@Memphis Grizzlies

Redick Introduced LAL Coach, NBA Draft Eve, Vols Win CWS, Stanley Cup Final | Gary Parrish Show

Redick Introduced LAL Coach, NBA Draft Eve, Vols Win CWS, Stanley Cup Final | Gary Parrish Show

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[Music] [Applause] app live from the built Ford tough studio and FedEx forum it’s the Gary Parish show presented by Ortho South on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app now here’s your host Gary [Music] Parish all right I’m here my name is Gary Parish I’m speaking to you for the bill for tough Studio FedEx forum Downtown Memphis benett Doyle right there producing the program glad he’s with me glad you’re with me hope you’re getting through the day best you [Music] can and I hope uh you took time out of your schedule last night to enjoy what ended up being a pretty remarkable and incredible enjoyable Monday night of sports do we typically spend our Monday nights watching college baseball and or the NHL I think for most of us probably not but some of us did last night and I tell you I’m one of them and had a good time I hope you did too we’ll talk about in a second first though quickly let me set today’s schedule for you in the next segment Chris Veron going to join me he’s the host of Chris Vernon show weekdays noon Gran City media one day away from the NBA draft I’ll pepper him with some questions about it Chris Vernon going to join me in about 20 minutes when I finish talking to Vernon I’ll take a break come back and do five more things you need to know which point we’re going to discuss five previously undiscussed stories among them Ellie De La Cruz hit a ball last night where humans aren’t so supposed to be able to hit baseballs woo smoked it I’ll show it to you in about 40 minutes what we knew was coming Sunday night it’s Now official Edwin Diaz who used to be the best closer in the whole wide world he’s now suspended 10 games for using sticky stuff process still seems confusing to some I’ll tell you why we’ll do that in just a a bit Travis Kelce has unveiled on a podcast because where else would you unveil such things his three favorite Taylor Swift songs it’s pretty good list makes sense s to me I’ll give them to you we’ll do that in the third segment JJ reck he was officially introduced as the Lakers new coach yesterday interesting press conference we’ll discuss that a little later on in the show and uh the Panthers in Carolina are getting $650 million from the city of Charlotte to upgrade their Stadium it’s a reminder that this is how these things go and that’s why we’ll be doing it here someday soon I’ll give you the details during a segment we call five more things you need to know then we’ll eventually do gp’s carry out and car today so that’s the rundown we got a lot to get to but I did want to start with uh what was a a fun Monday night in sports we had a College World Series final and a Stanley Cup Final and one started about you know hour hour and a half earlier than uh the other but they were both going on at the same time and it was a a wonderful Monday night to have a multiscreen experience big bet Bennett I I I I don’t think you sit around watching a whole lot of college baseball no and I think you sit around watching a whole lot of hockey but I’m curious did you did you carve out some time last night to at least pay a little bit of attention to some college baseball and some hockey I did carve out a little bit of time yes I did I carved out a little bit of my time too and it was a it was an enjoyable evening I had an enjoyable time so uh the situation at my house here’s the situation at my house my little guy he was uh hanging out with his cousin and his grandmother so he was uh out the house and so me and my middle guy we were watching you know we had all the screens on but we were most ly big TV with the volume on we had that on Monday Night Raw because just like you don’t spend a whole lot of time watching college baseball Andor the NHL I don’t spend a lot of time watching college baseball and or the NHL and and a middle guy he didn’t spend like any time watching college baseball or the NHL but he does enjoy wrestling so I said okay we’ll put uh wrestling raw we’ll put that on the big screen with the volume and we’ll keep Tennessee baseball down here on this screen and we’ll keep uh you know the Stanley Cup final game seven we’ll keep that down here on this screen and so we’ll be a of what’s happening but you know we’ll be able to hear what Damen priest is saying that’s our n but at some point uh I guess a little after 9:00 last night it it becomes clear that not only are two championships being decided because we knew that when we woke up yesterday but like these are going to come down to the final pitch in baseball final second in hockey Tennessee finds itself up 65 yeah in the ninth but the tying run is at the plate and yeah the Panthers are up 2-1 in the third um but wow Edmonton’s pulled their goalie and this is intense and so at some point we switched raw we actually like you know we were recording it however you do that and I said hey but you know I had to negotiate it with them I had to make sure it was okay I’m just not going to be just cuz I’m the oldest in the house I don’t think that gives me the right to just control all the TVs all the time I felt like I needed to ask I said hey would you mind I got a suggestion would you mind if we like just stopped raw here we’ll come back to it it ain’t going nowhere we’ll stop raw right here and let’s put the baseball up on the big screen so we can listen to it because uh the Tennessee Vs might be on the verge of winning their first national championship in the sport of baseball he said sure Dad whatever so we turned it on and uh intense Stu and I believe it was 9:33 Central that is when Tennessee records the final out and the vs are national champions for the first time in school history in the sport of baseball congrats to them but we didn’t stick around for too much of the postgame because Buddy game seven and Stanley Cup Final that’s intense too Panthers are up 2-1 but Edmonton is I think the way it was described on the television they’re putting a lot of pressure on them they were putting a lot of pressure I I recognize that myself I could see it I could see the pressure like when when the play-by-play guys said man they’re putting a lot of pressure on I was like man I see that too I recognized that myself and so uh getting shots on goal yeah you you know you ain’t got to be B Barry Melrose to recognize pressure on the ice correct there’s a lot of pressure on the ice so we turned it over to that one and I say this we um in our house don’t watch much College we love baseball we don’t watch much college baseball and uh we respect hockey I want to be that clear about that we respect hockey we w’t watch a lot of it but for about an hour there we were either watching college baseball or hockey and that’s about as good a sports on TV you can get it was just two big things getting decided championships getting decided but also so like quite literally down to the final pitch in baseball and down to the uh final second in hockey um as I was watching last night because I know you had Edmonton I did have Edmonton you had the BS so you know it balances out thank God for the BS I know you had Edmonton I was watching last night even though they were putting a lot of pressure there was pressure on the ice I recognize that myself and I don’t I don’t want to get too technical about it because I know just like you don’t watch a lot of hockey I don’t watch a lot of hockey I know our audience probably I dabble I dabble I know you Dabble but I know our audience probably might dabble you know might dabble but I’m I’m you know I’m not doing the show in Calgary today right I’m we’re not in Calgary so I’m just assuming like you know that not a hockey audience that I’m talking to right now I’m just how would you even do that by the way H like a show in Calgary no no like the the hockey breakdown um like if you’re doing like a you know a sports radio show well I mean I would just learn about yeah but I mean I don’t think ever heard it is what I’m saying I’m sure they do it like have you ever heard a hockey breakdown like if we were just coming in breaking down this this game last night I mean that’s what I’m doing that’s what I’m trying to do right now okay they’re putting pressure on the ice they were putting pressure on the ice right they getting shots on go lots of shots on go M David yeah I just um and they look like they ran out of gas a little bit no I thought IC here we go the good conversation we are doing GP I disagree I actually think the Edmonton Oilers were putting pressure on the on the goal until the very last minute of the of the of the game but ran out of gas tank was on empty looked like it looked I thought the tank was going full speed I looked at it looked empty to me the tank looked empty they were putting pressure on the ice but and you know you don’t have to you don’t you don’t you didn’t have to you don’t have to grow up in Winnipeg to know this you don’t have to grow up in Winnipeg to know this all the energy you use coming back from down 3 0 and then you get to a game seven and you’re down 21 and you’re putting pressure on the ice eventually you know what happens to your gas tank you just run out you just run out of gas you know now you got to call Triple A can’t go down three nothing you can’t it that’s what I that’s what you know hasn’t been done since the 40s you don’t have to you don’t come back from three nothing you don’t have to grow up in