@Toronto Raptors



happy Sunday everybody I know what y’all thinking like when we going to get this Stampede of work it’s coming oh be careful what you asked for it it’s it’s going to be in rotation in a minute but I had to polish the presentation I didn’t like the videos was smooth but I felt like the flow was a little let me smooth it out so I had to smooth it out you know figure out where I went wrong as far as you know y’all don’t understand I analyze my work and last night while I was analyzing my work and watching house at about 12:30 1:00 in the morning I go and I you know just go on YouTube after watching house and I look up chamchi let me check out shorty man you know young boy 57 pck let me check shorty out let me see what let me see what the hubub and the conversation and the energy is for cuz I’m hearing a lot of jannis talk I’m hearing a lot of young Yann is talking I’m like oo you got to be careful you know what I’m saying let’s all right let me go look at it let me go see what let me see see what young boy look like cuz he was I didn’t even like I told you like I Ain know none of these people I just wanted Zack Edy to get what we got all these young players to fill of void and The Benchmark looking like it might be back I don’t want to jump off I listen I’m trying to avoid jumping out the window but I got one leg out the window and I’m I’m I’mma do my due diligence to talk about each kid one by one I don’t want to just rush into it and get y’all this you know what I mean but I’m looking at chamchi and you know and and I’m going I want to say chop cheese you know what I mean I want to call him cheese so bad cuz this the kid look like a cheat code man the kid look like a cheat code I don’t know how M first of all Messiah sent Memphis to the store that’s what that’s what it felt like to me Memphis picked them gave them to us sent them to us it felt like MSI Bobby Webster in the front door they sent Memphis to the store for some Newports hey yo give me a new go give me a pack of Newport you know a Newport uh in a box or if they ain’t got the Newport in the Box give me the Newport shorts and get you some give me a Pepsi it felt like they got sent to the store in 85 I’m like yo did they just hand us you just handed us your okay hey hey if you like it I love it I’m sitting here like yo they really did that so you they couldn’t have done that on their own they got sent to the store to get that and then bring that you know how much first of all you know how much influence and power you have to have to have to you know how you know how Cooperative a person has to be how much a person has to like you to make that move and go to the store for you like like come on now think I want y’all to think about it think about somebody asking yo go to the store for me real quick where you ated you going over there hey yo go while you over there just go to the store for me go grab me something cuz now you got the responsibility of picking up what they told you to pick up making sure they get the right change making sure you get back in a timely fashion making sure you remember what you was going over there for like it’s a lot to be held accountable before you taking on an extra set of responsibilities and you look like you getting you kind of you know you look like a subsidiary like you you know some people take pride in that like if you know big homies send me to the store I’m going to the store we’ve all been sent to the store by the big by the older dudes you know the big homies you know how that go the old head’s playing basketball hey shorty what you doing hey yo do me a favor go give me a Gatorade go give me a juice or something get you get you something don’t go crazy though you know one of them things you know how it is in the 80s you ain’t got no money in your pocket dude just playing ball on a Sunday oh shorty go might walk away with a know $2 and tips or something and and a sandwich or something but it felt like they we sent them to the store and they went and they brought us back Chi and listen the kid look like a young Giannis man that that I see the Proto I see the blueprint I boy another player from Cameroon M like man yo yo he was listen I keep telling y’all man we like we going to have to create the archetype or find the archetype of the players we like in that mire because they’re not going to a lot of these teams get lucky Messi wanted to draft Giannis you know what I’m saying and it didn’t happen and he kept that in mind and we ended up with this this kid has potential and that’s all you can ask for for eight he’s the youngest kid in the draft 18 that’s all you need is for him to have that have potential whatever he becomes he’s going to be better than where he is when we could use all of his elevation to become the the best team that we could be so we can get that that next chip however long it take we got to get that next chip Scotty got listen on Scotty’s watch we need a chip I want one I want that parade for Scotty I want that parade for all of them and I will be at that one I missed the first one I like this deal I like that 57 like how we got two seven Footers we got two centers a stretch big and then we got dianis the Y Edition we got and we got Chi we got the this yo this kid is 7 foot or we’ll say well right they say 611 74 wingspan yeah we still on that he has some guard coordination which is a any seven footer seven fo wingspan with some guard coordination around the perimeter of that’s a big time plus and he’s 18 so they can build on that he can add so many skills he can blow by guys don’t sleep he’ll Blow by you he could tack off the dribble at seven and then so I’m I’m Contin I’m watching I’m like oh okay and then he just he’s blocking every shot I’m like layup block tear drop