@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons NBA Draft Sleepers & Rumors w/ Pistons Talk

Detroit Pistons NBA Draft Sleepers & Rumors w/ Pistons Talk

let’s get to uh let’s talk some Detroit Pistons with my guy Anthony from Pistons talk because he is joining the program here uh we’re going to we’re going to break down draft is Wednesday he’ll be joining us uh today we’ll try to have him on as much as we can obviously with draft week approaching Tom goris talking to the media hey gotta watch out for that traffic you know that that traffic in Detroit very vicious down there never been in traffic but you know it I also that was also when I was in traffic it there was one time it was like 5 six o’clock this press conference started at 3 so I’m just throwing that out there but let’s let’s get on Anthony in here let’s get his thoughts on it please welcome to the show Pistons talk and my good friend Anthony what’s going on Anthony what’s up fellas how are we good good uh heard you guys talking about traffic um no uh hugs or threaten the needle yet but uh let’s get into it yeah sorry Anthony we can’t we can’t offer you a 4 AM hug it is not on the menu today but I will I will tell you this Anthony Wednesday lot going on all right Trent langden has hands full and I’m not just talking about full with Tom Gores I’m talking about with the actual NBA draft all right there’s a lot to get into uh we’ll get to the coaching stuff in a little bit here but I want to ask you at least at this point it’s Monday June 24th uh we did a literally a whole Lottery uh rotating piics and we talked a little bit about prospects but is there anybody that you’re specifically at least a couple guys that you’re looking for um for the Detroit Pistons as perfect fits because we know trj and Lang did mention the presser that they might not stay put at five yeah that’s kind of like the million-dollar question where are they going to be picking at um assuming they’re going to be picking at five uh what I’ve heard a lot is Matas balis out of the G league night um I I think that would be a lock for the Pistons at five um you know other players doton connect Ry Holland uh Donovan kingan if he slips at you’re gonna get a quality player at five if you do stay there Jeff yeah and Anthony kind of looking before five do you think there’s a team that can really disrupt what the Pistons have going on in their board is there a team that is looking at similar prospects and if they take it you think could really alter langan’s board I think the one team that I’m really curious about is Houston um even that’s not really their pick that’s uh Brooklyn’s pick from the James Harden trade and you know they got the third overall pick but Houston is the one team where I’m really curious to see if they keep the pick there’s been lot to talk about them possibly trading out of that pick um there reports that they might Target re Sheard that’s that’s another guy if he does fall at five I think the Detroit Pistons would be excited if he was at five but Houston is that one team where I’m looking at uh that could disrupt their board and I want to ask you this too at least for me when I when I when I talk about some of the prospects that are ideal we look at three and D guys I know Cody Williams we’ve talked about as well and I know e was was mentioning he had like a list of pro ects he’s most interested in what about Cody Williams uh because he’s a guy that’s kind of been floating around to that 8 to 10 range if they trade back is that a guy who who could potentially be there at that spot or you think he’s someone that’s going to continue to rise up the draft boards as a good three and D guy someone that and also Brothers with a very good player in Jaylen Williams there’s a possibility Cody Williams goes top five Jeff uh there there’s no there’s no guarantee Cody Williams is going to be down there uh from people that I’ve talked to that are way smarter than me that cover the NBA draft they would not be surprised if Cody Williams goes as high as four to the Spurs or as high as five uh to the Pistons but um I I I think Cody Williams if you get past the injuries you get past the low shooting volume this is a guy that is just a freak nature just pure Alpha just athletic Wing that you like 68 71 wingspan loves the play in transition can shoot it a little bit but I I I don’t think there’s any guarantee he’s there um you do want to trade back if you’re the Pistons and that’s the million dollar question oh my bad Jeff go ahead no no continue that’s the million dollar question whether they stayed put or not I say kind of going off that Anthony if they were to move up what do you think they would have to give up in order to do so do you think it’d be a jayen Duran or Jaden Ivy or do you think he’d be a player that maybe isn’t so more impactful but they’re giving up more draft assets but I don’t think that’s the logical thing to do for this team is giving up more draft assets Isaiah Stewart oh beef be move up drafts I don’t think the draft’s worth it Anthony but they might be trading Isaiah Stewart isah Stewart honestly if they were to trade up