@Houston Rockets

Should the Houston Rockets be “Big Game Hunting”?

Should the Houston Rockets be “Big Game Hunting”?

these Rockets whether it’s going to happen before the draft during the draft or after the draft are allegedly per Mike a Scotto an NBA reporter quote big game hunting the names that we have seen Paul George Kevin Durant Jimmy Butler male Bridges Brandon Ingram Brook Lopez yeah that’s not big him hun Marcus Smart Marcus Smart did win Defensive Player of the Year not too long ago Marcus Smart seems to be the most likely candidate to join the Rockets if they make a move there’s been a lot of talk about them potentially trading out of the three spot with Memphis for the ninth overall pick and for smart again we’ll see if that actually takes place but I figured we should start a new segment we’re going to go on a safari for the Houston Rockets should the Houston Rockets be big game Hunters one of the biggest mistakes I ever made was with this big crocodile right here I had him over there and he started up The Young BLS and trying with the young female so I had to catch him out it’s win now mode baby we’re looking for a star supposedly this is the Houston Rocket intro song from the 1980s and 1990s I have no idea but this was I looked it up on YouTube and this is the Rockets intro song as long as it’s not from Space Jam as long as it’s not from Space Jam it’s not from space can’t play Space Jam um I think Marcus Smart is more like deer hunting deer hunting like a lot of people can do that a lot of people can go deer hunt can you deer hunt I’ve been deer hunting did you deer hunt with a gun or did you deer hunt with a bow and arrow gun you’re no Joe Rogan of course not did did you really think that he was in there I mean I’ve shot a bow Joe Rogan’s 5’8 he could do it you’re right I mean I can’t do it I’ve just never done it caveman were short and they did it yeah they’re doing it with spear this isn’t a height thing PA just I just haven’t done it I feel like it’s probably easier to do it if you’re shorter my arms aren’t as long that’s why elves are so good at arrows it’s like tall people playing golf where there’s just more room for the mechanics to go wrong you’re just more compact with the exact that does make sense logically I don’t think it makes sense but than you thank you yeah like I hear you Sean okay thank you for standing with us short people elves are always really good what they’re really good at shooting bows and arrows what that’s from that’s from video game franchises and Lord the Rings and Lord of the Rings although the Lord of the Rings Elves are tall yeah but you’re exactly standing Paul elves well I’m just talking about I’m talking about the bosmer from from Elder Scrolls bro this an inappropriate conversation I’m offended I’m calling HR so so Marcus Smart is deer hunting yes okay there is reporting it was today like this this morning uh from Kevin ok Conor at the ringer that uh Memphis has not and will not uh trade Markus smart oh they’re trying to raise they’re trying to make this go from a deer hunt to a bison hunt that that I mean this is prime uh NBA lying season so take that for what it is smokees screen season yeah you really like don’t don’t want to trade Marcus Smart for the Grizzlies I think it would be really funny to see how the internet reacts to trading for Market smart Marcus Smart cuz everyone will be upset yes fans will be upset by it I would enjoy it but it would be terrible basketball because Marcus Smart will do a lot of infuriating things offensively but defensively as someone who likes defense more than offense in basketball yeah I’m one of those guys I mean they’re going to be locked down like like Dylan Brooks marus they’re going to be the they’re going to be the most physical allegedly dirty team in the NBA and I’m going to love it they can throw out a lineup with with the smart Brooks Tory e and Steven Adams let’s go pray pray for anyone who go tries to go Whitmore too could theoretically go in there and shove people cam Whitmore Min Thompson like wh that just that’s Cam Whitmore time okay he’s the only one that can shoot so he has to play like he can play the least amount of good defense and he’s the only one that tries to put the ball in the bucket there we go sign up it would be really fun if that’s what the Rockets just started doing like we’re just going to play Red Rover every single game the clothesline your ass just like ’90s basketball just have we just have two guys are they good not really but they’ll beat you up 90s basketball with guys who actually are laterally quick instead of as the like gen Z kids call them plumbers the Rockets are going Davis the Rockets are going to be Trend sets I hope so everyone’s thinking about three pointers and offense no goon ball goon ball so some of these other names that are listed I don’t know Paul George Kevin Durant this idea that in win now mode is crazy to me Jimmy Butler would be fun but I also don’t think Jimmy Butler is changing them they would just be more relevant with Butler in this order Durant Butler Paul George yeah I agree with that for this year yes I don’t want to be in the long-term Jimmy Butler business that’s probably the least uh least interested I am I I mean I would like to see if Jimmy Butler got mad at his Rockets teammates and decided to play with the twos against the starting Houston Rockets it’s more the the late 30s for someone who played TI Tibido basketball and doesn’t doesn’t really have the best jump shot out of the three that that seems tough to me yeah I’m going I’m I’m officially a pass on all of these options all of them yeah I don’t want I don’t want them they don’t play enough basketball they’re not out there I don’t want to give up a bunch of assets for a guy that’s going to play 55 games and makes $65 million or whatever it is why not seems like a bad idea p okay seems like a bad formula seems like a not winning formula now they’ll be the they’ll be the six seed so if that’s what phase three is is getting to the six seed and the rockets have it within their grasp they can get there this [Music] year yeah and then and then Jaylen greed and Al Shon then they get into their Prime and then boom as soon as you now the three seed tman fertita he’s hearing that and he’s like playoff tickets money two or three home games I think there there’s got to be other stars that are available or players that are available that you can acquire that are just younger like Mel Bridges I I get why they want to do it if you look at his his Seasons he’s been a little more up and down last year post deadline he was a disaster he