ve been asking for this right we’ve been looking for a star of All Stars we’ve been looking for our guy to hang our name and attach oursel to that guy and say go represent us when it comes to the best of the best in the league right well if he signs for almost $360 million guess what it’s arrived he’s here Dr you’re right no matter if you like it or not yeah and and think about it when Jaylen Brown signed his deal yes became the highest paid player in the league he was on like it was a topic on the talk shows but it also I think and I think this is where it can help de’arra Fox and you tell me when you get a contract like that and you’re a young player a face of a franchise in my opinion it should make you hungry to live up to that contract to prove that you know what I’m being paid like that guy I have to go out there and be that guy and so when I look at dearon Fox and you and I talked about this you know on the drivein I think we’ll see the most motivated dearon Fox $359 million you heard me right 3 dude I would be in the gym 247 if I knew at the end of the the rainbow a pot of gold worth 359 million Jay and so I think this is a great thing for dearon Fox everybody’s like man he’s often he’s not gonna sign the extension first of all if I’m the Kings from a financial standpoint sure you’d like him to sign the extension because it saves you money but from a basketball standpoint I think we’ll see the hungriest version of de’arra fox we have seen since he’s been here since 2017 you know it’s interesting it it when you proposed that to me I hadn’t thought about that aspect of this contract absolutely we’re going to find out the best de Fox that we’re probably going to see at the highest level I agree with you if you’re not playing you know 100% at top peak condition at top peak Prime you know seriousness you’re not putting yourself out there on the line 100% for $360 million and I know it’s not all about the money but it is though it is a lot of people like well it’s not all about the money yeah because you’re not in you’re not in a position collect $360 million almost and so I’m with you I think if there’s anytime a Telltale sign we will get the very best dear Fox we will know what the maximum uh potential the the ceiling of what dearon fox is and I’m excited to see that because I think one of two things we’ll find out that he’s either a top 10 guy or he’s not and we’re probably GNA have to add you know another top 25 guy so it’s gonna it’s going to break some things down like we’re figuring out this book as we move along right now we’re in about chapter seven or eight drapes you know and um we’re looking to get further in this in this book but some of these characters are starting to flesh out and if dear Fox is up for 360 million bucks and let me also say this drapes I think we can all agree dear Fox shouldn’t be signing this year at all with $360 million almost on the back end it’s G to be a Telltale sign next year on what he does how we and he’s always in good condition but yeah how he takes this game to the next level right it I need to see October November and part of December dearon Fox where he was averaging 30 points per game where he was dominant on both ends of the floor and I think you know when you look at that paycheck and that potential contract sure it should motivate you but it also comes with pressure as well when you do get that contract no more excuses right you’re not a young fox anymore that’s you know you’re expected to be the guy day in and day out and to your point Jay who would have thought that a Sacramento King could be the highest paid player in the NBA and here’s the thing not me not me but but Jay I’ve seen people on the YouTube chat Sactown Sports 1140 I’ve seen them on the text line 9163 39140 talking about the kings are cheap and things like that if the kings are cheap it will they will be exposed when it comes time to pay dearn Fox absolutely because if you pay that contract we look at a bonus 217 million you pay that that’s not cheap that’s not cheap 500 million to two players two players that’s with the mention of Keegan Murray’s coming up he’s coming up he’s coming up which leads me to my next Point Jay and this is this is a little bit off the rundown big fella but it just popped in my head so I got to bring it to you if dearon Fox is about to get 350 plus if domas is at 217 we’ll talk about Scotty Barnes and what he’s uh make it but keeg is going to be in that 200 plus million Birds Bird’s rights yes it doesn’t make sense financially to get a Zack LaVine like you Zack lavine’s a 40 plus million dollar player you’re gonna have dearon Fox at 60 million domas at 40 something million Lavine 40 something million Keegan at and so for the last six months I’ve been screaming Zack LaVine Zack LaVine Zack LaVine Jay but I’m I’m finally come around big fella that it doesn’t I can’t see the Kings paying Four Guys 30 plus 40 plus million dollars it just doesn’t make sense anymore but is that part of the NBA future we’re approaching and I know you know I I think I sent something from Bobby Marx the new first apron versus the second apron right I think we’re approaching that to the point and you’ve made you know great points on this show draes you have to pay money you have to pay you have to live in the luxury tax to win a championship nowadays because you need three Top Flight guys one way or another look at the Celtics they’ve been in the and you you were a part of the run right in in the front part of it as much as as good as Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown were they couldn’t get it done but soon as you bring that third Top Flight guy which to me is Drew holiday who’s a champion who’s a two-way guy who’s going to put up 18 give up you know dime eight all NBA Defensive guy and now they go over the threshold pretty easy too I mean it wasn’t like they they had tough you know tough opposition they ran through everybody in the East and smacked the Ms and so I think you need three top flly guys with the slew of $18 million guys Derek white Alor e s you know those type of those type of contracts and so it’s becoming the norm for the NBA right now Dres I get what you’re saying I’m not all money right but I’m not in his pockets I don’t know but yeah it’s tough to pay four guys it’s tough to pay four guys but let me ask you this and and I’m G throw this out to the people listening right now 916 33914 are you telling me we’re gonna make a decision on keid no no no I’m not no no we not he should be that dude no my thing is from a fan standpoint I hear people say well I don’t want Zack lavine’s contract if the is willing to pay it shouldn’t matter to us though right AG it’s not our money it’s not our money and so you know contracts be damned long as we build a winner and I bring this up because that’s how it was in Boston when you talk to Wick gpack his whole thing was I don’t care what cost we need to win Banner 18 as a fan do we want our ownership to say I don’t care what it cost we need to win a championship here to Sacramento me yes yes because again it’s not our money I’m a fan drapes right one of the things that I I it behooves me all the time is why we have guys who are potential GM you know as we talk about basement GMS and armchair GMS and you know fantasy GMS you know all these guys want to be Bobby marks they want to be Keith Smith they want to be Eric pinkis guys who get paid capologist you’re not paid for that right now listen if that’s your hobby more power to you shots out everybody got to do something right everybody puts their time in anything but people who get into the point of well I wouldn’t trade for this guy I wouldn’t do that as much as I said me personally I wouldn’t have paid Brandon I you 25 you know 30 million at the time but guess what pay him 30 cuz I want him to be on the team yeah it’s not my money right so that’s the part of it now we also have to be intelligent we also have to um you know use common sense we can’t just go get a $60 million guy like we talked about we can’t go get Devin Booker we can’t create trades for Devon Booker he’s not to be had right right but there is when we when we’re arguing a couple million and all like fans kill me with that man spend every single dollar and Penny cuz guess what’s going to happen Dres and we might be a little blessed but at the same time there are fans who’s going to have to go spend that money $200 premium tickets you know $150 just to sit up in the nose bleeds right absolutely spend that money spend that money they not they not giving us sow break when I go get them chicken strips right you know what I mean when I’m slide through the uh I can’t remember the store right now that’s over in the the 18 the 18 11 19’s over on the that side of the Arena you know you go get you a bottle of wine and they can open it for you they not breaking up you know nothing nothing’s being given to me I’m not getting percentages off for that y you know what I mean I want some Red Vines drapes I’m getting charge full price for that full price eight do Red Vines or whatever it is so who am I to be like no don’t spend it here’s the thing Jay and I’m I’mma tell you exactly what I’m talking about here after the timeout I got two reasons why if I’m a Sacramento Kings fan I don’t care if V spends all the money in the world as as long as it brings a championship and I’ll give you two examples why spending money is the way to go and how you will reap the rewards the benefits of it you’re listening to the drive guys hit us up 916 339 1140 at sack toown Sports 1140 you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling can he do it yes there’s number 11 hean murrayan steps back he just not knock down his 12 three-pointer a king franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports app slash presents serpent Festival a celebration of the Blues Friday July 12th at the venue at Thunder Valley starring SL waren haes band Samantha Fish like a death and Eric gails it’s going to be a don’t miss an Allstar night of Blues Friday July 12th at the venue at Thunder Valley for tickets visit servant Festival 18 number one countless ACM and CMA Awards sold out world tours and now Dirks Bentley is coming to Sacramento for Country in the Park 2 September 28th at hardal Park at Cal Expo with [Music] caryy hard and more plus line dancing food trucks and more tiets Avail at brought to you by Bon electric heating and air and the US Marines we just want to have enough money for retirement and travel to visit our grandchildren I understand that’s why at Fisher Investments we 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the road at AutoZone get Z Auto restrictions apply drapes A J hanging with you on this Monday here on the driveu sack toown Sports 11:40 no Whitey no Kevin gleon today he will be back in the big J big chair tomorrow excuse me uh Jay uh right now I’ve been sending you some texts I don’t know if you’ve been checking them out JJ reick being introduced as a Lakers coach and and and and we’re going to play some sound a little later but I think it’s off to a good start my man some of these sound bites I’m hearing JJ sound like he coming in there you know ready to run things in La yeah you know the the one that I I saw and I heard actually was he said he was from the Doc Rivers tree yeah he is a disciple of Doc Rivers inter if I’m not mistaken doesn’t him and Doc don’t get along that’s what I thought they had some beef right yeah I don’t know where that comes from and I didn’t I didn’t hear a tone or you know didn’t decept the tone like he was you know being sarcastic it sounded like he was just saying like look yeah I’m from the Doc Rivers tree I’m a Doc Rivers Disciple This is kind of how I think as far as coaching so I found that interesting is um you know just the fact that they don’t really care for each other and I think it’s more JJ rect than doc right CU Doc is kind of like hey man you had your best years with me you know said that JJ’s kind of on the on the the fence with do so I thought that was interesting too yeah exactly we’re gonna play some JJ reick coming up in just a little bit he’s the new coach of the Lakers but I want to go back to what we were talking about before the break and the financial aspects uh of of whatever moves they make this off season and the potential of a dearen fox 359 million contract you got sabonis at 217 Keegan Murray’s going to be a 200 million dooll guy as well and does that preclude the Sacramento Kings from going out there and making a big splash for you know my guy Zack LaVine and and and I kind of think we’re out on that just because I don’t know if you’re could pay four guys but I will say this Jay when it comes to paying players and and and and and trying to win a championship I would rather my owner be the New York Yankees than the Florida Marlin absolutely you know what I mean or the Pittsburgh Pirates or something like that Stein brener over John fer whatever it takes whatever it takes go out there and spend and let me ask you this ask Joe lob whether or not his investment in the Warriors getting Kevin Durant and paying him 30 plus million Steph Curry Klay Thompson if that investment didn’t pay off for him if Joe lob had to do it all remember they were in the luxury tax they had like a $300 million tax bill but I tell you what he made that and more got the arena downtown San Francisco the valuation of the franchise goes up and so it’s more than just all right I don’t have the cash or I’m not willing to spend the cash really when you invest when you spend the money it’s an investment in your product it’s an investment in your organization and if you win a championship can you imagine the valuation of the Sacramento Kings so I don’t buy this notion that oh man uh you know uh that’s too much money to be paying no spend the money because it’s G to come back to you especially if you win a championship look at the Warriors where they were pre Steph Curry versus post Steph Curry I could argue and I’d have to look up the numbers they’re probably a top two or three franchise in terms of valuation right now they got the organization they Joe Lup got the arena they’re in prime time San Francisco you know how much that land cost and so sure Joe Lake up spent 300 million in tax but he got it back in the valuation of his franchise sure Wick gck in the Celtics have been in the tax for a number of years but he got it back he got his championship and the valuation of the franchise so I’m not of the belief when I hear fans say wellow that’s too much money that’s you know what like you said Jay to win a championship you gotta win money to play with the big boys you gotta you gotta spend money and so I I I I don’t think Zack LaVine will come here but the contract would not scare me and I know it’s not my money yeah so of course I’mma say that it’s easier to spend another person money I get it but it it doesn’t scare me as much as it does other people because if you’re willing to spend that money on Fox on Keegan on Zach now you’re putting together Championship caliber team and that money will come back to you playoff moneyy how much money did we miss out on the playoffs this year a lot of money can you imagine three or four rounds in the playoffs getting to the finals that kind of money ticket prices the valuation of your franchise all that goes up so I I’m not worried about the the money situation when it comes to acquiring Talent yeah I’m with you man I I go back VC and his group bought the Kings for $535 million is is was told to the public yeah now you know plus or minus 10 who knows but according to reports $535 million is what the King’s organization was purchased for last year in forbs and I just looked this up because I want to make sure the numbers were right the king’s valuation was 3.3 billion man $3.3 million forb did a valuation on all the teams last year and the Sacramento Kings were at $3.3 billion now other reports Forbes list this year maybe around 2 million you know things like that depends on all the reports that you look at but Forbes last year was at $3.3 billion now if we look at that and I just looking at 2014 800 million 2015 925 million 2016 1.1 billion 2017 1.4 you see where I’m going with it draes yes yes there’s plenty of money to be spent right plenty here’s so what you’re saying is 100% correct if you’re in this to win a championship you’re going to have to spend money you’re not going to win a championship with a 25th rank salary salary payroll it’s not gonna happen payroll it’s not gonna happen man I’m I’m 100% with you and here’s the thing to J to your point if I gave you this five bill and I told you in two years that $5 bill will be worth $30 you got you made 25 you got 25 extra bucks same thing with v situation now and you just mentioned it you PID 500 what 535 535 now all of a sudden you’re worth two billion come on man don’t be uh don’t be penny pinching right don’t be don’t be Penny pitching I mean we’re not that kind of organization I want to hear what the fans think out there the listeners 9163 39 1140 I see some of you guys on the YouTube chat uh Vincent says I would rather make a move on Miles Bridges as was rumored instead of a guy like Zack LaVine he says the contract doesn’t scare me the fit does I well you know me my guy has been miles Bridges I I think he has he fits what the Kings absolutely need he is the perfect three for the Kings he’s going to give you 20 points a game he’s going to give you eight rebounds you know probably throw five assists he’s going to play defense he’s a dog he’s in your face you can’t run over him you know but we’ve had these discussions before on the show because of the Louis Vuitton baggage that he carries you know yeah the the the baggage that comes with him I believe some people here in Sacramento May sway from him now I’m not saying the Sacramento Kings organization I’m just saying it’s a big PR gamble right when it comes to Miles Bridges player absolutely love him PR I’m not sure if the Kings want to get into it me personally I’m not sure the king’s PR can handle miles Bridges at this point that’s just me I’m speaking for myself with that being said I don’t think we’re arguing and I I know we’re putting the face to the cash when it comes to Zack LaVine drapes though I don’t think we’re arguing the point right now Zack LaVine we’re using him as an example because he’s been a a main target on our show but you started with this I don’t think the kings are going to pay $60 million for the likes of a Zack LaVine being paying Four Guys 30 plus million right right what we’re saying is do you believe or think the Kings can pay for guys miles Bridges Mike Hill Bridges whoever you want to name can they pay for a guys 30 plus million 30 Bird right guys Top Flight Stars that’s what we’re asking and if so I mean vice versa we may need to do that to win a championship you might have to right well and and we’re up against it but when you look at the current makeup of the roster you already got three guys Fox he’s gonna get paid sabon is paid and Keegan’s going to get paid yes so basically that’s your Three core High pay payroll kind of guy right now are those the guys that you surround with the $10 million contracts 15 million because we’re talking getting kozman I know his contract goes down Jeremy Grant’s at 30 million like now you’re talking once again four guys and a lot of paper we might have to take a step back Jay and and and refigure our our targets out there I know I know you don’t want tough yeah it’s tough man because I’m you know I’m shooting for the ceiling I’m at the stars as you talked about Fourth of July is right around the corner you know it is our time here in California to Get Saucy with the fireworks and so that’s my point is and I think that’s what we’re having a conversation about it’s going to take money to get a championship we get that can we or are we willing as a team as an organization to to lay out that type of cash and for drapes I personally speaking I’m not sure I’m