@Orlando Magic

2024 Orlando Magic Draft Live Show presented by Wendy’s

2024 Orlando Magic Draft Live Show presented by Wendy’s

e direct from Mexico City down it’s the first home inseon tournament the magic of won nine straights 38 points for Bano and the magic pull off the Mile High Miracle swatted by Isaac by Carter nice love here’s fr [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God I just got so excited watching that I’m so pumped for the upcoming season but first we have to get through this draft so welcome to the 2024 NBA Orlando Magic watch party I’m Kendra Douglas that’s Dante Dante how are you it’s good to see you Kendra this is awesome so you got to wait till the draft to return my phone calls this is awesome you said just so everybody knows when we had our last game she said I’ll see you guys in October and you weren’t kidding you weren’t kidding but good to see you it’s good to be doing this I know I’m so pumped it’s like as soon as the season ended we all just went into hiding and so yes we did just like back up but we came back up for a great reason because we get to enjoy this draft with you guys now we know that they the 11th pick just came in for the Chicago Bulls so we are getting so close to coming down to the 18th pck for the Orlando Magic and you guys are already in the chat right now talking and we want to hear from you let’s go magic yes let’s go magic we are so excited for this upcoming season and Dante we are not done because why we have some you know autographed things right well I’m excited about that not only are we going to catch everybody up to speed on what’s happened in the Draft preview what’s ahead but somebody’s going to win that hat and you got your hands on one so you’re going to have an opportunity to win the 2024 autograph draft hat just scan the QR code that you see on the screen and that’ll be for your chance to win uh but it’s already been a compelling night there’s some guys that we kind of thought might be off the board by now that have fallen that might be possibilities for the magic but make sure you scan your code and uh and have a chance to enter the drawing to win that hat that thing is sharp Kendra I like that I like that you know now listen she finds a way to get her hands on all the all the merch you get it all and you’ve already got a hat that’s awesome good for you I do I was like hey I know someone in here has this hat how do I how do I get this because one the fans need to see what it looks like up close and personal right two I mean I just I got can I this is what’s gonna this is it’s nice it fits perfect and everything ready to go right but tonight you will see a magic player being able to put this hat on on so you guys make sure you have scan that QR code we’ll probably show it up one more time and then in you can win an autographed version of this hat so there it is right there make sure you guys scan it so that way you guys can win a hat well this is cool and just so everybody knows so I’m I’m broadcasting from home but Kendry you are at the facility and there’s a lot of Buzz there’s always excitement in the building right just right up above you is is where the draft headquarters is uh and I know there’s a lot of people coming out we we said we know Jonathan Isaac is in the building right we ched with him earlier it’s kind of neat it’s kind of neat to see all the I bet it’s an electric atmosphere over there it’s really cool I love that they are having it at The Practice Facility where you know the media they’re up in one spot too getting ready and excited there’s a whole stage out there as well it’s really cool setup I will say though it’s an eerie feeling in here you just kind of you walking around and you’re kind of nervous you’re like you I told you earlier it feels like you’re like in school and your teacher like waiting to tell you something and you’re just like what’s gonna happen what’s gonna happen I hear you great feeling around all around in here and I love that you guys are continuing to chat dope hat yes make sure you guys get this hat so you can win it and like what is this let’s see what we do but I’m thinking a wingman or swing me okay okay KRA how about this what if we get you should we get everybody caught up and then and then remind everybody so the magic pick where Kendra let everybody know we pick 18 so since we are picking 18 let’s go back and look at some some of our 18th picks in the past not just ours but notable number 18 picks you see right there 1989 who’s that Dante look at that BJ Armstrong spent a year with the Orlando Magic as well won championships with the Chicago Bulls right BJ now an agent a powerful agent in the NBA Theo Ratliff a great shot blocker and Kendra our guy qu Richardson right drafted that’s a pretty good pick at 18 that guy should have been a top five by the way I’m telling you we were joking earlier you know it’s not bad being Q because he gets Jordan sent to his house non-stop so if you want to be an 18th pick hey this might be the move because who knows you might be good with Jordan and then day when you’re a Jordan brand guy you are a Jordan brand guy for life and he has probably 1,200 pairs of shoes and you and I have been offered none so I just want to I just want to throw that out none none he should keep no he’s he’s awesome he’s the best but you know and he knows the names of all 17 that were taken before him which I love about that Goga baz and then haime hakz who was the 18th pick last year in the draft he would have been a top you know top three or four rookie this year obviously behind wom Yama and Chad hren so a terrific year for him as well yeah for sure like if anything if you’re looking at anything and you’re looking at this list you’re gonna look at highe as well and realize that like if you do go 18 or if you do get a player that’s 18 no matter what it’s about how they make a name for themselves because