@New York Knicks



had to fix the hat right there what’s going on people welcome to the LV live show I’m LV live please hit that like share subscribe button once again I want to thank all the new subscribers for coming by to my channel man it is truly truly appreciated so what this is going to be excuse me what this is gonna be is gonna be a week wrapup show man to pretty much talk about all the things that happened which was a lot this week in New York Knicks basketball man so we gotta kind of uh go back and check that out and kind of run down that also too if you’re watching us on replay right please hit that subscribe button also too leave comments because I do resp do respond to those right so let’s get right into it right the first thing I want to talk about first thing I want to touch on there’s a lot of things that they talked about from the Mitch and the iHeart stuff to you know of course randle’s interview with with Melo and mea on 7 PM in Brooklyn that’s the first thing I want to touch on right because this interview really gave you an inside look into Randall and what how he’s been maturing as a player and all the things that he has changed with since you know that whole thumbs down incident right how he’s evolved shall I say um and through this interview I really gained a new found respect for him like I really truly have just to see his growth since first coming here a couple years ago also too I left a link down at the bottom right for the show so please go by and check that out right great show Big T what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live tonight on this Sunday Nick’s weekly recap so gained a lot of respect from Randall after this you know there’s a lot of things I already knew but him going in depth about a lot of different things but first off the first thing they started off in um the interview was his shoulder and the status of his shoulder Randle said stated that his shoulder is good he’s rehabbing it everything his surgery went great um and right now he’s in the progress of pretty much being ready for the season right Mero made a joke saying that oh you know on a percentage where you at he said he can’t get no percentage but you know it’s looking like he’ll pretty much be ready to go start of the Season which is fabulous to hear uh and right after that he really talked about went in depth on the struggles that he was dealing with you know after hurting his shoulder now of course if you guys remember right it was all the talks is Rand ready to go can he play is he sitting out how’s the rehab going remember Elvie talked about it we had we didn’t hear anything and on this show you heard it I said listen if he’s not ready to go and he can’t go you got to sit him let him get the surgery and be ready to go next year I would hate for him to be pushed to the limit in the brink if you know he’s not ready to go if he’s not ready to go cuz we weren’t hearing anything guys we just hearing that he was you know rehabing or trying we didn’t know where he was at it was you know he should be back in a couple of weeks you know it was a whole bunch of stuff based on his interview Randle was pretty much saying that he was nowhere near to being ready at all so he said there were times when you know he he was just afraid to do certain things right he said you know he didn’t even feel like he can get a rebound he was trying to rehab but he knew his shoulder was messed up he knew that you know he couldn’t fall because he felt like if he would fall it would pop right back out he would be injured but then he was dealing with the issue of you know not feeling like a teammate and wanting to be there and not being there and kind of not feeling part of the team and because it was a lot of great things that was going on this year with the addition of OG and noi we look like a totally different team in January and it was a lot of uh positive things to look forward to and what this next team could be so of course he wanted to be part of that ride of course the rise of Jaylen Brunson what he has become Rand wanted to be part of that but he couldn’t do it because his shoulder was a lot worse than what pretty much was being put out there so Randa was just saying he was struggling with that and what really helped him was his teammates his teammates pretty much let him know he’s still part of the team just because he’s hurt this doesn’t mean that you know he’s letting the team down you know all these different things that Randle said he was struggling with Melo also touched on the issues that he was having when he Curt his shoulder here with the Knicks and how he decided to go and play play play through the surgery not excuse me not get the surgery and play through the paint and just was rehabing um and of course you know as you guys know Rand elected to get surgery and remember guys remember doing that playoff game remember it was that it was was no was it the playoff game it was either the playoff game against Philly or maybe right at the end of the season I forget when an interview was but remember the interview that the guy stated that he spoke to Randle Randle said he knew it was time to shut it down because he hurt himself while he was trying to rehab remember that and I was saying that and he said that happened weeks ago so Randle knew for a while based on this PO he his just wasn’t ready and so that was those were the things he was battling with so should was a lot worse than what pretty much you know was reported but to me the biggest part and all this stuff has happened at the beginning interview guys so once again like I said I’ll leave I left the link below so you guys go down and check that out so another big thing that Rand new touched on which I thought was the biggest part of this interview you know um is when he talked about the thumbs down incident um now guys remember we’re about this season will be pretty much I want to say three years removed from that right coming into this season but right now technically it’s you know two years removed from the thumbs down um and rold talked about how he mentioned he said he laughs at it now he said because he looks back and he just remembers all the type of things that he was going through emotionally right remember guys he’s just coming off of the Allstar it was supposed to be a really good season and he wasn’t playing well the team wasn’t playing well so the expectations were so so so high for them um he just