@Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – The Sacramento Kings Still Have Work To Do

Matt George, Locked on Kings – The Sacramento Kings Still Have Work To Do

um Matt uh what’ you think last night um Devin Carter the newest member of the Sacramento Kings yeah my my initial reaction was one of of negativity in fact it’s I mean it’s still up on Twitter you can see it on Twitter which was a like I want to get it but I don’t get it because here is Monty McNair once again drafting a guard you know have eight guards on your roster the tallest of which being Kevin hder who’s six foot seven and he’s also probably the worst Defender out of the eight guards on your roster at that time so I mean I I I did not get it I did not understand it especially when we knew that there were trade conversations happening up until the buzzer and I thought we were gonna get a buzzer beater trade I thought it made sense for the Kings to wait and to see who was on the board at 13 and then to try and capitalize maybe on a team who’s willing to move up to maybe go and get a Dalton connect or go and get uh a Devin Carter or whatever the case may be so the initial reaction was um I’m I’m not necessarily a big fan of to be honest it was I’m not a fan of the position not the pick I’m just not a fan of the position I felt here’s an opportunity with 13 you have an asset that you can use to address a clear weakness and need to this off season and you didn’t go out and do it but then guys as I thought about it more and more and over the couple of hours where we we spoke to Monty we spoke with uh with Devin uh and then to the point where I finally recorded the podcast last night the pit grew on me significantly and I had kind of the the moment that clicked for me when I was thinking about it and talking about it is I’ve been consistent this offseason with the belief that the Sacramento Kings need to get their roster and Mike Brown’s system on the same page to me Devin Carter screams Mike Brown guy like Devin Carter screams to me this is a guy that Mike Brown can go and use on both ends of the floor who’s gonna work like hell on the defensive ENT and is’s going to play a dynamic on ball defense he’s got that near 69 Wing spans we can guard multiple position so he’s versatile on the defensive end he’s a hustle guy he crashes the glass and Mike’s always calling for rebounding outside of damont sabonis and he talks about his guards he talks about his wings everybody go and crash the glass Carter brings that averaging almost nine rebounds the game which is absurd for someone who’s six foot two and then on the offensive end at least last season he was a plus three-point shooter at 37% So in theory on paper he can space the floor and be out there with dearon or Malik or whatever combination that Mike wants to put out there he checks all the boxes of in theory what we think Mike wants from a versatile defensive first guard on both ends of the floor so if I’m gonna be consistent with hey the Kings need to get the roster and Mike Brown system on the same page Devin Carter might be a home run pick in that sense yeah I I I just look at Devin Carter and more watch him and I said it earlier Matt this guy he has maybe I’m jumping out the window but he has all defense defensive team potential and you know I know a lot of people want the the 68 guy that can defend and things that that nature but I know they talk about his a wingspan but if you just look at him this is a guy that can defend threes he can defend guys on the way I know he’s only 6’3 but he’s a guy that physically looks like he can guard a guy that’s 6667 or anything like that and bother him um I I think it’s a it’s a great pick I am a little I wouldn’t say worried about the offense but I think that that is further behind even though he did average almost 20 points per game at Providence this past season I do feel like his offensive game I don’t know if it necessarily is going to translate right away to the NBA but I think the First first day of training camp of Summer League training camp he’s gonna fit in as a defensive player and even more so in Mike Brown’s uh philosophy and system yeah you love the idea of him with Keon continuing to to be someone and these are two guys now that are going to take even more of the defensive pressure off of dearon fox and it doesn’t mean that dearon is now getting a pass and doesn’t have to play defense it doesn’t mean that dear’s not going to take on some defensive responsibilities especially in the fourth quarter when he knows he loves to or we all know he loves to step into that moment it means he no longer has to the kings are not relying on dear and fox to guard the opposing team’s best guard for 48 minutes or however long dear is in the game from start to finish that means that you can probably ask and expect a little bit more offensively now out of dear to where hey we needed to be that 30 plus per game score like you showed you could be at the beginning of the season now be that for all 82 for us and then into the playoffs as well so I love that idea and that that possibility of how it works with dearon and then just specifically with Devin Carter too Casey kind of building uh building off of of the point that you’re making I mean I just think the versatility is it really jumps off the page I mean he is six foot two so he’s more natural I think the size of a point guard than he is the shooting guard but I think his play type is more of a shooting guard than a point guard but he has the wingspan that suggests okay you can switch him on threes and maybe even get away with times with