uh to your point I don’t think they go Duran I don’t think they go ivr I I I or Kate Cunningham for that matter there’s some people in the the city talking crazy about Kade off get that off my chest um but I honestly think there isn’t a player in the Pistons core that is worth trading up to five in this draft class it just kind of tells you like I don’t like this say that this draft class is weak there’s just not a Bonafide superstar that people are hyping up there’s a lot of good players um in this Lottery but if you go kind of go outside the lottery the drop off and talent really isn’t like that severe like they’re they’re very comparable if you if you look at guys that are around that 15 to like 20 range I don’t know if this is true I I don’t know I don’t know if this is true all right I saw this I don’t I’m just asking you because you know this is it true that there’s prospects that aren’t willing to work out for the Pistons there is some truth to that given they don’t given they don’t have a head coach um there was a very short list of confirmed workouts I could kind I’m trying to remember I know Cody Williams was one Maus Bellis was one uh TJ salong from chalette was W another French Prospect and chobi Walter out of Baylor was one and that that was kind of the list and the other guys that they worked out aren’t even projected to be draft picks they’re they’re guys that are probably going to be uh undrafted uh for uh free agent pickups that you could maybe sign on two ways or kind of fill out your g-league team so it it’s kind of weird kind of when you look at the the pre-draft workouts with the Pistons um who they’re working out kind of gives you an indication of like what they think of this upcoming draft Jeff yeah I mean Alex there’s Alex SAR he’s just like I’m good I don’t want to go to Atlanta it’s like has alexar been to uh Magic City I mean go to Magic City get some lemon pepper wings I guarantee you he’s going to want to go number one that’s weird wants to be the franchise player in Washington hey to each his own um but I’ll ask you I’ll ask you this Anthony any any player that uh you think would be a sleeper for the Pistons in terms of could potentially fall or a player that’s selected at five or trading back and selecting that Pistons fans aren’t talking about enough at this point I I I think for a sleeper if you want to trate back uh KH we Indiana is a stretch big that I I think more people uh once they watch the tape they’ll see like the upside there the only concern with him is like really motor issues and if you’re not really really worried about that that’s a guy that you could uh draft uh a guy that I talked about with you D Holmes um I I think he’s gonna rise up this draft he’s just way too good way too talented um Tristan the Silva out of Colorado even though he’s around 22 23 they shouldn’t really scare you uh just kind of of that prototypical you know three four if you will kind of like what Simone fio plays I think those are some of the players that you could look at as possible sleepers if you want to trade down in terms of like in the top five I I don’t really think Jeff you could say there are any sleepers in the top five it’s kind of G given this draft class but I mean I I’ll give you a name um TJ salong can go as high as five out of chalette it would not surprise me yeah he’s someone you’ve been mentioning a lot I’ve seen more and more Pistons fans talk about him too in terms of just the upside there um I’ll ask you with the coaching search still going on and they’ve interviewed Sean Sweeney who had former T he’s been a part of the Pistons Organization for a couple of years uh JJ reck is already gone he’s he did his uh he did his press conf with the Lakers that was interesting I’ll watch that if you have some free time um talking to people in the chat but another another person who’s been rumored the most James bgo Kenny aison was hired by the Cleveland Cavaliers and here’s my thing with James bergo I don’t I don’t necessarily hate the hire because I understand why I understand the why offens of mind uh going back with Charlotte uh some would say overperformed the RO given uh given the roster he had at the time was with New Orleans they had a really productive offense like Shawn Murphy late and he’s really good at that stuff um and he played it out on Twitter I’ve seen Pistons fans talk about it as well I just there’s a part of me Anthony I don’t know if how you feel about this but the idea of hiring a coach who’s been fired does scare me a little bit but then you have that other side where it’s like you hired Dwayne Casey Coach of the Year Monty Williams coach of the year and it just didn’t work out so really I guess it doesn’t really matter uh when it comes down to it but your thoughts on James bgo in compared to a Chris Quinn who I was still probably number one on my goget list for sure I mean I I think when people look at James bgo I I’ve seen it from Pistons fans recently they think Tran langens is hiring all people that he’s worked with but James bgo comes from the Greg papovich coaching tree that’s where he got his start I think if you want