block chase down block three-point shot block perimeter jump shot block like this he blocks everything you post him a block like his timing is incredible kind of like a young PE at Georgetown but PE at Georgetown Patrick you that Georg toown was a monster terrified people this kid is agile athletic like he’s he just he got that bounce you put the ball in the air oh I got to get that put that in the first row go get that take it out check it up like he the upside and we’re getting back into developing talent and and it’s hey man I’m shout out to MSI Bobby Webster in the front office this one right here yeah I I like this I like this kid I like I like everybody we picked up pretty much there’s something about everybody that we I went and watched everybody’s highlights at least once just to get a feel for who they are and think about what I want to say about them but this this kid right here I had to this is my I really had to really Haun in on this one and this kid is they let us get away how they let us get away with this yo ain’t nobody notice it NBA players watched him play NBA players were they watched him and labeled him the the second best cameroonian Prospect since Joel embiid mind you we just put him in the Giannis archetype category and we’re talking about Giannis a young Giannis not the matured one the young Giannis who grew into what he is to he became this he wasn’t always Giannis that we know today two-time MVP Defensive Player of the Year Champion top 70 he wasn’t always that he started out with something as something a little more simple and it built and and and he transformed and metamorphosized into this he worked he put that work in now you know 30 points a game 11 rebounds six assist a game later he’s a household name and we love him I’ve been admiring jannis from afar ever since Jason kid started building him I knew what Jason kid was building he built a 611 Jason kid y’all can say whatever y’all want we all know that’s what he did and I knew that’s what he wanted to do he wanted to build a 11 Jason kid and he did it it worked and now we got our approximation of this any approximation of a Giannis type of player is a plus he’s 18 the youngest playing he doesn’t turn what 19 until what the end of the year y’all always talk about age age age the younger the better the younger the better you have these fantasized Ambitions attached to someone with some age and potential well look what we got you always want to look at the Players it’s looking like we got away with one how are they how he’s the the SEC they’re saying he’s the best Prospect from Cameroon since Joel embiid we’re talking a guy who evolved into another one who put the work in 35 11 and five assist last season he can get you yo he’s weaponized his jump shot we we’re comparing this kid his beginning stages to their beginning stages and potential that alone is incredible cuz a lot of kids don’t get put in that category even in the in infancy stage of their basketball career in the NBA like you try to find a reference point you know what I mean you try to find that reference point a lot of kids don’t have the high-end reference point so you kind of just oh we’ll see what he develops into cuz you’re not going to say yo he remind me of a young hery Hawkins you’re going to like [ __ ] I have butt this [ __ ] out hery Hawkins was a good NBA player he’s better in college average 36 game led the nation in scoring when he got to the NBA he he play he filled the role as a you know a scorer off the Ben starter but he it didn’t it wasn’t it didn’t transfer like that he wasn’t like a prolific score in the NBA but he was good and a lot of people want to attach their young players to Superstars and they can’t do that cuz you didn’t hear any of these Superstar references and comparisons with any other draft pick really I’m sitting here and I’m like all right so who are you comparing him to what is he like what is the archetype and there’s no real conversation in that regard I’m looking at this kid I’m like I’m hearing Giannis a young Giannis I’m like what the word and then you hear them saying he’s the best Prospect since Joel andb and that’s these are two guys that are MVPs with different styles of play the potential is there and to be honest with you chami off offensively has potential you know I mean and it’s going to take time and he has time to develop because he’s so good defensively that he’s ready right now to get NBA minutes just playing defense you know what I mean defensively the way he’s able to shot blocks and move laterally cuz that’s what y’all love y’all love somebody he’s 7 foot but he can move laterally that’s what we need and I’m like how many seven Footers can who have guard coordination can move laterally could guard off the dribble and block shots can switch off and that’s hard to find but for some reason it ain’t it’s not hard for us to find it don’t apply those difficulties don’t apply to Ms Jerry and Bobby Webster to the to the Raptor front office none of those difficulties really exist like we’re going to find the Prototype We Will We Will Scout we will look around the world we will search the world for what we want and we’ll take as much time is it take until we find it even if it means we have to cultivate it and mature it and love it into the space we need to be in ourselves shout out to MSI this was mag like defensively this kid is ready to play right now he can come off the bench and give us some good minutes like he blocks any type of shot help side straight up you want to lay the ball up it’s G to stay on the backboard or it’s gonna get sent to the row [ __ ] Lee keep your hands ready oh he gonna send something your way whatever Superstars you got in the front row you you listen either you hit it off you better spin