having to switch him on fours if like that’s it’s not you’re not looking to switch your six foot2 guy on a six foot n 610 forward but you know in the flow of an offense sometimes if there’s a screen you got to switch them on and Carter doesn’t seem like a guy who’s going to back down from that challenge necessarily so I I love the versatility that he brings in that sense now I still think the Kings have a problem and and it’s their perimeter defense does get better by adding a Devin Carter I think but I still think the Kings have an issue of they struggle to defend the three because they don’t have enough guys that can close out effectively now with a 69ine wingspan okay that’s a that’s certainly better than no disrespect to Davon Mitchell because I’m wishing him the best in Toronto but Davon being six foot just over six foot one I think his wingspan was only like 66 67 uh that might be generous like you can shoot over the top of that we saw Klay Thompson do it in hitting a gamewinner early on in the season in Golden State I still think the Kings have an issue of they need longer guys to to disrupt Shooters a little bit more than they were able to last season but just because Monty didn’t make that move last night does not mean that the window to make moves is closed as evident by today and real quick about that you’re not wrong at all I agree with you I’d love to see guys more so in a 6768 range but one of the things that I think about that I don’t want to say it’s being overstated but I just um you know I I I think you can you can get away with certain guys as I I keep looking back to the the the Conference Finals of finals I look at Dallas right and I’m like all right the Kings match up against Dallas in the playoff series um now we got Devin Carter Devin Carter can’t guard Eric Jones Jr you know what I mean like you you can put Keegan Murray on a a PJ even though PJ didn’t do that much you could put um Harrison Barnes on on on him or something like that like I think you can still match up without having 68 69 67 across across the wing you know what I mean but it definitely helps if you have that for sure not not saying you don’t want that but I think you can get away with it um if you have guys that are tough enough to defend like a Devin Carter well I think Monty agrees with you 100% Kenny because Monty said it straight up last night he said it actually multiple times you watched the NBA playoffs this year he said there are a lot of Devin Carters out there so that I mean there’s Devon is a fits a type or a mold of player and Monty wind this in a little bit of detail a player that can give you something on both ends what was the conversation with Davon look at what he can do on the defensive end we love it but there’s a question mark on the offensive end with Sasha look at what he can do on the offensive end but there’s a question mark on the defensive end I think Keon Ellis is showing what he can be on both ends of the floor but he hasn’t shown it enough yet which is fine and I think we’re all curious to see okay now the breakout year is done what does Keon Ellis look like next year does he continue to make a jump and solidify himself as a starting two guard if not hey here’s Devin Carter that you maybe have a look at Kevin herder is still on this roster although I don’t know for how much longer Malik monk I still think should be in the conversation for starter and I know why he’s he hasn’t been but I think he should be because he’s the third best player on this team as of right now so the Kings have options right and Carter gives Sacramento more options and just because last night the Kings took another guard and at the time had eight guards on their roster they’re down to seven now because they traded Davon Mitchell away just because there are seven guards on this roster right now does not mean that Devin Carter isn’t a top three of those seven I think we know Monk and fox are top two Far and Beyond solidified 34 right now is Keon and Carter battling it out so he has the opportunity to even though you have a log Jam at that position he has an opportunity to be amongst the best that you have at that position so you don’t pass that up necessarily in the draft if you think that’s what he can be because you have too much talent at that position uh Matt you’ve mentioned the two players let’s get to uh part two of the news involving the Sacramento Kings over the last couple of days of course Devin Carter was drafted yesterday out of Providence and then this morning Davon Mitchell or earlier this afternoon I should say Davon Mitchell and Sasha vazen cof along with the 45th pick in the second round of the draft today we’re in in in in a later second pick were traded to Toronto in exchange for Jaylen McDaniels or Jaylen Williams no Jaylen McDaniels jayen McDaniel um and that you know we all kind of became Inspector Gadget after that looking into okay it’s all right well it it felt like something was probably inevitable with at least one guard as it pertains to Sacramento then we started you know looking at the salary cap aspect of all of this and you know the money aspect and what this means in that regard and so when you saw that trade go down when you had a chance to digest it a little bit and see it for what it was what did that tell you well I know I wasn’t the only one that did the Double Take and initially thought they read Jaden mcdonel and got super excited for half a second and then you read Toronto and like wait a minute something’s off here um so here’s like to me the the best way to simplify this trade from my understanding of it is it’s purely