a offensive-minded coach that really values the transition game values the Simplicity of just offense he would be your guy he would be a guy that can come in he’s young I think he’s only like 46 47 years old it doesn’t really concern me that he got a raw deal in Charlotte I mean I don’t like to call you know franchises poverty but Charlotte’s kind of been poverty Jeff that’s fair you you look at their coaching pre under bgo they tried to hire Kenny ainson Kenny ainson got there said nah I’m good and they had to hire their Old Coach that they fired Steve Clifford so I wouldn’t really look at Charlotte as a team as kind of like the standard like oh well Charlotte Charlotte fired them we shouldn’t want him I think if you get a James burgo what you need to know is he is going to De simplify and teach these young Detroit Pistons how to set up offense he really values just the offensive game game and I I think that’s what we really haven’t seen like all last year you didn’t see ball movement it was just isos for 15 seconds and just let Kate Cook um I I honestly like the James BR go higher if that’s where they’re gonna go where where are you at in terms of the perfect fit when when you’re looking at a philosophy is it is it an offensive coach uh is it a culture Builder defensive coach where are you at is it is it should it be an offensive-minded head coach I think it depends when you look at the roster when you look at what Troy Weaver uh left Trent Lon now you had mentioned a guy in Chris Quinn who is very similar to burgo but Chris Quinn what you have to know is he’s not really known as like this exen out coach he’s more of a just a development coach do you look at guys like Duncan Robinson Tyler hero b at bio he’s had his hand uh with fo in the Miami Heat just developing those guys and helping them get ready each and every day I think Chris Quinn would be a good hire but I think the philosophy offensively be a little bit different um in in terms of like Shan Sweeney because I know you mentioned him what you have to know about Sean Sweeney is this guy is just a basketball sicko um he literally wrote a book about X’s and O’s he’s a more of a defensive minded coach so if you want to go Defense John Sweeney is probably where you’re looking at offense you’re probably looking at bgo you’re probably looking at Quinn you’re probably looking at Mike anori yeah that’s I I just by the way I did see Sean Sween he had like a whole uh you could pay for it it’s online like a whole course for coaching and X’s and O’s I he’s a sick O2 uh but to your point just about this process for Tran langden uh we didn’t I didn’t get a chance to talk to you on Friday I know we we did our our uh alternating pick draft before the press conference but what are your thoughts on just Tran the press conference Tom Gores what are your thoughts on just the introductory press conference as a whole how how those two guys kind of came off to to Pistons fans I think Tom Gores I’ll start with him first I think he came out very vulnerable um he he came out of that pressure admitting that he’s made mistakes and that that was the one time in my Pistons phandom since Tom gors has purchased a team where I was like well maybe he’s got it maybe he’s reflecting a little bit you don’t really have to hire the best available name you could hire someone like a Trad Langan that has an impressive resume but he’s young he’s hungry he just needs that opportunity that’s what I felt with Tom um you know mentioning Tran Lon and the presser with Tran the one thing that I really liked about him is he seems like the type of guy that has a 10-point plan Jeff he seems like the type of guy that went to Tom Gore’s house probably had like a you know 15 page PowerPoint to present to him how to get out of this mess that the Pistons are currently in yeah this is my face when I um watched the whole press conference I me this was this was my face listening to Tom gor I was just I’m sitting there going okay yeah right yeah you know the monologue I do appreciate a good monologue Anthony um I do I don’t I don’t think I listen I I think Tom Gores in all Ser all in all seriousness I I will give him this and I mentioned this to Sean as well because when we’re recording today uh I’ll give him I’ll give him credit for recognizing and owning up to his mistakes I think that is that does show that shows a sense of maturity when you drop 80 $80 million not $80 $80 million basically to say good buy to a coach there are owners that would be like hey I don’t know if I’m gonna maybe we should let him stick around for a little bit here I mean we’re paying this guy a lot of money let’s let this thing kind of cook a little bit he he said hey I I messed up he’s gone made the decision you know they they you know he kind of got grilled a little bit by by W shout out to W from 971 and Jeff rer they they stuck it to a I mean they they did and he I thought held himself you know he didn’t have a terrible response but I thought Tran my takeaway is he is he’s very sharp very very sharp you know competent I guess would be a good word for it I Troy Weaver not that he was fully