he for sure has made a name for himself in this league and so has Goa too so it’s exciting to see this list out here though no it is there’s some great names there and the magic again the draft is two nights so the magic pick 18th tonight and then tomorrow night they’ll come back and pick 47th and I think they’re about to announce the Oklahoma City Thunder pick so I I guess for those that don’t know Kendra we’ve kind of been watching this offline right as the names have been coming in I I don’t think we are I don’t think the first two picks were much of a prize in the NBA draft right right you had Zachary rash we’ve been practicing that did we get it is that right you did you did get it right you did get it right and then Alex sawar and then there was another french guy too but before we get to these picks let’s go ahead and look at take a look at last season let’s look at last season rebound for Jonathan Isaac three on the clock time winding down from he got it to go a 45 [Applause] footer oh my goodness the Minister of Defense closing it out at the end of the third quarter shot clock is under 10 Bron foger drives on Leber Lo throws it down just pow it down marching to the rimo turnover and add one more to the tattle Mo voder marching hamers it the big German Hammer it’s a jackhammer and a foul on Chicago have to get the ball in clock wind it down power B is’s going to back down peruso power goes to work the right-handed hook in the leg is good it drops through H Band Carol the big Bella stolen by Bron Bogner three on one H bam man this is a fun team to watch aren [Applause] they Steel by su he’s got Anthony Cole with the one-handed dck that brings the cloud to its [Applause] [Music] feet going to take it right at the big fell stuck it through that’s how you attack the shot blocker go [Applause] [Music] right backs it out down to five he’ll go to work step back over Durant shot is up B Caro drills it and a foul chance for a three-point play Big Time b car oh my goodness all right welcome back we’re having a little bit of a technical issues but we’ll figure this out but we still can hear you Dante right you can still hear me but you can’t see me I apologize for that but uh hopefully we can get this thing figured out but it’s still good to be here I promise I I didn’t turn it off I’ve the camera here but we’ll see if we can’t see if we can’t figure it out well hey this draft is presented by Wendy’s and Magic fans this is a great opportunity to get to your local Orlando area Wendy’s restaurant and we are a proud partner of them and they are a proud partner of the Orlando Magic all season so to celebrate the excitement of the 2024 NBA draft with Wendy’s you can receive a free Wendy’s breakfast croissant sandwich with a purchase on June 26th and receive a free small Wendy’s chili with a purchase on June 27th with offers in the Wendy’s app so the offer is only available at participating us Wendy’s for a limited time and you can redeem that also in the Wendy’s app so that’s exciting that we get to partner with Wendy’s for this show and I’m excited that you guys get to see this and have this opportunity so hey head over tonight get you a breakfast croissant and I don’t know are you a chili fan Dante I am I am a big chili fan yeah no question about it especially during Kendra you know when we travel right during the during the season yeah you can see if we go to some of these cold cities that is the perfect time to be grabbing some chili you’re exactly right sure it sure is so while Sacramento has the pick in right now we’re gonna actually throw to a package real quick of the magic and then we’ll get back to [Music] you clock is down to 12 and Anderson stole the ball Hardway picks it up two on one penny bounced past the gret he dos it 6.2 seconds to go Nick Anderson stole the ball Nick Anderson stole the ball for Michael [Applause] Jordan five now down to four turkalo got it heo turkalo delivers he’s ahe of the circle turn the hit Howard go Howard on the boto 31 points to Howard final sweeping Detroit sweeping Atlanta but they just R white Howard with the spin move oh my goodness 38 points Nick fakes three High Drive dishes off Dennis Scott for2 Big Shot R go shot the follow and the dunk and the magic have the lead with a vicious two-handed hammer BJ shoots it missed it 9 seconds left Penny got the rebound no foul ahead to Shaquille we’re going to the Eastern Conference Finals one more of them I don’t know if there are a word to describe this second FAL go of the game two of 12 Brady 12 in a row a firing that’s 38 for TAC Lewis for three yes how you enough to free up someone else he steps back and so Hardway now spin by left and he hits folks here watching Picasso go to work hero gets it in here’s Lewis turning and he shoots yes and one ainste for three he Thrills It DJ Austine a dagger with 3.4 seconds left in regulation my goodness all right welcome back and I’m so excited that we get to have the one and only Dan Savage join us today Dan what’s going on what’s up Kendra how are you feeling about you know the picks you’ve seen so far in the draft and I also want to hear from you guys too who are watching who was and involved how are you guys feeling about the pick so far so Dan give us your you know I love Dan the man you have fans over here Dan Dan the man’s in the building so yeah so far again the picks and what are you thinking about them uh no this draft I think the one thing that people knew about it is that it could go in a number of different directions uh a lot of drafts you know go chalk at least through the first five I think this one it was kind of wide open and then especially when you look at the prospects that are from six to 20 there’s a wide array of guys that could be available to the magic and we’re seeing right now there’s you know some prospects there that people didn’t expect to be there and some other ones that went maybe