@San Antonio Spurs



hyperbole no exaggeration guys I really do believe something is about to happen I want [Music] some are we having fun yet all right some quick news for you guys I I cannot pass pass on this one okay I had to talk to you about it um so there there’s some big news coming out of Atlanta thus uh big news coming out of San Antonio as well and it happened in a very strange time the timing of it is very strange um now before we talk about this if you guys want to support the channel man head on over to Spurs Invasion that’s my second channel in which I’ll be doing more edited content uh scripted content and I have one video on the channel already but I’ll be working on the second one this weekend and um I’m taking all of the constructive criticism that I read on this one and I’m going to apply to the next one we’re going to grow we’re going to grow grow and we’re going to grow and we’re going to grow and this going to be a huge Channel okay I believe in it um so if you guys want to go uh support that if that’s you know more your tea and if you just some videos on this channel but you you know more so like the descripted edited stuff head on over to Spurs Invasion link right underneath uh this video all right so let’s go ahead and take a look um at a few things so first and foremost let’s get this out of the way so yes the jonte Murray has been traded um for if you guys are are curious uh the Hawks got Larry Nance Jr Dyson Daniels 2025 and a 2027 first round uh pick so the 2025 is going to be very good for them especially since they don’t have their own right now um and I’m pretty sure that’s what they were going for and when it pertains to Dyson Daniels I am a believer of him but right now as it stands the player that he is and the player that Larry nass Jr is I’m going to make the assumption that the Atlanta Hawks wanted to get more for dejonte Murray now this is where things get interesting though because the Atlanta Hawks trading de jonte it was a lot and there were there were a lot of different articles saying that Trey young uh doesn’t have as much value as Deonte Murray I still don’t believe that but if that’s what’s being rumored around if they were to trade to jontay Murray and they got 2025 2027 Larry Nance and Dyson Daniels then if they tried to move Trey young what the heck what the heck would you get right like what what what would you get and Larry Nance and Dyson Daniels as far as right now the players that they are that is not the equal value of Deonte Murray so what this tells me is that the Atlanta Hawks are definitely going into blow it up mode right I we are just going to blow this thing up um now if they were to go in that mode of blowing things up they’re going to have to deal with the San Antonio Spurs right like that’s their best bet if you want to rebuild you would have a 2025 you have your own 2025 you have your future back um that the Spurs are holding on to and you can you can try to make something happen and just just completely rebuild so I in my opinion I think that it’s solely in our corner now they can go a different direction if if they may but at that point they’re leaning on how other teams are going to do right rather than having control of their own Dynasty uh or Dynasty I’m sorry Destiny um just like how the San Antonio Spurs um have it for for themselves right now now this is what’s interesting though this right here so the San Antonio Spurs and guard Devonte Graham are moving the guaranteed deal on this contract back to July 8th so you can see here um he has 2.85 million of his 12.6 5 million salary already guaranteed for 2024 25 the rest was set to guarantee on July 1st and now that’s pushed back a week I think what the Spurs are doing is trying to see what they could get for uh Devonte Graham um or you know how does it look what does the landscape look like are you going to use that money to try to fill out um your roster are you going to try to match uh with someone else are you going to just pass off that contract to another team and that’s a little bit more enticing for them where maybe they don’t have to have that guaranteed let him go I I have no idea I have no idea um but what I do think undoubtedly is that the Spurs are are weighing out their options right now and with this huge trade with Deonte Murray and them not getting a ton back and there being a lot of rumors that he’s worth more than Trey young I would not be surprised by any means if the Spurs could potentially make something happen now let me say this okay because I already know you already commented right there’s there’s plenty of people in the comments right now saying Clan I don’t want Trey Young leave them I don’t care for him I don’t want them on my team and that’s totally fine okay this is not one of those situations where you guys know I will get frustrated and and upset and and I will argue my point and and die on a on a heel at times if I disagree but the funny thing about this situation right here I don’t disagree with any Spurs fan right now the Spurs fans that are saying I want Trey young I’m