Montreal to know that you can’t go down three nothing in a Stanley Cup Final that was Edmonton’s biggest mistake when you look back on it absolutely when people look back on this what they’re going to say is you know what Edmonton shouldn’t have done shouldn’t have gone 3 nothing correct that was really stupid when you think about it it really was to go down 3 nothing is like miscalculation on the Oilers is why are you so dumb going down three nothing the other thing I noticed last night and this is the part I don’t want to get too technical cuz I’m I’m assuming we don’t have well I’m I’m I know you I know you dabble but i’ I don’t want to get too technical but when I was watching last night the thing I couldn’t stop noticing is uh Edmonton they just don’t score enough no you really good at it advancing the puck but just uh they need score not able to score I mean they got one yeah the whole time I thought they Advan can you imagine skating around that much for one I thought they Advanced the puck well I mean they kept advancing the puck but just the shots on goal just weren’t weren’t going in I mean one yeah I mean if you told me before we started hey you’re going to skate 40 miles tonight but only get one I’d say let’s just skip it then yeah doesn’t seem worth it it doesn’t seem worth the trouble to do all that and only get one you know so I enjoyed the hockey and I enjoyed the baseball and uh though I didn’t watch too much of the postgame baseball last night um I did see they dumped a you know Gatorade or some fluid on Tony batell he’s their coach I like him I think everybody likes him yeah he seems cool I think he seems cool and I think everybody likes him and then I’m always a sucker for the dad moment when he hugs his dad who’s like a former baseball coach and like oh man what’s better right I think I have a theory on why I think everybody likes this guy and I don’t know I don’t know a whole lot about him but every time I see him he’s doing something that I think is a totally likable characteristic you know what he’s constantly doing acting wild no no no no no he went jumped in the crowd I know yeah but that he does that stuff too I guess right first off he just looks the part yeah he looks like he’s on the team he looks like he just looks very good in a baseball uniform right he looks very good in a baseball uniform so I think that’s part of it right you know every time I hear him talk you know what he’s doing that I I just noticed this he’s complimenting people he’s just constantly complimenting people I no that and saying positive things about people on his team on the other team and I think people like people who really make an effort whether it’s intentional or not to make other people people feel good about themselves see I’m the opposite I always try to make other people feel bad about themselves to make myself feel better yes same yeah like I want to make you feel bad so that I can feel better oh no no no I take that back I make people feel good I’m like Tony oh no I’m opposite I want to make you feel bad so that I can feel better I want to uplift and I know people say that’s not the right way to do it but that’s just the way I’ve always done it all right and here you know here I am probably too late to change at this point right but he’s con every time I see this guy talk he goes out of his way whether it’s intentional or not to say something positive about somebody he he likes to give compliments and I think people like people who make other people feel good like this quote last night you probably wouldn’t even notice this but it’s and I only notice it I only notice it because I notice it when he does it these other times there was uh the press conference in the regional final I guess or the Super Regional or you know MH one of those one of those things and I guess he had been questioned about not pinch hitting for somebody and he we talked about this the day after um Tennessee 1 to advance he said something along the lines like he acknowledged a mistake but then explained why he made the mistake it was like I I’m paraphrasing here but he more or less said I uh understand the criticism that I should have pinch hit for so and so all right so I get it you’re right you’re right I’m paraphrasing this what this is basically the message I thought this was awesome if you criticized me for not pinch hitting for this player I understand you were probably right I should have all right right but just understand that that’s my guy yeah that’s my guy I’m going to ride with him all right I believe in him so you were probably right and I was probably wrong but let me tell you why I was wrong because I believe in that young man and I’m going to ride with him every day and that like how do you argue with that right I mean you could get you know if you just want to be strictly analytic be like I don’t care about but it’s you could you got to respect that even if you disagree with it all right yep then he went out of his way to compliment a a young man on the other team like spent 70 seconds saying hey I just know that that young man’s going to be a legend on that campus forever he’ll go back 20 years from now he’ll be a legend because of this and that whatever just goes out of his way so I just notice every time I hear the guy talk he’s complimenting somebody he’s going out of his way to say something positive about somebody like when’s the last time you hear Bill bellich do that right right coaches don’t do this all the time this guy’s doing it all the time here’s what he said last night he was asked about you know coming back from a one deficit cuz they were down one nothing in this year they lost game one they had to win two straight or Texas ANM was going to be your National Champion he was asked about you know your young man bouncing back to win two straight after losing game one of the College World Series and here’s the quote you know what he said kids are tough these days they will do what you ask them to do all right that probably doesn’t even register with most people but think about how often you hear coaches Andor older people question young people these days you’re more likely to hear a coach call young people soft these days you know because they want to transfer too much or whatever your reasons are y you hear coaches all the time discounting young people you know when I was playing or you know I tell you what you can’t coach them the way you used to you know just you know Tom ISO does this every other month you know I need to get back to the way I used to coach them you can’t coach them like that anymore you know cuz kids aren’t made of the same stuff these days that kind of and here’s ay you know what he says kids are tough these days they will do what you ask them to do I think that’s an awesome approach for this guy’s 45 years old he’s about my age yep it’s real easy for people as we age your parents did it my parents did it their parents did it our friends do it now it’s very easy for as you age to start to be dismissive of the Next Generation or the generation after that they don’t make music like they used to no good music gets made anymore young people are soft these days you can’t tell kids anything these days it’s always like we were the best generation and the next generation is something different less it’s like that’s what you see every time the MTV video music awards are on it’s people are going who is this they’re tweeting who is I never heard this right you know and that’s the same thing our parents did when we were 15 and we knew everybody on the stage just like every 15-year-old now knows everybody on the stage but it’s just you get older and it’s they don’t make music anymore yes they do some of the best music being that’s ever been made is being made right now it’s just probably a little different than what you grew up listening to and um maybe it doesn’t register with you the same way but don’t get it twisted people haven’t got less talented they’ve gotten more talented um and it seems like he understands that young people are constantly told by older people you’re not like we were right you’re not as tough as we were you’re not this you’re not that as we were young people are constantly being told by older people that they aren’t on the same level as the previous generation and here you got this coach saying well how do we do this because kids are tough kids are tough these days these days not kids are tough kids are tough right now they will do what you ask them to do not you can’t really you can’t get them to do what you want them to do anymore they will do what you ask them to do because kids are tough another compliment he’s complimenting young people is it surprising young people are drawn to this guy he seems to be the biggest thing in college baseball right now and not just because they won the College World Series and not just because they were the number one overall seed in the Ina tournament like I can’t name you five other college baseball coaches all right but this guy has been this guy has been I’m been aware of him for multiple years now and obvious now he’s at the the Pinnacle of the sport and I saw his players uh campaigning for a lifetime contract for him because you know he’s 45 years old and the hottest thing in college baseball you’d imagine somebody gonna come for him um Tennessee’s got all the money in the world they they shouldn’t leave uh lose him unless he just wants to leave for some reason um but that was a big moment for that school last night yeah you know and uh place was pack pton Manning was there I saw pton um sitting next to Morgan Wallen