a little bit earlier um you know when you look at a guy like Ron Holland who who goes fifth to the Pistons uh you know there were a lot of people who projected a slide from him but I think in a draft where you know you might not have Sure Shot Talent we’re seeing a guy who had high high school pedigree go pretty early in the top five and I think that’s an indicator of where people see this draft it’s a lot of good uh players who can contribute maybe lacking some extremely high-end Allstars so you see a team like the Pistons take a swing there so Dante and I were talking real quick and Dante are you back with us you’re back yep yep y Dante and I were talking about just how much you’re seeing like the Euro game come here so like already out of the top six three guys from France I mean where do you see I mean Jeff Walman talked a little bit about it too the other day but like how are we seeing that this is going continue to dominate in this league yeah it’s a it’s the skill factor uh guys over there uh extremely skilled know how to play Within A framework of an offense uh you know it’s one of the problems with perhaps a culture currently is there’s a lot of you know focused on scoring and some you know elements of accelerating your own game where over in Europe uh you know if you become professional at a young age uh you better play Within the framework or you’re not going to get playing time so it’s a it’s a different mindset over there and right now I think it’s it’s preparing guys better from the NBA game and you know that’s a bigger conversation that people have to have at all levels I think they’re having it is how do we improve the AA circuit youth basketball to get people to understand some more team Concepts that can help people as they go to college and at the NBA level Dan I know you poured through the uh you pour through the podcast you pour through the highlight videos to try to familiarize yourself with these college guys right what’s your what’s your preparation Ben so that you could be ready for any one of the 37 people we could take at 18 you know Dante picking this late uh I forgot how challenging it is to prepare you know you would think that picking at 18 maybe would be easier uh this particular year with that wide array it’s a lot of guys and you know my biggest fear is that you know the magic come on 18 on the clock and they go in a different direction and it’s a guy I’m not overly familiar with so right that’s the fear that makes me you know pour through all these scouting reports pour through all the YouTube videos uh I’m motivated more by fear than anything else that guy that that gets picked so hopefully uh you know as uh we dial in the pick here at 18 coming up shortly it’s a guy uh that we you know are familiar with know well I think they’re going to get a talented player here and somebody who could contribute to the magic for for quite some time you know Danny Kendra and I want to get your thoughts on this too because I think we you know as we get closer it looks like Portland’s pick is in so we’ll find out who they’re going to take they’re the 14th pick the magic will pick at 18 um but you know this question comes in from Taylor magic needs to continue to build the roster with long-term vision and sign talent that will progress simultaneously with Paulo and France that’s that’s their I think if we know anything about Jeff welman we’re not going to rush this thing right we’re not going to rush this process We’re not gonna we’re not going to move like core pieces and that sort of I think we’re in this for the Long Haul uh so you don’t know what it’ll look like in free agency you don’t know what trades will look like but I think you’re G to find a guy here if you keep this pick at 18 that’s going to fit that timeline with Paulo and fra no without question Dante and uh you know I I think if you heard anything that Jeff said during his exit interview process it’s they going to add people into the room even before they add players the High character nature of this Orlando Magic team’s going to be kept and when you look at the guys that are the Cornerstone of the culture of the magic you’re talking about guys like Paulo bronze Jaylen guys that bring it every single night help you on both ends of the floor and I really think that’s going to be a staple of guys they add in whether it be in free agency or the draft is guys who are built from the right stuff and believe playing basketball ball on both ends well we’re getting closer too so now the Portland pick is in you guys are ahead of me so Kendra you might even know who it is I know I do it’s it’s Bob oh my Bob it’s Bob see we get excited Dan about the names right do well if you were around the Jay will era how could you not be excited about a guy named bub because everybody was called bubs by Jay will so everybody was bus so I see that and I and I have a soft spot for Jason Williams for that I know we’ve been talking about it before the the draft started we’ve been going over names and we get excited over certain names and we were like oh this name and so bub is special for us even though he is going to Portland we are excited about nobody nobody is calling him Carlton by the way no no probably not probably not let me get your let me get your thoughts on this I don’t know how much you can speculate or care to or even know but there’s names you know you heard everything from Jared you right Jared McCain from duke arguably the best shooter in the draft 41% three-point shooter Tristan D Silva right his Colorado teammate was off the board already and Cody Williams that’s a name that you hear a lot now you look at a guy like Dalton connect has kind of started to fall a little bit right so the Tennessee guy uh could that be a possibility uh kaon George there’s a lot of upside with him is there any do you have any thoughts as we get closer right to to see who might be