@Los Angeles Lakers

Kevin Durant trade rumors, Lakers draft Knecht & who will draft Bronny? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Kevin Durant trade rumors, Lakers draft Knecht & who will draft Bronny? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

live from New York it’s the show that just loves lasagna this guy is just out of his mind today he’s fresh off four days in Italy can’t stop talking about it and is out of his mind the food comes no about it’s like oh the food and you didn’t know the food no it’s like it’s like when we we knew wemi was tall and we went to see him like yeah everyone talks about it not enough at the same time first things first today barely get to three we start with the shrapnel of a draft day W bomb while outlining some draft day trades W wrote the sunep said they’re keeping Durant for now but that could change next season uh-oh Matt ishia didn’t like that Phoenix loves Kevin Durant and Kevin Durant loves Phoenix what and we are competing for a championship this this year because we have the team to do it got to love draft night go suns are you shocked that Durant’s trade rumors are percolating listen I I don’t know how anyone could be shocked Phoenix is incredibly high on the NBA’s no clue what they’re doing list and but it might be number one well I don’t know Detroit exists the Wizards are out there I mean there are some but though the other teams on that list are just in this Perpetual no man’s land of rotating through coaches not having star players now the suns are rotating through coaches but they do have a they were recently in the finals and they have two top 20 players in the league they but they the fact of the matter is this they are right now in the grasp of one of to use your buddy’s coined phrase new owner syndrome one of the worst cases of it in NBA history and because they have just put pressed the accelerator down fully for Kevin Durant made sense but was risky for Bradley Beal didn’t make sense was incredibly risky and I think now Brew is in something of denial about how close they actually are to contention that the team might view this roster Championship aspirations differently than the players on it so it wouldn’t shock me at all if Kevin Durant’s like yeah I’ve kind of always been restless and this is not going the way I thought it was going to go and I wouldn’t want to be here I think it would be smart if Phoenix traded Kevin Durant and accepted their reality of we’re not contending during what is left of his you know tail end of his prime but I don’t think they’re going to do it before the season because I don’t think Matt ishbel wants to accept that reality you said a lot there first of all let’s say Houston was one of the teams ru rumored to be interested in Durant I don’t think that’ll happen if I was Houston I’d be more interested in dein Booker well sure they’re younger I’m trying to win you know I don’t think Durant’s winning any more champ if the team he needs to go to has to be really close Okay like Milwaukee or OKC somebody like that where he’s just that final piece he’s not leading you anywhere I’m sorry he’s not not to a championship he didn’t lead teams to championships in his prime so he’s going to it at 36 it’ll be 36 when the season starts it’s not happening now as far as I I don’t think they’ll trade him all right I think you don’t I don’t think you pay Mike buen Hooser sure he can build a program he’s done that but I think you bring in Mike buen hoser for $10 million a year because you feel like we got a we got a roster that’s right there and you do have three but you do have I mean part of the pro and look I don’t think they’re winning a championship but I’m saying part of the problem is health and that’s always a problem with Bradley Bill but they’ve got three healthy star if they have three healthy Stars Yousef nerkish Grayson Allen I mean it’s okay but I think there I think you got to give it a shot and then see how things go before you make this year giving it a shot yeah well they can say everybody was hurt or at least be in the but they hadn’t developed chemistry I I’m with you and that I don’t think they’re going anywhere just don’t think they’re gonna make the trade here’s the other thing before you go I don’t want to hear from Kevin Durant that you want out oh see that’s what I was going to ask you yeah who are you to be wanting out it’s like same thing as right right there’s rumor it’s it’s like Joel mbid I don’t want to hear from you that you want out you’re part of the reason we can’t go far Joel MB has no business saying to the Sixers I want out because he can’t stay healthy which is part of your problem and Kevin Durant if if the Suns can’t go further part of it is you okay part of it is because you got you didn’t play as well as you should in the playoffs and you let a young boy talk trash to you and then kick you out of the playoffs in four games I mean at some point guys got to look in the mirror if I’m supposed to be that good then let I got Devin Booker I got Bradley Bill Let’s Get sometimes Bradley pill and also