Morgan Wallen was there he SE and Rick Barnes and Rick Barnes was there and Morgan W seem to be on his best behavior like I I didn’t see he didn’t throw a chair he didn’t throw a chair at the crowd you know so he’s getting better you know that’s all you can ask from him yep they you know just be a little better today than you were yesterday try not to throw a chair off of a building right right and don’t yell the n-word on camera or even off camera you know good rules to live by they really are really and you and you know what mostly simple mostly simple rules you know but Morgan W he struggles sometimes you know that’s right but hey let’s focus on the positive he seemed to be in a good mood last night seemed to be on his best behavior last night but In fairness I ain’t checked TMZ in the last hour so you know sure you never know Chris Vernon’s up next if you look at it as far as the uh the number nine pick over the years there’s been some pretty good players that have surfaced at number nine of course Dirk nitzki who won a championship there’s been a lot of great guys but who knows if there is a great guy in this draft hey Grizzlies fans be sure to tune in to gisby where the panel and I break down all things Grizzlies and take a look at the rest of the NBA as well the show is live every Wednesday 2 p.m on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app the G girls are no ordinary dance team they’re known across the NBA for setting the standard for worldclass dance and entertainment from hip-hop to Jazz the Grizz girls do it all and they’re looking for talented dancers with Dynamic personalities to join the team do you have what it takes to join a premier NBA dance team and entertain Grizz Nation both on the court and in the community visit auditions now for more information and show us what you’ve got at open auditions Saturday July 13th now for a limited time the new $1.99 crispy tender wraps are here at Sonic who could deny a crispy chicken tender with bold flavors like Hickory Barbecue and cheesy Baja and we can’t forget the crisp lettuce and melty cheese to make the perfect bite wrap yourself up with some TLC Tender Love and chicken for only $1.99 Sonic $1.99 crispy tender wraps tax not included limited time only at participating Sonic Drive-Ins look at the score look at the score he does this hey look at the B number three right before I walked in the locker room Danny a pull me to the ass said hey Tony Allen come here let me give you a little basketball etiquette when you’re down 40 do not do a ingame windmill it’s just just disgusting for the game the Chris Vernon show presented by Caesar’s Sportsbook live weekdays at noon on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app we have another Edition this will be the third edition of The Debate Club you guys are going to sell a shoe to Mr Bennett Doyle our producer over here oh yeah I saw these I’ve seen these I saw these on social media too it’s a perfect house shoe I know like it’s not even a house I bet you they’re really comfortable you know you heard of Unis sex this is uni foot my the sneak Fest show live Tuesdays at 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app [Music] welcome back Gary Paris show presented by ortho southw in the bill for tough studio and it’s Tuesday is the second segment you know what that means Chris Vernon’s in studio hey Chris Vernon how are you how is Chris Vernon today how is Chris Vern on on NBA draft Eve I’m great I am uh I’m super excited for this NBA draft honestly I am too I am too do you have what’s your strongest opinion on what you would like to see the Grizzlies do between now and the end of tomorrow night uh you know not just like get it right but like specifically what what would make you what would what would please you improve the team dramatically right and that means filling in your needs um you know yesterday I talked a lot about I think the only thing that would shock me is if they drafted number nine and that’s what they had took Carter where we at I just don’t think I think you either use the asset and grab something and move down and grab a player that can feel a need right so let’s just take it for instance right you’ve got nine now you add something else to the mix but you get down and now you grab khil wear or something right now I’ve got at least a body that can play center for me um certainly I want another ball handler and if I could do the ball handling shooting thing that’s why I’ve said if there is a way to trade up I think that the two guys that you would be willing to trade up for are probably either kinging or Shephard right both of them would fill needs both of them I think think are pretty safe bets to improve your team um I just don’t think that you know it it sucked the way it played out that you have this Dreadful season and then you end up with nine what are the chances nine is going to improve you in a in a significant way right the player that you take at nine right like you’re hoping the the player you take at nine you’re hoping can crack your rotation right and that is a Ron Holland that is a Devin Carter that is a I know uh gavone brought up Zach Edy that is I just don’t think that they are I think that you know the Hope was and the reason that they sat out the trade deadline for the most part um you know in terms of doing anything significant I felt like the reason that that took place is because they knew that they were going to have a pretty Dreadful record at the end of the season they were going to have a one in three chance of getting a lottery pick which is exactly the way it played out and then you hope worst case scenario you’re like the seventh pick sixth or seventh right best case scenario you’re the number one pick or you’re in the top four and because they didn’t know what that was they were going to look at that and they were going to go this is our most tradable asset whatever we get with that pick is going to be our most tradable asset well then it didn’t play out that way right it didn’t play out that way because I think that what they would have done is either maybe they would have taken because there’s a center up there maybe they would have taken Donovan Clingan but I think that’s why you’re feeling all this Heat come out about Houston because Houston’s in that exact situation where it’s like not necessarily A need right adding another young player to that mix I was doing the Pod with Kevin last night and I said you’ve got am man Thompson and Jaylen green and tar Eon and cam Whitmore and Jaylen green and alen Shen I mean I at some point you don’t want on the top of my head at some point you don’t want that many which is exactly what the Grizzlies most likely would have done if they got like say the number one pick you know what are the chances that the number one pick now there may be a player up there that they think I.E clinging could come in play center super cost effective for 4 years and when you’re you’ve already decided here’s three guys we’re paying a fortune to the other guys have to be cost effective they have to and so it might have just fit their need and they would have been able to use it but I always thought that they would do kind of what Houston seemingly is trying to do which is saying here is the way we can really get better we don’t need to add another young guy we need to level this roster out a little bit more and so I would think that you’re probably not just using the ninth pick and drafting a 19yearold that doesn’t necessarily fit your timeline I think you’re either shooting for the Stars right and getting up there and getting somebody that you think can absolutely be not in your eight or Nan rotation in your six or seven man rotation right right like you were looking at Shephard’s the first guard Off the Bench if you draft him kingan is your starting center if you draft him think any that anybody else it’s kind of up in the air whether or not they would be necessarily in your rotation I think somebody like Devin Carter could step in and play for sure and he he very well may be your he’s one of the guards but like Ron Holland is Ron Holland going to step in and be your first guy off the bench I don’t know about that right and you’re light at guard right you know what I’m saying that like all the conversation is about moot trading up and grabbing Clingan yep if it’s really trading up to three and shephards on the board I would take Reed sheeper well part of that would be I would not want San Antonio to get him like I would go literally the perfect fit right I him with wemy cuz Wy then a you are creating the requisite amount of space and B okay let’s say you think Reed sheeper who is a good gamble Defender but is going to get blown by okay okay right fine you know what I mean right like you got to guard that dude 50 feet from the basket yes and I thought he was really good on picking rolls I thought some of the passes he made last year like I’m a shepher fan I think he’s going to be great I’m on record I think he will be the best player from this draft I’m Allstar like that’s what I’m predicting I think Reed Shepard and and kingan are the ones worth moving up to get and so if you could pull that off but think most Grizzlies fans are like move up get clinging it’s all positional like I If that’s a need yeah and I understand the need and maybe that’s a reason to make that decision right but I would if you tell me I can go up to three and Shephard’s still on the board and Clingan still on the board I would grab re sheeper yeah oh totally fair to totally fair right I mean the clinging thing and you you might just