available at 18 well you know you like the the weird connections we were talking about Bob’s name earlier in that connection what you know joining me at if anybody reads it’s either a story by me or Josh Cohen and Josh Cohen while I’m here at at the training facility you know taking in everything here Josh Cohen’s up in New York City uh taking in the draft and who did he run into this morning in a New York Deli Jared McCain uh and they were both both at the deli together so that that just seems like a fun fit of of uh you know introductory press conferences talking about what did they both order that’s what I need to know uh at the deli in the morning so that’s an interesting connection uh that has nothing to do with basketball whatsoever right so you would draft you would draft based on Deli preference that why not you know you know me I’m from I’m from the New Jersey New York area I take Deli very seriously in the morning so that’s a that’s a that’s a big plus for me but no I mean obviously that kid could play he could shoot uh you know he’s a little small for what you would think maybe you know a point guard or a shooting guard and a point guard’s body type thing I would think would be the concern with him but outside of that uh you know could score could shoot um you know had some very impressive College performances so you have to like that Tik Tock Star as well which you know the social team yeah would appreciate um and then you know you mentioned another guy Dante and you know Tristan D Silva uh you know look the if the Nicks reported trades are are true and you’re adding guys from different colleges why not pile guys from the same country you know add add some uh some German Connection in there we have a lot of Brazilian fans uh he ties to both being German and Brazilian so uh you know that but he’s also very versatile one of the probably best Cutters in in this draft uh you know has a has a number of different finesse pieces to his game that you have to like um you know another good player what I like Dan is he’s a 40% three-point shooter that’s what I like that doesn’t hurt right I like shot 41% from three I like the high three-point percentages well I love I love everything that we’re talking about right now but first Dan thank you don’t go anywhere we’re going to keep you around but we’re going to do we’re going to throw to another magic store and then we have another guest joining us right before we get to these last picks so you’re good you you’re good you we’re just so let’s look at this next one excited you know I think as a team you know we saw what we did this year and you know we just it did nothing but motivate us really I think everybody just motivated to come back even better players coaches everybody and um I think you know the league is now kind of on notice of what we can do and so I think now we got to take it to another level so excited about about the future about next year um like I said I think we have a we have a great group um we really enjoy each other and I think chemistry is uh you know not easy to find in this league especially and um yeah hopefully we can you know continue to build and um you know take the next step next year this this is just the beginning you know this this is the first for everyone or most of us here you know being in the playoffs so um it’s that’s what to expect know a playoff team every year and um of course we’re going to go further next year for sure we didn’t take I still don’t think we took any game for granted this year not intentionally at least but next year we definitely won’t take any uh any game for granted we got to get every win we can cuz shoot home court is important you can see that with our series we just had all right I told you I was gonna bring in another gu way I just I’m like a magician I just have people just waiting and ready to talk to us and we have bow here in the building but you’re gonna be with us for these next couple of picks so I’m excited what are you looking forward to this draft so far what’s been going on no I’m just I’m just anxious to see what’s going on just like everybody else like you hear the the discussion on who teams are going to pick and then when they actually pick them it’s like okay they’ve been talking about this and talking about that it’s just seeing these young guys work and dreams come true yeah well you should have been drafted in 1993 we all know that right you should have been part of that draft you weren’t 30 NBA teams messed up right or at that time 26 whatever it was what do you remember about draft night I I know ultimately you made it obviously and had a fantastic career for 16 years but what do you remember about draft KN going golly I think I just literally talked to somebody about this today in the Gil you what do you remember it’s kind of like everyone that’s getting drafted they’re going to remember the draft what do I remember not getting drafted so that is your thing and you say why did I not get drafted you always thinking this thinking that so when you’re the player in your conference and this and that you get Awards and accolades and then the guy behind you gets drafted you start seconding guessing yourself so I think that was the biggest thing and uh I think I kept a levelhead him like okay it didn’t it didn’t work out I’ll be okay and I tried to keep myself positive and it worked out so that was the best well not only not not only did it work out you’re under you’re under selling yourself guys you know because Bo’s my guy you know you’re my guy Bo so I want everybody to know everybody that passed on Bo in that 19 I got where Bo ranks in the 1993 draft class okay so these everybody passed on bo bo was third in games played of everyone that came out in that draft he was 12th in assists he was second in field goal percentage of everyone in that entire draft behind only George Miran and that guy didn’t take a shot