@Toronto Raptors

The Raptors are preparing a trade

The Raptors are preparing a trade

welcome to pen basketball live and a lot of stuff has happened in the last 24 hours since we have not been live I will explain my absence but first I got to give a little bit of a shout out to one of our community members who fulfilled a multi-month long desire of mine to have better sound in this studio with acoustic panels so I’ll be installing those uh so big thank you to Karen uh thank you so much and that was off the Amazon wish list so between acoustic panels and now a boom arm and soon to be installed a flag behind me and a raptor thing our studio Rena is going well the Toronto Raptor renovation is also going well let’s talk about it Bruce $23 million Bruce Brown uh Team option picked up Bruce Brown trolling the Toronto Raptors on Twitter y’all really don’t want me back huh and Zazu Elite shout out Zazu with the elite troll saying respectfully no we don’t um it’s great um like the Toronto Raptors do not uh pick up Bruce Brown’s $23 million option to keep him I know they’re saying all the right stuff I listened to Bobby Webster on JD bunus talking about how they really appreciate Bruce as a player Darko really likes him as a player of course but he does not fit the current roster he does not fit the current timeline he is 27 is going on 28 and he’ll be an expiring contract and frankly you just don’t do some of the stuff he’s done and say some of the stuff he’s done if you expect to stick around in a place for a long time people do tend to show their colors so my belief is he’s on his way out the tronto Raptors will have to operate as an above the cap team I’ll tell you why this might be a really good idea right um cersi cat saying I think he’s staying I think you’re wrong but let’s let’s explain it so a few things have happened Jonathan mobo right and jacobe jacobe Walter were all were both introduced to the Toronto media yesterday I thought Jonathan’s uh interview was beautiful and if you haven’t watched it we are going to play that towards the end we’re going to play both of them towards the end but since it has been 18 hours I’m assuming a lot of you die hards have already watched it so we’re not going to waste the time in the beginning to cover that but I do think they’re awesome interviews also shout out to hello and welcome for interviewing um so that’s Will’s podcast shout outs to them for interviewing uh Baylor’s head coach on um on jacobe Walter and you know kind of getting the the rundown on him um a lot of interesting stuff you know coming out about Sasha penov this morning a little bit of misinformation a lot of Greek fans a lot of European fans there’s a lot to keep in track trying to keep track of right now right there’s a ton there’s like stuff coming at you there’s like people saying no they’re going to let Bruce Brown expire and then some people are saying no they’re going to trade him this guy’s on the Move Trey young literally just followed Victor wanyama I have not confirmed that to be true but apparently that is on on the true and two of my favorite players in the entire league got traded so there’s a lot to talk about this is the worst day to have um the day that I’ve had the last 24 hours and if you continue I will tell you what happened over the last 24 hours of my life it’s interesting it might be something that you can learn from but it’s not super it’s not basketball related at all so I’m going to keep that towards the end as well so dejon Murray trade literally three of my favorite players have been traded in the last 48 hours Dyson AJ Griffin Deon Murray um dejonte Murray going to the New Orleans Pelicans Dyson Daniels uh Larry Nance Jr multiple picks going back to Atlanta Atlanta is signaling they are rebuilding I get it I fully get it they’re going to build around Zachary ret I think Atlanta is doing a great job I trust landre Fields I remember him back in the day when he was with the Raptors he’s a really smart guy and if you’re a cha Raptor fan you should be pretty scared because there is a team that is pretty much perfecting there are two teams three teams three teams that are literally perfecting the vision you started Vision 69 is a alive in Orlando Vision 69 is alive in Boston and vision 69 is now going to be alive in Atlanta and those are three division Rivals that are perfecting your vision and while you are you know spending $175 million on Emanuel quickly and picking up you know 20 20 you know3 million team options on Bruce Brown so I don’t think the Raptors are done so um Jay saying Raptor’s putting in an offer to Smith so it will be interesting I’ve read some conflicting stuff I’ve I’ve mentioned this many times I’m not a capologist so someone will have to correct me if I’m wrong um there’s a couple things that have been floating around that we need clarification on first number one is the Sasha ISO situation so someone that I spoke to that would know this morning because I I got a you know a notification um that Sasha was going to uh olympos right his previous team and and um yeah I I assumed shoot like I guess it didn’t work out with the Raptors too bad but and and another thing that I got to correct myself on I had always anticipated or had had thought that he had signed a three-year deal with the Sacramento Kings so I assumed he had two years remaining he has two years but the third year is a team option so technically he only has one year guarantee if it doesn’t work out for him this year they could just decline his team option which they surely would if things are not working out for him so really the Toronto Raptor traded for an expiring contract if you think about Sasha binko that way his team option presents maximum flexibility for team options are awesome they’re better than expiring contracts I don’t think people fully understand the the context of it it allows maximum flexibility Bruce Brown’s contract had you properly used it it provided the team that held this contract with maximum flexibility because you can roll over the expiring to two years he’s technically an expiring contract for two straight years that’s the context of a team option and why team options are so freaking awesome player options are the exact opposite of Team options in that they provide two years of instability for the team holding the player with the player option which is why it’s so disastrous whenever the Raptors give out a player option which seems to be every single contract they sign they give out a player option my point is the team option element of bdon uh sorry vovs contract is actually a really really good thing for the Raptors because it allows them to operate with him as if he is in fact an expiring contract Davon Mitchell is also a player with a team controllable expiring contract which is to say if a team were to trade for Davon Mitchell or Sasha penov NE the team would have maximum flexibility going forward with those two players they would own they would own their bird rights they would have the right to have them on their roster next year they would have restricted free agency on Davon Mitchell which is that to say that he would not become an unrestricted free agent if he did work out for them which means that right now as much as some of you have probably sold yourself into the concept conceptually that daveon Mitchell is some you know Elite fit with the chonto Raptors I don’t think he is okay he’s shot 36% from three fine you know but if if Jamal shed shows anything he’s a 22 23 year old player he’s very capable of slotting in his a backup card himself right now I don’t even think there’s a really big gap between Jamal shed and and Davon Mitchell right now as players so personally I don’t see the point of having two of these guys on the same team I understand there’s a Bor connection jacobe Walter actually talked about it um you know in one of his interviews I can’t remember which one where he talked about like one of the biggest reasons he went to Baylor was Davon Mitchell so a lot of people kind of sold themselves on Oh yay they paired these two guys dude forget that stuff right so anyways so I think that it is important to realize that the Raptors have a boatload of assets that while individually don’t look all that appealing they actually present a very unique team building option for the team that holds those contracts the contracts in question are the following Bruce Brown straight expiring $23 million Sasha renov one plus one team option okay Chris vé expiring $12 million and Davon Mitchell team controlled expiring contract rookie extension deal those contracts together put you in place to help another team massively you will be compensated of course for helping that team but if the goal is to not compete if the goal is to help all these young players kind of just figure their way out into the NBA the Toronto Raptors are actually one of the really weird teams right now whereas they don’t have cap space like to 76ers or the Land of Magic and they won’t be able to absorb a you know a player into into their cap space and some of us are kind of bummed like why didn’t you use your cap space I think you have to leverage this you have to consider this from from a two-point option number one what’s more valuable to you having a combined nearly $45 million of expiring contracts to be able to to be able to send to a team that might be facing a massive massive tax bill on longer term contracts that they don’t want on their books longer term contracts including or especially like guys like John Collins in Utah right um another example would be CJ McCollum right in uh New Orleans another example would be Andrew Wiggins right The Exchange on this is as follows Andrew Wiggins right now seems like a really really really bad deal for the Golden State War Warriors right let’s just be honest he’s been maligned he’s been trashed whatever obviously went through some personal stuff he’s had a very up and down career but just two years ago Andrew Wiggins we’re talking literally two calendar years ago Andrew Wiggins was the second best player in a final series that guy is signed to a contract I believe 27 $226 million something like that I don’t have the number right in front of me but it was like 20 26 million2 $5 million that contract is considered an albatross right now it is a massive overpayment it just so happens that that player Andrew Wiggins with that resume if you were to try to sign Andrew Wiggins and free agency right now bet money you’ll probably pay you not not anyone else but you the Toronto Raptors given how you sign players would probably pay $20 million for 3 years that’s probably the contract he would sign Andrew Wiggins to he would sell himself on former first overall pick two years removed from being so great in the finals I mean weird keep talking about how great Bruce Brown was the last finals he was a bench player and he was nowhere near as good as Andrew Wiggins was two years ago so if Bruce Brown is not an albatross contract when we traded for him he had $46 million two $45 million two years how is Andrew wigin such an albatross Andrew wigan’s a much better player than Bruce Brown let’s just put that out there Andrew Wiggins at full strength is a much much much much much better player than Bruce Brown like I’m not a big Andrew Wiggins fan but please keep keep a buck a buck John Collins is a better player than Bruce Brown All Things equal these players are not liked or you know whatever because maybe they’re not being used properly but the Raptors have a style or a system that they believe they can use some of these players well maybe someone else’s garbage is actually something that you can use you have a lot of young players coming up for contract extensions years from now right Scotty’s contract kicks in the year after this year so you get one year off kind of relief if you will if you take on 3 years in two years that’s also an expiring right so really you’re parking your cap space my point is you don’t get the only way to benefit from cap space is to use it well and the Raptors have shown in years ped and this year they’re not the greatest at negotiating contracts right so and maybe the Warriors are because if the Toronto Raptors had tried to get Andrew Wiggins as an unrestricted free agent when he was signing with the Warriors Hometown discount or not this is a HomeTown kid he’s from kitner no that was Jamal he’s from Toronto right Andrew wigin from Toronto bro you would have had to pay this guy like 30 32 million instead of the 24 25 that the Warriors sign him to so my point is free agency doesn’t work for you this is probably why the Raptors choose to Buck free agency and just say you know what there’s not a strong free agent class yeah the concept of cap space sounds nice V there we go yes you’re right he is from vau yes yes yes now the point is that since you are helping them with their tax spill and you’re well aware of that and they have a boatload of young players on their team now maybe they’re not going to give you Jonathan kaminga and frankly I’m not I’m not fighting for it and maybe they’re not going to give you trace Jackson don’t worry I understand that and maybe they’re not gonna give you Brandon psky but can they give you a future first round pick can they give you a future first round pick and can they give you Moses Moody can they make that offer work and in exchange you could give them Sasha V zenov again buyout candidate and Bruce Brown Bruce Brown fits in with what they want to do it takes one year off their cap it also allows them potentially to tra that that that same thing he’s an expiring contract allows them cap flexibility going forward it also gives them an expiring contract going into the trade deadline you’re trading flexibility for stability right stability within your own organization you’re having someone come in you may like you as an organization don’t value players the same way as we have seen I I’m not a stupid person I would have given up a future first or something for you know someone like AJ Griffin I would have given like a I I would have given up the 19th overall pick for AJ Griffin let’s just put it that way but the Hawks decided he was worth only the 44th okay cool you know um Dyson Daniels being just kind of slept into that deal for dejonte Murray I don’t think I would have done that I believe in Dyson a lot so people have different values of things we may value Andrew Wiggins very differently than the Warriors do right now and by the way players are not static things there’s a case to be made that he’s better in your system than he is in there sounds absurd doesn’t it how could you be better away from Steph Curry than you are with Steph Curry well I don’t know how can you be better in Toronto if you’re RJ Barrett then you were next to Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randle well I don’t know because RJ Barrett just had one of the best half seasons of his life why the Raptors need three things okay honestly they need talent they need athletes and they need Defenders badly you play transition you’re playing with big Playmakers you need big wings who can run the paint you need big wings who can score on three levels I understand Andrew Wiggins has tons of issues Myriad of issues but if the Warriors are not interested in preserving that relationship which you know blocking him from playing for the Canadian national team maybe not the greatest idea in the world right that doesn’t go a very long way and you typically don’t see teams take such a public position on a guy so last minute right my read on this is the the Warriors are trying to trade him and they don’t want him playing with Team Canada because if something happens injury-wise they’d be stuck so if he’s the bargaining chip I suspect the Toronto Raptors would be one of the first teams to call because that contract as Albatross as it may seem to you the Warriors facing a tax bill facing Steph Curry’s Prime trying to build around him maybe his relationship is soured with the team with the coaching staff after everything that’s happened over the last two years we may not feel that way about him we may not feel that way about him because to me right now if you’re telling me that the cost of trading Bruce Brown for Andrew Wiggins is I take two extra years on Andrew Wiggins and I get back Moses Moody and a draft pick I’m signing on the doted line I will take that because Moses is a guy that fits as well you’re trading two for one and you can throw in Davon Mitchell Sasha venkov you can throw in Chris buet whatever none of these guys fit what you’re trying to do Sasha is a stop Gap solution Davon I think is a bust that’s just my opinion I like him a lot Kings fans like him a lot my boy Leo you know he’s defending him ad nauseum does not read future you know guy but hey maybe Dave yon’s a part of of future but maybe Chris bu is not right I don’t think Chris bu is a part of your plans Darko rakovich has talked extensively about the players that work in the system and the players that don’t he’s talked about it in books he’s talked about sorry not books papers he’s talked about it in European lectures he’s talked about it in Serbian interviews the players he values are important I was doing a deep dive the other day on JJ reic was looking through all his podcasts and trying to figure out what does he value what does he not value these things matter man if you have a coach who absolutely prioritizes playmaking in his bigs and three-point shooting in his guards your roster is going to take that it’s going to take shape around what that coach values you don’t think