I just don’t want to hear from a super not delivering that I want out for the record PA Jo ands at home like what the heck back I didn’t say anything I’m trying to get Paul George here and Kevin Durant hasn’t said anything I was going to ask you it feels like once you get you’re in trade rumors and it’s a little bit of like you know what get so I disagree with bre entirely this I I I wish Kevin Durant would ask out oh again here’s the thing man he is at this he’s a Wanderer and whether he stays in Phoenix or doesn’t stay in Phoenix that is going to be his rep the what is wer a wander Like a Rolling St just as he is restless and I and he seems unable to find basketball piece and he has had a lot of different environments and he’s found it nowhere and it’s not just about the winning because he was at the apex of the winning and it’s not like oh but I wasn’t a big part of it no you were the finals MVP and that by the way I supported him in leaving that cuz I did think he had more to go prove Brooklyn didn’t happen for him the way he wanted to Phoenix is not happening so here’s the point I’m making Brew if he were to ask out it doesn’t change his rep at all the only thing that can change his rep is if we see him on another significant postseason run because Kevin Durant like honest to God does he have a sing Le really memorable moment as a son no it’s like wait didn’t he and Booker both score like 40 in a playoff series against the Nuggets I think like they set some record or what nothing Durant post Warriors Durant the last five years it’s a very it’s somewhat similar to what I say about Josh Allen which is his best win was a loss post Warriors Kevin Durant what’s the Apex the foot on the line game where he played unimpeachably great could have won maybe they win the title if they do it that year all those things but they lost in round two like that Bills team by the way and so the point like I but where where do you I mean again Milwaukee sure that be but where do you want to see him go like you said he can’t find happiness anywhere so I don’t think that Houston’s the answer yeah and I don’t think Milwaukee is realistic I think some there right now I think Phoenix is super far away and I think in part because I don’t think even healthy Bradley Beal is a top 30 guy I don’t think Bradley like I think Bradley Beal at this point in his career is not that player anymore and I like Bradley Beal and I’m he had a very nice you know he’s had a nice career but I don’t think he’s that player anymore so I just it has been seven years since we’ve seen Kevin Durant play a playoff game outside of round two seven years we blaming that on everybody else around him no what I am no I am not what I am saying though is I don’t think he any longer at 36 years old is capable of dragging a team to contention so I would like to see him in a better basketball situation cuz he’s still an awesome player and he’s still a legend of the game that we are going to go his entire 30s and not see a relevant playoff game can I ask you a question bro yeah okay so suppose Kevin Durant saw this segment and he he text text Jo what’s this guying he’s like hey Brew question for you yeah you said yourself we can’t win right I really want to win and I happen to agree with you what do you think I should do outside of play better I mean look Nicks his Legacy isn’t changing right I would it would be a great sexy storyline if he went to a better team but I’m just I just get tired of people blaming everybody else now Brooklyn is a legit you guys mock me all the time about it they didn’t have a legitimate chance except for little small stretches right because Harden was hurt Kyrie was hurt or wouldn’t take the vaccination all that stuff so that’s legit but I I just I just want to look Durant to me it’s he’s a a great illustration of where situation matters cuz if he had stayed and I’m with you I supported him when he left Golden State cuz I was like go prove you can win somebody else he he couldn’t prove it and some of that was injuries and and other things but if he had stayed in Golden State he might have four rings maybe three or four finals MVPs and people are actually talking about him as maybe a top 10 player of all time instead of Steph some might be arguing him or Lebron I don’t know but I this era would be LeBron KD era maybe the LeBron KD Steph era you know what it is now because he left Golden State it’s the LeBron step era yeah KD is not in the era I mean he’s a star he’s a superstar Hall of Famer all that but it is the LeBron step era and part of it is because we know Durant hasn’t been a great leader that’s not necessarily his personality that’s fine but I’m GNA say this too cuz Nick you got him firmly in the top 20 players of all time yeah I don’t think he’s firmly in the top 20 players of all time and it is and reason I say that is because he hasn’t proven he can lead a team to a championship the Golden State teams were ready made right there and he was great but he didn’t lead them and I look at Kevin Durant he’s a great shooter he is he is I said he’s a a poster