@Utah Jazz

Question of the Day: Would you be able to stomach the Utah Jazz tanking this season ahead of load…

Question of the Day: Would you be able to stomach the Utah Jazz tanking this season ahead of load…

nominate the youth SP Sports volunteer that you know for the Hercules hero of the week submit your nomination at KSL contest and then listen every Thursday afternoon to JJ and Alex for the winter help us celebrate the efforts of those volunteers making an impact with the Hercules hereo of the week sponsored by Hercules Credit Union and beehive meals DJ and PK it’s draft night Delta Center the party the doors open 5:00 the Draft starts at 6 the Jazz pick 10th which means probably between 7:30 and 8:00 see how fast they move it along maybe it could be a little ear than that that be hopefully get going with that thing and then the 29th pick good grief how long could that take I’ll be asleep probably not if they even pick in the runup to the NBA draft Justin zanic met with the medium Monday and was asked a question about the 2025 draft you may have heard BYU has a a couple of uh potential lottery picks and Justin got a question about that from Ron Boone and here is Justin’s answer I can’t talk about those guys no there’s kids I’ve seen at 16 they’re 18 now I can’t talk about them not until they declare you can get me fined Ron you give me fine I would suggest I would suggest watching all of our local teams this next year for sure nice there it is nice teas stay away from the finable comments yeah well I love the comment yeah for multiple reasons obviously we want our local basketball teams to all be great because it just the more content the better we’ve said that a million times and it’s the truth uh so uh if he’s referring to some local dudes obviously with the BYU situation that’s great news and then do they end up having those players that would be really cool to uh for someone that want assuming they enjoy their time here and then want to stay local they’ve already built a fan base so F probably financially it’s a good idea uh but it it begs to question and I know it’s painful for many of us to even contemplate it but should the Jazz suck on purpose this year what’s so funny what if they suck and it’s not on purpose well same result yeah no but I think that in order to suck to that level of suckitude it has to be a decision I they won’t suck at that level unless they had a slew of injury it is a calculated it’s like you at Rice Eckles when you first saw the soccer team what decision was it Yak what is a word he made made a conscious decision conscious decision yeah yeah and it got you out of so many office shifts it was a bonanza for you that topic came up on the golf course on money day of all things of course it did uh but there’s to PK’s point we had Andy Bailey on yesterday and and Andy that’s exactly what Andy went is long as marinin is playing it’s going to be hard to be terrible you have to jettison him essentially if you want to be as bad as or shut him down early something that effect shut him down early for the third season and he’s done that before with other teams come on man guy wants to play ball don’t you you’re only in the prime of your life athletically for a certain really when you Scope it out of the time of your life it’s like a fraction there’s a five or sixe window and he’s in it at best and that’s assuming you’re injury free exactly that’s that would be the thing that limits it yeah or or you’re limited because your team won’t play you because they’re tanking at the end of the year again if this draft next year is supposed to be that and people say people who do this for a living are supposed to be saying that we’ve heard it multiple across the board then wouldn’t you stand a better chance of getting somebody next year so should you go through because now if you draft these guys you could put out a lineup that’s even younger and that might do it what if they move the veterans except for marketing if you move Collins if you move Clarkson maybe even seon well for the right deals you should yes the answer should be yes no matter what you’re doing but you move for younger players young players don’t don’t tend to win I mean there’s a handful of exceptions and they’re not going to get anybody like that for what they’ve got on the roster I mean mostly guys like that don’t move no matter what so you’re just not getting them I’d like to trade for a young Tim Duncan no get away from me not happening so maybe they could accomplish that by getting rid of everybody who’s over accomplish what a high draft pick have a bad season right but they’ve got to make that decision it’s got to be made now not literally this moment but in the next few weeks but the next few weeks yeah move Clarkson yeah move colins because those guys are going to help you win games that you don’t want to win should they do that that’s the question because if they do it then the result will be as you just said the philosophical decision is should they do that for for the fans who grew up around it doesn’t make any difference to me but for the fans who grew up rooting for this team you’re G to burn another crappy season but without someone transformative how good can you get and I do think the fan base here is a little jaded on the made the playoffs but out pretty quickly you know this is a team that hasn’t been to a western conference final since 2007 that’s a long stretch yeah but they had hope multiple times they did have hope you then that’s good enough in the short term okay but we’re getting to the long term we’re closing in in 20 years right but but that’s they still had tons of Hope the building was electric well I mean the fans are great the building was electric last year and then 26 no no no not like that 26 