not sure but I think me and you on the same boat of it’s going to take that it’s it it might take that and and and this goes back to the conversation we had a couple of weeks ago are we chasing the championship or are we chasing just making the playoffs and are we happy about that we’ll talk about that coming up next 916 339 11140 you’re on with drapes and Jay as the drive guys sack toown Sports 1140 at the Good Feet store we take pain very seriously whether in the foot knee hip or back good feet makes over 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signing based on approval credit VIN number 50185 in June 30th 2024 [Music] live and local it’s the drive guys watch the show on actown Sports 1140 or listen on the sack toown Sports app drapes and Jay sack toown Sports 1140 oh Jay you could have kept that roll hell yeah you know we uh I might have to do a d list on the all-time greatest disc records this songs in hip hop history your boy Kendrick Lamar wouldn’t be in the top five I just know that it wouldn’t be in the top five this though some Easy E Real Compton City G’s I cleaned it up that would probably be in there as well uh some BG knockout and draa yeah what you know about that deep in the crates DJ can I can I get some Tim Dog too I might sometim okay exactly I might do that but that’s for another day I see some people out there on the YouTube chat now talking about the uh Drake uh Kendrick Lamar situation going on and why I think Drake is the LeBron James of Hip Hop LBJ the king the king of Hip Hop exactly that’s coming up in a little bit on drapes takes I will address all those people on the YouTube chat I see that’s coming up in a minute but back to our conversation 916 3391 11140 the Sacramento Kings uh they got some financial decisions to make and I think it’ll tell us a lot this week Jay if you go out there and make a big trade for a Jeremy Grant for a Zack LaVine then we know money isn’t the op uh isn’t an issue but if the only move you’re making is signing let’s say a Nai Marshall with your midlevel or you don’t do a like that move I like that move yeah that that’s a good move I I think that’s a guy that can be had we’d have to clear a little cap space uh with the addition of Malik monk resigning him but uh that that would be a huge move and speaking of nji Marshall uh Josh Hart the Knicks guard uh quote tweeted a story about Naji and all he said was he’s a dog that’s what we need he’s a dog talking about Naji Mar Josh is Josh is out there and he’s done a good job of this the last couple years like he’s out there hustling he’s hustling right he doesn’t mind going to recruit people he doesn’t mind going to social network and you know dropping a line or two I like how Josh Hart gets down when it comes to recruiting players yeah out there he he’s very active out there and so I I think this week we’ll learn a lot uh about the Kings and which direction they’re going and how much they’re willing to spend obviously you got the draft coming up on uh Wednesday we’ll preview that coming up in just a little bit but I firmly expect fireworks to get done this week Jay I think you know if you draft a player and you don’t make a move draft night next night on day two of the draft first week before free agency to me that means the big fireworks just aren’t going to happen I expect fireworks to happen this week as a fan that’s what I want to see all right you dropped the draft this number 13 overall pick but it’s really not for you and this is something Sam mamk and uh our boy Anthony Slater wrote about today in the athletic why the Kings armed with the number 13 pick uh may be uh interested in shopping that and moving it why sac is shopping their 13th pick as part of an aggressive off seon you know before the break Jay I mentioned are we just competing to make the playoffs or are we competing to win the championship and the way our our financials is structured you’re GNA have to pay dearon Fox even if it’s not 359 it’s gonna be two something oh yeah you know what I mean it’s gonna be upwards of 40 plus million a year you got domas at 40 plus million you’re going to have to pay Keegan 30 million a year and so that’s three players that you’re tied up $110 million bam right there off the Jump now if you’re worried about money you don’t go out there and trade for a Zack leine maybe you don’t even go out there and trade for a Jeremy Grant at 30 million now Kyle kozmo on the other hand he sort of still fits in at 20 million and it declines over the next couple of years so maybe that’s the player you go out there and sign but if I’m if I’m a Kings fan just making the playoffs I think we’re past that point right yes like we we’re past abely you know we’re just the first round like I want to see us be talked about in June I want to see an NBA Finals here at can you imagine no I can’t come on man I tried I’ve tried to sit back drapes and imagine it yeah I can’t after seeing what we saw two years ago yes for the playoff run and you were a part of it you saw it you got to take it in breathe it no I couldn’t I mean game one people were downtown in the morning in the morning no I couldn’t imagine a Finals game this city would be it’d be upside down you’re talking about and you know you see when when teams win finals and unfortunately people you know of the community tear things up and I’m not saying Sacramento is going to tear things up but I’m going to say it’s going to look like a mob it’s definitely going to look like that out here now I hope you know we ain’t turning it over police cars and and and you know dismantling um you know power lines we ain’t trying to do that but it’s gonna look it’s gonna have that look though stre and I’mma be out there I’m I’mma be moving and grooving on the sidewalk with my folks if the kings make it to a finals Drake come on man dude you’re gonna be you’re already a star in the community you’re gonna be a superstar you going go from De Fox pay I mean come on man if the and and come on as the voice of the Kings yeah not even close I tell you what you ain’t gonna be able to tell me nothing you think the ego’s out of hey you ain’t gonna be I’m telling you you ain’t gonna be able to tell me nothing in this city hey I got something from the 530 on the text slide here Jay how about this ownership needs to ask ask themselves why should fans continue to be fans if you never want to truly compete for a Championship what’s the point of watching if you aren’t hoping to win we stuck with the team through the bad decades and hopes we’d be where we are now you can’t let this opportunity fade when it doesn’t come off and that’s an insult to fans agreed Bingo right there agre this is as close as we’ve been J since the early 2000s I feel like now is the time to capitalize if you ain’t going to spend money now when you going to spend money you do it when you going spend money is there something and and I think we’re talking about the Crux of you know I guess I’m saying we’re talking about the Crux of the the salary cap moving forward and if the kings are even willing to go out and you know on the limb and spend money and hit the the the tax threshold the second apron and all that but the other part for me in this conversation drapes is this if we don’t or excuse me if the Kings organization shows proves that they don’t just as the 530 it’s an inso to fans but I’m also interested to see because this has been a loyal fan base yes through thick and thin we hear people talk about how great this fan base is my question is do you think this this fan base is fed up yet and I asked that because you spin it into saying this drapes are we playing for play playoffs and good looks and just to appease the fans or are we actually going forward are we going through it and taking the necessary steps to be a championship caliber team and organization because that matters you have to one thing I know if your foundation ain’t right you know if you guys aren’t operating as Champions operating on you know all wheels turning then you’re not going to win on the court either you like the players aren’t going to win despite what goes on never right rarely do you see the Bad News Bears rarely do you see Major League the movie like it takes everyone to be on the same Accord to win a championship right and you know that coming from the Celtics and how hard you talk about the owner and and all the movement and you know the Quest for for 18 banners and so that’s the other spin to me is if you’re not willing to spend the money and the fans see it are the fans going to stick by the Kings organization that’s a that’s a million dooll question because you know I I’ve only been here three plus years and I don’t know if this week goes by free agency goes by and and we talked about it Naji Marshall I’m just using him as an example does that move the needle enough for you in the fan base if that’s our only move if we don’t make a trade like think about it Jay we done spent the last three months and we’re g to spend the next three hours talking about potential trades there’s one guy who might be on the market that’s my favorite trade Target out there I’ll tell you that coming up at 4 o’clock but we’ve been talking the fan base every time you go out that’s all people talk about who we gonna trade for what moves we gonna make yes and if all you do and this is no offense to it could be nii Marshall it could be Caleb Martin it could be whoever does that signal to the fan base all right we’re interested in being good but not great or is it a slow process too that’s you know that’s something to think about I would love to know how the fan base would respond because I’ve been hyping up fireworks for the last three months I’ve been talking fireworks but what if we only have some sparklers out there what if we only have some bottle rockets does that count I want to hear from you 916 339 1140 coming up next our guy Brett seagull of clutch points he’s going to be joining us to talk the latest in free agency the trade rumors as well we’ll take your calls in the next hour as well you’re listening to the drive guys it’s drapes and J on sack toown Sports 11:40 I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Kevin at house was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation Covenant House is there Covenant House helped me break the 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sack toown Sports 1140 our guy Kevin gleon YY he’ll be back tomorrow holding it down is me and Jay my pleasure right now to uh welcome in Brett seagull of clutch points and uh first of all Brett thanks for coming on the show what’s that Jersey behind you there big fella where’s that from high school intramural what’s that number 20 from behind you that is a Louisville Cardinals jersey number 20 the year I graduated from Louisville I was a student manager there for Chris Mack and his staff so uh number one in the country then and ultimately the tournament got canceled that year we weren’t able to pursue our national championship aspirations but I always have that hanging right next to me as a friendly reminder that we were going to the final four that year you were man man I I used to uh work in Louisville back in the day uh WHAS television when Rick patino was the coach I was a sports director out there and so uh glad you uh are on the show always got love for Louisville is that where you from oh no it’s not I’m from New Jersey oh sorry to hear that sorry to hear that I’m from Philly and you know we look down on people from Jersey I’m joking with you hey man yeah yeah we’re g I might ask you a Sixers question here coming up in just a minute but first let’s start with my Sacramento Kings I maintain this is an important week for Sacramento Brett when you look at having a number 13 overall pick do they keep it do they swing a trade uh what’s your uh Vibe this week for Sacramento and and what moves they could make this week well it’s not just a big week for the Sacramento Kings it’s a huge off season and the the reason for that is because of all the money that they have out there already they gave sabonis that big extension and obviously you wanted to get Fox and lock him up on a big extension but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be the case anymore as dearon fox wants to see what this team is going to look like the athletic had a recent Story come out today yesterday on that talking about the Fallout of them being involved in the Alex Caruso talks and ultimately the Bulls sending him to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Josh Gideon no draft picks meanwhile the kings are actively looking to trade their 13th pick in this year’s draft and they were involved in talks that would have sent that pick to the Chicago Bulls and now after falling out on Caruso what kind of options are available because the Kings don’t have all that much room and that much ability to move contracts you got guys like Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder but they don’t have much of a market out there of teams really being interested in those guys if they are going to trade for them it’s going to be more of trading for those contracts and you look at where they’re at Harrison Barnes he’s still got two more years left on his current deal he’s on on the books for 18 million this upcoming season then Kevin herder two more years on his deal just slightly underneath Barnes I believe it’s around 17 million that he’s on the books there there so what moves can the kings make I think it’s going to be a decision that comes right up to draft night and I think that it’s not only because of who becomes available but which players are going to be on the board this year’s draft in particular is so volatile in in the definition of you don’t know who’s going to be there past the 10th pick you don’t know who’s going to be there past 11 and 12 it just really depends on what happens at the very top starting with the Hawks at number one joined by Brett seagull of clutch points NBA insid and reporter Brett I’m glad you brought us HB and Kevin herder because around here in Sacramento they they are the names that are always tossed out as trade bait just from your standpoint your opinion you’re you’re in the circles of the NBA what have you heard their value being because around we have a joke here on this team that they’re like the Toyota Corolla you know they’re they’re a Toyota but they’re the base Toyota Corola we know they’re they’re going to run for you know forever but they don’t have any Pizzazz what are you hearing from from inside the circles the NBA circles well the the biggest thing with the Kings is that if you’re going to move on from one of them and presumably you’re going to do so to upgrade your roster if you’re the Kings you’re probably going to have to attach that 13th overall pick to it you may even have to attach some future compensation to it if you are going to go out and get one of these big names on the market but again it just really depends on who’s going to be available we’ve heard the talk of Zack LaVine possibly being a target for the Sacramento Kings that hasn’t gone away I I’ve been told that that’s still a viable scenario if the Kings want to pursue it obviously the Bulls are willing to move on from LaVine but now that Caruso can no longer be included in the deal I’m not sure that that would be as much of an appealing situation for Sacramento at this juncture obviously though you can still package Barnes and herder together you can get to a $30 million threshold right there attach to 13th piic to and all of a sudden you have a very lucrative lucrative package for a guy that’s making anywhere in that 28 to 32 33 million range as far as their value it’s to project simply because I don’t see any one of those guys herder or Barnes being traded straight up for another player I think this is a situation where it would be a package deal package with a draft pick maybe even that 13th overall pick like we discussed and then go from there of seeing who’s going to be available on the open market I would expect the Kings to be in negotiations and be in talks on the phone Draft pick on draft night and I’m gonna throw another name at you I think that Jeremy Grant with the Portland Trailblazers is another name that the king should pursue I think that he would be an excellent fit for Mike Brown’s system and I think that he’s widely available a lot more available than people tend to believe at this point what do you think it would uh take to get a guy like that I think it’s GNA take multiple draft picks I I don’t think that Portland is going to make a trade just for the sake of making a trade and obviously they do have the seventh and 14th pick in this year’s draft so what would really the 13th pick due for them unless they’re planning on moving up even further in this draft to maybe go after a guy like Donovan kinging at the top at the top of the draft board and the Hawks have interest in kinging there’s been Talk of the Spurs possibly interested in him at four and even the Grizzlies are a team that’s looking to trade up along with the Blazers so I think that if Portland has ideas of moving up they would be interested in that 13th overall pick but it would most likely take more from the Kings it would most likely take a future first round pick maybe even some second round picks so is Jeremy Grant worth that price that’s something that the Kings would have to discuss internally BR it’s interesting you throw out Jeremy Grant and Zack LaVine and to me when you throw out names like that no disrespect to cuz we we love Zack LaVine here on the show and this drive guys we’ve been politicking for Zack for a long time but these guys aren’t Top Flight you know they’re not Mel Bridges they aren’t Kent Miss guys they have something going on Zack LaVine to a lot of people has some type of injury you know being injury-prone missing 10 1520 games a season of course he coming off a major injury are there any opportunity for the Kings if look at their three or four draft picks you know down to four future draft picks or this 13 to where maybe they might be able to bump up and maybe go grab somebody like a Mikel Bridges or you know uh a Brandon Ingram someone who may be in a higher tier than a Zack LaVine or Jeremy Grant I I certainly think that Brandon Ingram would be a viable candidate there I think that he’s available for the right price and there really hasn’t been a market for Brandon Ingram to this point there haven’t been teams lining up and knocking on the Pelicans door to to try to get Brandon Ingram and offering up multiple first round picks because they know that Ingram wants to test free agency next year he’s in the final year of his contract he’s going to be an unrestricted free agent in 2025 and early indications right now point in the direction of him not wanting to sign an extension during the 2425 season so you’d essentially be paying all of this assets giving up all these assets for a guy in the final year of his contract yeah Brandon Ingram is a great score but do you really want to run the risk of giving up all that only for him to leave in free agency next year and I think that’s where the concern lies with Brandon Ingram right now and you look at other guys around the league Mel Bridges I’ve heard is just completely off limits I don’t see any scenario in which the Nets give him up this off season unless they’re completely blown away with Rudy goar times two size package there so I just don’t see that being a scenario that any team would really pursue and then you look at Ingram that that’s really the name that people are focused on of what are the Pelicans going to do here there there’s talk that they could move up in the draft there’s talk that they could potentially move out of their pick in the 20s and gather second round assets what what are they really planning there because you have Zion Williamson you still have C.J McCollum and obviously Trey Murphy’s a guy that they believe can be an All-Star quality Talent which