Financial like from a basketball standpoint let’s be honest this is not a good trade you trade away a former lottery pick you traded away a Euroleague MVP who I think had more to give and was not quite used properly and two second round picks to bring in a guy who is he he adds depth to the wing which is good you have another 69ine body awesome been calling for more of that but a guy that was woefully bad from the uh offensively last season he shot 16% from three-point range guys 33% from the field period or around that 33 34% so offensively was a nightmare and that’s just one season could be an outlier because he’s had better Seasons before that in his career he’s like a low 30s three-point per uh shooter from three-point range so to me this trade has really little to do with Jaylen McDaniel’s outside of hey you added another body to me this is getting $7 million under the luxury tax plus an extra seven million on top of that under the tax apron so you freed up money and giving yourself a little more wiggle room to still make a significant enough move to put yourself back back into the luxury tax but not over the apron I think that’s what this is about right because as you were financially I think the general belief is and I’ve been consistent with this the kings are going to have to go into the luxury tax if they want to make the moves that they’re they’re looking to make to really make noise in the Western Conference I think like it’s I feel like it’s inevitable now you don’t have to go two aprons in and totally cap yourself out and be paying the ultimate penalties and just if you go and take the time to look up I’m talking to listeners here go and take the time to look up the different aprons and what they mean because once you pass certain aprons they you’re limited on things that you can do for example when you pass the first apron which the Kings have about $15 million a little bit less than $15 million before they pass that first apron from that point they cannot execute a sign and trade that keeps them over that apron nor can they go out and let’s say in the buyout Market later on this season a player is waved the Kings cannot take in that player and that salary if it keeps them over that apron so there it it it sets limitations to what that they can do and that’s just the first apron the second apron has a lot more penalties but the Kings can now use that $7 million that they freed up plus hey let’s say an extra four five million here or there they can go out and get a 145 million per year player or whatever the case may be or no 15 million would be too much let’s say they can go get a 1213 million per year player stay under that first apron and that 13 million dollar per year player could be a important rotational Wing or a seventh or eighth man who knows what or they can use it for buffer for a bigger trade later on I think the whole point is the trade that the Kings just made by itself is not a good deal as a precursor to something else which I think we all believe it is then it’s to be determined but I think it makes sense to me Monty’s not making this move just for the sake of saving the king’s money that’s not where the kings are at at this point they know they need to be competitive and they know this roster has a lot more work to be done and adding a 69ine wing who as of right now I don’t think would get playing time over Kesler Edwards that that’s not the Improvement this team needs to be making help me with something so there’s a as we move up there’s a luxury tax line and then a first apron so there’s a luxury tax a first apron and a second apron Oh I thought the luxury tax line was the first apron so the luxury tax like that’s the first marker and then the second apron is like that’s where you’re pretty much in financial and Matt you’ll break this down but basically it’s like um if you if you go to a 100 million if you go 100 million to 109 is the luxury tax then 110 to 119 is the first a and then 120 and above is the second APR is that how it goes kind of correct and the aprons are put in place to competitively limit what you can do right so as soon as you cross for how long correct because as soon as you cross into the luxury tax threshold you’re paying that’s the whole point of a luxury tax you’re going to be paying extra money depending upon the salary that you’re over that limit it it it charges teams who want to pay to have super teams it charges you extra money to be able to keep that team together but there are some teams and some owners that go I don’t care I’ll just buy a team I try to be New York Yankees in this you know what like they they might try and act that way so the aprons are put in place to where okay now competitively you can’t do certain things even if you’re willing to foot the bill you’re not allowed to make this trade the NBA has restricted him correct it’s it’s part of the CBA so essentially it means like just because you want to pay doesn’t mean we’re going to allow you to pay and and just build the super team and do whatever the hell you want because you’re willing to pay a TENS upon tens upon tens of million dollar tax bill oh the Hawks are a first apron team Lordz you know the Lakers are it looks like this this could change Memphis is Miami is New York is New York is gonna be a fourth apron now New York’s inventing the new apron right now Portland Portland I think just came off of being a first apron team with the Brogden trade that’s that that looks like that was be trying to get out of the luxury tax too they got Anthony Simons and we talk about Jeremy Grant they may win they got DeAndre I mean