with you I get it right I I think that he fits with the team I think that he would even fit with Stefon Castle I wouldn’t worry about that too much um Nunes we all know that he could potentially down the line he got to work on his defense but down the line he could be a backup point guard we can work with him there you know that’s going to take some time so I’m not I’m not worried I’m not worried at all um so if you don’t want or if you want Trey young I’m with you like that that’s cool but if you don’t want Trey young I’m with you too cuz 2025 draft is absolutely insane okay it is really impressive um so you you could very well go either way but I I think the Spurs are in a win-win scenario and just to add a little bit more gasoline to the Flames okay this right here I think that this is even more telling right everyone that’s so upset about the Spurs uh moving that number eight pick I’m a firm believer and you guys know you can see my reaction live I was a little confused with getting Rob dillam but I was like okay then that means that um uh uh Malachi is automatically gone Blake Wesley’s probably gone like I I was a little confused I was like okay you got you got two two point cut Rob dyan’s more like a shooting guard you you usually don’t like these small guys but okay okay I I was going to accept it um but once they traded them it you know after we sleep on it a little bit it makes a lot of sense right you got the 2030 2031 2030 pick swap I believe and then 2031 uh first round unprotected pick and at that point you don’t know what the timber wolves are going to look like right like they’re going to be much older cat’s going to be older um is is Rudy Gober still going to be there he’ll be much older you don’t know they they could very well be falling apart at that point so worst case scenario we potentially get a pretty decent pick uh later down the line but the most likely scenario and why I think that this is enticing is that with all of this craziness going on right now the Spurs could use that pick as well right they could use that future 2030 2031 especially if the Atlanta Hawks are like Hey we’re going in full on rebuild mode now the Spurs right now we’re still in rebuild mode you know as far as adding players to the team but we’re further ahead I mean I hate I hate to say it sorry Atlanta Hawks fans but the Spurs are further ahead um in in in in creating a a winning team than the Atlanta Hawks are right now the Atlanta Hawks are kind of in medoc or mediocrity right now they’re going to have to make something happen um so like I said like I said it’s a win-win but I am I really do believe something is about to happen I could be completely wrong all right maybe all this you know it amounts to to nothing really but the Spurs have a lot of cap space they can make something um happen and I would not be shocked by any means if if all this comes down um to adding some big piece uh to San Antonio but like I said you can wait it out you can wait it out and there’s a few people that I saw this like a few people are like is there any way to get Trey young without giving away their 2025 no no no there there there’s no way we get Trey young I mean I mean then what’s the point for the Atlanta Hawks at at that point you know there there’s no point in getting Trey young and they can’t get like their picks back like that I I don’t know if I don’t think that’ll be and then Spurs fleeced a lot of teams okay I think Brian right has been doing a phenomenal job um you know I I know it’s really hard to have foresight and say okay this will turn to this this turn to this we don’t know right Stefon Castle could be a bus I don’t think he will be I don’t think he will be but it’s possible anything’s POS possible right I mean no one thought that the Joshua Primo would go down that thing would go down the way that that went down that that was terrible um so you you never know but as it stands and other successful uh uh GMS have gone this is the way that they go you you stockpile uh picks uh you get your future you know Hall of Famer if you can get one we got lucky again uh and and you know you grow from there so I I think we’ve been doing a great job as a franchise and I’m really excited but all this news it it has to be coming to something like this this is just too weird the timing of it I don’t know I don’t know but I I’m hard pressed to uh not believe uh or I’m hardpressed to believe that the Spurs aren’t talking to the Atlanta Hawks on the phone right now as I’m recording this video so anyways I’ll give it you guys later man just wanted to bring this to your attention uh let me know what you think about it please go follow subscribe to Spurs Invasion uh link is right below underneath this video and like I said I’m going to have something ready um this weekend I’m going to start working on it um tomorrow I got the script ready and everything I I just have to you know record and and uh edit a video and that takes quite a few hours but it’s fun I enjoy doing it anyways I’ll give with you guys later man until next time bye bye bye [Music]


