@Miami Heat

Watch r/nba struggle to understand what Latino Standard Time is in the comments 🤣

Watch r/nba struggle to understand what Latino Standard Time is in the comments 🤣

by big_krill


  1. TheLilart

    I mean that sub is at least 90% white people idk what you expect.

  2. sum_dude44

    can we just Post start times at 7:30 & start at 9…like latino weddings?

  3. HamSandwichRace

    11 million people on that subreddit and not one of them has had an original thought

  4. The_Bad_Bandit_141

    I’m a Latin fan of the Miami Heat and when I do go to the games I always leave about an hour early but traffic always finds a way to completely ruin my plans

  5. jbenson255

    I mean jimmy set the fanbase up to be clowned by saying this

  6. WheeinSpace

    It’s like an understanding between us too. You tell someone you’ll be there at 1, they know damn well you ain’t gonna be there til 1:30 or 2. “I’m right around the corner” basically means “I’m leaving now”

  7. Unfair_Conference423

    As a Latin person, I can confidently say some of it is Latin time, I went to an event last night in Miami that started an hour and a half late, it is so common people don’t even think about it. Times are just suggestions, it’s infuriating. People don’t understand this, 60% of people living in Miami Dade were born in another country and an overwhelming majority of them come from Latin America.. this is not a made up stat

    I honestly think a lot of misconceptions around the Heat come from the amount of Latin fans the Heat have compared to other fandoms, but that’s a different thing..

    But anyway, yeah if you think every person in Miami is some drugged up floating wealth vampire devoid of morality, and therefore can’t show up to a basketball game on time, you are an idiot. Maybe the ones in the first few rows. But yeah

  8. Guys we don’t have to cope, our fan atmosphere sucks compared to other big markets. Latin time + crypto bros/northern implants/ig models as well as most of the local diehard fan base being priced out of games have ruined the fan experience.

    Every once in a while (2023 Bucks Game 04 for instance) we can have a really impressive showout from the crowd, but 90% of the time the atmosphere sucks.

    The sports grill in doral gets more lit for a playoff game than the arena most of the time.

    Idk how to fix it but jimmy def has a point 😂

  9. jperez09r

    Man vs Latina

    Me: it’s time to go.

    Wife: ok let me, put the clothes in the laundry.

    Me: it’s really time to go.

    wife: I think I’m going to change these pants, which pants look better.

    Me: you look fine, it’s time to go.

    Wife: ok, wait for me in the car.

    ….me in car 10 mins later.…
    …walks back in the house…

    Me: babe, the car is running, what are you doing.

    Wife: oh I was just touching up my hair before I leave.

  10. TheTrashman133

    That sub is also 90% Heat haters so it is what it is

  11. whousesgmail

    I’m not a Latino but seeming somewhat proud of showing up late to things (especially something like a bball game) seems weird to me. If I have tickets to a game I want to watch the whole game I paid for lol

  12. Diggity_Dave

    I’ve tried to explain Cuban Time in /r/NBA a few times to no avail.

  13. sharpshooter0600

    Let’s be real it’s not because of Latino time

  14. CorrectProcedure758

    Jimmy show for the regular season first then we’ll talk about others not showing up

  15. heatrealist

    It’s not just latin time. Our geography and infrastructure is just not setup to get people into downtown efficiently at that hour during the week. South florida only goes north and south. Doesn’t spread out in every direction to distribute population. So its all i-95 or us-1 during rush hour. Then the parking sucks cause you have to hunt for a lot with free space. Unless you are already down there or leave work early you will be there late especially when you add latin time lol. 

    If its the weekend then its mostly latin time that causes people to be late. Where I live, if I leave after 6pm then there is a chance I won’t be in the seat on time. 

  16. javicnd21

    I have always been critical of our team fans because they never show up on time. Then I went to Miami for 10 days and proceeded to skip a game and showed up to 2 more in the 2nd quarter lol. I can’t talk shit.

  17. CosmoJones07

    I mean I don’t get it though, if Latin people have the self-awareness to realize they’re like this, and the players have an issue with it…are they just physically incapable of changing? I doubt that. This isn’t a valid excuse. If you leave early and still don’t get there on time because of traffic, then leave even earlier.

  18. msizzle344

    The hysterical thing in that thread is that you’ll have fans from other teams talk about the shit show to get to the stadium and they have a ton of upvotes, you say the same shit with a heat flair and you get downvoted by the masses while they shit on a city they’ve never been to, it’s fucking hilarious

  19. The rail that goes north of Downtown goes through some the poorer neighborhoods in MIami so almost no one that lives North of Downtown in the more affluent neighborhoods who would be the ones going to games have a mass transit option. People that live on Miami beach have to cross Bridges and causeways to get to downtown also with no Train mass transit to the beach that means cars then looking for parking the only people that have easy Rail access are south of Downtown and almost all of it is Single Family Homes its not till the last few years that they really started to build larger Apartment Complexes right next too the Rail system to raise population density next the mass transit that there is.

  20. Verumsemper

    The issue is parking around the Arena and just the process for entering the Arena. I have gotten to the area 1 hour before the game and by the time I found parking and got into the Arena, I missed the start of the game!!

  21. prettyboylee

    I’m a Malaysian (country in Southeast Asia) and even the people from here have a joke about always being late.

    I’ve heard the same thing with African Americans.

    Now Latinos too? I’m starting to think every race has their standard time joke 🤣🤣

  22. lomasturbasmeng

    i wish you’d take a pay cut

    we can’t all get things we want

  23. Ok-Deer637

    Miami isn’t a sports city. Vibes are always dead there.

  24. Josh_in_Shanghai

    All southbound traffic on the way to the arena is bottle necked into one lane.

  25. Glad_Emu_7951

    This is so ironic coming from Jimmy who ALSO loves to show up late ie play a million times better in the playoffs 😭

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