outside of six SES right and he was fifth in rebounding and 17th in scoring Bo out so you should have been drafted that’s why right congratulations but were able to use that as motivation do you have a thought Bo on who you who you’d like to see the magic take you’re a big college guy I know you know all these guys yeah I know a lot of these guys um it’s gonna be tough because you got a lot of guys that you say oh he fits he fits there I’m thinking if you’re gonna get a young guy you want a guy who can shoot the ball well and score and of course where’re our identity is defense so you gonna have to be as they say a three and D guy you got to do a little bit of everything you got to be well versed but if you can shoot the ball and score you have a chance because we need a guy who can shoot it and defend the same time so I’m saying who y’all like right now well first I want to say that the pick is in for Miami 15th it’s khil we so Miami got you see he is emotional right now that’s great I love that’s a great pick for that team I I Really they don’t have a big right they play bam at Center don’t you think that guy has a chance to be a great fit in Indiana what he is what he’s gonna learn how to be is tough and that’s what he’s lack in his toughness he plays the game he’s very skilled he can dribble the ball he plays from the perimeter in but he protects the rim so that is going to be a great pick for them they need a rim protector and that’s what he is he’s a a big who can get up and down the court like you say I do know most of these guys and he’s one of the guys I’ve seen that that played very well this year I don’t see how the Lakers pass on Dalton connect but if they do I think that would be my guy but I just feel like you talk about a freak athlete size can shoot the three 40% three-point shooter so I didn’t want to say nothing because I was trying to keep it like it’s kind of like shooting free throws he hasn’t missed a free throw all day then they miss so maybe maybe WEA Tristan Tova is very interesting Kon George I mean there’s there’s multiple Jared McCain I mean that’s an unbelievable if he fell to 18 you got some great options BR but they got a lot of options but connect is probably would be option one but uh I listen it’s going to be this is going to be like you say at 18 you you’re you’re pretty much saying Who falls in our lap because we got a a b c and d you got options so now you say if this one’s here we’re gonna take him if he’s here we’ll take him and that’s how it’s going for the 18th pick right now do you guys feel that maybe at 18 you get a guy that’s maybe more NBA ready as opposed to a a top five six pick that is a probably more of a project that’s a good question I only think that that’s the way that they would look at it just because of what welman said the other day about his time in Toronto and how he had a playoff winning team and he had guys on the bench who were learning how to have winning mentalities right and he wants guys now to have that winning mentality instead of that rebuild mentality so I would lean towards that just because yes they do Pride themselves on the development but I think now you’re looking at it as the development of a winning mindset not a development of a rebuild and trying of a project as what you were just mentioning so I I could see you leaning towards that way all I know is gonna be it’s going to be a challenge for whatever player they draft to crack this magic rotation because when you look at you look at the guys that they have on this roster which is not rounded out yet with free agency we’ll see where that takes them uh we just saw last year with a lottery pick jet Howard uh at 11 you know play so much of the year in aola so it’s going to be a challenge and boy they better be NBA ready if they want to log some minutes with Orlando next season so y’all saying NBA ready so you saying a four-year guy in college no I I you that’s a great qu that’s a great point but I think you’re gonna get I think you’re well yeah I mean all of these guys are still gonna be know they are Nick Anderson has a guy on there that he’s probably pushing for uh you know Terence that was a four-year guy at Illinois which I will say we will Nick in a moment too and I want to say both they call that a tease they call like that but first off thank you for joining us you you the comments have been insane everyone have been like they love you they can’t wait to see they loved watching you growing up this guy Taylor this guy Taylor has literally been on it he is he was just like when I was small child at TD Waterhouse watching B Outlaw hoop heart and hustle forever so the fans love you on here both thank you for joining us at our draft watch party we’re GNA throw Taylor might be Taylor might be in your car when you leave the train just say just say hi just say hi on the way home Bo always good to see you buddy see you guys what up it’s toss to this next [Music] story clock is down to 12 and Anderson stole the ball Hardway picks it up two on one penny bounc pass the grb he do it 6.2 seconds to go Nick Anderson stole the ball Nick Anderson stole the ball for Michael [Applause] Jordan five now down to four turoo got it heo turkalo delivers ahead of the circle turle a hit power go power on the 31 points to Howard final sweeping Detroit sweeping Atlanta but they just R white Howard with the spin move oh my goodness 38 points Nick fakes three High Drive dishes off Dennis Scott for two big shot we not D shot the follow and the dunk and the magic C the lead with a vicious two-handed Hammer BJ shoots it missed it 9 seconds left Penny got the rebound no foul ahead to Shaquille we’re going to the Eastern Conference Finals one more of them I don’t know if there were to describe this second field goal of the game two of 12 Brady 12 in a row a firing that’s 38 for TX leis for three yes how you going to open up the tree up someone