@Utah Jazz

David Locke: The Utah Jazz made solid selections in the NBA Draft with plenty of options for the …

David Locke: The Utah Jazz made solid selections in the NBA Draft with plenty of options for the …

David Lock’s weekly interview is brought to you by the Murdoch Auto team and David lock joins us right now David good morning good morning David James Patrick kenahan Friday sign the week’s coming to an end sign I get talk to two of my favorite people I just spent three days with Kevin Graham two days was two days with felic 3 with Kevin Graham and now you get an hour with him coming up I mean it is it is old home week around here it really is and we’re looking forward to him cackling his way through whatever it’ll be great as long as he doesn’t invite invade Idaho again we’re all good that is one of still one of the greatest radio bits of all time when Kevin Graham decided to invade Idaho why what did Idaho have little did he know that what we really wanted with Scott Gerard and Hans Olson and we get them without the Invasion the NBA draft is in the books David the number one surprise to you was Alex saw not being willing to work out with Atlanta and choosing to go to Washington instead sorry that’s pretty boring but the idea that Washington which has really been the death mail of any NBA player in career for the last 30 years and hasn’t made the playoffs in forever and hasn’t made a Conference Finals and du suddenly becomes your selection and that he wouldn’t work out for Atlanta was really I thought from a League wide standpoint was truly stunning um um that’s probably not what you were looking for as an answer but that would be it I do think Isaiah call you’re going from the number one from on a local level Isaiah call you’re going from the number one high school player in the country to the 29th pick is pretty stunning but it’s not as unheard of as we’re making it sound like J uh Hardy for Dallas was the number one or two high school player I mean they he was called six star like that was like coming out of high school they called him six-star CU he was beyond a five star and he became a second round draft pick and he’s become a decent NBA player uh Dallas needs him to become more after they trade Tim Hardway this offseason um so it’s not totally unheard of but it was surprising that he slipped to 29 but I you know I think he was going to be 20 like all week long I had talked about that Coler was in suddenly was talking about being in the 20s and I thought the Jazz should trade up at that point I think you have to trade up get him if you’re the Jazz and I was kind of losing my mind on our set from picks 21 on when all those trades are being made in every single one of those trades the Jazz had the capability to make the trade with a better package and they weren’t making it and I was like why are they not trading up to get CER at this point well I guess they knew what they were doing I think you and I are on the clock now because we both wanted Cody Williams and it’s exactly who they got so from you look at it from that perspective much like they had last year we literally saw them in in real handwriting that they had doped out Hendrick as the ninth player going Justin Zan talked about how he knew how the draft was going to unfold so they got the player that they wanted so that’s two years in a row I take a level of confidence in that because they’re doing all this research and whatnot and if they got the player they wanted it should be good news yeah and these guys are really have some similarities right in that they all of the um I mean what’s the the cliche is the Michelangelo David right if you ask Michelangelo about David he says it was inside the stone he just had to find it Well these guys right now are blocks of granite and they both have a NBA player that might not be the greatest artpiece of all time um which if you have ever been fortunate enough to see the Michelangelo David in person it is one of the most on inspiring things you’ll ever see so let’s not go too far but they both have the the pieces to be absolutely fabulous both Taylor Hendricks and Cody Williams Peak out on positional size they Peak out on length they Peak out on athleticism peek out on body movement they Peak out on their ability to slide their feet now they got to figure out how to play like you know but neither of them handle particularly well um we’ll see on both their jump shots both of them made their shots in college but not at a particularly high volume um will you know can they create some offense on their own or are they just going to be catch and shoot guys well that would be rather mundane for both of them but that’s their you know both of them kind of have similar possibilities of what they can do with themselves and it’s going to be really interesting to see how both their bodies fill out inside of that athleticism and then whether they can add skills you know we talked about Cody Williams last week there was that 300 PB Mound sitting in the middle of the lane that really limited a lot of what he could do I’m goingon to be interested to see if there’s more to his game it feels to me as though watching Cody Williams and I talked to you guys about this last week and you know was a three-play sequence where he showed you know two of the three were turnovers which I think is exemplary of where he is but where he showed like a little burst um and a little bit of a wiggle that I think could develop I don’t Taylor Hendrick I still think is just going to be a close out attacker straight line player I don’t I don’t see him becoming a like off the bounce Creator at any point in time but you know hey let’s not limit guys what they can do they’re really skilled and they’re really young do you think the Jazz commit to the really young guys and move multiple veterans uh do you think they’re going to bring the young guys along slowly and stay with some of the familiar faces we’ve watched uh the last couple years I think it’s really clear that they the Jazz do not want to just um you got to ear if you don’t earn your minutes it’s problematic and I think that’s true that that seems to be a real philosophy of will Hardies and also the front office but if you you know Taylor Hendricks earned his minutes last year by going down the g- league and doing his things and got his minutes late in the year but he wasn’t like if you had started Taylor Hendricks in front of Kelly oen and John Collins to start the year you would have had one Mutiny and two a disaster on