@Indiana Pacers

Inject It Into My Veins

Force is an obvious area of improvement for Jarace. Should be much more of a strength of his. Would be wonderful if he developed it.

by SpinJitsu259


  1. pimpron18

    Get rid of the damn floater as the go-to. Make it a tool, but not THE tool.

  2. Lord_Vandall

    If he gets more forceful on the offensive end he will be playing serious minutes for sure 

  3. Servbot24

    Well yeah I would fucking hope so. A top 10 pick who’s content with being a g-leaguer would be pretty disastrous.

  4. AffectionateQuit5684

    Reminds me of Myles where he has a nice touch and shot but you’re not gonna see him back down and bully guys very much if at all

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