is why they have interest in moving on from Brandon Ingram this off season and cutting cost while they can so that that’s really where I’m looking at heading into the draft is is Brandon Ingram going to be on the move over the next few days and talking with people in League circles I think that there is a possibility that he could be moved and I’m looking at a team either like the Atlanta Hawks or a team like the Utah Jazz who are in the market for a bigname star this offseason Brett SEO of clutch points uh joining us here on the drive guys uh Brett you know you you bring up you know talk about Ingram and I’m looking at the Kings their salary structure and this is something you touched on a bit ago dearon Fox is going to get an extension at some point probably not this offseason but next offseason that’s going to pay up more than 4050 million a year so bonus is at 2117 million you’re going to have to resign Keegan Murray do you think the Kings because of those future contracts are sort of uh hamstrung on what they can do from a financial aspect taking in a guy like a Jeremy Grant who’s going to be paid 33 34 35 million in the coming years should we be looking more at the $20 million kind of player yes and no I I think that there advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios and obviously targeting a guy like Jeremy Grant would be huge for the Sacramento Kings he’d be that secondary score that you need next to dearon Fox you can put him on the wing he can defend virtually any position out there and he would fit Mike Brown’s system really well he he’d pretty much take Harrison Barnes Spot while being more of a productive scorer than Kevin herder and I think that’s a two for one right there if you were to get a guy like Jeremy Grant but I think that for the kings of looking at your financial situation I don’t necessarily know if they’re looking three four five years from now and worrying about that I think this is a situation where Monty McNair and the front office really want to prove that this past year was a fluke that they didn’t make the playoffs this team is primed to make the playoffs and they’re going to be doing everything they can to make the playoffs so I think that we’re going to see moves made by the Kings this offseason whether it’s one or two trades made to bring in established talents that can complement guys like damont sabonis and dearon fox they want to win and that’s they have a sense of urgency in SA I’m sure you guys can feel that being around the organization and that’s going to be the point of emphasis for them leading up to this draft which is why that 13th pick is in play obviously there’s just so many unknowns this offseason because there’s teams wanting to cut costs there’s teams want wanting to stay under the second apron and that could lead to certain Stars being on the move one of which that I’ll throw out there right now is Paul George I’m not saying that the kings are gonna want to pursue Paul George speak into an existence BR goad the Kings want Paul George they can go get him and Paul George’s situation right now is not looking very good for the Clippers it looks like that if he does opt in they’re going to be seeking trade opportunities there to get him off the books because they don’t want to give him Kawhi ler like money and if the Kings want to and they see Paul George being a fit they can go out and get him man BR you speaking some good news out there from King’s fans what what was your take of of course not being here on the West Coast and being on the East Coast what was your take of the Malik mon contract signing and him returning to Sacramento it was surprising but at the same time it wasn’t and and I say that because Malik Mona has always wanted to stay in Sacramento he’s ushered those words ever since they lost in the play in tournament he said in his postgame press conference that he wanted to stay in Sacramento the city loves him he loves the city so seeing him take less money to stay with the Kings is not surprising but what was surprising was the figure on that contract because that’s going to set the stage for some of these other guys in free agency maybe there’s guys that now get more money than was projected because of the amount that Malik monk got and I think that it’s just a domino effect this offseason in particular of guys getting certain kinds of contracts and getting certain guaranteed money on their deals because of those first few deals that trickle in and we can look at Malik monk we can look at Pascal seak those are going to really be the baselines that other teams now compare their players to so I I think that it’s a good deal for the Kings I think that it’s not a a long-term deal that ties them down financially I think that it’s pretty generous for them and I think that based on his production and being a six-man of the Year candidate I think that this is exactly what they needed you you don’t lose out on that bench scoring production behind Fox you bring back a guy that wants to be there and now you’re going to make a run for the playoffs again Brett seagull of clutch points uh joining us uh NBA Insider and reporter Brad who are some of the other names uh that might be on the Move I’m hearing everybody in Atlanta might be on the move or available other than uh DeAndre Hunter maybe or not not DeAndre Hunter uh Johnson down there uh I’m hearing things out of Milwaukee give me some names that you expect to be moved here uh in the next couple of weeks yeah Atlanta is certainly a team at the Forefront of many other organizations minds and you look at Trey young and dejonte Murray right away I’ve personally been told that they don’t want to trade Trey young but again anything can happen in this league if they’re offered the right package and they can’t turn it down that’s going to be something that they explore but dejonte Murray is certainly more of a player that they would like to deal if they are to cut cost this offseason Clint capella is at the front of their list they want to potentially move Clint capella and there’s been all that talk of them potentially drafting Donovan kingan or Alex SAR at the top of the draft so it would make sense if they moved on from capella this off season looking in the Western Conference I think that it’s going to be interesting because you have that Paul George situation that I laid out you have the Houston Rockets who are looking to be aggressive and I would never count out the Memphis Grizzlies for making a move either Zack kimman and that front office are always very aggressive during the draft they move up and down the draft board and this is an organization that is going to be primed to make a playoff Pursuit once again they got hit really hard by the injury bug this past season you had John Moran out Desmond Bane Marcus Smart who they recently got was out for more than half the year with his finger injury and then you still have jiren Jackson there and you got some really good young talents you got Santi Alama zier Williams so I think that the Grizzlies can be a sleeper team in the west I could easily see them rising up and claiming a top four seat against in the west and I wouldn’t count out them making a big move either because you still have Luke Canard on the books you still have Brandon Clark those are two contracts that you could possibly move with some draft picks to bring in another solidified talent to really make a strong push in the Western Conference playoff picture yeah man I think we we agree Memphis is scary Brett they they’re definitely scary I one of the teams that’s around here and that they have a few names that’s on the Move could be on the move Look the sign Golden State Warriors with Klay Thompson being up in the market we’ve heard Chris Paul of course they just guarantee Kayon Looney’s contract today they they have a lot of movement what what’s your take on where Klay goes what do you think Klay goes it’s a very unique situation because Klay Thompson during the year much like Malik monk with the Kings said that he wanted to be with the Warriors he wants to be a warrior for Life Stephen Curry Draymond Green Steve cerr they’ve all been behind the scenes advocating for clay to come back but this is a different front office than what’s been there with the Warriors in recent years Mike Dunley inherited it from Bob Meers and quite honestly it was a little bit of a mess of what he inherited in terms of the financial situation it brought in Chris Paul you have that non-g guaranteed contract they could potentially opt into and move if they were to bring back Klay Thompson so I I do think that as of right now the direction that they’re trending with no deal being on the table no offer being there ahead of free agency it does really seem like Klay Thompson is going to give a strong sense and thought to leaving the Warriors this off season and look at other offers from teams in the eastern and western conference as well could that potentially be a leverage play to get more and get what he wants from the Warriors potentially it could be and I do know that the Warriors still want Klay Thompson back they just don’t want to pay that kind of price that they paid to Stephen Curry and Draymond Green to retain him so could he potentially take less on a team friendly deal I don’t think he’s going to I think that he’s going to demand a higher price and whether or not the Warriors are willing to pay that that’s going to be the ultimate driving force for the Warriors franchise because if they don’t resign Klay Thomson and he leaves in free agency now all of a sudden you have Kayon Looney’s contract you have Chris Paul’s contract maybe even Andrew Wiggins those are guys that you could potentially look to trade to bring in another big name and one guy that I’ve been told to watch and I reported on that over the weekend is Paul George they could potentially pursue George if Thompson is to leave I would say that’s more of a pipe dream at this point than anything else but again it all depends on which dominoes fall and in which direction they do fall Brett seagull of clutch points joining us Brett I was going to ask you about about you know potential packages that the uh Warriors could offer you know are are do they have better assets than the Kings right now could they offer up a kaminga would they be willing to include a guy like that in a big deal I think that they do have better assets than the kings in terms of pursuing a star at this time obviously not not from a draft pick perspective I wouldn’t say I would think that the Kings picks are probably a little more lucrative than what the Warriors can offer but from a player standpoint you got Moses Moody you have a guy like Brandon psky if you want to move on from him he played really well in his rookie season and all rookie campaign there you still got guys like Wiggins Chris Paul whose contract is really attractive not only to move again for another team but there’s interest from Los Angeles and Paul even before he went to the Warriors of a reunion there so I think that there’s multiple scenarios that they could look at if they were to pursue Paul George but I think that there’s even more scenarios for the Warriors across a league of leveraging guys like Chris Paul Andrew Wiggins Moses Moody and trade talks to potentially bring in another star or another guy making 20 to $25 million in that range even if you are to bring back Klay Thompson there’s a scenario where you could bring back Thompson and potentially move on from Paul Kayon Looney and and some of those other guys to bring in another established player and pursue another championship late in these guys careers so I think that the Warriors front office have a lot of decisions to make between now and the draft I think that they have a lot of decisions to make between the draft and free agency Brett before we get you on out of here someone that I’ve been completely bullish Sean here and someone I would like to you know maybe see enter our organization here in the Sacramento Kings and he has a lot of baggage but his name is his name has a little value on the court that’s miles bridges are you hearing anything any movement any type of situation where Miles Bridges could be could be had I do I I think that there’s a viable Market out there for Miles Bridges I think that there’s a handful of teams interested in his services but he’s going to come at a price he he came off another good year and granted he’s had all that off the court drama with the domestic violence case that’s that’s caused some teams to not even consider him as a free agent just from an organizational belief there’s some teams that don’t want to deal with that drama but there’s a team like the Detroit Pistons who have shown interest in Miles bridges in the past they could be willing to offer him 20 $25 million a year and I think that’s kind of the price range that we’re looking at for Bridges so if the Kings wanted to get him that would most likely be a sign in trade scenario where they would have to give up Kevin herder probably the Third pick in the draft maybe even a guy like Davon Mitchell to make that happen and now you’re hard capped because you got miles bridges in a signing trade so I I don’t necessarily know if that’s an Avenue that Monty McNair and the Kings want to go but it’s certainly there and certainly a possibility if Bridges is the guy at the top of their wish list Brett seagull delivering some some Jewels out here on a Monday uh Brett I’ll leave it uh with this uh this question with you um this week you expect a lot of movement in the NBA oh yeah it’s going to be a very busy week I think that we’re going to see numerous trades made during the draft both including established talents and teams moving up and down the draft board and then once free agency begins once those first few dominoes start falling we could start seeing even more trades and and guys like Paul George if he’s going to be on the Move guys like Brandon Ingram and Deonte Murray if they’re not traded on draft night I think this is going to be a very eventful offseason I think it’s going to be a lot more eventful than people are making out to be and I’ll say this about the draft too I think that there’s Talent up and down this draft board there may not be a Victor wanyama or an Anthony Edwards at the top of the draft board but there’s guys I could see having double digigit year careers in the NBA and guys that can come in and really help a lot of playoff teams right now so I I think that it’s going to be a lot deeper draft than many are making it look like and we kind of said the same thing a few years ago in 2020 and that turned out to be a pretty good draft then so I I do think that we’re g to see movement and I think that we’re going to see plenty of new upcoming talents come into the league Brad uh Before I Let You Go real one last one one last one I know I can keep you here all afternoon because we’re ending on the draft here the draft obviously starts Wednesday and in Thursday with that 13th pick how much value does that actually have you think in this draft it’s GNA depend on Who falls outside the top 10 guys like Rob Dillingham nicoa topic I think that Ron Holland is another guy that could potentially fall and I think that he would be a sneaky get for the Kings if he’s on the board at 13 uh Devin Carter is another name that could potentially fall out of the top 10 and be available in in that teens area of the lottery so I think that it’s going to be a very serviceable draft pick to trade I think that there’s going to be teams interested in moving up even even a guy like Zack EDI I think teams could potentially Target at the end of the lottery if they were to trade up for the Kings pick there so I think that the kings are going to have options I think that there’s going to be avenues that present itself to Monty McNair in this organization and right now if I had to take a guess I would I would lean towards the Kings making a move on draft night where they trade out of the Third pick and bringing in an established player that can help them in their playoff Pursuit right now great stuff from great Brett seagull follow him on Twitter X Brett seagull NBA Brett appreciate you man good good luck and everything and uh thanks for jumping on with us absolutely I appreciate you guys having me have a great week all right now we’ll talk to Brett seagull again of course uh some good stuff right there some Jewels I know how you feeling Jay you good yeah you know drapes I um I’m always enthused when I hear the Kings have a positive direction that they can you know approach and so Brett dropping some of those jewels as you said it re reinvigorates me you know it’s like okay I see where you going there Brett I I like that I hear I hear you know the the positive affirmations yeah I will say this though looking starting our show earlier when you see the report that Alex Caruso was close to being had yes and and that um you know the Bulls chose to go to OKC that to me set the value of where 13 was at but now hearing where Brett who’s in these circles is saying that that 13 might have a little more value than Alex Caruso right you know may bring maybe be able to be packaged with another pick and you know a HB or the like the miles Bridges thing intrigues me now I know it hard caps the Kings and it really sets a precedent on what they can spin but if you can bring in someone of the ilk like miles bridges that does not hard cap you a 13th pick a guy like Kevin herder and Davon for someone that’s gonna give me 20 and eight I’m interested like Bridges checks a lot of those boxes that we’re looking for I’m interested if a first if the 13th and a and a Kevin herder and a Davon brings me Jeremy Grant I’m very interested now if we’re talking about two first round picks that’s when I get a little hazy about my conversation but if the 13th pick because of Dalton connect or as he said a rod Dillingham or a Rob Dillingham or a a cling you know somebody falls down right a dcarter Deon Carter that people are really interested in as he talked about even Zack Edy people might want to move Z get Zack Edy moving quick as possible talking about the quickest trade that you could possibly make if Zack Ed’s on the board and someone is interested and they’re looking to move a Naji Marshall and I know he’s a free agent but a Naji Marshall and you know someone else or a a later first round pick you know picking in the 20s man I’m all for it wow I love the fact that Brett said he thinks something will happen draft night the Kings but buckle up Kings fans fireworks seem to be on the way we’ll take your calls 916 3391 11140 we’ll dive back into that conversation with Brett try to unpack that as well and every day it seems like there are new names on the market for the Sacramento Kings we’re going to take a look at some of those names you’re listening to the drive guys here on sack toown Sports at the good feed store we take pain very seriously whether in the foot knee hip or back good feet makes over 300 Styles flexibilities and sizes of pain leading arch supports with 26 bones 30 joints and over 100 muscles tendons and ligaments in 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draft pick to trade I think that there’s going to be teams interested in moving up even even a guy like zachi I think teams could potentially Target at the end of the lottery if they were to trade up for the Kings pick there so I think that the kings are GNA have options I think that there’s going to be avenues that present itself to Monty McNair in this organization and right now if I had to take a guess I would I would lean towards the Kings making a move on draft night where they trade out of the 13th pick and bring in an established player that can help them in their play off shoot right now the drive guys live and local every afternoon Monday through Friday on sack toown Sports drapes and Jay here with you on a Monday afternoon the driveu sack toown Sports shout out to Brett seagull of