didn’t play well that year at all and I remember um doing a video way back you guys go check it out if you want to um and I said you know heavy is the head that wears the crown and I did not think Randle was ready right I really didn’t think so thought he’s a really good player but thought it was I saw limitations in his game and I didn’t think he was ready back then I just didn’t and I I made a video on it and Randle spoke about it in this interview and stated that this was nothing that you know this is New York’s a different place basically and we all know that right Us New Yorkers right and he had never dealt with you know people screaming at him and telling him he stinks he sucks and just how aggressive New York fans can be and we know we can be when you’re not playing well and you’re not doing well and he had never dealt with anything like that before and he said that and at the time he knew he was playing like crap he knew it like it wasn’t like he just didn’t know he felt like he was playing like no he said he at the time he was trying to keep a positive head be optimistic but the pressure of playing here is like no other that’s just what it is and that’s when that happened he said he learned so much from that he grew so much because he realized like you know that’s not the best way to go about something like that and you have to be able to know how to deal with the ups and downs that come with playing in this city and he said it really helped him learn so much about himself right it really helped him grow a lot as a player and you’re seeing it now um I think a big part of that growth is not just Randle himself but I think the other half is Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson coming here and taking a lot of the weight off shoulders and being able to weather those other um obstacles and the weight of carrying a team and they can balance it out with Randle has really really helped Randle it really truly has and I think that that’s what has really changed things for him was the arrival of Jaylen Brunson because I told you guys we’ve spoken about it at the end of that season everybody was talking about trading Randall everybody was talking about letting Obie play the four and let R give the keys to RJ I never forget it I did a show on that that’s what we were talking about we wanted we want to Rand out of here we wanted him G then that’s somebody they made the deal to get Brunson right so wasn’t that we’re not we’re not that far removed right from that and that was coming off of that thumbs down season right so he talks about that his growth and I think a big part of that is um jayen Brunson another big part of it which I thought Melo made a fabulous Point Melo mentioned to him that you know he said he said I know you’re from Texas right and and you know of course Rand said yeah he’s from Dallas so New York is different right so if you’re not used to that type of mentality or that type of person in-your-face type of person that’s going to tell you how it is that’s an adjustment it really truly is culturally it’s an adjustment and I’ve talked about this on my show before guys i’ I’ve touched on this about how the Knicks the way their DNA is right now culturally if you pay attention it’s all guys who are from the Northeast right who are kind of aggressive in your face you know Josh Hart DC guy Jaylen Brunson New Jersey New York Chicago diven shenzo Delaware right next to Philly right so these guys are little know they cut a little differently they they just are remember the coach is from Chicago so you got a different type of guy in that locker room and the one that’s spearheading is BR Brunson so he’s bringing that DNA and that way of doing things so hence when Brunson is struggling he’s going up and down during the season you don’t see a difference with Brunson he’s even ke whether he done drop 40 or he done drop 21 he’s the same guy it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if the Knicks lose or they win brunson’s giv the same answer same thing it’s kind of very similar to Derek Jeter right Derek Jeter always said they said how you do so well in world world series he said listen man I treat these games like it’s the first game of the season that’s it and when you have a guy like that that understands this city and knows how to deal with it like that that’s the perfect leader to have and I think him Brunson being like that has rubbed off on everybody else including Randall and that’s getting back to what Melo said Melo said you’re from you’re from Dallas man like New York is different like it’s you know you you had an adjustment period you had to adjust to what the expectations were in this city and how to deal with people if him from Dallas this ain’t the same man it’s just not and like I said earlier heavy is the head that wears the crown this is a different place man this is a different different place it is and I think Randle found that out quick but at the same time it helped him grow and with the addition of Brunson and a lot of those other DNA pieces like of course the Nova Trio even a guy like deuce right same type of DNA right guys Cincinnati when he played football right so you still have that you know rough rough on the edges type of guy he was also coached by Bob Huggins very similar to tibs hard-nosed guy you know Bob Huggins over in West Virginia came from Cincinnati that was his college coach same type of guy right so you got to understand that stuff matters when you come into a locker room that stuff matters when you’re dealing with challenges through the season because you got to have certain guys in that locker room that know how to deal with you know the city that you’re playing in and to me that’s why Brunson is no better leader for this team for this team maybe other teams but for this team and in this city than Jaylen Brunson because he pretty much sets up you know or shall I say not even set up let me say it differently he gives the blueprint of how you should handle things and how you should deal with the media and how you should handle winning and losing how you handle the pressure playing in this city he gives the blueprint and everybody else follow suit and to me that’s what he does and that’s what has helped out Randall um but yeah once again listen go check that out man it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s a great way to kind of see how Randle has grown how he has in many ways man so they