move up to six or seven and be able to grab you know shephard I don’t think at this point is going to fall to six or seven clink might might might might I mean cuz even then like you go up and down that list and you’re like man a lot of this stuff doesn’t really make all that much sense right like you you look down and you go why is why why are they projecting him to Portland when they’ve got DeAndre Aton and Robert Williams like are they just they’re just sitting there going okay we want to pair them with Scoot and shade and sharp and I think they’re just out people are out on eting I got it but I mean sometimes the fit with this kind of stuff it’s just kind of what I’ve already got well it’s also like you know in this top six or seven you’ve got uh San Antonio picking I mean I actually think Clingan could work with wimy but they they most people don’t think they’re going that direction Charlotte has Mark Williams um right Detroit’s got uh a million Cent right there’s like there’s a bunch of franchises that probably just don’t want to take a 7 foot2 Center and then you look around and you go oh could you use this pick along with some of your assets in order to swing a deal where you’re you’re giving them that pick so somebody that maybe somebody like really loves and you’re giving them you know picks going forward and now you’re big game hunting and that’s part of the package right and that means when you’re talking about the you know the jayen durrens and the and the and the and the Jared Allen and the go on and on and on right like the centers that are elsewhere The Walker Kesslers his name came up recently this week I know they brought up Dron sharp as a guy uh that that might Garner some interest and and and Dorian finny Smith as another guy right if you were trying to put a package together with Brooklyn who you would think is kind of going into a rebuild um I just don’t think the only thing I am confident in so it’s not necessarily a hot take the only thing I’m confident in I I do not believe that they will take a player and that when they bring these draft picks back and I’m going to have whoever in studio it ain’t going to be the ninth pick in the draft right right I just don’t believe that um before I get you out of here Marcus Smart’s name continues to come up would you put him in a deal to go up to three uh it it would be very dependent on what I am getting back um because am I getting one of those young awesome assets I think I would have to do I would have to get something like that as well right like you’re you’re not throwing in Jaylen green am man Thompson cam Whitmore tar een like are what are you getting rid of I I do love that Jan Tate guy they’ve had I’ve always liked him for some reason but again I the same reason that the Houston Rockets want Marcus Smart is the same reason you should want Marcus Smart right and so this team doesn’t need less veterans they finally correct they course corrected last year and never saw it play out you need that in your locker room end of story right cuz der Rose doesn’t play right and you don’t have anybody else who else is the guy that’s standing in there and say this isn’t the way this works here this isn’t the way we practice here do it I mean I you know he turns I think it’s to is today’s birthday I believe that’s right 26th yeah happy birthday I don’t happy birthday I again I think that you have to have an amount of credibility within the league and and and smart has more credibility than anybody in the league because of his amount of winning and being in over aund and something playoff games in all of those Eastern Conference Finals etc etc that and and be defensive player of the year he He commands respect I think it is always hard you know Dez is the third of those guys no matter what J was here before him and uh jiren was here before him and Brandon was here before him and so I think it’s always hard to be you know one of the reasons that everybody kind of listened to Dylan Brooks is because he was the first one he was the Elder Statesman that was here because there was that story where Stephen Adams tried to address some stuff and it like didn’t matter nobody cared that’s right right and because he came in later right right and so but I do think now you get to start a new and I do think that you could you could look up and it all matters how you know do are you going to get to where J you looks up to um Desmond Bane or jiren looks up to Desmond Bane that’s always going to be a hard trick but they’ll all look up to Marcus SM right and so whether it’s Marcus or it’s somebody they all looked up to Jay Crowder right when he was here they all looked up to solo you know Solomon Hill when he was here I mean like those guys were essential towards the first couple of years of the Taylor Jenkins era and so I think whether or not it is uh whe whether if you lose Marcus smart you better have an idea of what kind of Veteran you’re bringing back and I just think you want to see it play out I think Smart’s the kind of guy you want on your team you’re trying to win playoff games you’re trying to win big you want as many guys as you think I can throw in a playoff game and he can help me get a win as possible and so losing one of those for an unknown to me is not the that’s not the place that the franchise is in right now that makes sense I understand that um all right I got to get out of here I got a flight to catch so I’m not going to be at the draft show tomorrow but but explain to people remind folks yeah we will be at Southland um it’ll be great uh I always love going out to Southland and last year was super fun the the setup was super cool so right when you walk into Southland they’ll have a huge stage setup and they’ll have all of the TVs and jumbotrons going on behind us and so we’re going to be watching the draft and kind of talking along with it uh as the first round plays out and it could be a huge night for the Grizzlies crowd was great last year uh me Devon or I’m sorry deon’s going to be in in Brooklyn uh we’ll check in Mike Wallace is going to be in Brooklyn he’s going to check in with us pan is going to be on site uh down here at the lounge he’s going to check in with us and then it’ll be me and Roser and Kelsey are going to do the show from 7 to 8 and then Jessica Benson and Brevin Knight and those guys are going to be doing uh a show and Bennett’s going to be down there’s going to be a bunch of everybody going to be down there yeah and I said so I hate I hate that I’m going to miss it um because it’s going to be a fun time and I haven’t been to South in a minute but everybody tells it’s amazing everybody says It’s amazing I know yeah yeah so I I hate that I’m going to miss it but I’ll have you guys on a on a a second screen and I saw somebody in the chat talking about hey I haven’t gotten my uh grind City media draft party invitation yet you’re all invited everybody’s invited right to show up yeah there was like a there was like a season ticket holder thing that came out but other than that I mean anybody could show up oh yeah I’m personally inviting everybody yeah yeah yeah yeah there the crowd was huge last year right it was great so it’ll be a party that’s in Southland tomorrow night night one 2024 NBA draft appreciate you being here brother holler bye bye we come back Ellie Del Cruz hit a ball so far last night the announcers were confused by it you’re not supposed to be able to hit baseballs like this we’ll show it to you next Gary Paris show presented by orthos South shall we talk about our favorite NBA Finals MVPs number three is a little bit of Canadian history cuz it’s the first and only m NBA championship that the country as a whole has I’m going to go with Kawhi Leonard’s second Finals MVP I still get my little heartwarming about it and I was there watching it watching every game IM ho with Lang Whitaker and me Kelsey R Johnson on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app if you look at it as far as the uh the number nine pick over the years there’s been some pretty good players that have surfaced at number nine of course Dirk nitzky who won a chance I ship there’s been a lot of great guys but who knows if there is a great guy in this draft hey Grizzlies fans be sure to tune in to gisby where the pan and I break down all things Grizzlies and take a look at the rest of the NBA as well the show is live every Wednesday 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app what is going on what is it which one what color was it Speckles yeah that’s vomit that’s vomit yeah that’s the that is the worst one the vomit is the worst one I’d like to remind everybody that this is her idea she wanted to do this tune in to the Jessica Benson show with CJ H live every weekday at 8:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app hey Grizzlies fans after exciting hoops and a lucky night of gaming where do you rest your head look no further than Southland Casino Hotel proud sponsor of of the 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orthosouth at orthos now I got five more things you need to know number one Ellie De La Cruz the Phenom for the Cincinnati Reds hit a ball so far last night the announcers in Cincinnati didn’t really even know what to make of it did you see the Highlight yet no watch Ellie de lauz hit this baseball let’s see it unly deep Center no doubt he went to the steam where did it go up top the batter’s eye it went up there went out there like you’re not supposed to be able to hit a ball up there crazy that’s not something that normal people do ever under any circumstances and did you see the