deandre’s 34 Jeremy’s 29.8 he’s 25.9 Robert Williams is 12.4 matis styel is 11 million and they got DeAndre eight too you you said eight but I for yeah that’s 34 oh lord for Lord five wins man that’s tough trist Phoenix is you know they’re they’re a second APR team and then you know some of the restrictions Matt was talking about aren’t just like limiting flexibility it’s like yeah if you want to dabble in this world of being a second apron team it’s going to get worse year after year after year to where it’s the old uh you know Joe Lup hey as long as we’re winning titles I’ll pay for it that I can understand what if you’re not and then that’s where you have to make the decision of and that’s why I give the Knicks a lot of credit like we’re we’re we’ve started to put ourselves in a position where we’re an expensive team let’s go compete with Boston why we feel like we’re in the best position we possibly can to compete with Boston because they’re either going to have to keep winning titles and pay more and more and more and more and more and more into this or get out MH and we got to be the ones who forc them out yeah because Lord knows Milwaukee ain’t gonna do it Daryl M ain’t gonna do it so I see this comment in the Matthews mattress chatty house and no affiliation no affiliation whatsoever they are not my mattresses although I will take uh portion I’ll take a portion of sales I do own a Matthews Mattress By the way hey just said Kings got fleeced and I think on the surface people are going to feel that way because they’re just looking at the talent first of all what year does Justin live in like when did didn’t that that term didn’t expire with the pandemic what are you doing Justin be better Justin come on man go ahead be better Justin anyway uh he’s for a talent for talent perspective to some extent he’s correct however the you have to understand the purpose of this deal the raptors have cap space they have room you’re asking them to take on salary which is essentially I think I think it was around $12 million total of salary now they sent four back to Sacramento but around $12 million total of salary maybe maybe closer to 13 like you’re asking them to take on salary and do you a favor to take on salary into granted both these guys are expiring deals I I assume Sasha is going to be an expiring deal he’s got one year left on his contract after this which is a team option I don’t know if Sasha plans on staying in the NBA for that team option or the Raptors are going to just let him go whatever the case and Davon Mitchell is a free agent at the end of the year although they’ll have his restricted rights and I imagine they’ll keep him around but you this you had this team come to you and say we will relieve some of the financial uh pressure that you’re under to help get you back under this luxury tax line so you can continue to make more moves but in order to do that we’re going to need something in return so maybe you you can feel they gave a little too much of a something by Davon and a couple of second rounders although it’s hilarious how people think second rounders don’t matter when they’re in your organization and as soon as your organization trades them away now it’s like what are you doing giving up multiple second round picks like in reality a second rounder might amount to something the likelihood is it probably won’t and I think Monty is totally fine with moving on from a couple of second rounders if that opens up the Financial Freedom to be able to go out and make an actual substantial move now he hasn’t made the move yet so if you want to be skeptical until the move is made I understand that to some extent but when looking at this trade and analyzing this trade don’t look at it as a talent for talent acquisition because that’s not what it is it is a financial burden relieving move to put the kings in a position to do something more significant down the line and that could be this offseason hopefully it’s this offseason that could be during the regular season and around the trade deadline too if it takes that long and Matt you just real quick yeah as as uh the draft uh has wrapped up here you’re going to see a lot of undrafted free agents signing with different teams including the Sacramento Kings as Shams reported Louisiana Tech Isaiah Crawford has agreed to a two-way NBA deal with the Sacramento Kings again that’s according to Sham shirani of the athletic Isaiah Crawford of Louisiana Tech has agreed to a two-way NBA deal with the Sacramento Kings sorry we didn’t know and that brings up a good point that we never talked about that I just and perplexed by and I think it’s ridiculous it’s almost as ridiculous as the second half cafeteria Green Room that they have for the second round unnecessary why are they having two teams in the California classic the Kings one team will be in Sacramento one team will be in Golden State you didn’t see that I didn’t know that yeah yeah I did not know that that has it was that announced all week ago no just about a week ago it wasn’t it wasn’t officially announced I don’t think but it was initially reported by Jake gayen and then I and and a couple other Sacramento based reporters confirmed no I got an idea guys let’s take the simplest thing and make it ridiculous let’s do that and then Joe lob couldn’t find another damn team to get into his uh his little uh ripoff California classic so he had to go to Uncle V and be like Uncle V bail me out well sorry I don’t know why Uncle V keeps bailing out these sorry ass Bay Area owners but and I’m sorry to those Sacramento Kings players who got to go play at an empty