also talked about a lot of different things they talked about Cal and playing at I Cal Parry I mean playing in college nil talked about you know growing up in Dallas you know a lot of great things they talked about um with Randle but you see you see the evolution of a guy starting to understand who he is um he spoke about the importance of winning here and how that that’s why he felt like he wanted to come back because he said at this point in his career he’s going on year 10 it’s all about winning now it’s all about winning period it’s all about your legacy he understands that he talked about Kobe too um so it’s a lot of great topics that he touched on he talked about um during that interview it’s really really good you guys definitely got to check it out so the other piece that came out um this week uh was Jake fiser from Yahoo sports discussed and mentioned how the Knicks are shopping or you know talking to people regarding a Mitchell Robinson trade now this is all coming it’s just the domino effect of things right also to Ian Begley has also touch stated that he’s also heard similar things at the Knicks in talks with different teams in regards to what a trade looks like for Mitchell Robinson you know once again right this is a domino effect because this is pretty much coming on the heels of Oklahoma City trading Josh giddy for Alex Caruso right Caruso who I wish Nick would have made a deal for but he’s he’s in OKC now so now what that does is that changes things in regards to the whole iHeart thing for them because now they’re going to have to pretty much pay for and excuse me pay Alex Caruso so I don’t see them paying big money n what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocket with LV live on this Sunday hope everyone’s enjoying their weekend enjoyed their weekend and enjoying their Sunday night I don’t think that leaves enough money for iHeart now right so that changes things so once again this league everything every move has an outcome every move has a domino effect and that Caruso move change things so let’s thank Chicago right for making that deal sending Josh giddy over to Chicago Caruso to OKC so it looks like OKC is gonna probably go for a cheaper backup to chck because they know they gonna have to come out come with the bag to pay ihart so that looks like the Nicks he’s gonna want up staying with New York and the Nicks is gonna want up giving him the 72 and a half million dolls I believe it’s over four years so does that mean they’re going to want up paying Mitchell Robinson the whole $60 million or whatever he’s owed $30 million of that contract that that’s where that changes things now because I don’t I don’t see them keeping two bigs who are making that whole amount of money there’s also been reports now recently today that the Knicks were also in talks with the Wizards regarding Mitchell Robinson so this is something I see is pretty much it’s inevitable man you know with the draft coming around next week of course Thursday um I think it’s just a matter of time before the Knicks make a move um in regards to you know Mitch I think it’s looking like you know ihe heart’s gonna wind up staying I think the Knicks gonna wind up giving him the bag and I think they’re gonna move off of Mitchell Robinson whatever move they look to make I I hope that they wind up getting like a wing in that deal uh you know kind of find out who the suitors are going to be um but that’s what it’s looking like you know I don’t see I I I just don’t see the Knicks keeping both of those guys at all and with the talks being out there a couple of days ago of Jake fiser for Yahoo sports and Ian Begley hearing at the Nicks in conversations about that and then now the news that comes out today in regards to the Wizards and the Knicks having conversations in regards to Mitchell Robinson I think it’s just a matter of time and you know it stinks because you know we love Mitch right he’s home grown right U we’ve kind of built him up from the bottom up we got him straight out of high school so um you want to see a guy who’s been a lifelong Nick right to stay with the Knicks but it’s his business man and I think that you have to make the best move possible uh for your team in order for you guys to continue to grow because I think the Knicks are right there we’re contenders right now right we we we definitely are so now every move that they make has to be she I can’t even say strategic and focused on winning and winning now not winning two years from now not building no winning that you were number two seed in the East and the only thing that hurt you guys really this year was injuries so now you have everybody coming back healthy now I think it’s time to make that push right all gas no breaks and I think you know a lot of people see the Knicks as a contender up there with Philly and Milwaukee to challenge Boston and then and for us as Knicks fans this is what we wanted right this is very similar to how it was in the 90s the Knicks Were Always In Contention they were always battling the the Pacers and the Bulls that’s who they were always battling in those 90s those were the teams and the heat of course excuse me but the Nicks were right there in the mix losing in the semi finals losing in Eastern Conference Finals they were always right there the couple times they made it to the finals so that’s where we want this team to be and hopefully get him over the hump to winning the NBA Championship right there so to me whatever moves the Knicks make that’s what it’s got to be predicated on period and the story should not be like you know just trying to get some pieces just to you know no no no we gotta kind of fill up that bench and if we can get another Wing that’ll be beautiful now of course a lot of people still talking about the whole poor George thing you know what I mean I mean I don’t know I don’t know it’s not looking like he’s going to I’m going back to the Clippers I I I I I don’t know man I don’t know I think it’s like 5050 as I SI my tea that’s good stuff I think it’s like a 5050 CP what’s going on man hope all is well everybody go sub subscribe to CP hey CP man Yanks is struggling man Yanks is struggling the best way to get back on track is to knock you boys off we will see you Monday sir we will see you Monday CP that’s a bad place to be for you Mets fans a yankee team that’s lost last three series and nether way to get back in the winning column perfect timing for us bad timing