@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson & the Warriors feels like a BREAK UP 😟 ‘There’s hurt feelings there’ – RC | Get Up

Klay Thompson & the Warriors feels like a BREAK UP 😟 ‘There’s hurt feelings there’ – RC | Get Up

legs Paul George is the missing Championship piece for the Sixers fact or fiction I’m going to say fiction the reason I’m saying that is because that’s an oversimplification of the problem it’s not just add Paul George and here we go we’re going to win a championship okay first of all you still got to deal with the Boston Celtics in Eastern Conference but to me the bigger issue for the Sixers continues to be can we get Joel embiid 100% healthy on April 15th ready for a two-month run that’s the biggest issue facing the Sixers there’s a lot of issues facing the Sixers right now they need to make a deep playoff run Austin Donovan Mitchell should commit to the Cavs after the signing of Kenny Aon fact uh Kenny has a history of being able to develop guards as you know we saw some of the best years of DLo lebert who’s also on the Cavs right now under him and listen the grass isn’t always greener you know there’s situations out there that could possibly fit Donovan better but he’s got Garland he’s got Moy he’s got good players around him a good Supporting Cast this is the team that if they can improve in some you know small areas can make even a farther push next postseason Donovan Mitchell is one of those Stars that I think gets forgotten sometimes because of the places he’s played legs easy one for you the Warriors should let clay walk I’m going to say fiction and I know that might not be the best answer in terms of from a business standpoint of of trying to make this organization relevant around Steph Curry but I just think some guys with what they have done for an organization over the course of their career deserve that right and now listen if he wants to leave that’s a totally different conversation I think the Warriors in that in that case would uh Aces to him yeah I don’t know it’s always difficult to see these franchise players in different jerseys but Mike Dunley spoke yesterday about Klay Thompson and the possibility of him leaving or bringing him back we want him back I think we said that all along hopefully he’ll come back but to say like a guy like Klay Thompson who’s meant so much to this franchise to completely strip the emotion away from it um I think that’s almost impossible uh but you know this is a business Zach listening to Mike Dunley do you think the war should let Klay Thompson leave it it sounds like they’re emotionally prepared for the possibility and I think there’s some hurt feelings on both sides that need to be mended for this reunion to take place um we’re going to know a lot on Friday June 28th there’s a deadline for Chris Paul’s contract to become guaranteed for $30 million or or for the Warriors to essentially wave him in between now and then the Warriors can work to find trades for Chris Paul that bring back somebody who can help their team if they bring in another high- pric player it just becomes financially very difficult for them to keep this whole team together they don’t want to pay this gigantic tax bill for a team that struggles just to make the playoffs and Clay look everybody needs shooting he can fit anywhere it’s just a matter of like who has the money and the means to go get him and give him a role that he wants I look at Denver for instance if cavius cwell Pope leaves Denver is that a fit for Klay Thompson but they might not be able to get to anything above the little baby mid-level exception which is $5 million is that enough for clay what’s his priority going to be money winning going back to Golden State romantically my romantic Soul wants these three dudes to play together forever we don’t always get what we want Austin the question about emotion right all these things are personal they always talk about it’s strictly business how much does emotion play into these negotiations with Klay Thompson it plays a big part just due to the history and the success that he’s had there in that organization when you look at someone like clay and everything that he’s been through the highs the Lowes the slumps uh the the the dynamic performances he’s been through it all there um you know he obviously unfollowed the Warriors the other day which was a whole thing within itself you don’t do something without emotionally having uh you know but that’s like a breakup no that’s what I’m saying he feels something there’s something there obviously there’s obviously a dialogue already going on numbers probably being thrown out there that he’s not okay with he feels uh you know disrespected just by everything that he’s probably done for the organization you can already see even in Dunley be’s tone they’re preparing for the possibility of him possibly leaving you know it would be a sad thing to see I think as a player in today’s day who’s moved around a lot I was a journeyman we see in modern day NBA all these players move around it is really cool to see a guy play one place his entire career have rings there this is a guy who’s probably going to have a statue there one day alongside Steph Jersey definitely would be hung hopefully he stays p l how do how does that conversation go when you talk about what clay has done for the organization and his options he should have it’s tough because when you there there are players that have been in this boat before and it almost feels more like from the organization standpoint a career Achievement Award than it does you what you’re expecting future production to be right and guys sometimes fall into this category because they’re in that in between phase of their games problem with Clay right now is like the the drop off was so dramatic in terms of his inability to make shots at that consistent rate that we were used to that’s when the Warriors are starting to wonder about the number is he going to be unreasonable about the number or or about his role and if either of those things like he’s holding on to with a great deal of Pride it might Force the warriors’s hand in that situation so I think right now you’re trying to get to a place where I think the mutual respect kicks back in and you can find a number in a role that Klay Thompson’s comfor from a roster standpoint what should the Warriors do to feel the best team this year well look the bottom line is this people want to talk about Steph Curry and the Golden State war is contending I just don’t think that’s going to happen if you run it back I don’t think you can run it back with this core and think that that’s going to happen in the Western Conference uh so you have to build around the margin Zack and I don’t know what exactly that means and what that looks like who they get rid of who they jettison off what they replace it with to stay competitive around Steph Curry who’s still playing at at an elite level so our last memory of Klay Thompson is 0 of 10 in a in a must-win game right he did shoot 40% on threes for like the last 40 50 games of the season the dude can still shoot he can’t defend like he used to and here’s the reality for the Warriors as long as Curry is there they have an obligation to try to win to try to contend the question is does clay help that goal enough to hold back a little bit Moses Moody and kaminga and pky and all the players they need to start playing more to transition to the next era and can you build a championship contending team with Steph and those guys getting more minutes it’s a really hard puzzle to solve and Clay may not be a part of it anymore and that’s just the reality we’ll see what the money is and how it works but he can still the dude can still shoot absolutely and Klay Thompson was such a huge part of the championship run of the Golden State Warriors [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

On Get Up, Zach Lowe, Tim Legler and Austin Rivers join Ryan Clark play Fact or Fiction with the Philadelphia 76ers and Cleveland Cavaliers before discussing how the Golden State Warriors should handle Klay Thompson ahead of free agency.