Chase Center next week get your dental though it won’t be0 degrees when they’re out there so so salute to those guys get a cavity filled while they’re out there well they could do that they could do that yeah no I thought about that because I don’t know where Isaiah Crawford is gonna play respectfully of course I I I that completely flew over my head I did not know that was a thing what I’m curious is is Doug gonna coach both teams because it hasn’t been offici announced but Mike Brown basically said at the end of the season in his end of season press conference Doug Christie was going to coach the summer league team does he get both and does he get the Vegas team too that other one’s just coaching itself player coach it’s just coaching itself I say Crawford you’re the player coach of of the Bay Area California classic let Malik coach him oh yeah and look I don’t even know if he’s allowed to Mike Monty couldn’t even talk about him yesterday hey well look Matt Dam Matt got in trouble for bringing up monk last night God forbid hey hey the uh the drip walk when when Malik and Devon come through oh that’s cold yeah ain’t gonna be playing because Deon did his thing we didn’t get a chance to see him come into the the on the red carpet or anything just like that him and Rob Dillingham they they were the top two yesterday top two so the Kings already might offend uh Catholics by playing the sound bite that Malik monk gets every time he hits a three or hits a big shot one the are they going to play every time the uh the frier hit gets a bucket inside the golden one Center that’s what I want to know that’s what I want to know that’s the real know what they would play have no idea oh I brings up a good point and and add cool to that drip walk oh comes here this leag fits ain’t ready Le fits ain’t ready for the kids thisam this team is this the Kings immediately become all League fits team one like we’ll win the league fit Championship with those three guys and then us too oh come on it’s over it’s over Matt George six man oh Matt George being there with his sleeves rolled up his tennis shoes on he look good I I got a pair of uh of Nikes I’m excited to to debut but yall gonna roll your eyes at it but I’m I’m very excited about them oh man I need to I need to know I need to know what they are custom n they’re custom Nikes that may or may not involve a thing that I’m super involved in that you guys can probably guess I’m super nerdy about I have it tattooed on Lord of the Wings all right got Lord of the Rings once well you were right about you were roll you were right about the rolling of the eyes I’m excited to see him I’m I’m I’m excited so so Matt gets to be on the drip walk with uh DLo Casey Kyle kosma yes um we cooking Devin and then in Malik so we’re off and cooking and I’m sorry you got yelled at by Monty McNair last night oh I mean the way can yell I can’t talk about Malik yet yeah I can’t talk yeah yeah idiot you did you not know I can’t talk about that I forget like he which is so weird like if you’re allowed to it’s illegal like it’s legal like you’re all that’s why I was confused I was like you’re you have a new rule now that you can sign free your own free agents as soon so you you’ve agreed to a deal but you haven’t announced it yet but it’s legally can do it just tell us that you know coming back Monty so it’s weird that it’s weird to me that they can’t sign because they they literally can’t sign but maybe Monty didn’t maybe Monty forgot maybe Monty forgot it’s a new rule and oh wait yeah no it is legal I could talk about that that’s fine I thought I had the green light too because he I asked him the question about um Carter fit fitting with Mike and he’s like oh yeah we’re excited to have Mike back I haven’t talked to you about that by the way I’m like okay you also haven’t talked to us since the Mal thing oh I can’t talk about that all right well uh screw me Matt was like I’m in there there Monty said no you’re not well look not we haven’t talked to yeah we haven’t talked to Matt Since U mik monk day and just get Malik monk whole thoughts about how that went down how surprised if you’re surprised um about how that all played out um I was surprised in the sense that I thought at least Malik was going to go into actual free agency itself so he could officially hear the offers of what was out there but I mean I think we can connect the dots to have a pretty good idea that Malik doesn’t agree to do this with the Sacramento Kings if he doesn’t have a pretty good idea or his team doesn’t have a pretty good idea of what the what what the offers are looking at looking like outside of Sacramento I think Malik did I think Malik did the Kings a tremendous favor by agreeing to this and getting this done early on and I think that speaks volumes on twofold first Malik getting this done to where the Sacramento Kings could go into the draft with the clear understanding that they know Malik is going to return now it didn’t matter because they took a freaking guard anyway so all that crap point that I made didn’t really matter so Chuck that podcast segment out the window but on top of that I think it’s a representation of how this organization is changing for the better and how their reputation is changing for the better to where things like that do not happen in Sacramento pretty often and now Malik Monk’s not a A or a tier free agent on the level of like the superstars in this league but he was a coveted free agent in a class that unfortunately there was not a lot of money out there for them at that at this point in time so the Kings managed to get him to reigned