for you guys CP appreciate you coming through rocking with L live man everybody please go subscribe the CP Mets and nck great show over there he’s doing big things over there please go go by and subscribe to my boy man’s doing great things over there so the whole poor poor George thing right so I don’t know what the Clippers are going to do I mean it’s kind of like it’s it’s a weird place because I I I think he wants to stay because he is the LA guy but they’re not they don’t seem like they’re really making a push and here’s the thing they know guys want them they know Philly wants them he’d be a beautiful piece for embiid in those boys right and he would be a great piece for the Knicks you know now I uh Jeremy noza man I appreciate you coming through Rock with LV live if you haven’t subscribed please subscribe to the channel but I appreciate you Jeremy coming through and rocking with me and my crew man um so the whole Paul George thing I just you know so I don’t know man I’m kind of like 50-50 because I you know he he’s he’s a aging star he’s kind of very similar to Jimmy Butler to me all those guys are old you know so I don’t really want it’s like old Nick stuff man I don’t want to be know I want somebody that’s Young and Hungry and ready to go I don’t really want none of these old Stars man that’s going to want $40 $50 million a year you know cuz that’s where they’re at in their career they’re trying to get their last payday and they’re looking for the next to do so you know what I mean so I’m I’m I’m you know I’m kind of um but Paul George is tough man and he would make us a really really good team he would but but but but the thing with Paul George right my only issue was that I feel like if we get him we’re g to have to give up a lot and it’s going to kind of be like shortlived it’s the same thing with um with Clay right same thing like to me they’re like the same guy Paul George may be a little bit better of course less injuries he had the broken leg but you know um you know Clay’s coming off the Achilles and ACL he doesn’t look like the same guy he just doesn’t that’s why they put him on a bench with golden state right so do you want to bring that big contract both of those guys are gonna demand because of what they’ve done in this league to bring him over to the Knicks are you guys really gonna want to do that as good as those guys are and listen here’s the thing they can produce and they can be a great piece to what it is that we want to do both of those guys can defend they both can shoot it Paul George is still tough and he’s still Paul George right he’s the perfect Wing 6869 can defend can shoot it right so it’s hard to say no to that but at the same time he’s an aging star man coach what’s going on man I appreciate you coming to rocking with LV live tonight hope everybody enjoyed that weekend it was hot this weekend in the city man was city was Blazing I got in the pool a couple times this weekend man I had to man it’s too hot too hot in the city man now it’s like raining you know what I’m saying so you know hopefully it cool things down man a heat wave this weekend in New York city so so that’s my thing with the PA Paul George and Klay Thompson you know I mean I just and here’s the thing like I think those guys will be really good on other teams too right I think I think Klay will be great on Orlando I think they need a guy like that like they need a guy that can score at the top of the key they don’t have anybody he’s got a whole bunch of bigs and wings right so I think he’ll be great there and I think Paul George will be great in Philly right because you know mb’s getting up there in age you still got Maxi so they need a guy like that like they need the Knicks we just don’t need it because those guys those are big contracts man big contracts Jeremy says OG anobi is primed to receive five years 200 million the Knicks have a complicated financial situation to remain right right the second luxury tax apron right 189 right exactly man but that’s why um Jeremy that’s why they’re gonna have to move off of um they’re gonna have to move off of um um Bogi and they’re gonna have to move off of Mitch they’re gonna have to do that and bring in someone else that’s going to be making less money of course like you know maybe like a TI Jones or Wing that you know it’s cheaper but you know still solid players and you know that’s that’s why Le and those guys get paid the big bucks but you’re gonna have to move off of those guys that kind of keep us out of the second second apron right I think I I if I’m correct I think we will still be in the first apron because the first apron is I think it’s 171 million right and I think the I think the second apron is 189 am I correct guys the first apron I believe is 171 I think the second apron is 189 and so I think that that’s what right coaches Brunson Paul George ogi Randall iHeart yeah that that’s a great lineup man that is that is that is that is a great lineup culture well Paul George GNA want big money man that’s the only thing man you want listen all right boom coach you you going to want to pay U um um Paul George about 40 something million because that’s what he’s going to want that’s what I’m hearing I’m hearing he wants like 40 something and remember I think if I’m correct I think he hits the the um the vet the vet Max the veteran Max I think he hits that so what you know he trying to get like four this and this is probably gonna be his last big contract so I think he’s gonna he’s gonna want to try to P bang the bank man now I don’t think the Nicks should pay but I can see someone like Philly paying it because they desperate man they’re desperate to try to get in be the ring coaches keep all three picks this year all right coach if we keep all three picks who we picking up who we getting coach Jeremy says wall Kessler right right I know Kessler’s pretty good two years 7.98 million would be a quality replacement for Mitchell Robinson agreed you know who I want more Jeremy and I’ve heard it and I’ve said it numerous times on this show I want Andre Drummond Drummond’s great defensively and he rebounds like a beast I want drum now of course we’re gonna be missing a shot blocking but he’s a perfect piece for the second unit rebounding and he also got a little attitude in the middle too little little he’s got you know New York guy Mount Vernon he’s a bul in there too knocking dudes around a little bit will make it a little tougher