@Brooklyn Nets



by Kwilly462


  1. New_Weather_7611

    This was a bad draft to get into. You don’t have to trade anyone now. Cam Johnson will be even more valuable when contenders need that extra push at the deadline.

    And the offseason just started. Maybe teams strikeout on free agents and circle back to the Nets for CJ and DFS.

  2. AdamSilverFox

    Guessing the guy(s) they wanted were taken before they could get them. They have plenty of guys to develop and I’m sure more will be on their way here. No reason to trade for a first if you don’t like the talent available at that spot.

  3. foreverballin

    Do we expect Sean makes a move at every turn? He just executed two complicated trades and resigned Clax and we still want more?

  4. theRestisConfettii

    It’s a long game now, even moreso when it was no picks and being stagnant.

    Have to play the long game.

  5. KingdomHeartsII

    I wouldn’t be too bummed out. It seems like, from all the rumors and reports, the Nets *were* genuinely active in trying to get into this draft but were only truly high on Pacome Dadiet and that didn’t work out as he went to the Knicks. In reality, them not getting a trade going shows that no trade they wanted materialized, as the Nets seemingly didn’t want to take on any players they didn’t see fitting their timeline (according to one or two reporters) and that I understand. This NBA Draft is incredibly weak to the point where it’s being called the worst draft since 2013. There’s no reason to take on anyone they don’t want or can’t flip sooner rather than later. They could easily get a more rewarding outcome by awaiting a big multi-team trade where they get sent one player they actually want or by waiting for a team that’s truly desperate because they want to move a specific asset.

  6. Would like kolek or flip still. We still need a PG and why not take a pick n pop big who likes to pass. Might as well take a few cheap swings and see who hits, plenty of room to develop with no pressure.

  7. johnjohnjohn93

    I’m glad Marks didn’t rush and take the first deal after becoming sellers for DFS and CamJ. The same people who said Cam Johnson sucks, his contract is awful and we’ll take any pick are the same ones who said we should’ve traded Mikal for 4 Grizzlies first (rumored to be protected) and that his value would never be that level again.

    DFS and Cam are valuable even as an expiring and on a decent long term deal. Marks understands how valuable 3 and D guys are. Risacher went 1st on the dream he can be and there’s a decent chance he won’t even be as good as Cam Johnson when it’s all said and done.

  8. LittleKago

    I wonder if the outlook of this draft as weak overall made every team feel like they could outsmart the others and grab some sleeper. I mostly wanted a pick to make next season a little more exciting. We all love rooting for homegrown talent, and I have a bad feeling Dariq is going to be injury plagued in perpetuity, so I’m personally not too excited about him. My prediction is that his ceiling is LeVert. Overall, though, I doubt anyone would have been a huge difference maker anyway.

    I’m not going to get too sad after such a killer day for us fewer than 24 hours ago, but my major concern is getting stuck giving DFS minutes then watching him walk in the off-season or buying him out. We’re hitting a point where other teams can roll the dice and wait us out with minimal risk. I’m really hopeful we can move him considering we’re entering a third season of dwindling value. CamJ I’m less worried about. We have plenty of time to move him (though we can’t rule out that he’s an injury risk). DFS on the other hand gets less and less valuable every day, and I’m starting to wonder if we’re preparing to settle for a couple of seconds (from a contender, no less). Again, this is my issue with Marks recently: Sits on his hands until an asset is depleted.

    But hey, I’m still enjoying the first day I’ve appreciated Marks in 2.5 years, so I can live with standing pat in a weak draft for now.

  9. SnooRadishes5700

    DFS absolutely needs to be gone by the time, the season starts. 

  10. Fartknocker-

    I was really hoping to get into the second round to get Scheierman, but Boston got him. I’d love to move in and get Furphy or Filipowski though.

  11. Realistically, this team can only suck for 2 years. After that we don’t control our picks and should be trying to compete.

    Knowing that, these are 2 prime years for player development. It would be a shame if we wasted one of them without a single promising rookie

    Who knows, maybe we tried to trade in and just didn’t have an opportunity.

  12. Renzel0311

    No need to rush into a trade just to trade, title teams will spin back at deadline,

  13. ihavepaper

    Didn’t OKC want DFS? I kinda like the idea of Topic here…so…

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