@Los Angeles Lakers

If the Lakers sign LeBron back to a 3-year, $162M max contract, he’ll be set to make $58M as a 41-year-old, per @mcten. 🤯

If the Lakers sign LeBron back to a 3-year, $162M max contract, he’ll be set to make $58M as a 41-year-old, per @mcten. 🤯

by angryshoper


  1. I think this year is the year we will officially see lebron slow down… HOWEVER, We’re going to see him shoot ALOT more 3s so I have a feeling he’s going to be a completely new type of really fucking good 🤣

  2. Basketball wise I don’t think he will be worth it but business wise, getting him on his retirement tour will be great for jeanies pockets

  3. I think Lebron will definitely take back seat during the regular season so he will be more ready for the playoffs

  4. nottherealstanlee

    This is why he’s not leaving lol 162 million, record breaking deal for a 40 year old man. 

  5. _Zap_Rowsdower_

    Bron has earned it and the Lakers don’t really have a choice but to pay him but my main concern is his age. One injury and now we have 55 million in cap space sitting on the bench. Given his age that is a real possibility and it just doesn’t sit well with me.

  6. The one thing people need to remember is that we are over the cap even without Bron signing.
    So the amount doesn’t really matter

  7. HibachiGrill

    Pay LeBron you don’t contend. Lose LeBron you don’t contend. We are closer to blowing it up than actually creating a championship core roster. The next Lakers iteration of a championship contending team will be YEARS down the line folks. Enjoy the 2020 ring and have zero expectations of us beating the Nuggets, Wolves, and Boston in a 7 game series.

    Dogshit GM, unproven coach, lack of assets, two aging superstars, nothing is lining up for this franchise to win a ring in the short-term. 2027 is going to be a rude awakening for a lot of you idiots who still think we should trying to be building around LeBron/AD instead of being shit now and collecting assets

  8. Seeing the production and impact of other max players, he’s still worth it. He’s still easily a top 10 player

  9. Dj3garrett

    As a big Lebron fan: Hell yea. He deserves it for what he’s done for the game.

    As a Laker fan: Damn. We’re screwed for a while with him making that much. He’s still really good but his age prevents him from impacting the game like a 60 million a year player should. 

  10. Pikminious_Thrious

    In the same year somebody will be paying Brad Beal 58 Mil. 

  11. CabbageStockExchange

    Worth it. It’s LeBron James and we’re over the cap. We wouldent be able to replace what he brings to the table

  12. Lmao man the Bron discourse here is crazy. Hes easily still a T10 player and more in the T5 come playoffs. You take care of him no matter what. Not only does it preserve your ability to compete now, but you have to remember that if you DONT take care of BRON then every future star who contemplates coming here will rmemeber that

  13. UglyForNoReason

    He’ll stay. More money and he finally has a coach that won’t make everything rely on the oldest player in the league.

  14. Tha_Nxt_Legend

    sheesh that’s scottie barnes level money

  15. makesterriblejokes

    Bron really trying to get that capital to buy a team

  16. UD_Hunter

    To everyone here happy with this just keep that same energy when we’re a 500 play in team again next year .

    Can’t keep doing the same shit and expecting different results

  17. Why does the amount of the max contract increase with age?

    Shouldn’t it cap when the player reaches a certain age where statistically player ability regresses? Like 34 or something?

  18. awibasedgod

    this is just not a good idea, unless of course the priority is Lebron’s retirement tour being as a Laker and not actually trying to compete for anything

  19. As a lakers fan, we’re fucked for years to come.

  20. SquallkLeon

    If he can still play, then I’m fine with that.

  21. I think that will make the lakers his longest tenured team. Crazy

  22. maya_papaya8

    Hes the best 41 year old player ever….soooo that makes sense. Still 12…

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