it off the glass cuz he’ll catch it he GNA send it like he I watched him block after block he gets off the he he gets he bounces he bounces I’m like man this kid is good I see it I see it and his potential to develop all the other skills he has athleticism he’s Swift he’s coordinated in the like small for guard small forward you know what I mean he’s very he’s coordinated like those other to play coordinated enough to to to defend and have some of the skill sets from that those positions kid is good I how do we get him like I’m I’m I’m I’m serious now like I’m trying to figure out like we really like a lot of our picks we really they let us get and and mind you everybody kept saying this is a weak draft next year draft is going to be crazy it’s going to be super Calif fragilistic ESP alad docious next year but we right now we done we done wi shopping and got everything you know on clearance that we wanted like I’m any he finishes strong around the basket like what more like all you need Scott we got a stretch three that you might have if you play them you we got four centers and they’re all different and they can all play off of each other and compliment each other I remember when we played against the Jazz and the Jazz had three centers and they were just working together in coordination and I’m like I like that that was they didn’t even need the guards to be a part of what they were do when they were so good together and I’m like I wish we had that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is dope we might end up having that cuz yach can pass Kels could pass um we got Brandon who can shoot we got chop that’s going man listen I’m just saying at some point we might see four of them on the court together we could see that that would be crazy to see four th that four and Scotty or that four and RJ or that four and and quick like that’s and all that four and gr what are we doing let’s get to let’s get to the season let’s get to that let’s have some fun I want to see the practices like not only do I want to see the games I want to see the practices I want I like what I see man I’m I’m excited I really like I really want to see the process I want to see the pract I want to I want to watch like these dudes we got and the fact that he’s not afraid to shoot if he’s open that’s a plus he don’t get shell shock when you leave him open he going to bust his gun he don’t care that’s it that’s what that’s what very important you can’t have a conscience when you’re open bust your gun if it don’t go in it don’t but keep you can’t be afraid to shoot you can’t it’s going to work out you’re an player we going to make sure you hit enough of those to be a threat but you can’t be afraid to shoot we we we yes sir yes sir it’s hey it’s enough it’s enough to get it yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m feeling I’m feeling good I’m feeling good after listen after last season we need this feel good man you know what I mean he he’s going to be a good player but it how far he goes is going to is going to be determined by the work that he put in cuz there’s levels to the work let’s we always talk about there’s levels to players and there’s levels to achievement there’s levels in that work too you don’t get to the achievements you don’t get to the status you don’t get to the bag unless you clear all of those those those those phases and those stages of work it’s levels to that work that benchmob work that starter work that Allstar work that all NBA work if you don’t fall in love with the work you can forget about achieving those other those other endeavors like you’re not going to get there cuz the the the levels of work come first you don’t put them levels of work in you’re not getting the levels of achievement and status you forget about it champ and if you skip steps it’s going to show the work comes first if he falls in love with the work we G to fall in love with the results we going to love every second of it CU this kid he can and there’s no pressure on him to be a star so he can Elevate and mature he’s 18 we got time y’all y’all want this y’all wanted a particular type of situation with potential with options with youth you got it at 57 you got this is it we got the older heads that ready right now and we got 50 we got the young which they got everything on the shopping list everybody should be happy with this draft if you are a raptor fan you should be happy as hell with this draft we all got something we wanted which is unimaginable you can’t make everybody happy but in this draft they they kind of did everybody got something to be happy about to hang their hat on to have this hope for and we still got Scotty RJ and everybody else let’s man listen listen Scott’s the limit for this kid and Scott’s the limit for us just imagine him and and Scotty and RJ and Cady and quick jacobe yako purle you got to come on man we got we got the options and then you got Brandon and then you got we got to decide what we going do with with with with g money and we got Bruce Leroy is gone I don’t care what nobody say you can’t talk crazy and try and go to the Knicks and then and then when they don’t want you no now now you want us to want we don’t want that n we good on you you see what we got we got your replacement champ we going to trade you we going don’t worry about it you want to go to a contender we got you it just so happens the Knicks don’t want you I’m just saying and even shout out to the Knicks we I saw what y’all did I saw what the Knicks did they pulled the page from our book they got two Grown Folk players that are ready to play right now one is 22 one is 23 one is a big time screener and rebounder that’s his specialty and the other guy is is a mature like scorer perimeter guy like they they did the same