and 26 that not like that no no way no way not even close pretty close no no no there I disagree a th% well you should go to the building in a playoff game I’ve been there no in the regular season how crazy oh I haven’t been in a regular season you’re right I’ve never been to the building my bad come on dude last year what the f and D give me a break one one season vers all of a sudden the fans are a lot better now they’re a lot more intense than they were during the statue years that doesn’t make a damn bit of sense and that’s not what I said I didn’t I yeah well you made it up so you can argue with yourself and I want again I have to have an intelligent argument I mean give me a break I need to go stand there and look at it I mean you’re taking a shot because I watch the games at my home and you Mr work dude show up and Bs with Tim and and Jake Scott the whole night come on I’m not gonna take it if you want a cheap shot at me at least have some credibility toward it that was a cheap shot I’m going to respond in kind build you expect from the building is electric not when it’s like a playoff there’s no way and they had tons of hope they don’t unfurl a banner from the first row all the way up to the b top of the bot lower bowl in June or January 24th against Charlotte I I guess I missed it because I wasn’t at the building come on when it’s a playoff the building is so electric the plaza is electric and we don’t we’re not broadcasting shows over there I mean it’s not even close toing they had hope that’s good enough then that alone says dump games and get those players because how else are they gonna how else are they going to do it well through TR sit around and get lucky a pick 27 no through trades and the the picks that they have in the future they don’t have to do it if they had to do it then there wouldn’t be any point in discussing it they’re supposed to be in on the big names who move but a are big names moving and B are they in I mean are they in on Bridges and Durant these are the biggest names of the week yeah I you’re not going to be in another 35 36y old 27y old bridges yes but not Durant uh but they but the Jazz shouldn’t be moving in all the picks I mean maybe they were in so they have the conversation right everybody has conversations all the time but when you find out the price that the Knicks gave I get why the Jazz didn’t want to do that I bridg is a good player but he’s not that good to give up all those assets when you’re as far away as the Jazz are who’s that good because they they the Knicks decided Mitchell wasn’t that good yeah cuz it was the same thing but now they think they’re close enough that what Bridges brings can take him to the next level but that had nothing to do with Mitchell that those guys that they had that they think they’re close enough they were already there and you could say Brunson has developed and so that that’s it and the I mean they paid Brunson a ton of money expecting him to be good and maybe they’re just wrong because maybe they looked really good this year because the East had a slew of injuries and open a pass that other a SLE injur they were missing two starters that is what they will say yes so they had them just as well as anybody else had them Jose Rand did not play a game and he was shut down a long time Robinson was getting hurt their their big man so yeah that I can see why they made it uh you gota you you have to overpay to win if you think you’re going to win on the cheap it’s not going to happen you’re gonna have to take gambl you’re GNA have to get to a certain point and then extend yourself and they’re not at the Jazz are not at that this point yet should they just back it off if the person’s accomplished then you have to overpay the other thing is to take the flyer on someone that you think you see something in that other people don’t see well I think you overpay I guess you could argue they overpaid Denver to get that slot for goar and that slot for Mitchell but think that’s more taking a flyer on someone and you see something they’re not taking the Knicks are not taking a flyer on no in this case now you’re talking to someone who’s accomplished who’s in the league and you got to overpay to get that person right but you got to get to that status to get to that point and I give the Knicks credit for being bold and oh they gave up all these picks yeah and then next year and the year after they can reacquire picks I mean they act like these deals are done they’re set in stone forever I don’t think that’s the case things change not daily but metaphorically daily so they have to decide do they want to go all in on Cooper flag but if you don’t get flag well how about these other guys Ron Harper’s son out of uh ruter heard heard about him for a couple years now is uh is that somebody is he a Devin Booker in the making you know possibly uh this Tori kid out of France been hearing a lot about him right he is a big time potential uh lead guard for you uh do you go in that direction and then these local kids you know what about aore you aore has all sorts of intrigues 69ine long as can be can put it on the floor can shoot and has got athletic ability in Spades what about him well now you’re dropping down far enough it makes the argument that you don’t have to tank that’s well no I think you do but only for 30 Games cuz 30 game tank gets you to 10th and if the draft is that good you get a but I named you three guys I didn’t name well you were going to to four and and aore is down a little lower in the mock draft and Maybe not maybe you think there’s only four and so you have to get top four well no one knows now we’ll have a better idea next year we’ve seen guys who are at top of the lineup now that drop down but the people who’ve been watching 16year olds