before free agency officially opened he did them a favor it happened relatively quickly after Mike Brown was extended I don’t think that’s coincidental I think if we’re talking about the changing of a culture and how that has opened up the window of possibility for a player of Malik’s status to agree to stay here in Sacramento and help them out that whole culture change started when Mike Brown took the job in the first place so I think it all goes back to Mike of course dearen being his best friend has something to do with it I think Malik knowing his role and how important he is to this city and this team has something to do with it I also think you know he I think I genuinely think he loves in and and being here in Sacramento so it all played into a fantastic day a home run of a day for the Sacramento Kings to where they would know that even though they still have moves to make through the remainder of this off season it’s not going to be nearly as bad as it could have been I I was on the the level of saying it would have been a disaster to lose Malik monk the fact that you have him secured and it’s and he is part of your core to now Keegan and dearen are the guys that you need to worry about two years from now resigning and getting them part of your core going forward I I think I think it puts the Sacramento Kings in a tremendous position and it’s it’s worthy of a lot of Celebration and the reaction on social media I think says it all Malik has loved here in Sacramento and that move was significant here in this city it feels like it did a lot Matt to set up Yesterday Today Tomorrow the the the upcoming days were we expect a lot of movement around the league uh and we certainly hope for a lot of movement or at least significant movement around Sacramento the fact that you don’t have to uh preface every conversation you’re having with other teams with well we got to we don’t know what Malik is doing yet so we’ve got to figure this out and all this but if this all falls into place like the fact that you have that in line and I probably take it a smidge bit further the fact that you were able to execute that trade today um we think it’s related to something moving forward but even if it’s not it puts them in a in a really Prime position or but Prime might be a stretch but it puts them in a really good spot uh for for some business over the course of the next couple of days flexibility still continues to be kind of the key buzzword that Monty has used his entire career here in Sacramento and this trade today the acquisition of Devin Carter it falls into that mold I mean you have the flexibility of a guard that is versatile and can play multiple positions that seems to fit where you’re going and now you have the financial flexibility to build upon that by finding the right deal and it could still be kozma it could be cam Johnson or finny Smith from the Brooklyn Nets like just because those trades didn’t happen on draft night when I and many of us wanted them to doesn’t mean that they’re not still potentially available and out there the one thing that we know for sure is this team as it’s constructed can’t be what you roll into next season with the tremendous amount of confidence if you want to really make waves we’re not just talking about making the playoffs and Monty said a number of things last night one of the things was Monty said like the goals to the playoffs anything else is anything less is unacceptable those are his words so I mean he’s setting the precedent for how we need to judge him but I know Mike Brown isn’t just trying to get to the playoffs and calling that a successful season they’re trying to they’re trying to legitimately compete in the western conference right away now we know that they probably have a ways to go before getting there but if that’s the goal okay make the moves and run your organization like that is the goal and that is the expectation and if that’s the case then like mik Monty talked about last night when talking about roster construction he knows there are still moves that need to be made and everything that he’s done over the last 24 hours has prepared Sacramento to be able to make those moves now it’s about actually executing them and I think that’s where a lot of the skepticism or fear from Kings fans comes from is because we went through two trade deadlines and an offseason where the Kings could have made moves but didn’t they tried but didn’t now there’s no try there’s no could have like you you are in a you’ve set yourself up you have to make that move so go out and make it Whatever It Is do you do you think that I don’t want to say a deal is done but he’s there like he had to do a couple maneuvering right here to make this make this uh make whatever space he needed but he is like I said I don’t want to say it’s done but he’s really locked in on a move that that is close to being done you do you read the tea leaves and think that’s the case or is he just trying to make himself available for stuff by doing this move a mixture of gut feeling and just side conversations I think Monty knows exactly what’s out there and is available to him and it’s about finding what is right and what’s the right price for it I think that’s the point that where we’re at I don’t think M Monty is still scanning for the assets or scanning for the guy or guys that could be available I think he knows what’s out there I think he options that he thinks can improve this roster which is the best option which fits the most with the Kings going forward and which of those options can you get for the package that you’ve pretty much let the world