for those guys so to me I really want Drummond that’s who I really want them to try to get but they gota they gota move quick I’m telling you someone’s going to snatch Drummond up coach says if we get PG-13 is it for a chip we can let him walk yo man Coach man yo you know I love the lineup man I do I can’t sit here LV can’t sit here and act like I don’t I’m not going to sit here and say it’s terrible it’s no I I love the lineup I love Paul George at that too but do we want an agent star like that man how old is po George gonna be man what’s he gonna be 35 this year because I know Jimmy Butler is gonna be like 35 let me see man let me see really quick man I don’t want no old Stars man the Knicks are trying to you know we trying to get our guys like in the 20s and 30 Paul George is 34 just turned 34 this year I’m just saying but he’s going to want big money man he’s gonna want a big money he’s gonna win a lot of paper man so it’s Clay those guys feel like and as they should because this is pretty much their last payday they feel like because they’re Stars their resume and you got to respect it their resume says I deserve this amount of money period of course Klay with all his championships if I’m clay you I’m right I’m coming to the table saying yo man I want like 35 because this is what I’m bringing to the team Klay came off the bench but he was still he averaged like 17 I think he shot just below 40% from three that’s better than most teams man so he still can do a lot PG played great last year man so but they’re old man how how much longer they going to be with the Knicks two seasons three seasons them guys gonna probably retire man big taskin let Philly pay him that right yeah I’m just I’m saying man coach says done but and whatever Center drops if we can’t move up for where you want wear Batman I’m hear bad things about we man I’m hearing he is a low motor I’m I don’t know I’m G read up a little bit more about him read up a little bit more about the kid but you know that’s why he transferred he transferred over to Indiana man because of the same issues the one who tightened him up was Woodson so I don’t know dun to me is a perfect dun comes in he’s ready to go you can’t coach defense and effort and all that good stuff you can’t do that that’s why I love dun he comes in ready to go ready to go shooting we can work on but he’s a tibs guy and he’s big he’s about 68 so that is a beautiful Wing to bat him OG anobi I spoke about it on my last show Jeremy says uh Tyler koll 24th to pick right Don Holmes 25th right then pick Kevin McCulla 38th pick total salary 7.6 okay I mean I mean I’ve read up on a couple of those guys a couple of those guys are decent players all right but once again this is not a flashy draft you know what I’m saying so you got to make sure whoever you bring in fits what it is that you’re trying to do we have a certain DNA here so you got to make sure that whoever you pick is the tibs guy we saw what happened to Kim reddish he’s got to be a tips guy if he’s not a tips guy it’s going to be problems it just is so we got to make sure we do that but also too draft is coming up Thursday do the Knicks move those picks for somebody do the Knicks put the picks in a package with bogy because I think Bogie’s gone the Nick’s gonna pick up his option I think he’s going I think he’s going with Mitch I think they leave at the same time with picks for somebody I think that’s what the Knicks gonna do coach says he has to opt in to get traded who who’s that uh who’s that coach who you talking about you talking about paor George okay but I think but coach he he he but he’s a free agent now coach I think he could just leave if I’m correct he’s waiting for give him a contract but he could right coach said if that’s the case we just pick up for rental for cheap yo Coach man I coach we ain’t got we ain’t got time to waste man do you know what I’m saying so so we don’t want guys coming up in here that don’t like tips you know what I mean is he gonna be able to conform to what tibs is that’s the thing with PG PG you know what I mean Paul George is’s he’s got the ego of a star that hasn’t won anything you know what I mean he’s got the stats but also he’s walking in like Guan Paul George he hasn’t won nothing Klay can come in in and be like yo I’m I’m one half of the Splash Brothers I got three ranks what does Paul George have right he’s hopped around a lot hell of a talent but he’s hopped around a lot so I’m just saying but but but but but CH man someone’s going to give him the back because they need they need a two guard they need somebody at that two the Knicks aren’t in dire need of that they’re not now would we would like it yeah but we’re not we’re we’re we’re not in a position like like like like Philly is it Philly needs to win now embiid you don’t you don’t know what embiid might be on his last leg man you never know what embiid is gonna be a year or two from now with his injuries so they need to win now so I can see them jumping out the window and telling Paul George we’ll give you anything so I can see Philly doing that because they’re in dire need of that coach say Clay is washed I don’t know if Klay is washed man Klay is klay’s not what he was but can he contribute to a team that’s on the rise yes he can I think I think a great landing spot be Orlando they need a shooting guard they need a guy that can create his own shot and who could knock it down they they have no like three-point shooting they would ter they were terrible they got a whole bunch of guys that could do the same thing they got a whole bunch of bigs a whole bunch of 611 dudes a whole bunch of guys that just they average at the top of the Ki so they need a sniper out there and I think clay fits perfectly and I would I wouldn’t be surprised they probably pay him a bunch of money too Jeremy said OKC made a major chess move obtaining Caruso expiring contract 9.9 trading Josh giddy to Chicago all right with buy out lonso more expir yeah agree you know Jeremy that you’re absolutely right they pulled off a steal because I really want to Caruso with the Knicks man I thought he was perfect for the Knicks perfect I spoke about it on my last show I wanted him and Drummond that’s who I wanted and that was a great move but Jeremy that’s why I heart’s not going to go because they’re gonna have to pay Caruso now trust me that that move Jeremy that move is not just to do it just to just because he’s just one year no no