is Justin reference they still adjust oh they do absolutely you could be a lottery pick today and be picked in the second round right and like d connect you can play your way into the lottery from out of the middle of nowhere but I think what they do have confidence in is this draft is going to be six 10 15 whatever players deep so if you’re in the top 10 you’re G to get a really good player and then it comes down to developing them and they’ve got to stay healthy and blah blah blah so is there enough difference between who you’re going to get if you’re drafting 8 n10 and who you getting if you’re one two to go all in trying to chase Cooper flag for the teams like Charlotte that went all in chasing W by Yama and didn’t get it I mean if you’re the Spurs and you get him then yeah it was all worth it I mean Charlotte had no choice though Charlotte okay but Blazers or Rockets I mean those were teams that were in the mix for the top pick and they end up picking two three four the Pistons I mean the Pistons have been bad forever I would take right now be terrible and guarantee a top five yes and it’s easy for us to say because we don’t live and die the same way right not the same way no but I do want him to win at some point here makes it better when I say I want all the locals to succeed they’re at the top of the list I mean if I’m if I’m naming one team I want to succeed the most it’s the ja it’s the team to play 82 games not the teams that play 30 or 12 right I personally like college football more but it’s a three month season doesn’t matter what I like it matters what I there was was uh a friend of mine was asking when the NBA Playoffs were on why don’t you focus in on the hockey and I said because the audience doesn’t focus in on thee it’s I have to watch what the they want to talk about what they want to hear about yeah and the audience is focusing more on the hockey than they did a year ago because now we’re gonna have a team right now once the initial buz I still don’t think it’s going to be over the NBA and it’s not going to be over the Jazz right well if for no other reason than a lot of people who are growing up playing basketball but it’s harder to grow playing hockey right this is limited ice time why I watch so much college basketball in the winter not that I necessarily want to but I feel I have to to be informed locally and then now these kids like like Harper son like I just said now he’s from ruter I’m a jersey guy so I had a connection there and I I covered Harper wiers with the Clippers so I i’ I’ve seen him play I’ve seen Cooper play probably flag play probably 10 times and back to what Jay-Z said about watch the local teams well yeah watch BYU because they’re going to have two guys double reason right but but Weber State had Dylan Jones and we both watch Weber State Games to see him we think he’s got a chance to be drafted and I think it will be and these guys I mean you’re watching the Pack 12 okay the youths aren’t going to have somebody drafted but you watch them because the Pack 12 is gonna have a bunch of guys drafted including you know Colorado’s got a lottery pick but other schools have other and now with the big 12 I mean there’s draft pick potential draft picks all over the place there are if a comes out and says you know we tried but it wasn’t available I’m okay with it but I you know that doesn’t distract from or take away from I want to see development this year by henrix George uh if they keep Kesler seon on and on henrix obviously I already said so it’s not like w we’re going to we’re going to look towards the 25 draft which is clearly what the Nets are doing now and subsequent drafts uh listening well the Nets feel like they’re entering full rebu ter F right right but jaad do it the Jazz will be in the third year and the third draft is supposed to be loaded so even if you hate it as a fan on some level you’re going to understand it but I wonder how many more after that they get and how long this Tak story I know but but it’s part of this story well but I think that the immediate story is development from the dudes you have on the team I I don’t want to see henrix play 40 games in the G league for what yeah HRI has past that point right but the whole thought that whoever they draft now could end up in the G League or they could draft if they let’s say topich ends up being their guy you know coming back from a knee injury does he not play back back to backs is he shut down for a 30 game stretch because he has some procedure understood you know and maybe that naturally right evolves but I think the biggest thing they can do to to evolve themselves towards a lottery team and a high Lottery team is move Collins and move Clarkson they’re all they’re not going to they’re not going to get you where you want to go the Age timeline is way wrong for Clarkson get just trade him and get him to a contender and get what you can get for him go play for a better team end you can get somebody back I’m not they’re not obligated to send them to a better team no but I kind of feel like they have to because that’s his spot in his career but you’re right if it doesn’t work out that way it doesn’t work out that way get the best deal you can from him right I just don’t you can get the best deal from San Antonio and Charlotte so okay fine and two-thirds of the league is better than the Jazz now so contenders a wide range so get the most you can get for him DJ and PK coming up next Tim lome what does he know what does he think who does he like that’s next stay with us but

DJ & PK talked about the chances the Utah Jazz fanbase could stomach a full-on tank job this coming season with the thought of cashing in on the 2025 NBA Draft that appears loaded.

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