@Toronto Raptors

What The Raptor’s Drafting Ja’Kobe Walter Means For Gary Trent Jr! Who Will Raptors Draft at 31?

What The Raptor’s Drafting Ja’Kobe Walter Means For Gary Trent Jr! Who Will Raptors Draft at 31?

[Music] what’s up basketball fans welcome to the vat report it is time to talk about the Toronto Raptors who drafted jacobe Walter with the 19th pick in the 2024 NBA draft I’m going to be discussing jacobe walters’s game what his potential could be with the Toronto Raptors I’m also going to be discussing how this could impact Gary Trent Jr suture with the Toronto Raptors and towards the end of the video guys the Raptors do have the number one overall pick in day2 in the second round of the NBA draft I’m going to be talking about who they could potentially discuss very briefly at the end of the video so stay in tuned for that so if you’re ready to watch make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you wish to hit the Subscribe Button as well that would be very much appreciated so with that being said let’s get into today’s video so who is jacobe Walter well let’s talk about it and let’s get you guys a little bit familiar with what he can do what his game is going to be like and where I see him with the Raptors now he’s listed at 6’4 he weighs 197.4 pounds he has a wingspan of 6′ 10 in which is absolutely massive for someone like jacobe having a height of only 64 and having a Wings span of 610 is amazing he’s 19 years old he won’t be 20 until training camp starts in September and he plays the guard position he averaged 14.5 points last season 4.4 rebounds 1.4 assists and didn’t shoot the ball really well from the field only 37.6% from the field he AED aage 10.9 attempts per game made about 4.1 and his three-point shot may not look that great but believe me when I say this he’s a much better shooter than his numbers indicate he shot 34.1% from the field um or he made about 6 point 2.1 excuse me attempted 6.3 his free throws he hit 79.2% of them 5.2 attempts per game 4.1 he made out of those attempts and then he got he averaged about 1.1 steel and 0.2 blocks now you’re looking at his stats and thinking he’s list LED at 6’4 and I want to I want to clarify those are without shoes so which shoes He’s listed about 65 you’re looking at his percentages and asking why does he shoot so poorly from the field it’s simply because he takes a ton of Threes I mean more than half of his field goals are three-point attempts and just given how he’s shooting threes majority of his game is either shooting threes or attacking the basket he doesn’t really have a mid-range game there now in terms of what he can do for the Tonto Raptors and we see he’s a spectacular absolutely spectacular off off ball player which is great for someone like Scotty Barnes the Raptor drafted gry dick and now they have jacobe Walter great three-point shooter and again don’t let the percentages fool you he’s quite the three-point shooter he’s a great catch and shoot three-point shooter and he finishes I believe close to 71 72% of his shots at The Rim but there are some concerns about him which we’ll talk about in just a moment but overall he’s going to be someone that can come in shoot a lot of twos shoot a lot of Threes he doesn’t have exactly a mid-range game but most of his twos do come come at the basket as well but in terms of his potential like I said he’s only 19 or 20 years old by the time next season starts he will be 20 so he still got a lot of potential he just seems like an extremely hard worker and the fact that he has a 6 for1 wingspan just adds on to the fact that he I’m not going to sit here and say he’s a great defender by any means but he definitely has the potential to be a good Defender one day now let’s talk about some of his strengths now as I talked about don’t go off of the percentages he is a great three-point shooter so one thing you’ll notice with Kobe when you watch some of his highlights says that he moves well off the ball but he’s an excellent catch and shoot three-point shooter which is something the Raptors clearly need right even without even forget about Scotty Barnes I mean they’re obviously clearly building the roster around him but just overall that roster doesn’t have a tonn of shooting RJ beard can’t shoot threes you know Scotty improved but he’s not I wouldn’t he’s not ever going to shoot seven eight threes a game and hit about 40% you know you need someone that can shoot threes around him and now you got obviously you have greedy dick already there but now you got Jobe Walter really good three-point shooter to surround him with and of course we got yakob purle temporarily he’s not a great three-point shooter either jacobe also has really good positioning when taking shots oftentimes what you see with a lot of young players is they try to get a little bit too fancy they do fadeaways they try to do a little different things when they’re taking shots and especially catch and shoot he positions his body really well you’ll see that he has the same position every time he shoots a three he has his feet set he has the body mechanics down and it just when you a player example I really like to to use it someone like a Klay Thompson when you watch how he shoots threes he has his body set he’s ready to catch he’s got his feet set and his that motion of shooting threes that jacobe does so well in terms of some of his other strengths as well he doesn’t shy away from physicality now one thing he does really well is attack the basket despite his size he’s only weighs about 197 pounds he obviously will need to get a lot stronger but we’ll touch upon that just a minute but he doesn’t shy away from physicality despite his size he does not hesitate to drive into bigger guys and attack the basket which is great to see because this also goes into when another one of his strengths which we’re about to talk about here and that is that he goes to the free throw line a lot I mean someone who’s 6’4 you don’t expect him to average five free throws a game so the fact that he does that again it kind of kind of goes back with you know him being able to attack the guys and just he doesn’t mind getting physical which is always nice to see because a lot of younger players really shy away from that but I do want you guys to remember few of the strengths I talked about because we we’re going to talk about his weaknesses and some of the weaknesses May collide with some of his strengths which is why he shoots so poorly from the field now one thing jacobe clearly needs to do again he’s only 19 I want to remind people he does need to put on a lot more muscle that being said is I mean six4 guys you normally want them to weigh a little bit more than 197 pounds but despite that again he just seems like he has a good determination to really attack the basket but that’s where some of the weaknesses come to right so obviously needs to get much stronger especially at the end NBA level it’s one thing to do it against college players it’s going to be another attacking big grown men in the NBA that you know obviously are 30 35 27 years old really grown men and he’s need to he’s going to have to really get a lot stronger at the NBA level now I talked about how he doesn’t shy away from physicality one of his weaknesses he does need to finish stronger at The Rim now this sounds like I’m kind of contradicting myself the reason I say this is also ties in with his next weakness as well which is that he just does not he sh he takes very wild shots at The Rim that is one thing that I do not personally like about um uh about jacobe is that he really needs to add on muscle and it kind of it it really when you look at some of the weaknesses you put them together it all makes sense because he needs to put on a lot more muscle needs to finish stronger at the rim and he shoots wild shots at The Rim now