they’re looking for him to be a longterm deal so they’re going to probably wind up whatever money they were gonna give ihart they’re gonna give Caruso I’m hearing I’m hearing somewhere like in between like when it’s time for him to re up probably like four years 78 something like that Jeremy oh Tim what’s going on man fight on man from the East Coast what’s going on Tim appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live tonight Tim I did call in sir I did call in but you guys you guys have had the lines on smash you had like 20 people on hold I was holding for 20 minutes I said Tim is busy man if anybody likes college football like I do USC Trojan here go subscribe to my boy Tim pringley over there they do big stuff college football please go check it out if you are USC Trojan like myself fight on all damn glad Reggie Bush got his trophy back please guys go over there subscribe they do great work over there fabulous work Tim and Matt and the whole crew please go over there and check those guys out Big T said I agree with Coach Clay is wash I don’t think klay’s I don’t think Klay Thompson is washed man he listen you guys gotta think bigger right he’s not gonna be clay like what he used to be but can he still contribute to a team that needs a guard to score he can I’m not looking for Klay to score anywhere between 25 to 30 but if he can get anywhere between 17 to 21 for a team like Orlando at the top of the key because you know they could defend you know they’re long and athletic they’re just missing a guard and believe it or not that might give him room to play even better they got slower Pace maybe he can’t keep up with that run and Gun Pace that Steve the Steve K system that they have up there and Golden State because of his you know his ailments with his Achilles and his ACL he’s probably needs a slower pace and I think Orlando fits that I would not be surprised if if Klay has a bounceback season playing with a team like Orlando it becomes an All-Star in East I just wouldn’t be surprised he still has a lot left in the tank but not at not at that scheme that they run up there in Golden State I just think he’s a different player now just what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live this Sunday Tim gotta put you on the VAP line yeah man Tim Tim Tim you guys man guys it was busy over there man that Friday night sha Powers man appreciate you coming through Rock with LV live if it’s your first time coming through to the Channel Please Subscribe I appreciate you coming through rocking with me and my crew man Jeremy says Sam prey would trade Clint Capella’s expiring contract to 23.7 million right Sam prey isn’t looking to take on a sign a long-term contract now that Alex Caruso is in the fold OKC will prioritize size yeah you know what Jeremy I’m glad you mentioned that also two people if you’re here rocking please hit that like button for your boy um also too I think that um I’m hearing that Atlanta wants to blow up everything that’s what I’m hearing you know of course you’ve been hearing them rumors for the longest with uh Trey going to to to Lakers right DeAndre Hunter of course being linked to the Knicks um I’m not DeAndre Hunter um I can’t even think of his name now you see that but I’m thinking of DeAndre hun coming to the Knicks I think he’ll be a great fit um who’s the guard up there I’m sorry who’s the guard next to T please help me LV livees just had a brain you know what um but I do like DeAndre Hunter but I’m here they trying to blow it up in Atlanta Tim what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live this Sunday night Deontay Murray Jer Jeremy thank you for coming through so you know Deon Murray’s been linked to the Knicks a couple of other places and of course you know but I like DeAndre H if they’re gon to blow it up Jeremy if they’re gon to ship out Clint capella they’re going to do that because you know these guys are pretty much trying to blow things up Landry Fields over there in Atlanta I’m not I don’t want deont Murray man he’s GNA be really expensive I don’t know if he works for Brunson I just don’t DeAndre Hunter on the other hand yes I think he works perfectly with Brunson I think the niick should look to get a backup point guard and then you know we take it from there sh money says our eight would be Brunson dvo OG Randle iHeart Deuce Josh har and Mitch sh poers man I appreciate you coming through but listen man earlier we talked I I don’t think Mitch stays man I think Mitch is gone there have been reports all week and then there was one report today that the Wizards and the Knicks have talking about a mitch deal Nicks have in contact with numerous teams this week perr Jake fiser I also put the link below Yahoo sports and Ian Begley stated that he heard the same thing Nixon talks with Mitch man listen it’s looking like our heart’s gonna wind up staying right so I see you know I see the Knicks making a move with Mitch but I think it’s gonna be a package I think it’s going to be um bogy and Mitch with some picks and I think they’re gonna go after somebody who that somebody is I’m not sure and a good backup that I would love for Mitch would be Andre Drummond and I think the Knicks also have to do that deal also to remember guys because we got to get out of that Sac second apron because keeping those guys and all that that’s goingon to put us over the over the cliff man we want we want to be out of that second APR Jeremy says Milwaukee is actively shoing Chris Middleton and Brook Lopez you hear that where there’s been reports Jeremy that that Doc is looking to kind of change things up there man because remember they they just they just Dro dock down in the middle of like a in the middle of a war zone and say yo clean this up and so he saw some things there that he didn’t like Chris Middleton’s the agent star Brook Lopez is a agent star not even a star but he’s an aging solid big in this league so I would not be surprised if they pretty much break that up they have to because they gotta get younger they gotta get younger they gotta get more athletic period Shamone says Bodega gets signed then I’ll believe it yeah coach says if a if I’m a big Mitch fan but if the deal is right it is what it is agreed Big T says wait is Drummond under the contract if so how do we get him no I don’t think I think I think Drummond’s a free drum if I’m if I’m correct I believe Drummond’s a free agent Drummond is a free agent but you know the Knicks