it’s a little bit of a shocking coincidence that JJ Rex shows up and suddenly you’re drafting s sorry you’re drafting Dalton connect over Isaiah Collier because I’ll tell you right now Rob pinka picks Isaiah Collier 20 times out of 20 if JJ reic is not in that room I am 90% sure Rob pinka picks Isaiah Collier I think I think he would have picked isaia ker I could be wrong maybe maybe they would have picked a connect either way but I’m saying that the way your coach thinks has a great deal of focus because as I said players are not static RJ bear in New York RJ bear in Toronto different players different players man and and I’m I’m fairly critical of RJ Barrett for his deficiencies defensively but offensively this man was a revelation and he played for a very depleted roster and he was great he was great for the Raptors he was fantastic I don’t think people are giving him full credit you have to look at his numbers and you have to look at the context in which he put those numbers up RJ Barrett was freaking awesome for the Raptors the Raptors have a type and they know what fits their system now I obviously have recovered over you know the shock the initial shock of of how much they paid for him manual quickly I’ll I’ll go to my grave telling you that they overpaid for him how much they overpaid for him I don’t know it maybe it turns out to be they they overpaid by 2 million maybe it turns out to be they overpaid by 10 million I hope for the Raptor sake that it’s actually much closer to two then 10 because obviously I am a raptor fan and I want a manual quickly to do fantastically well so I hope that no one took the overly aggressive F bomb laced you know aggressive tone of yesterday’s live to mean that I hate Emanuel quickly I love Emanuel quickly in fact if I had a second Raptor Jersey it would be an Emanuel quickley Jersey I have a Scotty Barnes Jersey because my girlfriend gave me one but I like him a lot and I hope that you know CU as these things go sometimes you say something negative about a player in that context Manel quickle is not worth this and then that thing goes to Twitter and then someone sent it to that player and now Emanuel quickley probably who has been perfectly fine you know with us and he’s really cool with us so now he probably thinks P start basketball hat him this is unfortunate reality of Twitter unfortunately but I can’t do anything about that I think he’s overpaid man quickly if you ever see this please prove me wrong please prove me wrong you know I I hope that you get everything but I loved um hearing this thing where I think it was Jobe Walter who said you know has anyone texted you and he said yeah Emanuel quickly texted me he said let’s work I like that and you know what I’ll tell you um and I said this to Brian as well I think I said this to Brian I might I might have said this to Brian I don’t remember but but I think I said this to somebody very recently in a in a DM where I was like I think thatan quickle has had this fantastic um imprint on Scotty as well like that seriousness is is really great and I’m actually sensing a lot of that synergistic overlap with jacobe Walter as well like a sense of very stoic mindset with him so it’s good anyways in terms of the Raptors what can they do I think that they can do two big trades I think they can do two or they can do one big trade and I think in every single trade the format will be exactly the same we can take back more money cuz we are considerably under the luxury tax threshold right so in that deal you can send out 45 shortterm for 52 53 longterm which means you can help a team shave tons of money off their books if one the players fit your system right they might be a little bit overpaid but if they fit your system and you’re being fairly compensated because this has to be looked at as a full puzzle for instance on the one hand we can agree that Emanuel quickley is overpaid maybe you don’t agree with me and that’s fine but can we agree that if Grady pops he’s underpaid can we agree that if Scotty Barnes actually pops and becomes like a really really like Elite Superstar all-nba guy that he’d be underpaid can we agree that if RJ Barrett continues to play how he played and UPS his defense a little bit he’d be slight underpaid relative to market value we can agree on all that right so even if one guy is slightly overpaid can we agree that Jonathan mobo is probably goingon to be underpaid if he’s a rotation player next year because that dude can ball I’m telling you he’s not he’s not like he’s not a starter but I think that guy could play like a 10th role in the NBA right now I think he’s going to get stronger I think he’s going to get better I think he’s going to figure it out quickly but you know what I mean like like he’s going to be making like $1 million $1 A5 million a year as a second round pick for like 3 four years he’s ready to play right now that’s what the Raptors were talking about there was um I don’t know if it was Darko in a Serbian interview yes it was Darko I think it was a Serbian interview that he gave in which he was talking about getting players who are ready to contribute right now like prioritizing players like that in the draft and it was a little bit conflicting because you have Messiah saying we’re going to rebuild and on the other hand you have Darko saying we want players who can help us win now well in this draft you kind of got that right you got Jamal shed who in theory in theory I’m not saying he’s as talented as Andrew damh hard don’t get me wrong different types of players not as good not as talented not as Dynamic fine all that stuff be damned but a different type of productive right we’ve seen um shepher Ben Shephard that was a second round pick right he was a mid-50s pick right we saw Ben Shepard play playoff minutes last year for the Indiana Pacers they’re a pretty deep team he’s a second round pick Andrew neard is two years removed from being a rookie he’s playing closing lineup minutes do you understand like on a on a four-year deal or three-year deal what a crazy value it is to have a rookie who can contribute right away and not cost you minutes haime hakz Brandon paj jimsky as mid first round picks who are 22 23 years old yo I know the Raptors have had a disastrous track record picking older rookies hajo comes to mind as one but when it hits when it’s right it’s a great value I understand it’s not as hypy as someone like urish shamsh right where it’s 18 years old ra is [ __ ] hell but you got to think about this long term U shamay you’re going to develop him you’re going to pour millions of dollars into this guy I’m talking time money actually paying the guy to play basketball a professional basketball player when he probably should barely be in division one basketball right now because of the athletic profile consider the return on investment here the ROI if you will right he’s going to pay you’re going to pay him $3 million you’re going to devote probably another $3 million doar of infrastructure shooting coaches blah blah blah blah blah blah and by the time he’s a free agent or restricted free agent and he hits his second contract you will have probably extracted zero value out of this guy I promise you all the value in the U shamsh exchange will be you to him not him to you he’s not helping you at all he’s not building your culture he’s not coming in and leading your [ __ ] locker room he’s not doing [ __ ] for you he’s goingon to cost you minutes he’s going to cost you and none of this is a dist detraction to him this is the concept of a project unfortunately these are the players that most draft fans become really big fans of the the long guy with the big arms who can’t [ __ ] play basketball that’s the guy y’all want usually to to draft the guy who’s two years away from being two years away that’s spicy right but the guy who gets Overlook the Jamal sheds the Jonathan mobos the Isaiah crawfords these guys who actually do have a chance to come in right away they give you return on investment right away herb Jones you imagine a contract like herb Jones the guy pluging starting right away ogn anobi Pascal cakam these guys I know OG wasn’t older but he was ready right away the concept of a rookie who’s ready to play right away is awesome and the Raptors actually got two rookies who project to be ready to play right away and a third who might be and a fourth who’s probably never going to be you know and and what I’m saying is if this U shamay thing works out for you guess what after you’ve put in 7 million if he’s shown any flash or potential you’ll have to match a restricted free agency offer of like $20 million a year for him ASU asuan apologies if I’m not um saying that correctly do you think Darius Garland was overpaid yes yes I do he had a really bad year and then he had a really good year and quite frankly they paid him on the Good Year as opposed to the bad year I’ve heard a lot of people you know talk about Darius G’s contract in context of Manny Quicky’s contract Darius is a better passer he’s a better ball handler he’s got a lot of advantages he’s also a significantly worse Defender so you know I think he’s a little bit overpaid yes I do um anyways long story short I think the tono raptors have a very interesting opportunity to Canvas the field they are one of the few teams in the league I believe that are in this position to be able to basically aggregate 38 to 45 million of serviceable role players and that’s the difference we’re not talking Zack LaVine and Brad Bradley Beal these are not role players these are star players who are very bad Stars we’re not talking about guys who are crazy injury-prone no we are talking about guys who actually serve a need they’re just massively overpaid Chris bue if he hit the free agent Market there’s a contender out there that would sign him for six million promise there’s just no one out there that would sign him for 12 million now when he had three years left on his deal that’s an albatross as an expiring it’s not so bad right Bruce Brown same thing he’s got a $23 million contract right now on a one-year however if a contending team right now if he just had hit free agency what would he have gotten a full midlevel from somebody yes he would have so you need to find that team you need to find that team because that team that would give him the full midlevel the numerous teams that were willing to offer him 14 13 12 million last summer when the Indiana Pacers came in and blew him away this 45 you need to find those teams and you need to get them to give you value and the value that they would give you is obviously the long-term contract or your short-term contract but nevertheless my point is your contracts whether it be Davon Mitchell whether it be Sasha venkov whether it be Bruce Brown whether it be Chris bue all of these guys are actual NBA players that fit someone’s rotation and they’re not total unplayable busts they’re not overpaid star Pradas they’re not would you take on Aton if compensated that is a really good [Music] question no I wouldn’t no I wouldn’t um DeAndre Aton is in not touch for me there’s there’s like 25 to 30 players in this league that I don’t touch with the 10- foot pole uh DeAndre aton’s one of them James weisman’s one of them like the Raptors are doing something really interesting here and I think that it’s very it was very fantastic to listen to these interviews right not only the interviews that jacobe Walter and Jonathan mobo did not only the co the interviews that their coaches did about them it’s not just that it’s actually just the full spectrum of trying to understand the people that the Raptors are bringing into the organization it seems like they’re bringing in these really nice people like these really good people that just have this very civic duty mentality and honestly having a locker room like maybe the Raptors are over correcting given all the drama and intense leaks and all the [ __ ] and all the contract stuff that they went through last you know two years especially the previous year with you know everything we’re talking Pascal Fred you know nurse all of it like maybe they’re just tired of that so much so that they’ve overc corrected to The Other Extreme where they’re just bringing in guys who are like just overly good people but this is a good thing to have having no drama and no ego in your locker room is such a clean slate it’s such a great thing to have um you need you need people who have strong personalities you need you need people who push the envelope but in a respectful way in a in a productive and healthy way you need people with strong opinions you need people who want to win you need people who call their teammates out but again in a healthy productive way you what you don’t need is people who [ __ ] and complain and the leak to the media what you don’t need is people who are going to you know sabot their teammates or freeze their teammates out so I think Ben Shepard was the 26th pick was he I can’t believe that oh [ __ ] he was I apologize who did he get in the who didn’t they get the second round I apologize why did I think he was a sec why did I think he was a second round pick hold on 2023 NBA draft I apologize this entire time I’ve been like thinking to myself man how’d they get this guy in the second round hold on one second um so in terms of you know players who contributed that were outside the let’s just say outside the top 30 prospects so this is just last year’s draft the the players who that I could tell you like actually contributed a little bit um Leonard Miller was fine in the minutes that he actually did play okay I can I can certainly say that um City sasoko not so much but Gigi Jackson was pretty cool um who was it that was Tani Kamara 52nd pick was incredible so it is Tani Kamar and Trace Jackson Davis 57th pick was incredible so those like I mean I think I’m using the word incredible a little bit a little bit liberally but um and then in 2022 if we look at the second round in terms of like serious value value picks in the second round um in 2022 we had Jaden Hardy who was just you know playing in the playoffs right uh we had Gabriel uh Gabriel PCA uh who is traded to Detroit who is a really good player but is overseas right now and I think he could be fine we had Andrew nard as a 31st pick Christian Koko unfortunate things 3 third pick 34th pick was Jaylen Williams uh for the Thunder and he was playing playoff minutes and he was really impactful Max Christy occasionally played this year for uh for the Los Angeles Lakers uh Josh Minot is freaking awesome for the Minnesota Timberwolves uh Vince Williams Jr uh one of my favorite 3 andd Guys he was the 47th pick again older guy VCU um anyone else anyone else anyone else I don’t know jury’s still out on some of these guys right the vast majority of them are not going to work out we know that but you know seven eight nine of them almost always become something right maybe they don’t become Stars they don’t become anything but um they don’t become anything of super consequence did I say jayd dub J well J well did I I say jdubb Leonard Miller SP saying Leonard Miller is intriguing I agree so who could the Raptors actually trade for and why does it matter I think what they’re looking for and the preparing of the trade and what they really want I think I have honed in on what the Raptors absolutely really really want I feel like I’m singing the Spice Girls want to tell me what you want what you really really want that that whole thing okay so what I think the Raptors really really want and I’ll tell you what the Raptors really really want this is going to be an epic epic bit um I think the the Tron Raptors want 2025 first round picks badly I think they want this I think I think there is something about this draft like it’s it’s hilarious but liberal saying um D say du sure yeah so the 2025 first round pick specifically I think they are looking at any cost necessary to get picks and then gamble that those teams would struggle the way they struggled being on the other end of this the Toronto Raptors gave up obviously control of their first round pick to the San Antonio Spurs this year and naturally lived in Peril right so if you can project the downfall of another team maybe a team that’s maybe a little too ambitious about their out look maybe a team like Sacramento maybe a team like Golden State maybe a team like Golden State you know who might be on the verge of signing Paul George and they’re just like oh great you know we don’t need a 2025 pick or whatever I think you need to scour the league and find a team that is willing to give you a somewhat protected or unprotected 2025 first round pick and absolutely just go Bonkers and try to get that pick because I’ll tell you right now I think the Toronto Raptors have several Targets in the 2025 draft the way they’ve talked about this the way they’re trying to structure this roster everything seems to me to be geared towards this also the trading of the 24 pick like again to to put this into the context these things are mapped out so far ahead right when they started scouting Scotty they were scouting him in U6 so think about that he was drafted five years after that or four years after that so they already know AJ DEA they’re aware of AJ Deans in the 2026 draft they’re aware of Cooper flag for the last three and a half years they know this 2025 draft is going to be huge not only is it going to be huge from a potential pick up a player that’s going to fit into your core and you know go long term so I think that my initial projection of the Toronto Raptors want to start contending by 20126 