the reason he does that is because he doesn’t have the strength yet to attack the basket um he’s also not a great athlete either I do want to say so becomes really challenging like he’s not going to come in and sore for massive Ducks so he has to get really creative when he does attack the basket and sometimes he tries to you know you obviously try to attack um bigger players and kind of get fancy around the rim to finish um some of the baskets which makes it a little bit difficult for some like to Kobe and the last weakness I really want to talk about is he needs to really develop a mid-range game now the reason I see this is he’s a great three-point shooter but the only difference between you know shooting threes and it’s it’s like the gray area like he if you you can shoot threes you definitely need to develop a mid-range game because if you’re not doing that as soon as you decide to dribble the ball opposing teams know you’re going to attack the basket because you don’t have a mid-range game so for him I think that will be the big um big thing he really really needs to improve on in the NBA because you’re going to need that mid-range game as well just besides threes if threes aren’t falling you got to be able to do other things and if you’re already struggling to um really attack the basket you definitely need to develop that mid-range game and I do want to see one thing guys I did say he shot about 70% 72% at the uh Rim um it is also on very limited attempts I believe about 25 attempts per game so again that’s to Kobe Walter we do have to talk about some of the other things as well where do I see his floor his ceiling and what his future will be with the Toronto Raptors now what is this floor I think when you look at someone like jacobe it’s he’s probably going to come in average six seven eight points in his first season and I wouldn’t surprise me if he averages more I think he’s going to struggle a little bit the reason is similarly to why greedy struggles just he’s going to struggle with physicality the three-point line is much further than the college three-point line as well so that is one thing to take into consideration I think his floor right now he’s going to struggle a bit he will find his shot as the season goes along it would not surprise me if he has a burst of game where he comes out and scores 15 16 17 points a game but in terms of his ceiling he seems like a player that is really really hard he works really hard and you can tell and you can tell he puts in the work but he’s definitely going to De need to develop develop excuse me as I said a really strong mid-range game especially if he’s going to he’s already struggling at attacking the basket against bigger guys at college level he’s definitely going to struggle in the NBA doing that as well now in terms of his team fit this is going to be very fascinating I’ll I’ll talk about this in just a moment because I do want to talk about Gary Trent’s future with the Tonto Raptors as well but let’s just go into potential when you talk about someone like jacobe Walter I think his future could be you know starting shooting guard with the chonto Raptors probably average anywhere from 15 17 points a game excellent three-point shooter but again it will need to be a lot of the things we talked about in terms of his weaknesses it is going to be obviously a process of him getting there over the years he’s very young he’s only 19 he’ll be 20 by the time the season starts he’s going to have to put in a lot of work to become a much stronger shooter but there’s also other areas of his game I think he could improve he’s got the potential to be a good passer maybe if he develops his dribble game a little bit more he can become a better shot Creator I think so those are just some of the things I think he could do he’ll probably be fourth level starter on the ton Raptors and again I just it’s funny we’re about to talk about Gary Trent Jr because I do see a lot of similarities between their game just when jacobe is attacking the basket he has this little pump fake he likes to use and then he baits the defender to jump up and then he’ll get that foul call in terms of his team fed this is where it gets tricky because if Gary Trent Jr is leaving the Toronto Raptors if the Raptors aren’t resigning him it’s most likely that Grady dick will be sliding into the shooting guard position in the starting lineup that’s where jacobe is going going to be playing a shooting guard position off of the bench but if they resign Gary Trent Jr I think that’s where you have jacobe and Grady kind of coming off the bench which is absolutely amazing regardless of what happens with Gary because now you got Kelly Ock you got jacobe you got Grady dick there as well you got three guys that can really shoot the ball and that’d be absolutely impressive but again I do want to talk about Gary Trent Jr because they play similar position similar size and you could even argue in some ways their games are similar in terms of their strengths and weaknesses but this becomes really tricky now because when if the Raptors were to bring back Gary Trent Jr now how does the bench look all of this I’m not saying you should play Jacobi 25 minutes a game or 30 minutes a game but you do want to give him some minutes as well but the Raptors also have oay abaji who they wanted to develop so having jakobe Grady dick and OA Off the Bench you’ve got to kind of figure out because none of them are point guards so you can’t have jacobe at the two Grady at the three and oay at the four it just it doesn’t fit Grady isn’t a great defender he’s play the three position greedy and U greedy and Jobe both are kind of at the two spot as well so we’ll have to figure out what the Raptors do with Gary Trent I think this could be a huge signal as to that maybe the Raptors are ready to move on from Gary Trent Jr now in terms of the 31st pick I do want to see one thing guys because the Raptors have some really interesting names that are still on the board they got Tyler Smith they still got Nicola Jer Stitch they got Tyler kak as well and there’s some other guys like Bobby Clinton there’s another one player I specifically I am missing and I can’t can’t remember the name on top of my head but they got some really good options and they still have Bruce Brown as well so could they possibly dangle the 31st and Bruce Brown for a future first who knows you know let’s see the Raptors will have some option first if he ask me I really like Nicola jich he’s a forward and if you can get him to come into the Raptor system he’s someone that can really handle the ball as I talked about in my last video and I quickly want to touch upon this someone that can handle the ball and distribute well and now that you got Grady and jacobe again potentially playing Off the Bench we don’t know what’s going to happen with Gary you got Shooters all around him and he attacks a basket right so that’ll be a really nice fit absolutely understand where people will talk about Tyler Smith as well and Kyle filipowski is the name I was forgetting but could the Raptors draft him at the 31st position let’s be honest he was projected to go somewhere in the late first round it wouldn’t be a bad pickup the only question is now if you were to dra draft Kyle filipowski now you have him and Kelly lck two guys that are Center power forward that can’t play defense so where does the defense come from it’ll be there’ll be a lot of question marks if the Raptors were to draft him I wouldn’t be against it I think there are some other guys they could AB absolutely look at but let me know your thoughts on jacobe what do you think of this let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and that will be it for today’s video so thank you so much for watching this video and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