aren’t talking about him because they’re still trying to in the background trying to make some moves in regards to Mitch and lock and ihart so all these things once again it’s all a domino effect so certain things have to take place in order for other things to be moved I’m sure you guys know that but the biggest move that just was made was the Caruso move right so I think that that’s that’s still being worked out Tim says Mitch gotta go we can get another backup that can rebound score and hit some free throws Drummond or somebody like Gafford from the Mavs right coach says if we let ihar walk I like that guy from Orlando for the low no way coach if you do that if you do that then who starts who starts there’s no way ihearts going anywhere Andre German is UN Streaker free agent Kevin Kevon Looney would be a solid option I like Looney man I do I think he’s solid enough the only thing with Looney he doesn’t rebound at the clip that that Mitch does and Drummond does that’s my only thing with Looney he’s like a hustle big he plays really well I like he has a high motor Drummond gobbles up rebounds man just like Mitch those guys are beast on the glass and for the way that Nicks like to play to me that’s what you got to look for sha power said if we move Mitch where and if most death have to be with bogy and maybe Deuce deuce isn’t going anywhere sir I doubt if dece all right let me say this if Deuce moves it’s gonna have to be a big deal like it’s gonna because because tibs loves Deuce remember tibs didn’t want to leave off a Grimes to make the um spider deal happen that’s how much tips love certain guys because remember that was the talk spider was on his way here his bags was packed he was on his way to New York tibs I heard in the background shot down a deal because of Grimes they did not want to give up Grimes because he loves Grimes so I see du in the same way tibs loves Deuce man he loves Deuce it’s got to be something spectacular for the put deuce in that deal because he’s a tips guy tips loves the guy so that’s what I’m saying once again right we gotta look at the coach and who his guys are so in order for dece to be included on the deal it’s got to be somebody like it’s got to be a monster it’s got to be someone like Giannis or ktie or Devin Booker it’s got to be something like that because I think douche is intertwined into the I said it before on my show into the tips culture I think he’s locked in man he’s not that’s tip’s guy and I don’t think I don’t think he’s going anywhere t has developed that kid man he’s developed that kid so I don’t think tibs is not going to want to see him go you know tibs is like that man Joe Curry man what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live in my crew if you haven’t subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe I appreciate you coming through rocking with me and my cool Jo Joe Curry on this Sunday night Joe cury said both are too old Looney is a better fit ah you know what it is I’mma tell you what it is uh Joe about Looney Looney doesn’t rebound man he’s he’s decent but he you need someone that’s gonna gobble up rebounds because that’s what we’ve kind of built our identity on so whoever that backup is you want him to know that he’s GNA crash the boards very similar to Mitch and to me that’s what Drummond provides that’s why I leaned into the Drummond Joe cury said yet gave up Grimes for bogy making you know what it is Joe Grimes fell out of favor man tibs is fickle man you guys know that he’s he’s a funny guy and the reports were Joe was last year tibs had an issue with Grimes Grimes fell out of favor with tibs in the playoffs remember when gmes got hurt with the shoulder against Cleveland and he didn’t play like a game or two her tips didn’t like that tibs didn’t like that at all tips felt he could have played and he didn’t play like you know whatever was you know tibs didn’t like that once you turn off tibs a certain type of way that’s how he is man he’s old school so remember the reports when Divan chenzo came in we all was talking about it especially here on the LV live show I said Grimes is in trouble all my day ones know when I said last year I saw the flamethrower I said Gomes is in trouble and what happened Gres got up out of here he got Grimes up body ASAP the flamethrower came in and took the starting spot had it in a strangle hold Grimes folded up like tissue paper he couldn’t hack it he couldn’t hack it he was complaining he’s not getting shots you remember all the stuff Grimes was doing he fell out of favor with tibs man so Joe that’s why they they shipped them off the way they did Joe C said we a team rebound we don’t really need a center no yes we do yes we do that’s big that that’s that was Mitch’s claim to fame Joe before he got hurt blocking shots and rebounds remember there was talks about Mitch being possibly uh defensive player of the year so that’s huge for the Knicks you know IH heart rebounds at a high clip so our bigs are you know Mitch was is big on the glass so so that’s the thing what makes us great Josh Hart yeah of course Josh Hart that’s what’s big for him but prior to that Josh Hart Mitch all those guys Rand rand’s a double double guy so all those guys hitting the glass is what changes things for the Knicks you know Mitch at the time was leading the league in offensive rebounds so that’s something Drummond does at a high clip also Jeremy says bogy Mitch miles two Force rounds for Desmond Bay no way no way am I doing that Desmond B not good that good of a player he’s good man but not to give up deuce in two first rounds no way no way Tim says there was rumors about Rand for Durant what do you think about that that trade LV Ah that’s a tough one Tim and here’s why that’s a tough one I want Durant here I think he’ll make us we’ll be different with Durant but is he gonna conform to the DNA of this team right is he gonna conform to what it is we do the DNA of this team I don’t think so man I I don’t think so I think he folds up too like tissue paper man he’s going to have issues with tibs they’re going to butt heads n that’s not I can’t I can’t I can’t see that randle’s a better fit for us than Durant and I love Durant I love his skill set but I just don’t know DNA wise is he gonna fit man Joe cury says yes but Drummond doesn’t protect the paint that’s what we need a center for yeah no agreed agreed he doesn’t but he’s a big enough body he remember remember he’s just he’s just