might need to be adjusted to I think the Toronto Raptors want to contend in 2027 um that doesn’t mean they’re going to you know totally tank this season I think what it means is they’re going to take this year to experiment they’re going to take this year to take on contracts that other teams don’t want but they’re going to try to load up on draft picks I think this team is really hungry for draft picks for the first time in a long time and yo if you’ve been a raptor fan for the last 10 years you’ve seen us trade draft pick after draft pick after draft pick this is not a team that has ever gone that route with draft picks can you remember the last time the Toronto Raptors were like trying to gather draft picks this way they’re harvesting draft picks at this point they traded Pascal yakum virtually all for draft picks you don’t think at some point they could have changed two of those draft picks for something else you don’t think they could have gotten Jaylen Smith you don’t think they could have gotten something more you think the Indiana Pacers were just like no we’re going to give you three first round picks or nothing no the Tron RT just wanted those picks because it can convert those picks into something else I think this is a team that desperately wants to trade in 2025 draft I think they’re going to want flexibility within that 2025 draft I think they’re going to be want I mean even even this Kings Trade It netted them what a high second round pick in the 2025 draft they are pooling assets for that 2025 draft consider even jacobe Walter right if jacobe pops like if he has a great rookie year could you package jacobe Walter and maybe your pick to move up three four slots yeah you can so I think that this draft and and of course Indiana they traded for the 2026 first round pick Indiana so every single trade that the Raptors will make and they could make one big one for multiple firsts or they could make two three four smaller ones right they can keep doing this they can keep doing this indefinitely right so for instance let’s say right now you trade for a player with two years left on their deal and you take back a player with one year left on their deal you’re saving that team from potential tax implications going into next offseason you’re also giving them like the fluidity of having an expiring contract on their books that they can maybe flip for some value back however by making that move now you will now have an expiring contract at next year’s draft which means that once again you’ll be able to roll over that expiring contract Plus pick to move up take two more years and another pick back this constant rolling over of 10% 10% 10% 10% it builds up to a massive yes this is it SP has taken the words out of my mouth this is exactly it you have time you have to look at this as as always time versus money okay that’s all it is it’s money versus time so you have time and you have money other teams may not have time they’re impulsive they’re building around a star they have to appease them you’re not you just signed Scotty and you just sign you have Scotty for the next six years under contract now you have a Manu quickly for the next five years you have so your core is secure right this is it cap space laundry so you can basically you have money in time and other teams that don’t have money like Phoenix like LA Clippers like the Golden State Warriors these teams that are up against the cap they don’t have time make matters worse they also don’t have money so you have both they have neither so you can extort them because it’s one of the few teams that has money and time think about the teams in this league that have money and time and ask yourself who are they who are the teams that have actual money and time Washington yep I think Detroit’s a little desperate to be relevant so not them does Portland have money no they have a lot of long-term contracts right Sheran forb saying time is something we can’t get back I get what you’re saying but what the Raptors did last year is okay you have I’m going to try to explain this in a in a in a broader way and I hope that I can do a better job than I’ve done so far you can develop with players like Bruce Brown who are not disruptive on your team you can keep rolling over contracts the OKC Thunder actually showed the perfect model they brought an Al Horford for a year and then they let him go they brought in kembell Walker now kembell Walker and Al Horford from anyone I’ve ever spoken to or anyone I’ve witnessed you know giving an interview about these guys or even seeing these guys throughout the years seem like really fantastic people Chris Paul he’s a guy who came to OKC as a contract right as a bad contract but he was also a major culture Builder so what you’re doing is you’re bringing in guys like mentors right like expensive contracts that are just here to Mentor they’re here to fill a role like a Harrison Barnes a Harrison Barnes is a great example no one that I’ve ever talked to that covers the NBA has ever had one bad thing to say about Harrison Barnes Harrison Barnes will be a perfect guy to bring on perfect give them flexibility take back Harrison Barnes get a 2026 first round pick it’s that simple Maybe exchange you give up a second round pick okay perfect now you have a first round pick and you took on one extra year of Harrison Barnes is that the end of the world no because Harrison Barnes is probably better for your team than Bruce brown right now you see what I mean but again molding the situation backwards you have to look at the other team’s desperation versus your flexibility this is the idealized version of how this is supposed to work you don’t form emotional attachments to TI to players like Chris bue or’s been here forever we love him or we you know we followed him since Oregon who cares he’s an asset you can move on from him right the only thing that would make this really bad is if they sign Gary Trent Jr to a crazy deal that would completely sour my taste for the entire offseason but right now the Toronto Raptor in a unique position to to Really trade for something huge the other thing the Raptors can do is they can participate in blockbusters they can be the team that facilitates a trade so if for instance the Atlanta Hawks want to move off of Trey young and they want to get back salaries from I don’t know the San Antonio Spurs well guess what the Tron raptors have really good working relationships with both offices both front offices are very well known to Bobby Wester aidey jury the Raptors can now be the facilitator in that trade take back hen Johnson take back a pick for your trouble and give the party that does not want the long-term contract Bruce Brown so again this 23 million doll trade exception that is basically bruceb plus I believe they have a $10 million trade exception from the Pascal seum trade so again all this flexibility all this stuff if the Raptors don’t use that flexibility then it is wasted if the Raptors just simply let Bruce Brown dangle dangle dangle and then expire then it’s wasted right hell no to mark an well yes I’ve seen a lot of people mention this like do the Raptors have what it takes for Lori marinin I don’t think so not yet not yet at all but again if you get enough first round picks if you take enough stabs at 2025 and 2026 is it possible again not likely but is it possible that a team makes a mistake but you do to a team what San Antonio did to you the abused becomes the abuser in this situation right what if Indiana really does fall apart what if Tyrese Maxi or sorry Tyrese halberton or Pascal SE can fall off the cliff one of them has an injury touchwood don’t want that to happen but I’m saying what if they really have a bad 2026 you got a lottery pick the Toronto Raptors get a lottery pick because they protected the top three right again not likely but it’s possible do this three more times take three more stabs at it take three more picks away and maybe what happened for Houston this year happens for you you end up with multiple lottery picks right or one lottery pick in the third third pick for the Houston Rockets right so again I think that that’s important and unlike this year’s draft it will be a very consequential pick because a third or fourth pick or the fifth fifth pick in next year’s draft the Toronto Raptors really could find a franchise level talent in one of those top five picks so the Raptors have to maximize all of their things towards that goal while still developing this current goal so they have to do the thing that is really hard to do which is lose while winning big uh sorry develop winning habits while constructing for the future and losing probably a lot of games right um what will we get out of a Trent sign and trade Isaac from Orlando that would be awesome Sheran Forbes I hear you rob my only concern is front office looking for a reason to make procrastination an option with Scotty’s career rather than to capitalize on opportunity to improve long term I get what you’re saying and if Scotty Barnes right now ah thank you so much oak tree with a super with a super sticker here I really appreciate it um thank you um why am I not seeing the starred super stickers like am I crazy like what’s going on here um were there other Super Shots I’m so sorry guys if I missed it I’m not seeing them thanks a lot um I’m actually going to go back manually because I don’t want to miss one of these I’m not seeing it on my screen oh Cy cats would you take eight and and compensated that that was that was shown and okay that’s that should be it okay um so yes long term I think the Raptors will make a move I don’t um I don’t think that I don’t think there’s any reason to have extended Bruce Brown sorry to to extend to to opt into the team option I think there’s going to be a trade I think they’re going to do it they don’t have any cap space going into free agency I believe if I’m not mistaken Michael Green said they don’t have the ability to use their full Med level but from what I understand they do so I don’t know who’s right on that or who’s wrong I would love to clarify that if some there’s if someone here’s a capologist that can be like hey yes they have their full Med level or they have this um free agency starts tonight Rob no it doesn’t wait does it no it it starts tomorrow it starts tomorrow at 6 p.m. so this will be a really fun long weekend for all the Canadian journalists and podcasters out there we will have you covered by the way so at 5 o’clock we’ll go live tomorrow for a free agency show we’ll do it live so all 480 of you in here will’ll react to it live we’ll keep Shams um and we’ll see what happens we’ll see who goes where and we’ll see if the tronto Raptor broke or something because again certain deals are going to be really disastrous for teams that are right up against the apron and the tronto Raptors again are in a position to take back salary again you don’t have cap space so some people might be thinking hey wouldn’t it have been easier to just let bruceb expire and maybe take back it doesn’t entirely work that way there are advantages to working as an above the cap team so I completely understand the Raptors doing this um I really hope that they did it with something in mind I know I myself have been very critical of the Bruce Brown you know situations you know somewhat mocking the idea of the flexibility and what they could get or think they can get and all that stuff but you know there’s there’s a world anyways fa what’s up man I’m good how you doing I am all right I just on the back and listening to your content MH what do you think the rapt is g to do give give me a trade that works I’m I’m still think about the Andrew Wiggins trade or possibly a trade with um with Chicago for no what what’s this guy’s name no for my four Peak that was from Patrick Patrick Williams Patrick Yeah Yeah that would have to be signed and trade yeah signed and trade yeah for Bruce Brown why would they do that I don’t know I think you want Talent right you reuting so we just so you think a team that wants Talent is going to trade the younger better player for the older worst player who’s a younger better player Patrick Williams is a younger better player than Bruce Brown he’s younger and he’s better for us to do that we likely need to attach a draft pick right we would need to attach a draft pick yeah but I’m not going to do that too but I think the wigin trade is the one that I really want but Warriors they have to send us a peak okay so here’s the thing I think that too many trades are made with one side’s interests in mind and not the other side’s interests right now obviously if IID said you know if I was a Houston fan I was like yo we should send the 44th pick for AJ Griffin I’m sure I would have been laughed out and then suddenly it happened so I understand sometimes you know trades are completely stupid and we don’t understand where they came from I don’t think any team is doing a sign and trade for Bruce Brown no one is resurrecting a new bad contract to take on a bad contract like Bruce Brown Bruce Brown is a overpaid player it would be a completely different story if he was worth $23 million he’s not worth $23 million I think you would agree with that right I agree but there’s a reason why the uh we uh we kept him I think they lik yeah we we kept him because I believe that we can use him plus something or just him alone to take back a undesirable contract right while giving another team a serviceable player because it’s the Optics of it never um when you trade a player typically um your fan base expects something back back you know what I mean like there’s something weird about you know like what do we get back for them you know what I mean there’s almost this weird thing where you don’t want to be the fan base where like we traded um God it’s like and and drafts are always like the sort of you know the sweetener on the deal and so even the fan bases typically do understand some elements of of cap construction and cap restrictions in the CBA most fan bases don’t expect you to trade Harrison Barnes for a trade exception you know mean agree so so so they can understand intellectually why you would trade a guy who’s making you know 22 2322 million for someone for two years and think oh great they must be aiming for somebody in the 2026 draft or they’re tied up against the CBA or whatever so I think that it’s important to realize that the Raptors will almost definitely get back a package for Bruce brown or Chris bushe that is longer you’re not trading them you’re not you’re not going to get an expiring contract back you’re going to take back years but you’re going to be compensated for that years same exactly it’s the same exact deal that we did with Sacramento but bigger so which teams do you think have those kind of players that they’re going to trade for warriors I think Warriors speaking of Warriors right P just uh declining option so a he a free agent so that D Warriors from the sign trade report jge sure yeah yeah yeah I I I completely I completely hear that okay let’s see here player salaries team salaries let’s see which teams are the highest you know obviously the Clippers are number one but the Clippers are no longer have Paul George so that that changes a few things um let’s see here Phoenix uh in terms of 202 or 20125 right now Phoenix is at the top Minnesota Phoenix Minnesota Boston Milwaukee Miami right Miami could be an option for Duncan Robinson yeah okay milwauke do they have the 26 PE I I I I don’t know I do they have the 2025 pick I don’t know um Milwaukee could be an option for let’s see Chris Middleton but that would be crazy so if they if they decided to trade Chris Middleton like that would be nuts um they’re not trading Damen Lillard they’re not trading Janis out TMO they’re not trading Bobby poris is potential LZ hm Brook Lopez it’s an option um I don’t see why they do that he’s an expiring contract though that’s exactly what I’m saying to you if if you trade Brook Lopez for um he’s a $23 million expiring contract so Brook Lopez by the way so the Raptors you know again Brook Lopez is probably not available though right he’s a part of their core he’s a starter Bruce Bown is very available the other guy uh that I mentioned okay so Boston can they get rid of anybody I don’t think they can I think they’re just going to have to roll into this they’re not trading a championship core they just like they’re not trading any of these guys like I’m literally looking at all the players that are making money on their team they’re not trading any of these guys they’re not trading Drew holiday they’re not trading Chris porzingis they’re not trading Derek white and Derek white is up for an extension so at some point they will have to trade somebody you know they got to sign Jason Tatum to an extension this offseason as well so I mean at some point this core just becomes too expensive and maybe the Toronto Raptors are the team that picks up a Drew holiday or you know picks up a chrisps porzingis because it’s just untenable right no but we both think tax bill is Gonna Get huge that’s what I’m trying to say the the Boston Celtics uh core is untenable they cannot keep it together they will be over a $200 million team and don’t tell me about CBA TV rights doesn’t matter there are serious consequences team building wise so they won their Championship could they look to move off of Chris ABS Bing’s contract could the Raptors look to bring on Chris ABS porzingis does Bruce Brown kind of fit into what they want to do generally speaking yeah sure all of those things can be true um Dallas is another team