incompetent but when at least you listen to Tran speak there is a sense of okay this guy has the leadership qualities the way he approaches everything his understanding of culture which is something that you know we we’re blessed with with the Lions and and how they’re so in sync from top to bottom it seems like the line the Pistons want to get to that where they are in sync one one universal voice and everyone’s aligned with what they want to do as an organization do you I how much Faith do you have in this kind of panning out with with with one universal voice do you think Tom Gores can just step out be like you know what trer langon you run this thing I know he called him I had some notes Here called him uh said he could run a steel company was one of the things he said very CEO minded um do do you have faith that he will they will fully let Tran cook a little bit here not have multiple voices I I do given where the franchise is currently at okay um if you look since Tom gors has purchased the team Joe Dumars was still uh the the president of basketball operations he fires Joe Dumars hires Mo Cheeks fires Mo Cheeks hires B gundi he was the president let him go um it has just been a revolving door and I I think in that press conference what I respected the most about Tom Gores is he’s like you know what I I’ve tried to hire the best people it’s not working I think he honestly believes Tran can fix this I think he’s willing to give him just full autonomy to do what he wants uh not report to AR tellum like Trey Weber had to do his entire 10 year um there there’s not going to be any you know four decision Mak because that’s what the Pistons basically had for the decision makers while Troy Weaver was here Troy Weaver when it does get out because it is going to get out because I know he did take a senior advisor role with the Wizards today when it gets out what he went through in Detroit I think some people are going to be really upset and pissed off yeah what do you what do you mean by that Anthony Troy literally had I’m not breaking any news Troy had no autonomy to do what he wanted if he wanted to trade for a player had go AR tellum he wanted to do anything had to go to ar tellum ar tellum is the vice chairman he’s a part owner so when Tom Gores isn’t in town arum’s calling the shots so Troy really couldn’t do what he wanted here we really don’t know what his vision may be so it’ll be really interesting what what happens in Washington because that’s a lot of former OKC guys in one front office yeah that’s the thing that I I do want to mention I mean I’m not going to excuse sh Weaver and some of the things that transpired here but what I will say is the situation that traid langan’s in is ideal I mean you get not in terms of the talent now a young Talent there are some but in terms of the the the money available you don’t have a ton of bad contracts like it’s not the worst it could be worse all it could be even worse I just saw a report Shams just put out that the Pistons and Jazz are suitors in the Tobias Harris Market oh yeah and does that fit your fancy uh yeah well Anthony what do you what do you think about that the the bringing Tobias Mr put up a donut in a playoff game I think I think he could contribute anybody could contribute he’s a wing he could shoot what are your thoughts on a potential Tobias Harris acquisition I don’t hate the idea of Tobias Harris I hate what it might cost to get him because I think Tobias Harris at the end of the day is a consistent player now I know he didn’t show it in the playoffs I mean there’s a lot of donuts uh this this past playoffs but Tobias Harris throughout his career has been a very good basketball player he’s been a guy that can get you 15 15 and seven um not surprised by this reporting this has been a reporting like dating all the way back to this past February the Pistons front office really is targeting in on Tobias Harris miles Bridges don’t be surprised that they tried to make a run at ogan anobi there’s interest there um but it sounds like from what Shams is saying Tobias Harris is going to be the guy that the Pistons will go after because it seems like a more real estate option for them actually I really like the OG like just because how solid he is defensively and he can’t spread the floor what are what do you think the chances are that he actually becomes a piston do you think it’s more likely compared to the other players that are out there because I feel like OG’s a guy that any team could use they could pay him too pay yeah I I think if you really want to make the Knicks sweat you have to offer OG a four-year Max because that’s the only way you’re gonna make them sweat because they want to resign Isaiah hartenstein they want to resign ogn and Obi they gave up a lot to get ogn and Obi now if you’re the Pistons and you feel ogn anobi is that type of guy that you could pair next to assar and Kate Cunningham then you do it you you throw him that four-year Max and make the Nick sweat don’t do them any more favors make them sweat the way that they’ve been making Pistons fans is pissed off for the last three years yeah I think