boy for right situation or wrong situation he’s also a poster boy for hard work works his tail off MH on what he wants to work on what name one thing he’s added to his game he is a great scorer has he added any he’s not a great he’s a solid rebounder solid Defender solid passer has he added in he has not even adjusted with the three-point era he takes five three-pointers a game he’s a great three-point shooter he’s 39% for his career he should be shooting nine three-pointers a game he hasn’t even made that adjustment so I don’t want to hear about you don’t have the teammates you don’t have the plays you don’t have the coach get it done but but he but he’s 30 but he’s I I I feel like this is a more fair take four years ago he’s now 36 he’s now the and again like that is that is the age Michael Jordan was when he played his final game with the bulls but LeBron all of a sudden started taking LeBron but that’s not fair for everybody else the numbers are the same the rant it’s just like LeBron his numbers are the same as they and and so I I guess the the and this is the last thing I’ll say I I think a lot of what you’re saying is maybe a little harsh but in in general correct but that’s kind of why I think he has nothing to lose by moving on because it’s not like whether or not he stays or leaves Phoenix is going to determine if we look at Kevin Durant as like you know one team guy that’s never going to happen so if he could find a better basketball situation and play some conference and I know I think he made a wrong choice I think he made a wrong choice in team Kyrie I think he made a wrong choice in thinking he and Booker were going to be great in Phoenix I think he made bad GM decisions for the for the player Kevin Durant but I still think he’s good enough to kick ass in a Conference Finals yeah but I want to see him we haven’t again since the 2018 finals he has played 11 minutes post round two and that was the game he blew as Achilles I mean that that part part of the story Su hot start we’re back that was a lot of takes you had saved up there good Lakers fans be I mean I credit words du I’ve been a very vocal critic of Rob pinga in the Lakers front office uh but this is I think an exceptional pick I the I this is a kid that scored 35 or more six times in just the last year he was a smaller College then was at Tennessee he doesn’t have the rivals pedigree that you guys know I value the but his one year of BigTime college basketball he was exceptional I was certain San Antonio would take him at eight if he were there and then when he started dropping I was like ah Daryl’s going to get him at 16 because he will spread the floor and you know be a plug-and play again rookies don’t typically have a huge impact in the league but if they have one Elite skill set you can sometimes drop them in and they do something like what the Mavs were able to do with oh goodness the center Lively Derek Lively was and they can make an impact so I there haven’t been a lot of moves Lakers front office has made that I’ve applauded I applaud this one wholeheartedly I think it’s an excellent pick look he started junior college he played what two years at Northern Colorado heard great at Tennessee all right he’s 23 years old playing against kids that are younger than him they shouldn’t be happy they should be ecstatic ecstatic he got you again I got you he got you again he got you again but I’m with Nick I love the pick and I know he is 23 and something but I care top three picks I get but here’s the reason Scouts do look down on that because you are playing against younger everybody your age that is like really nice is already in the NBA however players like this it’s kind of like the villain Nova guys they come in I love the I love his journey like the fact that he has gone from jco to Northern Colorado to starring at Tennessee it shows a work ethic it shows a mental toughness and I think he’s going to come in he’s going to be a sponge he’s a he got some athleticism even though people know him for his shooting but he can create his own stuff I’m not predicting stardom but I think he is a great pick at 17 and a guy that can really help them out can I say one thing for the Lakers specifically assuming LeBron’s back I want a guy at 17 that is older I don’t want the 19-year-old with long-term upside who’s not going to get on the court for a long time if I’m drafting this I’m dra I would like a guy that you know what maybe even as a rookie he can give us 16 minutes a night and spread the court and hit threes like that to me makes more sense for this Lakers team than for a team that’s you know rebuild or you know has a long journey ahead of you take the more upside younger kid okay we’ll check in on the Lakers second round pick which might be bronny James LeBron worked out with both of his sons this week and wrote on Instagram pops over here getting emotional just thinking about your Journeys so far that’s really sweet it is um here’s a recent history of the 55th pick which the Lakers have uh it’s a lot of guys that either are development guys or don’t do