clutch points joining us last segment our guy Kevin gleon whitey will be back with us tomorrow and Jay I’m glad you uh replayed that sound there from Brett because that gets me excited and I see on the YouTube chat people are excited as well Aaron says oo sounds exciting can’t wait and you know what this reminds me of Jay this reminds me of 2016 when I was in Boston Celtics had the number three overall pick there was talk that they were gonna get Jimmy Butler talk that they you know were gonna make trades Kevin Durant maybe Paul George all these big names uh were out there ultimately what they wound up doing is drafting Jaylen Brown and the crowd inside the TD Garden at the time booed really yeah they were like I remember boo like that I’m sure it’s out there on YouTube but the word fireworks came from the Celtics owner he said yeah I expect some fireworks this offseason so once he said that fans started thinking you know oh we’re gonna get Butler Paul George and all this and when it was they made the pick and it was Jaylen brown right who nobody they didn’t know anything people weren’t in Boston weren’t watching Cal yeah they they had no idea and so the whole crowd went boo I wonder if Wednesday comes and goes and nothing gets done is there a player where even if we don’t trade him we’d be happy with yeah I think there’s about five or six right right I think you know and Brett mentioned one or two that I think Dillingham I think people would be interested in right right Dillingham dton connect for me it would be like if you could still a and I don’t think they’re they sit there for whatever reason but I if you can still a Dalton connect at 13 right or even and this is the other part I could and I don’t you know I’m not sure it happens and Brett didn’t say this but if you like a Dalton connect and from all the tent of purposes they the Kings have not W worked out Dalton connect right he’s not on their list and I looked at it on Hoops hype like who they you know who they brought down so far he’s not on their list but if a Cody Williams a guy like that falls down for whatever reason let’s just say to 10 and you’re three spots away and you like that guy for me to move up three spots to a guy that you think is going to help you right now and slip in and you know it sound we’re trading it it we’re trading assets and I don’t want to make it sound like you know a person is just anything to throw in but that’s the conversation we’re having if you have to throw in a Davon Mitchell to move up if you have to throw in a Davon and a second round plus give up you know lose your first round excuse me move back or move whatever you have to do if you got to 2031 2030 first round pick to get adult connect to get a Cody Williams to get someone that you think can make an impact within the first couple of years then I think you move up but I do think in the position that they’re in there’s G to be some guys and we heard Brett talk about Zack Edy who I didn’t think you know two months ago was even going to be in the lottery right now people are talking about the back end of the lottery yeah spin them spin them spin them you know one thing I’m noticing though and and you tell me too and I’m just looking at the YouTube chat you should go check us out on there sack toown Sports 1140 I feel some frustration among the fan base meaning Vincent says I don’t want to hear a possibilities I want to see Movement we are always close to getting player X and player y but never get them not guarantee Mark Vince and I agree Kings got cold feet on SE yakum last year and now regret it done with all the near misses monk is a great story but seriously it just gets us back to where we were last year losing to the Pelicans six times what I’m hearing from the king’s fan base is they are ready for fireworks they’re they’re tired of being the bridesmaid they want to walk down the aisle with some of these names yeah and so and maybe part of it is our fault I’mma take some blame Kings fans because for the last three months we’ve been talking about LaVine Grant getting everybody hyped up and excited only to be let down kuso only to be let down but Jay is the time now because I know we’ve talked about it before and you mentioned maybe you wait to the trade deadline are you still standing by that or based on how the fan base is right now based on how the the the what’s the word the the the the uh Rumor Mill is like we hearing all these rumors and we’re going to get it into our we’re gonna spin our wheel of guys coming up uh here in a minute but based on all that is it time to get something done is it time to stop falling for the okey do the 52 fake out being Hoodwink no get something done Monty are we at that point yeah I I think me I think I’m a little more patient in the form of I’m willing to wait to the trade deadline to see it but I also say this I didn’t expect drapes to see all these names being tossed around right and I’ll be honest if this week and within the next two or three weeks like Brett is is kind of you know saying he sees a lot of moving going on and he’s not the only one we’ve heard 50,000 names being tossed around and normally you hear that but is it going to happen I’ll say this if the if the league if Paul George Chris Paul Deonte Murray Trey young Brandon Ingram Alex Caruso Josh giddy like if if 12 15 20 names are moved and the Kings haven’t pilfered one of them then I’m like I’m with Vince I’m with guys like Vince and I believe Mark and other people that are on our you know our YouTube on our stream and on our text line absolutely I’m going be upset because as you said we have to pull the trigger now I I’ll argue the Pascal seak because reports is he wasn’t gonna sign you he was he said I’m not reupping here right so it wasn’t your time to pull the trigger but I do think if we see a slew of names go through of Paul George Mar miles Bridges and Klay Thompson and all these guys on the Move Nai OG and aobi say is a free agent now he’s he’s going to test the market if guys like that are jumping around and moving around the league and the Kings aren’t invested or they’re not at the top of that list if if I don’t continue to hear the king’s name being tossed around like we heard today well they were in the kuso that lets me know they picked up the phone okay okay they that P they picked up the phone they were in the Pascal seak conversation they picked up the phone if we don’t hear these conversations being had then yeah I have a problem if they’re if they’re not making a phone call to Washington to gauge what Kyle kma is going to take I have a problem if you swing and Miss 10 times who am I to say they’re not trying I can’t be mad if they’re swinging and Miss but J I’mma push back a little on that okay because I feel like and I don’t know what the package would be I’m just saying I feel like we’re at a point now where we may have to overpay to get the guy we want I agree you know what I mean and so think about it like this when you look at the way you know I I do a baseball analogy to to help you guys out sometimes you got to swing at the pitch that’s out of the Zone sometimes you can’t just sit and wait on that fast ball right down the middle because you’ll be there all day if I’m a pitcher I’m never throwing you that so sometimes Jay you gotta swing outside the Zone that’s true you know what I mean you know we we might be in 02 count right now where we may have to chase something you know what I mean kind of like if we striking out all these times sometimes you get impatient and sometimes you got to swing outside this yeah I’m I’m at that point I just continue to say the calendar year and I always say the calendar year is this off season trade deadline and then by next year you better have all your pieces to make a run for the championship right like it this team has to be by this this year next year we have to see you’re building for a championship and as you talk not just for the playoffs right the Kings unfortunately as much as I hear what you’re saying overpaying overpaying to me means you have to you have to infuse one of two things you’re either giving up three to four draft picks down the road or you’re giving up Keegan Murr that’s overpaying for me because that’s what it’s going to take for the Kings to overpay no one cares about the Toyota Corolla package that we keep throwing out there so with that being said as Brett said a couple times you want a guy like miles Bridges you’re G have to throw in a first or two first round picks you hear a top tier guy like Jeremy Grant you’re probably going to have to throw in two first round picks and the Toyota Corolla you know what I mean and so if that’s what that means then I’m all in on that but you you better make sure you get it right yeah you better be as close as right as possible and that’s that’s what makes people Hopscotch drapes right it’s like oh man right now I know I can throw three first round picks and a Toyota Corolla and I can go get Brandon Ingram but guess what that’s it that’s it that’s all that’s that’s all it’s G you’re not doing anything else down the road but getting Fringe guys so basically what you’re saying is if you got the Toyota Corolla LE package sweetening the deal with an eight eight track eight eight track soundtrack you know that’s not gonna get it done you got at least throw some new rims on it or something like put some put some TS on it something 18s yamas you better put a little tens in the back of the truck you know like to get street value a little more street value you’re G to have to dress it up detail it wax it you know throw in a little package go in there get you some new carpets to throw on the floor yeah you know that type of stuff make sure your air freshener your sin is cherry or something you know don’t give me that black ice that people like that’s what it’s going to take drapes right and I’m all for it I I’ve been one of the people on this show that has said for the perfect person or the the perfect person I think might be that guy I’m willing to give you Keegan Murray if you know now Brett said Mikel from everything we hear and and not everything I’m reading mikel’s not up for grabs my bridges but if you like OG and anobi I’m interested you would have did that I’m interested yeah I’m interested if it means the Toyota Corolla and two first round picks right for me I’m interested yeah like that’s what I’m asking for if we’re talking about you know now if we’re talking about someone who’s over the top or over the moon that may be infused into something you know and I’m just throwing out a name let’s just say uh you know Pao benero he no one you know he’s not on anybody’s trade L but if you’re talking about a guy like that then yeah man Keegan and two three first round whatever it takes bring guarantee someone that’s guaranteed I’m ready to go Drake all right Jay I’m open up the phone lines next segment 916 339 1140 now is your time to jump in you’re listening to the driveu more sack toown trade talk coming up here on the driveu sack toown Sports 11:40 the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey 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so we do better when our clients do better wow we’re more different than I thought at Fisher Investments we’re clearly different learn more at Fisher investing in Securities involves the risk of [Music] loss power business technology is proud to be 100% independent locally owned and managed toiba copier dealer local ownership cuts out the red tape allowing ourselves to never be too busy to personally answer the call when our clients meet us recognized for excellence in service execution training and customer service we’re proud to be named a 2022 kosiba promaster’s Elite dealer contact us today for all of your business printing needs at 844 power bz that’s 8447699880 Grand in rebates on a new ultra high efficiency Comfort System American energy is providing huge rebates from SMUD as well as spring specials by installing one of many incredibly efficient AC options available to you right now get rid of those fluctuating gas bills in the winter and switch to year round all electric with 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Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game you sure you want to go down this I want to go there I know where I’m at I know where I’m from I know where I’m at you know Drake ain’t in it Drake ain’t it’s not rosecolor glasses for Drake right now you know that right but I’m I’mma tell you the same reason I’m the LeBron of the radio station okay Drake is the LeBron of the rap game and so I got that coming up in the four o’clock hour man I’m super excited that’s going to be part of drape Stakes we’re going to dive into that uh let’s get to the phone lines right now hit us up 916 339 11140 we’re talking about the draft we’re talking about free agency what trades the Kings need to make it is time to check it with our boy TC TC what’s up guy you on with drep and J and J man what’s going on check it y what’s up what’s up with you baby man just tapping in with the homies hey check it in though hey look so hey I’m on I try to tell y’all so fir Jay I’m with you though man listen Dr I’m with you hey my boy that y just had on he came with some heat that bro we trying to get him every day get that man on he’s speaking some real stuff in existence though seriously though man hey who was gonna be the move y’all I’m telling you that’s gonna be the move mon can’t wait listen Drake I gotta listen I mean Jay I gotta disagree on that one we can’t wait till the trade deadline big dog I’m with Dr we GNA have to overpay for somebody that’s I say for kma if they if they talking about another future first to get the deal done you got to get the deal done bro we that that’s what we had this point we can’t keep talking about oh we don’t want to do this trade because it might stunt Keegan’s growth or we can’t do this trade because you know what we don’t want to give him a 2029 first round pick we only want to give him three seconds no bro it doesn’t work that way dog we need a name in here and if that if that if that’s getting a name and we got to overpay BR that’s what we got to do as king F big if we make this trade without giving us that 13 pick I promise you the pick has to be Z I listen J I know y’all it has to be Z or the boy where it can’t be the boy from sack the point guard mlan and the boy it can’t be none of that I’m with you with Cody with the boy Williams the Williams brother yeah if he fall listen or the boy kette out of Tennessee if they fall I’m cool with that but other than that I’m not taking no guard I’m not taking no I don’t Shaz what’s his name man I’m not doing none of that bro Edie and where is the pig homie I’m telling you so Ed you said is a is is the pic Edie it’s gonna be Ed or it’s gonna be the boy from Indiana where where yeah L where so a big man you talking a big man that’s a big man honestly because we don’t honestly that’s everybody screaming but need listen we need big man that’s going to grab Bard y’all we can get the we got month back we can piece that up together but you need big bodies bro when people like Minnesota when people want to go big on us we need a backup plan Alex walk right now who do we what big body do we have on on on the bench right now to go big with somebody the season started today who do we have dang nobody right we don’t have no big man we don’t have do man cut it out I love do man you need big bodies that’s all I got y’all me fireworks RC coming in on fire he said we need to have Brett SE going on every day leading up to the draft man was BR Brett was preaching to the king fans you know in many ways and us too he was I will draes yeah people around here already no doubt about right no doubt and you know thankfully we have guys like TC who call into the show who you know wear the p passing on their sleeve Allah Brandon iuk and they go to the point of saying like look Jay I get what you’re saying it makes me think you know as much as I want to I could wait till trade deadline meaning the season you know guys like TC and you or you know and I won’t speak for you but people who are being represented by the Sacramento Kings fans you know the fans they’re like man if we got to give a trophy to doco sign and four first round picks do it let’s go we’re in right now and so I understand the passion I understand the interest I understand to want to by Kings fans of not wanting to wait especially coming off a year that where the Kings really didn’t do nothing you know they didn’t make any changes beside and I want to say fringes but I mean even further from the fringes you know Chris dores the vins they didn’t really work out and so they weren’t even the fringes but I just think if all the movement is going to happen within the next two to three weeks in the NBA then I’m with you I’m with you drapes I’m with TC I’m with the Vincent I’m with the marks let’s go go get it you know and maybe maybe I’m off base with this here Jay but this last year even though we had 46 wins some high moments it was disappointing yes and I believe as an organization and this is just me speaking this isn’t anybody over there on 500 David sternway or whatever it is sometimes you got to win the off season too to get your fan base excited yeah if you know and so I don’t know if it’s kosma or LaVine or whatever but it has to be something right like that that’s just my belief and and but I know Monty is a more measured guy he doesn’t you know the outside noise doesn’t impact him I hear the outside noise I see the people on the YouTube in the text line and the call us in 9163 39114 I feel the passion and that you know the the the excitement like we want it now it’s Monty’s job to ignore all that but me as I sit here you as you we feel and we like we want let’s go let’s get it going and so I I think you know and and Brett made a great point I I think this week something is going to happen I think and and here’s the thing and here’s the reason why too J based on Sam AMX and Slater’s reporting the Kings have been active yes we almost had fireworks last week with peruso right can you imagine if they would have traded for that’s a firework right there so it’s not for a lack of try and so I do think something is going to happen here uh there’s another big name that might be on the trade market that I think moves to the top of my D list I’ll tell you about it let’s squeeze in Mitch real quick here Jay Mitch is on with d and J on sack toown Sports 11:40 what’s up Mitch what’s happening guys uh I don’t have to remind you that New York never sleeps right sunrise in the East all right Mitch you ain’t gota we know that it sets in the west though while y’all napping we we still we still out partying there still daylight out here in the capital though so that’s that’s that’s Cas more than anyway hey I think I would take I wish they had gotten k giney I think Cru is good you know he’s young I wanted some height I would take I would trade for Ingram over uh um I mean I hear Le is more crying about the trade Ingram well they had a trade they got Anthony DAV he’s pretty good I think I want you say these four guys and I listen afterwards Cody Williams and I always SP that Dalton uhuh D conect yeah he’s a good shooter I’d love to have him and one more guy just Cas my I mention a k I know you guys not Hing him oh Ron Holland any those four guys I love to see him on on the Kings and thanks for taking my call all right Mitch thanks so much Mitch talking about the NBA draft it’s interesting when you look at a lot of the latest mock drafts Ron Holland is the name that pops up on the Sacramento Kings mock draft uh more than any other player we’ll dive into that plus coming up next the one player that has moved to the top of the drapes list the D list forget Zack LaVine I got the answer for the Sacramento Kings I’ll give it to you next here on sack toown Sports 11:40 Sacramento weather is brought to you by fome Lake Kia I’m meteorologist Heather Waldman in the