know that’s available which mainly centers around a Harrison Barnes and slash or a Kevin herder plus your future draft assets I think like if I’m if I’m putting it like in a I almost have this picture in my head of the Kings and their War rumor sitting around a massive table because they can’t be tiny it has to be a massive table and they have these three like pieces of paper three scenarios or pictures of players or four of them or however many on the table in front of them and they’re looking at them and they’re discussing amongst themselves which is the route we want to go that’s where I think we’re at and they’re just trying to decide which is the right right route I I just don’t see a scenario logically I don’t see a scenario where the Kings go none of this works we’re we’re we’re not doing anything it just doesn’t make sense uh more two-way players for the Sacramento Kings this one according to Adrien wojanowski Washington States Isaac Jones uh is headed to Sacramento on a two-way deal again that according to Adrien wowski of ESPN Washington State’s Isaac Jones uh has agreed on a two-way deal to join the Sacramento Kings and just a reminder Keon Ellis was a undrafted free agent at the end of the Keegan Murray draft and look what he turned into so don’t don’t be just going okay and moving on take a look at these guys and and I guess we got two California classic teams so we might be banking about a dozen more of these announcements I can’t believe this is vlad’s dumbest move as an oning oh no what are we doing V catching the Stray whose idea was it um I don’t know that it was vame I don’t know if it was VL blame somebody we don’t like nobody we nobody we do like this Joe lup’s idea there you go this is damn Joe lups idea what do you think the move is Matt we got a couple of minutes left you’re you you you talked about Monty setting the path we know what money is there now we know I mean really realistically the possibilities are endless like there there’s nothing oh they can’t do that because of this they can’t do that because of this no they can pretty much execute a trade for any player that we’ve discussed um you know there are some interesting guys who will hit the market on um on Sunday so what do you what do you you’re lining up The Path what do you think the path is yeah I don’t have much of a um faith in free agency after just talking about how great it was for the Kings to resign Malik I still don’t think Sacramento is ever going to put themselves in a confident position as a free agency destination unless they’re going for kind of a rotational or or depth piece which maybe they are and that’s fine you freed out money freed up money to be ble to do that but if in terms of significant moves that are out there I still think Kyle kosman makes a tremendous amount of sense the Washington Wizards have shown that they’re willing to deal to collect Assets Now I don’t know why in the world they traded Denny for for in that contract for what they got for it but hey more power to them I still just kozma just makes a tremendous amount of sense to me I know there are concerns but I think he has great upside the Brooklyn Nets are showing that they’re willing to deal so why not give Jordy a little bit piece of his California home and give him Harrison or Kevin or whatever to to make him feel a little more at home there meanwhile you’re taking away all the assets that Jordy has poor guy in Brooklyn but go out and get Cam Johnson or slash and Dorian Finn Smith I mean those are those are pieces that make sense that probably aren’t going to cost you as much as a Kyle kma trade might potentially cost you um I don’t hate the idea too of the Kings picking up the phone and making an inquiry about Julius Randall I don’t think anything’s going to come of it but the Knicks have lot of money on their books and I think Julius Randall is a baller I don’t understand the Julius Randle hate I understand the concerns of fit and how it could work with sa bonus and stuff like that but I think Julius Randle is a good player who you could potentially get on the cheap and don’t don’t forget about Zack LaVine he’s still there it’s still a possibility I’m not the biggest fan of it but he’s still there and he might be available for cheap as well so these are potentially options that like I said M Amanti has on the table in front of him and he’s just trying to pick which one is the right one to pursue but kozma is the pick for me I think just he just makes too much sense great stuff Matt we’ll be locked in no pun intended uh to the locked on Kings podcast over the course of the next couple of days um as news continues to uh break and rumors continue to swirl around the Sacramento Kings uh we appreciate you as as always we’ll be locked into your post debate show with Kevin John can’t wait to see what that looks like

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  1. If that next big move doesn’t happen, this trade is horrible. And chances for big move are slim, just look at kings history, not many big moves. If they couldn’t do it on draft day when we had all our ‘assets’ and #13, what will they do now? Now we got even less ‘assets’ and no #13? I think after drafting, in their mind best player available, they had to clean space for him and now they’re hoping for miracle.
    I hope I’m wrong. 🙏

  2. Being Matt reports on the Kings (a NBA team lol) you would think he would know you NEVER DRAFT FOR POSITION NEED with a LOTTO PICK!

    Cmon Matt! You supposed to know better than that! lol. A avg NBA fan knows this lol

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