I will be breaking down the newest member of the Toronto Raptors Ja’Kobe Walter! With The 19th pick in the 2024 NBA Draft The Toronto Raptor drafted Ja’Kobe Walter! I will be breaking down Ja’Kobe Walter’s game and discuss what he brings to the Raptors and what this means for Gary Trent’s Future with the Raptors!


  1. I hope we let GTJ walk and start Gradey at the 2. Nothing against GTJ, I just don’t particularly want to pay the amount I expect he’ll be getting in free agency. I hope we can retain IQ and Nwora though. If by some miracle, we can get Obi Toppin since it doesn’t look like the Pacers are going to match depending on the offer, that’d be crazy. With the 31st pick, at this point, I think Kyle Filipowski is the way. He could potentially be the next Al Horford which would make him a huge steal at 31. Otherwise, I hope we trade the pick for a decent enough package to a desperate team. I could see a future pick swap or protected first round pick. Maybe a decent player that they don’t plan on keeping or if someone really crazy, a full unprotected first.

  2. Just watched another video where the host felt that Ajay Mitchell is just a really good BB player that could be the steal of the draft. Also I think Adem Bona is an intriguing pick. He's only 6-8, but can jump out of the gym and is built like a truck, and the Raps could really use some size. Others include Furphy, Kolek and Filipowski. Should be really interesting.

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