there’s a part of it too where you know people you know we we look at numbers and we dictate good contract bad contract but we have to factor in what the Pistons are and where they are as an organization like you’re going to have to pay more money to some of these free agents than you typically would or another team would that’s in a better situation that’s just what comes with the territory so I don’t I don’t have a problem giving OG whatever he wants because I know what he can provide immediately defensively offensively dude’s a 50 he was almost 5040 from the from uh just the field and from three so and what he can do defensively so I’m open to any more names out there I know Gary Trent JR we’ve talked about any any other names that that Pistons fan should look forward to at least keep in mind comfor agency that that that are on your list I would keep an eye on Gary Harris uh former Michigan State Alum uh if you wanna if you strike out on Gary Trant you did strike out on the uh shooting guard free agency market Gary Trent could be a very cheap sneaky option um I would keep an eye on Mitchell Robinson as a possible trade partner for the Pistons because sounds like uh he’s not too happy with his playing time there it’s a it’s a rim protector a lob threat that that’s a guy that I would I would keep an eye out um I I do if if you don’t mind there’s one coach that I actually heard in passing that the Pistons might interview um you guys ready who is this yeah David joerger oh really former Memphis Grizzlies head coach I do I do remember I honestly like I know he wasn’t the greatest but he wasn’t the worst either like it’s a guy that at least defensively can give you something what what well what are your thoughts on that Anthony uh David David yeah I know I remember with the Kings what some background info on him he’s just a a underrated coach I don’t really think he got a lot of fair shots of where he was with current teams I I think he’s a coach that I wouldn’t be surprised if he at least got an interview I we just got our first round of interviews like I don’t expect them to hire coach until at least July I really do like I don’t see them hiring a coach uh by the draft I I think it’ll be more July but in terms of Jagger I I I I like the defensive strategy that he brings to the table I I like that he has experience of building uh with older teams if you want to look up the gr Gran Grizzlies with like Zack Randolph Mark cul Mike connley Allen that those were like because those were always like that that one two seed that would just give you hell they would never upset anybody but they just gave him hell like Mike Cony pow gasa who they Tony Allen dogs over there gritty yeah those were some gritty teams well Tom mentioned grit in the press conference huh come on a little bit of grit it must be just spreading around the city just grit so a never know meetings and hugs yeah I mean yeah 4 amm meetings hugging I yeah whatever they whatever they got to do whatever they got to do I see this Kryptonic TV I like Sam Cassell too think he’s kind of the guy that can pull scoring out of these dip shits well it’s a little aggressive but what do you what do you think about that Anthony Sam Castell because Cory Cory shout out to Cory Woods by the way he mentioned that as well as a possible kind of sleeper someone to look out for from what I’ve heard the Pistons haven’t even contacted Sam Cassel yet so I don’t know it if it’s because JJ reck was rumored to bring him to La I don’t know if maybe Sam Cel isn’t interested in the Detroit Pistons because I think a lot of times when we talk about coaches we we kind of compile a list but the coach has to be interested to want to come here Fair um you know he he just won an NBA championship with Boston um does he go to the Lakers and help JJ reck in his first year coaching we’re gonna you know we’re gonna have to wait and see but I think Sam cassella is a name if you’re piston fan maybe it’s kind of like a pipe dream at this point but he he’s definitely a guy that if you talk about Kate Cunningham Sam Cassell could help Kate Cunningham out so much man during his Heyday he was just a dog as a player and you know he’s seen some of the best guard out there I mean he’s seen John Wall he’s seen Russell Westbrook um he he’s seen a lot of these top tier guards in the NBA and I think he could really help Kate Cunningham and a Jon Ivy yeah I agree with you there I would not be mad at Sam Cassell I well respected knows what it takes and and like you said worked with a lot of great guards great stuff Anthony we’ll have you back uh if you’re free I know you got something planned probably Wednesday on your channel which you guys can check out at Pistons talk on YouTube and pisson talk across all social media platforms but I’ll see you soon my friend I appreciate you taking the time today apprciate there you go Mr Anthony Columbo

Jeff Iafrate and Lukas Klotz are joined by Pistons Talk (@PistonsTalk) to discuss the Detroit Pistons head coaching search, NBA Free Agency, and who the Pistons should draft at fifth overall.

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