that’s really expensive right now so let’s see Dallas who could they possibly trade not PJ washingon notel well one of the challenges with teams that in the a tax a right that you cannot aggregate salaries sure that’s fine so we take more we take more we’ll give them less that’s perfectly fine that’s that’s how this deal has to work anyway so because because in any deal you three things are going to have to be true for every deal the Raptors do right first thing that has to be true is you’re going to take back more years the second thing that’s going to be true is you’re going to take back more money so those two things and the third thing that’s going to be true is you’re going to be compensated for it somehow that compensation could be a future SEC like a group of future seconds if it’s a really small compensation if it’s really small it could be a a a first but if you take back three years on an unproductive player and you give them an expiring I think you should get maybe a first and multiple seconds you know what I mean yeah like we have like done this on the other end we’ve given up draft picks for this before right we’ve given up a draft pick to get off of deari Carrol we’ve given up draft picks to get off Kem Burge right so now it’s time for other teams to do for us what we’ve been doing for other teams um Denver is you think do you think Bruce Bry is gonna be there um the beginning of the season opening game no I don’t um I I have a good feeling that they’re comfortable keeping him if if you know nothing materializes but I don’t think they pick up that option with such confidence and he’s not like talking the way he’s talking on Twitter if if he if he doesn’t think that he’s out like and and he is a valuable player like that’s what people don’t realize he’s a very versatile Defender he allegedly you know he’s going to play well reasonably you know he’s not an idiot like he knows he’s in a contract year this might be his last big salary so you know he has a very big vested interest in playing really well this year um whether he plays for us or he plays for somebody else I would bet that he’s going to be somewhere else and I think Miami is perfect so if right now Miami calls you Duncan Robinson plus a first for Bruce Brown I think you run I think you take it and and go you know it’s fine Miami could be really bad this year you know what I mean like if they trade you a 2026 first they could be terrible yeah with injuries and everything yeah um LD saying the Knicks will need to shed salary and still have picks that is another team that is about to get very very expensive in light of the ogan and Obi salaries uh let’s see here New York is expensive Memphis is expensive Atlanta is expensive right all of these teams are pretty expensive right now I mean technically Toronto is a little expensive because now you have Emanuel quickley contract on the books um but’s contract doesn’t kick in until next season correct Scotty’s contract will kick in 25 26 yep 25 26 so let’s see here so Sasha bov so the Raptors have oo I completely forgot about oay abaji okay so the Toronto Raptors have the following players as technically expirable contracts I’m not going to call them expiring contracts they’re going to be expirable contracts so Bruce Brown is an expire ring contract Chris bue is an expire ring contract let me pull up my my screen here so I can share this with you guys so you can visually see what I’m talking about here like this is like this is potentially enough for a real real Blockbuster hold on share screen Raptor salaries I am using hoop I understand some people want to use spot track but this is easier to see visualize what what it is okay y’all see my screen yeah you see my screen right so man quickly is a big big uh big payday right RJ Barrett those are the two big contracts on your books right now and then Bruce Brown so Bruce Brown is one expiring contract then your second expiring contract is Chris buet provided you don’t sign Gary Tren Jr those are two those two alone are $34 million com combined 30 33.8 then you add in your expirable B contracts which is Sasha venkov right that’s an expirable contract it’s a double expiring because it has expir it has rollover expir expiring value and then you also have oai abaji as an expiring contract which I completely forgot about and you have Davon Mitchell as an expiring contract which I also forgot like which I also so you have one two three four five expiring contracts or expirable contracts Javon Freeman Liberty is an interesting you know Wrinkle in this I think he’s an NBA player I like him but you know we could lose him too he is technically also an expiring so the Raptors have nothing but expiring expirable contracts the only only players that you are committed to Beyond this year and I mean de facto committed to Barrett Scotty Barnes yaka Perle and grd dick that’s it those are the five players everything else is oh I forgot also uh jacobe Walter when he signs his deal Jonathan mobile when he signs his deal so those are the guys that are signed long term right everyone else that’s that’s that’s getable so when we look at a team like Golden State right taking on the salary of say Andrew Wiggins right which is 26.2 28.2 three like this is the year that you’re trying to compete this is the year you’re trying to contend right here right this year is pretty much a wash if he helps you great if he doesn’t it’s fine right this year is your first loadup year right so this year he becomes inspiring so you take this contract back you you do it largely to get Moses Moody if you believe in Moses Moody if you don’t believe in Moses Moody fight for Brandon Pinsky you’re not going to get him no but but but they’re not going to they canot aggregate contract they secondly PR team so so you have to take weaks only and draft PS you have to take one and and and yeah can can you do two two trades I think you can do two trades you can do two different trades two different trades okay right so there there be a workaround of this there has to be like I I know I’ve heard this like you can’t aggregate contracts but let me try um and if fanso is wrong about this what about Z Zack LaVine would I take on Zack LaVine um hold on one sec let’s pull up the trade machine and figure it out what would it look like okay so deal number one now here’s something that I’m not understanding and I read the CBA in order to um understand this better and from what I understand it says you cannot aggregate contracts but is there some sort of provision in terms of when you could aggregate contracts like you can’t aggregate contracts and take back more or is it just you because I know there’s one provision that you can’t take back more but this concept of you can’t aggregate contracts doesn’t entirely make sense I think it’s a second Aon team that cannot aggregate contracts but somebody in the chat can correct us yeah it says second apron team before trade players cannot be aggregated in a trade okay makes sense so if we take on Andrew Wiggins in exchange for Bruce Brown just straight up they’re saving three years right so they’d have to give a PIX Galore for this right so they so we take 202 and 2027 yeah okay so No Moses moody in this case take 2025 2027 now try the trade yeah it works so they get you’re you’re you’re taking Andrew Wiggins like that’s 3 million this year they save and then 27 or 28 million and 30 million like you’re taking massive money off their books for this right that’s that that that will answer two first round Peaks for sure well it does because Andrew wigin coming off a horrible year and they have a major major luxury tax bill but they would probably want to protect those picks I think they kept him of the of the Olympics of possible trade yeah for sure um another team that could I mean I think the suns are just tapped out in terms of what they could offer but you’re talking about taking taking money off the Bulls bugs I don’t think the Bulls will trade you first round picks largely because I don’t think that they are stupid enough to do that I don’t think they think they’re going to be bad enough to trade first round picks out so what could you really even trade them at this point you could trade them like if you did a deal like this like if you took on Zack Line’s deal in exchange for like would you do something like this yaka purle P Bruce Brown for Zack LaVine plus oh that’s gone um plus do that plus 2026 plus you’re giving jack so you’re likely not going to get much back well yeah but I mean he’s a he’s a much more reasonable contract than Zach LaVine and I think in this case you do get your shooting guard um you know like you get like a deao scorer if you’re mlsc you get someone that’ll put some butts and seats right and if you’re Toronto you do get off a major major like winning player if you’re trying to review then you’re going to win year I just don’t think longterm I see yaka purle on this roster I’m not sure he’s going to be here when when you’re ready to win he’s going to be on another team I’m like 90% sure like we haven’t I mean I know he’s a pretty reserved and quiet dude we had just haven’t seen a lot or heard a lot from him this offseason so I mean yeah like does this make sense like does this type of deal in theory makes sense I think it works but does it make sense or is that you’re taking one bad contract on for another bad contract like is that 2026 or you take a very heavily protected 2026 pick and then you also add in a 2028 first round pick you take multiple picks just to get off of it um James senson saying not a good idea Rob that means you’re committing to $160 million to to a starting five in 25 26 they would be putting themselves in a bad situation that’s true [Music] um yeah I mean look there’s there’s other contracts to to be considered there there’s definitely a John Collins implication here you know you could look at that you can look at chrisop porzingis I don’t know if they would move him or if they view him to why why would uh um was Utah do the John Collins Street contract fit do they like him long term not sure you know he has two years 18 million you could technically uh they have a bootload of paks sorry he has two years 26 million they do have picks that is the thing um you could also I mean is there anything on OKC that is dead weight okay let’s look at the Knicks do the Knicks have dead weight contracts I’m just looking around the league at who has a bedway contract next Robinson right the big man that they’re trying to trade another team that I think could be interesting in this would be Portland which is a team that going absolutely nowhere but I think the problem with Portland is they’re not going to trade you picks unless they have somebody else’s let me see whose picks do they have they have Chicago Chicago right or that conveyed I believe vad so they have they have largely their own picks yeah but I wonder if there’s okay but Portland has a ton of young players man they have talent they have like real talent they’re very expensive team um but they are currently $4.2 million under the tax but the Raptors currently I believe are way under the tax I think Portland has too many players too right they need to get rid of some sure so Jeremy Grant fix not exactly what we do he’s overpaid dude he’s overpaid he’s not on their timeline he’s 30 years old would we trade for Jeremy Grant I mean Malcolm Bron is not even on their team anymore so I don’t understand why this deal is there unless it hasn’t gone through yet I think they’re not going to trade Anthony Simons I don’t understand why they would trade Rob Williams they could trade matis dyble so they to trade Rob Williams why it’s injured yeah so I mean like if you want to help a team like this clean their books it’s it’s really not that complicated give us Jeremy Grant can they can they can they they can aggregate right they can yeah okay so give us that and the don’t do that um bring him home they would be crazy to do this but would they give us shade and sharp maybe my why would you do that well yeah that’s exactly it right you know if you’re a team like this right you you trying to you can try to clear your books right you’re trying to clear out some long-term contracts because I think Jeremy Grant the deal was signed when Damen Lillard was still on the roster right and then might have been a little bit of buyer remorse after Damen they said all the right things they they came out and they said no we would have signed Jeremy regardless of the Dame situation but Damian Lillard was not supposed to be traded until he demanded a trade and as I recall correctly Jeremy Grant’s contract was signed after Dame requested a deal I’m pretty sure yeah was F yeah okay wait did Jeremy Grant sign before Dame requested a trade no they traded D before the season started before the season started but Jeremy Grant was extended last off season it was extended yeah just yeah I agree it was extended before the trade way way long before the trade okay so Jeremy Grant’s extension kicked in on one timeline and now they’re on another timeline my point being four years it was five years last year that’s just crazy you know the value on that deal so that is like a long-term contract but for the Toronto Raptors you could look at it and say this is a player that actually fits what we doy and and even if you don’t want him there are a lot of teams that want him I know the Lakers you can pack you can do three team trads right and get muls and get multiple Peaks back that’s exactly it so it’s it’s it’s about it’s about leveraging your flexibility against someone else’s desperation Jeremy Grant is a movable highliner foods not a single thing you have said has ever happened Jonathan mobo Scotty Barnes yaka Perle trade going really fast I would say a lot of things I’ve said have come true mobile was the mobile was the perfect one right literally the day of the draft yeah come on high that yeah high you’re damn wrong um damn I’m trying to I’m trying to count my wins here and I’m like St even even the Fred vanet stuff Fred vanet to to Houston yes Fred Van v to Houston go check Instagram dummy I literally was like I think I released a real okay this is actually really funny hold on I want to find this I don’t appreciate that charge that’s that’s dumb um where where are we at here this was Fred Van B to Houston where is that real this was hours before by the way I actually uh went back on a live once and I was looking and I think this was four months before Fred Van signed with Houston and I said who would sign you Fred okay here look at watch the [Music] [Music] screen never really you sure anyways okay there’s a lot of examples that’s one of them um point being I think that the Tron Raptors are in this really beautiful position to be able to leverage some of their flexibility into hopefully um another team’s desperation and I think that they’ll be able to compensated picks for it for sure I think that’s a brilliant thing with this Aon stuff it helps a it helps those teams that have cap SPAC absolutely to get to get assets Cersei cat saying you’re shooting around 80% Rob I promise you I’m not shooting 80% I think I’m shooting close to like 50% but nah I just I I don’t particularly like the comment of you’ve never been right that is silly I have gone out on the limb heavy heavy heavy heavy right um yeah Karen Halls uh by the way big big thank you to you for the uh panels uh I shouted you out in the beginning of the show uh Sixers decline Jeff dton team option bummer but I think I think think they want to go for Port George they can they can still bring him back pardon they want to go for Port George so that that gives their more cap space this will be interesting Paul George coming to the east would be you know it doesn’t really make a difference I don’t anticipate the Tron Raptors I’m thinking of this more from the perspective of if the Atlanta Hawks decide to really rebuild here right then they are in the same boat as the Tonto Raptors in a sense they have a lot of young players Jaylen Johnson Zachary Ree Dyson Daniels these are all young players so this team the Toronto Raptors are like in a similar bucket but I think we’re further ahead right so if the Philadelphia 76ers get Paul George okay the three losses we would have had on the year to Sixers become four losses it doesn’t like it doesn’t make the hugest difference what makes the difference to me is how bad the bottom of the East is right because I do want the Raptors to be in the playing next year I do want the Raptors to compete for something to have you know tenable goals and and to be able to make progress that way it would be good I’m okay with us stanking honestly yeah um MK lp82 saying I’m down to take Ona I would love him um Justin Stewart Super Chat thank you do the Raptors have cap space to sign bubo or Moomba size yes they do um they also have potentially the cat is not like they can do they have the cap space or do they have the exception to sign they have the exception to sign um they also have the exception to Tender an offer for Jaylen Smith or James wisman please God let that not happen um why don’t you like James wisman because of the work ethic I don’t know I don’t know him so I can’t comment on his work ethic I can however comment on his basketball IQ his fluidity his productivity it’s been really bad Uh Kevin R uh thank you so much for the Super Chat man I appreciate it I’m going through some little technical difficulties here I’m not able to scan super chats automatically so I had to go up to find this one but thank you so much anyways fa any final final words