kc3 weather center a mild start to Tuesday with temperatures in the mid-60s we’ll notice an increase in clouds to with afternoon 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San franisco [Music] Sports sake the only station in Sacramento giving you local sports coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday sack toown Sports who’s that Jay that’s our boy Keek yeah that’s a little ke the sneak right guy go all right coming up in just a little bit got drapes take tell you why Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game and I’ll tell it to you like this if you’re a Kendrick Lamar fan you ain’t gonna like this one that’s coming up in just a little I’ll give it a little preview right if you’re a Kendrick Lamar fan you might not W to hear this because I’mma tell you why my guy Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game coming up also Jay next segment I want to do the wheel I want to do the wheel of names because we got some new names uh to add into the mix today and I want to go down yay or nay on uh potential Sacramento King’s Target get but first saw this on Twitter earlier Jay sent it to you sent it to whitey also according to Mike Scotto our boy friend of show Hoops hype guy Bobby poris and Pat conon are available on the trade market man this is what Scotto writes rival Executives have also Come Away with the sense that Bobby poris and Pat conon are available in the trade market if Milwaukee can make a notable win now upgrade both players however have been mentioned as possible candidates in the past nothing has come of it Portis finish as a sixthman of the Year finalist for the second straight Year let me tell you about my guy Bobby poris first thing I always do when I hear names Jay I say you know what let me see what kind of contract they’re on gotta see the change they yeah gotta CC the skrilla if you will Bobby poris 12.5 million this upcoming season oh man come on and then a player option after that for 13 milon so he could become a free agent after this upcoming season but Bobby poris to me has moved on top of the D he he’s there he is my guy uh oh he is the perfect fit for the Sacramento Kings and I’m going give you several reasons why ah yeah you got the music the D list here’s why Bobby poris ladies and gentlemen should be the number one target for Monty McNair this off season we already signed Malik mon so we already got scoring coming back we already got guard play coming back but what we don’t have is a true power forward and it takes a certain kind of power forward to play alongside Damonte sabonis it has to be a guy that can stretch the floor it has to be a guy that can knock down the three well Bobby Portis can do that guess what Bobby Portis Jay shot from three-point range this past season I’m G say 40% close 40.7% wow this is a guy that averaged 13.8 points 7.4 rebounds in only 24 minutes a game he’s giving you exactly what you need he can stretch the floor he could rebound and those 24 minutes per game that he played in Milwaukee uhuh that ain’t happening in the sack he’s playing 32 to 33 minutes in Sacramento so to me he’s a perfect 17 and N guy and knocks down the three but more importantly what Bobby Porter gives you is something that that doesn’t show up in the Box Score he gives you that heart he ain’t the 10 man from The Wizard of Oz ladies and gentlemen this dude arrives in sack with the heart already installed this is a guy that has the dog in him and I’m not saying he’s gonna go out there and fight and pull a Draymond or anything like that but the thing I know about Bobby poris you can see his heart he wears it on his Le we had jabel McGee on our show he was in studio with us remember that and he talked about how we have too many nice guys in the locker room in Sacramento how we beat a awful San Antonio Spurs team but everybody was happy celebrating we barely beat the Spurs we should have been disappointed in the way we played I tell you what Bobby poris won’t play that Bobby poris comes with an edge and so even though he could be a free agent after the season I’m not making the same mistake we did with Pascal cakam J I’m bringing Bobby poris to sack he’s the perfect compliment to Damonte sabonis Kings fans here’s the thing when you have a guy like domas you need somebody that can stretch the floor alongside him so it only takes a certain kind of player to play alongside domas I think Bobby poris is everything we need and how about this king’s fans Bobby poris been a around ever the dude’s only 29 he still got five good yet 20 feels like he in his early 30s yeah mid 30s 29 Jay turned 29 February 10th and I understand he punched out Nicole amirati in practice but I’mma keep it real with he said Meritage kind of baited him know I’ve heard it way that’s why he’s kind of skated by a little bit I feel like a lot of people’s like he’s Meritage started it right but that’s the thing finished it didn’t Michael Jordan slap Steve Curry sometimes you need and so we don’t always just need a dog against the competition we need a dog in practice we need a dog on a team charter we need a dog walking through the arena to the game somebody that exudes that kind of intimidation and so to me Zack LaVine I love Zack LaVine but Bobby poris is my guy somebody somebody just texted somebody stopped draes from ruining his career after all we’ve seen this guy once decide against Kendrick no I’ll talk about Kendrick in a minute but you gotta agree with me on the Bobby Porter situation Jay he’s the guy that I think can you know make a difference just not only in the Box Score but just in the culture sense there’s a reason why the Bucks won the championship it’s when they got Bobby poris he’s the kind of addition that can move us closer to a title poris fits right in for the Kings and we don’t need him to come off the bench we need him to be right on the floor right in the beginning the tip goes up drapes and K and and and Katie uh are talking about you know setting the setting the tone for the game and you’re reading out the starting five and you got to put out that you know that promo the game is brought to you by company a and Company B Bobby Portis need to be out there dapping folks up throwing powder in the air making sure the shoes are sticky as they hit the floor Bobby poris is a starter on the Sacramento Kings I would love him I love him he he is a Bonafide dog he is a Bonafide tone Setter he’s the Draymond Green of the East I like to talk about it because now you know it if there’s a a goon in the league he’s one of them he’s a goon he’s a goon but he’s he he’s the kind of goon that he won’t start it but he’ll end it Abol you were saying yeah he’s not Draymond right he’s not Draymond he’s not that dude but if you mess with him TR I guarantee the Pelicans wouldn’t come into our building laughing and joking and all of that not with Bobby Portis on the watch so now he is let’s make sure we solidified it so we don’t have the banana and the tail pipe yeah at the end of the week he is the number one on dra’s list now number the number one and I didn’t include him before in the D list a few weeks ago because I didn’t think he was you know going to be made available okay but now with our boy Michael Scot saying you know he might be potentially had and if you’re Milwaukee he’s gonna be a free agent he’s probably gonna opt out so you might as well get something for him now I wonder oh and and I mean to cut you off D but does a does the 13th pick get you Bobby poris and a player it has to be a starting caliber player or a a good veteran Harrison Barnes or Kevin herder and the 13th pick that might get because they match obviously Harrison and Kevin both make more than Bobby P financially yeah you could get it done and that first round pick the 13th are you willing to give up the 13th pick and Kevin herder for Bobby poris I’m of the belief that we can resign Bobby poris I’m of the belief that Bobby poris see here’s it here here’s the thing Jay let me let me tell Sacramento is sort of like Boston meaning in this way I’m talking about the city from the outside it’s ah I ain’t going there but then once you get there never leave and the love that you’re shown by the fan base come on man and that’s what I think Bobby Portis he would be a God here in Sacramento come on man Bob poris come on okay answer the question all right Kevin herder and first round pick are you willing what scares you the first round pick nothing scares me big fell Bobby Bobby poris is my guy got you he’s whatever it takes to get done First round picking Kevin herder yep he’s done I because yeah I think Bobby poris is he checks so many boxes he does for the Kings for sure you know and and I’m looking at people on YouTube The League yeah in the league Mark says uh poris is okay but he’s neither a rim protector or a wing Defender what is he talking about what is Bobby Portis is an elite Defender perimeter Defender he can switch out he can knock down the Jay I think Bobby Portis is our Answer Man and and I still love Zack LaVine I I still would love him but if it was my DRS because we already resigned Malik Bobby Porter fits all our our he does he he definitely and at a reasonable price tag right that’s why I love it if Bobby’s the type of guy you bring in and you probably start to negotiate now now I don’t even want to get to you you know teetering on player option let’s go get it now I want you to be part of this you know part of this core the next three to four years right I need you to be on board with me the next four years yes I spent the first round draft pick to come and get you I gave you a shooter to come and get you I need you to be on the floor be my general you know when it comes to the r leadership and you can’t tell me this a Malik monck and Bobby por is Le they don’t want that the locker room was already changed it’s already changed that’s what we need and he won a championship too let’s not forget that so he got the hardware to back it up big shots too big shots and he’s a fan favorite out there in Milwaukee the fans love him remember he took less to stay in Milwaukee and so he’s already proven that he’s willing to stay somewhere he feels comfortable would you uh how about this Bobby poris Pat conington for the Toyota Corolla package in the first round pick yes yeah because then Pat Conan gives you some bench dep extra yeah you know he gives you some bench dep a guy that can knock replaces herder right her you know and so Bobby poris is the answer Kings fan I want to hear from you 916 339 11140 hit us up are you y or nay on Bobby poris plus when we come back Jay get the wheel ready I got about three six not 10 names here that we need to throw on the wheel and we’re going to see whether it’s thumbs up or thumbs down you’re listening to the drive guys here on sack toown sports power business technology is proud to be 100% independent locally owned and managed toiba copier dealer local ownership cuts out the red tape allowing ourselves to never be too busy to personally answer the call when our clients meet us recognize for excellence and service execution training and customer service we’re proud to be named a 2022 kosiba promaster’s Elite dealer contact us today for all of your business printing needs at 844 power bz that’s 8447699880 [Music] in each foot a lot can go painfully wrong so there’s a trained arch support specialist at each good Feed Store to give you a Precision Fit come in for a free fitting and test walk no appointment necessary Good Feet arch supports are HSA FSA eligible the Good Feet store in Sacramento Roseville Vacaville online atg get ready for the Kia Vacaville summer sticker Sales Event this is your chance to make it a summer to remember with incredible deals on select 2024 Sportage and serrento vehicles Kia Vacaville is offering an amazing 1.9% APR for up to 48 months for well-qualified buyers or you’ll get 1,000 bonus cash on specialty tag 20124 Sportage and cental models it’s the perfect time to upgrade your ride and start your summer Adventures imagine cruising down the highway in your new Kia from Kia Vacaville enjoying the advanced features and comfort of the Sportage or serrento whether you’re planning a road trip or just driving around town these vehicles are designed to elevate your experience but don’t wait too long these unbeatable deals won’t last forever your Adventure Starts Now at Kia Vacaville where every journey is an adventure visit them today and find the perfect vehicle for your summer plans model availability lease options and features may vary please visit Kia Ville for more [Music] details your afternoon home for Kings talk and so much more the drive guys on sack toown Sports drapes and Jay here on sack toown Sports 1140 we’re diving into this latest news from Michael Scotto who says rival Executives have also Come Away with the sense that Bobby poris in Pat counton are available on the trade market if Milwaukee can make a notable win now upgrade and now my question to you Kings fans Bobby poris yes no thumbs up thumbs down I’m all in he’s the perfect fit you know what Bobby poris is he’s the power forward edition of Marcus Smart you know what I mean a guy that that that will will lay it all on the line on the floor but also keep things straight in the locker room too ain’t no ain’t no smiling or laughing after a loss when Bobby poris is around you know what I mean ain’t no ain’t no oh we’ll get him next time guys no Bobby poris would come in and the thing about Bobby poris from what I heard heard and what I’ve seen and gathered he’s extremely coachable meaning whatever Mike Brown says he’s sort of carrying that out on the court in practice or whatever he sets the tone that way sort of like he’s doing in Milwaukee right now 916 3391 1140 before we get to the wheel of names let’s jump into the phone lines right now uh Dwayne is on line one Dwayne what’s happening you’re on with drapes and Jay fellas I am all in on Porter man if we can get Porter and conon I’m with that all the way 100% but the second part of that for me is Edy I want Zach Edy so I think if we add both of them all of a sudden the team changes and it they bring a lot of what the team lacking you know last season so we take care of a lot of things with them including free throw shooting um Championship pedigree you know Eddie Edie from what I understand is she bro so that frees up sa bonus too um I just feel like I’m all in so I hope everybody says that and I just want to um definitely get with that with you guys so have a good night all right Dwayne good stuff man and I want to throw this other text in here from the 279 we better draft Edy this is in all caps we need size what is up with the Zack Edy I feel like moving up now like everybody’s in on Zach Ed seems like that we had Kristen PE on uh what last week Friday yahooo Sports does a great job draft analyst and Insider and she said she even she has heard in circles Draft Zack e could be as picked as high as 10 eight nine 10 this dude is flying up the boards man he must be having a heck of a workout he must be shooting the three very well you know showing great touch uh I know his numbers athleticism wise you know surprise people compared to a lot of the other bigs and you know as much as he ran decently but as far as his quickness and lateral movement surprised a lot of people and to me I just I don’t know man I I think he’s gonna be a guy who’s in the league for 10 11 12 years yeah no ksky yeah you know a plumy solid role player you know but ain’t gonna be a star or anything like that but it seems to be a lot of people uh highend on on Zack Edy and I’m just and I like Edy as a player I just don’t like the here for Sacramento to be honest with you I’m looking at the YouTube chat uh right now Vincent says we need a star poris is nice but he doesn’t move the needle what what yeah come on what he does move the needle he does he does exactly what the kings are missing yes and he says especially in regards to ticket sales televised game scoring this feels like a smaller move we need an Allstar but I don’t know if we can get an Allstar Jay we just went through it earlier in the show you’re going to pay dearon Fox 359 perhaps you got sa bonis at 217 you’re going to have to pay Keegan Murray to me an All-Star superstar that you bring in you’re talking a $40 million player at least can we really afford that and Kyle Cruz may ain’t no Allstar let’s let’s call it with it he ain’t no Allstar yeah I mean kozma and and poris are just as important play they play just as important roles for their team and you know we’re talking about the Wizards he’s the leader over there with Jordan P when it comes to putting up buckets and points right but I think Bobby poris does a lot of different things that the Kings lack as much as people are looking at Kyle kosma the potential the length it’s not like Bobby poris is six foot three right you know it’s not like he’s not as you said 40.7 from three-point range right you know he’s a he’s a all uh NBA Defensive type of guy he’s a dog he’s he’s exciting he’s always in people’s faces you know he plays with that energy like you said it’s a great analogy or excuse me comparison him and Marcus Smart fit perfectly right like he is a Marcus Smart a big fellow of the Marcus Smart I’m with you man I know it doesn’t move the needles oh it’s not Brandon Ingram it’s not Zack LaVine it’s not ogan anobi you know it’s not those guys but I think he plays an important role for what the Kings need is he our Aaron Gordon you know what I mean sort of like Aaron Gordon with Denver that kind of better than yeah for sure you know what I mean like that kind ofely a missing piece that just fits in well a 72 wing span too I’ll throw out there at you Jay you ready to do this wheel yeah I do real quick I want to put this from Jonathan gone from ESPN what he say talking about Zack Ed and just the potential I look at him and say what if what if Jonas Valu chunis was six inches taller if Jonas Val chunis was 6 inches taller so he’s comparing Zack Edy to value Tunis that that’s I mean that’s a that’s you can get chunis right that’s a pretty good is six inches taller than S M up that that’s a pretty good player you’re right about that like valent chunis has had a a good career and uh he provides a little toughness too and so no I’m with you all right uh we ready for this we all I got all right so let let me explain what we’re about to do right here seems like every day there’s some new names that jump out on the on the uh trade market or free agency market and and we decided you know what let’s just throw them on the wheel spin the wheel and go thumbs up or thumbs down let’s here’s who I got LaVine angram Brook Lopez porise Caleb Martin Jeremy Grant oh love it yeah Paul George Nai Marshall okay I got Kyle kma as well you got Bobby poris on that list I got poris on there so got nine right now I’m sure I’m missing other players uh maybe a Dorian finy Smith or Tim Hardaway Jr let me throw both those I got another one you got Timmy Hardway on there what about Clint capella ah yes Clint capella about yes Clint capella all right Jay you you you gonna spin the wheel all right do it next yeah we’ll take a quick break and then we’ll spin the wheel you’re listening to the drive guys here on sack toown Sports 11:40 18 number one countless ACM and CMA Awards sold out world tours and now Dirks Bentley is coming to Sacramento for Country in the Park two September 28 at hard health park at Kell Expo with Cary Das Kelsey hard and more plus line dancing food trucks and more tickets available now at citv brought to you by Bon in the US Marines my good friends Dr Jack freedlander and Dr Pash in Roseville and in San Francisco are offering not only confidence not only security but also the ability if you ain’t insecure to go from the roster to the All-Star team you know what I’m saying I’m talking about upssize Time After Time vote after vote circumference or as we call it girth is consistently r L as the most important attribute 