post game interview so he’s asked about it and this is bananas he said yeah during batting practice today one of his teammates they were they were seeing who could you know they were basically like I can I can get the ball off the bat faster than you I can hit it further than you it’s like a competition almost exit velocity all that stuff and one of de la Cruz’s teammate this is De La Cruz telling the story he says he told me he didn’t think I could hit the steamboat so I said I will I’ll do it and then he and then he did it the same night he was like oh I didn’t even know that I want you wanted me to try that but now you’re saying I can’t do it I guess I guess I’ll go do it tonight and just so we’re clear they went to the teammate to try to confirm the story he was like yeah that’s right he told me earlier today he was going to do it this is the next this is we’ve gone through a phase like my little guy wears 99 in baseball and you see a lot of 99s in baseball because of Aaron y it breaks my heart that my little guy wanted to change his number to Aaron judge’s number he didn’t want to he he was number 20 for Pete Alonzo and then he joined a new team and number 20 was already taken gone okay but you know I tried to push him towards Francisco Lindor Jeff mcneel I mean then you’re you’re you’re walking into uncertain territor Lonzo like it’s there’s some consistency there and then he just said Dad I want to be 99 and I said why I hope it’s for Wayne Gretzky or something like that and he said Aaron judge and I said damn it but I understand right you know who the next one is 44 la de Cruz you’re gonna see 44s everywhere he’s the next one like I I hang out with seven-year old baseball players every weekend all right that’s those are my only friends these days right I don’t spend time with anybody else just seven seven-year-old baseball players and you know the player they talk about the most him it’s not Ronald aunia it’s not Aaron judge it’s not Mookie Betts it’s not even Austin Riley although in this part of the country everybody loves Austin Riley myself included although he makes life miserable sometimes but I respect them la de la Cruz they’re constantly talking about it yeah cuz he throws it harder than anybody hits it harder than anybody and he just looks cool every seven-year old baseball player you see he got chains on they all wear chains really yes Lou’s got a a chain that says King Louie they all go on Amazon and they buy chains because they want to look like laa Cruz that’s cool I want a chain we should get chains Bennett no my wife said no she said you can’t do that uh-uh she lets you keep all those DVDs but won’t let you wear chains I wanted to get like a little thin gold chain and she’s like do not do that I couldn’t even wear one if I had one like I don’t like things touching me I it takes everything I had to keep this wedding ring on I’ve always wanted one but I feel like that I I probably shouldn’t I can’t I could not wear if you put a necklace on me right now it would be like torture it would you might as well be water us wear necklaces back in the day I don’t know why I can’t get a little gold chain might as well waterboard me I would rather be waterboarded than have a a necklace put on me you know where I struggle with this too if you ever see me at FedEx forum I almost never have my credential around my neck unless wearing like a hoodie oh mine’s always like well you see that like my I’ll lose it if not I have to carry this around I cannot wear it no I’ll lose it if I don’t I I will I will have to lose it because I could not wear it around my neck like you wearing that that if you said here GP just wear this for the next I couldn’t do it I would be like I would be uncomfortable so I I would love to rock chains but I can’t cuz I would just be uncomfortable but every seven-year-old baseball player has they want they either they either have a or they want them they might not have them because their parents won’t let them wear them all right but but they want them I’m telling you la de la Cruz that’s the that’s the that’s the next great thing that that kids gravitate to and he’s awesome and he’s like making a a real effort to communicate in English you know this is something like shoi hasn’t really done correct um you know like like Messi L Messi you realize like oh man his voice will take you by surprise but like do you realize in in like you know off camera you you speak English to him know he’s doing commercials and stuff now he’s really worked but he’s been hesitant to ever like just on camera I’m going to speak English he’s been hesitant to go there well Del Cruz is like trying because I think he recognizes or either people random recognize this can like you are a star but like it would be helpful if you could you know uh you know communicate in English publicly so he’s made a real effort he’s just check he checks every box I mean and it’s just out outrageous like there’s something crazy with him you shouldn’t be the you shouldn’t be the guy who throws harder than anybody he actually like he throws he can throw a ball from shortstop like 107 miles per hour it’s outrageous you shouldn’t be the guy throws harder than everybody and hits it harder and further than everybody like you shouldn’t be one person be able to do all of those things but that’s like really who he is he’s awesome congratulations to Red’s fans you get to watch that guy a lot number two what we knew was coming Sunday night it’s Now official edn Diaz Mets closer suspended 10 games too much sticky stuff on his hands he still says it was just sweating Rising but the crew chief said it wasn’t just sweat and rosin We Touch We Touch that’s all we do we touch hands We Touch pitcher hands that’s all we do I know what I know what sweat and rosin looks like I know what it feels like he did not have just swea and rosin on his hands he had something else foreign substance too much of it you got to be suspended for 10 games I accept it I accept it I’m not going to be one of those naive fans you know what I believe Edwin Dio was doing what cheating I believe he was trying to gain an advantage because he has struggled so far this season he was great two years ago got a big contract was hurt all last season didn’t pitch an inning in the big leagues came back this year high expectations he hasn’t been good what happens when you’re not good but you’re getting paid a lot of money and there’s a lot of pressure on you in New York and you have access to the sticky stuff and maybe you can get away with it and you have lost confidence that you can get people out without it right maybe then you use a little something extra little too much of it now you you know got to pay the price for it I accept the punishment I accept the punishment but not everybody does and the reason they don’t is because the argument against this type of thing is that they just say too much sticky stuff and then you ask well how much is too much you can have a little sticky that’s cuz pitchers were complaining when they were really making the rosin is sticky right yes sweat and rosin is going to get sticky y like if you remember when they really cracked down on it and they were like your hands got to be clean PE people were getting hit cuz the balls they need something remember and and you had picturers out there saying I’m telling you I’m not using the sticky stuff to cheat I’m using it to control the baseball it’s dangerous I’m going to throw this thing 98 no matter what you make my hands be clean I don’t know where it’s going all right that’s actually a fair argument so we need some sticky stuff so here’s the thing this is the ba this is Major League Baseball you can have some sticky stuff but not too much all right well what’s too much we’ll let you know yeah I think that that baseball needs to regulate I mean dude you can it could be as simple as like here’s your little capsule of whatever I mean I don’t know how it works but like game like but like in football famously like you know you can deflate a ball and inflate a ball but it’s got to be in a certain range and they can just test that like is this ball okay or not let’s test it whatever says it it okay it says it’s good or it says it’s not you can test it but there’s no way to just test the hands yes or no it is it is another person’s opinion and it’s opinion it’s an opinion about something that isn’t clearly defined it is really just like if I made a rule tomorrow and I said um you can have facial hair but not too much facial hair and you come in and I’m like Bennett today it looks like too much and you’re like based on what I just the Yankees and I just and I just say well it just looks like too much yesterday you looked like you know it was okay but today it’s too much You’ be like at some point you got to tell me I need to know exactly what it is all right but they don’t there’s nothing exact about it it’s just do you have too much sticky stuff or not you can have some but not too much and I get to decide if it’s too much maybe we should clearly Define things I think so but I’m not sure how to do it I think I’m with you I think you’re with me I appreciate you being with me we’ll let baseball figure it out number three Travis Kelce went on a podcast of course he did what’s he doing talking on a podcast and he revealed what he was on busing with the boys that’s right that’s right and um he revealed his top three Taylor Swift songs you know what they are um okay wow uh I’ll say I’ll say blank space is up there number one yeah blank space is all is is always in people’s top five um are Taylor Swift fans the type