a don’t have a ton of uh on their resume some decent uh overseas experience there when Josh and I were grinding some overseas tap people remember Kyle guy from Virginia but it’s not even a lot of big in Aaron Wiggins from Kentucky not even a lot of big college names yeah so I had Josh make that just I feel like the nepotism angle has run wild and just’s like guys the 55th pick usually doesn’t work out so you can take a flyer on a superstar Sun uh so what are the chances that they select bronnie I think it’s darn near 100% I think bronnie will be assuming there I don’t think any other teams going to take him they will take him at 55 I think LeBron will resign with them for three years 160 million and they will play together and it’ll be a great story The and I look the nepotism angle it’s obviously there I don’t think they draft a player the equ equivalent of bronny at 55 if he’s not LeBron’s son but nepotism is rampant in the NBA Michael Malone David adman anyone their father’s coaching that’s just the name of few it’s throughout the league and so what what LeBron is doing is giving him a chance and if I I do think Brony I think his work ethic his character is great I think he has the enough athleticism actually fairly athletic um he shoots it well enough and I I think that this will be a good move they develop him I think the only thing that would mess it up Nick and I don’t think this will happen but if LeBron like pushed JJ or them to play him when he’s not ready and I don’t think I don’t think that’ll happen I I’ll give my answer in a moment but first I just want to ask you a direct question because you said Assuming he’s there what there is now more bubbling call it you know takes that why wouldn’t a team you know cuz what’s the history of the 54th or the 53rd or 52nd pick not much better use that pick on bronny and then tell the Lakers we want two second round picks for him like to draft him purely because you we know you want in Los Angeles so we’re going to draft him and then make you pay 150 cents on the dollar because you want him and he’s more that’s more valuable to us than the 50 whatever pick of the draft do you think that is a likely outcome tonight that a team drafts him as a trade asset it makes some sense here’s why I say it won’t happen and look rich isn’t the only one he’s arguably Rich Paul the most powerful agent in the game but there’s a handful of guys like him that are powerful and Rich has a lot of players and if you draft brownie for that reason you’re clearly not trying to develop him right all right so now he’s not in a good situation and you’ve upset one of the most powerful agents in the game who has a lot of players so I I I don’t think they’ll do that yeah I by I think it’d be great if a team drafted him because they’re like we actually think he’s you know more valuable than the guy I think LeBron would be on board with that 100% all right so here here’s the thing here’s what I will say about the nepotism angle shout out to Tom habro Two Fire articles in the last couple weeks the debunking the 1988 defensive player that and well I’m sorry well you should have been why don’t you read the Artic I’ve read the article and I’ve read the counter articles and I really like Hab but we need not bite at that that’s F sorry buddy that’s what happens when you miss work but the other article that he wrote yeah that was today or not today but that is relevant today is he looked at what colleges overperform draft slot like and so the number one college that overperforms draft slot since 1989 is Kentucky at 26% number two is Texas at 25% number three is UCLA at 24% sadly Syracuse the worst they underperform by 48% that’s a bummer but whatever that mean be so so again the best was Kentucky at 26% kids of NBA players oh I like this overperform draft slot by 30% yeah so the nepotism angle is people think hear LeBron and they’re like oh that’s the whole thing of it there there is some real data to suggest there is an undervalued resource in yeah his dad played in the league yeah and by the way that makes sense not only from a genetic standpoint but also coming up around the game being comfortable all those things and there was a kid that went the lottery who averaged 2 and a half points a game in the Australian League this or went in the 20s I should say so I understand Bron’s college stats are not good at all go check the college stats of everyone that was a first round pick and you’ll see some that look like bronny so I just don’t think it’s an outrage that this guy’s going to be a second round pick and I think that even if LeBron were retired there would be a team to be like you know what you know what I think is worth a flyer LeBron James’s son because and so I think so by the way read all of H Show’s articles particularly the one on the defensive player a little strong thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the latest news in sports including the Los Angeles Lakers selection of Tennessee wingman Dalton Knecht. The FTF crew also addresses Kevin Durant’s trade rumors and Bronny James’ future.