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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or #NBA


  1. When they made the trade with Minnesota I immediately thought it was to build assists to trade up next year to get either cooper or ace.

  2. I’m one of those people who don’t want him , but if that all it took to get Murray then I’d be okay with getting young for that price range . I just don’t want to waste all of our assets on him especially since next years draft will be stacked.

  3. If the hawks are going to blow it up why would it make sense to trade their possible lottery pick back to them…. Making the spurs own picks less valuable and still only be a middle of the pack team.

  4. I wonder if the trade would be Keldon, Tre, Davante, ATL 2025 1st round pick, and ATL 2026 pick swap? The Spurs likely view Keldon as being valued at 1 or 2 first round picks, and Tre at multiple second round picks. Would ATL feel the same?

  5. I think with the defensive abilities with wemby and castle and sochan we won't need trae to play defense we need offensive power and playmaking

  6. I think it's more that Spurs are fit for Young, but Young is not that good of a fit for Spurs – idk why would we take a ball dominant player who is (depending on who you ask) anything from a weak defender to an absolute black hole type liability on defence. That would be a great move for Trae, but would it help Wemby become a better player? It would take the ball from his hands and degrade him into a 7'4 rim runner, while Young would be living his best life creating empty highlights every game throwing lobs to him or shooting from logo, and not having to worry about his defence because there is going to be a french stickman behind him sweating his ass to cover for his mistakes.

    Wemby is so versatile that Spurs shouldn't bring in a player who would take anything from his arsenal, that's why I think that our PG should be someone who can play off-ball – a Jamal Murray/Kyrie Irving archetype; the closest available option, while visibly different from those guys, would probably be Darius Garland, who isn't obviously that much better defensively, but I can see him fit with Wemby better.

    But after all, I still think that Spurs should wait at least a year, and preferably two years before pulling the trigger – test Castle at PG, if he doesn't work then draft another PG from the guard-loaded 2025 class – especially if Spurs don't feel like being good next year – and only if that doesn't work out, try getting someone established

  7. It could also be a three-team trade where the Spurs get Ricacher for Atlanta’s 2025 pick and 2026 swap back (We keep 2027), and Trae goes somewhere else – like Los Angeles.

  8. Keep in mind they traded the eight pick, not specifically Dilly. They made the selection for the wolves, they didn’t specifically value him at eight and then trade him. Slight difference. Brian Wright pointed this out in the press conference. Curious to see what happens. Could be crazy.

  9. Tbh I’d rather the hawks trade trae to another team like the magic, we keep their pick and possibly end up with 2 top 10 picks again next year

  10. If the Spurs are still trying to get Zaccharie Risacher and they pull it off then they are amazing. That is the right move. I think it's who Vic wants and they will fit beutifully together. Also, with Castle, that would completely change he teams defense so that when Vic is not on the court the defensive rating doesn't fall off a cliff. Also, I think Atlanta took Risacher becasue they know how much the Spurs like him and are now trying to stong arm the Spurs into giving up more draft capital to get him.

  11. Dejounte has more value not because he is better than Tae Young. He has more value because his contract is more likeable . 4 year 120 for top two way guard is better than 260 million by Trae you understanding it wrong.😂

  12. I don't want Trae Young and I don't think he fits what the Spurs are building. I admit he is a top talent, great playmaker, great ball handler, great in pick-and-roll. But: 1) He is short and cannot defend multiple positions; 2) In fact, he is not good at defending in general; 3) While he does have great range, he is not a great outside shooter overall (35.5% career from; 4) He turns the ball over a lot; 5) He takes a lot of risky shots rather than working for good-better-best shots. He just doesn't fit the system, mindset, or culture that the Spurs are working toward. We don't yet know what the Spurs big plan is, but I sure hope it isn't acquiring Trae Young. What would be cool is to give ATL back those 3 picks (or 1 pick plus players) in exchange for Risacher. THAT would work for me. ATL needs to blow it up and start building from scratch, and those picks would be more valuable to them than Risacher, and Risacher fits perfectly into what the Spurs are doing and the timing of it.

  13. DO NOT GIVE UP ANY HAWKS PICKS!!!!! They are gonna suck for the next 3 years. The Spurs are the only team that can afford Trey Youngs contract. So stay away!! Use the hawks picks to build a dynasty. Sign Tyrus Jones, coach up Castle at point for a year or two, and feast off Atlantas poor choices and draft picks. Go Spurs Go!!

  14. I wasn't too crazy about trading for Trae simply because of his lack of defense… But honestly now that we drafted Castle I think Trae would fit perfectly here, just as long as he understands he's the no. 2 next to Wemby… We'd probably flip Atlanta their picks back, along with probably Keldon and Branham… Would not be too mad about it

  15. They traded DJ away so Trae can average 37 and get his trade value up, so ATL gets more in return at the trade deadline or next offseason.

  16. Problem is Trae is not worth giving them back their unprotected 2025 + more. Also why would we add a ball dominant undersized guard when we just drafted Stephon Castle to handle part of the PG responsibilities? Also if we literally had Trae in the form of Dilly and apparently we did not want him, so why are we paying 40+ mil when we could have had Trae’s clone on a rookie contract? idk man if the spurs do this it just wouldn’t make sense IMO

  17. Yeah I'm Team Let Somebody Else Trade For Trae Young… we dont have to pay that ridiculous salary and we keep the hawks pick. It's not like we're full blown contenders right now anyway so making a move like that seems premature especially days after drafting our new point guard. With that said I'd like DeRozan back though

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