of fans that they’ll roll their eyes at you if you say Blank Space I I mean it’s definitely a casual answer but I mean that’s you know he that’s he’s with her all the time remember Robert per said Robert per one time said I think he told Vernon he said graduation was his favorite Kanye West album and like people then like attacked him I do remember that and that seemed like a wild thing to attack a man about you know like I don’t I don’t think graduation is Kanye West’s best album but um I enjoy it and if it’s Robert paris’s favorite album I didn’t feel like that was worth being attacked over I agree I thought that was unfair okay hang on I’m going to say blank space I’m going to say uh I’m gonna say karma no Karma and you know what you ready for this Karma’s not on there no and you ready for this speaking this is just my Pur Karma overrated oh I like that song don’t love it um I don’t think I don’t think he would pick Shake It Off uh I don’t think he Shake It Off uh uh Cruel Summer because it’s the intro and then so high school number three so what I think it’s about him or something oh okay okay got it so you got to put it on the list somewhere but blank space and cruel summer those would be on a lot of people’s list would they over song I Don’t Like blank space Oh I think Blank That’s not a good song I think it’s a great song I mean it’s a good I think it’s great I can’t talk she’s silencing me um no I think it’s a good song I think in her catalog it’s not I wouldn’t even put it like top 10 I like blank space I like blank space I like Cru summer K summer is just is just yeah that’s exactly what you should open a show with yeah you know it kicks it off it’s just a great kickoff you know cool summer of the slower songs what do you like of the slower songs can I interest you in a Cornelia Street I like Cornelia Street uh what’s the uh oh lover that’s a pretty good slow song Oh I could I could dance to that at like a school dance yeah we can do that you ever go to be careful though you start to sound like start to sound like you’re start to sound like you’re a master manipulator are you a master manipulator and a habitual liar too no no no no I me if I was in Middle School and that song played I would be I would find a dance partner yes okay old me okay okay okay just you know you got to be careful you got to clarify things you got to be careful these days you know you got to be you got to be careful these days yeah all right you ain’t kidding you ain’t kidding buddy all right number four JJ Reddit was introduced as the lake next head coach that was yesterday that was yesterday press conference did you see it he said the f word I saw he said the f word he said I don’t give a f yeah I told JB today like I’m I’m cool with it because I think like you know it’s Lakers it’s Hollywood you got to have your like your moment in the in the introductory pressor cussing is becoming more accepted in both C’s cool cussing is cool I’ve been saying news flash kids news flash cussing cool yeah he’s cool to cuss yeah sometimes I hear people say I don’t know why you got to use that language and I we say well uh makes everything sound cooler because it makes everything sound cooler and it’s just funnier you know yeah it’s just better I don’t think I can say the f word though I mean I can I’ll do it right now no no no you’re not allowed don’t please don’t I’ll do it no we’ll get taken down can’t say that word all right but I think cussing is becoming a little more acceptable in in press conferences in music yeah Taylor Swift Taylor not the circle back to Taylor swi but she’ll put a f word right in the middle of a song I know I got to be careful with my kids man I we pass that point cuz sometimes I I’ll grab the unedited version and yeah you just man if if if the worst thing my kids say is the s word or F you know it’s like I know but like Sabrina Carpenter said mother and I’m like Olivia Rodrigo Olivia Rodrigo she’ll cuss Olivia Rodrigo all these young women are just cussing like crazy it’s just you’re like driving along in the car with the kids humming along and you hear the Billy is you cuss and don’t even get me started on DOA cat you know she’ll cuss there yeah wooo buddy but but cussing is cool and glow big glow she’ll C man everybody’s cussing everybody’s cussing these days if we don’t have a problem with glow cussing I don’t know why we’d have a problem with JJ Reddit cussing I you see what I’m saying no issues here no issues here so he said he don’t give a f the question was um what what what thing that you’ve heard about yourself are you most interested in dispelling he said I don’t know how to answer that question because I don’t give a f do you really think he doesn’t give a f what percentage of people who say they don’t give a f actually do I think it’s low with him I actually think that there might be a level of not giving a f because I mean he’s been under the microscope since that rumor came out that he was going to be the co I don’t think he cares I just think it’s hard not to care what people I me when the whole world’s talking about you how do you not care about that dude he’s been taking heat since Duke like that’s true yeah I mean he has been he has been the target of stuff yeah for a long time yeah all right so maybe maybe he has actually reached the point where he doesn’t care maybe let’s give him the benefit of the doubt I’m give him the benit I thought it was um I didn’t watch every second but I saw much of the press conference and I thought he was largely good and I thought he handled the Dan Hurley question perfectly did you hear that so he was asked you know there was reports and we don’t have to get all into the confusing timeline um but there were reports that you were the leading candidate and then there were reports that Dan Hurley is coming to LA and he’s meeting and he got an offer and you know and now here you are as the next head coach of the Lakers like how was that experience and you know did it to go from being perceived as a leading candidate to watching them try to hire somebody else to then Circle them back to you like what was that like and he said first and foremost like Rob pinka was in touch with me the whole time so like you know I understood what was happening and he said beyond that I thought this was great CU you could take it a whole bunch of different ways but I thought this was great he said uh I understood Dan Hurley has won back-to-back national championships at Yukon I have won back-to-back championships third grade team and fourth grade team okay I understood why would you not want to talk to Dan Hurley that’s basically what he said y like why would you not want to talk to Dan Hurley if Dan Hurley is willing to talk to you so why would I be offended by that it’d actually be crazy if they if Dan Hurley wanted to talk to them and they didn’t want to talk to him so you know I’m not offended by that I’m like of course I get a phone call says hey we’re going to talk to Dan Hurley because Dan Hurley wants to talk to us I’m supposed to be offended because they want to talk to you know the guy who just won back-to-back national titles no that didn’t bother me at all I’m glad I’m here but of course they you know I’d want to talk to Dan Harley too if I were there I just think that’s a great way to handle it y because it’s um it’s that’s easy for everybody to understand people are out there wondering is he mad is he upset did he feel some kind of way no I felt you know be like if you were starting a podcast and uh it was like hey we might hire you but first I guess we need to talk to pep McAfee right well yeah I mean I understand I mean like McAfee thing’s a big deal you should probably talk to Pat McAfee if he’s willing to talk to you you should probably start there you know it makes sense and then when he turns you down maybe you know I’ll be here right same thing that’s all it was JJ Reddit was like I understand Dan hle wants to talk to you got to talk to him I’m happy to be here now thought it was a pretty good press conference he did say he and LeBron didn’t talk about it at all until after he got the offer that’s hard to believe that’s hard to believe that’s very hard to believe I mean I don’t want to sit here and call I don’t want to sit here and call man a liar but what I can say is that’s hard to believe the Lakers wouldn’t hire any coach without talking to LeBron first so I don’t know if that’s true but it’s an easy thing to believe what you’re saying the other stuff would be harder to believe but congrats to JJ reck and we’ll see how it goes number five Carolina Panthers have secured funding for their Stadium Renovations $650 million from the city of Charlotte and I guess it’s somewhat I gather controversial in Charlotte just because anytime you know $650 million of public money is going to a billionaire there’s always going to be some people bothered by that but this is just a reminder that like this is the way this is how it’s always going to get done is the way it gets done you know um the owner is going to throw in some I think he’s doing 150 million to get it up to 800 million and the city will do 650 million nice Stadium but um yeah this is just like even Charlotte this big growing you know certainly wealthier than us City like if you want to keep your professional sports franchise this is still what you have to do to do it like Charlotte’s not you know it’s not the Market but it’s bigger than this Market yeah um and even they have to if you don’t if you don’t give us this money then you might not get to keep you you franchise and so they going to give him $650 