the court um because training camp it wasn’t close right like he just he wasn’t at their level even close um so I don’t think you can just give away minutes uh with that said there probably needs to be a little pairing down on the roster of guys that are blocking any opportunity or blocking development and you’ve got look at the roster and figure out like well if we now have filipowski and we now have CER and we now have Williams who is in their way in a manner that they actually can’t or even frankly for that matter Kessler sense about George and Hendrick who’s on the roster that prevents us being able to play this guy in a manner where he can be successful and if that player exists then you might need to see if you can pair down the roster in that manner a talked about in his postseason press conference that he wasn’t sure yet whether uh George could be a full-time point guard distributor all that stuff you know remains to be seen and they bring up that he didn’t play that uh at any point until he got in the NBA which obviously is tough so I’m wondering do you think the drafting of Coler says anything to that no I think Coler was has an incredible skill set and was available at 29 right like the same way that he had I don’t know who but like um you know if some player that was really really talented slipped down to 29 in a different position I don’t think it would have said oh they’re set on keontay George’s their point guard either that makes sense yeah I got you um um so no I think this was a case where like I you know hey we’re GNA find out on Coler but like you’ve watched him like it’s it like his first I mean go against the Colorado like the Cal and Colorado games are the ones I watch most recently um and then he has a late another late game I can’t remember who was against maybe Washington where he’s great it was Washington yeah um I mean his first move is crazy like he literally a zip cat he’s like literally sending guys into different zip codes with his crossover I mean there just aren’t guys in the league he just he’s got a shake and a early ball control move that like it’s it’s elite it’s like elite elite elite it’s ready right now now you know what happens in the next two split seconds I’m not sure it’s ready entirely um but I think his natural passing is really pretty good actually um I just you know I don’t think that was a great team to be on either so and and um I was listening to somebody on with Alex and Jeremiah who was really killing their head coach for being an offensive um you know Neo fight um I don’t know if that’s true but I don’t know anything I don’t know enough about college basketball to know if that’s a fair criticism or not but that was what was being said do you think it’s more important to send somebody into a different ZIP code or area code well that’s a great question because um I’ve debated which of those is more appropriate to use in my calls so I I don’t know and I am trying to figure out what the new phrase for a telegraphed pass is because nobody actually knows what a telegram is so therefore Telegraph pass is a phrase that has to go away also so um and it’s better than um butt naked open which has been used before too so you know I’ve changed it to a um to the ZIP code or area code open go with zip code because area code’s actually overlap now it isn’t really necessarily clear when you call 801 or 385 or 435 where you’re calling that’s a really good point David if I’m calling if I’m calling 435 I’m not calling in the metro area but here’s the here’s the problem with that what who uses a zip code for anything anymore there’s that Postal Service the people take their cell phones and move to different areas you don’t know right I agree I’ll go zip code no I’m talking about when you dial I know dial what is this dial thing you speak of when you swing you when you don’t call your friend when you don’t call your friend because he’s got a nine in his number and you’re too lazy and who knows anybody’s number anyway I only know my wife that’s literally it fair point yeah I think I know my dads and I don’t and I know my dads and I know all of my childhood friends home numbers and they aren’t very valuable anymore I don’t have a home number that’s right right David lock joining us here talking uh NBA draft and looking ahead to the to the summer uh when you say you know guys who are who are blocking the way I know you don’t want to get into specific names and all that but do you think the pace that those decisions move at is um measured and or do you think that they might uh be bold how about that so what I really actually think you’re asking me is is I think there’s four or five veterans on the team could be mov I’m going to change your question I’m going to change your question is it one or is it four you know well oh I thought what you’re at well I think here’s the answer to the question I don’t know the answer but here’s the here’s the way I would phrase the question are they going to move players for perceived value or are they going to move players for the sake of moving players I believe the answer to that is perceived value so then they won’t be very bold because I think they’re have a hard time getting perceived value for some of their players they’ve had a hard time in the past and so unless something breaks where someone really needs someone I don’t think they’re going to get a lot of value for some of the guys that we’re talking about that could be moved and so you’re better off keeping their their value is going to their value is going to be let’s phrase it this way their value is going to be higher on our roster of what they give the team than what the pieces that they would get in exchange for them I just think a likes to split everything down the middle of 7030 so it makes it hard because he demands top dollar for everything so what you’re saying is the rule we had in our house when dessert came out was that one person cut it and the other person CH gets to choose the piece which inevitably makes the first person cut it very evenly you’re saying that Danny a cuts the cake and chooses that’s exactly what happens okay I just want to make sure I understood that happened in my house which is why the pie had little lines all over as my brother took about 3 hours to cut the pie come on let’s go that’s right while I’m young PK just took the pie and told everyone else to screw it hey it’s Jersey that’s right make your own beep and TI who do you think of the of the Young Veterans participates in summer league