@Memphis Grizzlies

Zach Edey & The Grizzlies Have The NBA SHOOK

Zach Edey & The Grizzlies Have The NBA SHOOK

Zach EDI is such an interesting Prospect 7’3 without shoes 710 wingspan 299 lbs tallest longest and highest standing reach in the NBA draft class while absolutely dominating and improving at the college level each season the most interesting thing for me is Donovan kingan is guaranteed to be a top 10 draft pick probably top five with much of the same question marks as Edy can he translate to the NBA level because of the pace in space I just don’t really understand how he gets the benefit of the doubt most of the time compared to what people say about Zack EDI it’s also pretty funny that people act like this archetype just doesn’t exist anymore because the NBA has changed and this archetype can’t be useful on a winning team I look at a guy like step Adams I could see him having that type of impact if he reaches his potential people forget but in 2022 just two years ago the Memphis Grizzlies won 51 games and Steven Adams played in 76 games started in 75 games averaging 26.3 minutes per game for them he was one of the most underrated Parts on and off the court of that team success off the court he is a great presence in the locker room he’s super duper mature and then on the court his screens are so damn valuable for pick and roll heavy guards it’s no coincidence that both John Morant and Russell Westbrook had their best statistical season playing next to the Bruiser in Steven Adams he’s willing to set an effective screen multiple times every single possession that’s his main purpose of being out there besides his rebounding I really think Zack EDI should mold his game around that type of style obviously stepen Adams is one of the strongest players in the league but his basketball IQ is what really carries him he doesn’t jump out the gym he doesn’t move the quickest but he knows how to position himself self for rebounds setting screens and on defense to make him effective those aspects are a big part of why he has averaged 26.8 minutes per game and has started for multiple successful playoff teams throughout his NBA career and honestly I don’t see why Zach Edy can’t be a better version of him if he really sets his mind to it and focuses on improving the right things one thing you will notice if you research about Zack is his IQ gets complimented a ton and the crazy thing is he just started playing basketball and he’s only consistently been playing since the age of 15 years old the footwork he possesses while not playing for his entire life is very very impressive plus he knows who he is he knows who he can be at the next level there’s no ego involved he’s ready to be a team player he stated in an interview I think it just comes with kind of realizing who I am I’m never going to be the wiry 7 foot guy who can play like Kevin Durant I’m a 7 fo4 300lb guy I’m built to be in the paint to carve out space to protect my area and that’s what I’m going to keep doing I think there’s a lot of people in the NBA that do stuff like that Valen chunis zubot Steven Adams guys who had a lot of success in the NBA being those paint presences I’m going to stick to who I am and I kind of know who I am obviously moving on to the next level he’s got to keep improving that Mobility it’s probably never going to be a strength but if he figures out where to be when to be how to be defensively he doesn’t need to be the quickest but honestly I’m not even worried about that he’s so damn big if you surround him with the right defensive Talent he will produce defensively but if you got guys who can’t navigate around screens effectively as consistently then his Mobility becomes more of an issue it’s about who you surround him with defensively however the biggest thing for me is just finding a way to be a consistent and productive player as a roller the first part of that is set great screens and then the next part is abuse mismatches and advantages by being an elite play finisher he should develop into that in my opinion now the third and final part is the biggest question mark the most important swing factor in his game and it’s figuring out how to Be an Effective consistent short roll passer because if he becomes an above average passer and he makes quick decisions as a passer that’s when you can get him more involved within the flow of the offense and potentially use him more as a hub offensively because he can screen Guys open and he can also find the open man if the defense gravitates more towards him now the interesting thing to watch is he was the guy for Purdue offense he got post touches backd down opportunities pretty much every single possession and every single time he got a mismatch everyone knew it was Zack Ed’s time it’s going to be interesting to see how much he benefits off not being the focal point of the offense like he was at Purdue because that means he can exert more energy and focus on the little things like offensive rebounding or potentially the opposite could occur maybe it affects him negatively because he’s used to being the guy and he’s used to having that to get him in a rhythm overall I hope he gets to a team that fits him that is motivated to experiment with him motivated to give him as many minutes as possible so he can develop he can learn from his mistakes the thing I look at is he’s been a 70% free throw shooter that’s very very good for a big man especially considering the volume of free throws and also if you watch his form at the foul line it is very fluid in my opinion I just think at this point where the NBA is at there is no reason down the road I’m not talking right away in his rookie season probably not even his second season but 5 years down the road my guy should be attempting three-pointers he should be a threat to shoot from the perimeter it doesn’t have to be high volume like Brook Lopez just something I really believe he can develop a respectable three-point shot and I hope whoever drafts him believes in that too I don’t necessarily believe he will be a star player but I think he can be a valuable piece in the right situation and who knows maybe he’ll develop into something many don’t expect it seems NBA teams do not believe in him defensively Jeremy woo wrote Zack Ed’s defensive Mobility remains a concern about the Purdue star game in eyes of one NBA front office executive with Ed the fear is with his ability to guard in space when guards turn the corner on him his ability to recover and get back into the play you might have to commit to gimmicky defenses but to be honest that’s just pretty obvious and a lot of players have had that concern like yic and you’re seeing that with the Houston Rockets young star alpi and over time players just adjust and they get NBA training and they eventually improve in that category and if they don’t you know that’s when they don’t receive minutes or potentially out of the league that’s really all I got I I truly believe Zack he is going to have a long career in the NBA let me know your thoughts below though in the comment section and if you enjoyed at any point leave a like And subscribe and if you got time check out my other videos and most importantly have yourself a great day and peace out

Zach Edey Breakdown & News

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Music Credit
Causmic – Soul Searching


  1. A bigger Steven Adams with an interior offensive touch and shooting stroke? Yeah sign me up! (Admittedly less drip and cool factor though lol)

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