thing we did I see you I see y’all moving over there yeah we going to have some fun oh man my three teams is going to be it’s going to be crazy in the Eastern Conference I’m not standing up to like 1:30 watch I’m not watching everything I’m watching the Eastern Conference and I’m going to bed I’m making a sandwich get a beer and it’s it for me oh man but I I sold the Nicks that though I see I see the Knicks baby I see you I see you yeah y’all got two grown yeah you get you better start getting them older players cuz the Knicks ain’t got time to wait for No 18y old 19 year old to mature they need like most of these NBA teams don’t have the time to wait for you to grow up you got to come to them as a grown man a productive professional ready to work there’s a certain level of professionalism that certain organizations demand that’s it we are one of the organizations in this particular phase that we in that can cater to the young kids y’all need to come see us they don’t have time they got Grown Folk Business all these grown ass teams the Lakers the Clippers all these teams that y’all want to be a part of that’s grown man business they ain’t got time for no young kids to come around nah y’all got to come see us have your agent call Messi we come check you out and let our cup run it over you know me that’s just what it’s going to be cuz the young listen we’re building young you going to want to be a part of this man cuz everybody’s going to grow together and before you know it is it’s going to be the monstar vers every it’s going to be ugly man listen we going to have some fun man this kid has a this kid listen truth is this kid is good he got listen he got time this is what y’all wanted I didn’t know if there’s so many impossible like moments that I don’t think we can get because everybody wants the same thing like everything we want everybody else wants but for some reason a lot of the time they’re not in a position to gravitate and nurture that so they got to move on to something else and it’s like we’re in just this this pocket where it’s falling into our lap we’ve been through a lot yo we’ve been through a lot and you know what I mean and it’s like we watched a lot of teams come and go we saw Brooklyn come and go and them Brooklyn Fans was talking spicy and I told y’all it was over that y’all was going to be cracked like a cry egg and that it was yeah now look at y’all I told y y’all was going to be in a rebuild two years ago I told y’all three years I told y y’all was going to be in a rebuild now look 150,000 first round and second round picks later shout out to Nick claxon for getting that 100 Mil though but I told y’all I be only thing I was I’m upset that the Trey Young trade didn’t go through cuz nobody else wants to partner up for that nobody wants to be a part of that trade because he’s worth 200 million so you got to give you need three teams and teams didn’t want to be a part of that trade teams they’re finding it hard to find teams for the um the Paul George and the um I think the dejonte Murray situation I don’t know if they found anybody for that yet but a lot of teams don’t want to be a part of none of these trades for big players to go somewhere else and then they end up getting screwed on the back nine so I I feel you but um I like this kid I like chi I like I like this kid like he he he looks he looks like he just looks so young you look at his face like damn this kid look like he woke like his his shot like his his his profile like he just woke up that’s that’s how kids look puffy face first waking up hell all crazy like all right I see you shorty yeah shout out shout out shout out to him man like shout out to the kids that peer pressured him into playing basketball cuz he wasn’t thinking about it his friends peer pressured him into playing because he was just so tall and then he just that’s the value of having good people around you like you had a right group of friends around you they peer pressure you into being great into being something very important that you have the right group of kids around you either they’ll peer press you into doing some dumb [ __ ] or they’ll peer press you into being an NBA player at 18 yeah friends yeah the group of friends you let your kids hang around and the group like that yo I would definitely be looking out for those guys cuz they the peer pressure you know they peer pressured him into playing like he wasn’t even think about it 11 years old you think about some other [ __ ] like you better coming us to the gym we going to hoop they come on baby you told him we are let’s go look at him now seven years later seven years for a little kid is nothing 11 to 18 that [ __ ] look at him now so much upside I’m the energy behind around this kid is Justified I’m man I’m I’m and I haven’t even gotten to the other ones yet because I’m I’m just as excited about all the other guys we got too we got a guy that that guy Jonathan they said he’s one of the best passes in the draft I was like how y’all let word he’s one of the best passes in the draft I’m like all right bet we G we G to check that out and then you got more I can’t wait to talk about J Mo shed because because what we going what we going to do about Maris that I I want to see I want to see the vs we got so many players that that we have from last year it’s gonna have to battle now a I can’t wait tell me what you think in the comment section don’t don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new to the zoo we outside Baby W we outside we going to have some fun man oh man we going get back to having some fun I don’t want to hey doco I want to have fun and winning is fun don’t tell me that we got wait no I want to win doco don’t play with me now baby we lose one we got to win two I’m just saying