million and you know what the owner of the Panthers says agreed to do keep them there for another 20 years that’s done there you go you want this team to stay here for another 20 years it’s going to cost you $650 million these are the types of things that happen in cities All Over America and U that’s why they got to happen here to be back with gp’s carry out shall we talk about our favorite NBA Finals MVPs number three is a little bit of Canadian history cuz it’s the first and only NBA championship that the country as a whole has I’m going to go with Kawhi Leonard’s second finals MVP I still get my little heartwarming about it and I was there watching it watching every game I am a with Lang Whitaker and me Kelsey Ray Johnson on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app I think we have the college basketball title Futures yukon’s number one I really like Houston I’d have them winning it all but you can’t be giving Drake jerseys what is wrong with you maybe the Drake curse is stronger in college basketball long how long has he been with riding with Kentucky Alabama Jersey and sa and retired the odds couple with Rob fer Lang Whitaker John Roser and CJ hurt live Thursdays at 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app look at the score look at the score he does this hey look at the [ __ ] though number three right before I walked in the locker room Danny a pull me to this ass said hey Tony Allen come here let me give you a little basketball etiquette when you’re down 40 do not do a ingame windmill it’s just just disgusting for the game the Chris Vernon show presented by Caesar Sportsbook live weekdays at noon on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app there’s no substitute for experience the knowledge gained from having been there before and the passion to share what you know to make everyone around you better it’s true in basketball it’s true in banking Grizzlies checking from Pinnacle play hard Bank easy open a grizzli checking account with at least $100 and a recurring direct deposit by AR August 31st and you could receive a $200 direct deposit bonus into your account details at Grizzlies member FDIC the Grizz girls are no ordinary dance team they’re known across the NBA for setting the standard for world-class dance and entertainment from Hip Hop to Jazz the Grizz girls do it all and they’re looking for talented dancers with Dynamic personalities to join the team do you have what it takes to join a premier NBA dance team and entertain Grizz Nation both on the court and in the community visit / auditions now for more information and show us what you’ve got at open auditions Saturday July [Applause] 13th welcome back Gary Paris show presented by Ortho sepper inside the buil for tough Studio wrapping it up here on uh Tuesday wrapping up a little earlier than normal today because uh full transparent I want to be honest with the audience but I got a flight to catch I figured you had to get on out of here it’s it’s and and you might be say well why you why you cut it so close that’s a fair question you know that’s a totally reasonable question keep it tight around here that’s a totally reasonable question on a on a day like to day you’d think at this point I’d learn better you know to like you just stop cutting everything so close everything doesn’t have to be filled with tension and Stress and Anxiety you know I could build in like windows with space and you know Drive Drive 45 and be fine I could do all these things right why you think I don’t do it I don’t know man I’ve worked with you for a long time that’s just not your style why do you think I don’t learn why do you think I don’t ever learn I don’t know it is something you know what people don’t learn we don’t learn we St in our ways we say we’re going to be better but none of us ever really get better do you think people get better do you know any do you know anybody in your own life who has gotten better who who you knew them when they were 25 and they said man I got these things I need to work on and you talk to them now and it’s in like it’s still the same things I need to work on yeah I mean I know people that have like you know gotten sober but but besides that so yeah I know people who went from drunk to sober but like you know making sure you’re on time all the time like if that was an issue for you 10 years ago probably still an issue for you now that’s still an issue I’m struggling man I keep good I I keep promising myself I’m going to be better about it but then I keep disappointing myself I’m not disappointed I appreciate you not disappoint I just know that I’m disappointed in myself but I appreciate you not sharing in my disappointment let’s wrap this up with gp’s carry out it’s time for gp’s carry out one final segment filled with stuff to take with you it’s not everything you need to know but it’s most of it what did we learn today I mean a whole bunch of stuff but uh we largely focused on the NBA draft 2024 Edition because it’s coming up tomorrow night that’s why I got to get on that flight I got to fly uh I’m going to lagoria and then I’m taking a car to Stanford Connecticut okay that’s the home of CBS Sports HQ or at least one of the homes of CBS Sports HQ and uh I’ll be in studio tomorrow night and Thursday uh for rounds one and two of the NBA draft where uh the big story continues to be who will be the number one overall pick uh the favorite in the betting markets is still Zachary rishe the uh 6869 3 and D Wing from France that of course would uh be yet another um player from France being a number one overall pick I think they figured out some basketball stuff over there they’re really producing basketball Prospect D I was saying that with JB earlier like what’s going on in France I you know what I’m going there next month you’re going to France I’m gonna go to France I should probably tell you that yeah I you should probably not learn that right now all right let uh let me put myself a reminder here tell Bennett about France okay yeah I’m going to go to France okay and uh while I’m over there I’m going to look into it I’m going to try to figure out what they’re doing over there to get so good at basketball I used to think we were doing stuff right over here to get so good at basketball but here we are again one one day out of the NBA draft and uh probably a guy from France going to be the number one overall pick Ray is minus 230 to be the first uh player selected tomorrow night nobody else is uh minus money um the second best odds belong to Donovan kingon at plus 260 Mark Stein is the latest reputable NBA reporter to um I guess lend some Credence to the idea that the Grizzlies are at least interested in moving up to try to select Donovan kingham whether that’s moving up to three in a trade with Houston or moving up to five with a trade with Detroit and according to Mark Stein and others the name most closely connected to this would be Marcus Smart Marcus Smart and the number nine pick to move up to say three or five to select Donovan King and Bennett do I have you on the record I’m putting you in charge remember it was just I think last week maybe earlier this week you were running the Grizzlies MH and let’s let’s revisit that you’re now running the Grizzlies and it’s decision time yep Bennett you can have Donovan kingan but it’s going to cost you Marcus Smart in the ninth pick you willing to do it no Bennett says no no I don’t uh I don’t value I he could be a generational Talent um he could be but let’s be be clear nobody describes him that way yeah they describe Victor wanyama that way if this was like hey you can the ninth and Marcus Martin you can move up to get wimy we do that and we throw you we throw in an Al dama and whatever else you want okay that’s not what we’re dealing with here but we are dealing with um what most people would describe as certainly the best center Prospect coming out of college and arguably the best center Prospect in this draft and somebody who does project as a starting Center franchise Center uh type of guy going forward that is who we’re talking about even if it’s not a generational tal uh yeah I would rather just have Marcus Smart on my team yeah yeah that’s where I’m at I don’t think that’s crazy for me to be able to say that definitively I would have to know what I what my opinion is of Marcus Smart in this moment right now and moving forward with the core of John Morant jiren Jackson Jr and Desmond Bane like obviously they had an opinion of Mark SM when they made the deal for him right yes they had an opinion of what they thought Marcus Smart was and what they thought Marcus Smart could be for this franchise and Boston also had an opinion of Marcus Smart at the time right so um I I’m just I would need to know before I could tell you definitively that I would do this or I wouldn’t do this I’d need to know hey you guys see Marcus Smart every day all right y you know what I mean maybe not literally every day but you get the point um where you at on him okay I know what you thought of him when you when you traded for where what do you think of him now because I’ve heard some people suggest and I understand the sentiment like hey you already gave up this stuff to get Market smart now you’re going to give up Marcus Smart and more stuff just to I mean when you add it all up just to get Donan clinging and I understand that sentiment but like what’s done is done you know you can’t undo anything that’s just what what happened in the market smart trade happened in the market smart trade that’s over y now you’re just looking at it from this point right here and I would