the backup we’re not looking for him to be right so the added plus of IH heart was that he blocked shots but I’m just saying you got to give to get man you know what I’m saying so you got to give to get man so you’re you’re gonna lose some things with Mitch right but the pro problem listen the problem with Mitch man biggest thing of is his injury PR that’s the you got the best quality is availability period and Mitch has been injured man and that’s what’s hurting him right now period Joe guer said Joe Gutierrez sorry what’s going on man appreciate you coming to rock with LV live tonight he says I’m good on that I’m not trading Rand for the rant yeah man you know and you know what it is Tim it’s not that cuz um I like Durant man I do Tim but you it’s just with tips tibs don’t play man you you got yo you gotta be able to conform and here’s the thing when they when the Knicks have gotten it right with DNA guys look OG anobi fits well with us I heart fits well with us Deuce fits well with us when IQ was here he fit well with us those are tibs guys they defend they play hard you gotta bring somebody in you cannot have somebody come in and mess up the apple cart and Kevin Durant would do that he will there’ll be arguing back there there’ll be punches thrown all types of stuff man Jeremy says the Knicks can’t can’t obtain a Max salary play of OG and iHeart are retained I don’t agreed sir agreed because it’s going to put them over I agree with that exceeding the second tax apron comes right with Max him absolutely that’s what we want to avoid we want to avoid the second apron Joe says honestly I never like drum’s game right I like Drummond man Drummond’s solid man also too you know what it is uh Joe I’ll be honest with you we’re not asking drumman to come here and be a starter and be the max guy that he was before we just need him to come in and just be able to be a solid piece for that second unit that’s it that’s all we need drumond to do he does that we’re good Joe says Joe goodier says we need Bridges yo yo listen man getting bridges over here would would be fabulous LV has talked about that since the beginning man but that’s not going to happen then then then listen Brooklyn’s not going to make that deal they’re just not you know they and and and they’re going to be selfish with it too right because they know they know they’re not going to be good this year they could do the deal they could do it but they don’t want to because they know they know we get we make that move we’re different we’re very different Joe Curry says OG OG for Bridges no not doing that you gotta keep OG here with Bridges Joe you got to keep them together at the top of the key on the wing imagine them Bridges 67 OG 68 Randle 610 then you got Brunson being an assassin at the top of the key danger zone PA du man what’s going on man appreciate you coming through rocking with LV live in my crew if you haven’t subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe man I appreciate you coming through rocking with me tonight he said I never heard of Durant disrupting locker rooms you know po here’s the thing right it’s not about him disrupting locker rooms it’s about is the Grant going to be able to get get along with tibs we know who tibs is man he’s he’s old school you got to have a certain type of guy that’s gonna be able to deal with tibs and who tibs is you know you know who spoke about it I said it on my show maybe a couple weeks ago you know who explained it better pulser was um oh man I got I got the guy’s name in my head it’s late man on Sunday night man I’m sorry man um Austin Rivers there we go Austin Rivers explained it best he said listen man he Saidi play with tibs he said and someone on the show mentioned it was on like first take or something like that on the morning show or whatever he said they said yo what about Durant he said no no no no no he said no way he said no way he said him and tibs are not gonna click man he said he’s gonna come in there people aren’t going to be wanting to sit down and do film study nothing T tibs is gonna have an issue with that they’re gonna butt heads and you do not need that with tips this is this this team is built in tip’s image man image think of every guy that’s here right now these are all tibs guys even Randall he’s turned Randall into a three-time Allstar man two-time all NBA look what he’s done with brunson’s career look what he turned Josh Hart into look what he turned iHeart into look at Deuce these are all tibs guys man this is all him this is all his blueprint that’s why cam reddish didn’t work out we was all complaining we wanted cam reddish to play but from what my reports were reports that were coming out is that he never wanted cam reddish he never wanted them so that’s why it wasn’t going to work so you just got to understand that whoever comes in here it has to work with tips just Nick says no to Durant post oh yeah oh I appreciate you appreciate you can’t even say it’s late man I appreciate you subscribing to the channel my man I truly truly do thanks for coming through and rocking with me and my crew man it’s truly appreciate it Jeremy Simmons says the Knicks would have to take on Ben Simmons expiring contract 40.3 in order to obtain Bridges two years 49 million OG and bogie first round draft Capital would be included no I’m not I’m not I’m not moving Og anobi man there’s no way I’m moving him no way H says 26 in the chat get those likes up appreciate you appreciate you coach appreciate that love man appreciate everybody coming through Rock with LV live tonight but listen look it’s nine o’clock I know everybody gota go to work tomorrow including LV I’ll be back to talk about this draft and if anything pops off with the ni LV live we’ll be first to report you know this listen I appreciate everybody coming through rocking with your boy LV live tonight please hit that like share subscribe button hit that like button hit that like button people right also too appreciate everybody coming through if you haven’t subscribed please subscribe to the channel also too if you’re watching this on replay please leave comments and also too once again please subscribe appreciate everybody coming through rocking with LV live on this Sunday night I’ll see you guys on draft night let’s get it shaking man with the Knicks man let’s go all right I’m L live and that’s my show and I’m out of here people peace



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