manam no let’s see what happens tomorrow I’ll Jo I’ll try and join tomorrow at 5 o’ you said right yeah we’ll see we’ll see what happens I I anticipate it will be uh very interesting to see what the Raptors do um and again like I think their draft picks signaled their direction right I think they they’re likely going to make a trade tonight for the for the uh trade before the U this free agency starts I think I I think they they’ll push push it push it push it because they’re very likely that if they’ve uh you know the team option on on Bruce Brown they said now I don’t know if they’re telling the truth or they’re lying because it’s all political but they said they have multiple offers they’ve had multiple calls about Bruce Brown so let’s see obviously you know some team is going to say okay well we’ll give you this other player on a long-term deal or maybe give you I mean I think another option here that maybe we haven’t considered is taking on another expiring plus assets for a player that’s worse than Bruce Brown I think we need to maybe scan and maybe you know ahead of tomorrow’s free agency show maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll P I’ll pull pull together 20 players that I think fit the Raptors better than they fit their current team that could fit into a Bruce Brown package I think it might be helpful to be like hey 10 Bruce Brown traits that could make sense I think that’ll make some sense because I mean honestly like I have I have mocked Sasha vov quite a few times to the Toronto Raptors I mean usually it’s with Kevin herder or Harrison Barnes or something like that but it’s interesting that that it does happen from time to time um yeah have you have you talk have you talked to your guy from Sacramento C Bell I have I have yeah any insights um apparently Sasha penov was uh not and this is not just coming from him uh just not overly thrilled with the situation over in Sacramento and um I am very curious to see if you know this buyout thing is real um if it is real obviously not not the not the worst thing or the greatest thing for the Raptors is kind of a non-issue because he will get a ton of money from the European club and if he really wants to leave we don’t have to offer him a ton on the B out cuz we seem happy to keep him right so again Michael gr you know he tweeted out a rebuttal to that to that whole you know Sasha binkov news but I think that is perfectly fine um um can we get a decent shooter for brown doesn’t matter who yeah so you can get Duncan Robinson how much do dun Robinson you make 19 million for two years 19 20 for two years it works perfectly so you would be can they take more salar I don’t think they can take more right B on the apron I don’t know they can out more but they can take out more I think yeah there are severe restrictions I um let me see here I believe let do that one quickly let’s see then I get out um hold on and I don’t want to trade with Miami to be honest with you not is not going to give you anything back but he gave us precious AA and he was amazing okay I pass on that you heard that Mo m in youra right oh that was hilarious uh he’s so awesome like I I really like him I really like him I think I think all of Toronto fell in love with I think all all the all the other the players that they got right they have the yeah I really like them the all of them in [ __ ] like they always talk about their fate and they they like the quickly kind of players that you mentioned yeah um he cannot they’re second apron team so they cannot aggregate in a trade so it would have to beis BU can we add what if you do Chris Bush on somebody for so if you did Duncan Robinson for [Music] yeah I mean honestly like even during the trade machine we’re finding how incredibly um inconvenient this is right you can’t take back more salary and you can’t aggregate players that’s that’s such a that’s such a massive team restriction so let’s see here so if you were to trade for instance if you were to trade Sasha venkov share your screen no no I’m not sharing my screen sorry I I should I should share my screen so that’s the community can see yeah so if you were to trade Chris bue for Duncan Robinson and you were to tack [Music] on well you can’t take on Bruce Brown um and this hasn’t updated to include our new guys but let’s just assume hypothetically that you were just to add Jordan noara sorry not Jordan noara uh oaji that’s what 15 okay that’s 15 for 19 I believe this will work or it will be close to working and and we have an we have TR exceptions to that you can add yeah yeah so obviously I’m just I’m trying to get the the framework of this right and then now we could add let’s see here so if they were to add picks to this so we would want they don’t have a 2020 oh [ __ ] they gave all of them up they don’t have Pi so the earliest they would be able to give up is 2028 or can they TR 2026 yeah I think maybe they are restricted from Trading that they should be able now this draft has already pass to yeah uh let’s see no consecutive draft years 2025 and 2026 would be missing a first round pick the pick for 2025 may be traded away on draft day after the team officially makes their selection so you cannot trade you cannot make this I don’t know why fanso gives you the success when there are issues here right um It also says here that oai abaji currently has a team option for the Raptors this season the Raptors may decide to decline their option which would make him unrestricted free agent um I don’t think this is true I think they already picked up his thing because according to spot track their box for his team option is already checked it was I believe picked up by Utah so this is wrong I think this is wrong I could be wrong but yes there are two sites that are showing something else here um Paradise LW saying Bruce Brown was dancing in his Instagram yeah I got that okay anyways I’ll talk to you later man see y all right okay okay before we head over to Jonathan mobo and um jacobe Walter interviews I do want to explain why I didn’t do a live for what was it like 24 hours is so yesterday I attended my first condo AGM uh our building has been going through something really crazy it’s it’s somewhat scandalous it’s crazy we had a whole bunch of Renovations done in our building they’ve taken a very very long time there’s a pretty weird company behind all of this I think the renovations look at place is terrible so as anyone who’s Ever Done Construction knows sometimes contractors can be kind of shady are they in cahoots and whatever so there’s this entire group in our in our building that is trying to vote out the cons uh the existing condo board and so I attended my first annual general meeting in my life I’ve lived here for 13 years I’ve never cared 14 years 15 years I’ve lived here for 15 years and I’ve never cared and this is the first time I sat there for 5 hours 5 hours yesterday as all this stuff was happening in the NBA but I was just there I wanted to vote I had like real fears because you know they’re coming around telling people that hey this company has installed your doors incorrectly um you know the the building is filthy the you know some people’s blaming someone else someone’s blaming somebody else um someone is saying man wait till this company leaves and this property manager they their care cored they’re in cahoots together I’m like bro what is happening like I’ve never lived in such a dysfunctional place before like what is going on here and then um accusations being leveled this side didn’t do this this side didn’t do that we have a swimming pool uh in our building that hasn’t been open for 4 years since Co they closed it down during 2020 they haven’t opened it in four years I feel like I am living in a really scary place where everyone hates everybody everyone’s pointing fingers at each other everyone’s saying well you know the property manager says well the cleaning staff didn’t do their job the cleaning staff says they didn’t give us the materials the board says it was the previous board’s fault the previous board says it’s the previous board’s fault the property manager says it’s the contractor’s fault the contractors say it’s the board’s fault and so you just talk to all these people and yesterday something really beautiful happened I decided to talk to everybody myself I literally engaged with everybody I went to the side that I agreed with a lot and I talked to them and I talked to the side that I didn’t agree with and I sat there and I talked to them for an hour and a half I devoted so much time yesterday to this that my my girlfriend was just looking at me like she’s like are you looking for something to save are you Denzel from The Equalizer what are you doing and I was just like bro this is serious you don’t understand if they do this wrong if all the renovations are wrong and stuff the implications legally for a condo owner here would be so tremendous you could be liable for someone’s unit burning down you could be liable for someone slipping and falling on bad tiling like it’s crazy um the the legal responsibility and everyone just bats an eye everyone’s like I don’t care you know this crazy thing is happening in our building and yesterday we have 270 units in our building and only 150 people even showed up to the AGM now I’m not going to sit here and judge people who didn’t show up to an AGM when I myself missed literally the last 12 there’s something really crazy happening here and so today you know I was thinking about something Karen you know Karen Hall over here she sent me this uh tweet of Jamal shed and how I think all of you have seen it right cersi cats hold back your condo fees until pool O’s open yeah some people decide to do that but I I wouldn’t because they put a lean on your property if you don’t pay your condo fees and now you have to pay a fee to remove the lean it’s not it’s not like it’s not great to get into litigation with your own condo board but I understand what you’re saying anyways I am going to write to this so I decided to just get involved I decided to get involved in a big way right um Paradise last say where is it downtown no it’s not downtown but um I’m going to get involved in a really big way I’m gonna I’m going to chase these people down I’m going to chase these contractors down and I’m going to make sure that they do their right job but in the meanwhile I do realize that a lot of our building is sort of suffering because a lot of these materials cannot be cleaned the tiles they’ve installed are Slip free slip free tiles um they’re nice but our cleaners don’t know how to clean them apparently they don’t have the materials so today listening to all these people last night trying to get everyone’s side still feeling a little bit terrified about who’s lying and who’s not I decided to do something that I don’t think anyone in this building has ever done in the 45 years that this building has been in existence I decided to clean it so I just went um with this product that I know like from you know years of using it that it would clean anything it’s safe for tiles it’s pretty natural and I just started spraying on the tiles and I cleaned our floor and so you know while I was doing that I noticed that seven people walk past me and um they they kind of were like shocked that I was doing this and they were asking me like what are you doing like you live here why are you cleaning the floor floor like why are you on your hands and knees scrubbing you know the grout shouldn’t shouldn’t the contractors have done that and I was like but they didn’t and they’re like shouldn’t the cleaners do that and I’m like but they didn’t and then they just complained about the they just complained they complained about the contractors they complained about the board and they complained about the property manager and how they hadn’t done this and how they that and then they went back to their Merry Little Lives and it was weird because my girlfriend and I were supposed to clean today you’re supposed to clean our house and I decided to go and clean our building instead and when I came back she was a little bit upset with me she was a little bit peeved and she’s like bro like we agreed to clean the house today we clean our washroom our kitchen things have been kind of like falling apart um over the last week and a half because we skipped last week to clean and I was just like this feels very important like um exactly so the longest short the long and short of this is that I think that this is why we sometimes see a news report of a person dying on the street and 350 people walk past them I think this is why you know sometimes when you live in government housing as I did when I was younger that government housing falls apart because everybody blames somebody else I think it’s important to realize that the people who were trying to kick this board out spent hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours over the last month and a half petitioning canvasing why this board was terrible I think it’s important to realize that this board has spent hours and hours and hours explaining why they’re not terrible I think all of this time right I think all of this time right was was used ultimately in in haste and and and a lot of people just blaming other people and I feel all that time could have been used to just clean the building um when I noticed that the people who were fighting against each other they were like trying to fight for who was right and who was wrong and I kept hearing them and I kept trying to see the good in both sides I mean I understand that someone might be lying in my face but I’m trying to see like the positives and I’m noticing that all of these people have these very unique skills and they’re so concerned with who’s right and who’s wrong that they don’t even want to teach each other so you got this person with all this construction experience and they’re like I would have seen this if I was on the board and it’s like but they’re not getting on the board and when they get on the board they’re just pointing to the other people but you’re so stupid you didn’t see this it’s like bro they don’t have the construction experience you do but you don’t have the property management experience they do that’s how this is supposed to work that’s how Community is supposed to work so I hope that to all the people who came into this for a basketball live and basketball take I hope my five minute departure did not bother you too much as I try to explain that civic duty is an important thing it’s something that I feel the Toronto Raptors lacked because you see when Fred Van B hijacks an offense and you let him as his teammate because you think that it’s the coach’s responsibility to talk to him about it that’s how you get dys function when the coach let a player hijack the offense because the coach believes that it is the responsibility of the other players to stop him that’s how you get dys function right functional organizations are about ownership and authorship functional organization organizations have self-starters and people who take pride in their locker room I think the Raptors brought in a whole bunch of people this offseason that have shown through past anecdotal experience through interviews that they take pride in building winning cultures now I have sometimes mocked the Toronto Raptors for being too obsessed with winners like Jamal shed is one of the winningest players right um Baylor is a winning program Kansas is a winning program USC is not a winning program did they told how much Isaiah clier lost against him right Scotty Barnes Messiah J said he mentioned winning 46 times in his pre-draft interview that matters to Scotty I mean he won a lot in high school in a so I mean these things matter to this team and so they’re so Bruce Brown he’s an NBA champion they keep saying this every time Bobby Wester talks about Brown he’s an NBA champion so they just want to put together this Co this these people who win and maybe there is some weird philosophy to that because winning is a habit winning is a standard and people who’ve won understand what winning culture looks like Danny Green was a winner Kaw Leonard was a winner you brought winners into this organization uh Mark assol was a winner you kept plucking out so in a weird way as much as this feels like a departure or a shift in terms of what the Raptors are doing this is exactly the way they’ve operated this is ex exactly the way they’ve operated this is the way they’ve always operated they’ve imported winning at every single step whenever they can they do that so and ironically isn’t this kind of what the Houston Rockets did last off season when they signed Fred Van B and Dylan Brooks to those crazy ass deals because Fred according to them was a person who could instill winning eoka was a person who could instill winning if you want really if you want to stop the losing at some point you need to change the personnel and change their their standards so um are you guys really having a convers [Music] um we damn sure screwed if it’s Scotty’s team well whose team do you want it to be let me guess you want it to be RJ Barrett team see dysfunctional people right you want it to be RJ Barrett’s team because you need conflict I guess this is so clearly Scotty barnes’s team like it’s so evidently Scotty Barn’s team and you know what ironic I’ve been complaining for about two years that they keep trading all of Scotty’s teammates away like his favorite teammates they traded away OG they traded away Sam Decker they traded away Goran dragic they traded away press sucha they traded away all his