need to know okay you when you traded for Market smart I know what you thought of him because you told us and you did it what do you think of him now has it changed has your opinion of Market smart Chang because of what you’ve seen um because of an injury because of age because of fit because of the emergence of vents has your opinion of what Market smart means to this team that’s franchise this core I know what you thought it was on the day you traded for him what is it now has it changed and if it’s changed and not in a good way well then that might make it more reasonable to actually pull the trigger on something like this if it has changed in a in a good way then maybe just as quickly as you said no way I’m not doing it they would say no way I’m not doing it right but I would need to know I would need to know the the answer to that what do you think of Marcus Smart in this moment before I could definitively say I would or would not do this hypothetical deal that people keep throwing out there but I don’t think it’s crazy to consider it I’ve heard some people say it’s crazy to consider it I don’t think it’s crazy to consider it no I don’t think it’s crazy I mean for me it’s just if the goal is to win a championship next season my literally I’m just boiling it down to the goal is to win a championship next season I think I would rather try to do that with Marcus Smart than Donovan kingan next season that’s how I if you’re just focused on next season I don’t think that’s an unreasonable opinion I don’t know that I would just be focused on next season I agree there’s a lot of lff to consider I just I don’t think it’s crazy it it it if if you know I walked into a room and you know true serum and hey we’re off the Record and somebody in the front office said Yeah we’re definitely we’re yes we’re talking about it yeah of course I would understand I would understand that you’re at least talking about in fact I would think it’s crazy if you’re not talking about it so we’ll see if anything gets done in the next you know 24 36 hours but these are the types of conversations that happen uh just about before every single NBA draft another big story in the betting markets what’s going to happen with bronny James let me run you through a couple of these props you tell me what you think yeah bronny James over under 47 a half he’ll be selected Before 40 basically 47 or better or 48 or Worse we you and the Lakers at 55 right I’ll say he gets selected after 47 me too I it’s minus 158 I would probably pay that price like I don’t I do I know there are people out there who are like Brony James is a legitimate you know candidate to go in the second I’ll just if I’m not the Lakers or not the team that I know I’m getting LeBron James I’m not spending a pick on him anywhere right a cuz I wouldn’t think he’s worth it B because I just wouldn’t want to deal with it whatever it is I wouldn’t want to deal with it all eyes on you take yeah I just don’t want to deal with that Brony James will be selected in the first round of the 2024 NBA draft you can only bet yes and it’s plus 500 well we’re just not messing around with that you can’t even bet no on the side you can’t even bet no it’s yes at plus 500 we’re skipping that I think I think that’s crazy bronnie James to be drafted in the top 10 what’s that plus like a 100,000 we’re not doing that I mean there are so dude you got the Hornets the Pistons in the top 10 like you got some wild teams in this top 10 let me break it break it down for you bronnie James being picked anywhere before 55 is plus 800 plus 1100 plus whatever get to picks 51 to 55 it’s minus 110 yeah because the Lakers are picking 55th so okay you know who knows but my educated guess would be LeBron uh bronny James will not be picked in the first 54 but then the Lakers will pick 55th and they will select the NBA’s all-time scoring leader they’ll select his son what’s today’s biggest game can I interest you in the subway series uh sure Yankees Mets 610 we’re going to do it on t BS and I I I should it’s not just Mets it’s the scorching hot New York Mets it’s the red hot Mets it’s the red hot Mets Subway series 610 Garrett Cole pitching for the Yankees I’d rather that not be the case David Peterson on the mound for the Mets he’s 3 and0 3.97 ER Yankees minus 150 at City Field Road favorites Mets are plus 125 home underdogs how you going to act I need y’all to win I need us to win I need but actually one game out of the one game out of the last Wild Card don’t let us get that last Wild Card the or don’t let us get that last wild card um my team’s falling off so hard it doesn’t even matter catching the Yankees like we’re not we’re not catching the Yankees you’re you’re you you hate your team and you are 20 games above 500 I’m excited about my team two games below below 500 well it’s just because I thought scoring hot though I thought we’d win the division again and and it was looking good and I knew we wouldn’t I knew we wouldn’t win anything so I don’t even set those expectations I know we stink I’ll take the Yankees you don’t believe in the red hot scorching hot New York Mets how many of yall won a like I mean on the season 37 no no no but how many row in a row well not a lot in a row but like we’ve been red hot what like seven of eight we’re the best team in baseball in June I’ll take theame I mean I know the season didn’t start in June I wish it did but it didn’t but we’re the we’re the hottest team in baseball in June they’re going to let Garett Cole go a little bit longer this time around I think I’ll take the Yankees Bennett say he’s going with the Yankees at minus 150 I think he only got like maybe four or five innings that first outing back they going stretch him out a little bit stret him out you’re but you’re going to Ru the day we’ll see you’ll Ru the day on this one I’ll hope y’all win but I’m going Yankees yeah well you will Ru the day what are we watching on TV are you caught up on House of the Dragon of course I’m caught up okay I’m reading the book oh my God look at this fireing Blood baby oh big bet benett headed to the library oh big bet Bennett’s got his library card out that’s right okay I’m not caught up how the first two episodes really good I I’ve turned it on two nights in a row and I get through it I I just I I don’t even know what happens I get in bed and then I grab the remote and I turn it on and that’s then it’s just I just just out yeah I get that what like got to watch it sitting up dude you got to watch it sitting up cuz I I don’t even think I’m 5 minutes into it no no I mean it’s just like I hit play and then I I don’t even think I get through the recap of season one that’s another sad thing about getting old is Buddy you can’t really lay down and watch stuff anymore I don’t even think I got through the recap of season one they were like I I need to start skipping the Recaps I think yeah quit quit doing the Recaps yeah and sit up when you’re watching cuz man you can’t lay down and watch TV anymore stand up to watch house okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to download them the first two I’m going try to watch them on this plane while I’m sitting you know yeah I’m going to sit like this see if I can watch it I swear to God two nights in a row I don’t think I even got through season one recap it’s hard to keep my eyes open believe I’ve been struggling to keep my eyes open lately I believe it gets hard to stay awake when you get this age sometimes you know yeah woo yeah it does all right house of the Dragon Bennett says we’re off to a good start in season too I’m going to try to get caught up with him uh on my way to New York City what’s the best thing we”ve read Colin W hanar has got a nice Prof file CBS on Alex SAR you know him he was for much of the past year considered the favorite to be the number one pick in this draft he has uh so far refused declined the opportunity to work out with the Atlanta Hawks so it no longer appears he’s an option for them in other words if you know any other franchise or most of the franchise would have gotten the number one pick alexar probably would be selected first because it was Atlanta and he don’t want to go there for a variety of reasons um it looks like Atlanta’s just looking another Direction either way s’s likely coming off second to Washington you want to read about him Colin W H’s got a piece right now what’s on to for tomorrow what it be Wednesday draft day it’s draft day it is draft day what will the Grizzlies do move up from 9ine move down from 9 stay at 9oo we’ll have our answers not tomorrow at this time we’ll still be just asking these stupid questions over and over again we’ll just still be asking a bunch of questions we’ll just still be wondering about stuff but but um then later later in the day and by the day I mean tomorrow night then we’re going to have our answers that’s right can’t wait for that I’m ready I am ready to get some answers enjoy the rest of your day I’m going to enjoy mine we’re going to meet back here tomorrow at 10: till then be careful be kind be good rep your hood

GP opens on a big night in sports with the Tennessee Vols winning their first College World Series + we break down THE Hockey. 

(21:50) Chris Vernon joins to talk NBA Draft and what he thinks the Grizzlies should do tomorrow night

(40:00) Elly De La Cruz blasts one, Edwin Diaz suspension, Travis Kelce unveils his top Taylor Swift songs, JJ Redick introduced as Lakers Head Coach, and the Carolina Panthers are getting a new stadium from the city of Charlotte

(1:02:55) GP’s Carry Out


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