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business printing needs at 844 bz that’s 8447699880 your afternoon home for Kings talk and so much more the drive guys on sack toown [Music] [Applause] Sports drapes and J here with you on sack toown Sports 1140 hit us up 916 339 11140 always always check us out on the YouTube chat sack toown Sports 1140 all right Jay let’s get into this man this is something you and I came up with man uh a segment we’re going to call Wheel of names how about this every day there’s new names that get thrown into mix LaVine Ingram Lopez porise today is poris Caleb Martin Pat Conan and so we’re gonna spin the wheel I got the names right here and whatever the wheel stops on we will decide yay or nay on this guy let me run down the list real quick LaVine Ingram Lopez porise Caleb Martin uh Jeremy Grant Paul George Naji Marshall Kyle kosma Tim Hardaway Jr Dorian finy Smith and Clint capella Jay let’s spin that wheel uhoh uhoh uhoh that one right there Clint capella report out of Atlanta is pretty much everybody is made available including Clint capella who uh the Kings would uh need to trade for Jay uh yay or nay on Clint capella uh I’m out I’m out on Clint capella and the only reason why is there are some bigger names and my eyes are a little more Googer really for what you’re gonna pay Clint and I checked it a little earlier I need to check it again because it just slipped my mind I got it right here let’s see here what what’s he getting pay next year 22265 final year of his deal yeah when you when when we got guys like Brett seal of clutch points NBA Insider come on this show and say miles Bridges is in the realm of 22 to $25 million to be had now you gonna have to trade first round pick and all that but if M Bridges is $25 million and Clint capella is 22 and I’m not counting a Pockets I just see an up an upswing three more doll you know three more million dollars which is ch change to the into the NBA I I’m out on click aella what about Rim protection defensive anchor all that you got me excited on Bobby poris I’m out on Clint capella how about yourself uh I think I’m out on Clint capella also and and my reasoning is he can’t play the four he’s not no you know what I mean he’s no stretch four or nothing like that so it’s not like he could play alongside sabonis yeah you know and so I’m out on Clint capella all right we agree on that no on Clint capella a big in O all right let’s spin the wheel again the wheel of names man we’re passing up on Clint capella I know that’s crazy right greedy my man but are we passing up on Caleb Martin opted out gonna be a free agent you know maybe we could get him for the midlevel something like that guy that been to the finals hit big shots against Boston uh last year Caleb Martin yay or nay that is an absolute yes wow okay he is in the form of and I’m just gonna stick with the miles Bridges comparisons he is somewhat like miles Bridges I also think Caleb Martin we we saw it not this past year but last year in the playoffs he he did some things that I think a lot of people didn’t expect yeah he’s not a three and D guy because he’s better team defender in my opinion than he is a one-on-one Defender but if you can play in Miami it’s one of those things it’s like what we talk about if Danny a is trying to trade you or trade for you then I’m all in same thing if if Pat Riley believes you can come play for me and is shown that he can and be successful I think Kayla Martin would be a perfect right three for the Sacramento Kings come in with that heat culture mentality come on you know what I mean and let’s keep it real not this playoffs but last yeah he won’t cost that much he went into Boston and hit some big like he stood toe-to-toe face to face with Tatum and Jaylen Brown and didn’t back down he did he did not back hey and he played college down the road here nadao yeah yeah up the road him and his brother up there in Nevada Reno all right I’m I’m in on Caleb Martin I think I think he’s a low cost guy a good depth guy I don’t know if he’s necessarily your starter but he he’s a NBA player yes and I think that’s what we need so all right I’m in on Caleb Martin we’re both in on Caleb Martin spin that wheel Jay as Barkley is up on a ESPN or TNT excuse me hockey coverage oh shucks all right o Kyle [Music] kozma this is the sexy pick this the sexy name everybody in their mom seems to be high on Kyle kma manageable contract to Jay I think it’s like 2122 and it goes down as well Kyle kosman I’m in really I know there’s he’s kind of split the fence he’s 5050 guy here in Sacramento yeah because his name has been tossed around so much throughout the waves of Sacramento everybody has an opinion on kozma I would be willing to give up this year’s first round pick no more no more picks yeah he’s a he’s a one he’s a first round one first round pick type of guy for me yeah and I would take the shot knowing just from everything we’ve heard we have draft analysts we’ve had you know NBA guys some people love the draft some seem don’t some believe you can find you know a serviceable guy I think with kosma you know as a third option maybe a second option he’s going to get you 18 to 22 every night you know he’s long he’s ath a letic uh he he doesn’t have a dog in him to me but he also has an attitude if that makes sense like he he does want atude swag and the one thing he also does is he’s in on the NBA circles like he’s a fashion guy you know he’s going to bring some eyes to Sacramento as well and he’s going to spice up our life here in the city and I know that doesn’t you know coincide with what he does on the floor but I think it all encompasses a star a superstar and I think that’s why he’s always one of those guys that’s tossed around because as much as he’s not a superstar on the floor he’s he’s W he’s known wide like he spreads a wide tast net you know in the NBA Circle so fashion all yeah yeah I’m in on kman yourself I’m gonna say I’m out okay and and last year this time I was in but now I’m out and here’s why one when I look at Kyle kosma 28 years old 18.8 field goal attempts is he going to come here and be okay with 13 or 14 field goal attempts like I still feel like Kyle kosman is trying to make his name in the NBA like he’s still trying to beat a man not in an egotistical way or anything but just he’s trying to you know carve his Niche out he’s got something to prove something to prove which could be a good thing if you’re Sacramento too but also how about this J threo percentage Kyle kozman and I know I’m box score watching and statline last year and I’m G just go back 33.6 the year before that 33.3 year before that 34.1 36.1 31.6 30.3 so he’s not a three-point you know Marksman sure or anything that rifle that rifle sways to the left here and there you know what is that front of it is bent a little bit you know what I mean it’s like and so can he make the three yes but he’s not a knockdown three you know I he’s a good player but uh you know I got other guys ahead of him I got other guys ahead he’s not a slasher like the thing about koosman is he’s he’s good but I think some people are still trying to figure out what he’s good at yeah yeah I mean this is a guy he he shot 18 point close to 19 times per game and average 22 points I don’t know that’s not a good ratio I don’t think you know what I mean like you if you shoot 18 times a game you know let’s say let me look at his free throw attempts gets to the line 3.4 times a game so it’s not if you got to the line six seven times a game then that 22 becomes 25 26 points then he’s doing something right and so I’m out on that that’s our first split on that that’s our first split no all right where we at a TimeWise yeah let’s do another one spin that wheel I got to get in my Drake tap too don’t forget that I got to get that in all right Naji Marshall sign me up quick I ain’t even tell you the numbers I tell you uh what it might cost or anything like that I think he has an expanded role waiting to happen in the NBA I believe for what he’s done he is proven himself and deserve an ample opportunity to go somewhere and log 20 to 25 minutes 20 to 30 minutes depending on what team he’s at now I think he’ll Garner closer to 30 minutes depending on you know if it’s a Bottom Rung team you know a Spurs a Detroit Portland but I think on a good quality playoff team he is in your top seven eight r rotational and he one thing about the Pelicans they had everybody coming off the bench and felt like they were they were throwing waves at you you know so sometime he be the Sixth Man sometime he be the 10th man I think he has the opportunity you know here we’re blessed to have Malik Monk and if he it sounds like he’s gonna come off the bench probably I think Naji is right behind him I think he’s the type of guy here in Sacramento he’d be your seventh guy almost okay so not a starter let’s say no I don’t think he’s a starter okay yeah but but one thing he does bring is that toughness I remember when we played him you know and the Kings like he was all up in Fox like he was he was out to prove something he was looking to shut dearon Fox and he plays with a little bit of swagger and I agree with you a guy with who might you know get a bigger role might be able to show a little bit more yes and so I’m with you I’m in on Naji Marshall I’m I’m definitely on on him and I don’t think it’ll cost a lot you know he’s a midlevel guy oh yeah you know what I mean it’s not like you got to pay him 20 million you might be able to sneak him for 8 to 10 million yeah yeah exactly I mean I’m looking at his current contract man he only made 1.9 million last year that’s let me give you s million for the next three years two you know something in that that movement three for 21 two for 16 you know and you you see I think you he’s not a prove it type of guy but he does have to show some other aspects of his game right to get that next contract Allah Malik mon you know you throw him two for 16 two for 15 you know catch him for seven seven and a half to me that’s a steal I think he does wonders for the Kings coming off the bench as your seventh or eighth guy sign me up all right I’m I’m with you on that I’m trying all right Jay what should we do TimeWise here you the you’re the radio expert you got to get I got to get this drap wheel is going to be here all week all right we’ll do the wheel again later this week but especially when White’s back coming up next drapes take why Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game you don’t want to miss this it’s the drive guys on sack toown Sports the only place you’ll find Harrison Barnes is sack toown Sports he’s got the bucket at the buzzer Harrison Barnes hey Sacramento it’s Harrison Barnes and you’re listening to the home of the second Kings sa Town Sports your local sports leader we see a lot of news about teens vaping but teens see something else videos on social media that glamorize it and downplay the dangers of nicotine how can 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sack toown [Music] Sports drapes and J here on sack toown Sports 1140 want to give away these pair of tickets to serpent festival at Thunder Valley Casino Resort whatever you do don’t miss slashing this brand new serpent festival at the venue this show celebrates the blues with an All-Star lineup featuring Warren Haynes band Samantha Fish and Eric Gils all you got to do is hit up the fulam Lake Honda hotline right now looking for caller number four to score that pair of tickets check out slurpent festival at Thunder Valley Casino Resort Friday July 12th for more information go to Sactown once again 91 6 33914 916 339 11140 to win a pair of tickets to serpent festival at Thunder Valley Casino Resort looking for caller number four right now all right Jay it’s time for drapes takes big fell calm down L calm down it’s time for draes takes L gentlem back on this to what I gotta say so I was at home watching Kendrick Lamar last week pop out the pop out it was fire amazing yeah it was oh to Los Angeles west coast hip hop he brought out everybody had Dr Dre out there with them it was amazing and I got to thinking ladies and gentlemen where’s Kendrick Lamar been at to me his last album Mr morale and the big steppers let’s keep it real ladies and gentlemen was a flop his last last great album was 2017 damn so what do you do when you’re struggling what do you do when your numbers are down you’re not on the front page nobody’s talking about you what do you do you pick a fight with the biggest rapper in the game that’s Drake and that’s exactly what Kendrick Lamar did Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game Lance Stevenson DeShawn Stevenson Gilbert Arenas Dylan Brooks Drake is LeBron don’t believe me push a t you know who push a t was push a t was Lance Stevenson you know who Kendrick Lamar is he’s Dylan Brooks disrespect Dy Brook disrespecting k d Brooks I like Dylan Brooks let me but I’m saying you you see what I mean like I feel like Drake is the best thing that happened to Kendrick Lamar nobody was really checking for Kendrick like they were back in the day jay but this battle has reinvigorated Kendrick brought out some of his best stuff now he got the summer Anthem and it’s all because of his Feud with Drake that’s my take Kendrick’s great amazing Artisan but his last great album was 200 17 the last time he was relevant 2000 and it’s not an East Coast West Coast beef or any I’m just calling it like I see it J all right biggie I I I was a Kendrick Lamar fan okay mob de damn I go back to pimper Butterfly good kid Mad City all great albums but you can’t tell me Mr morale and the big steppers was a great album the dude had fallen off all right n he fell off and so how do you get back up let me pick a fight with Drake it was the best thing to happen tell me I’m wrong people Jay tell me I’m wrong your boy Kendrick wasn’t on that level on what level he was a superstar but he had fallen off it he his his last couple albums were a little suspect let me let me let me make a pitch for Kendrick on this form Kendrick is kind of old school cut from that cloth of I’m not going to make a single and R it out social network you know via YouTube for and then make another one every three months Kendrick is still of the ilk of I’m I’m going to make an album I’m gonna release the album I’m gonna ride the album out for two three four years and then I’ll give you another album kind of like what you used to see Old School artists do right I say old school art we talking about 90s it ain’t just I ain’t going on Tik Tock and making a song and pushing it like Drake like the guy Drake the lollipop King lollipop I think Kendrick is more cut from the the cloth of 90s generation 80s generation you know even early 2000s Mican album used to you flip through the source coming soon right didn’t have a date yet it was coming soon then you got the date you like oh man I’m about to slide the tower virgin you know I’m getting ready to go over work to the warehouse Sam goody like I think Kendrick is kind of based upon that that type of style I think Kendrick is a super he was already a star superar yeah like no doubt about he Superstar he’s just kind of one of them guys and I’m trying to think of somebody in in he’s kind of like a Devin Booker like Devin Booker’s a superstar right we know he olypic team I mean the dude’s a guy you know he’s got the money the the shoe deal he he’s everywhere he’s got the the the uh he used to date you know a very known woman like that’s that’s Kendrick but book is kind of erve though like book is kind of I’m In My Own Lane type of star you know you don’t see book on on commercials and Saturday Night Live and all that type of stuff that’s Kendrick that’s K now to two things if if LeBron is I mean excuse me if Drake is LeBron Then Kendrick is Steph Curry because he’s absolutely buried LeBron right now come on no no no no j but this is what I’m saying Drake is almost Teflon proof remember people thought push a t murdered Drake he did I ain’t heard from Pusher T since the new clips album coming out you know that did you see that see even his brother putting the clips back they are they really okay I’m a big Clips fan I like the clips but here’s the I’m hearing people saying Kendrick killed Drake’s career murdered him Drake is Teflon bro he’s on a different level and as great as Kendrick is and people are saying drapes you ain’t been checking for Kendrick I got all the Kendrick’s old stuff you know who Kendrick is he’s Taylor Swift and let me tell you what what good kid Mad City okay great damn great we talking about five five mik Classics from The Source that’s what I’m talking about Taylor Swift her night and and some people might think I’m crazy her 1989 album great reputation great but then she had love folklore Evermore and people are like ah maybe she ain’t got it anymore maybe she falling off that’s how I feel like Kendrick was he was falling off a little bit and Drake sort of like reinvigorated him brought him back from the dead almost no no no see you disrespected K Kendrick wasn’t dead that’s what I’m trying to say Kendrick Kendrick had all the he had all the respect dud and people know he’s not the type of guy that come out with an album every year he’s doing a lot of different other stuff the other point about Kendrick too man is I think Kendrick and Drake is they’ve kind of exchanged barbs over the last three four or five years anyway so it’s not like kendri created this all out of the way like it wasn’t like meat meal you know what I mean I hate to go Philly Style on do it wasn’t like some of these guys like Rick Ross kind of came out of nowhere disliking Drake because and he said you know you put a cease and desist on French Montana’s album like Rick Ross to me was like uh he’s looking to battle Drake a little bit and kind of weasle his way into you know a drake why why did it all pop off then like why’ all of a sudden it just boil over man from look from what I understand they had some bad blood stemming from you know a song that they did with each other and you know you know how it Go the circle is is big but it’s very very small right and so I mean I don’t think Kendrick was out there looking for the heat with Drake that’s what I’m saying like I don’t think he was and he said it a couple times you know this was something that was boiling over and waiting to happen it just so happened to H you know just so happened to go right now when it came to it was perfect timing but I will say this you just go play all yeah yeah because we ain’t playing you want me to give you Drake here you go man I let me give you this pop artist this pop artist play this you got you killing me this pop artist mus you know you should be you should be saying Taylor Swift is Drake Drake is Taylor Swift how dare you disrespect that boy from Compton like that I’m just saying and I’m a Kendrick Lamar fan are you I am okay I will say this though I’m I thought Drake won the battle in terms of the top three songs oh man stop Kendrick he got the number one song he got the top song like us but after that for is not number two Euphoria is four because I don’t like the slow start to it I don’t like the I don’t know he hit you with three versions look Drake did this is how creative Kendrick is he let Drake jump out there first of all Drake didn’t even want to claim his his his diss track at first now he said it was leaked out and all that stuff how would if you in your producer in you’re producing you know rapping rocking a new diss track yeah it’s only one two three people hopefully in your studio when you come in with a diss track it ain’t a whole slew of people how did they get leaked then people are asking is this you is this AI he didn’t want to put his name on it Kendrick just waited he he bid his time he threw out the bait to to Drake with the uh with the the uh like us excuse me with the uh like what or whatever yeah the future the future Metro Bo oh yeah that one that’s he threw that threw the bait out there he threw the bait and jcole