he’s a good basketball I’m not giving up the like future first round picks for him but I I’m interested in Mel briges Brandon Ingram depending on what you have to give up you can you can sell me on that idea but there’s a I I’m not all in on these guys I’m not giving up every Brooklyn pick and a Jaylen green and the third pick this year to go get those guys they’re not that big game hunting yeah there’s no one that’s going to be available that’s going to be worth Greening a lot of un unless this Deen fox story has some juice to it that he’s not willing to negotiate his contract with the Kings and I just don’t think that’s going to happen today and tomorrow I was going to say that’s more of a next off yeah but if Daren Fox is a guy that’s looking to get out that’s someone that I’m I’m putting that’s hunting what’s the biggest animal we can think of a lion elephant tiger hunted we go A tiger yeah yeah sure tiger hunt yeah tiger hunt is that a thing I hope not it’s probably it’s probably illegal I I always just think of like the safari hunting like like the guy the dentist who took a picture with the lion with they shot the lion remember that one oh yeah but lions got cancelled for that lions are kind of frauds no offense to all sea so the lion and such they’re kind of frauds they are I will I will say I was I as we were doing the second played nobody they a played nobody this says I found lots of articles that said Lions only have a 25% kill rate yeah that’s pretty low yeah they they’re the coolest they got the coolest hair but I mean tigers are hiding in the jungle and stalking their prey leopards are probably the most versatile of all of the big game cats and yeah look uh do we have kill rate uh kill rate uh Power Rankings Joe on on that website you found the lion power uh kill rate can we just get the from highest to lowest I’ll find it it’s like the batting average lead the problem is is when I type I just like I Google Predator ranking and then it comes up the movies so like I have to refine my oh that’s the biggest game actually uh we have a comment on the twitch from Chalupa Batman these guys know nothing about big game hunting yes big buck hunting though you’re done kid we’ll smoke you correct chalupa we don’t know anything about big game uh that’s the point so uh couple of thoughts Joe that you have this has to do with the possibility that the Rockets might trade out of that number three pick is there something that you want in exchange for that we heard from yesterday Kelly EO who was with the killer bees that they are right now contemplating moving down from number three teams are looking to move up to get Reed Shepard from Kentucky or Donovan kingan from eukon well this goes to back to the marus smart thing a little bit if you’re going to trade out of three um uh Lor marinan from Utah is someone I have in mind if you want to go the veteran route I wouldn’t be totally against the mar Rosen I’ll be honest like he can it’s a different version of basketball he plays the mid-range game still not much of a three-point shooter he’s still a good basketball player to be honest I would have just traded the third pick for Alex Caruso if they’re talking abouto like yes you got no you got Marcus Smart you got to get the 11th pick back sorry that’s that’s what I mean that’s what I mean okay like instead of like Marcus Smart and nine for the third pick I would have done that for Caruso for for 11 11 so like that would have made more sense I don’t take Alex Caruso seriously despite his very good defense and very good three-point shooting U but those are the two names I I have in mind why not it’s it’s just the way he looks oh racist Paul no it’s his hair the headband the headband on a bald guy it’s like you don’t need the headband dude it’s better than his college look his college look is better those are tough at A&M because he’s got the hair still on the but it’s like very thin and shaved down and basketball lighting is the least forgiving it is very fun forgiving yeah Derek white found that out the hardw now Dereck White’s got a chip tooth for God’s sake that that was a brutal moment I do have this list whenever you guys are ready well hit us what’s number one mosquitoes as a texture points out cuz mosquitoes seem like they would the Bigg this this one is apex predators oh not in the we class uh number one African wild dogs uh 8 85% successful kill rate wow but they’re pack like it’s not one on one it’s it’s generally like six on one team for me hey that’s true the Rockets way uh blackf footed cat 60% successful kill rate how big how big is a blackf footed cat well they could be they could be uh it sounds like a house cat but here’s the thing it says 10 to 14 kills a night so and it says Geral yeah small bird okay so it’s it’s literally just a house cat yeah but these are like success these are the best this is Success yeah this is Success cheetahs 58% really really I wouldn’t have thought that I figured cheetahs were all speed but you know no bite uh leopard’s 38% leopard pound-for-pound you’re giving me a draft that’s that’s that’s the most versatile that’s your apex predator yeah here we go I a leopard Paul domestic cat yeah domestic cat up 2% number five on this list Arya is a little killer but again beating up on a cupcake schedule yeah for sure just what just cuz they like killing birds to leave me as a present that’s a nice little treat I’m just saying if he swapped uh uh leopards and and Arya I mean the numbers would look different that’s true the the leopard would have killed the German Shepherd Husky mix that my cat for whatever reason thought that it could take the one time I brought a girl over that had a dog like that all right Lions number six 25% okay wolves number seven 14% oh damn rough day for dogs although the African wild dogs are number one sitting up top polar bears number eight 10% successful kill only 10% for polar bears yeah maybe they need to work out like James Harden does this number nine Tigers 5% a that’s a disappointment okay apparently it’s only a list to nine who makes list one through nine apparently yeah just throw in a 10th one throw domestic dogs I don’t just throw pit bus 100% kill rated true again and on that note that’s going to wrap up the Gana George show all your questions about pit bulls or thoughts on pitbulls shed them to the Killer Bees 71378 3776 he never ever does that ever oh really well my child looks like that kid in the house of the Dragon

Per an NBA Insider, they are. Is that realistic? Who should they target? #Rockets #HoustonRockets #NBA

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