else he steps back the out and so outway now spin by left and gr he hits folks you’re watching Pico go to work pero gets it in here’s Lewis turning and he shoots yes and one Augustine for three he Thrills It DJ Augustin a dagger with 3.4 seconds left in regulation my goodness oh just when you thought we didn’t have any more people but we still have you in here you can show us you oh Bo Bo left us Bo could he just wanted to make sure Nick was there what’s happening Nick he wanted to see you he wanted to see you Nick Anderson everybody I mean hey what’s going on hey hey I’m here I’m here good to see you man good to see you the 11th overall pick in 1989 my friend 1989 what uh what goes through what goes through your mind when you think about draft night for you big fella hey man that’s you you got you asking a whole lot for me to think back that far I don’t remember what I did this morning I no no but that was that all the Crossing this stage tonight audience uh all the in the play in the gym and you know all the coaching and all those you know the the moms the dads taking you to practice I’m happy for all those guys that that dream has come true you know I I I I I know how they feel tonight that’s awesome that’s fantastic and I know you didn’t know a ton about Orlando when you came here but you certainly uh you certainly found out about city beautiful pretty quick and what I know about Nick and Kendra you know this in your first year here right is uh oh you’re making a face what happened the 76ers have picked Jared McCain Jared McCain from Duke that’s a great pick that’s a great pick yeah okay that’s a great pick but what I was I want to get your thoughts on that but you got so many people that are making comments in here number 25 is the reason why I became a magic fan you you still you still feel you still feel the love here in Central Florida don’t you mind well um you know being a Chicago kid but you know now this is my home and um from day one since I’ve been here it’s it’s been nothing but love uh for me for me and my family uh you know I I I still feel it from from day one I still feel it today so um I I appreciate the love that uh these fans out here still give me that’s awesome a that’s great well well deserved and Jared McCain yeah the 160th pick to Philadelphia that’s a great pickup for them I think he’s solid I think a he’s a he’s a he’s a great point guard uh he’s he knows how to run a offense get the guys in their positions and that’s what you want from your point guard to know know his Personnel when uh uh when he’s in the lineup he knows who can do what uh where you like your the ball at your sweet spots uh he’s that he’s that type of point guard so then Nick when you look at this past season everything the magic accomplished going into this draft what do you think are like some of the needs that the magic need to look out for as we are just maybe two like a picks away I definitely think you know uh you can use some outside shooting and uh I I heard you guys talk about uh a guy in uh connect oh ah I think he’s he you know I’m G I’m gonna go back in my draft a little bit okay you know he reminds me of a guy by the name of Rex Chapman oh nice okay okay athletic can scor ball inside outside uh I I really like him I watched him this year uh he has a motor he lets you know that uh I can play too so I I like that’s a great comparison that’s a great comparison we go I don’t know but I’ve been watching them all year I think uh you know I was hoping there when the Miami Heat was on the board there I said don’t take him don’t take him he’s a kind of player I wanted to fall a little bit yeah you’re right you’re right well and now the Lakers are on the board at 17 and you know theyve kind of got Austin Reeves at that position um so you don’t know where they’re going to go JJ Ronnie why not they should this is your chance take Rony James I mean you know imagine yeah there’s a lot of talent out there so uh I think the uh you know whatever choice they make it’s gonna be a young guy that uh you’re gonna have to develop and uh you just don’t want to a lot of these guys to the fire but uh it’s a lot of talent out there a lot of choices to big do you think you does it matter you know we think about three-point shooting right the team this team is struggled three-points you can address that in trade you can address that in free agency it doesn’t have to be tonight is is the key would be at 18 to take the player that you think would be the best fit right for you long term yes no no question about it uh what fit defensive schemes and uh I think that’s what uh we would do at that that 18 pick uh you know again you know there’s multiple guys that can slide right in there and and and and feel the void that you think is needed so uh well guys this is crushing the L sham shiria report Angeles will be taking Dalton connect at which they should I mean you think about La Showtime all I mean that guy fits in perfect I think yeah he’s a he’s a he’s a he’s an outstanding player like I said I had my eye on him all year I I I love his game athletic uh plays with a little chip on his shoulder uh that’s my type of guy and I think La if that is that what they reporting is true they’re gonna get get a good player wow that this is JJ’s first like pick like this is his first kind of moment you see like if you’re watching the draft now you’re seeing him in there as the new head coach for the Lakers he is he is like this is his moment yeah you know it’s funny being around JJ for so many years and uh uh and then I I I played against Rob pinka oh yes that’s right you sure did no not when he was getting good no did we lose Nick we might yeah Nick’s reception’s kind of cutting out he was telling us a really good story too and you know what’s interesting if if we can get him back I want to get his thoughts because a lot was made of a lot was made of JJ reck saying you