favorite guys they cut Christian Koko due to health concerns these are all of Scotty’s favorite teammates ish Wayne Right like Lally any person he was close to Armani Brooks was another guy UT Watson AB Delano Bon like anyone he was close to he was just gone gone gone it seems weird it seems interesting to me that they’re going the complete opposite way Alex Rob I’m saying RJ will lead the team in scoring next year um not likely but hopefully that would mean he’s great like I mean cuz I expect Scotty to be like a 22 to 23 24 Point per game guy I’m sure Scotty wouldn’t get in the way of that like that’s the cool thing about Scotty Barnes that’s the cool thing about building around a player like Scotty barns is he’s still going to be your best player but he doesn’t have to be your leading scorer I’m pretty sure he’s goingon to be the leading scorer though just so we’re clear on my take on that one um RJ knows it’s Scotty’s team yep um RJ will get Buckets Scotty going to rack up the assists yes this is not NBA 2K anyways uh um let us go to one of my favorite pre-draft interviews or post-draft interviews ever Jonathan mobile draft party I guess we all saw Scotty there how did that all happen uh it was you know just bringing the family friends um you know I told Scott about it uh before the draft happened and I was like you know because I didn’t know a schedule so I said you know if you can come out he said I’ll be there no no doubt so you know it was just good to have him and uh you know when my name got called you know looked around and I think I saw him crying so uh yeah you know was it was it it was tears of joy um I just had a tear you know I couldn’t I had to be the stronger one but uh it was good it was just a good uh you know good scene embracing the moment um you know just excited to get to work you know being the same Arena as him you know just going competing it’s time to comp compete against him um so it’ll be fun you know uh just embracing the moment it was a it was a great feeling I know I know the Raptors had reached out to you and visited with you uh during your college season did when you were still on the board at 31 did you have any indication that you were going to be their pick um there’s been talks about it um I try not to really stay into social media but you know there’s been talks and then um I remember um there was a clip that went viral um I think I was at Scott’s house and he was live streaming and uh he was saying welcome to the chat you know future Toronto Raptor and uh you know was just speaking into existence and it happened so Ian it it’s just crazy how everything turned out um but I didn’t know um okay first of all kind of funny because I always felt that I spoke Scotty to Toronto into existence and literally been talking about him coming to Toronto for a while I mocked him like so many times I feel the same way about Demar and I kept mocking I kept doing NBA 2K so I always felt that I know it’s not real or whatever but maybe if you believe in that kind of stuff I always felt like I you know I willed Demar Rose into Toronto by drafting him in n 2K for years to Toronto over and over so yeah I think uh Scotty barns did that for Jonathan mobile also kind of funny I was thinking about it the other day I was like yo what was like who who did more to get his guy there did Scotty do more to get Jonathan to Toronto or did LeBron do more to get bronny to to Lakers interesting but I had a feeling um so you know digr my workout you know did what I had to show so you know just that was the most important thing coming in here being my myself um you know showing the best uh you know J Jonathan mobo so you know all turned out great how far does your friendship with Scotty go when when and how did you meet him when did you start playing with him uhuh uh he goes way back to fourth grade I think I was in fourth grade he was in third grade um so first time I met him uh we went to his house uh we was late for an aou game yeah so I I don’t know if this is public or whatever but every everyone close to Scotty calls him Scott literally every single person I can’t think of one person who’s ever called him Scotty um it’s both actually but I guess if you knew him in grade three or four you would have called him Scott and I think that was his his name is Scott Wayne Barnes Jr so they call him Scotty is Scotty’s a nickname Scott is his name that’s his legal name name is Scott so I guess like in grade three grade four he was Scott I don’t know when he became Scotty when did Scotty Barnes become Scotty it was like more of a grade n 10 thing first game playing with us and I remember him coming out the house he had the Kobe jersey on Gray uh he had great Kobe uh sixes on and um you know just seeing him uh he came in the car acting like he was tired and we was like like you know waiting on you so you know just having that first interaction with him and then from then you know we’ve been best friends since then so so uh High School uh I went like I said I’ve been in high school 5’9 510 and I think the first day when he was there we took a picture of school and um he was about 66 and you know we just kind of posted up together and I remember seeing him in the hallway and we just got excited to see each other you know uh it’s been a long time so just having that friendship you know along the road you know was great Jonathan you had your own growth spurt uh going from 59 to 68 I’m wondering how that helped you evolve yourself throughout College like what kind of areas of the game did you learn through that time yes sir um I feel like you know it my game just kind of expanded um I was a guard growing up my whole life so you know growing into the 68 66 body um you know there was more stuff for me to do on the court which I cuz owed me you can ask anybody to just shoot threes in the corner and uh play defense so um you know it was just a great change um you know I mentioned this also when he was drafted that he’s a better shooter than people give him credit for and I think he’s been proving it through the pre-draft cycle it’s really wild to me how his rise up draft boards actually paralleled Scotty’s rise up up draft boards they’re they both showed that they were way better Shooters coming in than people thought they were so I think that it’s pretty cool and I do think that he’s going to become a pretty good standstill shooter there have been some Illusions to the idea of confidence how he may have broken his confidence by not shooting threes for a while because he was kind of forced away from shooting threes for a while it’s kind of like a weird like body dysmorphia sort of thing when you’re like really thin and you’re told you’re fat like you know what I mean so he was a guy who shot threes in the corner like he keeps alluding to that and it’s like yeah we just need to refine that again you know and I think uh Bobby Webster even talked about it in the post-draft interview where he just said you know this should be a really interesting process with him and uh Tony saying if he’s half a good his basketball as he’s interview an All-Star I don’t know if Jonathan mooba is GNA be Allstar but what I’m willing to say is he is like I think he’s going to be like an 8 to 10 year guy minimum that that like he’s going to stick around in the NBA because people like being around this guy you listen to Old coaches teammates talk about him and honestly did Scotty just recruit Jonathan mobo to Toronto like you know what I mean this is this is like the first recruiting job I know we spent a pick on him it’s not a free agency thing but is like is is this it Bobby Webster kind of brushed this aside he was just like no no no no no no we really like the player blah blah blah blah yeah please I get it yes but part part of this is definitely on an endorsement from your star player you’d be completely stupid to to not see that this is at least part of the equation now obviously you’re not going to hang this on Scotty if kle filipowski turns into an All-Star and you be like oh you picked you think Jon Jonathan moob as as a favorite of Scotty he’s definitely in the conversation but it tilts the balance because he’s close to your star player I just think that you know it it shows Scotty’s judgment as well it shows particularly again if you’ve seen the people who are close to Scotty if you’ve seen any of his friends or if you’ve seen you know his trainer you see these people and they’re just like they’re really solid people it’s not like this one guy who’s so great and then everyone around him is like a piece of [ __ ] you know what I mean like everyone around him is like really solid so I think that speaks really well and having Scotty Barnes stamp of approval that you’ve been that that close with him since grade four I mean Scotty’s been shouting out Jonathan for uh two and a half to three years three years on Instagram he’s been posting his stuff like if you follow Scotty on Instagram you’ve seen a lot of Jonathan mobo stuff so I think it’s a really good sign that you know a really good person is vouching for another really good person personally and I think the basketball part is really good too uh I watched a lot of tape of him yesterday just as I was trying to decompress between all this condo board [ __ ] and and yeah like I remain very high on Jonathan knowing my body understanding my body seeing that growth that I had of me so um freshman freshman year of a junior college uh by the way this this comparison he reminds me of jarus Walker kid Indiana took last year I understand it’s a very physically rooted comparison jarus Walker is a much better shooter at this point but if they can get his shooting up yes because physically he has a lot of the same Advantage as the jerus Walker does in that he is kind of stout he has like this really long wingspan he has a bit of burst and ball handling ability yes if Jonathan mobile was the player he is today and if he had shot threes in college and he was a like like I’m trying to I’m trying to present like a version of Jonathan mobo that would have been like a first overall pick if he was 19 I’m going to do two I’m going to do two ifs if he was 19 this good and he was shooting three in college he would have been in consideration for the first overall pick I can tell you that because overall he does crazy lot of things good on the basketball court the offensive rebounding the screen setting has been talked about to death but the playmaking if you added shooting at his size and athleticism to that gez you really are talking about in this draft especially yeah like if Anthony Bennett goes number number one in the 2013 draft he’s a better player than Anthony Bennett right now like he’s a better player right now than Anthony Bennett’s ever ever ever ever so yeah I mean draft picks are so weird you know what I mean they’re so wild is Trace Jackson Davis better than a lot of players who’ve been picked third fourth overall yeah he is you know so I think you know upside is great I think there’s a lot of upside juice with this guy though I think his development has been really weird and really mishandled I think he’s going to get a lot better too um I played small ball big so you know just trying to adjust it you know seeing how I can impact the game right away and I did a great job of my quickness you know just knowing the game and knowing how bigs operate you know learning that and I feel like you know it definitely helped me along the along the way so coming into SF you know I feel like I had all of it combined together now so you know just embracing that you know embracing my body you know and keeping my mindset the same so that was the most important thing how many times have you and Scotty played one-on-one see I knew this question would get asked uh probably twice to be honest um we played his rookie year um and then we played I think after his second year if I’m not mistaken but only I think we only played twice one time serious one time Ser what were the results uh I’m GNA let him answer that I’m gon let him answer that because we GNA have two different answers so you know you know how that goes so I’m G let him answer that your journey has been so so unique uh the lake growth for going to the schools you went to when did you start to think that you know making get if not to Toronto somewhere in the NBA or or the next step was possible was there a point in time where like actually this might happen this could happen MH I’ll probably say um my sophomore junior college um you know it sounds crazy hearing that where you’re at right there but um you know I feel like my freshman year was Co year so there’s a lot of adversity um only played like 26 games 20 games so you know trying to get that exposure back um you know I thank my uh junior college coach coach Jackson Jeremy Jackson um you know he just let me you know play uh s the system was great over there uh he was a great coach great teammate great environment you know I feel like you know when I have that environment with me you know I do great things and I you know kind of started to put my name on the map a little bit uh over there so I feel like you know I was like you know I can finally do this you know just I just had I just need that chance and then um probably the start of my uh it hit again the start of my uh last year at uh University of San Francisco you know when I when I finally earned that respect from my coach uh my coaches you know cuz you know I had to prove a lot coming from Missouri State you know Missouri state was you know short screen uh dunker spot screen of roll so you know I had it was more to my game that people didn’t see so when I got the chance to you know throw packs passes back door passes you know bring the ball up and transition you know just doing that um kind of open my eyes a little bit and I was like you know what you know if I can get in this system you know I can do great things and you know now I’m here today so blessed are there any uh other players around the league that you’ve kind of looked up to over the years or that you’ve trained with that you’ve kind of learned about the NBA process from I mean I’ve been around a lot of guys um I don’t really say I’d look up to anybody specifically or like take pieces from like one person specific person but I take like different stuff from all different guys uh for example like Nas Reed his size his Mitch matches you know just reading the game getting the transition you know making Mitch matches like I said and Scotty with his pass and his IQ and you know his hunger for the game uh PJ Washington a little bit you know great role player you know knowing what he does well in his role so just a small stuff you know nothing like I’m not going to say Kyrie or anything like that but you know just the small stuff you know guys what guys can’t teach so it’s great your introduction like been like to the city of Toronto and the Raptors organization so far uh I mean I got love since day one when I first came with Scott uh I came to visit him his rookie year so funny story uh we went to ride the scooters around town and uh we went into a pharmacy to get some snacks or uh yeah a little snack store and uh so we’re walking Shoppers through the aisle and and uh someone was like is this precious and Scotty I’m like what is it is in my hair but it was always in my hair cuz uh I heard precious likes to wear his hair in a ponytail so I always wear my hair in a ponytail so it was a funny uh interaction um but I didn’t know like because that was the first time that happened so I didn’t know if I should take the picture and he was like bro take the picture so I’m like all right and he tried to step out the picture I was like no you got to come in the picture so we take the picture and then like you know times when I come back and stuff you know it always happens at least one time and then uh you know it’s been great and then it finally happened I met precious at dinner and then they told him a story and he was like he does kind of L at me so it was just funny um but it’s been great you know since I’ve been here you know great fans great City so can’t complain there’s a photo of you on the court from marcha last year what do you remember about the fan base in that game but also your impressions in the organization from that game oh it was crazy um you know the funny part is uh Scott was for forcing me to take that picture so um I just went uh to the back you know seeing the players and everything um it was great A great experience you know I came to the game and I think like we were there like maybe 30 minutes an hour early and like the the the arena was packed so I’m like man this is crazy I got to get here earlier you know get some a little better seats you know what I’m saying but uh it was great you know environment was great you know the atmosphere was great um I feel like the culture is very diverse here so you know um you know people get along well uh so after the game you know just showing love and everybody um and it was great going on the court taking pictures you know they was trying to make fun of me but you know all I did was just smile on the court and then I even know that picture came out so it was a great you know uh can’t complain and you know it was it was it was happy to have that feeling you know and then he was like maybe one day you’ll be here so and today’s I’m right here so it’s crazy is there an area of your game that you think you can show more of or want to show more of or develop um since College uh develop mean most definitely my shooting um you know I feel like that’s the talk around