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  1. Klay is in the wrong here. The org backed him through his injuries, offered him good money, and let him start way longer than he should have been, and let him bully shots from Wiggins and kuminga.
    If he feels wronged, he’s wrong

  2. Klay is washed. The Warriors should honestly just tear it all down and rebuild, they had a great run but all their main guys are out of their primes. Even Steph can't carry hard like he used to anymore.

  3. Get your money Clay none of these teams are loyal to any of you players you're all just employees that are used when you're on the top and they give you a nice payday right off into the sunset so get your money up screw loyalty

  4. It's a myth. There is no such thing as 100%
    healthy at the beginning of the playoffs. You must want a ring and want it badly, which means you'll have to play with pain.😉
    Klay Thompson's stroke was declining long before his injuries and let's face it, Klay's strong suit was defense just like Scotty Pippen was for the bulls.

  5. I don't like CP3 on this team. He changed the rotation, didn't bring much to the team, always hurt, and I think he damaged their ability to play at a high level.


  7. The 0-10 in a elimination game gone hunt Klay for the rest of his career lol they even mentioning it on these shows now 😭😭😭

  8. Klay.. wake up.. You're not who you were even 2 years ago.. GS paid you for 4 years while only getting 2 years of 'productivity'.. Take the hometown discount and sign long-term in GS for 12-15m a year and retire a Warrior.. It aint that hard unless you make it so.. PUT YOUR EGO IN CHECK SIR lol

  9. Klay still wants to start and get paid close to max money. The Warriors won't commit to starting him and don't want to pay him anywhere near max money. Looks like Klay will be on a different team .

  10. Play Thompson needs to go to the Lakers. He needs to be with a team that has an offense system as you can tell now the Lakers are going to have a real offensive system and then. Not gonna have a fake Coach who does not know how to coach basketball like Darvin ham

  11. If Klay Thompson goes to the Lakers, his jersey and anything else of his apparel or with his likeness will sell triple then what he did in the Bay Area

  12. The way they ate treating klay is wrong on every level. He is not the reason they are losing. No bench, lack of size, etc. The roster has not improved in years. Trade paul

  13. Klay Thompson should go with the Lakers he’ll be with the better off system plus he’s a Laker for life. Also, everything with his name on it will sell tremendously crazy. Also Steve Kerr is not running a triangle offense no more he’s running an offense that is stagnant and doesn’t even work. He needs to go back to the triangle office. He should want to keep clay Thompsonbecause he’s a better shooter than Steve Kerr ever would be so at the end of the day we will take him the Lakers.

  14. Remember last year, the Lakers had a coach who wasn’t a real coach cause he had no place to call and he had no strategy for defense so this year we’re tremendously better and we could’ve won the championship if we had a smarter coach this year that’s facts

  15. Please listen to Tim Legler people, he is a great basketball mind! If Klay wants to leave you let him, he has earned that right. However,the Warriors have also earned the right to do what is best for their franchise, remember this is an organization that paid Klay Thompson for over 2yrs and received nothing back during that period. But here is what Klay Thompson has to realize, he can leave for more years and money but is a year and 5 to 10 million worth what you would be leaving. No coach knows Klay like Steve Kerr, no teammates know and accept his personality like Steph, Dray, Looney, etc. No organization/owners will support Klay like the Warriors…..and even more importantly there is not a team or organization active right now that has the mentality and championship DNA of the Warriors or longevity (4 rings) as do the Warriors! You are not getting that with Orlando, Lakers, Clippers, Denver or any of these other teams I am hearing are interested in throwing a bag at Klay! The grass always looks greener on the other side until you get there and look back and see it was actually greener where I was! So Klay think long and hard and beyond the money before you make a decision…. But whatever you decide, I will respect and you will always be a Warrior in my eyes and one half of the Greatest Backcourt in the history of basketball as well as a member of one of the greatest teams ever assembled in that of the 2017 Golden State Warrior Team! Go Warriors!!!!

  16. I got a feeling that the Warriors front office rushed klay back from injury to try to win games. And since they didn't win he's getting all the blame. Klay like I risked my career coming back early to help yal try to win and yal won't give me a reasonable contract # after all the championships.

  17. warriors and klay should compromise. they want to give him 2yrs, he wants 3yrs+, make it 2yrs+1yr team option.

  18. Being a warriors fan I can’t see klay leaving but I feel like it’s coming…….whatever happens happens tho

  19. Just remember Klay Thompson went 0-10 in an elimination game. He didn’t care then but he’s the second best shooter Golden State has ever seen

  20. Klay is a crybaby B. Coming from a warriors fan, he should be happy warriors gave him 2 years of free money during his injuries. Now is he trash and washed up, he still demands to be paid big. Be haply your got offered 2 years/48 because you are worth 10M/ year now cuz you suck.

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