took a two and then Co was like oh no no no no hey this dein Booker he’s Deon Booker’s on the other side I’mma stay away from that and so this was something that was brewing I think it takes Titans and heavyweights to battle each other and I think and what I say with Kendrick is is Kendrick waited on Drake to put his name on it like he finally put it on Apple and then what what happened Kendrick’s like oh so you’re claiming it now now I’mma drop you for you right and then he dropped a threepiece I mean a three-piece classic he gave you three different beats pushups then guess what then what what did Drake do what he do what his next song he came with a three piece piece yeah he came with the three piece copy cting he’s copycatting all I know is and this we up against it I want to hear from you guys 916 3391 1140 is Drake the LeBron James I see where you going though Drake but but here’s where that’s like I feel like Drake is is up there and you got all these people trying to take shots at him and and Kendrick’s great but man people weren’t checking for him like that for a minute though J maybe that’s just the way op we gonna agree to disag I disagree with Kendrick but I will say this now let me let me let me let me put this in before we break and we’ll respond to this on the back side 916 33 9140 Drake is beside I think this one this one gonna hurt him a little bit you think so yeah because I think one thing Kendra did is he he called out the authenticity of Drake like other people have you know DMX called him out but it wasn’t rapping right he was on the studio he was in you know he was doing what we’re doing radio I think this one more than push a t because push a t just exposed his life what he was what you know didn’t tell us this one it was like he put everything on the line right and so I think it’s going to hurt him in the form of authenticity but I do agree that Drake is crossed over so much as a pop star that it ain’t going to affect them on sales and like the 17y old girls ain’t going to be like they don’t care about Kendrick like that NP all right we gonna dive into that we’ll get back into the Kings as well you’re listening to the drive guys hit us up 916 339 1140 I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Covenant House wasn’t there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation Covenant House is there Covenant House helped me break the cycle of homelessness in my family they gave me the love that I needed over 2,000 young people will sleep safely in a covenant house bed tonight when youth who are experiencing homelessness have a hot meal a safe place to sleep medical care and love they can overcome heartbreaking challenges and have a brighter future they just really genuinely 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you gamble responsibly 1 1800 Gambler from the power business technology to Shiva Studios khtk Sacramento kymx HD2 Sacramento the only station in Sacramento giving you e put it down final hour of the drive guys our guy Kevin gleon whitey will be back tomorrow appreciate everybody checking us out on the YouTube chat I see you out there sack toown Sports 1140 also on the text line 9163 39140 two big stories we’re talking about today one the athletic our guy Anthony Slater Sam emit coming out with a story why the Sacramento Kings are shopping their number 13 pick as part of an aggressive off season you know one of the Nuggets they dropped in there was that the kings were close to a trade for defensive Ace Alex Caruso last week offering the number 13 pick to Chicago as the key chip the rules surprised many by opting to go with the OKC off off er I also dropped a little nugget about dearn Fox uh who uh is eligible for an extension but won’t sign it this season maybe next season when he’s eligible for even a bigger bag becomes all NBA Allstar defensive player of the year the article says Fox’s future Looms in the background as League sources say the allstar guard has decided not to sign an extension this year in part because he wants to see how the roster takes shape for the Long Haul and it’s that last part in part because he wants to see how the roster takes shape for the Long Haul I’m not necessarily buying that I think it’s more of a financial decision for dearon Fox he can sign I think it what fiveyear $359 million deal uh next season if he hits certain Benchmark so I think it’s more of a financial thing but it does raise some questions right so that’s our one big story our second big story is what we had last segment my drapes take that Drake is the LeBron James of the rap game meaning when your numbers are a little low when you need to get back on the map you invoked Drake’s name you involved him in the beef Allah push a t Allah Kendrick Lamar Kendrick I give you pusher are you give me Pusher I give you pusher I ain’t giving you k though I give you Meek meal I ain’t giving you K dot here’s why I I I put K dot in that list and you tell me Maybe I’m Wrong maybe I’m just uh not a fan as much anymore but his last album the last four I’m not talking about Guest Spots I’m talking about Mr morale and the big steppers didn’t live up to the hype Jay I don’t think it did big fella because he’s he he created a and I’m you know I’m dating myself yeah it’s tough when you put out the Masterpiece and you have a five mic album it’s tough to fit hard bounce yeah follow it up yeah and and again Kad is the type of guy Kendrick he’s not gonna give you an album every year he’s got other things on his plate you know he he’s a he’s a philanthropist he’s got a lot you know as he said I’m raising my son he’s teach teaching he’s educating he’s in the community you saw all from from you know so many artists that mess with Kendrick and according to what we’ve seen this not like us video is amazing when it comes to the city yeah K that wasn’t and I think they were just Stars Mega stars that had a little issue a little tiff and it was about time that it was handled and LeBron you know he Steph Curry got put on him he went and got the ring on LeBron like Steph’s you know in in the pantheon LeBron is going to be if not number two number one depending on who you ask right Steph ain’t gonna be number one or number two but he’s always gonna have a one up on LeBron because he beat him in the head smack him a bunch of times that’s K and and with with the knowledge of what you’re saying our children the pop culture the masses the Tik Tock fans like yeah this ain’t gonna affect Drake at all he gonna sell out Golden One Center when he come through here yeah he gonna sell out you know every whatever Arena that he walks in because the Tik Tock fans and the and the pop culture like you said the Taylor Swift they gonna fall in but the culture the streets the as you said The Hip Hop Heads the rap gods this one is this one dent when it comes to that because he was already teetering on the on the fence of man this dude as I say he’s a lollipop guy he was a lollipop rapper let me just say this doesn’t mean he ain’t LeBron though I right but I see your point and and when it comes to this battle and and maybe Drake takes a a a loss for this does it get as much credit what are the onliners that stick the a minor for sure you know oh there’s too many from though the the OV that’s that’s we that’s weak that’s not creative Jay that’s not creative Ain nobody came up with it ain’t nobody came up with it but all right so so we got the a minor and then okay if you want to throw in what about uh when I see you in sexy red oh yeah yeah from euph for like there’s there’s a bunch of them kada dropping but how about the one where Drake and this is in at kada at Metro okay shut your make some that’s going to be one that hit that hit yo so I’m I don’t know man I I just feel like when you look at Kendrick and I’m a fan I’m a fan of course but fan he’s a fan before this beef everybody talk about Drake jcole and Kendrick you could J Cole was at the top you can argue that Jay don’t don’t give me that look you can argue that big fella nah no nah ah of Kendrick yes because jcole was putting out hits he was he was he was active he more and I thought this sort of pushed Kendrick back up at the top yeah it was his time it’s his time to shine baby that album was coming out he was he was on the sidelines chilling and said all right I gotta come for my for my spot yeah and the best way to do that is to take on the top dog he went at jcole remember Co backed out of yeah Cole backed out Drake was ready for the smoke he took some body blows I don’t know that’s just me I we got some calls on this big fella yeah skip skip guys skip guys skip all right let’s get the skip online one skip you’re on with drapes and Jay what’s happening what’s up fellas first off uh dear and fox you know both can be true number one he can want that money and rightfully so and number two I’m sure he ain’t trying to run it back so he do want to see roster construction but to why I called Mr Draper I was upset at you when I first started and then I sat here on hold and heard the last statement you said now I’m just sad for you what you just said J Cole was at the top you out your mind do come on man J you’re you’re equating putting out a bunch of stuff with being great no no j cool but come on man what’s the last Kendrick great album let me let me talk about Kendrick and Dr and and j a man you already hit on some of these look this is how I see it Kendrick is Will Smith Drake is called Kendrick is that BP Kendrick is that bom pop you wait for on that hot Saturday with that that ice cream truck roll by Drake is some water down cooling I in the prator dog come on now Drake don’t even write his own stuff man look I’m I’m disappointed in you Mr Mr Draper I’m calling you Mr Draper like I would if somebody if I was in trouble and my my parents or the teacher said Mr Bishop get over here come on skip I’m just saying I’m giving all due respect to Kendrick y’all not listening to me Kendrick’s great he’s fantastic you want to make him your goat go for it I’m saying kendri was on the sidelines watching Drake and jcole put out hit after hit and said uhoh I got to get back in the game what’s the quickest way to get back in the game taking shots at Drake that’s all I’m saying I’m not saying Drake’s a better rapper than Kendrick or anything like that I’m just saying and it comes to this Kendrick used Drake to get back on top that’s all I’m saying and I disagree with that but but uh real talk though and Jay you said it really it comes down to each his own I’m more of what’s going on in the streets as opposed to the pop culture you know anybody can be a pop star that’s not really me I’m not saying that I don’t like some of Drake stuff I do uh but you know that’s just not my cup of tea uh and last before I go shout out to my man Whitey so I knew Whitey back in the day he hooked me up a couple of times I kind of wish he was there so I can say hello to him y’all fellas have a good day appreciate you calling in skip always take the calls 916 339 11140 he called me Mr Draper like I was in trouble or something like that hey D hey uh let’s let’s uh go to EJ online three Jay EJ you’re on with drapes and Jay what’s happening man drapes just a little bit happy belated once again since you’ve been back man hope you’re feeling fresh Jay keeping it cool today man hey I wanted to call in and weigh in on this uh I’ve got a couple of things here because I I know you were commenting on it dra said just a few weeks ago how you think uh uh uh Drake won it Drake’s catalog can’t be compared with you really can’t the stacks of hits all the way back from his Young Money days you can’t ignore how hard he’s been for a long time pop culture rapper EJ come on he’s a he’s a fantastic rapper but here’s the differ K dot he don’t care about what’s important to Drake he’d rather be the people’s champ he’s the rockim right the one that we still Herald the one that that gets shouted out on the Stoops and will have respect wherever he goes right he’s more like Joe Frasier versus Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali’s invited all the award shows well adored but you do not want to mess with Joe Frasier right and one of the one of the uh one of the lyrics that I thought was just outstanding where Drake could not come back at least from this back and forth was two everything he mentioned about raising his son and when he said just keep your hands waving and dancing and everything will be okay he cracked [Music] great all right man good call good call EJ appreciate that here’s the thing about this Jay and Drake if from keeping it real is taking it easy on K wa a minute takes it easy on his fans I mean on his on his uh opponents because this is why Jay hear me out and this is something I really thought about this ain’t no drapes take or just trying to come up with trying to get people upset Drake so Kendrick had his Super Friends out the other week last week some with the pop out some of them yes all Drake gotta do is pick up the phone and call Lil Wayne and it’s dead yeah everybody he ain’t crushing everything man this dude is United he and you know the street politics of Los Angeles this dude is United neighborhood dislike each other I’m not talking about streets Jay I’m talking about Hits lyrics bars he brought he brought a Rody Rich YG that’s not way dollar sign these guys are just as close why just as close toil Wayne Right Now Lil Wayne put him on though Lil Wayne put Drake on but D but Dr got all he gotta do is bring out Nicki Minaj from the female side Dres think about this he brought out Dr he brought out one of the the forefathers of rap almost that wasn’t the you you Snoop jumped right on social nwor and was like Hey man dude’s the king he’s the king so it’s not like k. couldn’t you know how this goes man when you if I’m trying to listen if I’m trying to do an event and I call my I’m calling my super friends as you like to call we like to call them and I’m like hey man drapes would love for you to be at this event come MC it do it it happens on this day and you’re sitting over in New York with the or you and Philly with the family yeah and you like oh man would love to just you know Fe I can’t do it my kids got me over here I’m with moms and dad and all this other stuff I just couldn’t get you for that day it happens right kada got just as many phone calls to put in that Drake could but Lil Wayne dude you got Wayne is one of them I get it he’s one of them Dr Dre is too we have to agree to this I get it but I’m just saying when we go back to the LeBron conversation if if you’re comparing Drake to LeBron and Skip said it there is a culture side and a pop culture Side Drake will never be touched pop culture right he’s too far ahead yeah when it comes to like I said the Tik Tock the the genz all these different like he’s too far ahead and that’s not KD’s Lane anyway and that’s why EJ said like he’s in a rock Kim Lane now I can’t think of you would have to school me a little bit I I mean I know the names but I didn’t know who was the Drake of the 80s you know like who was the I I want to say big daddy Kan but he’s a little more authentic like big daddy Kane’s got a lot of fan you know a lot of authenticism to Big Daddy she said Drake ain’t authentic no no no no he’s not but that dude’s a hit maker he is and that’s why he’s LeBron I get it to eat off to eat in the NBA one way or another you have to be tied to LeBron right had to have played well against LeBron like people are making their names I mean he’s got a whole well not he but his friend who he created to a form a clutch Sports has a whole company is an entity now and that’s is an entity that’s how I feel about Drake in the rap game it’s like sure he may all right let’s say I agree he lost the battle in the whole scheme of Drake’s life it ain’t gonna it ain’t gonna matter because like you said he’s still gonna sell out he’s still going to be on the radio he’s still going you know and so he’s he’s Teflon like somebody from the 916 Drake is Teflon he’s been scratched and is getting thrown out uh yeah he’s been getting dude he’s taking more push a te killed him he did but it didn’t it didn’t it didn’t matter well and I’m with you that’s why I said if we’re comparing and keeping it on the floor Drake is LeBron but K is is Steph Curry he’s his Nemesis he couldn’t get by him enough and I in the pantheon we’ll always remember LeBron for being better than Steph Curry no hands down you know unless Steph Curry wins like two more championships or something hands down he’s got in the pantheon and the grand scheme of things LeBron is gonna be in front of Steph Curry but in the arguments on these type of shows in the culture people G be like but he couldn’t be step though damn he got him once which is what you’re saying like Drake stuck him a little bit on certain things right but in the pan all I mean in in the battle one onone Kad is is T dancing on Drake but I get what you’re saying push a t is you know he’s kawh Leonard right you got you gotta go through LeBron One Way Or Another We’re talking about dear Fox a bunch of times you started this segment with dearon fox look at that he’s tied to LeBron in other ways because he basically is under a signed to his boy contract contct you know to his to his his agent which we all know when LeBron is done playing guess what LeBron’s going to do jump straight to clutch Sports he can’t do it because it’s against the G the rules rules soon as it’s done D you know what’s happening he gonna be the face of clutch Sports he gonna be the one that you gonna fly out and meet when you get you know when when when Nick Draper is signing in the NBA or he’s signing a PGA deal and they trying to get a clutch Sports guy Guess Who coming you getting ready to meet LeBron LeBron to close it out to close the deal right that’s the point Drake I get you all right man that was fun people coming at me and I love it man I appreciate y’all uh when we come back we’re want to get back to the Sacramento Kings because some major news dropped today we got the Sam mammock and uh Anthony Slater article also word that Bobby Portis might be on the trade block if you’re the Sacramento King should you pick up that phone and bring poris to sack I’m going tell you exactly why yes you should more Drive guys coming up next after this time out getting quality employees to fill positions in your company is essential but finding those people can be a major hassle unless you use zip recruiter zip recruiter makes finding quality people a breeze zip recruiter’s advanced technology identifies candidates with the right skills sends you great matches then you can easily invite them to apply four out 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yes our clients focus on getting better and we handle all the rest results yes we’ve collected over $ hundred million for injury victims no feet until we win yes our clients pay nothing until we win Ashton and price the best at getting to yes remember for the best advice don’t think twice call Ashton guys live and local every afternoon Monday through Friday on sack toown Sports drapes AJ sack toown Sports 11:40 you’re listening to the drive guys Kevin gleon out today but he will be back tomorrow we’ll be back in studio one day before the draft tomorrow the draft on Wednesday Kings with the 13th overall pick and according to Sam amck and SL Anthony Slater the kings are actively aggressively shopping their number 13 pick as part of the aggressive off season and I love the fact that Monty they recognize the same things we recognize like this is isn’t just a a media fabrication or a fan fabrication they understand just how big this offseason is for the Sacramento Kings 916 3391 11140 hit us up on the text line as well uh let’s get to our boy 10 J on line 210 what’s up man you’re on with drapes and Jay let’s go special edition of Draper the host and just to weigh in on my music knowledge I mean Drake is the one has the women throwing their bras at them so he wins all right T no comment bro