know a lot was made about him saying he doesn’t care what people think Nick you can vou JJ does not care what people think about him that that is for sure that is for sure he’s he’s one of those guys uh uh he he hears it but he don’t hears it and uh right goes about his business uh my mom always said uh When people’s talking about you you gotta take a look at it and see who’s talking about you yeah yeah you gotta be aware of it but you don’t you gotta be aware of it but uh you know he he listen to it but he don’t but conversely he doesn’t hear the praise like you can he praise that doesn’t affect him either he just does his thing so we’re waiting for the looks like the Lakers pick is in again it’s being reported that it’s Dalton connect um to the Los Angeles Lakers we don’t know that Shams hasn’t been wrong yet they just announced it just now Adam oh that’s that’s a heartbreaker I think because that I think that guy would have been a lot of fun to watch it yeah’s literally walking up as we speak so that that’s a great pickup for them though you think about Anthony Davis right you think about LeBron James Austin Reeves and and now you’re plugging in that guy I mean that’s a 41% three-point shooter in college and a just a freak athlete yes yes he is I don’t think I don’t think they give him a lot of credit about how athletic he is uh right definitely can score the ball he’s a guy that can hit wide open shots he’s a a guy that can come off screens uh you can utilize him in a pick and roll pick and pop he’s that type of guy he’s he’s a he has a scores mentality he sure does well now we can pay him back and we can draft Ronnie and then we we could do that oh man well that’s good hey so now you look at the magic right now guys right what what do you think we’ve been throwing some names out there Nick that’s what I was gonna say yeah I want like the fans who are watching right now now that you guys have seen everything throw some names out who are some people that you hope that the magic will draft as we as we are almost in a couple seconds will be officially on the clock well I can honestly say that this is a draft that I didn’t know as much as previous drafts about the players uh you got a lot of you know you see G league and night players right plays overseas um I pretty much watched the kid from Cal uh Colorado I watched him a few times and on down tell us about him because I I got a strong feeling it’s GNA be Tristan D Silva I I feel like that’s a guy that fits he’s got size he’s got length he can shoot it he’s arguably the best three-point shooter in the draft uh Colorado ties right with head coach Jamal mosy what what do you know about him well uh like you mentioned uh some good things about him can shoot the ball ready to play uh and what I like about him he plays with an attitude I like guys with at you know uh I’m better than you attitude you know y I like that okay well that’s good to hear I’m better than you I don’t care if you got drafted number one I’m better than you I like those those guys that play with that mentality play with a chip on the shoulder you know I’m not worried about the the the name on the front or the name on the back of the Jersey yeah okay yeah I’m mean I’m nervous I’m N I don’t even know why I’m not even there I mean like I’m downstairs but I’m like I’m just so nervous I’m like I’m waiting for like the doors to bust open and I like here’s something I don’t know I’m nervous it’s like Michael Scott in the office it’s happening it’s happening around running around the office well there’s some great names there Tristan D Silva would be a great fit that side again a HomeTown in German right he’s got Brazilian ties as well which would be huge for the fan base um familiarity with uh with Jamal Mosley in Colorado uh you look at kaon George right that’s a guy that can shoot the ball your guy from Illinois Shannon he’s got a you know I don’t know that he’ll go this early but he’s he’s gonna be an NBA player too Nick well yeah no question about he can he can sport score the ball uh uh plays with an attitude and uh uh I’m looking forward to you know I’m going to always praise those fighting the linee guys yes you are yes you are a must you know but I think this young man has a uh you know a very unique basketball game uh perky jerky uh he can get out uh lead a break fin good finisher you know uh onew you know uh kind of guy so I’m looking forward to it well sham Shir no no no no you want to wait or do you tell who he’s saying I want to wait I want to wait okay okay and I I gotta let these young guys know if they need a draft suit I still have mine okay here we are here we are it’s funny because it’s like I’m literally sitting underneath and here go and if people know doberry Ste to steal Nick’s line like a w suit I have to take a all right all right here here we go guys here we go okay the pick is in for the Orlando Magic and the 18th pick is from the University Colorado TR Silva there you go there you go okay so here we go we’re talking about 40% three-point shooter 39.5% 49% from the floor okay he’s an 84% % free throw shooter 16 points five rebounds two assists for Tristan D Silva not to mention 68 he’s got German ties he’s got Brazilian ties I mean that that seems like a a win all the way around and this is what we were talking about right so now at 18 you get a guy that’s a four-year guy this could be a a play now guy right Nick like you as as Bo mentioned earlier you know a guy this four years uh he’s been through the been through the trenches a little bit yeah he knows what to do knows what to expect so he’s a guy that you can put out there and give him some minutes I love it he’s older he just turned 23 right so he’s he’s got a little age he’s got a little experience I think he’s got some toughness I think listen I I if if I’m Tristan D Silva and I’m looking at you know the guys that are in front of me going to