uh Jonathan mobo and his you know pre-draft stuff so um you know I’m not going to trying to go out there shoot 33s but um you know I’m going to do do my role well play my hardest be myself that’s the most important thing try not to change who I am you know you know and it comes down you know hit an open three you know I’m I’m going showcase that so you know just believing in that you know all comes down to repetition confidence so I feel like I have a great process with that you know and it’s going to stay in the gym and get right with it your story doesn’t often end here um sort of the opposite of Eric’s question was there a moment where you were like maybe I should consider doing something else uh yeah most definitely uh probably in high school um when I still didn’t hit my gr spur yet you know I saw my brother hit his gr spurt uh you know all my friends hit the gber and I was the shortest one out all my friends um on my aou team I was the one that didn’t get a lot of playing time you know funny story um so about eighth grade uh we played against Oakland soldiers in uh Las Vegas and it was like probably like 4 seconds 10 seconds left and our coach was looking for somebody to put in the game and I’m on the end of the bench I’m like H you know he looking down he’s coming down I’m like oh please don’t please don’t pick me like I’m not even look at him and we made our contact and he put me in the game I’m like a man so I’m like okay uh most important thing was for me to be ready when my name was called so winning the game you know I thought you know I was just going to be a decoy s in the corner and you know just you know not get it but uh it was a it was a play for me to get a pass in the corner and either shoot it or you know Skip it cuz uh our point guard was going to beat the guy one1 so they’re going to be in rotation so I got in the corner pump fake the guy jumped and I swung one more and uh my teammate hit the game winner and then we won so I’m like like that was that was the first thing I it was just a welcome to Toronto and uh what’s been the last 48 hours is that what it is yeah 36 hours with just maybe walk us through that just from we spoke to you on draft night but what’s uh what’s it been like uh prior to arriving here today um hectic a lot of a lot of Media stuff um really just um learning a lot about the city early um been talking to a lot of people I’m just super excited uh you know got here yesterday um this morning uh just did a few things medical wise um talk to Darko so really just getting to know everybody um and enjoying this enjoying the city what did uh based on talking to Darko obviously he came in here and had a very specific idea of what he how of how he wants this team to play offensively uh what did he express to you and how do you think you fit in to sort of what he expressed to you yeah uh we haven’t gotten into that um we just uh just been building our relationship uh we just met for the first time in person um not too long ago so um really just getting to know each other um talking to each other that’s really it who’s been your go-to for getting up to speed on what Toronto’s all about everybody everybody cuz I I’ve never been here so this my first time so I just been asking questions um couple places where I should go or see remind you of anything from down in the States city New York yeah on draft night you had uh the purple suit on and then can you talk about the photos that were in the lining of your jacket yeah um just my family members uh people obviously um mean a lot to me um they’ve helped me this whole journey suppored me um really done whatever they could so um I just wanted to have them kind of with me um the whole way so put the put the pictures inside just to always remember jacobe have you had a chance to speak to any of your new teammates on the Raptors and if so who and what were those conversations like yeah I’ll talk uh Emanuel he he texted me right after um he said let’s get to work just like that um so I mean you can see where the mindset is we already trying to get to work did you they’re putting like these very serious workm minded people around Scotty and I and I really love it um because obviously like all these young players are going to come in regardless of whether they’re older a little bit younger everyone’s kind of learning again what it means to be a Toronto Raptor and for years years it felt like they really wanted to keep these old heads right they wanted to keep the the thus Youngs they wanted to keep the Fred Van fleets the Pascal seaks as example you know like this is an example of what it means to be a tronto raptor this is who you follow this is the marching order this seems to be a pretty big priority for the Toronto Raptors and um uh Chito you came in really late scroll back an hour um yeah I’ve never really understood the the idea of trying to demand that people re rehash things that they’ve already rehashed an hour ago like just go back um yeah so so I just think that it’s it’s really interesting that now your younger players that were supposed to be students are now being put into the position of becoming teachers right and that is exactly how this organization needs to grow you don’t need a Garrett Temple necessarily to teach everybody um Cy cats and all seem to be religious um sure like yeah there is a part of that actually um there’s this there’s this meme sluh tweet going around about uh everyone winning four and I just want to like kind of throw this out there there are several biblical implications of four as well and the guy on the screen right now jacobe Walter also worn number four Scotty Warren also worn number four Grady dick also wor number four um sorry Chito like this is getting really annoying at this point like this is a conversation about a lot of things so I understand that the but if you Le read the description like yeah like we can expand to other topics once we’re done this sorry if you haven’t been around these lives they sometimes go if you had showed up 20 minutes ago this was a conversation about civic duty and condo boards so sorry like it it goes in and out so I’m sorry if you just want to look at the trade you just have to go back like 45 minutes to an hour ago we talked about a lot of them we pulled up the trade machine do you know what I mean like cool awesome yeah so I I I I think there there’s a b there there’s also the four like uh the cross the four like the four the four corners of the Cross so that seems to be like a really biblical implication a lot of my religious friends I remember growing up quite a few of my religious friends um had four in their number 14 24 four um 44 even I remember we played with a cent center who had 54 and he was like he he wanted to have four so I don’t know it’s interesting like I mean just a random thing the Raptors have drafted three back-to-back lottery picks I think well I mean I can consider jacobe Walter kind of a lottery pick is because he was mocked in the lottery all four all three were fours also Jaylen green was a four um Evan Mobley was a four I mean this is a very popular thing that’s just happening right now right it’s just interesting um uh follow Davon Mitchell growing up and as Baylor guy um he’s one of the biggest reasons that I even committed to Baylor um he’s what made me take Baylor serious when I saw the way he was playing and um the way that their whole play style was I love his energy he’s came back to Baylor we’ve um played against each other so um it’s kind of cool just to know that now he’s gonna come over jacobe uh I heard on a podcast that you said one of the best misconceptions about your game is that you can’t create your own shot looking forward into the summer are there like areas that you want to work on almost immediately kind of figuring out what you want to do yeah um obviously getting to the NBA uh there’s a lot of things I need to learn um the game um even more IQ wise um the speed of the game um strength uh so there’s a lot of things I need to work on um I think my main focus will be uh just how to play off the ball and um create for others question the uh I mean what your first impressions I mean I guess through your draft process you’re probably going to out of a lot of practice facilities I just driving into the City and seeing where you’re going to come to work every day what uh what do you take away from that uh I think this is one of the best facilities I’ve seen this whole process um I went to a lot of spots but this one I say is up there for sure it’s a really nice facility I know you didn’t know or you didn’t really expect Toronto to be picking you um but how much of a shock was that considering you didn’t do the workout um I mean we we were still high on Toronto um this is still a place that I thought I fit very well so um when I heard that I was going to be picked uh I was excited um a lot a lot of people thought I wasn’t excited but um I was just there was just a lot of emotions running and um just all the the happiness it just all came down on me um real quick um so uh yeah it was it was it was a cool experience how long did it take for the moment to kind of feel real and settle in uh when when they got on the clock um when they got on the clock all the emotions started started running through my body and uh just had to put my head down pray real quick um just for my future and um and then when my name got called the tear started flowing you’ve been a you know five star Prospect coming out of high school a guy who’s been on the national scene for a while now is there a moment you can think of growing up that you were like know I can play in the NBA um I say when I got my first offer uh to Baylor um I wasn’t really expecting it and I was just I was just working I wasn’t even trying to focus on the scholarships and um when when I got that that’s when I was like okay I can now I’m going to the next level um but I still need to put in work cuz I know what the end goal is have you had a chance to look at your social media at all and see how Raptor fans have kind of flooded every single post yeah uh I’ve gotten a lot of messages I’ve read the comments um the fan base is already insane uh so just knowing that I got um feels like a whole country behind me um it’s just really a blessing and I’m just really grateful for it thanks for watching okay so overall um I like everything he said you know like everything everything checks out he seems to be you know a very levelheaded kid who has really big basketball goals and that’s always been it’s always in the case talked about it on draft night where you know it seems like he’s really in love with the process of getting better and the tronto Raptors starting next week are going to have a process for them to get better they’re going to you know allow them to go home pack up their things we talked about it uh they talked about it you know how they have this entire instructional for them to navigate a new country and you know it’s kind of interesting to have four rookies do it together right um chat is just wild right now I don’t know what you guys are doing bro anyways I think it’s pretty cool that all these rookies are going to come in they’re going to learn together right again there was some mention of we don’t want three four rookies or it might be hard to get three four rookies and then also Messiah jury also had some illusion to that during his presser and then something along the lines of he said he’s going to get in trouble like Dan he’s going to get in trouble with Dan tossman if I’m remember that correctly so clearly this was in the pipeline right so a little bit of um misdirection if you will like they were always capable of taking multiple Flyers like this so I think it’s going to be really cool to see these rookies go out to to summer league and get better right again I watched the Raptors get better last year I watched every individual player sharpen up individual skills and get better so Grady get better Scotty get better you know IQ and RG get better so okay you know let’s let’s do it again let’s let’s see which one of these guys is willing to go I’m telling you this team is taking a multiple stabs approach and they’re going to develop they’re going to rebuild they are back to doing what they did before I may have issues with the Emanual quickly contract and I will remain to have issues with the Emanual quickly contract I may you know allegedly and this came this came down the pipeline to me um this morning someone that would know pretty well well texted me and said that um the Raptors did like Eve Mei they did like Eve Mei that that he he projected well on their board but that they had jacobe Walter higher so like considerably higher so that makes me think that maybe Eve Mei was 15 or 16 on their board and maybe jacobe was 10 11 nine I don’t know who knows where he was on their board but they felt very confident Grady it’s a similar situation very rarely do you pick a guy where you had him very rarely you’re going to pick pick a 20th you know guy at 20 that you had at 20 on your board most likely what’s going to happen is you’re going to get a guy at 20 that was either like 16th or 13th sometimes you get a guy at 20 that was fifth on your board I’m not sure where Cam Whitmore was on the Rockets board but I’m pretty sure like a good example of this is actually Jaylen Duran and jayen Ivy so Jaylen dur from what I know and heard was six or seven or fifth like he was in in the top six on the on the Pistons board and they ended up getting a pick I believe from I remember this correctly they traded for a pick they got him at 13 so they picked Jake NY at five he might have been he was really high on the board is what I’m saying so what I’m saying is you know for the record it’s going to be like for the fans it’s going to be oh they got to pick five they got the fifth pick and they got the 13th pick what you don’t realize is they got the fourth player and the fifth player on their board right that’s what I think it was if the Sacramento Kings had picked who they were supposed to pick which is jayen Ivy which you know they’re probably very happy they didn’t then I believe the Intel that I got was that the Detroit Pistons were prepared to pick Jaylen Duran at five instead Sacramento Kings go for Keegan Murray they pick J uh Jaden Ivy of five who is their fourth or third ranked Prospect and they fall back to 13 and get another pick so I’m just curious where were Jonathan moo and Kobe Walter and Jamal shed and urri K where where U sham on their boards here’s my estimate I estimate that I would estimate that jacobe Walter was 12th 11th to 13th on their board I would estimate that even MEC who did not pick was 15th to 17th on their board I would estimate that Jonathan mobo was 19 to 24 on their board somewhere in there I would estimate that Jamal shed was 30 to 34 30 to 36 somewhere around there and I would estimate that uru shamsh was top 45 yeah so that would be kind of like my projection in terms of so again it doesn’t matter that you got the 57th pick if you got the guy at 57 that you would have picked first overall you just got the first overall pick now that’s obviously not what happened with Ur shamsh but could you imagine if the Raptors ever you know like what if the Raptors had U sham as a borderline first round pick like I don’t know like do you know do you know know for sure that they didn’t we don’t know we don’t know how these guys ranked it I can obviously project that they did not but it’s interesting and and again you know sometimes you have a guy like like a situation with Terence Ross I know that the Raptors and I think that this has been well confirmed by many outlets that the Raptors preferred Harrison Barnes in that draft and they fell back to to eight they picked Terence Ross and there’s and there’s the there’s the you know the trade-off you know what I mean Terence Ross was a massive reach he was a massive reach so you know it’s it’s it’s interesting I’m going to be very interested to see summer league so I will see you guys tomorrow at 5:00 p.m for the free agency show we can break down all the free agency news as it comes through on Twitter it should be really fun we’ll have a great Community hopefully we’ll have some call-ins and um it’ll be really fun and summer league is going to be very entertaining for the first time in a long time actually because again the last time sum was kind of entertaining was Scotty Barnes right and then the Raptors didn’t make that final game Scotty was pissed but it was Scotty Delano and I have a feeling like as much as I’m a huge huge Scotty fan as as most of you all know I feel like this summer league could be even more entertaining because you’ve got everything you’ve got the lottery pick Grady dick let’s see how he does right so you got that young player you’re gonna have four rookies and you’re going to have like a couple two-way guys like I’m curious man I’m really curious I know you don’t mean this that’s funny um anyways um a lot of just arguing back and forth in this chat I I don’t understand it go outside it’s Canada Day weekend go eat some ice cream go go water some plants do something better with your life than fight with people online man it’s not worth it anyways I’ll talk to youall later thanks a lot for tuning in thanks a lot for the all the super chats thanks a lot for the comments and people who participated uh this community grows and grows every single um week and I’m very grateful for you guys um yeah and I guess we can leave on this I love keyboard tough guys yeah me too it’s funny all right talk to you later bye