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Kevin Durant trade rumors, Lakers draft Knecht & who will draft Bronny? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. “I wish Durant would ask out.”

    More 🤡 basketball takes by Nick. Not as bad as his historically horrific Jokic takes from 2021-2023 before the playoffs were over even into 2024, but still embarrassing.

    Bronny James was literally ranked 38-72 on every big board. Also was McDonald’s All American (had 15, 5, 2 steals, 5 threes in the game), was good at Nike Hoops summit practices, had moments for USA basketball, and in May 2023 (before cardiac arrest kept him out for 5 months into freshman season!) was 10th on Givony’s 2024 mock and 13th on CBS sports mock.

    He also had 6th best vertical at combine (40.5 inch is elite), 2nd best 3P shooting drills (19/25), great interviews (from what I read).

    Forget his name being Bronny James if that exact same prospect was drafted 55 in what’s called one of the worst drafts ever, NO ONE would say it was a reach they would say “decent to late round flier in late 2nd in historically weak draft”.

    I also didn’t mention he obviously has great genes.

    I see his ceiling as Avery Bradley, Derrick Fisher, Lindsey Hunter, Gary Payton III type player. All of these guys were picked around late first undrafted (Gary Payton III also good genes). I also see a little TJ McConnell who was also undrafted.

    AJ Johnson averaged 2.9 PPG while also less apg rbg spg bpg then Bronny and went 23rd to Bucks. Peyton Watson out of UCLA was 30th pick to Nuggets after doing less than Bronny in his freshman yr.

    Most guys mathematically drafted 2nd round, but especially 45-60 range never pan out to even good role player so odds are Bronny doesn’t pan out, but this notion it was nepotism alone why he was drafted (AT 55 in a bad draft!) is just illogical when you just say out loud:

    McDonalds All American who was top22-32 in his class (granted not a very good class) and was top4 player in that McDonald’s All American game.

    Great combine testing in athleticism + 3P shooting.

    Great genes

    Was projected 10-20 in 2024 mock back in May 2023.

    Heart issue that kept him out 5 months has to be considered in the context of why he struggled at USC as freshman as does the fact the team was a mess overall. Collier also fell to 29 and was much worse then ppl thought he’d be too so part of this could also be USC was a mess.

    I get ppl hate LeBron, but it’s important that you’re objective ppl. If he was drafted at 17 (even in a real bad draft) I would completely agree it was dumb AF with Nepotism, but drafted at 55 in a horrid draft when he was 38-72 on every big board out there, former McDonalds all American means he was a legit prospect to take flier on in 2nd round.

  2. Ugh bru did he not lead OKC at like 23 years old to the finals? Does his OKC runs become forgettable lol. N we all know if Greek doesn’t injury kyrie on purpose. He was a foot on the line away from winning that season. N stop the lies “ if he stayed in GSW won 4 rings he’d be top 10” yall mfs didn’t even like or respect the fact he won 2 . If he continued to win more he would’ve gain more hate n the rings won’t count unless he leaves GSW n won at least 1 outside GSW. That’s a key reason why he left GSW Just saying..

  3. I don't think KD had a choice but go to the Suns or for the time being stayed with the Nets because Miami Heat couldn't get a deal done with the Nets and Suns come in with a better offer which left the rest of the team depleted but they got KD. I just wonder how much better the situation would have been for KD in Miami since they would have had to give of a lot to have gotten KD.

  4. Not sure money wise with what a team getting Durant would have to give up is worth it. Surely would have to give up a lot of talent to get Durant to make salary fit.

  5. To answer Wildes' question, what Durant should do is find a team, maybe Phoenix, where he can take less money in order to be a leader and help a championship team come together. Mr. Durant, renegotiate your contract or move somewhere and renegotiate, and figure out how to do what it takes to be part of a championship roster that will compete.

  6. When did Milwaukee enter the Durant race. As a Bucks fan, it really is not happening in any way. Bucks lack the draft picks or the talent to trade for Durant. Bucks don’t have young promising players at the level for a Durant trade nor the picks. This has to be a 3 way deal, which would send Middleton to Phoenix and Middleton won’t be good enough to convince Booker to stay with the team if Booker wants to contend in the West. So the only way that could happen is if Booker also wants out or is 100% commited while Durant specifically asks for Milwaukee while there are no other teams in the East that asks for Durant.

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