be very hard to keep me off the floor I think if I’m a guy like that right that be he’s what we call right now he’s the seasoned veteran of the college uh he’s been around uh he he he knows what to expect he knows what he’s getting into well I I I like it I think it’s a great pick it’s a you know very I’ve been reading you read all the rumors and there were a lot of draft reports that had him going to the magic at 18 very seldom do you get the 18th pick correct right when people guess who it could be but a lot of people had this and and that’s a great pick that’s a great pick well I like I said I watched him a few times this year I I know what he can do and I’m happy now that he’s a part of this Orlando Magic family you like this Nick so Lucas Gomez says I thought we only picked players from Michigan that’s pretty good great that’s a good one that’s a good one that’s pretty good as a big 10 guy I know that’s got to kill you every time we hear every time you hear that name I know this is exciting this is exciting and he’s wearing the hat look the hat that don’t forget guys if that QR code we’ll probably get it back up if we can get that QR code back up you can win an autographed hat like this just scan that QR code right there so then you can get yourself an autographed hat um wow and there it is Tristan D Silva he is he is an Orlando Magic there it isting there it is so yeah so what is so Nick what is the next 48 hours like for this guy well you know uh it’s a s relief a big side relief you know uh little bit little bit stress off your shoulders the tension and everything you can kind of relax and you can sit back and say I made it yeah you know those are the things that’s going through a lot of these young men like made it you know I’m here I I have arrived but the work doesn’t stop there correct so now you you getting ready uh a lot all these young men are getting ready for the the summer league uh get ready to go out there and and work hard that’s the beginning of a long healthy career yeah well Nick thank you so much for joining us for this moment we’re so excited to see you we can’t wait to see you till when the season starts and hey Tristan D Sila there he is he’s our guy so thank you for joining us thank you and Dante you letting it grow out there my man I gotta let it grow out I gotta let it I’m gonna let it come back I thinned it out a little bit but I yours looks good mine had a lot of white in it so I always good to see you two5 y take it easy have a good evening got you you too Nicki Anderson wow okay first ever draft pick so there you go all the speculation know we had a handful of names when we started this whole thing and and ended up being one we we threw a bunch of darts against the wall we ended up getting one of them feels like magic you know he’ll be in T there’ll be another night of the draft tomorrow the magic pick again at 47 you don’t know if they’ll keep that pick or not or if they’ll move it but potentially these two guys will be here in town uh on Friday and it’ll be our first chance right you and I will have a chance to to sit down and meet the new draft picks and that that’s always exciting because so much is thrown at him so fast and you get an opportunity to meet him right right you know day two of being an NBA pretty and they’re probably going to be super overwhelmed and they’re probably going to be like what is going on but it’ll be exciting for them and yeah this is going to be a great time but don’t forget yes the second round of the draft will be actually tomorrow um we won’t be doing this tomorrow but we will still keeping you guys informed through all the magic platforms all social media but this was exciting I’m I think we’re going to continue to watch but we’re our job is done our job is done Kendra that well done well done and I think you know there’s a lot of questions about will Tristan play will there be playing time will he have a chance to make the team you know obviously he make the team but how many minutes will he get listen that’s the beauty of this and and I think what coach Mosley has said and what any coach who coaches in the NBA wants is competition at every position right so will he carve out minutes right away maybe not Anthony black made it hard for Coach Mosley to take him off the floor because he played so hard played so well that’s all you can ask for these young guys so when your number is called what are you going to do and I think you we would imagine more minutes for Anthony and and for jet this year so it might be hard for him to get minutes initially or maybe he has a great training camp right maybe he hits the ground running and maybe right away you know he’s part of that 8 n man rotation so lot to be you know lot to be figured out but a great pick and and we’re excited for tomorrow night who we’re gonna pick at 47 and uh to meet him on Friday yeah definitely and thank you have you been hosting stuff you haven’t skipped a be have you’ve been hosting other shows done this you know I I dabble in a few magic shows here and there um you know every once in a while no this amazing thank you for joining us to our draft watch party presented by Wendy’s um make sure you guys get all your promotional stuff tonight and tomorrow don’t forget the chili get the chili tomorrow there it is right there you see that and then we will pick a hat winner later on um but thank you again for watching magic fans we got our pick have a great night and we will see you when the season starts let’s go it’ll be here before you know it right we got training camp great job Kendra thanks everybody

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  1. Tristan Da Silva could play the spot played by Joe Ingles. He won't have the playoff experience of Ingles but he can help with younger legs on defense and can shoot the ball, which we need. Good pick.

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