The Toronto Raptors have had a crazy 24 hours. They introduced Ja’Kobe Walter and Jonathan Mogbo to Toronto, they finalized the Davion Mitchell and Sasha Vezenkov trade, picked up Bruce Brown’s contract, and have a big decision ahead with Vezenkov and Trent Jr in terms of retention and buyout.

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However, Bobby Webster went onto the JD Bunkis podcast and talked about how the team was willing to bail other teams out of financial hell (as they just did with Sacramento) and how they’d be willing to do this for talent upgrades and/or young assets and future draft capital.

So who can the Raptors help? And what would they want in exchange for their services? Bruce, Boucher, Vezenkov and Mitchell are a combined 47 million dollars in expiring money. Who could Toronto target with some/all of those assets? Let’s talk about it

#Raptors #nba #freeagency

#Raptors #nba #freeagency


  1. Sasha will not leave. After bad Kings start.. he want to show he's very good player for NBA, not only for Europe. If Raptors are smart Sasha will play 40 mins in all games with Kings 🙂

  2. It’s funny you mention it. I was playing around today with the trade machine and it was a success.

    Warriors get Brown + Boucher
    Raptors get Wiggins + Moody + 2026 1st round pick.

    It also works with a 2025 1st.

    The Warriors would do this as they are desperate to trade Wiggins and save move long term. They also aren’t that committed to Moody who will need a new contract next summer. I think it works for both teams… maybe just maybe playing at home with Barrett and Olynyk Wiggins gets rids of his demons (figuratively speaking) and can get back to playing the way he was or at least more engaged. At worst he’s a wing which we desperately need.

  3. Jamal She's looks stellar. But until he plays in the NBA it's hard to comment. Davion Mitchell is a proven consistent defender.

  4. Trent 17 mill sign and trade With Boucher for wiggins. This might be better if klay leaves in freeagency

  5. seems like the raptors have yet to announce the drafting of shead and chomche…. possible they were drafted as part of a later deal?

  6. I don’t really want Zach lavine I feel like he take to meany shots away from guys we need to develop Grady Scottie iq Rj mogbo etc

  7. Rob… am just listening to the full video again – and am hearing your story about the cleaning issue. I am starting to see that you possess a "devine madness" . I'm literally smiling from ear to ear. The good draws to it the good – and the good goes somewhere. Keep up the good 🙂

  8. Hey 😎Rob, Raptors should just trade Sasha & Davon Mitchell & one other mid level Raptors player to Spurs for Keldon Johnson & Sidy Cissoko to make the salaries match, remember i'm a kings fan from California that wants the kings to move to Vancouver, like late 1990's, so west Canada beats east Canada 🤔

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