#NBAChev #Subscribe #TorontoRaptors #MasaiUjiri #BobbyWebster #100ksubs #UlrichChomche

We got us a Giannis type FINALLY. Another great Raptor puck for Masai Ujiri


  1. young 18, he has so much time to improve. such an explosive and athletic guy, the raptors are gonna have fun developing this guy.

  2. I don't want to get too excited with all these 2nd rounders without seeing them play. But I trust Masai's jusdgement and he's planting the seeds for a new crop of new young players for a development program.

  3. I too am feeling better about this coming season than I did at the end of this last one. I wonder what the arm chair GMs have to say now that the Jak trade of our pick wasn't very consequential? Time will tell if it truly pans out.

  4. He was seen working out with Lebron and Kyle Klover flew him and 2 others to his home for shooting workout.

  5. I looked… and his tools could be there, but he's a massive project. I am liking the pick, but no sense in getting all that excited. He might have the raw tools, but a player like him also has to have the mind for the game early due to the lack of experience compared to college or euro-pros. Let's see what he can learn and do in the 905.

  6. I'm feeling really good about 2024 Raptors roster reshuffle. Good pickups to work with. I kinda see what the front office is trying to put together based on their selected pickups. Like you said, Chev, " it all comes down to coach."Darko" 💯

  7. @chev chomche has all the gifts and athleticism and his movement is fluid and quick. he also showed he can shoot and ball handle and playmake some. the issue was when he played at some hoops tournament, because he is so knew to basketball, he kinda looked lost, and his basketball IQ wasnt there cuz he was still learning how to play. So when they saw he was likely 3-5 years away, no one wanted to draft him. i think they would have rather let him go to college and develop and come out in 2 years.

    he is like a 17 year old coming out of high school he is so young. if he was born 2 days later, he would not have been eligible for the draft. but he is really raw. He is probably like Bruno Carboclo raw.

  8. How about Steve Kerr denying Andrew Wiggins ability to play in the Olympics for Canada.. on some slick 💩.

  9. They're gonna put this kid in 3 straight years of the highest level and personalized training regiment… this is a major project but you couldnt ask for a better starting point. Make him EXACTLY what you need lolol. I don't hear any more doubt in Masai haha.. those little whispers got reeeeeeal quiet lol 😂

  10. Chomche is intriguing i want to see him develop in raptors 905. We need to be patient with him he has alot of intangibles but needs work to define his skills. Very fluent moving big man with 3 point range. Im excited to see this kid go to work

  11. This draft had 2 Cameroonian picked: Missi and Chomche. However, Chomche is the first from NBA Africa Academy to get picked. Chomche will lead the wave of picking youths from NBA Africa Academy. This is Masai's dream coming into realization. NBA AA will be a pipeline to supplement NBA and Africa.

    Yes, there are levels to learning the game. Once the code is fully cracked as to building a basketball player, then Basketball in Africa will transition to another level where basketball will be a huge revenue generator in Africa.

  12. Can’t wait to see our guys in summer league man, the kid needs time & our patience. He got everything to be great hopefully everything goes right for us

  13. How are you doing Chev?? I can’t wait for the season to start.. everything is looking good now.. now I’m very happy 😆 😊

  14. Kid has a great follower through. I see him having a chance based on his shooting two years weight room we got ourselves a piece .raps got to chill don't get to good we need a shot at copper flagg

  15. Getting him at 57 is perfectly fine for a project… It ain't no Bruno situation at least

  16. Guard depth is crazy now too.. freeman liberty/dj carton/kobe/ davion/shead/…practices are gonna be hectic which will be nice and summer run should be fierce…who wants it!!

  17. think about it, at this time next year when we are looking forward to next years season start…he will still be 19. When its Jan 2026..THEN HE WILL be 20.

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