but I know what you’re talking about there is an old uh uh adage though too and you remember this Jay thanks tin let’s go Sacramento if you running a club if you get the women to come the men will follow absolutely promoter’s dream right promoter’s dream right you get the women to show up the men will be there if you get the men to show up good luck good luck and so I see what ten is saying right there uh the big story today obviously the article that came out in the athletic but also Michael scato saying that uh Bobby poris might be available if you’re the Sacramento Kings are you picking up that phone Jay is absolutely I I mentioned earlier dude he’s moved up to my top he’s your guy now he’s my guy like Zack LaVine love Zack but Bobby poris is number one Zack drops the number two right now okay yeah I’m poris is uh he’s up there for me you know I haven’t I haven’t slaughtered him like you okay but he he’d probably make my top three he he probably would I like I said I’m on record I like miles Bridges I think for what you’re gonna have to pay him you know we heard Brett seagull on our show uh a little earlier from clutch points he said miles is probably going to get 20 2 to 25 I think that’s an absolute steal for what he’s going to give you that still be my number one the second person that’s kind of moving him my listen we haven’t talked about him that much today and I know we’ll get to him within the next couple of days I’m highly interested in Paul George man really I really am and I know he doesn’t he’s not probably gonna be around for four or five years at a high level right but I’m looking to win two three years I think he can give me three years at a high level and unlike what he’s done at the Clippers in most of the places he’s went the one thing I’ve always argued about Paul George is this he goes into a position a situation excuse me the Pacers the Clippers OKC he goes into a POS a situation kind of looking to be the second guy you know the the Pippen to people’s Jordan and for whatever reason as we saw here in in Los Angeles he is turns into he has to be the number one because Kawai been injured so much and so he he shoulders a lot of what’s going on yeah and so I think if he comes here dearon is shown he’s sturdy enough you know we knocking on wood doas we know is sturdy enough to where I don’t think Paul’s got to be the the number one I think he’s coming into this situation to be the two sometimes a one sometimes a three and he’s actually going to have help on on a superstar level on a Star level where I feel like he went to OKC and things didn’t work out the way it was supposed to be and they put more pressure on him he went to Los Angeles you know and the pressure seemed to be on him more like Paul to me is probably my second guy and then I think that’s where poris is kind of bringing up the rear for me at number three really yeah I I love Bobby poris I really do man but you’re you’re super high on Bridges though it yeah I am man I think he draes he does everything the Kings need everything like there’s nothing he doesn’t do that the Kings couldn’t use he plays good defense yeah he’s he’s not a pushover he’s gonna give you 20 he’s gonna shoot the ball well he doesn’t need the ball in his hands he’s not taking away from Dam mantis Malik dearon you know and he’s played on a terrible team for so long I think if he comes here we’ll see you know a lot of what he does can translate to a winning ball Club honestly it’s just he coming with a flight full of baggage right like he he he just carry on right nah man he he he better be flying Southwest because he got a lot of baggage no I hear you on Miles Bridges and you know I wonder with Sacramento Embrace him uh you know that’s another question uh you got to throw out there I I just think with porise he seems to be a fan favorite a guy that lays it all on the line guys that play hard you know it’s interesting you talk about bridges backto back uh 20 plus Point seasons for him 21 this last year 20.2 A couple of years ago when he played and seems to be pretty durable too to an extent you know two years ago played 80 games this year 69 I’ll take that um on a terrible team on a terrible team he probably took a couple night like but this two things and this is the kozma versus m Bridges thing is this drapes we know someone on the team a bad team has to be the leader you know has to have the the stats the scoring the assists I I canot I will take I’ll accept that argument from Kyle kosman he plays on a bad team right right right miles Bridges plays on a bad team but I think Miles Bridges has shown that he can translate to something else Kyle kosma for me still has a question and it’s like yeah he’s the he’s he’s the best person on the bad team I think Miles Bridges is not the best person on Charlotte I think that would be lamelo but I also think Miles numbers have a little more honesty to them a little more truthfulness right than kma not just stat hunting or anything like that okay all right what do you make of uh you know this athletic article where you know they brought up dearon Fox’s an extension uh it’s talked about how you know the roster may play a f part in that I think we both agree I’m not buying that really I I I think the reason why he waits is money and he can make what 359 like I I I just can’t I can’t rrap my mind and head around this kind of money you look at what Tatum’s about to be paid 315 320 something like that I mean and dearon fox a Sacramento King could in line for a $350 million payday that’s crazy J yeah it is it’s the new CBA it’s the new you know new cap space league is creating I I you know I find it funny that we as the Sacramento Kings fans and and the community we’ve been asking for we’ve been asking for Superstar right we’ve been looking for our guy to attach our name to and dear is getting ready to be that guy if you have to and he now of course he he has to make league right but you make a great point I think we’re getting ready to see the best version of dear Fox that we possibly can see him and if nothing else you know of course health health has to play a big part in that but it will turn into who knows right and I say that in as form as for the Kings like we saw what happened two years ago when he stepped his game up right Kings third seed third third seed third Team all NBA Mr Clutch and everything like that let me ask you this though because you know we talked about Jaylen Brown signing his contract and he went out there and kept working and you see he’s living up to that contract it’s about to kick in for him this year do you think dearen Fox once he gets the contract sort of walks around with a different kind of Aura because we talked about that Superstar aura that and Daron Fox isn’t quite there yet but once you get that money when ESPN is talking about you when first take is talking about like does that put you in a different kind of class when you get that max deal like that yeah pressure for sure for sure drapes you know that if you’re getting if you’re the leading well let me take a step back around here maybe not because we love our players right but throughout the league as you’re talking about you know the Tim leers as I look up Ramona Shel burs of of of the circle absolutely they’re going to be knocking on the door you lead the league in salary because he would become the highest paid player in the league we now we expect some things from you now we we’re not going to look at you as that upbeat uptick sacramental king or you know oh he he could be a guy that could be growing you know nah those excuses are done that’s done man Championship or nothing now for you right you lead the league in salary salary you have to take this team and start to get a little further in the playoffs now and yeah Damas is going to be talked about you know uh whoever that third person may be Keegan Murray or if they go out and grab somebody they’re going to have some things they’re going to have to you know answer to but 360 million almost $360 million drapes man yeah we we got to have conversations about you a little bit just about every day and and you don’t want to get the reputation of a brad Beal or even my boy Zack leine you’re looking at all that money for what ain’t want a dang thing yeah and so if you’re de’arra Fox you don’t want to be that it’s interesting because I’m looking at the text line I got a couple of texts here uh 916 uh he’s got to make his free throws before he gets 360 million then somebody from the 20 N I would never accept the Kings paying Fox that much money he definitely ain’t worth it 916 I know it might seem small but you can’t have your point guard who gets to the free throw line presumably more than anyone on your team shooting 60% from the line first of all Fox ain’t shooting 60% where you get 60% from know you got you gotta stretch it people making things up but I I do Wonder would that be sort of polarizing here in sack like would some segment of the fan base be like whoa that’s a lot of money for dearon Fox and would they demand like you said Excellence all right you’re that dude yeah you got to lead us to the promise I think so I I I think again the Kings fans are more forgiving than probably a lot of other cities in the NBA but 360 put you in the headlines it put you on the moniker and not only in the city it put you on the moniker throughout the league and so you know how it is we talked about Drake and K and people making their name on guys like that you know Anthony Edwards is the type of person he’ll see you make three almost $360 million and he’s coming at you coming at you yes oh you make more than me I’m gonna make my name on it you know it’s almost the Caitlyn Clark effect yeah yeah when Caitlyn the one thing you got to respect about Caitlyn Clark is this she’s always going to get everybody’s best 100% And then more because she’s the Golden Goose so just like you talked about Drake everybody’s making their money off the Golden Goose I’m not saying dear’s gonna be LeBron but I’m also saying there’s some youngsters who’s starting to come up you know who’s looking at dearon as someone a a a goal to be like someone you know he’s getting ready to play like someone right now who’s 16 years old is looking at dear Fox and sizing him up yeah he’s measuring him oh I can’t wait till to see de and then by then dear is 30 but you’re making 3 almost 60 million right and so those are the things you have to start to think about when you paying that type of money and just know if you signed de for 360 even though it’s what five years yeah I mean he’s almost gonna be a lifer here for the Kings right right so now we got to start to talk about you know Legacy right start to talk about what is he going to do when it comes to Leading the team in the playoffs you know what is he going to what is he doing for the league you know we tal he he talked about not being on an All-Star team didn’t mean nothing $360 million you got to be a part of allar yeah You Gotta Be You Gotta Be what’s interesting and I know I’m getting way too ahead of the uh game when it comes to this dearon fox is 26 I say he signs the contract when he’s 27 you know by the time he’s 32 33 he might be looking for one more massive contract Jay man dang right just Kidd and by then and by then the cap is gonna be up again like 400 million or something it’s crazy all right coming up in just a little bit we’ll put a bow on the show hit us up on the phone lines a lot of great stuff today you’re listening to the drive guys here on sack toown Sports 11:40 ah the sweet feelings of Summer the kiss of warm 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Monday through Friday today on sack toown Sports back here on the drive guys sackel Sports 1140 drapes and Jay here with you final segment dude I’m kind of sad our boy White’s not here today this would be our White’s way back trivia trivia and if I’m correct I I won last week you did man out man that’s all right bounce back from V and got me man do I get today also as just like you know Mark today down okay all right I can ride it today okay I’m feeling good no doubt I’ll just put an aster by this one today it’s funny so I’m looking up uh some things that happened in uh Sports history today and uh you you’ll appreciate this one let me pull it up right here back in 1947 on this day Jackie Robinson his first stolen base wow think about that Wow first SB of his career in in in the MLB yeah future Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson steel homes for first of 19 times so maybe it’s it’s wow yeah as the Brooklyn Dodgers be Pittsburgh 4 to2 that’s impressive yeah that is that’s impressive right there game changing yeah game changing man you know they’re uh it’s Willie n Willie May celebration night out there at uh Oracle tonight oh is it uh tonight yeah they’re they’re doing some Willy May stuff out there for the Giants today and um you know know a couple of people going out that way so should be a fun entertaining celebration that goes on out there in San Francisco this evening you know albe it we’re celebrating someone losing their life but just to pay respects to who Willie Mays is and what he’s done for you know the game of baseball and just life just just life yeah much bigger than inside those diamonds right you you know and normally I talk about about the Giants but they got this one right they got this one right they did you know that what they’re riding a five game uh losing stre I think they should they’re not good hey Farhan man he gotta be on the hot seat I don’t know how that dude go is keeping the job like seriously that dude is on that Mercedes EQ you know when you get in you turn the seaw warmers on high last in the summer at that too I got another uh on this day for you how about this one you you’ll appreciate this 1979 Ricky Henderson debuts from Oakland and steals his first yeah 197 now that would have been a good question that would have been a good one right 79 who stole their first base in 19799 for the Oakland A’s that could have win you would have got that one right I would have W Ricky based on Sten Sten Bas yeah yeah exactly so no that’s that’s good stuff let me see what else is out there Shaq was drafted by the Orlando Magic I saw that earlier today yeah Shaq 199 someone someone I don’t remember I I can’t give him the credit for this but someone posted of course the NBA circles he was drafted today he measured three he was 301 pounds with 10% body fat Dam could you imagine about that [ __ ] Shaq come on man one uh 10% body fat 10% body fat weighing 301 lbs stretched up to 71 damn that’s a big dog that’s a and an athletic one too like you know like fit like old sha pictures when he is at LSU and Orlando come on man he was running like a gazelle out there at his size all right that’s that’s the M main ones John Wall drafted uh okay yeah John and you see he’s trying to get back in League yeah I saw man I saw you know and he’s kind of been one of those guys the last couple years that has been healthy than not then you kind of have a question about what’s going on and is something bugging him unfortunately John Wall drapes and you you tell me he’s gonna go into the pantheon of like Brandon Roy right right probably uh like who’s someone else that Penny Penny hardill like five six outstanding years Derek Rose yeah Derrick Rose and I mean Isaiah Thomas you might be able to put in there play it yeah and man I wish I could have seen him another five more at his highest peak five time Allstar all NBA all rookie looking at some of his uh oh man at one point in time he was dearon Fox before dear Fox the fastest cat with the ball he had handle tremendous handle could go get it he was slasher you know he never was much of a shooter but he he’ give you buckets dang check this out Jay his first one two three four five six seven seasons he missed five and seven 12 12 games 12 games in his first five seasons yeah man four five first seven season first seven yep he played 77 games 78 game no and then 41 32 wow 40 30 like he didn’t uh well it’s second season but that was a lockout shortened season third season so man you’re right man he’s one of those wh ifs like yeah and and I loved him man like him and Brad be way super that super baller super baller so who of all those guys that I just named off top of your head who’s the one that you like I just just you could have gave me just a little more like all those guys I would have loved to see play more yeah but who’s the one for you Penny Hardway Penny Penny Hardway dude was amazing and the thing about penny that might be different than some of these other guys he was a star in commercials Lil Penny and everything like he Tyra Banks he was becoming the face of the league yeah he was he was that dude like Derrick Rose was balling out you know uh John Wall but Penny was crossing over dude yeah into just you know pop culture Yeah Lil Penny yeah that for me it’s Penny yeah I think if there was a secondary it probably would be gr Hill because he same thing he was the the face of the league and he had a he had a smooth game yeah you know he was smooth about his it looked you know and follow me it was like Penny was kind of rap you know hip-hop yeah gr Hill was classical jazz yeah it’s very very smooth this game triple double machine at that time when you know triple doubles were hard to come by dude was he was the truth man and I thought I’ve never been a Duke fan I never root for Duke but going to Detroit for whatever reason I felt like he had a little more un to him right right you know like he had a little more dog in you know and that’s the hard thinging because they say gr Hill is one of the nicest people you could ever meet but he had a little attitude about him yeah when he went to Detroit no you’re right and the thing about him he would bang on you too oh quit he he would dunk on you like you know he might have went to Duke and you know was a little refined and everything but on that Court he would have banged on you and so uh no you’re right man that’s one guy uh John Wall like we said Penny Hardway if if him and Shaq would have stayed together you know we would have been talking about them like magic and Kareem and you know players like that you know so all right my man we wrapping this thing up where we at on the time I got about another minute or so thanks for everybody for listening in Whitey should be back tomorrow we got a deep dive into the draft oh yeah you know the number 13 overall pick and based on what we’re hearing Jay and seeing guys are moving up and down left and right and so it might be some good talent there at number 13 come Wednesday yeah absolutely and uh Styles and Watkins will be out at uh Public House out for the draft so make sure you get out there and rock with them but it’s going to be interesting we’ll have Anthony Slater he just told me he’ll jump on Wednesday before the draft okay so we’ll be able to ask him about the the de Fox reports that him and Sam am came out today too so that’ll be super interesting yeah great stuff as always shout out to Brett seagull for jumping on from clutch points he was on earlier you can always check us out on the YouTube channel at sack toown Sports 1140 or the app as well download it now for Jay I’m drapes with we’ll see you tomorrow on the drive guys here on saxtown Sports 11:40 I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Kevin at house was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put 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Kevin “Whitey” Gleason and Kyle Draper, play-by-play reporter for the Sacramento Kings, present another Monday edition of The Drive Guys on Sactown Sports 1140.

Today, the guys discuss the upcoming 2024 NBA Draft, which kicks off on Wednesday. What players should Sacramento consider? Could they elect to trade the pick? If so, for who?

And plenty of NBA rumors continue to circle, which the guys debate and discuss throughout the conversation.

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