well I I suspect that all of them will be involved in summer Le Train Camp which is probably the most important part right that they all were part they all will participate in practices in the system and working together and so cers works next to keante and Cody Williams gets to read the offenses and you know Taylor Hendricks works on various things in a different realm and Walker’s there to work with them and send so I think all of that’s really important I’m be I would not be stunned if Cody Williams does not play Summer League that ankle sprain that he had at the end of the B season and then when he controversially played in the Pack 12 tournament and then from reading a bunch of Articles of the training he did in Santa Barbara at P3 recently it doesn’t sound like he’s at 100% so I don’t know how much of the workout circuit he went through and maybe he has been doing full workout circuit but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we found out that Cody Williams was going to rest that ankle and not participate in summer league we’ve been willing to have guys sit out summer league in the fast and I think that that might happen here I don’t that’s just supposition from reading a bunch of articles about the ankle sprain he had at the end of the year um so other and then I I think Walker’s involvement could be you know limited to Salt Lake City you also have Kenny lofing trying to get time um and maybe trying to figure out but then Walker might be really invaluable because you may be trying to figure out if Kenny Lofton can play something other than the five because it’s going to be really hard for Kenny Lofton to play the five in the NBA um and you have filipowski so he’s gonna and he’s going to have to figure out how to play the five and probably have to from watching filipowski I think filipowski is gonna have to learn how to play the five switching I I don’t think he can play Drop coverage in the NBA he just does not have any verticality and I don’t think he has a at least you know hey this is ridiculous because I don’t have the scouting chops that the guys that are really good at but I didn’t see a good second movement and the key to drop coverage is a second movement um so uh you know there’s just a lot of players so I think we’ll see some guys in Salt Lake that that we don’t see in Vegas and then I think we’ll see some guys go through training camp to get relationships and spend time with them that we may never see on the floor looking ahead trades and free agency I know big game hunting gets people excited and all that but all the names that are out there they don’t really seem to fit or work for the Jazz do you see something out there that might I mean like you mentioned Dallas is going to move Tim Hardaway Jr I he’s 32 that doesn’t seem like a great idea for the Jazz Paul George is 34 that doesn’t seem like a great idea for the Jazz uh is there something out there that is a good idea free agency wise free agents or trades just you know that first they do the draft and then the veterans move and however they move how do the Jazz get in on it in a way that makes sense yeah I got to say I think that you’re using your cap space on trades and extensions um I don’t there aren’t many players out there that like move the meter for me on a free agent standpoint um and maybe even more than that like there’s some players I’m really interested in they’re not bigname players but they’re actually young players I haven’t developed haven’t gotten a chance in the place where they’re playing right now and so to me it’s like well maybe we should go take a flyer on them but and like one of them’s a kid named wend Moos in Minnesota played in Duke who I actually thought was really good just hasn’t played at all and something’s wrong like he’s played very limited and he’s like two of 18 from three and he’s actually a good shooter like something’s gone disastrously wrong there but even if you go get him which is not an important name or even someone like him like well how’s he fitting like we already have ke we already have ker we already have sense of a like what are you doing like I mean you know you’re you’re sending him down to the G League like you know if you’re getting like you know your point on Tim Hardway Jr like I don’t need Tim Hardway Jr at 32 playing in in front of guys so honestly no I I don’t really see any you know Tobias Harris is being meent we’re going to be mentioned by every single agent in every single conversation because we’re the team with cap space and so it’s going to be kind of garbage frankly like just let like let it everyone should needs to let it roll a little bit because we’re just going to get mentioned because agents need to mention a team and you’re going to hear like Utah so and so and so and so interested in this player well go look if the other two teams have cap space too because I’m pretty certain those teams are going to be Detroit and you know somebody else are going to be mentioned and it’s not that it’s just the agent’s trying to bun get interest in his player and so yeah I I don’t see I don’t see a lot of routes right now by which you’re adding two or three pieces that move you from a you know whatever win team we are right now it’s debatable and put you into a 45 or 50 win team like there’s not like oh this is our best case scenario if we do these three things we’ll be able to make the moves that we need to make I don’t unless I’m missing it like I don’t see those names anywhere and right now I don’t see those trades anywhere either frankly David we appreciate it as always and we will try to talk to Kevin about invading Idaho plans that you’re going to bring up to embarrass him or you just going to be nice to him no we’ll discuss that the next break I mean it’s an hour we got time to do both honestly we can be a little nice and then Hammer them on something at the same time I mean if you need any help and information let me know text away send us your notes all right all right thank you talk to you later Budd see you there’s David lock radio voice of the Utah Jazz Kevin Graham long time three time right Salt Lake radio sports Personality it’s going to join us in studio at nine o’clock it should be hilarious oh three time to date to date to good excellent point excellent point DJ and PK it’s 975 the zone

David Locke joined DJ & PK to recap the 2024 NBA Draft for the Utah Jazz and examine what the franchise may look to do as free agency is up next. 

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